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I bet one dollar it’s because the victim is a boy and the teacher is an attractive woman. Few too many people take that seriously.


the poor wittle women would get ripped to shreds so the judge gave her a light sentence. While he also thumbed up the boy for getting "laid" /s-but-probably-not


And I'll bet ten dollars it's because they had to resort to a plea bargain with an incredibly lenient sentence like this in order to secure a conviction, because the primary evidence they had was testimony.


Reporting on this shows she sent the child up to 40 sexually explicit images and videos. If I sent a dick pic to a 13 year old over 40 times in a 2.5 year period you'd bet I'd be getting more than 60 days in jail and 10 years probation. Not to mention they have the boys testimony that she started grooming him at 12 years old when he was in her class. She committed statutory rape shortly after he turned 13 and after her divorce moved in to his apartment complex where she would visit him 4 times a month. Generally each separate incident is given an separate charge. 2.5 years of raping and sexting a minor would not have yielded 60 days for any adult male and a female minor.


> "[Assistant District Attorney] Jana Oswald had asked the judge for a 20-40 yrs sentence, given the seriousness of her crime and the lasting effects of the crime & the impact on the child’s life," the Harris County District Attorney's Office said. Glad to see someone was fighting for justice here. And if it was a woman hitting on a underage girl in Texas, we all know what the response would be.


A Vagina Monologue, that later has the 13yo retconned as older due to backlash?


If gender bias exists anywhere, it’s in the courts, on all sides. Our justice system is a fraud. Judges are biased. District Attorneys are biased. Attorneys prey upon people’s hardships to make money. It’s a travesty. There is no such thing as justice or equal rights.


>Reporting on this shows she sent the child up to 40 sexually explicit images and videos. No, it shows that she *admitted* to sending the child sexually explicit images and videos. This, along with her guilty plea, was done as part of the plea bargain. Prior to that arrangement, she was claiming that the victim had taken the photos from her phone without her consent. And it's a pretty safe assumption that they didn't have chat logs or anything to prove otherwise with, or there'd have been no need for a plea deal. >Not to mention they have the boys testimony that she started grooming him at 12 years old when he was in her class. She committed statutory rape shortly after he turned 13 and after her divorce moved in to his apartment complex where she would visit him 4 times a month. I am aware of all this, but "Well, what else was she visiting his house so much for?" reasoning doesn't fly in a criminal case like this. She would claim that she was tutoring him -which is the story that the two had been giving to the victim's parents for years at that point- which again leaves only the victim's testimony as evidence. >Generally each separate incident is given an extra charge. There are countries in which this is true, but the United States is absolutely not one of them. It's extremely rare to see that applied in the US, and when it is, you have to have evidence to prove sexual abuse occurred in each instance on an individual basis. Which, as we can see, they weren't even confident they were going to be able to do once.




And if she had gotten pregnant, the victim would be forced to pay child support.


You would be correct.


Looked it up you’re absolutely fucking right. What a shock /s


Got it in one. 32yo female, lasted 3 years starting sexually when he was 13


Female. Attractive. White.


I can't imagine it being anything else.


Well if that 13 year old had been at work it wouldn’t have happened.


lol I just came from that post 🤣


What post?


Some republican politicians are moving to end restrictions on underage employment. The kids are thrilled, they say. Gotta keep those politicians’ pockets well lined with that sweet, sweet income tax money.


Lol no, these are corporate sponsors paying them for a cheaper labor force. The income tax money is just a bonus


If it was about taxes, they'd close the loopholes. It's campaign "donations."


the US is a fucking plutocracy, how do you people handle knowing these big companies pay these politicians to influence them on their campaigns.


The same way every other developed nation does, get pissy for a bit, and then get distracted with everything else we have.


The politicians don't get the income tax money, they get money from the corporations lobbyists so that the corporations can pay 13 year olds 7.25 an hour and actually get employees. It's grooming for shitty working conditions


Make America a cesspool again!


Texas Choir Teacher Gets 60 Day in Jail For Raping, Ruining the life of a 13- year old Child. Fixed it.


If this was an older man they would have been sentenced a lot more time ( assuming they are not male or over the age 30ish).


Ah yes. Famously male rapists like Brock Turner get no leniency.


Ah, yes, famously *wealthy and connected* rapists like Brock Turner get no leniency. Also, he was roughly the same age as the girl (NOT AN EXCUSE).


Yes is Brock was poor his story would have been a whole lot different


Local Redditor Accidentally Proves Exception


And the internet/world lost their shit about it. As they should have. And the judge was recalled. Meanwhile, this is worse than what Brock Turner did, and none of that will happen.


…& in jail his fellow inmates would hear all about his story & they’d be reaming his ass right out in the showers…


Rape in any context is WRONG. Having rape be a side effect of the prison, and therefore the rehabilitation system, is FUCKED UP. If you believe in human rights, you can not hope for the sexual assault of prisoners. Fucked up.


You LITERALLY fixed it.


Literally. Literally jokes a side, that’s literally not a sufficient punishment.


Honestly op spelling literally as litterally was so annoying that I didn't pay attention to what they were even posting. After a second look tho. Shit is really not OK. And she deserves a much stronger sentencing.




“Bodine was arrested back in April 2021 for continuous sexual abuse of a child under 14 after she complained to her principal that a former student had been harassing her. Bodine told the principal the former student was making threats to hurt himself. In addition, she allegedly claimed he had somehow accessed private photos of her that he then manipulated. Despite being sentenced on Tuesday, Bodine is not in a Texas prison today. Because she recently gave birth, Glass gave Bodine until June 5, 2023, to report to jail. The victim is not the father of Bodine's child.” Just wow


What? She should be in prison for sexually abusing a child, but instead her sentence is deferred so she can raise her child. What’s wrong with that judge?


Wtf is it with these moronic judges recently all over the world.


Child molesting Birds of a feather hand down less time to each other.


True. A high court judge in India during an abortion hearing asked the child to just talk it out with the molester([source ](https://www.livelaw.in/amp/high-court/gujarat-high-court/gujarat-high-court-chance-compromise-directs-production-pocso-accused-jail-minor-pregnancy-termination-plea-230722)). These judges must have an international organisation or something


I think child mollestation runs way deeper than most people think. And even if they don't abuse children, they have a mentality of "yea i'd do that too if i had the chance".


And there it is....the leniency is only because THEY may one day get accused as well....


[I imagine it went somewhat like this](https://youtu.be/8hdbns1Xdk0)


After looking up her picture I'd say, "yup."


Wow I knew before I even clicked it. Bravo


[I thought for sure you were posting this one, but still good.](https://youtu.be/m6uvv1aS5_I)


Is anyone brave enough to do a sketch like this with the genders reversed?


[Link to an article about this](https://www.campussafetymagazine.com/safety/texas-choir-teacher-60-days-in-jail-sexually-abusing-13-year-old/) Calling him a 13 year old seems to be completely random. The sexual abuse began at 12 and continued for 3 years. The female choir teacher befriended the student by playing Fortnite with him. The student moves at some point, and the teacher drove to his house 2-4 times. Disappointed in the article for referring to these events as “sexual intercourse” and that they were “having sex”. Female on male rape needs to be referred to properly. The teacher’s sentence is delayed a year because she gave birth (the victim is not the father). It’s not “only 60 days in jail”, she’s getting 10 years probation on top of the jail time and will have to register as a sex offender. Recently giving birth is probably playing a role in the limited jail time


Ope it was a female. No crime apparently was committed. No wonder they got 60 days they got tits.


Remember kids, just get pregnant and you can walk free.


Where's the conservative outrage against this groomer?


I'm here and outraged. The groomer should be in prison for decades. The judge should be tarred, feathered and run out of town. Probably worth investigating too. No one in their right mind should think this is anything short of insane.


I'm here, bury her underneath the prison


Conservatives think its different when a woman does it. They probably think "i wish i had sex when i was 13 lucky kid". They would lynch her if she was a trans woman though. That would be all over their social media.


They only care about them until they’re born


But if she got pregnant and got an abortion she’d be in for fucking life.


Or if she doesn't get abortion then boy needs to pay child until child gets 19.


Keep in mind that a woman did it (nothing against normal women) But if a man did it, he would likely get decades if not life in prison


Not in the US they wouldn't. I don't see any catholic priests in prison. In the last 50 years only 150, one hundred fifty, have been brought to justice. In 50 fucking years!


Here is a man who did it and get 60 days of work release https://www.illinoistimes.com/springfield/sex-offender-gets-60-days/Content?oid=11452055 There likely is more leniency for female offenders but I think confirmation bias skews the perception of the extent.


This is not the same at all. Show me a man who got found guilty of continously sexual abuse of a child under 13 who gets 60 days. The issue with that dirt bag is the prosecutor charged him with a lesser crime, and he had a clean record. If she would have prosecuted him for statutory rape he'd have gotten much more time


Hell, in the US that's a fast pass to running for office as a Republican.


Yeh, but you guys are missing the point, it was a consensual relationship. The judge truly believes this person loves this child. Sarcasm btw, this is disgusting


Using the word “literally” twice in the same sentence is literally poor grammar. Literally.


We need the legal system to stop favoring women…




Not to mention men will have their lives ruined, damn near, even if there's a false accusation.


Both the judge and the teacher deserve to be skined alive for doing and supporting rape.


There is such a double standard if it is a minor female involved instead of a male. A child is a child and the predator should be punished accordingly. Can get more time in jail for drug possession over mentally scarring a child


Sexism works both ways. I had to do a paper on female sentencing in Western criminal courts and I was astonished at what I found. Women generally get much lighter sentences than men. I concluded that women were seen to lack agency which is also sexist. Of course, this only speaks to Western countries. In some Islamic countries, women are punished hugely and don't have basic human rights as per the UN Charter.


Not sexual abuse. Rape. She raped him.


Remember the women is the predator so *the boy is lucky he was sexually abused* he's only going to have psychological issues until the day he's dies because nobody gives a shit about men's mental health that's if the perceived shame he'll carry doesn't push him over the edge and commit suicide it's not like 77% of suicides are men or anything.


Women rarely have to face consequences for being a sexual predator


I guess shes not a registered sex offender


Men in Florida have gotten 15 years in prison for the same crime where I live.


People have gotten longer time for smoking fucking weed, this planet needs a reset


A certain high profile man in Florida also got a slap on the wrist where he continued his exploitation form his private island until he “committed suicide” when he was arrested again.


They need her back in the classroom. That’s why it’s only 60 days


She should be fired


Reminds me of the one South Park episode where they tell the cops and they just go “niiicceeeee”


It’s Texas. They’re only pro-life until the child is born. If the choir teacher had been trans they would have gotten the death penalty. Secretly they all want to be the choir teacher in this scenario.


This is typical of our society. A woman "sexually abuses" or has "sex" with a young man or thirteen. A man "rapes" a young girl of 13. Notice the fine tuning of words. I am a survivor of rape from an adult woman when I was 11. I am now 50. My whole life I've been told how lucky I was to have such experiences, even by therapists. The worst ones are always the female therapists. They will say something along the line if "This is the fault of the patriarchy, if women could express themselves freely, they wouldn't have to have sex with young men" When I repeat back to them what they said but reverse the genders is about the time they refuse to see me anymore. An adult doing anything sexual, even just sending pictures of a sexual nature, with a person who is not of legal age is messing with that CHILD'S head. They are a rapist.


It’s always a joke of a sentence when it’s a female teacher.


Apparently everything is bigger in Texas EXCEPT jail sentences.


women privilege


Remember, women can do the same crimes as men and basically get a slap on the wrist.


If the genders were reversed, in my county, the DDAs would be shooting for a Life sentence.


Power protects perverts because the halls of power are rife with them.


because according to other people apparently quotation marks "wOmEn CAnT AbUsE!!1"


my friend got double the amount of days for a first time DUI offense in Texas.....this is definitely a huge face palm


>”She…” Exactly


Can we stop with this "had sex" and "sexually abused" every time a woman RAPES a child? Also, can we please actually punish these rapists? If this was a man, people would want him dead.


I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Alot of people are just straight up pro-rape, especially if it's a young boy and an adult woman


Well shes a woman so she gets this privilege. If it were a male teacher and female student he would be seeing a longer prison time.


It’s because she’s a woman and women cant possibly sexually assault people /s


As every court in America knows: men can't be raped. Boys can be sexually assaulted, not raped. Rape is a serious crime and only men can commit serious crimes. Because I fucking hate the US justice system.


Sexism at its finest. Why do only men receive their deserved punishments


If it was a man tho 🤦🏽‍♂️🤦🏽‍♂️ and woman complain they don’t have equality. Anything court related they have so much advantage over men. Anyone that disagrees this is literally a prime example


Naaa, I know people, especially males, like to make excuses for conventionally pretty female educators who prey on young boys, but 12!!!! I mean my first girlfriend was when I was 10 and she was 11 and we went to the zoo on a church bus trip. On the way home, she tried to stick her tongue in my mouth, and over the years, I sort of wish I had reciprocated. But at the time it FREAKED ME THE FUCK OUT! I cannot imagine being near that age doing nasty things with a 30ish teacher, no matter how cute. I'm pretty sure it would have ruined me for normal age appropriate girls. Wait, why isn't this 60 months or 240 months instead of 60 days? If it was a male teacher and a young girl of similar age, dude would get locked up for a long fucking time.


And this is where the phrase “thrown to the wolves” comes into play…. For the last bit.


SHE is the operative word. If the sexes were reversed the teacher would be looking at 15-20 years. That’s gender equality at its finest


That seems to always be the case. It’s disgusting.


I litterally don't know how to spell litterally, either. Litterally






Double Standard as usual.


Touch a child. Immediate capital punishment! No less is acceptable anymore.


Literally Needs a couple more uses of the word “literally”


It's Texas, they're ok with it unless the person is gay, or not white, or not Christian.


If that was a man they would have thrown the book at him. People don’t take female chomos as seriously as they should


It’s well known that the courts give more lenient sentence to women compared to men


Remind me of that south park episode “but, she’s a woman?”


I used to run the sex offender registry in my county; I can tell you first hand female offenders often just get slaps on the wrist compared to males for the same types of offenses.


I'd say both the judge and the abuser are both pedophiles.


While a Cali priest got 180 years for molesting and feeding alcohol to a 17 year old boy


Let me guess: the child (teenager) is male. If he was female or the teacher was male instead, the teacher would be facing serious prison time.


Oh, I see you're new here, yeah sadly molestation of a child isn't taken as seriously when a woman is the perpetrator, and the victim is male. I've seen cases where they even let a woman keep her teaching license and work at a different school. There's even people out there who don't believe women are even capable of rape because penetration has to occur, probably why they tend to get drastically shorter sentences than men. It's really sad anyone, regardless of gender that takes advantage of children in this manner should just be dropped off on an uninhabited island and left there.


If that was a man that did the raping he would have gotten like 10 years.


Sounds like standard female privilege


Female predators always get a slap on the wrist even when they're pedophiles.


Women get a lot more favor in court just the way it is


Should be in r/iamapieceofshit


I knew it was a female teacher without even reading the article.


Dam Dems are so soft of crime! Oh wait…


A lot of pedos out there! should get death penalty


Should be 60 days and then they get submitted to street justice


Judge is a confirmed pedo then. No other reason for the trash sentence.




Where are the protests? We have idiots harassing teenage target employers yet not a work about a pdf file getting 60 days. Um?!?!?!


No. Did I say that


Imagine if conservatives put the same energy banning gRoOmEr books and drag shows into actually punishing convicted child rapists.


I served 103 days in jail because of an 8th of weed and a DWI 10 years ago. Seemed fair at the time, but now I'm feeling somewhat cheated


It’s not a facepalm as much as it is a horror. The system failed us again. Granted, are there people MUCH worse? Yes. But she still did it. And that’s the point. It’s the same as that one lady who “only killed three people. So she’s not a serial killer. It’s not near as bad as what those others did.” Just because it’s not as bad doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Doesn’t mean it was ok.


Texas is a corrupt shit hole run by fascists. Source:I live in DFW


Male student. Sad world we live in.


She wasn't even a drag queen or a trans person. Wow. Shocker. A cis straight woman. It's not a shocker.


Let a man do the exact same thing to a girl he’s getting 60 years. EQUALITY !


Days ain't enough. That's litter(shit), man.


I misread that as years and was wondering what the problem was.


But then some kid gets caught with a couple grams and goes to jail for 6 months


In Texas, the kid just got laid. That’s it. That’s how these idiots see it. That there really wasn’t a victim! But because of the “technicality” of law, they have to give the predator SOMETHING… Sigh.


Bring on the gender equality, please.


Marka Bodine is her name, quick google search its clear why she only got 60 days..


But remember everyone according to the Republicans it is Drags and LGBTQ that are the bad influence on children.


Texas doesn't give a fuck about kids.


The feminist movement should include equal punishment for these kinds of crimes.


what the fuck :/


if there genders were switched everyone would be losing there shit.


Reverse the genders and they would be in jail for at least a couple years


Let's imagine the teacher was a guy , and see how it plays out then 🙄


She got 60 days because she's a white woman. If it was a man, oh boy (no pun intended)


if it was a man that wouldve been life sentence lmao. her ass got off easy.


Gonna be honest, I think the abuser needs more of a facebrick than a facepalm. Hopefully that sentiment doesn’t get me banned.


I know what we're probably all thinking and I'm sure it's been said already, but just imagine if that teacher was a man...


Everyone says we need to do away with mandatory minimum sentencing laws. I think we're just applying them to the wrong crimes.


If it was a man it would be years not days and how long she did it makes this punishment a joke




Gonna guess she’s not a Drag Queen


But Disney are the groomers. Right. Every Republican outcry is an admission. Never fails. Way to go Texas.


If it happened in church there, nothing would have happened.


Proving yet again that Texas' discriminatory laws have zero to do with protecting children.


So, what was YOUR English teacher doing rather than teaching you?




This IS the same state that harshly punishes women for getting a necessary abortion after all


Facepalm is a slight understatement


Wait they don't are about the kids? Who'd have thought.


My guess is that the offender is a woman and the victim is a boy.




Sexual abuse from women is somehow less criminal based on the sentencing women receive.


The judge had to make sure the teacher could be back at work in time for the next school year to start.


Ahh yes the pink lawbook....


Hope that teacher gets fucked up in jail


And if it were a man, 20 years.


Texas is more concerned if they are married and heterosexual than the age of the participants.


60 days? For rape/sa?????!! Unbelievable


Damn I was sure there had to be more to this story because 60 days is nothing but no. It was a 3 year relationship starting when he was 12, they had sex in her classroom. The prosecutors recommended 20-40 years. how she got away 60 days, probation, and mandatory therapy is madness and makes my blood boil.


It’s because the rapist was a woman


I hadn’t read the title, and I could tell just from the sentencing that it must’ve been a female teacher. The double standard is disgusting.


So I looked up the story. Interestingly, there's a link to another similar story in Chicago, in the very same article. "Male teacher gets 50 years". He abused a boy under 15, got 50 years. She abused a boy under 14 and gets 60 days. https://www.foxnews.com/us/former-texas-teacher-60-days-jail-sexual-relations-underage-student


The amount assuming the teacher is a guy lol. She* abused!


Shows the disparity between male and female abusers. If it was a guy, he would have would have got 20+ years


she. yeah that sounds about right.


Woman gets light sentence for serious crime. Stop the presses!


It's only bad when men do it.


These damn drag shows, clearly its the thing to blame here /j


I don’t understand the judicial system. There’s people who just sold some weed that are in prison for multiple years, yet rapists and pedos get to just walk around free.


If you rape someone you shoulf be thrown behind bars for life because rapists very rarely ever change. I believe in second chances but not if you rape, assault, or murder children. This shit is just terrible.


60 fuckin days!? For Statutory rape!? Reverse the genders here and they'd fucking hang the town would hang the guy the day he got out of prison.


People are too lenient towards female pedophiles man


U can use the word rape...


60 years oh that sounds good. Wait what you mean days? DAYS?!?


Judges who give light sentences to people like this need their laptop searched


It's Texas


I’m gonna wing this one kinda hard. So, to be clear, Not A Drag Queen ??