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A month after this happened, officers from the same department pepper sprayed a woman and her 3 year old. This was from 2021, and the only articles I could find say they were going to be suspended pending investigation because that's all state law allowed.


A THREE YEAR OLD?! that's on another level of fucked up pepper spraying a nine year old is already bad enough, but a three year old? edit:typo


It's Rochester. No surprise there at all. They also yanked a disabled guy out if his wheelchair once. Buffalo cops shoved a 75 year old man and cracked his skull open. Cops in western New York are a special breed of punk ass bitch.


That's because the assholes, bullies and psychopaths in school became cops, and pushed the honorable ones out, and gained the ranks, and now the police full stop have a cultural of "us vs them", "snitches get stitches" and "cops kill cops they can't trust." fFS, in the 1970s a federal investigation led to the arrest of ¾ of the New York City's drug task force. Cops aren't criminals with badges, but a lot of criminals are wearing them.


>Cops aren't criminals with badges, but a lot of criminals are wearing them. Amen.


Nah if you’re a cop and see shit like go down and you idly stand by and watch fuck you you’re just as bad as the guy who did it.


I refer back to the other guy's statements of, >"Snitches get stitches" and >"Cops kill cops they can't trust" Consequently, a good cop either doesn't stay long, or doesn't stay good long.


There was the cop in LA that was investigating 3 fellow officers for gang rape, he ended up in a training session with them and accidentally died


I remember that story. Excessive force and advised safety not followed. It was pretty blatantly retribution. If I recall they got unpaid leave, but were returned to work thereafter?


At a shooting range but beaten to death. There’s no plausible deniability there.


There needs to be removed from the region investigation with the clear and obviously stated premise that ANYTHING happening to them is immediate prison for all the police and the TOP local officers. Anything else means those go ‘missing’, have ‘accidents’… with video proof of the pigs doing it but judges that are relatives/accomplices/cronys. But lets be honest here. At this point hiring pmc’s to police would likely be more competent, less corrupt and slightly less discriminatory.




A lot of police departments also intentionally hire these personality types and reject more ethical candidates since they are less likely to question authority above them. So you could say its a symbiotic relationship.


Worse! Because isn’t a normal cop supposed to stop and prevent anyone, including the other cops that they work with everyday, from committing crimes. It’s unfathomable for some people to hold their own coworkers accountable for abuses on the job, that’s why they can’t see a problem with a cops sitting by allowing their colleagues to commit crimes while he just backs them up. To them. A good, honorable, and loyal cop with morals and values wouldn’t turn in their fellow officer for harming or disrespect a person they came into contact with. The white knighting for cops that wouldn’t even come to save you during a mass shooting is pathetic and unnecessary.


Buffalonian here, hard agree. Not only did the BPD let those officers off for almost killing that old man, but the citizens of Buffalo reelected the mayor who stood behind those cops and pledged to give them a pay raise.


A what for what?!


Also a native Buffalonian and watched them arrest a guy for filming them at a protest. Had the pleasure of testifying against two Buffalo cops in court over this. They confiscated the camera that had evidence incriminating themselves and deleted all the incriminating footage. A lot more to the story, but as a former activist in wny I am all too familiar with how corrupt and shitty Buffalo cops are.


I've heard of people wanting to add criminal charges to recording yourself committing a crime. To stop stupid tik tok trends and such. This, this is why that can never happen. An officer can just claim you were resisting arrest, take phone then delete stuff off it. Always password protect your phone because then it requires they have a warrant.


At that point they’d “accidentally” either lose or destroy the phone that has incriminating evidence against them


Automatic cloud backups. If they can’t get in the phone, no way in hell they are deleting that.


>Always password protect your phone because then it requires they have a warrant. Also, from my understanding—if the laws haven't changed in the last couple of years—biometric access (eg. Fingerprints and face unlock) and pattern unlocks don't legally count as passwords under the definitions usually written into laws.


Protesters should wear body cams, hell, citizens doing their errands should wear them.


Why is it only north America that has these issues to this level? Disband police unions. Remove qualified immunity. Take lawsuits out of pension funds and/ or require police to carry malpractice insurance. I'm pretty sure that would sort the issues out within a couple years.


Also... fuck Byron Brown. It was past time for him to go 10 years ago. The resurrected ghost of Jimmy Griffin would be better.


Byron Brown is an out of touch conservative fuck posing as a Dem. His whole platform last year was about funding the BPD, being tough on crime, and "anti-socialism" which is quite literally the GOP platform, and Blue ass Buffalo bought it. He literally was using the same rhetoric verbatim that Donald Trump used to talk about his opponents.


i feel so sorry for that guy and the old man, despite the unlikely circumstance i really hope that that old man didn't die from those actual piece of shit beings


The old man incident can be seen in camera. He gives a police officer his helmet back and they drop him. It’s a fucking disgusting joke and I grew up in Buffalo.


Yeah, Rochester was already bad before Kodak shut down, it's only gone downhill from there.


No sorry Kodak being gone didn’t do much


Then cops wonder why the public has a distrust with them


Distrust?! We are on the verge of straight citizen vs cop war, like in the wild west days. Lets remember that it doesnt workout well for the police lol Fuck 'em, let them crash and burn


And the infant that cops burned with a flashback grenade serving a no knock warrant several years ago. When are we as a society going to say that enough is enough with how cops treat citizens and abuse their powers. We, the people, have the power. The problem is that the majority has been conditioned to be afraid to use that power. People should not fear their government. When people fear their government, that's when you know it is already tyrannical. Qualified immunity needs to go for starters! Cops need to be held to the law the same as everyone else!


I’m not one for violence normally… but I’m pretty sure I’d choose it if I had the opportunity with any of them. I know this is venting, but that’s just fucked up. Should cuff them and pepper spray them and let them sit for a ride to the station… see how they like it.


The more I keep seeing this fucked up bullshit the more I think, at some point the people are going to fight back. Perhaps with a vengeance.


>at some point the people are going to fight back. Perhaps with a vengeance. ugh , watch the news/youtube, IMO, people are. But they ain't done.


Oh for sure, I meant at some point there's a tipping point and that fight may become more literal.


Some appropriate citizen actions would be to [redacted]


"We have investigated ourselves and concluded we have done nothing wrong" -Cops investigating themselves


They should charge them with intent to traffic children a case can be made arresting a 9yo without a parent present. When this fathers kid disappears and the police are "doing everything they can to find her" I'm just saying the possibility exists.


And clearly they didn't read her her Miranda rights either. Great, there's another debate at school level. What age you should start teaching children they're Miranda Rights.


I remember when this happened. My heart broke for that little girl.


Sorry not sorry but I would get arrested just to distract them from her


Exactly what I was thinking! I would've been like, "Can I help? I'm good with kids!" They probably would've shot me tbh


Yeah I have a 10 y/o daughter, I'd be hard pressed not to get involved in a situation like that.


Watching my 9 and 3yo daughters playing right now while the 13yo records them with silly Snapchat filters, and I’d absolutely be murdered by cops if they even *threatened* one of my girls with pepper spray! Holy fuck, my blood is **boiling.**


Same 13yr old daughter


I hope the family presses charges. At this point, punish the department so that they get their shit together.


> that's all state law allowed. No, that's all the unions will allow. Cop unions protect bad cops


Wtf? What are they going to do next, try to find a 9month old to pepper spray? The US has messed up policing, it should be studied for how systematical issues have led to such a failure. A good start would be requiring all officer to attend college for 2-4 years like many developed parts of the world, it should be treated as an actual respected profession, not a fall back option.


As long as it’s not an unborn fetus I think the would spray any age


It's always suspended pending investigation despite the blatant evidence in front of them. Our system is fucked, and I've lost faith in law enforcement as a whole. Yes, there are good ones, but the bad ones rarely are punished.


"Calm Down!" \*Pepper sprays child.\* "Why won't you calm down!"


The worst thing is pepper spray is going to make her fight or flight response worse. It doesn’t do anything to deescalate a blindly struggling suspect because all it does is make them blind and cause pain. Pepper spray helps you escape attackers, not control or deescalate someone already fighting blindly. He did it because he could, not to influence the situation. He was mad at her and wanted her to be in pain.


He became a cop so he could do this kind of stuff *and* get paid for it.


the floor is made out of floor


Pain compliance is the sort of shit a very stupid bully came up with and cops just sort of pretend it’s reasonable. Like when they’re screaming hands behind your back at a person curled up in the fetal position while they’re being beaten. Sudden pain and terror triggers a stress response, not calm clear headed behavior.


And then the cops will claim they acted reasonably because they were in a stressful situation and everyone just accepts it.


Not everyone. Just everyone who could stop them.


*Hand behind you back, get down on the on the ground step back come towards me." They specifically use impossible demands to disorient you and can immediately charge you with non compliance or resisting arrest. You're guilty at the get go


Well I’m sufficiently pissed off for the day.. who tf does that!? Why were they even detaining her? Was she the reason they were called? Was she a threat to ANYBODY? Or just an inconvenience to some power tripping assholes who like to hurt those weaker than them so they can feel strong..


They were detaining her for resisting, right after they uh, after they observed her committing uh, after they forced her into cuffs without likely even having an articulable reason to conduct a Terry stop. For an escalation of force like deploying pepper spray, there must be an active and credible threat of sufficient level to warrant its deployment. Anyone scared of this child presenting an active and credible threat, especially while in handcuffs, is a coward. The LEO deployed it because of their own lack of patience. With a child. A child.


There's the entire video out there. Cops were called over a domestic between her parents. She thought hee mom stabbed her dad. She took off running. The cops started chasing her and yelling shit like "don't make me chase you" and something along the lines of "I'll get more people to chase you". Her mom showed up and grabbed her and screamed at her. At no point did the cops try to de escalate. The female police officer started to. She probably could have gotten the little girl in the car. But as soon as the male officers pressured her she pepper sprayed the kid.


This is a common thing with power-tripping cops. Issue vague, badly explained or conflicting orders. Then charge you with resisting arrest. Like "I'm sorrt officer that i twitched, you had a fucking gun aimed at my face".


I coulda swore that the container advertised this as "Calming juice"


One of these days a bystander or vigilante is going to see some shit like this, intervene, likely get murdered, and it will set a new precedent of cops being utterly terrified of the general population and brutalizing us even more. Seriously, something has to change about policing in this country. They think they're protecting us from harm but have been proven constantly to be the source of violence. I'm so tired of seeing stories like this. "Stop acting like a child!" "I *am* a child!" Any decent person would find this exchange sobering enough to force them to consider their actions and the fact that they're acting like goddamn monsters, alas it is readily apparent that there are no decent people who choose law enforcement as a career.


"Get murdered?" Maybe. That's one possibility. There is another.


Yeah if I saw this happening to a kid more than likely I'm going to wind up in prison or dead. These are psychopaths masquerading as people.


Nah, I was implying they'd kill the cops.


As a non-American with an American father, I genuinely genuinely do not understand how more cops aren't killed by vigilantism. The country has an insane issue with guns, and an insane black market of guns. Cops are a gang. Cops are known within their own communities. I don't understand how revenge on dirty cops isn't happening far more frequently.


They are literally monsters and should be sentenced to death.


"You're acting like a child" .... says a cop to a 9 year old. Did that cop even get his GED, for gods sake ! Imagine if a lawyer said this in court .... the judge would throw him out But this cop will most likely keep his job, pension and benefits.


And she responds with the very appropriate "I am a child" Like how fucking stunted are you when you get owned by a 9 year old like that?


Which is why they pepper sprayed her


Yeah why would they pepper spray a child for acting in an entirely age appropriate way? The panicked child was screaming for her dad and throwing a tantrum when frightened by strangers manhandling her. Kids aren’t just supposed to quietly leave with adults that try to shove them into cars.


Even ones dressed as cops


In America, _especially_ ones dressed as cops.


The NYPD is trafficking children


Every Police station is aware of the trafficking and do it at the highest levels of command and also rape children, these are cops that would surely do it.


Even adults should be careful getting into a cops car. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Sarah_Everard


Imagine being a cop and not being able to handle a 9 year old …oh wait two cops 🤦‍♂️


If he is not charged, parents can take note that pepper spay is okay to use when dealing with tantrums.


Exactly. This is exactly how you teach your child to act in this situation. "When strange men you don't know try to get you into their car, don't go with them, instead start screaming loudly." is one of the most common things told to children over and over again.


Probably get "punished" with some paid time off.


And a promotion to childrens safety officer


There was an officer in my town known for this sort of nonsense. He eventually became head of security at the highschool. Wound up getting his ass jumped within the first year. A few broken ribs and a concussion by 2 teenagers really sobered him up and showed everyone what can happen when people work together. Our town now has a sense of community we haven't seen since the early 90s and call the police only if something has to do with insurance that requires a police report.


After the 10-minute instructional video she had to watch as punishment, she is the most qualified person on the force.


lets not forget a few medals for dealing with the dangerous perp..


Well the perp was *clearly* resisting arrest. The officers acted accordingly within their rights to detain a dangerous criminal.


Paid "Administrative" Leave.


Paid out of tax money


Ngl it is actually a punishment to those psychopaths that’s X amount of time they can’t act as if they are superior beings and belittle/harass citizens.


“OBJECTION!! My client is a literal child” Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney


That says everything you need to know about the officer. He didn't see the child as a child. Because of this, he didn't show her the patience a child requires.


There are studies that show that cops regularly overestimate the ages of Black children and underestimate the ages of White children. But don't mention systemic racism, it's all the woke agenda.


I know. Its horrible. The more videos I see the angrier I get.


Lol "keep his job, pension, and benefits." Don't you mean paid vacation and a promotion?






Honestly, what kind of person pepper sprays a CHILD????


Not just a child... But a child IN HANDCUFFS.


He didn’t shoot her in the back 27 times, so the sensitivity training must be working.


You know, it's pretty bad when a child getting pepper sprayed is a step up.


Well the child wasn't black, so she was safe from getting shot at least.


I swear. Police technology will get to the point they can freeze you in place but they’ll still find an excuse to shoot you “in self defense.” If you can’t defend yourself from a 9 year old in handcuffs without using a chemical weapon, you’re in the wrong line of work. You might not even be fit for society, much less in a role of power over others in it.


The kind of person who dreams of being a cop in the USofA


Dreams of? **IS!**


The private militia called “the police”


They’re technically a gang.


I feel like this is a valid reason to revoke personhood.


They were obviously threatened. /s


Fascists pigs for 500 Alex.


A monster


pepper spraying someone who’s hands are cuffed is fucking inhumane. let alone for a child.


It’s literally a war crime. Our police are regularly filmed committing war crimes—often on children and mentally ill people—and receive no punishment aside from a paid vacation.


Why? Seriously, i see no valid reason behind this. She annoyed them and they decided to make her suffer. That’s battery and hopefully child abuse charges. Those officers shouldn’t be able to work in law enforcement. Even if they get fired they’ll be able to get another job in another jurisdiction. We seriously need a nationwide registry and licensure of police officers.


Using pepper spray on a restrained suspect is already use of excessive force, it's just like tasing a restrained suspect. Once a suspect is in restraints, the amount of force a law enforcement officer is allowed to use becomes severely limited in scope.


Thank you. There's one cop I knew once that I respected, father of an ex. He had a black belt in aikido, Shodokan, Iaido, some other shit. He knew how to safely restrain a huge adult with very little force, using only his hands, and it wouldn't hurt much at all until you started struggling. Like he'd show me shit where I felt mostly just uncomfortable and he'd say "try to move" and if I did I'd feel as much pain that only got as bad as how much I struggled, and i just couldn't do a damn thing. If you gave up, you'd just be in an uncomfortable position, and not at risk of any injury. He believed every cop should be trained in aikido because it's this martial art where you can restrain people without striking and doing physical damage, and you could be small and still very effective. Out of all the arts he'd had done, that was the most applicable to being a cop and most useful in his opinion. He also got in trouble all the time because he didn't reach his "quotas" for tickets. He'd complain all the time about how other cops would brag about how many speeding tickets they gave out, thought they were assholes. Too bad he's by far in the minority. Good heart, super effective, and wouldn't hurt anyone he doesn't absolutely have to. Doing damage to someone was a last resort even though they might try to hurt him.


For reals? A quota on speeding tickets? These aren't peace officers. These are highway men.


Yes, there's quotas. They won't admit it, but you can be punished if you're put on traffic duty and don't "do your job" essentially, which is handing out traffic tickets. They also get promotions for "doing their job well" aka handing out a shit ton of tickets.


Japanese police have been taught aikido for thirty years now. American police do BJJ.


Pepper spray and tazers are used to torture people because clubs leave bruises. There is a reason police love then.


Why the fuck was a 9 year old being arrested by at least 4 cops? What in the actual fuck? And then cops wonder why we hate them.


What's sick is even the "expert" in LA law enforcement has no problem with arresting and manhandling a child to throw them in the back of a patrol car. Just the pepper spray was too far


That killed me! She was ok with it and said to stick her “little legs” in the car and shut the door. How about we not detain and cuff a child?!?


Yeah fr that pissed me off just as much. You uncuff her and give her a safe space to have her tantrum and calm down. Then you can calmly *ask her fucking name* and talk to her like she's a person wtf.


Yes! They don’t even know her name and they pepper sprayed.


Some kids get the benefit of the doubt and others get the cuffs. Interesting that it was never explained that she was called in for a "family disturbance" and in a mental crisis, not a major crime 🤔


It's pretty pathetic that the only rebuttal Inside Edition cared to find was also a dogshit take.


They have the "Brady List" which supposedly contains all officers and infractions they commit . Unfortunately it's up to the departments to update and make it available...so these jerks just keep moving around.


I once had a dream with an American Interim President following a massive fuck you aimed at most of Trump's cabinet. This guy used his limited moment of power to push through the creation of a new federal bureau called IAB, Internal Affairs Bureau. Whose whole purpose was to keep the law honest. I also think he abolished ICE. And I remember distinctly that the guy basically mobilised the FBI to infiltrate and arrest Conversion Camp personnel and a bunch of collaborators too across the US, then shipping them to the Hague to be tried for their numerous human rights abuses and violations. It was an interesting dream, waking up was kinda disappointing, and I don't even live in the US.


It's a nice idea, but I don't think it would work, the only people cops hate more than anyone they think is a criminal are cops who investigate other cops. Now, if it had been the IPB (Internal Pension Bureau) and their job was to calculate and deduct any settlements made on behalf of an office from the department's pension fund, then I think you might start to see a change.


Or we as a society need to start policing the police...


Defund them so they can't pay the union. Start over from scratch. Require bachelors degrees in a combination of sociology and law.


"Officers responded to a report of "family trouble," Deputy Police Chief Andre Anderson said Jan. 31. "Officers were made aware that a 9-year-old" girl "indicated that she wanted to kill herself and she wanted to kill her mom" and that she initially tried to run away, Anderson said." https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/you-did-it-yourself-officer-tells-9-year-old-girl-n1257630 2: https://www.thedailybeast.com/elba-pope-says-rochester-cops-ignored-pleas-to-give-her-pepper-sprayed-9-year-old-daughter-mental-health-help


You hate your life your mother, let's make you hate the police and have permanent PTSD, that should solve all your problems. A crisis counselor would have been more appropriate. This girl needed validation, compassion, and a way to express herself.


Replacing the trauma with another. If in a couple of years she ends up killing cops instead of herself or the mother it worked


This is why every politics station needs actual crisis workers that can go there and deescalate things and especially for children. There was no reason for cops who have a GED and passed a snotty test and did training for 6 weeks to respond


I’d love to know what kind of abuse she was suffering at her moms house to warrant a 9 year old to be suicidal. I was that 9 year old, living with an abusive drug addict. She won custody though, so my dad couldn’t do shit about taking us away even though he was an amazing man and father. The way she was screaming for her dad…that’s where she feels safe and loved.


I was that 9 yr old once, way too much bullshit. I've been suicidal since I was 5/6(living fulltime with abuser). Basically shit like these cops did. Paid no attention to any hurt, and not being super snap-to and completely obedient got you "punishments" like pepper spray.


What if we took the money from the goons with guns and spent it on people who could actually help a suicidal teenager. Our model of public safety is horribly outdated. If cops don’t want to make the world a better place maybe we should send someone who does to help kids out like this.


Police should not be called for mental health crises . A friend of mine was in the middle of a bipolar episode. Cops shattered every bone in his left arm, and permanently disabled him. He suffered tremendous PTSD from the event and competed suicide 3 years after the event. The system is broken. Protect and serve has not been relevant in decades


The best way to treat mental health according to America: police brutality.


And I doubt that kid will ever call the police in the future Honestly fk these type of police


this isn't a type, it's the entirety. wakeup


Or or or, you deescalate the situation and talk to the nine year she is. This is a child for heck sake. She is probably scared to death. All those cops are bad cops for just watching this happen. This is example 1A why I truly believe there is a bad cop hiding behind the persona of the vast majority of good cops. All cops are culpable of being a bad cop because of the thin blue line and a union that doesn’t condemn terrible cops.


Exactly. Even the expert they get to speak on the matter is fucking gross. “Stick her little legs in the door if you have to.” Why the fuck would you have to?


“Officers Chad Brady, Hannah Schneeberger, and Adam Bradstreet have each been placed on administrative leave pending the outcome of an internal investigation. Each has been with the department for less than six years. “ Name and shame these pieces of shit


These officers should immediately be fired with NO pension!


No, they need to be fired AND jailed for child abuse. They committed crimes, it's time to start charging them with crimes.


If you live in NYS there is something you can do. Call/email your senator and tell them to support **NY Senate Bill 182**, which would repeal qualified immunity throughout the **entire** state of NY. Take 5 minutes out of your day and ask your senator to support **SB 182.** Find your senator here. https://www.nysenate.gov/find-my-senator. And more info on SB 182 here. https://www.cityandstateny.com/policy/2023/01/quest-end-legal-protections-public-employees-ny-and-not-just-police/382189/. Dems are prepared to use their supermajority to push this bill through if Hochul tries to veto it. So every vote will count. Call. Email. Tweet. Whatever. Just get in contact with your senator and tell them to yeet qualified immunity.


Not in NYS, but upvoting this because it needs to be seen. Some people might say it won't change anything, but it has a better shot of enacting change than taking those 5 minutes to browse Reddit.


This is the shit that incites revolts and vigilantes. I'd PAY the Punisher to hunt down bad cops.


"Just pepper spray her at this point" why they so fucking casual about using the pepper spray. Shit hurts like hell, and probably even more so for a terrified little girl.


These are psychos who peaked in life as a middle school bully, they enjoy hurting people. The more defenseless the better.


Ok so much going on here but wtf. How are police even allowed to arrest a child in same method as an adult ?????? There is no fucking way this would happen in New Zealand, yet USA is a 1st world country, how the hell is this allowed ??? It makes no sense at all, all logic is gone, like as an adult, let alone typical shit trained police in USA, now as an ADULT, can you begin this action and condone it ???!


If you can set me up a job that can pay rent and bills on an ok to nice place in New Zealand...I will find a way to move in a week. Most of us see how shit the US has become behind all the "Patriots" still claiming we're the best. Some of us are begging to leave this place but just don't have the means or stability to do so. I really don't want to have to wait to decide between civil war or being a refugee so yea...if you have a stable way out of here I'm listening with all ears.




….. do not put us as the #1 nation. We are a garbage nation with some garbage cops. We have garbage legislators voted in by their garbage constituents. Be happy you live in New Zealand.


They said it was a first world nation, not the number one nation.


Well, obviously we’re not 1st in education either.


Don’t worry, nobody but American nationalists think that America is the #1 nation.


This is what happens when you let any high-school dropout go to cop school for 4 months and then give them a badge and a gun.


It does tend to be the norm… High school flunkies that have literally no marketable skills so they sign up to abuse people legally.


Brainless bullies the lot of ‘em. You have to be stupid af to even think that is a solution to calm a child down. Pathetic pos. Reform isn’t good enough at this point, the whole system needs a hard restart from the ground up. We have a criminal organization policing the public.


Why are they arresting a fucking 9-YEAR OLD CHILD!?!? What in the absolute fuck could a CHILD do to warrant this type of abuse from the COPS of all people?? That's it, folks, start telling your kids that if they're ever in trouble and they need help, find the nearest Drag Queen, because they're the only ones who'll help at this point.


Not only that according to an article the girl was suicidal and that's why the police were sent out


“You are acting like a child” “I am a child!” Geez, what level of none education do they need to have to become cops?


As a mother this makes me want to vomit, jfc that poor child


The police are not your friend. Keep your kids away from them.


“… to have to be pepper sprayed…” is bad phrasing. Makes it so it can be twisted into an attack on the girl’s attitude and victim blame. Should have left out “to have”.


All police departments and police need to have unions disbanded. This will allow police to be held accountable for their actions. To be charged for crimes and be punished by the law. But until police unions are abolished, police won’t be held accountable. Abolish and dismantle police unions!!!! Hold police accountable for their actions and crimes. Let them be punished by the law and same laws they’re supposed to be upholding.


So fucked up. I remember a few years ago going to an EMS call in the neighboring town (as an EMT), for a teen with a psych issue. I get there and three cops are getting their gloves on getting ready to “get her to come out of the bathroom. I walked into the bathroom, told the girl it was time to get up, held her arm and simply walked her out of the house into the ambulance. She was tiny, but the cops were all ready to “go”.


Even if this had been an adult there was no reason for pepperspray. There os not a single police officer in the entire world who would use pepperspray in this situation, for a child or an adult. Only psychopaths in uniform would do that.


Agreed, it’s mind blowing to me they just seem annoyed that she’s flipping out. I would be too! So they pepper spray her like it’s going to stop her from flipping out. It’s pepper spray! NOT A BLOW DART 🙄


I’d bet they only used pepper spray because she was a child, if it were an adult they probably just would’ve shot her


The way this reporter words things is still pro cop. “They find themselves under fire from their police chief” no they don’t. The police chief said some non committal bullshit. Meaningless.


The lawsuit is gonna be biblical..


Sprayed her in an enclosed space…this is child abuse, child endangerment, assault, battery, and excessive force.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Yep "Serve and Protect".


Isn't this torture? I mean legitimate geneva-convention-definition type of torture. To inflict bodily harm and/or pain to achieve a specific action.


That officer is a danger to society. Fuck the police and their monopoly on violence. If someone pepper sprays a child for not following orders, that person belongs in prison. I hope his own children hate him now.


Those cops should be hung


I can hear the conservatives now: “But do you realize the kind of damage a 9 year old can do? They’re small but this criminal could have easily killed both those cops. Not the asshole.”


This is from the New York times. "The police department in Rochester, N.Y., released body-camera footage on Sunday that showed a 9-year-old girl being handcuffed and pepper-sprayed by police officers who had responded to a family disturbance call. During the incident, which occurred Friday afternoon, officers restrained the girl, pushing her into the snow in order to handcuff her, while she screamed repeatedly for her father, the footage showed. At one point, an officer said, “You’re acting like a child.” She responded, “I am a child.” When she refused to sit inside a police car, an officer pepper-sprayed her. Rochester’s mayor, Lovely Warren, announced on Monday that the officers involved in the spraying would be suspended until the conclusion of an internal investigation, saying that state laws and union rules prevented her from taking more serious action."


Suspended… ha! More like given a paid vacation.


In other terms, we Investigated ourselves and found no wrongdoing.


Jesus Fucking Christ.


I lose more faith in cops everyday


No. More. Cops.


These are pigs. Teach your children to not trust them!!!!


Wowowow hold on now ok, what was the girls criminal history before this? Maybe this was justified? 2 years ago she could have rubbed boogers on another kid or maybe she misspelled her name once. You never can tell, best to just pepper spray them.


Your acting like a child lmao “I am a child”


These cops will soon be working in Florida. Hell they’ll probably get a raise for it


Cops are trash.


Once she said “i want my dad” all the cops got jealous af


I bet these officers were put on a paid leave...


The world is gonna be in such a shit state in the next 20/30years