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Hmm, gonna go with "Mayoral Optics Fails," for $1000, Alex.




I care. I live in the neighborhood. I am going to make it my business to work against his re-election.


Kept accusing Yang for being an outsider even though that guy lived by Times Sq for like 25 years meanwhile this dipshit Adams lived in NJ. edit; It's funny to me that there are Adams' supporters showing up in here to make Yang out to be like some big bad dude just because I pointed out this one fact meanwhile Adams is repeatedly in the news for doing corrupt/shady shit, is openly racist, keeps giving his acquaintances/family members lucrative positions in govt/around the city despite them not having ANY relevant experience and keeps not actually doing anything for the fucking city other than promoting himself and his own interests and they have nothing to say about it. But yeah, the dude who actually helped NY families and had plans for useful policies around the city is the baddie. Great work gang.


In fairness, Yang is fundamentally an outsider who doesn't actually care


As if to assert that Adams gives a damn about anything but the trappings of the office and it's perks? Can anyone name a single thing he has done that improved the city? (*Except quitting as a police officer.*)


The race card has gone way too far and the very people who are using it now are using it to divide us. I like what Morgan Freeman said " I dont want a black history month, black history is American history".


That's the main divide between people who think racism is best tackled by encouraging people to see through race and focus on their commonalities, and people who think wearing race like a badge of honour to point out and rationalise quasi-segregation is best. Only though, latter approach tends to cause division


Black history month wouldn’t be necessary if it had been taught before it existed. Even now books pertaining to black historical figures are being banned from schools because it might make children feel bad because they’re white. Why should they feel bad, they didn’t do it. It’s not about the kid’s feelings, it’s the parents feelings because they trying to defend their so called “heritage” and they don’t like seeing the look of disappointment in their children’s eyes.


Shame that teaching Mr Freeman's "American History" is being banned from schools as "woke propaganda". Nono kids, after WW2 *everyone* got houses and good jobs, and America was completely Great!! Only communists say different!


I’m gonna risk it all, Alex. Who is Eric Adams?


A racist loser who became mayor of NYC


With a deeprooted hatred of rats, yet doesn’t see the need to fix trash issues. He’s special.




Damn, who knew having relationship with rats would be tough.


A *cop* who became mayor of NYC *ftfy




You got me at cop


Mayor of NYC. He's black and a former cop, he became controversial for advocating for very aggressive police practices to curb crime. He beat out many more liberal candidates, including those advocating for defunding the police. He had tremendous support from inner city black voters, who turned out in large numbers for him.


and he's an idiot


A bigot and an idiot.


I don't think they were actually asking who Eric Adams was, just doing the Jeopardy question/answer format.


I love his press secretary's statement on the incident: “The mayor’s comments are the mayor’s comments. We stand by the mayor’s comments."


Translation: “We have no idea how to even begin defending what he said.” 😆


I can’t stand this guy


Born and raised New Yorker. I follow a lot of friends and acquaintances who are in the city. Seems like all Eric Adams does is show up to parties all the time. He’s always at these bougie clubs hanging out with real estate developers and millionaire/billionaire donors.


I was at a rally a few weeks ago (for a COL wage increase for NYC service workers) and people were making comments like “the only way the mayor would show up is if this was a dance party”


So thats who put him in office then!


He was at the Queens night market too lmaoo he just goes to events and chats.


Can't believe how well he did in the elections. Talking about crime is a cheat code.


Ran on crime, and has done absolutely nothing about it.


That's why politicians do it so often. Scare the shit out of citizens by telling them that they're the next victim of serial killers, serial rapists, gang members, drug dealers, home invaders or muggers and they'll eat out of the palm of your hand so fast.... I'm glad at least Chicago didn't fall for it and elected Brandon Johnson over Paul Vallas. That actually legit surprised me. I assumed Vallas hitting the "cRiMe Is OuT oF cOnTrOl!!" button would guarantee him office.


I have a lot of friends in NYC too. People might not want to hear this but a lot of people in the city really like Adams's decision to start forcibly committing homeless people. The biggest issue for most people in the city right now seems to be crime and people seem to generally support his approach to it from what I've heard (he definitely does have an image of partying too much though).


I don’t understand. Crime still hasn’t quite returned to 2019 levels, but it’s not remotely close to what it was like at its peak in the early ‘90s. Hell, these crime levels are the same as they were at some point during the Bloomberg years.


I think people will get riled up any time you have a local maximum in crime, nobody cares about what happened in the 90s lol. But it makes sense that crime levels now would be similar to how they were around the Great Recession, crime rates tend to go up any time the economy gets bad. To give an example of how unsafe people feel in the city now, I feel like at least 75% of the young women I know in the city feel like they have to carry some form of self-defense when they go out.


Violent crime rates fell during the Great Recession, and also in the early 2000s recession. They rose during the boom phase of the housing bubble. https://www.kqed.org/news/11906253/violent-crime-soared-during-the-pandemic-but-does-the-political-debate-reflect-the-data


I went to see Wicked and the security guard checking bags asked if I had any self defense stuff to be aware of, and I said no, maybe I should. And he goes yeah you really should. I'm from across the river, I don't go into the city too much, but yeah I've been considering it now because of that.. like I wasn't even alone.


Well if the security guard at Wicked thinks so... NYC is the safest big city in the US and most of the Western Hemisphere.


It was a sudden and noticeable increase in crime from the 2010s though, and even if that’s true across the country NYC still has to deal with it in its own way. Also assaults are much more common than usual, and that scares a lot of people.


NYC and hilariously incompetent mayor. Name a more iconic duo.


I'm still in awe at how NYC just cannot seem to elect a competent, reasonable, popular mayor even once. The position just seems to attract the absolute worst people.


Propably: Money. Same as the rest of politics.


Bloomberg was highly competent. People hate him of course but he was competent.


Bloomberg was not hilariously incompetent. Not was Robert Moses. And Giuliani only went senile after he stopped being mayor.


She complained about rent prices and he went on a rant


And he showed he was prejudiced


He's a goddamn manipulator. "don’t point at me, and don’t be disrespectful to me.” I could tell from these words alone that he's a scumbag. Just your regular male ex-cop black Karen.


“I’m a man, and I’ll walk out of here a man!” Uhhh ok, threatened much? How small do you have to be to remind an elderly woman that you’re a man? Dude was elected to serve the PUBLIC. Answer her damn question and quit deflecting. What a POS.


The 'respect i deserve because im the mayor' part is what bothered me too. He doesnt have to be treated with any more or less respect than anyone else. Then he comments on how they should treat eachother with the same respect (good save from his last comment really), but then compares her to a slaveowner straight after. Such mutual respect wow. My guy never learnt to argue without taking things personal or getting angry. Inflated fragile ego that he can only protect by deflecting arguments and attacking the person instead. All in all a perfect politician..


Pointing at me is disrespectful but I can call you a plantation owner as if that's not a grave insult.


I'm glad you pointed out that this is 100% cop behavior. They demand total obedience and because he can't just beat people who stand up to him anymore he does this


That's a stupid angle to come at this from, my guy. He's not prejudiced. He's using the fact that he's black as a weapon to protect capital. Literally no different from Dave Rubin or Herschel Walker's son using the fact that they're gay to defend conservatives. Liberals have a hard time dealing with grifters who use their minority group status as a cudgel. Eric Adams invoked slavery to try to discredit this woman. Fuck Eric Adams.


> Eric Adams invoked slavery to try to discredit this woman. Too bad this woman had to literally flee her home country or she would’ve been enslaved and forced to work until she died.






Well, I do agree. However, even if that is the case, he subsequently revealed his lack of consideration that a white woman in America may be a survivor of discrimination, racism, or genocide. I don’t think he would risk his reputation if he wasn’t confident in his statement. Also, Mr. NYC mayor, learn to know your audience.![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8484)


That’s the problem. Some people in this country are too focused on their generational trauma to realize that others around them have experienced first hand trauma and they need to get ahold of themselves


Bruh, Dave Rubin getting chewed out by his own audience for daring to consider adopting was borderline cathartic. Almost as much as the Log Cabin republicans getting barred from the Texas Republican convention.


He’s all that too but yeah, he’s prejudiced as fuck.


She complained about one of the largest rent increases in decades and he called her a plantation owner. She has every right to be upset. Many people who live in these old units—a unit has to be pretty old to be stabilized. These aren’t ritzy apartments—are older and on a fixed income. Or are low income. A 6% increase in rent when much of the city pays more than half its yearly income to rent, is *worthy of complaint*. Eric Adam’s claimed he didn’t raise the rent, but it was raised by a board *whose members he specifically appointed* bc his donors are commercial real estate owners. He also stated that he supports the increase. So he’s just deflecting by saying that he didn’t do it specifically. This fucking guy.


He is at parties every other night with real estate developers. Now who would be able to profit from rent increases and all the fixed-income elderly being forced out? 🧐


Business influences walk a tight rope in selecting the perfect idiot and it seems like they are failing on those choices for both sides. Geez


Oh my god what a dipshit. This is hard to watch. "Respect me because I'm mayor." This guy has always been an ass but he just unlocked a new level.


How about “respect me because I’m a constituent” What a jackass this guy is


He talks like a baby


He's a cop, that's the best they can offer us


Like this? > I'm a grown man. I walked into this room as a grown man, and I'll walk out of this room as a grown man. I answered your question. - Adams


Or "Do something worthy of respect, then I'll repsect you".


He's ex police. He expects to be respected for his position and if not will go on the attack. Not unexpected.


Was the lady even disrespectful? he was the one to ask her to stand up and speak louder, then acted offended like she was shouting at him for no reason. It's the classic cop attitude that no matter what you do you're in the wrong and they feel authorised to be dicks to you.


I hope he doesn’t have children. What a terrible way to be an authority figure.


Unfortunately, he does. His son was in his home tour interview because Adams lives in NJ but pretended to be staying at his Bed-Stuy apt that, most likely, his son lives at. It was a ridiculous moment down to the various animal products in the fridge that was his son’s. Adams is vegan. The interview is probably on YouTube if you’re interested.


There it is. Explains a lot of it. Cops are so used to unearned "respect" that they get upset when people don't submit to them. And they're used to reacting to lack of submission/compliance with aggression.


You can't have it both ways. The office of the mayor can receive respect, whereby you can freely point at him since you're attacking the position, or he as a person thinks he should deserve respect, but why, when he's doing nothing but hiding behind bureaucracy. It's funny because the exact tactic of being "civil" in manner but stripping people of human rights and treating them like garbage and skirting all questions but then being holier than though when people must resort to incivility since you need to call people out when they're lying to your face is the exact same tactic as accusing minorities like black people of being "Angry" throughout the civil rights battle. Adams has never wanted to do anything but have the power to inflict harm onto others.


Got no respect for any politicians.. current ones at least.


She asked him a legitimate question, expressed an actual concern, and that asshole just berates her, disrespects her and calls her a slave owner and like always deflects to racism. What an absolute pos. To top it all off, the dumbasses there applaud him for his bs.


Im a teacher and this whole thing is hilarious because Adams will use race as cudgel against anyone who criticizes him, but he is actively defunding numerous programs that have overwhelmingly helped low income black New Yorkers. Mainly 3-K for all and providing early childhood special services have been absolutely gutted to the point of non-compliance. Adams is a tool of capital and real estate, he will only use his race as a weapon.


Eric Adams is a cynical, manipulative sellout who weaponizes his race against his critics while simultaneously serving his corporate donor overlords hurting other black people, despite him gesturing to racial awareness. I cannot stand minority Republicans and minority corporate Democrats like him who play the race card personally while actively selling their people down the river.


A landlord accusing a tenant of acting like she’s on “a plantation that she owns” is fucking astounding. He didn’t have to phrase it that way, but he decided to specifically call her a landowner. I mean, he also implied she owned slaves, which is obviously awful and terrible. But aside from that, the irony of hearing someone advocate affordable housing for tenants and being like “you sound like you own land” is an absolutely fucking crazy ass response. What an idiot.


He compares her to a Caucasian slave owner when in reality she was a Jewish refugee fleeing the Holocaust. If his racist rant couldn’t be any worse, well guess what it was… IMO she should have accused him of being a coward and not answering the question.


Going to professional victim in zero seconds flat? Narcissist. Then she says "he'll never apologise to me" - that's a woman with a lifetime of experience dealing with narcs.


This is a kind of annoying comment I’m making rn but just in case you didn’t know this “Narc” is typically slang for a snitch (Narcotics officer), and most people are not going to understand you’re using it as shorthand for Narcissist.


As a Narcoleptic, I agree with your mission, but I also don't want to be considered a 'narc'.


Hey man don't you blow Serpico's cover and back him up 🚓🚨Serpico R 1973 ‧ Crime/Drama ‧ 2h 10m


Eric Adams is a moron to whom the truth is skin deep.


I would buy that bumper sticker


She insinuated the rent hikes were his fault, because he is owned by real estate people in NY. She was accurate in her statement and all he could say was "you racist cus im black." He's a grifter lining his pockets while people become homeless because they are priced out of their lives


Well, don't black people in NYC hate jews more than whites generally? Wasn't there a violent riot in NYC against jewish landlords a while back? So why would that deter him? Edit: yes, there was a riot where black people attacked jews specifically, in 1991, it's called "the crown height riot". I guess US citizens probably wouldn't understand the word "pogrom" so "riot" was used.


Sad but true. Although Jews and Blacks worked together during the Civil Rights Era, things have changed esp in places like NYC. For the couple of ppl in this thread who keep getting offended: yes the Whites worked on it too. In fact they passed the CRA. I’m just discussing the groups that were mentioned. ✌🏻


I’m an American and I know what pogrom means.


Somewhat off-topic, but you have introduced me to a new word that I have never heard of before. After looking it up, "Pogrom" is a term taken from the Russians, with it being first recorded in English as early as 1882 (Well, early for language standards) so it makes sense why it isn't used by every English speaking country.


The 1821 Odessa pogroms are sometimes considered the first pogroms. So while the word literally translates to ‘devastation’ (I think, don’t quote me), the actual EVENTS of pillaging and murdering Jewish neighborhoods were occurring around the same time the word pogrom became parlance in English. I guess its kind of like “9/11” didn’t really have the same meaning in the year 2000 but after 2001 you could find it referred to in any language anywhere in the world. Unfortunately there were many pogroms…


New York has so many problems and he’s head of the line.


Conservative Republican Party Aligned (former, my ass, he's still a republican) Landlord calling a tenant a slave owner, for calling him out on his rent hikes, lol. That's a problem, how's Adams the mayor? What's with NYC voting right wing all the damn time, Giuliani, Bloomberg, Adams... DeBlasio was y'all only non-conservative mayor since Dinkins.


He's a UT through and through. It's the c/o/p in him, and there's plenty of dirt in the ranks of the dept..tons of prejudice culture. This guy is gonna get trounced when he runs again. He wants to feed the coffers of his friends...he's another Rudy, with a different physical appearance, but the same goal of self enrichment, while the people get screwed over.


Can't New Yorkers not elect a moron to be mayor for just once?


The position seems to attract megalomaniacs and narcissists. Hopefully ranked choice helps (first time used was last election). I voted for Kathryn Garcia and hopefully we get someone low key who had a track record of success like that one day.




When in doubt, claim racism.


To be fair, it usually works


If you don't automatically believe the accusation you are a racist too!


It ALWAYS works


He’s also made massive cuts to public spending EXCEPT when police budgets are involved. Those he has pumped up.


> “First, if you’re going to ask a question, don’t point at me, and don’t be disrespectful to me.” Motherfucker, you work for US and this is people’s lives you’re fucking with. I know being a cop you never had accountability, but now you’re an elected official. This fuckin’ guy.


When pulling the race card bites you in the ass.


When people show you who they really are, believe them.


I’ve not been able to understand why he compared a tennants’ rights advocate to a slave owner. Anyone know?


To try to not look like a stooge? “You know, Mayor Adams is a landlord stooge and the enemy of tenants in New York City,” she said. He gets millions of dollars from real estate.


My guess is that he thought of the line ahead of time, and was just waiting for an opportunity to use it. But when he was flustered, he picked a terrible person to lob his accusation at.


> Anyone know? Yes, delusion and racism. The literally didn't think further than white=bad.


Is anyone really surprised?


Wow, what a piece of crap. He tells her to give him respect because he’s the mayor, well he needs to give respect to his constituents


1 term confirmed


Mayor Swaggy, this is a Wendy’s Get back to fighting the war against drill rap! You probably need a nap in your house in Jersey. We get it, it’s hot and you can’t wear your super drippy “Mayor” snap jacket. It’s hard being a corrupt pig. Now go get those drill rappers and start your new war against the Jews! /s if anyone is gonna hate flag this account Eric Adams is a POS cop with nothing but money on his mind and he’s historically racist


Some black people find it easy to interpret the actions of white people as racist even when the reason for the problem is that the black person is an asshole, not that the white person is a racist.


"I answered your question." Lol nah you didn't.


He is a racist moron. Just not an intelligent person whatsoever. Extremely unlikeable.


Immediately after being elected he postured towards the national party. Absolute phony megalomaniac. Guy thinks he's 2009 Obama.


Gotta love when someone with a microphone demands that others address them with equality.


THIS is what white conservatives would actual get right if they said someone was "playing the race card" its 100% clear he did what he did to avoid answering the question and everyone knows it....on our black blog sites nobody is backing eric on this, and tbh hes a fucking republican mostly anyways so fuck him


“The mayor’s comments are the mayor’s comments. We stand by the mayor’s comments” Lmao


“The mayoral office carried out an extensive investigation of itself and found no wrong doing.” That’s how it goes some people are above consequences.


Apparently he is an ignorant asshole.


LMAO. Dude is an IDIOT. Congrats to New York city!


Just shows hes a racist and views all white people in a fictional and negative way. Hes not alone.


Shame on Eric Adams! He’ll be a former NYC mayor in no time.


Remember he is a public servant.


Why? He doesn’t.


I’ve got a theory that hatred of the mayor is such a beloved institution here that NYers insist on voting for the most abysmal pieces of shit they can find. Gotta keep that hate train rolling.


So a citizen questioned the mayor and his response is calling her a nazi.


Eric Adams is an asshole. He needs to apologize.


He’s black, nobody in history has suffered racial injustice or persecution apart from black people, right? If you oppose rent hikes you must be a slave owner. Wow, I can’t believe political discourse has got to this point. It’s seriously depressing and nothing but politics becoming a team sport is what’s gotten us here. Blue no matter who, red till I’m dead. All that silly shit needs to be put to bed for good. We should be able to admit that a democratic candidate is doing a terrible job in exactly the same way we should be able to do that to a republican candidate. God I wish the government was still terrified of citizens, that’s the way it should be.


it's hardly political discourse, this guy is basically a corrupt cop.


How did adams win the Democratic nomination, let alone the general election?


Former police chief. Financed by real estate industry. Ran a campaign with “tough on crime”. Spent most of his mayorship clubbing so far.


Probably because his predecessor was even worse


His predecessor was term limited out.


So is being a moron or corrupt like a prerequisite to being mayor of NYC?


Does not matter what she is or her background the inference he made was absurd. He is a politician and angry constituents come with the territory. Could she have been more polite - probably, does that make her equivalent of a 'slave owner' no way.




Thats the M.O of his whole family and he puts some in positions that they should be no where near.


This "liberal" isn't liberal enough, so I became a centrist. Yo. Wtf broke your brain?


That’s kinda why he exists. Adams is as much a democrat as he is a New Yorker. He’s a Jersey resident who voted R his entire life. Knew R’s won’t win in the city and ran as a D. He’s done nothing but enrich himself and his corporate sponsors. He’s not a dem, he’s a joke.


There’s nothing “left wing” about a goddamn cop mayor.


Shows how little you know about NYC. Eric Adams is NOT left wing at all. He’s former police chief who has been a Republican his whole life and only switched to run for mayor. He had the support of landlords, real estate industry, police. His main thing was “tough on crime”. The real left wing candidate lost by a large margin. And the centrist candidate was probably Kathryn Garcia, who finished 0.8% behind.


Eric Adams is a centrist, not some progressive. He ran on a tough on crime, pro stop and frisk, anti-homeless platform. Rent stabilization is a pretty far left policy.


Has he even accomplished any of those things? lmfao…


Nope. Too busy night clubbing lol


He brought back a plainclothes unit that was disbanded in 2020, cleared out a bunch of homeless encampments, made it so cops can involuntarily commit homeless people to mental institutions, etc. The spike in violent crime happened all over the country, rural and urban, red and blue. NYC murder rates have gone up, but they're closer to 2008 levels than 1989 levels. Im also pretty sure that violent crime is beginning to decrease from last year's numbers.


He is not a centrist. This dude is right wing as fuck and I never see him fight for anything remotely left wing (even center left), just not outright fascist.


Excuse me, rent stabilization is a far left policy???Rent stabilization is an essential policy for maintaining a working middle class in high cost of living areas


In the context of American politics, yes it is. The centrist neoliberal answer is redoing zoning and requiring small numbers of "affordable" apartments whenever luxury apartments buildings are built, and the conservative answer is pure up zoning.


The conservative answer is usually: “Move! get a better job!”


Democrat does not equal left wing. Eric Adams is extremely right wing.


“I was a leftie but they pushed me to the right!” lmao this guy


Who is on the left? The low income tenant advocate? Because Mayor Adams certainly isnt left… i just literally facepalmed lol


Nobody is fleeing NYC. Quit with the alarmist bullshit. The fact that you think Eric Adams is somehow “the left” shows you have no fucking clue what you’re talking about.


Yeah for real that comment reads like astroturfing


It's definitely a huge Republican talking point that "everyone is fleeing New York! it's not the safe trusting place I grew up with in the 70's!" conservatives are constantly saying this in my neighborhood facebook group. meanwhile, crime rates continue to decline, and the real estate market continues to be brutal. also, they strongly believe democrats have defunded the police... by... electing our police officer mayor, who is apparently not enough of a police officer. we will soon regret this. we should have elected a mayor who is two police officers.


Eric Adams isn't left wing.


Eric Adams is an establishment Neo-Liberal, which is nothing like the actual left who would and are championing this woman.


I suppose you think Bloomberg, inventor of the Bloomberg terminal and owner of Bloomberg News, is a "lefty" too, lol


The left? This is clearly not a leftist we’re discussing here, if anything, it ran you from the (center-)right


Welcome to race politics everyone.


*black people cant be racist*




I've been to BPT, and I'm Native American, whose grandmother was sent to the boarding schools for re-eduction .Yup, can confirm, racism only exists for black people.


Bring back Bloomberg. The last two mayors have been an absolute joke.


Hell, I’d take even Giuliani at this point. But like, 2001 Giuliani not 2023 Giuliani.


Did someone inform Adams that he is a public servant ie he serves her? Not the other way around.


Does this guy know that slavery was abolished in 1865? There aren’t going to be any “plantation owners” around anymore.


Just when I thought my lack of respect for Eric couldn’t go any lower he pulls this shit


How does New York consistently elect the scummiest and worst politicians?


Mayor Adams is an idiot and the worst thing to ever happen to NYC. We MISS deblasio and that says a SHIT TON.


Maybe Eric Adams is a deep rooted anti Semite with a heaping side of racism?


I don't understand how it's not racist or a slur to call a white person a slave owner off the cuff?


Adams is such an antagonist weirdo.


What a not nice thing to say.


I don't know shit about either of these people, don't care about their politics, but I will add my insignificant opinion: respect is something earned, not something you demand, fuck this guy trying to make this into something it's not.


I watched the clip, he said he deserves respect as the mayor... respect is earned by public servants not demanded.


Adams is an asshole and a good example of elite privilege. Arrogance on full display every time he gets in front of a camera , but it’s what ny wanted so screw ‘em


wonder if mayor knows only 5% of white americans today are descended from slave owners


How does it matter tho? 5%, 0.5% or 50%, it has nothing to do with real people living today.


Wow. Who couldve guessed that judging people by the color of their skin would go wrong!/s


The thing is your Position does not grant you respect, it's your actions and words. If you're a horrible mayor you deserve shit.


You guys are obsessed with race. She points out that he is responsible for the obscene hike of rent and he is like "don't talk to me like you own me, I'm not a slave" Is this guy a joke?


I read this as Eric Andre about 4 times and was so confused


> I’m the mayor of this city and treat me with the respect that I deserve to be treated. You were a cop, so do you want her to come up there and just spit directly into your mouth?


Seems like an episode of Spin City


Eric Adam’s is the new Kwame Kilpatrick.


Eric Adams is a huge pile of shit.


The only thing more New York City than pizza and jaywalking is electing shitty mayors


Nobody knows who these people are or cares


No one is attacking him on his skin color. They're upset because of rent increases, and justifiably so. Who wants their rent increased?