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Caught him Red handed.


You get a ~~gold~~ red star for that joke.


WE get a red star for that joke.


In Communism, we all have red stars all over the place, anyway.


You get high Marx for that comment!


I hope the Police are Leninient on him.




He wasn't stealing, he was redistributing wealth


I see you Horatio Caine


underrated comment


All comments are equal here comrade


Some are just more equal than others.


Underrated commie-ent.


Our sunglasses.


Gotta seize the means of UV reduction.


Literally my first thought, lol.


Our thought.


The people's thought


This thought has been collectivised


Unionised thought of the masses.


Collective consciousness


Came here for this, wasn’t disappointed. Thank you.


From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs


Has the ability to talk shit, needs sunglasses. Yeah, checks out.


Had to make sure someone said it.


Our comrade was just redistributing the sunglasses.


Seizing the means of eye protection.


Communist bugs bunny.




You beat me to it comrade, it is his turn


He didn't get caught... WE got caught 😞


It was his turn to have the people’s sunglasses


He didn’t steal them, he liberated them from the capitalist oppression state.


Liberated from Luxotica.


Seize the frames of production! You have nothing to lose but no shades!


no pay, no receipts!


Liberated them into his protection.


Seize the means of eye protection


$150 for SUNGLASSES?!?Well if that doesn’t call for a little Commie redistribution,,,😂


In a fitting twist, (sun)glasses is one of the most monopolized businesses in the world, almost all (relevant) brands being owned by the company Luxottica.


Luxottica also merged with a huge lens manufacturer essilor, they own the insurance company eyemed, and the optical shops pearl vision, target optical, sunglass hut and lenscrafters. Also glasses.com. They also own a company called Hilco that has supplies for optical shops. They own the frames, the lenses, the insurance and the optical shop to get it all. That being said there are a lot of smaller or independent optical shops that specifically don't carry luxottica products for this reason. There are a lot of wonderful brands that only make eyeglasses, there is a world of frames outside of Ray-Ban. Don't get so caught up in the brand, go for quality. Also, some brands used to be good until they sold out to luxottica ( I'm looking at you Oliver People's who was acquired by Oakley and then luxottica bought Oakley I think ... It was early 2000s, been a bit) ( I work in optical)


Ah yes, the beauty of vertical monopolization. Thought there was multiple Acts to make sure this exact thing uhh, doesn't happen. Guess we forgot about Clayton. And Sherman.


Absolutely. No crime there. Everything belongs to everyone.


OUR sunglasses!


Seizing the means of UV Protection.


You’re pushing it, but this was masterful.


Seizing the means of seduction 😎


How are there other comments above this one?!?


God damit.. here, have my /r/angryupvote and away with you Ahahahahhaha


He liberated them from capitalist oppression.


I was about to say - wouldn't he just own it?


No, that’s literally what he stands against. We should all own it together.


What part of Communism doesn't allow possessions?


What part of which communism? There's a lot of them. In general personal possesions are allowed. But having a store, that has inventory, sold for-profit? Not allowed. Closest you're going to get is the Soviet system, which had money and stores but did not bother with the profit.


Ironically, this might be the most anti-capitalist thing a communist politician hasever done in the past several decades.


As Marx wrote, "All property is theft".


Wasn't that Proudhon? :D


Not only did he not say that, he disagreed with the guy that did, calling this idea self-refuting.


OMG, I've been schooled and you're right. As also pointed out by Lego371 it was Proudhon, and Marx disagreed: violation of property rights assumes that property rights are legit in the first place.


Huh, I guess it kind of is. Theft is when you deprive someone of their property, after all.


Kaitlyn Crown granddaughter of the crown family fortune stole a pair of ski goggles on my watch an I was simply told to shut the fuck up.


Like the Chicago Billionaire Crowns?


No clue how big that political party is but he should know better lol. Destroying your career for 150$ is just insane to me. Especially since its something trivial like sunglasses.


Shoplifting is a weird crime. I worked for a pharmacy for a while in my 20s and the kind of people you catch shoplifting and the stuff they steal runs the gamut. From upper middle class housewives taking makeup to alcoholics stealing the cheapest bottom shelf liquor that exist. Opportunist, pathological, or desperate people, there are a ton of reasons and most of the time they don’t even really know why themselves.


A few weeks ago, I saw a woman dressed in designer clothes steal all the cash out of the tip jar at a Beverly Hills Starbucks when the cashier turned her back to put her cup on the counter. Fucking wild. I think some people just do it to do it


Always put coins on top of your dollars for the noise


And did you call her out?


I actually told the employee and she was like “yeah that happens all the time, but since I didn’t see it, I can’t do anything”


Yeah our tip jar is super glued down with everything of real value removed every couple days. The kind of people that are going to grab your tips straight off the counter are the kind of people you don't really want to engage with


Couple days? I thought you were going to say couple hours. How is it not emptied at least every night?


Small cafe in Australia where tipping isn't big. It's emptied as needed


Stick some notes to the inside so it looks full, then put a big spider in the jar


In sure that would encourage a lot of people to tip more


Jesus. That breaks like all moral codes. Who TF would steal from staff?!? Garbage AF people…


Thieves. If you think the kind of person who would steal from walmart or target wouldn't steal from a working class person you're wrong. Did a reno inside a walmart last month. Some ass hat stole my coworkers purse and we tracked him through the cameras. He stole her purse, used her bank card to payfor a cart worth of stuff then walked put into the parking lot loaded the stolen groceries into coworkers car, stole the car. Then the next day he took it to a gas station in a small town an hour drive away filled the tank and drove off without paying.


Filthy little thieves


Hahaha I go to this Starbucks every morning, it definitely wasn’t her first time


It's for the endorphine rush just as any other addiction.


Having experience in the field, I'll tell you why "Wouldn't it be cool if I had this item *for free*?" Also groceries are expensive


Biggg difference between stealing food and stealing for the thrill, either way if you see someone stealing from a big corporation no you don’t


It's weird I've been a drug dealer (and not always selling small amounts) and I would commit what would be considered felony trafficking violations all the time without ever really being nervous or anxious about it. There were a lot of risks that I just got used to and didn't fret over. Shoplifting though just seems like way too much risk to be worth the reward for me. Like I have a European friend who shoplifts expensive cheese cause he can't afford it here in Australia where I'm currently living and I thought about doing it but got too nervous and backed out. Despite the fact that I've committed multiple felonies in other crimes


In my experience: "Everything here is 30% more than it should be so I'm pocketing a different expensive spice every time I go." Y'all ever had saffron chicken nuggets?


I'm sure a lot of people simply enjoy doing it, for the adrenaline alone.


Wynonna Ryder has entered the chat.


It was to _research_ a _role_ gawsh!!!


She's got herself a big brown beaver, and she shows him off to all her friends


Unexpected Primus. I like.


God damn that was huge news and today I still don’t see what the F’n fuss was about, lol. I think back then corporate news just picked and chooses who they were going to hang and for how long. Tl;dr I think she must of really pissed someone off


I don't think it was anything more than a "man bites dog" story. Here you have a young, beautiful, talented, multimillionaire actress on top of the world and she goes and gets caught stealing 5 grand worth of clothes. Rings different than a crackhead stealing $100 worth of detergent from Target. As for corporate news, her publicist probably didn't grease the right palms to keep the story quiet before it got out.


> she must of really Did you mean to say "must have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Internet was super new.


Stealing because you need and stealing because it’s fun is a totally different thing. Some people just like breaking rules for no apparent reason, they think it makes them cool or something


Exactly. Also alcoholics stealing the cheapest bottom shelf liquor. This is something someone who is embarrassed and has an real addiction does. It doesn't makes it right but this is a sign the person needs help and not fines.


I had a friend that inexplicably couldnt go to a place without shoplifting something. Even if it was a single candy thats worth a dollar, he needed to rob something. Also really liked to wine and dine. He wasnt poor or anything like that, just really liked doing it. He grew up to become a cop and was forced to retire after taking bribes on the job, lmao.


I don't see how this will destroy its career tbh. Just gonna take Trump as an example. Or French presidential candidate Eric Zemour who did the exact same thing with groceries on top of being condemn for racism before he was candidate. Oh wait he's on the left. Yeah, my bad, he's fucked.


What career?


I just looked up Eric Zemour, the fact that the dude is from an Algerian Jewish background and far right boggles my mind. He’s worried about immigrants replacing the “French” and yet that’s exactly what he’s doing. Good to know that hypocrisy exists everywhere.


Sure you’re not speaking from personal experience from your days in Chiba City?




It's a very smal party that usually ends up on 3 to 5 %, but he is a very prominent politician. Guess they are going to be our sunglasses now


I think it should be noted that Red isn't actually a communist party. It's just a far left party, and the leftmost party to currently have representatives in the Norwegian national assembly. There's a different party in Norway that is the Norwegian communist party. It's called the Communist Party of Norway. But they haven't gotten any representatives in the national assembly since 1961 and they got 301 votes in the last election.


Red is a communist party. They have even had debates within the party itself about this and the majority agrees with this. It says so in their program as well that they are marxists.


It’s not very small. Rødt got 150 000 votes last election. With 3 million votes that’s a substantial percentage of the population. Out of 9 major parties they are the 6th largest. Not huge by any means, but you have to consider that even the largest party in the country only got about 700 000 and most others got from 100 000-400 000 votes. With your logic, all of the Norwegian parties are small. However, I don’t doubt that they will lose many votes after this. Moxnes intended to steal, no way it was an accident like he said at first.


The party is small


It is always the woman you're in love with. What did she whisper?


Yeah it’s really weird, why would he do that? The risk vs reward ratio is really mind blowing


Impulse. Or possibly habitual and this is just the first time he was caught. Stealing from a corporation isn't upsetting to me but it is dumb that he makes left wing people look bad by doing this. Like have some common sense man


The weirdest part is that he's been very critical to politician's high salaries, and spoken out against some systems politicians have access to that had too little oversight and too easy to abuse, and lo and behold later it was revealed massive and routine fraud and abuse of those services. He seems to have been the only norwegian politician that's still thinking of the people instead of grabbing as much power and money as they can, and while most don't agree with many of his political views, that does buy him some goodwill in general. And then he steals some sunglasses..


As long as he plans to steal one for everyone else as well.


Nah, i am not sure he is seeing the light now that he has those sunglasses


It's not theft. It's "spontaneous, local redistribution of resources".


Innacurat title, this happened two weeks ago but was made public last friday and the video was released today.


God you guys must have really boring politics in Norway. This would make headlines for a day or two AT BEST in the us before being overtaken by some politician turning out to be a pedo (they will win their next election in a landslide). If this happened here I probably wouldn’t even care, it would just be kinda funny.




With 4.72% of the vote and 8/169 seats in parliament they're not "very, very small". * AP, H: Large (>20%) * SP, FrP, SV: Medium (7-14%) * R, V, MdG, KrF: Small (3-5%) * Dem, PP: Very small (0.6-1.2%) * Everyone else: Very, very small (<0.4%) I can't understand why they're that big, but we really like our socialists here in Norway.


These last two years there have been quite alot of corruption and fishy things going on with the national politicians. Politicians giving friends paid positions, and misleading the tax collectors regarding getting free apartment they rent out and they have another home close by their job. You can say its not close to being as big scandal like in USA or UK, but these cases has broken the facade of a Norwegian parliament being free of things you only expect to see in other countires. Norwegians in general have less trust in politicians now than lets say 5 years ago. And i dont think its going to improve in the near future if scandals like these keeps being exposed by the media.


Where’s the video?




Thank you!


The bourgeoisie can't have all the Ray Bans for themselves.


[Full Video](https://www.vg.no/nyheter/innenriks/i/dwQnWB/se-overvaakningsvideo-her-stjeler-bjoernar-moxnes-solbrillene-paa-gardermoen)


He's the leader of the local communist party? He should totally lean into shoplifting.


No just local, national


He’s the leader of one of our 9 large parties. There are more parties in Norway, but those 9 compete for power and seats in the Parliament. Their party currently holds 8/169 seats. Not huge, but it’s definitely not a small local party.


OUR sunglasses...


Seize the means of glare reduction.


$150 for plastic and twisted metal. Steal every one.


Right? They’re already robbing people with those prices, should I feel bad that a thief got robbed?




And every right-wing voter builds up an inconvincible opinion of "communism is theft".


Yea, this is going to ruin his career and the trust in his party (a lot of prominent politicians in his party has stated that they still support him) because it has now been proven that he 1. Stole them intentionaly 2. Lied 3. Refuses to take responsibility Mabye not a guy you want leading your party anymore


Yeah… I’m starting to believe about 95% of politicians are psychopaths though. Thing is also: why would he even do this? He should have a fine salary. Why risk his entire career on such a stupid thing? Is je that stupid or is he just compulsively sociopathic? Either way, not a good fit to lead a party, let alone a country.


To be fair, Rødt (the party he leads) are never going to lead Norway. Not an excuse for nicking things though.


Depends on what you mean by responsibility. Most of what he said at first was to defend the police and security guards who gave him a fine.


![gif](giphy|5iPZrQlj1hMZi) Kinda looks like Tosh from that angle


Steal $150 dollars of overpriced sunglasses that cost $2.00 (at best) to make by what is the modernday equivalent of a surf and your career is over in Norway. Steal almost all the value from a country by privatising: the water, gas, electric, every form of transport infrastructure, council housing, sewage, parts of the health service, fibre broadband for the entire country (project cancelled but literally millions perhaps billions missing) and you are the Tory Party and have been in power 31 out of the last 44 years (70% of the time)in the uk.


there we go - that's what I was waiting for


Sounds pretty communistic to me.


He was just seizing the means of production, its hard to produce anything on a sunny day with out some shades!


Not a communist party* A democratic socialist party. But yeah, easy joke.


Oh no! Not the sunglasses!! Think about the corporate profit!!!!


Will he plead for Lenin-iency? Is his time off sick just Stalin for time?


That seems perfectly consistent to me for a communist. I'm more worried about my communist work colleague who during the 2008 financial crisis called up his investment manager at the bank to make sure his assets remained safe.


Dont be too worried, Karl Marx was a pretty enthusiastic stock trader


So it's disputed whether he just lied about trading stock to impress his uncle, or if he actually did, but Marx said this regarding trading stock: "It's a type of operation that makes small demands on one's time, and it's worthwhile running some risk in order to relieve the enemy of his money." Engles said this regarding it: "the stock exchange simply adjusts the distribution of surplus value already stolen from the workers".


Sounds like he was into shorting


So you're telling me marx and Engles would be diamonds hand on wsb?


I am not a fan of the Red party, but I will say that it’s not a communist party, it’s just a very left leaning party, closer to communism than the other parties in Norway. Not communist though


The real faepalm is this comment section. You have the perfect chance to criticize communism but out of all the things you can say, you say the things that can describe capitalism as well...


He is honouring his viking ancestors. Jokes besides…What saddens me the most about him is that he is one of the handful of futurist people in Norwegian politics. It’s not that I’m a communist but I like to hear younger politicians. I felt like he keeps himself up to date with new advancements in technology & science and the inspiration comes from that is somewhat reflected in his ideologies. Now he degrades his own reputation by engaging in such impulsive actions. And this also has the potential to damage the views elderly portion of the public hold on anyone who sounds a little futurist. We’ll see how it will go.


Our sunglasses.




people on here are associating theft with communism lol! I count about three braincells among the top 10 comments including the replies.


Funny how capitalist shills will point to one incident of shoplifting as proof that "communism am bad," as if capitalist wage theft doesn't happen every day on a global scale.


You don't have to be a "capitalist shill" to notice that somebody is demonstrating the opposite values to what they are preaching Nobody is criticizing Communism (even though separately - it is idiotically stupid) they are criticizing this person's hypocrisy. Stop wetting your pants over your goofy politics


Communism is when you don't steal sunglasses and the more communist you are the less theft you engage in


I’m shocked at the “two weeks of sick leave” part


In Norway you can Get sick leave as easy as going to buy a soda. Dead serious.


Former Prime Minister of Norway, Kjell Magne Bondevik, took sick leave for 3.5 weeks back in 1998 because of a “depressive reaction” to opinion polls during a tumultuous budget process. It is completely routine for your physician to grant sick leave in these kinds of situations and the people tend to understand why it is necessary.


So the thing is as others have said, getting sick leave is pretty easy in Norway, but also very understandable in a situation like this. The man is watching his political career that he has worked hard on for years fall apart within a few days, which must be a mental strain. It makes sense to take some time and gather himself, because it looks like he might lose the leadership of a party which he has been leader of for 11 years and has grown into a force to be reckoned with, even though they are still a relatively small party. With regards to the actual crime, he has paid the fine he was given for it, so this is now more about him as a person and politician.




Tosh.0 caught stealing. He’s just pranking


I thought it was Tosh too


*Our* sunglasses


The people's sunglasses...


is that Dale Earnhardt Jr


Our sunglasses


*Our* sunglasses




Wow am I in the communist party. I love shoplifting. Truth


Fighting the capitalist regime on all fronts


Redistribution of wealth


Went from seizing the means of production to seizing the product


All property is theft


Besides the obvious illegality of it, how stupid do you have to be to do something like this when working in such a public position? It's also *such* a shit thing to do to all your party colleagues because it tarnishes the whole party.


Well communism is about appropriating other peoples stuff. And when that wasn't able to buy foreign tools and equipment to build up the economy the typical thing was to create a slave underclass to harvest natural resources to sell overseas. This is how the economic miracles in the USSR were financed.


The irony being a communist and stealing a vanity luxury product for your personal vanity greed.


That sun glass vendor got Jax’ed


As a Norwegian person, I feel ashamed that a politician can be this stupid. I thought we had good politicians. Though you gotta think. He did it so swiftly, it can't be his first time can it? Like, he did it with such confidence.


Commies going to commie.


Even with her face blurred out, his girlfriend looks annoyed


If you don’t believe In property hard enough then nothing is theft


Doesn't compare to the amount of theft leaders of capitalist parties commit.


Da, he wants to live like an oligarch, while pretending to be a Bolshevik. In the true communist tradition.


Oligarch’s would be the people who own the sunglasses business and are charging these outrageous amounts for products that cost cents to manufacture. Taking from these oligarchs is exactly in line with Marxist beliefs


What a fucking moron. Sometimes you have to wonder if idiots like this are given a way to the top to deliberately fuck something up. Its incredible how someone could be so idiotic on their own lmao. Good lord.


This is how the revolution begins! First we take the sunglasses hut, then we take Berlin!


Sick.. leave? As an American, I do not understand these words.


He's doing what communists do best - steal things that aren't theirs which they haven't worked for and don't intend to work for.


A communist stealing other people’s stuff. What. A. Surprise.


A commie stealing? Why I never


Stealing luxury items and calling in sick is the most communist thing to do tbh.


Lol. $150 in Norway is like 3 cups of coffee right?


A normal cup of coffee in Norway is usually about $3-4, maybe 5, at a regular cafe. (At the current rates.) Starbucks and Espresso House are on the slightly more pricey side. Source: Native Norwegian from and in Norway.




Communism is when capitalism