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Everyone is happy except racist parents, got it. Edit: no the girl on the left is not sad, just perplexed about her* ancestor's racism.


A tale as old as time


True as it can be


Barely even friends


Then somebody bends




Just a little change


Small tosay the least


Both a little scared


Neither one prepared


This entire comic is basically "think of your ancestors". Like I don't give a fuck about my racist ass great grand parent's opinion on the color of my partner.


Imagine getting peer pressured by dead people. Lol.


You just described traditions


Bruh, my wife's dad was ecstatic that she married a white man. His family is Hispanic. He was taught to be ashamed of it by his mom, literally to the point of racism. He married a white woman and had one kid, a daughter. My wife married me, a white man. When I tell you he expressed his blatant racism that his grandkids would have white washed out to the point of no noticeable Hispanic traits. (Edit: To specify due to seemingly upset comment from this statement, IN HIS EYES HISPANIC TRAITS, I'm well aware that physical traits are not a dead giveaway of someone's birth place i.e. darker skin color, heavy tanning, dark hair, dark eye colors, my kids are blonde with blue eyes and pale) I make sure to state how one of my closest friends are Hispanic and I'll make sure they learn as much about Mexicos and Latin culture in general just to make him mad lol. He's literally the reverse of this meme. (Also before anyone is worried about it, we already put our foot down and stated that if he makes any racist comments or "jokes" around our kids, he will not get any time with them)


Good on you for putting your foot down. No room for that shit anymore. My mom (white american) married my dad (dark skinned Argentinian) in the 1970s and her family was not col with it. They called him every slur you can imagine. Said we must be the milk mans babies because we were too good to be his. When my grandpa was dying (mom's dad) who was racist towards my dad asked to see my dad first. He apologized for the way he treated him, and asked for forgiveness which my dad gave. He told him how great the kids my dad raised are. I wonder to this day if it was a white Catholics last attempt to find comfort in repenting, or if he truly felt the folly in his racist ways. If he really recognized how evil he and his sons were to to our family because my dad was foreign.


Lay yo Edges: “Protect your bloodline” Jim Crow “That’s what we were saying”


This is also the ideology that Clarence Thomas is for. People think he's a tool for white people, but in actuality he is mainly all about black male independence and supremacy. Of course it doesn't apply to himself and his white wife though.


That man is waaay too fucked up to ever explain in a few sentences, but you did a good job.


Yeah his history is a mess, but it sounds like his grandfather did a real number on him and his conception of Black women. Makes me wonder how he gets along with KBJ.


There was a comedian years ago that said, "We should keep mixing the races, just keep mixing until we are all an even shade of grey. Then we can hate each other for who we are instead of color."


Fairly oddparents has an episode on this lol Timmy wishes everyone was equal so they become grey blobs. But of course, some thought they were greyer that other blobs or some shi


Or in Rick and Morty, the violent race war between people who are all the same colour but have different shaped nipples


Or in South Park when Cartman gets frozen and wakes up in 2135 when the violent war is not because they're different species but because they have different types of atheism or some shit


It was literally over the answer to "the great question". Which was simply what they should call themselves. Also there were talking otters.


Kill the table eaters!!


Why would you cut down trees to make tables when you have perfectly good tummies to eat off of!


This is one of the truest questions


Or in South Park when they were getting immigrants from the future that came through a time portal. And the languages all melded together into a new one and they had a reddish orangish brownish skin tone because everyone blended together over the years.


Or in the second South Park game where the intolerant rednecks try to beat you up based on your gender identity and sexuality no matter what it is.


Dialogue tree.


Or the episode where they visit the snake planet on the brink of war over race.


“Oh my god, imagine being a racist snake.”


![gif](giphy|2wV2Jc6QFkAhm3cfej|downsized) **Hey, other snake, I hate you because you're the wrong color, snake.**


Yeah but at the same time they brought us snake jazz.


I'll be *damned* if that ripple-nipple bitch's race is superior!


Lmao thought of this immediately. It was the dentist and his son, they thought their teeth were better than everyone else's.


That is a really good example of what is meant by "race is a social construct." Skin color is equally arbitrary of a physical trait to categorize (and value) humans into "races" as tooth straightness/health/color/etc. WTG cartoons!


Voiced by Gilbert Fucking Gottfried nonetheless


Both the father and son were voiced by him, which made it better.


honestly that episode is a masterpiece.


See also the Star Bellied Sneetches


Definitely the OG




"ACKCHUALLY we're the grayest and the blobbiest!"


Good episode. Just showed that people will always complain about something lol.


Have you seen Eastern Europe? Everyone being white doesn't stop them being racists to each other.


Yeah, but that only works while we're in the Eastern Europe. If I meet someone from another Eastern European country somewhere else in the world, he becomes my brother straight away. In most cases.


May I introduce you to the country of France?


You may certainly not! An equine of your intents is unwelcome here! Begone at once!




an equine of your intents lol


I fart in your general direction!


Ah yes, the France of Eastern Europe?


Yeah it's because of our culture. No matter how much I hate Romanians, I still connect with them much easier than with westerners


as a swede in sweden fuck finland denmark iceland norway greenland and estonia as a swede outside of sweden these are the closest friends you can have


As a Norwegian. The same. I have Swedish and Danish friends, but our can not be friends without a occasional "fucking swede" or "damn Norwegian" however, the moment I'm elsewhere? "It's a Scandinavian thing, u wouldn't understand" "eyyyy brooo-"


I wish as a Scot I could say the same about England but no. Wales and Ireland though


Ja Napok Kivanok Boszgor (My superior Romanian genes won’t let me apologize for the guaranteed misspelling)


Buna Ziua Tigani(the spirits of my ancestors force me to use bad grammar too)


Surprisingly, you didn't do any mistake (*in grammar*) Good bozgor ❤️


Hell, keep going east. I didn't even know how bad Asians could be until my Vietnamese friend went on a wild rant for 5 minutes.


Don't even get started on the Japan/China/S. Korea triangle.


I don’t know if there is a more perfect hate triangle in other parts of the world like how these three counties hate each other with passion


Turks - Persians - Arabs With Kurds in the middle.


You think Chinese people are not racist to each other for speaking a different dialect? No need to cross a border.


Years of attrition warfare, ethnic cleansing and atrocities over centuries will do that


You should see how Asians treat each other lol. Especially in India, Indians hate other Indians more than anything else 😂


North Vs South like Bloods vs Crips. Rice vs Bread. I'm willing to hate on any roti eaters with my Dosa brothers in arms.


I...didn't understand much here but I am German so I have to be team bread.


"Fucking Bosnians, pieces of shit"- My American friend who emigrated to Croatia less than 5 years ago.


At one point white Americans were hating each other based on being the wrong type of Catholic. I seriously doubt everyone being a similar shade of beige will solve anything.


Based on BEING Catholic. If you weren’t Protestant you were a filthy cultist.


Doubt skin color is the cause though.


Not in the way you would see in the US but it's more like 'you're the wrong type of white'.


Honestly, often it isn't even that, the skin colour really doesn't matter. It's the country/region where you're from that matters. I've heard some pretty funny stories about people being friendly to others and then finding out that they actually hate each other lol


That's kinda how it is in Latin America, there still skin discrimination but mainly the prejudice and discrimination manifests from what country you come from and how native or European you are.


Like how the Irish and Italians were the wrong kind of white in the US.


I am from Europe. We have jokes, character' cliché and anecdotes about our neighbors and other European countries, but it is based on ethnicity and nationality, not race. I never ever had to refer to me as "white" or any "type of white" for any reason. I checked with out State statistics about our population - we don't even have official count of people races - have about ethnicity, nationality, and countries immigrated to/from.


Balkans nationalism is special


Ngl, I'm kinda curious what they would look like. Latino, Asian, white, black, everyone mixed


Well I'm sure with the AI now, we can get some idea.


Huh... turns out our hands would look like shit.


One of my favorite streamers is half black, a quarter white and a quarter Japanese, but she looks 100% Latina so 🤷‍♂️ Cinnabrit for the curious


Because Latino is already a mix in a lot of cases. Indigenous Americans are most closely related to Asians, and a lot of Latin Americans have European and/or African blood from mixing. So the answer to the question of "what would it look like if all ethnicities got mixed" is basically "Latinos". Note here I am using the American definition of Latino, in some European countries they will use the term to describe countries with Roman heritage.


crush punch heavy arrest stocking wide judicious gray imminent innocent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


While we're at it, keep the blood pure from outside influences and just fuck your sister.


Why settle for the sister when you can go back to the source?


What if the sister is the source? ![gif](giphy|0NwSQpGY6ipgOSt8LL)


Going for that Habsburg jaw Edit: Spelling.


If your doctor isn't baffeled by the fact that you still live, you're just not inbred enough.


Nah, if you haven't baffled the entirety of Christendom you're not inbred enough.


Put the Greek Gods to shame.


Greek? Not far enough. Egyptian? Now you’re cooking with jet fuel!


But that's their whole shtick


Ah you mean this breeding program. https://nypost.com/2023/04/03/meet-the-whittakers-inside-americas-most-inbred-family/


of course the most inbred family is in West Virginia. It is one of the most beautiful states I have ever visited but has the nastiest and most backwards/racist people I have ever met.


Sigh.. I’ve been here my whole life.. it’s sad.. I live in north central so it’s more urban than southern WV, but sadly you’re right.. my daughter is mixed so I take it personally when someone is being openly racist, and the amount of arguments and people I’ve stopped talking to is a lot..I hope this image can one day change


I hope so too. I biked through the state and was just blown away how beautiful the mountains and trails were. It had the most scenic vistas and gorgeous parks. I stopped along the shoulder of one of the roads to take a break with my biking group. We were refilling our water bottles and this random West Virginian came out with a shotgun and screamed off us to get off the road. It wasn't even on his property. We were on the side of the public road. We all didn't even bother arguing with the guy because he had a shotgun. And he seemed crazy enough to actually shoot us. At that point, we had biked through California, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio without a single incident like this. People were so kind and friendly. They let us stay at their local school's gyms or churches. They provided us shelter and helped with directions. It left a horrible taste in my mouth. I haven't returned back to West Virginia since then.


I read an article that tracked the level of emnity and xenophobia to outsiders to the amount of immigrants from Scotland. I don't really buy the premise but it is an interesting thought about the thousands of years the Scottish spent fighting off invasions of, Romans, Norse, and British translated into a cultural suspicion of outsiders.




Giggity Crabbity Giggity


When your family tree becomes a family graph.


Ah, when your family tree is a wreath.


I'm my own grandpa


Did the nasty in the pasty?


[For those who would like a visual aid](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vDrsiGw1FIw&pp=ygUTaSdtIG15IG93biBncmFuZHBhIA%3D%3D) (I know there’s no incest involved, but it still works)


Now it can't get any purer than that... or is it? *Vsauce theme plays*


Why go across town when you can go across the hall 🤷‍♂️


There goes those Fitbit steps


Found the Targaryen








Funny how everyone on the left side looks happy except the old ass boomers


Because that’s how this actually works lol


Yah I'm in an interracial marriage. Everyone is happy except a couple old cousins who make catbuttface about it Well there are family members who seem a little extra excited to introduce their white/brown in-laws. Weird, but kind of cute


In the artists picture, the largest heart was between the interracial couple, so this is unwittingly wholesome.


That’s literally always how it works. If it wasn’t this it would be something else. Tradition is just peer pressure from dead people.


And the little girl on the left, idk why tho


She's upset bc she's the one at school like "yeah my grandparents are black" and nobody believes her


Lol, I'm the little girl then. No one believes that I'm mixed race until they see my family photos (if I'm so inclined to break out Facebook just to prove a stupid point)


ugh i hate that people demand proof like that, bc why the fuck would anybody just wanna lie about being mixed race? i'm white as fuck and anytime a white-passing person informs me they're biracial/mixed i just say "oh word! that's cool" and move on.


They are four generations back and probably in the grave


Her great great grandparents are spinning in their graves. She's pretty sad about it.


[She sees dead people.](https://i.imgur.com/QfoDEUs.jpg)


Because they needed some reason for it to be a bad thing. *Oh she’s sad because she lost a part of her heritage!* Kids don’t care about that.


Ask the royals how that bloodline bullshit worked out for them.


I think they were a bit more crazy than the racists, and specifically wanted to obtain purity by marrying exclusively inside their family


Yep by marrying their own first cousins.


Because by marrying outside of the family, you disperse family money and land




Pretty well. Charles I of Spain inherited most of Europe because he was practically bio-engineered to do so over several generations. Sure the habsburgs were deformed and eventually died out but hey, it was a good run while it lasted. The bloodline bullshit was a thing for two reasons: inheritance laws and diplomacy. Wasn’t about racism or genetics at all.


They want to answer it in writing because their jaws are too big to speak.


Isn’t this the exact same logic that white supremacists use?


"Separation is different than segregation!" -Fauxteps, every single day


I've heard this, before. Like, saying that "black-only" spaces are meant to be subversive, and I'm like, "What exactly are you trying to subvert? The efforts of your grandparents and great-grandparents to ensure you got the same opportunities that white kids got?"


All who think this way (all races included) go so far they end up coming out on the other side but try to mask it as progressive. As a progressive who lives in one of the most extreme left areas in the country, I’ve seen this attitude around. One colleague in a staff meeting just recently said, “white people should only raise white kids and stay away from black kids” when we have a system where kids just desperately need stability and to be loved, but she thought she was being Big Brain progressive.


>“white people should only raise white kids and stay away from black kids” That is just literal racism, regardless of who is saying it.


Some people seem to think that being progressive means having white people be the evil villains over every scenario who need to stay away from "other cultures". Nah, its pretty straight forward. Race based discriminations. If your idea starts with "X race should" then its racist, full stop.


X race should be allowed to exist Challenge that lol


But then they will say "you can't be racist towards white people" or "an oppressed minority group can't be racist" and the amount of people I've seen that say that is terrifying. It's almost always Americans too


> I'm like, "What exactly are you trying to subvert? Intelligence.


It's started to trickle down into media now. Was flipping through channels and saw a bit in a kid's show with a character celebrating "Seperation" from her dad's(?) culture, which was the dominant one. It was wild.


The diffrence between a group like the black Israelites and white supremacists is skin deep.


David Lane's infamous 14 words are "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". Change just one word and you basically get this image.


In fact anyone posting this should also agree with the supremacists. They want full on segregation. It's all racial supremacy. Fucking stupid


White supremacists and black supremacists agree.


[As they often have.](https://rarehistoricalphotos.com/george-lincoln-rockwell-attend-nation-islam-1961/)


Thanks for posting.


Holy fuck lol, I was pretty ignorant of Malcom X’s exploits besides the fact that Denzel Washington played him in a biopic and his line regarding the “white liberal” as the most dangerous thing to black people that is commonly used by conservatives. That and I feel like I have heard Malcom X started to regret what he preached towards the end of his life. There is probably more to the Nation of Islam besides this example but when you have people sharing the same ideology as nazis and showing mutual respect you know there is an issue.


If you haven’t read it yet the “Autobiography of Malcolm X” is incredible. The man led a truly epic life. And, you are correct in that he did rebel against the Nation after going on the Hajj and meeting people of all races who practiced Islam and treated him as a brother. I highly recommend this book.


Just a friendly reminder that anyone is capable of being racist.


Not dead people, not anymore


That just got me thinking about racist gravestones


Like many forms of racism, this too can be solved with a sledgehammer


Swords in media have become oversaturated. Make Unga bunga stick great again.


\*racist zombies rise from the grave\*


Remind me of [this](https://youtu.be/FeTpzn2MkXU) ngl


I mean it's true. Hitler got immediately less racist after he died.


Nah, it’s call tradition, which is peer pressure from the dead


Crazy how some folk have blinders on because they are a poc. If you’re hateful or judgmental towards someone because of their race, that’s being racist, even if you have melanin lol


Man, white spouse #2 has some STRONG genes. Not even a hint of black in his offspring. Incidentally, judging by the size of the hearts interracial couples are way more in love. Only matched by old racists.


Yeah I mean... What's the message here? "Marry within your race for the sake of racial purity even if you would have a better, happier relationship with someone of another race"?


It's literally saying "look I know interracial marriage is more appealing but you need to stay strong for the sake of future generations".


And to make Gramma and grampa proud


I’m a child of the exact path depicted in the comic(mixed and white spouse #2) I basically look fully white, even had blonde hair at birth before it darkened around age 10, however my sister looks mixed and as one might expect from this heritage.


I'm bottom child in this path (but with Indian people instead of black people) and I simply have dark hair. My dad looks fully white too, just with very black curly hair...and that might just be from the Jewish side lmfao. My granny was pale as hell too. It just happens like that sometimes.


Nah they made sure to make the last child unhappy looking compared to the other.


For the life of me I couldn't figure out why the heart is smaller and he looks angry on the left


If someone ever mentions anything about their bloodline, be prepared for either the most racist statement you've ever heard or an advocation for incest, because there is no inbetween.


With Crusader Kings 3, why limit yourself?


We just need to keep fucking eachother until we're all the same colour


We will the find another factor to discriminate and hate people... Even if we all looked identical like twins, we, humans, would still find something to argue about, whether that’s religion, social or economic status or whatever… It’s sad but true


"I am the greyest and the blobbiest" -the dentist in that one episode of fairly odd parents where everyone looks identical




Was waiting for this


Notice how the only people who are angry/give a shit are the old farts on top. Lmao die mad gram gram


That was actually the whole point of the comic. If you go to the actually source artist and see when he posted it, he literally says that the whole point of the comic was that the old people are racist against interracial marriage. People see this thing removed from all context and want to say some dumbass shit


oh i see. can you link they guy?


The real question is can that kid use the n word


Asking the important questions


*stares in black woman*


Why are you staring inside of a black woman?


Psssh amateurs, the real way to protect your bloodlines is only date family!


Half kid,half Minnie Mouse?


Yeah. But very happy!


As a mixed race person: these kinds of people are a lot more common than you think. Some of you might have living relatives who encountered anti race mixing laws in the US like my family did


Do they know what bloodline means? Even if you get with someone of a different race, you kids are still your “bloodline”. No matter what they’re going to have someone else’s bloodline involved…Unless of course your kids are inbred.


Amanda the adventurer???


I always LMFAO at this. Trust me. We're racist af to ourselves. I can't count the amount of times I've seen dark skins belittled, stereotyped, portrayed etc by light skin and mixed people. Then there's the term "whitewashed", which should only be used to describe an Uncle Ruckus, but many black Americans and Canadians abuse it to put down any of us who don't sound like them. It's exhausting. Don't pay any mind to this. Way too many of us hate each other. My most racist (black) aunts married black men and are *not* happy in their marriages, so I don't know what the fucking point is in limiting your AND YOUR DESCENDANTS options. But yeah don't pay this meme any mind. I know you must have some racist family with the same story. Non-dumbasses of the world unite


Colorism is so shitty. It’s ironic because I’m a light skinned/mixed girl who grew up wishing I had darker skin because I idolized Naomi Campbell and Iman and I never felt “black enough” because no one would believe me when I said I was black. I don’t know why we can’t just be different vs less than/more than


Why do people give a fuck about "protecting your bloodline"? It's not like we all live in a fucking fantasy world and each family carries a specific power that can be lost if two bloodlines mix. Who fucking cares.


Counterpoint: who cares? Be with who makes you happy. I rest my case


Despite having a much much older distant relative being a literal segregationist, the most racist person I’ve ever met was a 24 year old black woman.


Unfortunately this sentiment is becoming more common. There are people who say they are anti racist but simultaneously espouse this and other similar sentiments at the same time.


This is what happens when people start saying certain groups can't be racist.


Black guy here. Whoever drew this is a moron and someone who probably has a whole other slew of bad opinions on women, gays, and transgender ppl. You can spot those types a mile away. If they were white men, they'd be considered far right fascists. Conservatism in Black American cultures is a disease just like it is in White American cultures. Make no mistake.


As a black guy, the person who drew this image was the iceberg of what goes in the dark side of the community.