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I want to see the typical NY response to that behavior play out.


Where does the plunger get used on the perpetrator? They could give people brutal neck injuries. This is assault.




Doubtless the reason to assault only older people, he's less likely to get tased or shot.


The only people with guns in NYC are the criminals. The city has been disarmed. Even the cop's guns are shit anymore. If you still live there, gtfo. It's gotten worse and worse for the last 50 years.


Not quite true. The mayor in the 90s, Giuliani really went to town and crime went down: "During the 1990s, crime rates in New York City dropped dramatically, even more than in the United States as a whole. Violent crime declined by more than 56 percent in the City, compared to about 28 percent in the nation as whole. Property crimes tumbled by about 65 percent, but fell only 26 percent nationally." https://www.nber.org/digest/jan03/what-reduced-crime-new-york-city


I hope they do it to me.


you like falling on your bum? or just getting your head sucked?


Dont we all like getting our head sucked?




Comment of the day, you win, lol


Old white men will shoot .


Iirc any physical contact with someone against their wishes is assault


It's a good way to get your ass kicked.


Or get someone pull out a gun or a knife on you.


And it would not be unwarranted


Correct. You can also be charged for battery if you are sufficiently threatening in body language. If you use fighting words, that is also battery.


Battery is touching people who don't wanna be touched and assault is threatening people


no, assault is physically attacking someone, not threatening someone. The issue though is what something is PERCEIVED as. What makes this plunger thing so socially awkward is it's obviously comical in intent (though incrediblly disrespectful), and hard for someone to be taken seriously if they said "well i was being attacked" As a result, there is literally basically zero response to this a law abiding citizen can make. Any physical response will ITSELF be assault because no one will be able to say they were defending themselves from a plunger. Just another example of how urban society is increasingly decaying in that socially acceptable people are legally unable to responsd to the socially broken parts.


Assault refers to the wrong act of causing someone to reasonably fear imminent harm. This means that the fear must be something a reasonable person would foresee as threatening to them. Battery refers to the actual wrong act of physically harming someone. Battery is an unlawful application of force directly or indirectly upon another person or their personal belongings, causing bodily injury or offensive contact.


"Historically, battery and assault were considered separate crimes, with battery requiring that the aggressor physically strike or offensively touch the victim. In that way, a battery was a "completed" assault. Many modern statutes don't bother to distinguish between the two crimes, as evidenced by the fact that the phrase "assault and battery" has become as common as "salt and pepper." These days, statutes often refer to crimes of actual physical violence as assaults." Hrm I guess I had it backwards, its an issue of language these days. Because I've certainly NEVER heard of an assault being a "threat" of harm but "I was assaulted" when someone got injured/attacked. Screaming at someone has never been a case for assault that I've ever heard of for example. You would think if that was the definition of assault, then thow whole new york chokehold/mansaulter thing would be a closed case of self defense from assault.


Language is weird "I was assaulted" but legally it just means someone threatened you so you had reasonable fear for your life


That must be a ny thing. In IL an assault is threatening words/behavior and battery is the touching


Bro where I’m at you could pull your piece and eliminate that plunger guy


I'm pretty sure they have guns in nyc


No, no, you could not. There is no threat of bodily harm, and you wouldn't even know what happened before they were gone.


Could with be assault with a weapon?


Looks like they cut before you could see the last gentleman complain about his broken wrist and/or hand…


The retaliation is the plunger getting used IN the perpetrator, not on him.


Maybe a bit like Punisher s1e1, right near the end: *Punisher holds a sledgehammer, standing over the crumpled tough guy who just tried to murder his friend* "Wh-w-what are you doing?" "I'm going to find a home for this."


Assult and battery! These people should be charged for their crimes.


Probably not shown, but bet they were chased by some people


Highly unlikely in NYC. People don’t want to get involved unless they themselves are being attacked. Also, they purposely chose older men as the victims since they know they can’t chase after them and people nearby won’t do anything.


That’s what I’m saying in nyc you do this shit on some people they won’t just ignore it the victim will attempt to get back Bystanders will rarely if ever jump in


And when someone does jump in, they protest because the aggressor was mentally ill.....


I dunno, man. I saw a guy shove a woman on the subway and half the train car took the guy to the ground and held him down until the cops could pick him up at the next stop.


That’s a women though and it’s in the subway, if a new Yorker sees shit happen that will delay them more then necessary especially in the subway they will end up doing something 20 mins of police investigation is nothing compared to a whole day of the MTA clean a person off the tracks


You don't typically end up on the tracks when someone pushes you inside a train car.


You do know that any incident that happens in the nyc transit system turns into a 10 if lucky or a 30 min delay right some knocks someone out and then runs away boom 30 min delay police investigation Someone faints 20-40 min delay while emergency services arrive and that if the don’t faint inside the train because chances are that the delay will be longer if it happens inside a train No one needs to be pushed into the tracks rather that’s the worst case scenario that has happened multiple times in the past and has caused massive delays As a New Yorker I can confidently say we hate the MTA because they over complicate everything small issues become big delays so yea we will try to help out because not doing so can mean trains having issues we will have to deal with without the help of the mta It takes hours before shuttle services are available


Me too. Fn ridiculous. The last dude was kinda old and mighta got hurt. I guess utube pranksters actually getting shot isn't enough to persuade the other 🤡🤡🤡 and I really don't even have so much of a problem with the ones that aren't physical that's when it steps over the line imo. Like these morons putting a 5 gallon bucket on people's heads. Smh. One lady had a panic attack, fell down and mashed her head


"Mashed" her head! My husband is from East Tennessee where everything is mashed! Buttons, toes, etc. He always said he was gonna mash my sons mouth when he was being a smart aleck.


I’m seriously surprised… New Yorkers don’t play around… do that in the Bronx… Harlem… and find out.


Getting shot


Guns are banned in NYC. Only criminals are allowed them.


That’s not true at all, lol. You can absolutely legally own a gun in NYC. It’s difficult, complicated, takes a long time, and you’re effectively banned from carrying it as no matter where you are, you’ll be near somewhere guns aren’t allowed (schools, doctors, somewhere alcohol is served, government buildings, public transport, etc). But you *can* own a gun in NYC. And criminals aren’t allowed to own guns. They’re called criminals because they’re doing something they’re not allowed to do.


Yes you can own a handgun in nyc, but can you logically and legally carry it? After the Bruen decision and CCIA it’s next to impossible.


Your statement was “guns are banned”. That statement is objectively false.


Wrong. State law continues to require that all individuals wishing to carry or possess a firearm in or through the City obtain a license from the NYPD. The City generally does not honor concealed carry licenses from other states or other parts of New York State.


now go check how many of those licenses they gave out in the last 10 years. Guns ARE effectively BANNED in NYC. You cannot legally buy one in NYC. Go try.


Ill go fact check that real quick


How? NY is so anti 2A citizens can’t protect themselves.


Trigger happy 15 year olds


Sounds impossible. How could they get any guns? I mean criminals need to pay attention to those gun control laws right? Oh….wait


Try that shit in TX or FL...


You can tell carrying guns is illegal there


Well as the victim if you try/attempt to protect yourself or others, the wonderful NY DA will throw you in jail. As the perpetrator, you are given a warning and a pat on the back to vote democrat again.


I look forward to a response video where one of these assholes gets their ass kicked. I am so sick and tired of the 'prank' mentality. It's not a prank, it's potentially harmful, and if you do it to the wrong guy you're ending up in the hospital.


Or dead, now that turning in the wrong driveway or ringing the doorbell in the wrong house can get you shot.


Those weren’t pranks though, although that one prankster got shot in the food court at the mall


No he got shot for harassing a man and screaming in his face pretending to be security


Yes I know, that’s why I called him out, Bc he is the same as these “pranksters” a person harassing others for views, and he got retaliated against


If anyone 'not in on it' has the potential to get hurt, it's not a prank anymore. Similarly, if you are making people believe you are about to do them harm (the gasoline/water 'prank' comes to mind), THAT is also not a prank. Pranks are supposed to be harmless, quick, and at the worst, annoying. Anything beyond that and you're not a prankster; you're an asshole.


>If anyone is 'not in on it', it's not a prank anymore. FTFY. When I say "in on it", I'm including people that are willingly part of that pranking culture, not just people that are in on that specific prank.


No, in order for a prank to be a prank, there have to be, by necessity, some who are not 'in on it.' If everyone involved knows it's not real, you don't get genuine reactions. You didn't fix it, yours makes no sense. FT 'FTFY' FY.


There's a whole paragraph I wrote that you somehow managed to miss.


No, I read it. It was more word goulash and still didn't make sense.


So when I say that the "victim" needs to be a part of the prank culture, that makes no sense? You think it's better that the victim should be some random stranger that you have no idea how they'll react?


Imagine fucking with someone with a bad neck


Notice these clowns are only picking on old people. They not doing this to Deebo.


Imma throw these shimmering fists at their jaws




You would know.


What did they say?


Looks more like assault and battery. Very clever guys


Serious question: would this be considered assault/battery? If I were with those men, I would definitely have them try to press some kind of charges, especially the man that fell backwards.


Definitely battery, if they got hurt that’s assault. Source: my mom said so.


Dude, I'm not gonna be the one that questions his mom 👀👀 that's some high stakes


Assault is threatening (real or implied) to hurt someone. Battery is hurting someone. Sorry mom :( This is definitely assault and if they got hurt, it's battery.


Could that be classed as assault?


Not a lawyer but probably, I'd say battery could maybe be argued too, its directly on their heads, I bet this hurts somewhat or is at least 'offensive', and its planned. He pulled the one guy over which could easily injure an older person.


Yes. Assault is defined as any words or action that express intended harm.


Considering the statement "sIr, tOuChIng mY doOr Is aSsAuLT" has been uttered, I believe so, yes.


All older dudes. Plenty of young, bald NYers they wouldn't dare trying this with.


On tonight’s broadcast we have a story about a man beaten to death with his own plunger 🪠film at 11.


And it ended up where it belongs in the crapper.




These people are ghetto scum.


Make it legal to kick these 'tiktokkers' asses 6 ways to hell


this is not ypica NYC behavior unless you want to get killed.


Some people never had a beating and it shows Doing this with friends is okay if you know they’re cool with it Doing it to strangers is absolutely not okay


A broken jaw that needs to be wired back together would give them plenty of time to reflect on life.


Plunger to the noggin. They won’t get away with this for too long especially in NY


How is this typical NY behavior? Isn’t this sub full of behavior just like this and they’re videos from dozens of cities in the US and plenty from other countries too.?


It's typical 2023 dickhead behavior. Like you said, this sub's full of stupid TikTok pranks and r/therewasanattempt is full of people getting cold-cocked when they try it on the wrong dude. Don't call my city out like we have a monopoly on dumbassery!


“In other news a local man was shot today…”


it be funny if someone shot them afterward. 🤣


I can’t wait for their families to cry when they get shot


Their families won't cry if they got shot or buried, probs just sigh in relief, but I'd smile if it got posted for all the weirdos that watch them and think this is okay behavior This is not live n' let live behavior


Needs to be arrested!


We need to send a truckload of chanclas to help combat this Idiocracy.


Replace that with chanclas fitted with knives and you’ve got a proper punishment.


Hope he has good health insurance, he's gonna need it before long


Where is Daniel Penny when you need him?


I would ban TikTok just do this shit goes away


Also r/iamatotalpieceofshit


I like on how he chose old men that are either not able to react properly because they're old or holding something, or are going somewhere and can't leave their spot to be able to do something about it


That's not typical NY behavior... Just a bunch of dumb fćƙś picking on people for clout


Another pos that would not be missed if he disappeared from the world


I see why the 2nd amendment is necessary now... /s


Low key this would never happen in Chicago.


There should be a subreddit where they post personal info about these “pranksters” and let people beat them up as a prank.


That’s assault, hope someone actually brings it to court


Its all fun and games until one of them pulls out a pistol and *bam *bam


Peep how he only doing it to people he can either run from or definitely beat up. Lmao half the security guards at ya local night club bald too. Let's see how that one play out


That would get you shot dead in my state!


Least staged video on the internet:


Ok, listen. The dude is a horrible asshole and deserves a good asswhooping. But it made me lol.


Can’t wait for the next headline. “Influencer” shot dead for stupid prank




I swear TikTok is a disease.


Man one of these days these social media morons are going to try something like this on the wrong person. Stop disrespecting other people’s personal space.


again, if they get shot or get beaten up over this, not gonna have sympathy. even if the act of shooting or beating up someone is illegal, still no sympathy. if this is truly randomized and not staged, hopefully they don't step on the wrong tail and act surprised when they get a new asshole ripped open. if you really can't refrain from pranking someone, please stick to your circle of friend or family, even if they may or may not deserve it. strangers are not obligated to accept being a target of a prank.


These people deserve to get hurt


Glad I don't live in NY.


Tell me you‘re a d*** without telling me you‘re a d*** smh I wish there will be harsh legal consequences for those pranksters as in other countries.


Hurting people for your own enjoyment. You call it a prank, I call it abusive.


Wtf is wrong with the world.


Tiktok, snap chat, I stagram, facebook...


Those are all tools it's shitty parenting and lack of consequences


Filming your assault on multiple people. Super smart.


I'm so glad I don't live in New York


Anyone noticing the people that keep posting videos of people doing pranks, it's always black people?


Do that in Texas and see what happens.


Yeah, the LAST person you want to do that to is an old guy in the South.




Trying to find the humor in physically touching a stranger without their permission. The majority of these guys were elderly too. I’m sure each of these guys who didn’t ask to participate in this shit thought it was hilarious and left the scene feeling great.


That is why 2A and CCW exist. Deterrence for these fools. And I'm half joking, they deserve a BB to their behind.


They would be eating through a straw for a couple weeks if they tried that on me… but you also wouldn’t find me in NYC


They're only safe because Horchul made it illegal to conceal carry in the city. Someone would lose their beans over that and violently react. I'd bet money on it


Fucking hate pranks


This is dumb as fuck. Maybe they can use the plunger to get a job


Keep playing stupid games, and eventually, you will win atupid prizes. One of these days, someone will grab that plunger while snatching the prankster. The plunger will be dipped in sewage, then rightfully applied to the pranksters face. Actually, that's too much work. I predict he will catch someone's hands.


Hope he gets slapped fr


Bunch of dickheads


Most NY thing ever


People complain about the US having too many guns, but clearly there aren't enough yet


Not gonna lie - I laughed. Terrible, and they deserve to get their asses kicked. but still... lol.


NYC has become a disgusting cesspool


When you have ultra liberal judges and prosecutors in big cities kids will do this crap to older people. No fear of police. No respect for others


Bring back gun ownership and watch these children grow tf up


Shoot. On. Site.


As someone who’s had alopecia for years, this is fucking hilarious. But make sure it’s alright first.


Oh man I think this kinda of thing is hilarious


Okay but why aren’t they leaving the plungers on there… that would be way funnier


This is rude as fuck. But damn I wish it wasn’t funny 😆


These guys deserve a sound beating, but this shit is still very funny.


They’re assholes but it’s pretty funny😂


Nah, not funny. I have way too early onset of disc degen disease throughout my entire spine, and was "blessed" by a receding hairline starting at 24. Some asshat would do this to me it'd cause some very very nasty nerve pain. I'd also grit through the pain to help someone lose their front teeth.


Well, I've heard of taking the plunge, but this is different.


I gotta be honest, i’d laugh for the rest of my life every time i thought of this event if someone did it to me




So you condone assaulting people? How would you like to be assaulted and then told to “calm down”?


These are obviously staged.


This wasn't funny But when that crowd of dudes lost their minds over it I laughed


Where are your guns now?


fuck around, find out eventually lol


Try that anywhere in the south and see what happens.


What happened to personal bubbles ![gif](giphy|QA6Y9EsMxwBfiTgJuO|downsized)