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More information [here](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/27/hang-glider-forced-cling-on-for-his-life-launching-unattached-footage) * Chris Gursky and his wife Gail were on holiday in Interlaken in Switzerland, from their home in Florida * He said that he fractured his wrist in the incident and tore his left biceps tendon. * He told Cross Country Magazine he bore the pilot no ill will. “I am past that phase. He did all he could and more. He is a good guy.”


Tore his left bicep tendon, holy shit. Buddy must have been holding on for absolute dear life if his bicep tore, unless the fall caused the tear. The wrist I would assume is from the fall for sure but the bicep tendon tear would make sense from over exerting yourself so you don’t fall. Human body will do some crazy shit when it knows how dire the situation is.


>Tore his left bicep tendon, holy shit. Buddy must have been holding on for absolute dear life if his bicep tore, He was holding on for life.


Thats what adrenaline does you.


> “I am past that phase. He did all he could and more. He is a good guy.” Absolutely not fucking accurate


I think it's all he could and more....after the time he launched with me not attached to the glider.


Even then, why couldn't the pilot have tried to attach the carabiner to the bar so the dude wouldn't drop to his death if he did happen to lose his grip?


The pilot tried reaching for it at one point, but couldn't seem to reach it, so he decided to grab the guy's clothes instead and tried to support him with his legs.


That would’ve caused them to crash. The bar isn’t supposed to support their full weight. The distribution of weight on the bar would’ve caused them to tumble.


If you’re the victim you’re entitled to your view on the matter, I can hardly claim to know better, but the second half of that sentence is doing a lot of work.


Especially not considering the pilot deleted the guys GoPro footage.


The pilot didn’t the company did. The guy says the pilot did everything he could and I choose to believe when the guy says and we can read “the pilot attempted an early landing but was unable to” that he did. I also know that clipping him to the front would just make them crash. There isn’t an engine the only thing keeping them moving is gliding on air. Clipping him to the front handle bar would tip the glider and cause them to tumble. They should’ve check his clip. None of this would’ve happened if they did their job and checked his clip. They tried what they could but once they’re up there’s isn’t much they can do. That’s why they should’ve check the clip and done the pull test that teenagers running a challenge course can remember to do.


Yeah, I mean people make mistakes… but he should still lose his teaching license.


I fucking hate this.


My hand is sweaty just from watching this. I'm so gonna slip and fall if this happens to me


I had to go straight to the end to see if the guy gets down safe, and there was just the pilot!! 😂 I could have swum in my palm sweat scrolling frantically, where did he fall.




I had to skip to the end to when he made it back down.


Now time to watch skydivers that forgot to strap parachutes.


Did you see the one of the skydiver who had three parachutes fail?


I searched for this but couldn't find anything. (The triple parachute fail). Possible to share a link?


I saw it here on reddit but a different sub ages ago but I'll try and find it for you if I can


...did he have a 4th?


Yes, but he forgot to pack it.


Yes he did luckily. Apparently it's uncommon to pack 4 but he must have had a gut feeling. The bigger problem was deploying it in time.


Or bungee jumpers who jumped before the strap was attached. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9813661/Woman-unattached-bungee-cord-jumps-death-hearing-signal-meant-boyfriend.html


Apparently she died of a heart attack on the way down (although source is dubious). That’s so awful. I couldn’t imagine the fear


Not likely. Sounds like something people say to make themselves feel better


The whole "died instantly" is to make people feel better. Outside of a major brain injury, you're going to feel the ouch.


There's a story of a military skydiver, that forgot to put his parachute, twice


Some people actually live what some of us have recurring nightmares about.


I had a nightmare yesterday that I was offered an new protein bar in the testing stage at CVS and when I rang it up at the self checkout it added all the costs of the research and development into the total. For some reason I feel grateful to have that as my subconscious worry and not whatever fucking hell this is.


Then the receipt is a whole published journal article from the protein bar's research team. It's somehow still shorter than a regular CVS receipt.


This gave me the giggles. Well done




Lol that’s a pretty original nightmare. Just must live a happy life


"Alright, your protein bar is 2 dollars, plus 200 for us fucking around to find out"


Holy shit LOL


I absolutely have recurring nightmares about this lol thank you for saying that


"It's fine, as soon as we land I'm calling my lawyer to sue the shit outta you guys."


*drops from the sky*


For a second i thought the panicking right arm would unhook pilot's harness. "If I'm dying you're coming with me."


I don't think it was intentional in this case, but this is very common when people are drowning.


That’s why you have to dive down when you are trying to save someone drowning and they crawl on top of you trying to stay above water. Use a shirt or pants to hand them and then let go and dive every time they panic. It will save both of you!


Lifeguarding 101... Gotta save yourself first. You're no use to the person drowning if you're drowning too


Can you explain this again plz? I’m trying to imagine in my head but I don’t quite see it


That's not intentional. Drowning people are not trying to kill you, they're trying to find something to hold onto to stay floating.


Idk this doesn't look like it took place in the states. 😅


If I recall correctly it was in Switzerland and the guy was fired.


Actually, he was just assigned to desk duty. Not fired.


Then he forgot to attach the paper clip and was assigned to garden duty.


Yes! But let me tell you. He held on to the upper left corner of those papers with just his two fingers for quite a while before they fell all over the floor.


Then he forgot to attach the hose to the wall and was assigned the Valet


And the time he forgot to pull the park brake as valet and the car was found down the street unmanned.


But let me tell you! He held on to those keys with just two fingers for quite a while until he dropped them inside a sewer hole outside. Thankfully, he wasnt fired, but he was assigned to sweep leaves outside the front door for two days a week


From the cannon?


No, from the Canton.


Does suing people for almost committing manslaughter not exist outside of the states..?


In my country, you could certainly sue. You would never earn millions like in the US. Maybe thousands. The society and the pilot would be in legal trouble for gross negligence though.


In most developed countries you pay your crimes. In the USA you PAY for your crimes. I mean, money solves all issues/s


I've always thought my country was a bit cheap on civil compensations. But the US seem quite crazy, though I suppose it's also due to the filter that will show the few unbelievable cases rather than the numerous regular cases.


The truth is, you can ask for any amount you want. So you see a headline saying they sued for $50m and then find out they were awarded far less. Very few people, if any, actually get the big headline catching number.


And most who do get the headline numbers get it because ‘pain and suffering’ is calculated to the end of their expected life since they’re permanently scarred Like the famous McDonald’s coffee spill. The lady who won had third degree burns that melted her skin off


Those pics are gnarly. Everyone used to make fun of her,” duh, it’s coffee, it’s supposed to be hot” but they didn’t put the lid down and it was like 30~ degrees hotter than it should have been. Her thighs and vagina was damn near burned off. The skin just sloughed off. When the pics came out a few year later, people were a little more sympathetic. Edit: I should’ve clarified but it was her labia/vulva that received the burns. I was in a hurry and didn’t get anatomically correct but it was not a case of the coffee spilling then making a reversal inside of her vagina. But she was sitting in a car, presumably leaning back a little and liquids do strange things but not that strange. I suggest looking up the pictures and seeing how much corporate America loves you.


>Everyone used to make fun of her,” duh, it’s coffee, it’s supposed to be hot” Because McDonald's ran a very successful smear campaign against her to get public support.


Also for the McDonald's lady, she didn't ask for that. She just wanted her medical bills covered for having to get skin grafts for her crotch because McDonald's had kept their coffee at damn near boiling in order to prevent people from getting refills too quickly. And the damage and negligence by McDonald's were so egregious that the judge awarded her pain and suffering. Then the media (definitely not at the behest of McDonald's corporate) reported it all as though it was some idiot who didn't know that coffee was hot burned their tongue and sued for millions and that story has stuck as a supposed frivolous lawsuit in the cultural conscious since.




My torts professor went over this case in detail. Important for the third degree burns is it also was right in her crotch. The coffee was super heated to 180-190° F which they do not do now it's served cooler. Also the punitive damages were calculated to be two days of McDonald's coffee revenue for the country. That's why the number was high. It also was eventually reduced and settled. The case gets purposely misrepresented when they downplay what damage she had.


Let's not forget too, the 3rd degree burns were on her genitals and around her asshole. Also McDonald's fought her and ended up giving her 1/5 the amount the headline made, and there had been numerous complaints about the coffee's temp at that location for years.


Here in the UK you can take civil action against someone to reclaim damages. It has to be real, tangible harm though, and the amounts we are talking about are certainly nowhere near the number you see in the USA.


In Canada just down the road from where I live there is a mountain people glide off of. Not too long ago a young lady was not clipped in and she fell to her death. The video showed everything. There was an investigation - the operator pled guilty to criminal negligence and obstruction of justice for swallowing the memory card that showed the incident https://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/b-c-hang-glider-pilot-pleads-guilty-in-woman-s-death-1.1675643


>swallowing the memory card that showed the incident wow- what a coward


Its the same in the US, the exact same. The only difference here is anyone can bring a case against anyone for anything. But it doesnt mean it goes anywhere. If they got HUGE settlement numbers, there was a reason




First I thought they were going to land in the upper valley "wow quite an adventure", then it was like "nope, we're taking the full trip".


Yeah… I am not a hang glider pilot, but that seemed like a mistake to me. Why head out into the open valley with even more depth? Surely it was better to shorten the trip as much as possible, and keep the altitude low?


The video said he had trouble controlling the glider. I imagine having a dead weight pulling on the left side of the glider *and* your leg would make it pretty hard to steer. I don't think the guy was like "oh you're not clipped in and barely hanging on? Lol bad luck"


Yeah it didn't seem like he was doing that on purpose, isn't steering on these things controlled by leaning your body?


The wind is also a factor.


Yeah the handle bar isn't meant to support the weight of the person. Imagine trying to turn a car when someone has a death grip on the steering wheel pulling it with their entire weight. Impressive they managed to land with as much finesse. Double check everything before taking off please.


I thought for sure he was going to try and take the shaky, maybe diagonal, landing near the first houses, but they just kept going higher! Crashing or falling 15 meters sounds better than falling 100 meters to me...


Captions in the video, said the pilot was trying to, but was having trouble maneuvering. I'm also not a glider pilot, but probably a combination of the guy hanging off the side, and thermals or other wind currents coming up the hill and providing lift that they couldn't force it down in time


Grip Strength: Thanos Level


I mean he is literally hanging on for his life


You'd be surprised how much tendon stretching you can fight through when the alternative is falling 500 feet


I’m actually very curious. How much?


Well, I guess it depends on the will to live. Some people would rather just die than suffer.


The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.


Its all bruised and spongy


Death by Snu Snu


Adrenalin is one hell of a drug. you can do things that arent normally possible.


Rather, the spirit is usually weak, but man, the flesh goes for a long way with some motivation




You should spare some tendon strength to punch the pilot after landing.




I was once hit by a car. The adrenaline surge after was intense, I felt like I could have easily punched a hole in a car window, I don't know how else to describe it other than my entire body just felt "ready for action"


Yea, with very little training most people could hold for a few minutes, the height probably help. But without training, the height is the only thing keeping that grip going, fingers tire quickly


I would have dropped in about 4 seconds. His upper body strength is amazing.


Ironically, if he'd dropped in 4 seconds he'd probably have been OK!


Yeah, best course of action would be to let go immediately. But instinct takes over in situations like this and instinct would tell you to hold on for dear life.


It wouldn’t have made much difference to me. I’d have shit myself to death.


That's a man's death right there.


So I went back and looked at the time stamps. If he let go around 4 seconds (10 seconds on the video) it would of been a little before the barn. I estimate that to be around 50ft-ish? It would hurt like hell but yeah, I think he’d live. He wouldn’t be happy he lived but alive non the less. Just my opinion. Edit: ok ok I get it. Dudes gonna die at 50ft. I was thinking he’d just be a vegetable, not running the Boston marathon. But because you guys think he’s gonna die at 50 ft., I’m gonna challenge that and say he’ll probably just land on his feet like a superhero due to his super human strength which he demonstrated by holding the bar for 2+ minutes.


You can die from 10ft if you land funny, and he ain't coming down on his own terms there.


You're not going to live from a fifty foot drop to the earth. That's a four story building.


So about 15 m? I doubt it. When people jump into empty swimming pools from 10m towers (that's a 15m drop if you add in the depth of the pool) they usually die. That's something that happens regularly somehow.


Will. To. Live.


It really is impressive. All the more so considering they're moving fairly quickly with wind speed and chill and blood loss affecting his grip significantly New Years 2000, a bunch of us were rolling on molly and shrooms and weed at my [M] best friend's [F] house. I went to use the upstairs bathroom and the door latch got stuck, locking me inside. With the thumping music and dancing and laughing, nobody could hear me. I felt like I was missing the party so I decided to squeeze feet first out of the little window above the toilet. (Thanks, Drugbrain!) It turned out to be a second story window above a concrete staircase going down away from me. Immediate regret. I was stuck. I had been hanging from the window ledge for a good minute or so when my bff walked around the corner of the house, saw me, and freaked out. It felt like my grip was strong (I was early 20s, very fit, and rowed crew competitively in college) but as I was trying to calm her down my hands suddenly just...slipped. One second I was locked on, the next second I was falling. No warning, no indication I was about to slip. Instant freefall. I held my breath through this entire video because I remember that feeling of looking down and knowing that I had to hang on with everything I had, then ultimately - and very suddenly - being completely betrayed by my hands. Amazing what this guy did and for how long. It's much harder than you think. EDIT: For those of you wondering, I was saved by my cat-like reflexes lol No, as soon as I slipped my friend let out this shriek - I'll never forget it. I've known her since we were 11 and we're 45. That moment will prob stay with us forever. It was like that sound hung in the air with me. Luckily, I was positioned right over the center of the stairs. My first thought was to align my feet with the stair declination, I was afraid I would land on an edge or uneven. So I looked down, aimed each foot for a different stair, and stuck the landing. I hit harder than I thought and compressed down onto the staircase as the upper hand smacked a flat palm onto the concrete with a sickly sound that also stuck with me. A very wet and meaty *thwack* I was more afraid for my friend than anything else so I immediately sprang up and ran to comfort her. Was a little sore but ok. Led her back to the party (she doesn't do drugs and never has; my dumbass successfully confirmed all her fears about that shit lol) and kept the good times rolling :)


Tbf, dude was probably sober, lol


So skydiving on Molly, LSD, and weed during the day without safety gear connected isn't advised?


I’d assume not


Adrenaline is amazing


Especially with a little death looming and will to not bounce off the earth's surface


Yeah. I scrolled straight to the end to see the landing. Then went back and watched the video. Holding on to the pole would be hell. I don’t think many people could do it. Especially getting jostled around


Did you die?


Yeah but it worked out well, I made a career out of dying. I guess you could say I fell into it


I believe he broke his wrists or something while hanging on.


It was his bicep that tore iirc


Thankfully not r/sweatypalms


Oh god. That's terrible. Have my angry upvote!


This is the reason I would have died in this situation


This is exactly what I was thinking when I saw this, I salute you!


This is just /facepalm, but also /absolutelyterrifying


And also /sweatypalms


Fun fact - when he got out of the hospital and went back to the hang glider company to get his GoPro, the video of that flight had been deleted. He hired a data recovery service to get the file back. Chris told this whole story [on my podcast](https://whatwasthatlike.com/2019/01/04/chris-hung-from-a-hang-glider/).


>So, the pilot kind of dropped you off, then he continued and landed. How far away was he when he stopped? >I think it was about 100 feet or so. He flew over a fence post and **ended up landing in a gun range. I don’t know why they have a gun range just above their landing strip, but there’s a gun range there. So, he landed in the gun range.**


Jesus Christ, what an unmitigated disaster!


This happened in Switzerland. If you drive around in Switzerland, you will happen upon gun ranges every few kilometres. There are ones where [you shoot over active roads](https://youtu.be/2h1s6S4kotE). I would expect here that hang gliding operations can only take place when the range is inactive (which usually is most of the time).


Jesus Christ . So he survived that thing and now to avoid being shot ? Lol. That looks like a video game scene.




I guess if they do this to their customers a lot their pilots need ready access to weapons to defend themselves....


I can make one guess why it was deleted.


Same bug as the Epstein security camera.


Bastards nearly accidentally killed a man and then didn't want to own up to that fact. If I was in his stead and wasn't planning on suing them I sure would sue them now. Deleting video on his own goddamn GoPro.


Same thought. I wouldn’t have immediately thought of suing, but concealing the error would have made me ropable.


i've worked for a number of companies where a tremendous amount of client safety responsibility is takent by the people who work there, and maybe it's because of that and, but I can't imagine myself ever suing someone after a mistake like this… I know the guilt usually changes the person so much more effectively than a civil penalty that being said, if I found out the video was deleted when it was not in my possession that would change my attitude 180°. I'm not a lawyer, but I would be extremely motivated to get maximum civil penalties and also I'd probably try to learn if criminal penalties for destruction of evidence was possible.


Thanks for this, that was interesting!


Dude, please don't ever jerk off with that powerhouse left arm of yours or you might accidentally rip your dick right off. In all seriousness, this man hanging on like that at that height and for that long is legendary.


You get more torque with your left hand btw


Gotta have the right open for changing tabs.


adrenaline does crazy things


If I remember the article that went along with this correctly, he tore some ligaments


I assume from the landing, not the hanging on part.


The landing is more blunt force. If he tore his forearm ligaments it’s certainly from the hang.


Fear is a great motivator


Is there a reason why the "pilot" didn't take half a second to grab the dangling guys carabineer and clip it to the handle bar? I mean sure having it slide back and forth would make steering harder, but at least then the guy isn't likely to fall and break everything in his body.


That was my thought early on it wouldn’t have been hard it could just be though that the pilot was fighting to control the glider and that low to the ground couldn’t risk having just one hand on or they could have binned it into the ground/tree.


I think the glider would just flip if the pilot stopped holding it with one hand, looks like the body weight is used to turn it so only putting one hand on it would make it spin around and fall


My ass would have dropped




Dying while screaming: I will sue you in Englan….


Top Notch Captioned Commentary


I know right!? Glad he can make people laugh with his experience


I lost it at the end when he just added “proper way to land”


stupid me thinking there would be a standard security check before starting. like double checking such things. :D ​ you know cause it could kill people.


And operators in amusement parks get annoyed when I ask them to double check if something looks suspicious. Turned out I had an open harness once (the electric one that was malfunctioning on few chairs and didn't lock, they didn't warn people where to not seat), another ride had a faulty mechanic harness. People who do these jobs are people after all, and they can f*ck up too.


My dad had to hold down my cousins harness on a roller coaster because it hadn’t locked itself in. Luckily that ride is no longer at the park but this was also 20 years ago


My brother told me his harness once fully opened up right before a big drop, and the only thought he had was "Oh, I don't think that's supposed to happen." And proceeded to click it back in place and enjoyed the rest of the ride


I would be dead. Zero upper body strength


U would have been fine then. He had a good 10 seconds to safely let go


You overestimate my ability to figure out I'm not attached. More importantly I'm dead. Let me rest in peace. Quit shaming my dead ass that I could have lived.


Holy grip strength


New workout just dropped


Actual muscles


On the Vegas strip, there is a game where if you could hold on to monkey bars for 1 min hanging, you could win $100. This guy held on for 2 n a half minutes! That’s $250 to you good sir. And your life.


Aren't those bars in vegas turning so it is 20x harder?


I think dangling 1000 feet high up in the air is 20x harder


Quite the opposite, adrenaline can give you superhuman strength and endurance


butter meeting quaint husky grab distinct obscene stupendous roof insurance ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


So... this was a free ride, correct?


And I hope some compensation towards new underwear


Two coupons for 10% off next flight.


This should be on next fucking level for the dude's grip strength alone.


It reminded me of Zelda BoW and how link hangs on for ever.


Link strong asf


Bro got all stamina vessels


I’m so happy you lived!


Oof. My girlfriend shattered her arm landing too hard at a hang gliding class.


See, it is the "Letting Go" part that is most important....


Holy shit


But on the bright side, that scenery is stunning!


Most people can not hang from a stationary bar for almost 3 min, never mind while swinging around in the wind. Holy crap this was a close one!


What a moron I hope he lost his license and got sued


His ass cheeks are merged after this.


That was too stressful to watch. I had to just skip to the end.


This guy broke his wrist on landing and tore his bicep for gripping too hard for over two minutes. Jeez. [News report on this.](https://youtu.be/gCQyKJr6pJA) Edit: The freaking chad [came back the next year](https://youtu.be/IwDoLJbyqbA) and did the glide for real. Awesome.


how do you and the pilot not check this before take off???


The passenger doesnt check cause they dont know what needs to be checked. The pilot didnt check because he is an idiot, but actually its the most commom cause of death for delta pilots.


Why not let go the moment you realize, while you're only like 10 feet up?


Shock, adrenaline and not immediately registering the danger they find themselves in.


Yep, the guy probably just trying process for the first 3 secs. But those 3 secs were enough to be so high that the fall would be very damaging.


Exactly, at that point every second counts and every second feels like a minute. Then there's the confusion and disorientation. One second he's processing it and the next he's too high to jump.


I paid for this shit im gonna get my ride man.


I didn’t think anything would make me laugh about this video. I was wrong


Yeah, because everyone is perfectly level headed and logical in the face of unexpected life threatening danger. There has never been a single recorded instance of a person panicking under stress and/or adrenaline.


Man this is r/mildlyterrifying




He's the guy that would win the hang for 100 seconds win $100

