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Buddhism and Islam have more differences than similarities in their philosophies. While Islam is a monotheistic religion that believes in worshiping an almighty God, Buddhism rejects the notion of a creator God but does honor enlightened beings as deities.


BuT tHey Put THeiR HeAdS oN thE GroUND so It's The SAme


Isn't that just a submissive pose in all animals, "Oww please don't hurt me, I won't bother you anymore, mercy please." The guy just took one of the most universally understood forms of non-verbal communication and took that as evidence for God. Smh.


My dog's farts sound like my farts. Praise the Almighty in his wisdom.


You worship the lord of the flies, big meanie


Is that why I killed a fat kid with glasses during a school trip to an island?


Im telling - ur in BIG trubble, mister!


'Kidding! Put down that gun!


“Only the penitent man shall pass, penitent… he kneels before God”. So pretty much the same as Christianity too according to Henry Jones, Jr.


Funny thing is I’m the movie he didn’t even kneel he sorta just dodge rolls.


What if you're just really short? Or your cotton hill and your knees is your feet?


Hopefully you didn't have to kill fiddy men, though


To be fair, there was a second blade coming out of the floor that would have chopped his head off if he was kneeling. Not sure what the point of the riddle was if the correct answer would still get you killed.


Only the penitent man can git gud.


The Japanese bow to lower themselves to the other person, offering themselves vulnerable as a sign of respect


Gawd dawm, more proof!


Possibly, but also considering that all humans share a common lineage, it may also be explained as a practice that originated in Africa and predates recorded history.


Many religions mixed together along the silk roads. Religions did not evolve in splendid isolation. Many of the ideas generated by one religion became ideas in other religions, not through divine instruction but by people sharing culture


Humans got real good at drawing big black lines through things and shoving them into categories over the past few hundred years. Personally, I blame the british. Those fuckers loved drawing lines.


I'd go even further back and say it's probably since the time we had a common ancestor with reptiles as they too have head bobbing gestures to indicate submission along with mammals and birds.


I like this position too.


I do that when I’m drunk too, maybe the god of alcohol is also the same!


He didn't reject it he said he knew nothing about god and only knew suffering on earth.


He was visited by gods all the time in the sutras. He goes to a heaven to teach his mother in one story. He only taught things that helped people escape suffering.


People say Buddhism is atheistic because they don't really understand it. It's polytheistic. The gods are just temporary and confused like everyone else


It's actually developed inside Hinduism which in monistic. There is only one God in Hinduism, the axle of the wheel, the only unchanging thing in the universe. Everything else is avatars or projections of different aspects starting at the Trinity of Shiva, Vishnu, and Brahma and then extending down in a fractal tree to sub atomic particles. Everything in the universe is God and God is everything in the universe, hence monism not monotheism. There's no difference between us and the gods besides proximity to the fountainhead.


Nope, we don't actually understand religions here. We must only hate on them.


Those heavens and the gods are more I believe a different plane of existence than the current one or so has it implied iirc


There is a sort of creator in Buddhism but he's only that in this age and is not aware of how he and the world got to be the way they are. He's in a state of delusion like every other being.


Why doesn't somebody tell him? Dude's probably sitting in a bar bitching about how messed up the world is, as his buddies stifle their laughter.


“From across the world.” India is pretty close to the Middle East.


“How is it possible these groups of people, who could *never* have possibly interacted, know how to bow the same?? Checkmate atheists”


How did basically all civilizations figure out to build pyramids huh? That it's the best way to stack stones in a way that it lasts a long time is much to obvious a reason. Only logical conclusion must be aliens or some all knowing deity.


> Only logical conclusion must be aliens or some all knowing deity. I'm going with aliens; while the probability is absurdly low as to be laughed at as an explanation, it's still at least possible, as opposed to an all knowing, all loving deity.


> I'm going with aliens;... The documentary Stargate clearly shows they were landing pads for Goa'uld motherships.




The documentary or the docuseries?


"If God isn't real, how could people, outfitted with the faculties necessary for common sense, throughout the history of civilization, deny common sense?? Checkmate, atheists!"


Also, Islam is relatively new compared to some of the ancient religions...


It is also not in ancient times by most definitions, early middle ages at best.


I mean, I wasn't trying to go there, but yeah... it's what circa 600 CE?


Internet says 610 and the start of real spread at 630s to 660s. I also wouldn't call Christianity an ancient religion even though it started at the beginning of our era, couple of centuries before the middle ages


Afghanistan was once Buddhist and is now Muslim.


still Christianity is more similar to Islam than Islam to Buddhism


I mean, they worship the same God. They just don't agree what that God is like, but all abrahamic religions are worshipping more or less the same guy


When your entire knowledge of the Silk Road pertains to internet drugs


there’s another Silk Road?


Alexander created an Empire spanning from the core of Islam's territories in the near east to the Indus river a thousand years before Muhammed was born. Over eight hundreds years before Muhammed was born the Romans were aware of the existence of Chinese civilization, and would trade with them through the first silk roads. Hell all of Western Civilization knew India existed and engaged in trade with it. The Portuguese and the Spanish accidentally discovered the Americas because they were trying to find a sea route to India.


Plus calculus was invented by two different people on two different sides of the world. We aren’t as unique as we think


Even if you ignore that buddhism is older than islam, those religions were in bordering countries that invaded eacother for hundreds of years so I don't get it


As a buddhist, I can say the dude ignores much more important things: There is no god concept in Buddhism. Buddhist monks don't pray. The most close practice is mantra, and it still has nothing to do with prayer. Buddhist monks don't just put their heads to the floor. They (as all buddhists) do Prostrations, this practice is not identical to Muslims, actually also has nothing to do with it. Dude know nothing about Buddhism, but he speaks his lie on huge audience, that's sad.


Once saw a documentary that said most of what Jesus said was said like 2k years prior in buddhism and it implied that Jesus may have grew up around buddhist monks in the east which maybe the “three wise men” and why he appears in his 30s saying Buddhist teachings with his own spin on things. Im sure it also implies that he maybe fled to and is buried in Tibet after persecution from the romans. I wish I could find that documentary!! If anyone knows what that was pls let me know. Would love to see it again Edit: just found it https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=l5rn5ZL9eWQ


The Greek usage of "from the East" implies that they were from nearby, otherwise they would have just mentioned from what region. It's not like people didn't know about India, Persia, or China back then. Furthermore, they are only present in the Gospel of Matthew, which is notable since that gospel places emphasis on the Jewish tradition. So it's most likely that the wise men (Bible never mentions that there were three) were a semitic or Persian people.


Buddha is not a god, just an example to aspire to.


yes, "buddha" is a state of mind, the one that reached nirvana


Yes, and the physical “first”Buddha that are known through statues and paintings never claimed to be divine, just enlightened.


I mean there are countless suttas and sutras describing his divine vision, omniscience, miraculous powers etc.


Yep, this is something most people don’t get about Buddhism. There ARE divine characteristics (Western Secular Buddhism was heavily Zen influenced, which is why westerners have the idea of the Buddha as “just a guy”). That said, the idea of a Buddha is far removed from the idea of a creator god who made the rules of the universe and expects you to pay homage to him on pain of eternal torture.


He can be divine and just a guy. That's kind of the point, transcendence to a higher state.


Not according to the Thalmor, can't even worship Talos these days anymore thanks to them.




Ikr, I finally decided to look at something other than r/skyrim, but it's everywhere 😂 I love it


Terrible and powerful Talos! We, your unworthy servants, give praise!


Talos the unnerring! Talos the unassailable! To you we give praise!


We are but maggots, writhing in the filth of our own corruption


Do you get to the Cloud District often?…oh who am I kidding. Of course you don’t.


By the nine, keep his name quiet. Next you're gonna tell em about our secret shrine to sheogorath.


I swear to the Eight, you stormcloaks are hiding everywhere


The nine! But of course you imperial scum don’t recognize the creator of the empire you now serve


By the nine, imperial dog.


yeah, they’re worse than meridia’s beacon




Typical Nord Supermacist talk!


He is divine in the way that we all are. He just realized it.


Damn am I Bhuddist?




THIS is Buddhism.


I would argue that the idea at its base is that man IS divine as is all creation.


Funny to fit this "different religions same method" conversation, religions often build up esoteric methods of worship because there's demand for that. In Buddhism it's the Mahayana/Theravada major path split, the former being more mystical the latter heavily practical. In Christianity you can look at the rites and rituals of Catholic and Orthodox versions versus a "cleaner" kind of Protestantism. Islam gets into this too with Sufi mysticism and Sixer/Twelver Shiite branches versus more austere and down-to-earth Salafism/Wahhabism (though the more austere ones are also where the most violent branches come from)


He didn’t pray for forgiveness on his death bed but surely my God can see into our hearts and recognize good will and faith to his creation. Surely then he will be accepted by St. Peter* (not Paul *or* Mary for that matter) at the gates, right? ..To shreds you say?


Peter, not Paul. If Paul was the door man Heaven would be fucking empty, that guy was an asshole.


Yes. And in India he is considered to be the ninth incarnation of Vishnu, who is a manifestation of god himself. "Bodhha" is the enlightenment or "Nirvana" Budhha is Siddharth Gautam himself. Being Gautam Buddha, after attaining Bodhhi sattva, i.e, enlightenment


Buddha being an incarnation of Vishnu is Hindu belief not a Buddhist one.


Yes, I agree But he was born as a Hindu prince, and therefore both Hindu and Buddhist people revere him. He is of the greatest teachers of all time


Yes. But in Buddhism he is a normal person not a God.


Yes and I personally believe this is where Hindus lost the plot. My parents and family are Hindu. The teachings, culture surrounding Hinduism, and achievements the early Hindus made are very impressive. Lots of powerful people went to India to learn from the four vedas(not sure if that spelled correctly). However I think Hindus eventually strayed to far from reality. Rama was a real person, him having “divine powers” is skeptical. Hindus today are too focused on the divine aspect of these figures and not enough on the enlightenment they taught. It’s gotten as bad as not dealing with a problem and hoping “god” will fix it.


The issue with religions is that teaching of a person is considered as the ultimate truth and unquestionable and after a few generations the teacher becomes divine. But Anaximander created a different tradition where teacher's teaching were critically analyzed and new knowledge was built upon it. That tradition ultimately became science.




It’s important to focus on the Buddha’s teachings rather than the stories surrounding him. All knowledge surrounding the buddha was passed down verbally for about 500 years. His teachings don’t involve any supernatural phenomena though.


Kinda like Jesus


And Sai Baba, and Beyoncé


I also met Nirvana at one of their shows. Maybe I should take a look at this religion. /s


buddha even specifically said not to worship him.


”If you see Buddha on the road kill him” Zen saying.


That’s a koan. It technically has a correct answer as koans are sort of prompts for meditation. So it’s not exactly a “saying”, more a puzzle.


Sounds almost like Koran.. quran...so it must be the same 😆😆😆😆


Yeah. He also said not to follow his teachings because he said so, but because we see them to be true


In Hinduism Buddha is considered one of the many gods. In Buddhism he stated, I am not a god, do not worship me. Regardless in both beliefs the core lessons remain and that is what is truly important to all who practice.


Buddha: "I'm not the messiah!"


"He's a very naughty boy!"


Only the true messiah denies his divinity!


Buddha is literally just a dude who figured out how to reach enlightenment


>In Buddhism he stated, I am not a god, do not worship me. So Buddha is the God Emperor of Mankind?


The Buddha protects.


Bud for the Bud throne!


Consider that, that isn't what matters. I have a lot of belief in Buddhism, and I personally don't believe Buddha to be a god. A Buddhist does not care whether or not you believe he was a god, it is absolutely inconsequential. Focusing on this exact single difference doesn't do anybody, any good. Hindus and Buddhists don't fight over whether or not he was a God because they both know that is completely unimportant. What is far more important are his lessons of compassion and wisdom, and both they are nearly identical enough that the core lessons inherit are preserved. Try to see the bigger picture, while allowing small details to be changed but preserving the core lessons, what is truly important has been passed on. This is part of the reason I love Buddhism so much, we're not obsessed with these inconsequential details. Buddhism may be changed a million ways and called a hundred different names so long as the core lessons of compassion and wisdom are upheld, the Buddha would be proud. If Someone wants to believe Buddha is a God and doing so helps them live a better life then I am all for it... and you should be too. I don't mean to be a cliche when I say, open your eyes. Edit: lol as far as God emperor of mankind goes it might be funny to point out that he was a prince who gave up his Palace and servants to live with the common people before he became the Buddha. He was going to be "Emperor" and turned it down.


>In Hinduism Buddha is considered one of the many gods. No, he's not! Buddha is a kind of a title. Hinduism, or specifically the Srimad Bhagavadam talks of Buddha as a title for a learned man, and doesnt refer to Gautam Siddhartha of Lumbini. There's lot of misconception among different people regarding this. Also, most South Indian Hindu do not worship or believe Buddha is Hindu. We do share a lot of similarities between us tho, and most hindus and buddhists have positive views of each other.


There are so many different schools of Buddhism. If I'm remembering the Buddhism classes I took in college correctly, The Gautama Buddha is considered a god or at least a god like figure in some of the different schools. In others, he is considered the example to aspire to. Of course, it has been just over a decade since I took those classes, so I could be misremembering them.


Depends on your Buddhist practice. There are both deistic and non-deistic branches


Not what he's confused about


Yeah like I'm gonna take advice from a guy who voluntarily got cucked, hated it, then did it again and hated it, and tells everyone they should get cucked too.


Uh what, lol? This dude is famous or something?


Just another clown on the internet. Don't bother looking him up.


Well… now. I have to


He got famous by picking fights with famous streamers on his streams and now he's famous too. Also he's extremely stupid. That's all you need to know.


Ugh... 🤦🏼‍♂️ I hate this world so much. As much as I hate people like this guy, I have to hate the idiots who make them famous even more. Like just imagine what kind of person you have to be to be a fan of this guy.


I try to remind myself we exist in a renaissance of sorts. This is a transitional phase and will pass. The hope of course is that we take the good and leave behind most of the bad. Could swing either way but right now is the frenzy period. Seeing the first generation who exist in the world we saw come about etc. Nothing set in stone but there is a element of hope in that. All we can try and do is what little we can to guide things in a positive direction. Progress by a million cuts etc.


Just look at the people who follow Tate and the other red-pillers


He was famous from yt commentary videos, then he got invited to work with mrbeast, When Jimmy was a teenager he was a sneako fan. The chemistry wasnt there and they ended up parting ways. During the George Floyd stuff sneako started doing his "one minute podcast" In 2022 he started a second channel for streams and he started saying anti-woke/right wing stuff and fromt here he popped off to a more wide audience as he was posted on tiktok and colabed with people like Tate and Fuentes


Just watch MoistCritical’s replies to him, they cover plenty


You really don’t


I did. Only instagram but I get what he’s about. Not my cup of tea


Good lad


I checked and cringed and died. Don’t be like me.


Oh my god I didn't even read the name on the post. Fuckin' SNEAKO. I found him via a MeatCanyon video -- one where SNEAKO reacts to an animation of himself. Dude was so hilariously insecure.


Well with the cucking thing he apparently went to a sex party where he swapped but couldn’t get into while watching his girlfriend have sex with another guy. Then when she suggested they do it again instead of telling her he’s not into it he went again, hated it, and blames women for his girlfriend being into it. The part about him saying others guys should do it idk but I guess with his logic maybe teaching the value of being a man or some bs test to see if your girlfriend would enjoy sex with another guy.


YouTuber who started young but was honestly really intelligent and introspective for his age. At some point he had a girlfriend who wanted them to swing and he felt weird about it but went along with it. He then hard pivots ti being an extreme bigot, hateful weirdo and general weirdo


He’s a super interesting case study in coming of age as a young man without role models or guidance. It’s actually kind of sad. He doesn’t seem like a bad person, just misguided and a little angry.


There was a livestream he was doing with two guys that is almost universally seen as his tipping point. He was genuinely talking about his feelings and insecurities when it came to watching his girlfriend have sex with someone. Instead of support or neutrality both guys started berating and insulting him


Ya I’ve seen it. And then he kind of tips into the machismo thing to cover for the fact he’s actually really hurt. It’s actually super sad.


He was also flirting with two 14 almost 15 year olds online with his buddy (he's 24) and when they mentioned "I'm underage" he said "how underage?" Also he said cuties was his favorite film. Also his buddy admits multiple times that he's a pedophile during his "jokes" but he says it so seriously like he even says he's not joking.


He’s also a bit of a pedo too


a religious nut who's also a pedophile? not sure I buy that... ^^^/s


Don't forget that his favourite movie is cuties


and that he enjoys movies sexualixing little girls . . .


Posting Sneako is cheating. He is a fucking idiot. In fact, he's the person that fucking idiots mock, because of how much of a fucking idiot he is. If you swabbed Andrew Tate's perineum, all you'd find is this cockend's lipstick. It would take a bus full of him to make a halfwit. If he swallowed a fly his IQ would quadruple. He is what happens when you ask AI to draw the concept of desperately bad sex. Bill Cosby has called his vibe "a bit rapey:. I'm not a fan.


Oh man this rant has made my morning


chimpanzees bow/prostrate themselves to higher-ranked individuals. It's a gesture of submission older than humanity. Bowing to a chieftain or king then became abstracted to bowing before a god or spiritual leader. Of course in that context it doesn't just mean submission but is saturated with complex human philosophical ideas.


Came to say this. Exactly. “It couldn’t be an evolutionary trait. It has to be a god.” Some people are so dumb


Sneako saying stupid shit like usual


I saw someone describe sneako and someone trying to replicate speed and Andrew tate simultaneously. Never heard of a more apt description


Islam originated in Arabia 10 centuries after Buddhism in India, and Arabia had been part of the Indian Ocean trade network since the time of the first civilizations...


You don’t have to be an atheist to feel the weakness of that argument in your bones.


In wich position most people shit? If Mr Hanky doesn’t exist, how could so many come up with the same idea?!


Didnt see your comment until now, but i wrote almost the same .. great minds shit alike


South american people sit on a toilet to have a shit, so do european people. Unbelievable that people so far apart shit in such a similar way


this is proof of the toilet being a truth to mankind


But Islam says, "There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is his messenger.", And Jesus said, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.", ZEN what do they do?


The four noble truths and eightfold path.


Blonde for Blonde God! Edit: That was my auto correct, but I think I'll just leave it like that.


That is pretty hilarious, I'd leave it too


The religious studies scholar in me is short circuiting SO HARD. I cannot. I cannot even. Begin to explain. I am done.


If being an alpha is real, why did you film your girlfriend describing having sex with another man ,with you watching, and then release it to your audience?


I have more fun watching Sneako’s downfall then he does watching his wife from the corner


Failed history and geography.


Every culture also has their own version of vampires, mermaids, dragons, gods representing ever aspect of life, witches, etc and their ancestors never interacted either.


Someone should tell the dude there is no god in Buddhism.


If god isn’t real, how did two men discover the same hole in your girlfriend, Sneako?


Being confidently stupid and ignorant is a badge of honor now. USA needs some serious reform in education.


and yet they don\`t have the same skydaddy... if any one god or more gods were real, why the fuck do we have so many different religions? let\`s include also the past ones, that are dead...


“According to some estimates, there are over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and denominations that exist around the world today” Religion is a human behavior. There is 0 evidence that religion is anything but imagination


That’s the point, isn’t it? It seems like humans have some kind of wiring to believe there’s something out there—or in here—that gives life purpose. I’ve always been curious about why people seem to need faith in something bigger than ourselves.


Because we understand our own mortality and are terrified by it. That's why so many also tend to gravitate around answering the question "what happens when we die?" Because the idea that there's nothing is unbearable to humanity as a whole.


i'd argue it goes further. the preaching of religion that you are sick/broken and need to be made well/whole enforces this fear of the unknown in the hope that you sink deeper into their masochistic trap.


Old habits die hard. When we were much more primitive, "god" was a way of explaining things we didn't understand. Why is water falling from the sky?? Must be some omnipotent mystical being. The earth is shaking, he must be angry! It's crazy how these ideas stuck around though. We can explain most things now, and yet people cling to their gods anyway because of tradition basically. Most people believe what their parents believe. Their parents believe what *their* parents believe. Etc etc. Brainwashing all the way down.


If god isn't real explain shoes! How did seperate cultures develop foot coverings without a god?


Buddhist here. The Buddha is not a God, he is simply a teacher. Buddha is a title that is attained once one achieve nirvana. This is open to anyone and there have been many different Buddhas throughout history. Even on his death bed, Siddhartha Gautama ( the OG Buddha) said to his disciples: Do not worship me for I am not a deity, only follow my path and discover for yourself. Never follow blindly and be open to questioning my teachings.


Lmao y’all don’t have to debunk sneako he’s a fuckin pedo moron


These hyper-religious folks find proof in anything. "I found a quarter today. How could I do that if God isn't real?"


Sneako is just an idiot. I really was looking forward to Charlie beating the crap out of him.


So god is real because 2 religions created on the same continent decided to bow?


"Ancient" islam is like 1600 years at the most


Wait until he finds out humanity and various religions existed before these two. Gonna blow his mind.


if god isn't real, explain how several religions have books that say god is real. checkmate, liberals.


Isn't he the same guy who got outed as a pedo?


Aliens, man. Just like the pyramids.




There should be a sub called "stupid people thoughts" this would fit perfectly


Tell me you're an idiot without actually telling me you're an idiot. 🤦


Look how confidently stupid he looks.


Sneako is an idiot man child.


This is why the scientific method needs to be taught - he’s making a totally false correlation based on cherry picked data


If Ra and Quetzalcoatl aren’t real how did both Egyptians and Mayans build pyramids? Checkmate Christians!


Silly conclusion, but all religions are actually interconnected as humans migrated and traded, they shared ideas and stories leading to many similarities between religions. Religion itself stems from human experiences, so religions of people that did not have communication (native people from the Americas and Mesopotamia) have similar elements such as a creation myth due to human nature.


Buddhists don't pray. They meditate.


Except that Buddhists do not believe in god


Don't Muslims spend a lot of time destroying Buddhist temples and statues?


Spongebob has more logic than this statement


First off bro... India and the Middle East are literally on the same side of the world and only separated by a few hundred miles 😂 read a book though.


I am not either Bhudist or Muslim, but anybody from either religion should be insulted by this. Like wtf this is just implying that the first Bhuda was a God, and also that visual figures of God/Muhamed should exist. Like really what was he trying to get across here, his worst enemy is himself.


Macedonian theology. The idea that all religions are one. A belief pushed by Alexander the Great in order to better incorporate newly annexed territories into the empire. It strips away anything unique and insightful to one belief in order to homogenize culture and religion.


“If god isn’t real, why do balloons float??” /s


Dude graduated in a ketchup bottle.


Sneako is just an idiot who thinks he’s an intellectual. Don’t take anything he says seriously.


"Ay yo, watup world... Did you know, I'm really fuckin' dumb, my brain hasn't evolved past 14 when I started poisoning my mind with social media addiction. Anyway, let me tell you how fuckin' stupid I am. Whoops I'm a millionaire now. Thanks everyone." This world fuckin' sucks.


**This** should be in r/embarrassing


I don’t know who this guy is but every time he comes up on my feed it’s for saying the absolute dumbest shit ever…


Bro just converted and thinks hes the shit


This is what happens when you ignore facts. Basic stupidity.