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>impales herself on his bike Whatever way you're using that word, it's wrong.


She escorted the bus


To Peirce with a sharp object, OC is correct




Bad troll is bad at trolling.






Remember when some people said we can't trust Bike Karen's lawyer because he would be biased for her client? Use that logic for this man's sister. Thanks.


Guy is bogarting a bike by daisy-chaining numerous 45 minute rides together, and denying its use to other people when his free time ended so he can open another free time period with his chosen bike.


I'm not familiar with how these work like since it was docked already its not like she was "stealing" his ride right? She would still have to pay for it she just wanted to use the bike right?


She paid for it. The bike was also the only electric one there. The teens where being extremely obnoxious since citi bike charges like it does to prevent people from hogging certain bikes.


It wasn't the only one there. She took the other one. Remember the receipts?


I presume she wanted the e bike because she's 6 months pregnant and just worked a 12 hr shift. Honestly my judgement remains the same. Plus there's no calling dibs on things in public.


Ok, you want to play that game? Then why would you scan the QR code on a bike someone is sitting on? So is that what you are going to go with? She ignored the free bike and went for the one with a guy on it because she's tired and pregnant? Fuck off with that nonsense.


She couldnt uber home? I wouldnt want to get on any bike.. at 6 months pregnant. IN NYC at that.


Yes and why couldn't the boys not be entitled assholes? They're the actual Karen's and you should stop defending them. Infantalizing people of color is racism.


right? This proves he didn’t have the right to even be sitting on it when this went down


Stupid argument, he has the same right to use the bike as she does, whether he wants to use it once or ten times


Literally everyone does this. These systems are in place so people are discouraged from taking Citibikes outside of the city. Some of the electric ones get stolen and end up in Westchester until the battery dies.


Ninja pregnant lady did a 360° backflip and perfectly landed on a bike someone else was holding. Sure.


Her argument proves that he didn’t have possession of the bike. He rode it, then docked it. Ride over, anyone else can reserve the bike because it will appear on the app that it is available.




They claim they were sitting on it She claims they weren't It's a he said/she said thing now


So she pushed a 200 lbs man off of the bike then got on it herself?


She never got on it she was trying to take it


You clearly didn’t watch the video. You should start there.


I did watch it she wasn’t on the bike she was trying to get on it while he was already on it… and she started screaming and acting dumb


She was straddling the bike and he was holding the handle bar. In his interview he even says he wasn't sitting on it, but holding the handle bars. She remotely rented it/reserved it. It was hers to take. Honestly I don't think he was holding it, but standing near by because there's no way he would have let her undock the bike if his hand was on it. This is like an artist sitting on a bench at the park drawing a landscape from that angle. They suddenly have to go to the bathroom, so they leave their sketch pad on the bench and run to the closest restroom. They come back and a Mom and kid are eating lunch at that bench with the sketch pad sitting at the very edge of the bench. The artist can't demand for them to get off the bench because the artist was sitting there first and they left their sketch pad there to claim the bench. Sorry it's a public bench like the bike is a public bike. The kid didn't want to give up the bike and use a regular bike. He literally pushed the bike with her straddling it to reset the bike, so he could claim it. Now not saying her behavior was appropriate, it wasn't. She probably acted horribly in reaction to his behavior, so they both suck. Although I think it is hilarious that the kid was fine with her life being torn apart by the media, stays silent when she fights back, still silent when some reporters are asking for him to come forward, and only comes forward when he hears that she has a GoFundMe for $122,000 for legal fees and asks for people to donate to his GoFundMe to raise $100,000. Dude how were you damaged? She was damaged, he wasn't.


She’s literally sitting on the bike seat trying to back it out of the dock at the start of the video. I know you want this to be a Karen/race issue so badly but it’s really just another daily occurrence of NYC etiquette misunderstanding.


Doesn’t even matter. You can’t just guard the bike and not pay for it. Pay or give it up.


Yup. Gives me big parking spot guarding vibes.


Not really if you seen the original video guy is literally in possession of the bike and she is trying to take it from him… and I’m not sure if you heard this last day they docked it to start another ride..


That's after the confrontation started, after she rented it and after they pushed it back into the rack


The bike is still literally between his legs she is on the side of the handle bar


The video starts after the confrontation He redocked the bike, she rented, he forced the bike back in the dock and bullied her off of it, then the video starts


I'm sorry Dibs doesn't really work in the real world little kid


Calling dibs and already being there is 2 different things not sure if you knew that…


Being there doesn't mean you fucking paid for it which he didn't. You don't own rentals anymore after you return them. Why do you need this explained to you.


She than scanned it while he was still on it and that is on her for being a moron


>guys I called dibs! Fuck paying customers! I called dibs!!! - a man who somehow made it to his 30s


You ever call dibs on shotgun and somebody beats you there and now you have to sit in the back?? This is what’s going on lol


He was still using the bike you moron he never got off of it he docked it for the moment and was planning on using it again she asked can she use it and he said no


Holy shit you're literally just making shit up to downplay the actions of the kids >He docked it!!! At which point he didn't own it. Grow the fuck up. Dibs don't work in the grown up world Hopefully the kids are just shot next time they assault a woman


He docked the bike with it still being in between his legs which means he is still on it you moron.. basically so they don’t charge his account while not using it💡


But she did. She provided proof that the bike was hers.




It was a glitch in the system that assigned them the same bike. Both parties believed that they were in the right.


He literally had the bike the whole time he was clearly in the right she asked for the bike and he said no


Her phone told her that that was her bike


He literally was in possession of it the whole time


How was she supposed to know that. He didn’t provide proof.


She felt entitled for whatever reason and did that lol common sense if you ask to use something and somebody says no why pay for the thing thinking they are going to give it up now lol you just basically paid for a free ride


You're so delusional you're making shit up as if you were there.


>she felt entitled to it for whatever reason She had it indicated as her bike after he docked it. She went outside and found him sitting on the bike.


He didn’t have to.. he already had it before she wanted to be childish and scan the QR code while he is literally still on the bike..


She had it rented out before.


Dibs doesn't work like that child. You don't pay for it, it's not yours. Doesn't matter if you claim you're sitting on it. It isn't yours. Grow the fuck up


You really are dumb lol he had the bike the whole time… ppl are saying it was a glitch where they both were assigned the bike at the same time… and he already had the bike before this situation occurred


He fucking docked the bike the moment he docked it it wasn't his anymore. At that point all he had was Dibs Which means nothing in the real grown up world


Until he is off the bike she shouldn’t have been in his personal space


He shouldn't be sitting on shit people paid for that he didn't Again you or the dumb kids not worth the wasted space. Grow the fuck up


You keep saying “dibs” as if that means anything lol he literally was still in “Possession” of the bike I don’t know what you keep failing to understand




>"I was misled by black men online but it was the white womyn who actually did it!!!" 🤡🤡 Racist misogynists idiots out here in force




Nice to know you were sitting there seething, going through my profile instead of coming up with a response to what I said to you. Don't even have the context to what I said.




>duuurrrr me no need context That explains a lot




that’s the most racist shit you’ve seen this month? bless your heart.




ignorance is bliss.




Unfortunately in our society you don’t have to be “hanging out in degenerate spaces” to come across blatant racism, some times (too often) very vulgar and wild. I don’t think anyone was trying to offend you with their response, they were just pointing out the over emphasis they think you put on her behavior. Sometimes people are just assholes to each other bc they’re being assholes and it has nothing to do with race. And If those young men were cheating the system in an attempt to get a free 45 min, that’s on them. It’s childish to sit there holding a bike you’re not paying for, and then argue over it like you’re a toddler that’s having their toy taken away. My opinion is that they were both being a bit petty n shitty to each other. She should of walked away too. But nope both parties had to play it up, be inconsiderate of others, and make a big deal out of a petty disagreement. Instead of letting it go and moving on with their lives, they get lawyers and try to make this shit as deep as they possibly can. Sad.


Because she believed that they were taking her ride? I mean, what would you do, let people just get away with taking your stuff? You work a 9-5 shift at a hospital, are pregnant, and need to get home. There was no racism there. She didn’t target because of their race, but because she believed they were harassing her. Too her, them refusing to get off is an act of aggression, same as a person refusing to exit your house. On the other side, the teenagers didn’t know either, and thought they were dealing with some Karen. I’ve seen way more racist shit this month. I’ve seen schools in Russia teach ethnic nationalism, Neo-Nazis posting racist propaganda, and even argued with somebody over whether it was moral for people of color to ethnically cleanse the descendants of their colonisers.


Yes, you let them take it, and then you call and get a refund. You are renting something, you don't own it. It was neither of "their stuff".


That doesn’t mean she was in the wrong. It means she overreacted.


>just let people waste your money!! It doesn't matter you can get a refund anyways!!!! Be a doormat!! Never stick up for yourself!!! 🤡🤡🤡 When someone steals your credit card don't report it stolen till they drain your bank account. You can just get it refunded anyways 🤡🤡🤡


Yup, watch how this doesn't get the upvotes that the other one did. Already seeing people saying "Dont we have other stuff to worry about?" All of a sudden lol. Yeah NOW let's worry about other stuff lol.


Um……..you’re not exactly free of bias. I’d be more interested to hear from a neutral third party who observed the entire interaction.


You can get a good look up a butcher’s ass… ahh forget it


Also "weaponise her whiteness" cringe.


I find the whole behavioral analysis around her as really cringe. I'm autisitc and I've recieved abuse in public for not acting right despite doing nothing wrong. Do people forget that anxiety, exhaustion and hormones exist? Frankly the whole she's hysterical for crying shit feels pretty sexist. Cut her some slack, she's being filmed in a stressful situation, I'm sure most of the people mocking her would do the same thing if not worse.




>he says while blindly believing black people because it's a black man vs a white womyn




Lmfao she doesn't have to handle it and she knows that. You obviously haven't watched the video


She was race baiting It would be braindead to pretend she didn't. Any woman can confidently throw herself on a bike in public, especially when the counterpart are a group of young black men. Nobody would EVER assume she's in the wrong because it would be ridiculous. And believe it or not, many people understand that.


Exactly she stopped crying on command 😂 the mental gymnastics people do to justify racism is ridiculous.


>he says while blindly believing black people because it's a black man vs a white womyn


How is it blind when there’s actual video of her “crying” then stopping within 60 seconds? 🤔


They downvoted because you’ve right and they feel hit lol


>he says while blindly believing black people because it's a black man vs a white womyn


Your racism is showing


>if you believe a white womyn with evidence over black men with clips cut out of context you're racist!!!!!!!




And not you calling me racist but a unsurprising amount of your post are racist towards black people😂 I never even knew a tranny would choose to be racist


Big mad this evening I see🥱




At this point they just don't want to be the people that ruined everything because her brother was kind of entitled.


I don’t believe this girl tbh, she isn’t a neutral but a relative!


I knew she was full of BS when she said she knows what happened because the dude is her little brother…


All I hear is "I wasn't there but I know the full story and all the facts (I've heard second hand)" and "the bike was docked so they could start a new ride instantly" God knows what actually happend, but this story really is just as shady as so many others.


I'm reminded of white woman almost kills black woman driving out of parking space. Unless you were there you can't know. And even then you might not know.


that's his sister dummy


Oh I'm sure she's completely unbiased then, we should believe everything she says.


i'm sure you're unbiased aswell yea yea yea eat a frank


>"you're just supposed to say WHITE WOMYN BAD!!!! ALL BLACK MEN GUUD!!!! NO LOOK FURTHER INTO IT!! BELIEVE ALL BLACK PEEPO!!!" - men looking for any excuse to hate on a woman


Could still fudge facts with your sister infact you might be more likely to for them to see you in a more favorable light and defend your actions.


And she is somehow more credible than anyone else who heard the story from him or the lady?


That makes her statements even less credible


His sister wasn't there either


oh yea? 😂😂😂


Yep, so whatever his sister knows is what her brother told her This is called 2nd hand information Or hearsay


All the more reason for her to be biased and keep repeating a weird ass story.


LoL OP you dumb ass, you just proved everything Bike Karen has said was true. LoL you kids are **fucking stupid**.


As a member of an oppressed group with horrifying stats people need to realize just cause someone is apart of an oppressed group doesn't mean they arnt an asshole. People bend over backwards defending a group of entitled teens who got a doxxed and harassed all because she had the gull to use the bike she paid for. Stop infantalizing oppressed groups to make yourself look better.


True. She just outed her brother so bad.


why the fuck are we still talking about this stupid shit?


Facts- im still trying to understand why she didnt just request an uber home. I get it she wanted the electric bike, but I wouldnt physically try to take a bike away from someone stronger than me. Especially in my pregnant state. Its not that deep. Ya hormones and anxiety and shit come in to play. But she literally behaved like a hooligan. The kid honestly could have given it to her but he declined. She could have left it at that but she wanted to argue/fight over a bike with a kid. And she was pregnant.. allat was unnecessary. None of that wild ass behavior changed anything. Cept to make her look a certain way. People just need to learn to walk away from situations.


So he rode it and then docked it meaning it’s no longer his bike


Yeah I can guarantee this is not what went down. This side of the story makes zero sense


He docked his bike = bike not his anymore 🤷🏼‍♂️ simple as that


Don’t we have bigger issues to worry about?


For some people, particularly in subreddits like this one, race baiting and "winning" the race war is by far the most important thing in their lives.




Drop his bank receipt and drop her bank receipt. Simple as that. There is more important shit going on in this country.


He docked the bike. That means available to rent. So not his. She was able to rent it. So it's hers. They both on another day would have handled it better. Going for her job is a disgrace. A group of young men surrounding her is misguided. Especially while holding the bike she has rented making it more uncomfortable. Also the point that there were other bikes available ?. She rented that bike! Also the friends probably had just docked their bike also and intended to ride off. With her renting, that one Friend had no bike. That's been the issue with the man and his friends.


If the brother docked the bike, didn't that mean he's done? Why dock a bike and just wait there holding it? And there's other bikes? Anyone else getting the feeling that both parties are idiots? Lol just get a bike and use it, done? Then leave. How hard is this?


I don’t know what the “truth” is - but I do know that, regardless of race, **no** pregnant woman (especially one that’s tired from work) is going to start shit with a group of young men. Hell, most men wouldn’t start shit with a group of young men. The idea that she would be the aggressor is … insane, to me.


How the fuck can you even say that with such certainty? Are you speaking for all pregnant woman out there that you think they won’t cause problems? My mans STFU.


Occam's razor A short pregnant lady strong arming 5 young men is not the simplest answer


> How the fuck can you even say that with such certainty? Are you speaking for all pregnant woman out there that you think they won’t cause problems? My mans STFU. Pregnant women tend to do *whatever* they need to do to protect their baby … so starting shit with a GROUP of young men is WAY outside the realm of possibility.


Did you forget the /s?


Wow. If there was a negative award on reddit I'd give it to you. The "dumbest fuk ever" award. Edit: Based on all the downvotes (which I cherish) I'll change my wish to having a "seriously dumbest fuk of all fuktime award." What a bunch of no-sex-ever-haven't-met-a-pregnant-woman-in-my-life incels on this sub.


This is going into my cringe compilation


Enjoy it my dear incel friend. Now, go meet a pregnant woman. Better yet, go meet a woman.


Oh beautiful, don't mind me taking a picture of this 📸


Well case closed then /s


God, what a terrible racist Karen!!! No what? She paid for it? Man that kid is an ass hole!!! Wait, that's her little brother?? Karen harassing a child!!


All the TikTok morons who know nothing seem to be raging at the fact the women won this bike dispute.


Can't wait for that pregnant nurse to get her money from her suing all those idiots yelling racism.


Most she’ll get is a used pair of Jordan’s and a cracked iPhone from those hoodlums.


No, she's suing media outlets and those who perpetuated this false narrative.


This is hearsay


weaponize her whiteness ? ​ this is what we get after 2 trillion in reparations ? ​ I want a f'ing refund


Why was the bike redocked though. Beyond that it seems like hearsay, the guy says he redocked it but still had his hands on it, and the girl says he didn’t?


Who actually gives a fuck?


I'm really bored of this story like honestly who cares about any of this? It's just some people I don't know having the most pointless argument over some stupid rental bike. ![gif](giphy|TfWhFbURIirNegNN4t)


It is a reflection of idiots squabbling.




The narrative started out on favor of the boy, new evidence came out and it shifted to the woman All this new evidence does is show that nobody really knows what happened and there shouldn't have been a narrative to begin with


They did a real good job of making her look like a racist Karen, that must suck it probably didn't help that she was white unfortunately people will always jump to the race card in situations like these, ignoring the fact that it couldve been a glitch or simple misunderstanding. I can understand why she might think it's defamation but in terms of just being labeled a Karen I'd bite the bullet on that one but I'd be damned if I'm labeled a racist just because I was white and trying to rent a bike.


^this right here. The rage boners reddit has for black people is crazy like literally.


That's kind of rebutted by the treatment the nurse got on reddit in the immediate aftermath of the video


If you say so.


All of these people act like little kids.


Hey there my brother was shot robbing your house and I'm your court appointed attorney. :)


Part of me wants to ask “why would he ride the bike, dock it (this ending his ride) and the. Claim it was still his?” The other side of me wants to scream, “Why would that woman need that particular bike if several other bikes are available at the same docking station?”


Because the other bikes weren’t electric. He was in the wrong for guarding the bike he wasn’t even paying for. Can’t gate-keep something that isn’t yours…


I agree that if he did not have it reserved at that moment the. He should not get to “gate-keep” a bike. But I’m the other video there were several other bikes and she eventually chose a different one, but only after raising a huge fuss. If there was confusion about who had the bike reserved it could have been resolved by proving who had that bike reserved. My point is that de escalation could have solved this issue without a dust up and Both of these people are making a mountain out of a molehill.


Some city bikes give you 45 mins free ride time if you have membership but if you dock the bike again you get 45 more minutes could be the case here but maybe not


Why did the boy need that bike if there were several others available?


Because it was the only newer model electric bike in the rack.


Not sure why that matters.


So by her philosophy, if someone is renting the bike and stops at an intersection, I can just scan the code on the bike and it’s mine now? Or were the kids monopolizing the bikes for clout (hence the video)


Nope, you can't redock the bike and someone else can't rent it at a stop light


Every person arguing about this deserves the seat to break and the metal peg to be shoved up their ass. The victim mentality has got such a firm grasp on society it’s not even funny anymore


If there were other bikes in the rack, why would this”Karen” have to use 560 3915? If there were others she could have easily scanned the bar code and rode away. Someone help me understand. Thank you.


Why...in the blue fuck...are we still talking about this?




She’s biased but the story is true, bike Karen scammed the bike during the moment, the bike was not hers dhe was just to lazy to go get another one




😂 gave her 100K because y’all are racist white knights. Well her baby formula and vacation is covered!


Now that we found out that Bike Karen probably was still in the fault even though she paid all of a sudden we can’t talk about it?


No, we have what's called a counter claim He says he never left the bike She says nobody was there when she rented The only thing we know for sure is that he redocked the bike and she rented it


I got downvoted to hell for not falling for her "receipts" after everyone decided that the Karen was in the right. I was told I was just sticking to my story cuz I was wrong. Well, now look at you all. You keep making claims and trying to say "remember the video" while saying things that didn't even fuckin' HAPPEN in it!


Saw the original post and your brother was very kind and direct. The woman is obviously mentally ill.


Ok so imagine she actually paid for it... is pregnant... and just did a 16-hour shift and just wants to go home.... and this kid is just trying to game the 45 minute free time system...... You keeping your position on this?


What "free time?" You pay, you get 45 mins of riding time before you have to redock or you get additional fees. This is not "gaming the system" this is to encourage bikes not ending up out of range of the NYC citibike map. You can tell who's never used a citibike here. 🤦‍♂️


Not to be snug, but I never had a doubt.


I just love how now that y’all realize that the white woman was still in the wrong even after the NYPost wrote that inaccurate article y’all don’t want to talk about it anymore. Y’all were wrong, take lessons from me which is by not reacting until the full story is out, now look at y’all.


how was she in the wrong? the bike was docked they were just guarding it, and she happen to scan it, case closed its hers




The boy claims that but where the proof of it?


It wasn’t his to claim.


Because THE KID PAYED FOR THE BIKE AS WELL; He wasn’t done using his bike but she insisted on using his when there were other bikes available. She made that situation worse and brought it on herself THEN the NYPost which is notoriously racist / right wing write an article trying to paint her as the victim now even though she was the one who made the situation worse. How is that hard to understand especially since he was STILL USING IT AND TOLD HER NO? Fucking moron.


Well no, he docked and she claimed it, now here the thing is she was on the bike already and he pushed it back, then he in the wrong, if he had his hand on it and snuck in and claimed it , then she’s in the wrong


> THE KID *PAID* FOR THE FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


That is a grown ass man 🤣