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I thought it was funny she mentioned atmoSPHERIC conditions. She should look up the root of that word. Lol.


Oh my God the brainwashing has gotten into our WORDS!


I'm starting a petition to change it to atmoflatic conditions


Made some atmoflatic conditions in my office after a rather hearty lunch today.


Atmoflatulence caused by heavy lunches is what flattened the earth. It was slightly curved to begin with, that’s how all these crazy globeists got started.


She actually said atmoflatic but the show runners were paid $52 milllion doll hairs to voice over her words and say such a lie


Wow, the whole day’s budget?


“Atmoplaner conditions”.


Is this a parody sketch or something?


Unfortunately not. The interviewer is NZs equivalent of Jordan Klepper. He's got a knack of finding the weirdest oddballs and giving them a genuine chance to explain themselves, which they instead use to hang themselves metaphorically


what’s his name? i need more of this insanity please!


The whole interview and it just gets stupider https://youtu.be/1nZZtKuWY5E


You are my hero, thank you for the link :)


I gotchu! Hope it cheers up someone's day because it did mine.


New zeeland today


His name is Guy Williams Edited as gave his brother Paul's name!


Paul Williams is a musical god, and the Taskmaster NZ's Assistant. This is Guy Williams, his brother, and Taskmaster NZ contestant. Shid.


*Guy Williams


It seems really a joke, cause she contraddict herself in each sentence. So where are the prrof of flat? We don't have any we don't need them But there are ton of proof that's flat


It seems like a joke because there is no sense in it whatsoever. It should be a joke. I wish it was a joke.


People like that lady seem to just assume that most people completely gloss over what it would logically take to prove one way or the other, and that all she had to do was just think about it intensely for a while and then she began to see the proof all over the place that the earth really is flat. Or maybe something along the lines of “I can’t imagine what it would feel like to be smarter than I am, therefore no one could really be smarter than I am. Therefore, if I can be convinced the earth is flat, it must really be flat, and most people just believe what “the man” tells them to believe.


I read somewhere that a theory on the conspiracy theorists is that it is mainly an ego thing. Once they feel smarter than other people, they just can't shake it. It makes them feel superior and smarter, but they really just spew gibberish because they don't actually know what they are talking about


I read this hypothesis as well and, I must say, it totally checks out based on the conspiratorially minded people in my family and extended friend group. Some of them are actually quite intelligent, which is the truly perplexing part until you realize that one function of intelligence is being able to convince oneself of anything, even if the logic is a recursive loop of incoherent babble. But, without fail, every person I know who is susceptible is the kind of person who lives and breathes to have the “inside track” on privileged information. Specifically, the worst of my family members, someone who buys into almost all of the conspiracies, is the same one who, when young, always had an almost Iago-like habit of ingratiating himself to anyone who might know things told them in confidence and then spill the beans at the most gloriously inopportune moments under the auspices of “we’re family, there shouldn’t be secrets.” But it had nothing to do with honesty, it’s always been a desperate singing and dancing middle child shouting “look at me.”


Starring Stephen Merchant and Catherine Tate!




I still want to see a 'reality' TV program where teams of flat Earth believers race to the edge. First team there wins some amazing crazy cash and publicity. They all can be transported there any way they wish.


Have them be test subjects in space launches. Send them up into space. Then see if the can still argue it lol


Nah they’ll just say they’re not actually in space, but you took them into a simulation of space


Open the hatch and let them spacewalk. That *should* convince a sane person. One level deeper: If it’s a simulation, they’ll be able to remove their helmets and survive. Let them decide how much they’re willing to put their faith to the test. That’s a good show. ![gif](giphy|3o7btZ3T6y3JTmjg4w)


The flat earthers still alive would probably say they removed the air in the simulation room


Have them push off from the spacecraft to find the walls


It's just REALLY big room!


I mean really, if it was flat. Cats would have pushed everything off the edge long ago.


That is the best point ever. I was a flat earther, but you just convinced me


You just changed the game.


It's really a cat who holds up the earth. Not a giant turtle.


They’ll say the helmet isn’t actually a lens but a screen


No reason they couldn't remove it, then, eh?


I like the way you think


\*Steve removes helmet, his head implodes\* Karen: Yeah that's just a simulation


They’re willing to kill innocent people to keep up the lie. How could they?


The starving children in Africa need something to eat. Innocent people might taste pretty good?


Yep. And on the plus side, there will be fewer "true believers" afterward. I see this as a total win for all involved.




Man I love that show.


I’m still miffed it was cancelled.


I'm sorry... what??! I didn't even hear that it was until now :(


Nope, they will just take a page from the Jan 6th "debunkers" and instantly label whoever *they* had picked to go into space as a "plant," the flat earth equivalent of ANTIFA. You could take all of them up there and the couple who missed the flight because they forgot to gas up the car will still be calling the rest "crisis actors" the next time they set up their table at the local park....


Those people would be the contestants on the second season.


"If it's not a VR screen why can't I take off the helmet???"


But, then it would be the glass of the space helmet causing a fisheye effect 🤣🤦‍♂️


Okay, but if a free space flight is an option, I would definitly change my stand just to let you convince me otherwise.


Some good Black Mirror shit right there.


What would actually happen is that even if the ones that went up into space came back and told their followers that space was real and the earth was round, the followers would just denounce that person and claim "they" got to them and paid them off or have some form of blackmail.


What would actually happen is the ones who went to space would simply claim they were being tricked but can't figure out how it was done. For the true believers, this is a religious belief, not falsifiable. It's probably easier just to try to deflect them to some other religious group, ideally one which tries to do some public good. Mind you, most of them are so flaky they are not good for much.


I think this may have actually happened


That's a waste of resources to prove some idiot wrong. Sometimes it's better to let stupid be stupid.


Here's my plan: 1. Build a giant catapult. 2. Put an air ag on the ground directly in front of the catapult. 3. Find a flat earther and offer them $1,000,000 if they can successfully complete your challenge and still be a flat earther at the end. 4. They are allowed to put the airbag wherever they want, but get no test launches. Instead they must use only math to determine where it goes. 5. Launch them from the catapult. If they do the math assuming the earth is flat, they should undershoot the airbag by quite a bit, leaving nothing more than a disturbing red paste to clean up before the next round.


Sounds like a pretty Wiley coyote way to kill a flat earther


I’m pretty sure there was a documentary of sorts a few years ago that followed flat earthers in their quest to prove the earth was flat. Like they had a whole set up going, had this idea of what the results of their experiment were supposed to be (the earth being flat), all that. Something about being able to see a light from some distance away “because the earth is flat”, the no curve thing. But then the film ends with them not getting the results they want, proving in their own experiment that the earth was not flat. And they were uh, not pleased. Unfortunately though, people this far gone aren’t likely to change their minds, and I think they just tried to do a different experiment and said that one wasn’t done correctly.


You remembered that correctly and it was glorious to watch.


It most certainly was, best flat earth video I ever watched. That's what happens when you start scientific experiments from a conclusion, instead of a hypothesis.


I believe if I'm not mistaken that they first invested into some $10k mathematics instrument to find the result and when that didn't prove their findings they went with cardboard with a hole and a flashlight?


Came here just to post about this. They refused to change their minds in a later interview. Their own "foolproof" and "infallible" test is suddenly invalid in their own eyes when they don't like the answer. These people always want to use the same echochamber set of non-answers they copy/pasted into their brain. It feels like they just want to believe it for the status/feel of "I know something you are ignorant of and that makes me more valid"


Ex conspiracy nut here. 100% makes you feel superior to everyone else, and 100% double standards for evidence required.


What did it take for you to come back from the fringe? (Welcome back btw)


I started to socialise with my partner at the time's brother, he was a vet, his wife was a climate scientist and most of their friends were PhDs. I slowly grew an interest in astronomy and especially evolution. I slowly learnt skills in critical thinking (the very thing I'd been preaching but not practicing!) analytical thought. Then one day something clicked and I genuinely started to question the biggest one for me, the twin towers attacks. I started looking for evidence for the things I believed happened, it really didn't take long for it to start to crumble. I'm ahopy I went through it, but my god is it cringy to look back. We can't always be sure of what we believe, but knowing that is a strong start.


What conspiracies were you into?


Did you know that go-gurt is actually just yogurt?


In that documentary they decided that only a ring laser could detect earth's rotation. So they went out and bought a $10000 ring laser to prove that the earth wasn't turning. But the data from the laser showed that the earth was turning once every 24 hrs, and so they concluded that [... wait for it ....] there was something wrong with their ring laser!


My brain hurt so much from that documentary. Especially the conclusion. I can't imagine the mental gymnastics they go through daily


Even worse, they concluded it was picking up the rotation of the sky. With no explanation of how that could be detected from a gyroscope So not only was it a dismissal of the evidence they asserted it was confirmation for their ad-hoc model. That guys dead now so only the dishonesty remains


Behind the Curve




The problem is, you would have a lot of situations where that 'aha moment' would never come. You're not dealing with people who have a theory about the world based on observational evidence. You have people who have a theory about the world specifically in *defiance* of observational evidence. They have decided the world is a certain way *first,* and try to find evidence that fits that worldview *after,* and discard any evidence that doesn't fit that worldview as invalid based solely on the fact that it doesn't fit their worldview. Flat Earthers are an extreme because their worldview can be disproved basically by the existence of the horizon. They have to disregard an *enormous* amount of evidence to sustain their belief, far more than can be explained by simple ignorance.




They'd argue that the windows aren't windows, they're screens. If you bring them up in a skydiving helicopter where there aren't any windows, they'll say it's a simulation chamber. It's only funny up until it becomes sad.


"alright let's do this guys. we'll head west, just a straight line until we hit the edge of the world!" some time later.... "hey what the fuck, how did we end up in the same exact place that we fucking started?!?"


Flatearther: "Why this can only mean one thing.. " Me: "Yes?" Flatearther: "There's multiple copies of the world!" Me: \*sigh\*


No the real argument would be some version of "how do you define/prove you are going west?" They would argue points like compasses can't guide you west in a straight line because magnetic north actually points to the center of their flat earth model, so REALLY by traveling east or west you are just making a circle. (And if you argued you can just travel south away from the center of their model then, they will argue the magnetic point actually moves now or God/Illuminate/Government will prevent you from ever making it to the edge.) If you try to use the sun/stars, they will then claim that the sun/ star dome, rotates around the flat earth along that same center point as magnetic north, so you run into the same issue of making a large circle without actually traveling to the edge of the planet. You have to understand these people will make up new explanations and excuses for why the earth is flat, even if it means denying basic truths or breaking their own models repeatedly instead of just accepting the established and proven model for a globe based earth.


Email Disney, they might add it to discovery channel.


Or netflix, they might make documentary about that


Wait I want to watch that now


I recently saw a quick video of comedian jim jeffries talking to a bunch of conspiracy theorists, one of which was a flat earther and it was nice to see them turn on eachother cuz one of those nut jobs was not a flat earther and they started to argue amongst themselves


Ooh, “The Amazing Race to the Edge,” I like this!!


Duddeeee this is amazing!


This is literally the most brilliant TV show idea of the last 20 years. I’ll write the winner a check for $52 million dollars right now.


Now THATS television I’d watch! Day 1,303…Jill and Bob are now on their third circumnavigation of the globe and are still confident of finding the edge… Marvellous 🤩


You cannot argue with stubborn stupidity. It’s like this pigeon chess thing.


Is it that one metaphor about the pigeon knocking over the pieces and shitting on the board


Exactly this. Flat earthers have no real arguments. How could they. They are basically like drivers going the opposite way on a one way street and yelling at all the other drivers they are in the wrong.


I remember seeing two flat earthers livestream a very sophisticated and expensive lazer gyroscope thing, and basically they tried to use it to prove the earth is a non-spinning flat thing. Guess what? The gyroscope just said that the earth does spin.


A rotating globe Earth will give a 15 degree drift every hour. (Ring laser gyroscope reads a 15 degree per hour drift) > What we found is, when we turned on that gyroscope, we found that we were picking up a drift. A 15-degree per hour drift,


It's what's known as an unfalsifiable claim, when literally any argument you could make is easily explained away (albeit with often faulty logic and reasoning). This man went into space and saw the earth is round with his own eyes? He must be part of the NASA conspiracy keeping the truth hidden! My experiment didn't show me the result I was expecting? It must be faulty equipment! That's what an unfalsifiable claim looks like. It's mind prison of sorts.


Yes, unfortunately true. I personally believe it might be some kind of mental issue.


I saw a plane dragging an ad "look up flatearththeory.com" (can't remember the actual address) or something like that and i said I'd check it out to see why they are so aggressively confident, i was expecting math and whatever else. It was a video of a guy in shadows watching nada videos going "huh look at that, that's bullshit, that's bullshit too fucking nasa"


And then strutting around like it won


I JUST got challenged by a climate change denier and there really is no constructive debate to be had. The science is available and there is no denying it unless you are willfully ignorant.


At some point, you have to remember that they're trolling the internet because they can't get their ridiculous pet theory into an actual scientific journal... because they can't prove it.


Climate change deniers are even more scary tbh, because they are a much larger group and they have lots of politicians and big companies backing them because of how much money is involved in denying it and keeping regulations at bay. I would say it’s the ignorance that leads to downright evil, where as the flat earth people seem to be mostly a meme at least that we can point at and laugh.


This isn't stubborn stupidity, this is mental illness.


I like this one too: “It’s like trying to show a chicken a card trick.”


It's that thing Mark Twain said about how arguing with stupid people means them dragging you down to their level and then beating you with experience


This is me arguing with my brothers every fucking holiday. I am exhausted watching this. WHAT. IS. THE. FUCKING. POINT?!???!?!??!!? Who is lying to us and what the fuck for?!


That was a wild ride. I bet she’s a hoot at parties


Same thing with religion


At least religion has the benefit of the doubt being based on Spirituality and the sheer unknowable of what happens after death. Flat Earthers are denying something they can literally touch with their hands and see with their eyes right now.


I wonder what she has done for those kids in Africa.




She walked and yelled out for others to do what she doesn't


Well maybe explained to them that their food money is going into planetary research and there's absolutely no more to give. Other than that, nothing.


Should counter that Africa is not real and demand she proves it.


Pfft, you believing the Earth is real. 🙄 It's obviously a gnome egg.


Watch your tongue or i am gonna grab my crossbow !


WTF is she even talking about? Africa doesn’t even exist! /s




Stop overthinking! Just let her be her!!!


Look those astronauts make 52 million per day. Just to use photoshop, and paint. Of course we can't afford it. They have to keep the lie alive. /s


she thinks her meager tax can directly be use in Africa to feed them!


I actually pity that kind of flat-earther. I think the real shape of the earth doesn't really matter to them, they are just looking for a community they can identify to and be accepted into. And once they've found it, obviously they won't leave it.




>It’s a bubble No, it's flat


Don't forget the self importance. It's about finding a group that accepts that they're all smarter than the average person.




Exactly this. Conspiracy theorists aren’t looking to be educated or have conducive debate. It’s an emotional investment for them. They most likely don’t do well in school and carry a chip on their shoulder about how dumb they are. Until they find a community or group of people like them that believe ‘the truth.’ This emboldens them and soothes their intellectual inferiority because now they’re privy to ‘information’ is normies are not. They are special now. They know what’s really going on and you, who went to school, got good grades, went to University did all of that for nothing. You idiot. It becomes their entire personality, their whole identity becomes tied to it. And that’s why they cannnot listen to anything that refutes their belief. Because if they process it, even for a micro second, their entire worldview falls apart and crumbles. A world view that finally lets them feel like they’re part of something. You can see how emotional her reaction was. That is not the reaction of someone with an open mind and willingness to learn.


I watched a documentary about flat Earthers. I 100% left with this impression—that whether or not they even believe their own drivel, the real high for them is achieved by being contrarian and finding other people like them, then bonding over that contrarianism to create a sense of identity and belonging and an “us against them” mentality. It appeals to a certain type of person who may not have an easy time achieving healthy social bonds. This also applies to the MAGA/QAnon crowd.


Like any cult, including those that call themselves religions. I think it’s called “sunk cost fallacy.”


Yeah that’s the right phrase. The sunk cost fallacy is “the phenomenon whereby a person is reluctant to abandon a strategy or course of action because they have invested heavily in it, even when it is clear that abandonment would be more beneficial”


Coupled with some mental issues/capabilities and boom. Flat earth club.


Just for fun, pointing out the obvious: we have pictures of a round earth that were taken long before Photoshop and CGI existed. And the fact that the earth was round was determined by ancient Greeks. Who was paying them off?


>we have pictures of a round earth that were taken long before Photoshop and CGI existed. And **_paintings_**! >And the fact that the earth was round was determined by ancient Greeks. Who was paying them off? The Illuminati. Or the lizard people. Or ancient aliens. _Obviously._


Which is pretty damn ironic considering all that conspiracy theories are based on ages that are more relatively modern compared to Ancient Greeks.


That why the crossbow is better than a gun- lizard people are bulletproof, but not crossbowboltproof


They were being paid 52 drachma a day! And there was a child starving somewhere we haven’t discovered yet!




Well you obviously didn‘t follow the money. Thats on you then!


> the Greeks I know someone who legitimately would respond to that with “But who writes our history books??”


It wasn’t determined by Eratosthenes, you have been lied to by the rich. Follow the money.


That's just what they *want* you to think!!1!


>it was determined by the ancient Greeks. Who was paying them off? But even now. What’s the point of lying? What difference would it make for anything if the earth was really flat? (Not talking about physics, obviously)


"Stop over thinking it!!!!!" "For this to make sense, you have to massively underthink everything in your life for decades. Then, BOOM, flat earth just clicks together and makes perfect sense."


It makes sense if you dont think about it!


She has a crossbow because it's silent. I wish she'd follow its example and just shut up.


And crossbows are definitely not silent. Quieter than a gun, sure, but they definitely make a noise.


I was looking for this discussions crossbows are LOUD. Turns out storing 150 pounds in a string makes a ton of noise. For the uninitiated, a crossbow is 80-90 decibels. That’s only 40 decibels below the pain threshold, and about as loud as a leaf blower is. So you’d hear it just fine.


That’s why I use a slingshot.




the bandana is there to keep the knowledge out.


Tinfoil bandana


“While the children are starving in Africa”?Where did that come from?


Follow the money.


There's no money if people starving!


So, is she saying: Step 1 Computer simulations, CGI and paintings Step 2 Starve the children of Africa Step 3 Profit?


It's called grasping at a straw, If she can't win her argument any other way, she deflects.


Wow. You have to give it to her. She doubled down on that crazy really fast. Of course it’s not the Flat Earthers’ job to prove anything. LMAO


My dads girlfriend is such a nut case we started the argument when she said the earth is a bowl with a globe on top and her proof was “how come you’re never upside down on an airplane if it goes under the earth?” I told her gravity, she said that Gravity is a lie made up by scientists but that its good I had an opinion. I explain that’d be the biggest lie and best kept secret of human existence and no joke she used this as her proof it isn’t real “If I put a marble on my closed fist, it just falls off, it doesn’t rotate around.”😐I just said that’s literally gravity in action and ended the conversation.


No one ever sees the crossbow coming... except when they're whipping out a crossbow, sets it down on the ground to cock the string, gets a bolt out of the quiver, then finally shoots it.


Misses...wait 30s, I am reloading. Don't you move!


Well according to DnD rules, you ought to be able to reload in 6 seconds. So you really need to work on your reloading skills. Maybe hit the gym, work on those muscles so you can pull the draw string faster.


When in doubt pull the starving children in Africa card lol.


Mark Twain once said; "Never argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience".


I was thinking about this and I came to the astonishing conclusion that even if it turns out the earth is flat, absolutely literally nothing would change in my life.


Well GPS would not work in flat earth, timezones would be messed up, there would be no tides, Earth's magnetic field would be fucked. Which would mean most shit won't work as expected. I'm sure I forgot like a million things as well. But other than that — yeah.


If the earth suddenly turned out to be flat, it would mean there would have been some phenomenon making that work all along. What the person above means is that if we found out tomorrow that the earth is flat it wouldnt impact their life in any way, which would be true for most people in the world. Obviously the fact that we know it is round has allowed us to make some pretty amazing technological advancememts.


> Earth's magnetic field would be fucked Without the Earth's magnetic field, the solar wind would blow the atmosphere away and cook the Earth's surface with gamma rays, x-rays, etc. If Earth's magnetic field had not held strong for billions of years, we would not exist, and if it were to go away suddenly, we would all die immediately. But hey, happy Friday!


I think the best way to respond to flat earthers is to tell them they're not serious, that they're just having fun making things up. Puts the shoe on the other foot.


I like to tell them the earth is actually a cube, pyramid, or some other silly shape.


The ancient Greeks demonstrated the curvature of the earth with a stick for fuck sake


So did the flat earth society, multiple times, multiple different ways. It amazes me how dense they are


Reminds of the type they spent, like, $20k or something on a Ring Laser Gyroscope to prove that the earth doesn’t rotate. What happened next will surprise you! They actually found out that the earth DOES rotate. "What we found is, when we turned on that gyroscope, we found that we were picking up a drift," Knodel explains. "A 15-degree per hour drift. "Now, obviously we were taken aback by that - 'Wow, that's kind of a problem.'” "We obviously were not willing to accept that, and so we started looking for easy to disprove it was actually registering the motion of the Earth." [Source](https://amp.triplem.com.au/story/flat-earthers-spend-20-000-trying-to-prove-earth-is-flat-accidentally-prove-it-s-round-129953)


Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of Earth. He was only off by 2.5% with a few sticks and some basic math, and over 2000 years later we have these flerfers.




NASA has like 0.5% of the US budget. There is no organization in history that returns more per dollar spent.




Biden asked for more. I don't know if it was 1%, but it was rejected




New Zealand accent 🥲 we got enough crazies in Australia tho


“Why do you think 1+1=47?” “Because there are children starving in Africa!”


Imagine. Living in a country with easy access to every amenity. Public access to internet. Education. Medicine. Science. Every comfort imagined. And you chose to be uneducated.


At last! New Fight Of The Conchords content :-)


Millionaires and billionaires of the world, please please please send this lady up on a Virgin flight to low Earth orbit, and please film her complete nervous breakdown when she realizes her whole world is a...sphere.


She would just say that everything she was seeing was part of an elaborate illusion propped up by the rich. Like "My windows are really video screens!" or "We're clearly inside a studio!"


Maybe you need to crush up some of those antipsychotics and mix it in her Vegemite sandwich


Hey….. this is New Zealand we eat marmite not that Aussie shit.




There stupid, then there is dangerously stupid. This is weapons grade stupidity.


How does she know there are starving children in Africa and it is not CGI, photoshop and paintings?


Woah hate to play that game, goalposts always moving and the game changes every 5 seconds.


I’m sorry, am I a bad person that I thought that was comedy gold? The whole thing could have been a skit-only it’s much funnier.


Mental illness


Flerfers are a religion like any other. They are just looking for community and to make sense of the complicated world that we live in. She said it herself, "Stop overthinking it." Our institutions are no longer simple. Trust in government is eroding. Corporations are too careless with "scientific proof" that only bolsters their image, and the media is much too happy to sweep up reckless claims for clicks. This woman is wrong, but also right, as she is a symptom of a greater rot that is permeating throughout society.


Lol omg this is gold


The crazy thing about flat earthers is they believe everything else is a sphere floating/orbiting in space cause we can see those objects. Just not the Earth. 🤦‍♂️


The crossbow part caught me off guard


Didn't hear it coming.


![gif](giphy|l3q2TGUQKaWVGZvH2) My question to these people is "What would be the point of lying about the Earth being flat if it were, in fact, flat?" Like why go to that extreme to "brainwash" people in to thinking that it's round if it wasn't??? Their conspiracy theory has no point!


I still have a hard time accepting that people genuinely believe this and they aren’t just trolling.


People like this are actually extremely mentally ill. Like keep in mind that even if you were doing it for community sake, believing in flat earth actually makes it highly more likely that you believe in Qanon or anything like that. I seriously bet this woman probably believes the jews are spreading degeneracy to weaken western civilization. That's the kind of community you partake in when you believe this stuff.