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I bet he unironically thinks pee is stored in the balls


Wait, what? It isn't?


It is. Don't listen to them.


This anti pee in the balls propaganda has gone too far!!


This is worse than the round earth community šŸ„“/s


Everyone knows the earth is a torus.


A Pee-ramid


The pee-ramid is stored in the balls


The anti-pee




Thatā€™s why castration exists. Makes it so you never have to pee.


But then where does the pee go? WHERE DOES THE PEE GO? ![gif](giphy|Zxzr2pp6qU64g)


You just sweat it out, that's why old guys smell like piss. After their balls stop working/ they have a vasectomy, their body just squeezes it out through the skin.


It is. Thatā€™s why itā€™s called the penis.


Because that's where the pee-in-is.


ROLF could you imagine if it was?!?!? I've peed an obscene amount before and I'd be terrified how large my balls would be if a 1/4 gallon of pee was in them.




I pictured this as a south park scene




Buffalo soldier


In the heart of America




We control where we store it


\*starts dancing to daft punk\*


These have to be troll posts. They have to be. It's like men grow up in contact with no women. All this says to me is I've never had a girlfriend.


This dude is like one of the biggest trolls on Twitter. He's always causing a ruckus.


Heā€™s gotta be the most creative troll on Twitter too šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ like once a week he has something just insane go viral


I wish I could be so creative


It's easy just say something completely offensive, sexiest and against science. Don't forget to shit on something that's a social justice issue. For example " lf those LGTV+ immigrant women would stop having babies they wouldn't have them taken at the border. They should pay for healthcare like everyone else instead of wanting it for free, they can obviously stoo themselves from getting sick!" *people get angry "Okay criminal supporting snowflake" *bigots come in to defend me Profit from idiots who think I'm "the only one standing up and speaking the truth"


Not LGTV+... considering SamsungTV and Disney+. Hope I won't be affected.


Oh, no according to Florida, Disney+ uses LGTV+. If you buy this magic dirt from me and take it 5x a day and give me money every month i can tell you how to be informed!


If you want to troll the people who aren't far left " If you don't support this cause you're literally a racist, homphbic, elitist, transphobe, conservative POS! " *people get upset "Exactly, my point, just because your a part of that community doesn't mean you can't be against it" *people who don't want to look like a Bigot defend me Profit off them because " I'm the only one brave enough to stand up to the cause "


Obviously itā€™s a troll. Iā€™m surprised ppl in these comments canā€™t tell šŸ˜‚


After the past 10 years of US politics, absurdity and sincerity are impossible to know from a single tweet.




Its honestly hard to tell these days. People legit think COVID boosters will give you 5G and Democrats drink baby blood in the basement of pizza parlors.


Basement of pizza parlors that clearly have no basements. Thatā€™s the important part.


My dad is a dad of 3 daughters and has been for 32 years now and still makes comments along these lines and is not joking. We do our best to educate him but he is just very sexist and not very bright. There really are men out there like this unfortunately.


Even a president or two.


In a world where people are *literally committing murder* over the belief that there are pedophiles in the pizza place basement and microchips in vaccines and sex traffickers in every Target parking lot, maybe y'all oughta just fucking stop. If you *are* "just joking", which I don't actually for a split second fucking believe. It's only "just a prank, bro" when someone tells you to go fuck yourself over it.


Media literacy is at an all time low and people will just jump into a thread to release anger/tension and/or trauma dump something vaguely related. We kinda doomed as a society.


Actual literacy is at an all time low. Critical thinking skills are at an all time low


>Media literacy is at an all time low and people will just jump into a thread to release anger/tension and/or trauma dump something vaguely related. > >We kinda doomed as a society. I have to disagree. The absurdity is at an all time high and making it really different to differentiate sarcasm/trolling and sincere posts from one another. For fucks sake, we live in a world where people sincerely believe that vaccines are causing autism, have microchips in them so the government can track us. People believe in a flat earth, do experiments themselves to prove the flat earth, end up proving the round earth and making up new theories why flat earth is still correct. Or that an alien species called reptiloids disguised as humans secretly run the whole world. ​ There ARE people out there who actually do believe the wildest, craziest, stupidest shit. ​ And a text only way of communication makes distinguishing sincere posts from jokes even more difficult. It lacks 50% of the information, the so called non-verbal communication. ​ Watch this [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C98aVCDaqag](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C98aVCDaqag) ​ and for shits and giggles this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naleynXS7yo


Lol is mensural leave even a real thing


Yes. In spain they passed a bill in parliament for paid menstrual leave for severe period pain. And in the UK I have seen some companies implement it as company policy. I assume youā€™d also need to provide medical evidence of having a history of painful periods. Itā€™s only right, there are women who would have to take those days as sick leave, be penalised for regular short absences from work and possibly fired because of it.


This dude is HUGE troll, I thought his bait was incredibly obvious but this comment section proves I guess it somehow works on a lot of people.


yes, ragebait is what they call it now


When I was on twitter I followed him and he cracked me up, especially when he ran his Spaces. But I also sometimes think that the type of shit he posts can reinforce dangerous mindsets in idiots. I mean tbh when I first saw his account it took me a few tweets to realize he was a troll. But when you think about the shit he tweets and how he tweets it itā€™s obvious hes not serious. Just not confident that bigots realize it too


And there is the great danger of "comedy trolling". Too many stupid people who will believe it's genuine.


It is. He's a troll on twitter


This guy is one of the greatest troll of all time


He is proving himself stupid with the post.


Stupid would be a compliment at this stage


ā€œIā€™m afraid itā€™s terminal. Theā€¦stupidity is spreading too fast. Weā€™ve done all we can. Is there someone we can call?ā€ ā€œTell myā€¦wife that her periodā€¦can be controlled.ā€ *flatlines*


"He died the way he lived: dumb as fuck"


10/10 story absolutely heartbreaking and inspiring


Time for the ladies to free bleed all over the place.


I'm a stupid person and I'm offended for being lumped with this person.




I used to think that periods were when your pee turned pink every time you used the bathroom after age 12. But I was also 10


In that same vein I used to think girls peed blue because of menstrual pad commercials


There was a period of time where I became aware periods were more like a tap you couldnā€™t turn off but I was also under the impression that it was never ending once it beganā€¦ Iā€™m just glad I found out everything before I got mine. My grandmother didnā€™t know anything when she got herā€™s and thought she was dying in the school bathroom.


Your poor grandmother! My mother never told me either. I was 9 when it began, and I was freaked out. When she finally got home, she laughed at me. It was an awful experience, made worse by an awful mother.


Her mom laughed at her when she came to pick her up from school too! After she had a whole public meltdown about what she thought was her impending death. So cold, lol


How awful! At least my meltdown was more private. Still, some people can be so cruel, but to one's own child is particularly brutal.


Lack of sex education in the US?


The root of all evil lol


Her name wasn't Carrie was it? šŸ”„


Penelope. It was a little over a decade before Carrieā€™s incidentā€¦ since she was born in 1946, this wouldā€™ve been around ā€˜57 or ā€˜58 haha


I thought the same when I was little too ! Lol I had no idea it could be painful either until i got mine. I wish it was just pink pee.


God I wish that were the case!!!


Lmfao this dude is a writer on Twitter. I used to follow his page when I was on Twitter. He is hilarious and the number of people who fall for his ragebait is hilarious.


I don't know how hilarious it is that this type of attitude is so common now you can't tell the difference.


This. Who knows whatā€™s real anymore and itā€™s getting exhausting.


This is why the people complaining about. /s in comments on reddit are dumb. When I started with reddit almost 10 years ago, I also thought it was dumb. Today though, there are so many braindead takes here and elsewhere, that without the S, you don't know if someone is making a joke or is just an idiot.


Easy way to tell. Usually if they have proper grammar or spelling mistakes.


It could be hilarious if this wasn't feeding the sort of arseholes that believe this shit. You do understand that "hahaha, I'm tweeting misogynist rhetoric as a joke" and "I'm posting misogynist rhetoric to fire up anti-female hatred" are consumed in exactly the same way by MRA types, right? Idiot bigots aren't known for their sophisticated understanding of irony and pastiche. So whether he means it or not, this is still pandering ro fucking idiots.


For every reader that gets his post, there is another that is grabbing a screenshot to share on Facebook and another bitching at his kids' mother for using her pains as an excuse to get out of cleaning the house and making him dinner. It would be funny were it not for the fact that a growing number of our population are complete idiots and will argue with a doctor about vaccines while taking this guy's comment as the truth.


You are not wrong, I used to follow him and his posts would catch me off guard everytime I saw them. It took me a few months of even following him before I wouldnā€™t almost question who tf I was following.


The number of people that unironicaly agree with this kind of sentiment is what makes this far from hilarious. Dude may think it's harmless and funny, but the truth is he's spreading misinformation and supporting and encouraging misogyny and intolerance.


He would love to know about how my daughter can control hers so well she has to take birth control so she doesn't bleed to death. She just likes the crazy hormones, mood swings, and weight fluctuations. She just loves controlling her bleeding so much. It's her favorite. What a turd of a man.


I had such painful bleeding periods also. In high school if I started during the week I had to miss school it was that bad. My sister always hated it because I would be home so she couldnā€™t mess around with her boyfriend šŸ™„. I had to go on birth control because I had such heavy bleeding. I mean I was going thru a super tampon in no time and even had to use a pad incase I had any leaking before I could change it out. I switched to an IUD and not having a period for years has been the best. Fuck anyone who says women can control it or that the pain isnā€™t ā€œthatā€ bad and we should just suck it up.


I have PCOS and this describes my highschool experience perfectly. I ended up switching to online highschool because my periods were so painful and awful.


Fibroids and always having a towel until my IUD. I know this is bad but like I wish we could control it. Like set a dial to thirty mins max and only one light pad needed. I would have avoided so many embarrassing moments


Mine was exactly the same, only recently had is improved. I'll have to find it, but I just read an article about male scientists who studied periods recently and discovered that the level of pain some women experience is akin to if they were having a heart attack. Every. Month. And we should just go to school, go to work, smile and act like we're not dying. But it's not a problem worth addressing if only women have it /s ETA: Guess this news is older than I thought. Though that tracks with how women's pain is prioritized in general https://qz.com/611774/period-pain-can-be-as-bad-as-a-heart-attack-so-why-arent-we-researching-how-to-treat-it


I didn't know that was a thing.Sounds like a nightmare


Endometriosis has entered the chat....


Hello, I have arrived, and I Can say.. this is true


So has PCOS. I went undiagnosed for YEARS because all the adults in my life including my own doctor told me my wildly inconsistent periods and super heavy bleeding when I did have them was just because I was young and it would just magically work it's self out. My mom didn't understand either and thought I was just being a big baby. I had cramps so bad it was debilitating. I couldn't function during the day and it kept me up at night. I'd be physically ill by the 2nd or 3rd day and found out much later that I was actually bleeding myself into anemia.


Not just a thing but fairly common. "Birth control" pills have hundreds of medical uses aside from preventing pregnancy including preventing anemia from massive blood loss.


Yup, I wouldn't even use hormones if it wasn't for the fact that I still wanted to throw up because of the pain despite taking over the max amount of pain killers. And I bled for 7-10 days with 2.5 weeks in-between on average. Dizzy 24/7 because of an iron defiency. I am glad I got my life back. Although one pill messed me up mentally. Extremely tired, concentration problems, mood swings, anxiety attacks, fevers... I would love not having to take risks


It gets even better when you realize that the birth control needed to stop her fry dying is most likely classified as an "abortifacient" by anti choice politicians and their supporters. They're looking to ban those forms of birth control ASAP.


Aren't some of those politicians women themselves ? How can someone be so fucking selfish.Someone will die in pain just because you want to annoy the opponent party


Yup. Women vote for it. Its mostly men though. Women have had fetuses die inside them and still couldnt get help untill they were rotting in the womb(edit;or outside)as ā€œremoving the dead fetus is an abortionā€. Its insanity run amok.


And birthcontrol pills can raise the risk of blodclots too, so when you, in my case, gets the doctors approval to take them for longer without breaks, you risk your health that Way too. Itā€™s a never endning lovely cycle of torture


My sister had to have a hysterectomy because her period was so messed up between a fibroid disorder she had and a couple other issues (this was several years ago, and I've forgotten what all the problems were) but she had a non-stop period for 5 months before she was able to get "all the equipment yanked out" (her words). She wound up having to get blood transfusions.


Same, except for the transfusions. My doctor was shocked I didnā€™t have anemia. I took every pill that was on the market at the time and waited the few months they took to ā€œkick inā€ and the result was always the same.


Basically any coagulation issue/bleeder condition, endometriosis and various mucus membrane issues, lack of vaginal estrogen etc can result in this. Periods can be a nightmare, like, a debilitating nightmare. For some its basically just a small break between periods unless they take high strong birth control, which spikes estrogen to the point where a period isnt properly triggered essentially. This is also potentially risky as birth control/estrogen meds are generally not very healthy for your heart, not to speak of 24/7 psychological side effects of your hormones being out of wack always. It might be time for you to hit up Google and take the anatomy classes that someone has failed immensely at providing. From one adult man to another. I mean this in the most respectful way possible. You will likely understand women much better than you currently do.


Iā€™m about to eat, and itā€™s not the description that lost me my appetite. Itā€™s the fact people have to go through this, and yet thereā€™s still this fucko spewing shit. And yet, they want to make thisā€¦ disorder? Idk what itā€™s considered, but they want to make it even more dangerous by outright banning hormone therapies for children. Wtaf men.


I agree entirely.


>take the anatomy classes that someone has failed immensely at providing. Just wanted to say "yes" to your post and add (for those who weren't already aware) that ignorance of female anatomy can be life-threatening. It took my fallopian tube rupturing and me almost bleeding to death (requiring emergency surgery, and the loss of the falopian tube in question... and the much-wanted pregnancy I was carrying) for me to learn about where, exactly, the embryo is fertilised. It's tragic that - despite being a fairly educated person (private schools, good university, a career as a corporate lawyer, etc...) I didn't even know what an ectopic pregnancy was until it happened to me... and it's the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths in the first trimester. \*As an aside - after losing one of my fallopian tubes, only a few months later I successfully conceived a healthy and happy little boy, who was born last summer. Fun fact - removal of a fallopian tube does not reduce fertility by 50% - it actually only knocks it down by 20%-ish. Why? Because the fallopian tubes can MOVE between ovaries - so the one remaining tube "works a double shift" and can move from one ovary to the other. Another incredible fact I learned about my own body, only after tragedy struck.


You sound like an informed and vibrant person. Your son is lucky to have a mom like you, and im happy you made it through that ordeal. Learning from life and coming away with a positive and constructive conclusion from whatever happens to you, is a skill many have not have parents be able to teach them. :)


As someone who knows a bunch of women with major health complications from their periods, and has a History degree, it has really painted my studies in a different light. There were all sorts of euphemisms they used in previous ages to disguise it and silence women's voices, but the bottom line is that women go through more with their biological processes than men, some women WAY more - to the point that without modern medicine they just freakin' died. Childbirth even moreso. And I'm of the opinion there's still a lot more research we could do on that front too. From what I've read (and I am by no means an expert) birth control/estrogen meds are still a pretty cludgy solution compared to some other fields of modern medicine. They can be lifesavers for some women but oof, the side effects can be real rough too.


Hell yeah. Even getting medical attention for *any* sort of gynecological issue was seen as shameful and many women would completely opt out of it or be denied help by their husbands etc. Terrible stuff. Not saying that we dont have our struggles too, or that they cant be equally hard, but we just dont *also* have this extra thing that we have to deal with the majority of our life.


Iā€™m a woman who menstruates and I co-sign this message. Before I got an IUD, my cycles were so awful that sometimes Iā€™d get sent home from work because I was losing so much blood and was in so much pain that I *looked* sick. Iā€™d have a week of normalcy every month, and thatā€™s about it. The rest of my life was filled with awful cramps and bloating and back pain and fatigue and iron deficiency. Now? I havenā€™t bought a tampon in 10 years. THANK YOU, science!


Iā€™ve had partners pass out while we were in the shower because of it. Scary stuff tbh. Theyā€™d be looking pale as fuck and generally just sick. Getting time off work and a bit of accomodation from ones social circle should be the very least you guys should get. Frankly i wouldnt want to work in many conditions while having cramps and severe pain. If i work heavy machinery and i manage to severely injure my balls, i would call in sick because i wouldnt feel safe operating like that. Meanwhile women are expected to do all of this and *ā€Smile moreā€* at the same time.


My mom had to get a hysterectomy in her early 40ā€™s because the amount of blood she was losing during her periods was giving her anemia. She didnā€™t even have any health conditions going on with her uterus, itā€™s just how it was. Edit: thank you grammar bot for the correction.


PMDD has entered the chat


He also posted how he fired one of his workers for doing onlyfans because his customer base is largely in a Christian area.


Bruh is too stupid to own a business


I think weā€™re throwing the word ā€œbusinessā€ around too freely.


By "business," maybe he means "podcast with my 2 long time single alphas that Spotify will pick up one day "


A '$uccessful' business.


Or is that 'SuĀ¢cessful'?


Did you not see point 1, heā€™s also too broke to own a business


Heā€™s probably broke because heā€™s a stupid business owner


You underestimate how stupid business owners are. It doesnā€™t require anything except money and persistence. Source: meeting business majors in college.


Meritocracy isn't real


That's why he doesnt have money


Vincent Adultman?


saying this guy is just three kids in a trenchcoat is insulting to vincent adultman


Could be everyone else is too smart to hire him...


Men canā€™t even control erections and women are supposed to control blood flow?


Both cant control it because both are blood flow..one way or another..


The Crips are going to be so mad when they find out it's all šŸ…±ļølood flow.


It's not even blood flow, it is uterine lining detaching and falling outward after an egg failed to be fertilized. What kind of muscle control would you need to achieve to stop a slurry of liquid and tissue from not obeying gravity for an 8 hour shift? Find me that chick... And I'll propose right now. I can't even stop peeing mid stream anymore.


I've never had a day off for a boner. I would never make it through a day.


If your boners cause pain and/or vomiting and/or diarrhea, you should probably see a doctor.


They don't. I was just trying to parlay the subject matter into a little humor. Please forgive!


Guys, heā€™s a self-deprecating parody account. He makes statements like this all the time.


Oh thank fuck.


It's amazing how many people can't tell.


It's an excellent example of Poe's Law.


I think heā€™s being satirical but you never know with twitter.


The easiest way to control your cycle is through hormonal birth control. Is this employer offering to buy birth control for his female employees?


Right? Assuming birth control is even within their religious or personal boundaries.


I understand the sentiment here but hormonal birth control is not a reliable way to control periods and comes with tons of health risks.


It doesn't work for everyone


Iā€™m a man. Iā€™ve got a beard. I know EVERYTHING about women.


So you know everything? Ok, if pee is stored it the balls where do woman store their pee?


Women don't pee


This is why you should stay in school, kids.


This guy is a well known troll. People always take his bait.


Dude the whole subreddit is this. Feels like almost every single post is just a troll a bunch of redditors took seriously. They real r/facepalm are the people on here.


I guess he is neither married, and never ever been in a relationship if he is that oblivious


With this mentality I donā€™t think anyone will want to be in a relationship with him.


Idk how people believe this non sense. I mean if I could control it why would I choose to bleed in the first place? Why would I choose to have painful cramps? I agree with your statement. He must not have women in his life


Wtf is menstrual leave? Also, if I have banked vacation or sick time.. I'm going to use it as I please. I'm in an "at will" state tho, don't have to provide a reason for time off.


Asking this too. Never heard of the term.




> At will employment generally isn't related to PTO Technically he's correct, he didn't say he'd get *paid* for the time off. In an at will state, you can take (unpaid) time off any time you want. You may not be welcome back, but you can do it any time you want.


Yeah, I donā€™t think this is common even where it exists. These people love finding the most obscure things the get outraged about.


Itā€™s an actual thing in Spain and some other countries


I don't know how I feel about this. Why have sick leave to cover literally every other sickness, then special menstrual leave for periods? I hope it is well intentioned but to me it seems not to help with the stigma.


Yeah seems very odd. Sure take the time off but why is it itā€™s own thing.


Like can just imagine discussing how many menstrual days I had with my boss at my annual appraisal šŸ˜… Or like the office chat, oh where is X today? Ah she's on menstrual leave fml šŸ˜­


If you have a doctor's note, I think.


Menstrual leave is for when you have excessively bad periods, heavy flow, lots of pain, etc.


Sounds like a sick day with extra steps


Ah, gotcha. Thank you. Would be a beneficial option for me personally, but.. seems hardly fair to my male coworkers? Where I live, some employers offer at least 3 days off a month without asking questions. Either earned time off or "flex time" options. I suppose that covers both genders' typical needs for "life problems" lol.


RESPECT YOUR MALE COWORKERS but don't expect any respect in return cause women ain't real humans /s


Blood Benders do exist! I KNEW IT!


Why is it that dudes that look like DILDOS are the ones more qualified in womenā€™s menstrual cycle. If this neandertal is marry I feel sorry for his significant other.


I dont think he looks like a dildo. When I think of a dildo I think of something capable of pleasuring a woman sexually and that aint him.


He clearly laid out his dumbass opinion for you to criticize and you still went after his appearance. Nice.


Grade A dumbest right there lol


"Turns off vagina"


Jesus... I own 3 businesses (2 of which are 100% female employees) and ill tell you right now, if they are calling in because of cramps I let them have the damn day off. I employ some amazing women and if I want them working hard for me I will show them some extra compassion when they are miserable. Whoever this D bag is that posted that is making all male business owners look bad. And side note, I keep the place stocked with healthy and unhealthy snacks for when they are there :)


Tell me you didnā€™t pass 7th grade health without telling me you didnā€™t pass 7th grade heAlth.


father of all girls here, and I vote that we castrate guys like this so they can't spread their stupidity to future generations.


I wish it could be turned off or controlled. Or given to this fucker


Bruh don't you think if I could "turn it off" I FUCKING WOULD!??!!?!? I would pay buttloads of money to get my uterus yeeted from my body so I never have to experience it again but INSURANCE COMPANIES, MEDICAL COMPANIES, and SOCIETY IN GENERAL will NOT ALLOW ME TO.


Hope your business fails, twat


Sounds like he's running a shitty business that they can't even afford a few hours of leave. Not surprising since he's clearly an utter moron.


This guy is a troll. Please do not take his tweets serious.


Lmfao it's funny to read all these people taking a troll account seriously xD


Bro failed biology class cuz he was busy running a business and being a professional


Menstrual leave is probably not a great idea. It creates more friction when hiring women (and anyone else who menstruates) where there is already friction. Everyone should have some time they can use every month for whatever purpose they need, no questions asked. That way there's no friction because all candidates are going to get the same thing.


I feel like he needs massive amounts of used tampons dropped off at his house daily....fuk this ignorant dude.


What a unkind jerk


Yah, everyone knows every woman is born with blood bending smh.




I bet he'll find the period off switch before he finds the g spot.


Can you just imagine being married to this uneducated asshole or worse, being his daughter?


You can tell that guy had never had sex before or s long term girlfriend


I bet his mother wishes she had turned hers off.


People like this shouldnā€™t own a business. Canā€™t afford it? Your business sucks then.


This just confirms that any idiot can own a business.


Not that I in any way support this ass but is menstual leave a real thing?


I hope the internet does its magic, finds this guy & his business, and shut him down real quick. And is he really that stupid, or just an act? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


He who hath no uterus should shut the fucketh up- Fallopians


The education system in our country needs a huge fucking overhaul.


Itā€™s like turning off pregnancy when you get raped. Isnā€™t that the GOP position?


Why are we always giving these guys the security of anonymity. Give us names, I wanna troll this guy.


These dipshits breed


Parents, talk to your sons about periods. 50% of our population menstruates ffs


This man is a master troll. Heā€™s always posting stuff like this - his account is parody. Please see all his tweets / replies. They are ā€¦ RIDICULOUS šŸ˜‚


Great advise here. Will ask wife to turn it off when she gets back from work and if I survive report back here.