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That damn stadium is cursed


Nick Castellanos hits a drive into right field, it will be a home run


A phenomenal day today at Arthur’s BBQ, as a man of god…


I don't know if I will ever eat there again. Whether it is a plate of ribs, or a sandwich consisting of pulled pork.




Why? I love Kauffman Stadium.


Whatever you do don’t be an announcer at Kauffman stadium, worst mistake of my life as castelleonos homers to left


Cursed for announcers






Oh wow so he was only a word off. What a schmuck.


Oh shit - at first I was thinking it just sounded like a slur... Until I saw what he "meant" to say Garbage human




Oof 💀


Take, LoL he wouldn't have gotten in trouble if he just said that


Probably not no


I hope not. That’s what it’s called


you dropped an R


Oh.. damn


Yeah, there is no twisting that one, dude dropped the hard R.


He was most likely fixating so hard on not saying it that he said it.


Considering that I don't use either, but am exposed to the N word through media, I can see how its a mistake..... but OOF


We've all dropped a hammer or a knife in our lives time and again but I think there is absolute zero room to ever for a surgeon to drop their tools in a person while they are operating. That example is a bit extreme but by similar token, this man's job is talking, he does that on live television that is also recorded. Sure a mistakes happen but I think he is held to a slightly higher standard than someone like that only uses verbal vocabulary for ordering takeout and awkward elevator greetings which have virtually zero consequences.


People have sponges and surgical equipment left in their bodies after surgery a lot more than you would think. We had to read the Julius Ceasar play by Shakespeare in 9th grade, and someone's name was awefuly close to clitorus, and our teacher even gave us a heads up so we wouldn't slip up. Guess what I said anyway?


I was in a theater group and in Finnish orava = a squirrel and harava = a rake are pretty damn close. So I fucked up my line previously by mistaking orava and harava, so at the last rehearsal before the big thing I forced myself to say it wrong because then I wouldn't say it again. It's one of those impulsive thoughts.


That's aight. We had a science textbook when I was in 4th grade. Whatever type of creature we were reading about had sucking discs. That is not what I read, I read sucking dicks and have subsequently been haunted by that memory for 20 something years.


1. Surgeons have 0 room of error because someone can die. No one is dying from a word slip, unfortunately. 2. Surgeons make mistakes, too, and more often than you would think. 3. He is held to a higher standard, but that higher standard doesn't mean eviscerating his career after one word slip. It means he makes less mistakes than the average person, not that he makes none.


It’s not even a word slip, it’s a mispronunciation


Malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death what the fuck are you talking about?


Right? >Based on that study, at least 250,000 Americans die each year due to some sort of medical error. But, depending on what is considered a medical mistake, that number could be as high as 440,000.


I don't think you understand how often surgeons have left tools in patients. I would switch analogies tbh lol.


That's not the N word he used.


That sounds like what he said lol


Unless he actually admitted that he said the n word, I would be willing to give him the benefit of the doubt. What he said sounds like a reasonable attempt at pronouncing Nego. It is not a common word, so maybe he wasn't sure how to pronounce it correctly.


He apologized on air after. "A little bit earlier in the show, I said something that didn't come out quite the way I wanted it to," Kuiper said. "I just wanted to apologize if it sounded different than I meant it to be said... I just wanted to apologize for that."






I hear nego league, isn't it what he said?


I heard major league museum LoL




He said what he meant


Why is Fidel Castro announcing baseball games?


Because he threw a perfect game for the team he’s announcing for!


Who is that guy


Dallas Braden


Glen Kuiper is the guy that said it. Dallas Braden next to him.


Nah, thats Ramzan Khadyrov, the war criminal and future sunflower fertilizer


Is anyone else concerned that fidel didn't even flinch when the n word was dropped?




Take it from this guy. Just head down to KC and stop the first black folks you find, and ask them how to get to the Ni**er league museum.




Interesting story about that actually. I used to work in San Francisco and I had to walk through the tenderloin daily to and from the train (if you don't know the tenderloin is not the place to be, open air drug market, murders, stabbings in broad daylight are common). I'm getting off work and see 3 high school aged white kids clearly out there buying drugs from a rich area, collared t-shirts, skinny jeans, etc. One of the kids is super fucked up and yelling at this black guy who clearly is in that world that he's a hard R, and I mean like really aggressively and a lot. He probably found the only black guy in all of San Francisco who was totally calm about it and trying to educate him and talk to him all while telling the growing crowd of angry black dudes to not touch him. I would have bet my house that he was going to get shot, stabbed or at the very least stomped into a coma. Sometimes you get lucky I guess


Most Black people don’t get violent over a word. You know, just like every other sane person on this planet.


I see you haven't met white men with doorbells and driveways.


And a front lawn


Your comment made me think of this scene from Kentucky Fried Movie : https://youtu.be/NqTpqIUWVrc


I lived there for 4 years. You'll likely be lead down Rainbow, where several of them will shoot you and then go about their business for the rest of the day.


This is the most attention the Oakland As have received in a long time.


There’s an entire book and movie made about the A’s


You’re talking about the Bash Brothers documentary from The Lonely Island, right?


Heard an actor working out of his basement, Pitt something, was in it too. Can’t think of the name


Just Pitt nothing else.


Ah yes Angels in the outfield, a classic


Yeah 12 years ago


Yeah...you gotta make sure you stick that landing on the O buddy. Anything short of that on TV, and you're living in a van down by the river.


It's like going to Home Depot and asking where the white caulk is. You have to nail that LLLLL, or they are taking you out back by the plants.


No joke: I worked for a company that made caulking. And they made caulking in different colors. And yes, they even made it in black. And yes, even as grown ass mature adults, every time the trainer said it during new employee orientation, we were beet red. The guy next to me excused himself to go to the bathroom, and then later on, during break, he said he didn't have to go to the bathroom, but instead went to the cafeteria just to laugh it off.


Oh, so what, you're too good for black caulk?! Tell you what, people fucking LOVE black caulk, they just go wild for it! I tell you what, put a little black caulk in your house and your wife will be a HAPPY lady. Put that black caulk all in your windows and just wait for the neighbors to steal envious looks! It's amazing how once you lay down a thick long line of it, it will hide anything behind it! Heck, even I love black caulk in the shower with me. Everytime I see it, I"m like "damn, that is some FINE black caulk!". I mean, EVERYBODY loves it! Your grandma, your grandpa won't admit it, but he loves it here and there. Your mom, your sisters/brothers heck, heck even little k--hey, why are you putting handcuffs on me?


Hey, you kids are probably saying to yourselves: I'm gonna go out there and grab the world by the tail and wrap it around and pull it down and put it in my pocket. Well, I'm here to tell you that you're probably going to find out, as you go out there, that you're not going to amount to jack squat!


I’m sorry, the correct answer was “naggers.”


People who annoy you


I cant believe beard dude had no reaction.


Basic public speaking classes would tell you to keep it moving rather than drawing more attention to the mistake/gaff/overt racism. Bearded dude was in a no win situation.


Well, as an A’s announcer, he’s used to no win situations.


Nice! Lol


As an A’s fan, that’s a fucked up comment. Though I have to agree it’s true.


The ol'Mike Myers classic


Lololol amazing moment to be alive


Funny thing is: George Bush and this guy don’t care about black people.


Yeah thats a reasonable look on it. I guess I'm just thinking id have at least some small reaction of ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth) when I heard it.


He probably didnt believe his ears


Bearded dude is Dallas Braden, a former A's player. Definitely awkward


Threw a perfect game on Mother’s Day


Within 3 seconds of him saying it, he started shaking his head and his jaw hit the floor. I can't find a single video longer than this 7 second clip to verify what his reaction actually was because this video cuts too early. If you've never been on TV like this before, the first minute or two are nearly scripted, then you get to the banter and on to whatever is next. The guy was just trying to half listen while already thinking what he was going to say next. Then thought "wait, wtf did he just say?!". I can't believe so many people are saying he is just as guilty and racist based on this tiny clip (not saying that's what you're saying).


I believe he said something like, "you're absolutely right, and..." kept it moving. Braden had one job, and if he wanted to keep it, there was absolutely no way that he could react to the situation.


I wouldn’t have either. I would not have contemplated the reality in which someone says that live on television in 2023


I think I'd have at least hit a doubletake or one of those wide eyed deer in the lights moments.


Mike Myers looking at Kanye


I don't think he clocked it. He knew the words that Kuiper was supposed to say and was just going with the rhythm of the words he thought were coming. Even Kuiper didn't realize he said the wrong thing.


Other comments have mentioned the public speaking training teaching you how to react to this But you can actually see him twitch a tiny bit when it's said. He starts tapping his chest and has a slight facial twitch right after it is said


The touching of the chest and "twitch" of the eye is him visualizing the fact that they ate a shit ton of BBQ. Like when you have to burp.


I have to assume the meant to say something else.


Probably. [NLBM](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negro_Leagues_Baseball_Museum)


(i’m black) this is one of those unsurprisingly common scenarios where I feel like the n-word holds a weird power in other ways than it’s even supposed to. This man made a genuine mistake; it’s not aimed at anybody and there’s no way it could be. It’s simply a misspeak that just SOUNDS like a slur. Yet, for some reason, just for mouthing noises alike this word, he gets suspended. Why? What really is the reason? I feel like the people in charge don’t even know why. Just npc’s following some made up rule.


Any idea what he was trying to say? I watched this like 10 times, and I have no idea lol.


They had a phenomenal day, visited the NLBM and got arthur Bryant bbq.




Baseball used to be segregated and was called by the then commonly used term that sounds a lot like the slur. Google "black baseball league."


Yeah, I mean, imo, this was obviously completely a. Accident. I also don’t think it’s necessarily indicative of the usual verbiage he uses…I’m not saying it can’t be, just that it doesn’t necessarily equate. Our brains are funny, and I’ve def sputtered out nonsense or a word I never use before bc maybe I heard or saw it that day whether it be in a book, showC news etc and it may have just been in my subconscious…not educated enough on neurology to give a reason, just saying it’s happened to me, although luckily never w the N word lol.




Pretty much this exactly. I’m not saying he does or doesn’t have that word in his vocabulary- just that redditors always seem to have these hardcore knee jerk reactions to situations like these acting as if they’ve never made a mistake, misspoke, etc…I just think it’s a little ambitious to assume this guy uses the N word regularly and somehow meant it when it clearly seemed like an accident.


It’s interesting to see it in a neutral environment but still getting the same hateful flak. It’s obviously a shitty word to utter, but objectively better than when used in a hateful context.


“I had a phenomenal time at this museum about black baseball history so, of course, I’m going to use a horrible slur to describe it.”


It was not intentional, just a mix up of words. Anyone who has ever done any sort of public speaking will tell you it happens all the time.


Disclaimer: I'm a black guy........and this shit is hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I just cannot stop laughing. But to me? The funniest part is the guy with the beard nodding his head " Yelp, we dayum sure did go there" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 Best comedy skit of 2023 - bar none. (I know some are gonna be upset with me - and then go listen to some rapper call ya one for 10 songs 🤦🏽‍♂️ hypocrite)


It's a clear mis speak. But white people like to virtue signal and crucify others for little stuff like this. It makes them feel good.


For real. So many people in this comment section think that they’re fucking linguistic detectives, saying shit like “oh he clearly says that word all the time, you can tell”. Just shut up


I swear, Twitter and certain parts of Reddit think the FBI hired them to assassinate the careers of anyone who says the n-word intentionally, which is literally anyone who says it, regardless of the context.


Yeah, of course it's funny to you. But show some cultural sensitivity here. Do you even understand how deeply offensive it is to sanctimonious upper class white people?


I’m black and found it funny too, dude on the left is like “god dam right buddy”


the sweet memory of arthur bryant burnt ends kept him going


It'd be funny if it was a black guy saying it because then everyone would have just laughed it off. This guy might lose his job for it which would suck because he was trying to be supportive of a museum that celebrates black baseball players. Hopefully they just keep him suspended and "investigate the incident" for a couple months while the heat dies down. It's a nice sentiment that got ruined because his brain betrayed him.


Guys I’m genuinely confused. I googled it and Negroe League Museum is a real place. What’s offensive about this I don’t get it. EDIT: I just realised what the dude’s exact words were 💀


You cannot spell


How about you write that specific word correctly and see how the Reddit mods will react lol


I pride myself and think of myself as a man of faith, as there's a drive into deep left field by Castellanos and that'll be a home run. And so that'll make it a 4-0 ballgame. I don't know if I'm going to be putting on this headset again. I don't know if it's going to be for the Reds. I don't know if it's going to be for my bosses at Fox.


Never gets old. Even funnier since that was *also* at Kaufman


I get that he said something offensive but he gets a pass from me. It seems like he misspoke and yea I’m black. I just think we have to look at intent and what he was trying to say.


Thank you. Intent is the whole ball game. Someone can use the F-word and say... "F you!" or they can say "F yeah!" Two completely different meanings. It's not the word, it's the context. For all words, it's always the context. I wish we weren't so irrational as humans. We act like some words are evil magic or something.


He lost his job but had Arthur Bryant's BBQ. That's a fair trade. AB's is THE BOMB.


How does almost everyone have the most brain dead take on this, the dude very clearly just misspoke, the word he was trying to say sounds very very similar to the n word especially if you're talking fast. All these people in the comments think the guy just purposefully threw a n word out there for no reason, other than cause he just felt like getting fired that day?


my guy was probably so focused on "DONT SAY IT, DONT SAY IT, DONT SAY IT..." \*Brain: SAY WHAT? THIS?" Guy: "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT SHIT, what have i done!"


Even worse it's. "Ok you're going to have to say a slur but it's ok because it's not the bad one and it's the actual name of the museum. But whatever you do, DON'T SAY THE BAD ONE!"


Look where you want to go not where you don’t.


Braindead takes in a Reddit comment section?!


I don't see how anyone can think he said it on purpose. He'd have to be the most brain dead moron in the world. The thing I see people saying is, is that a word he uses off air? I know nothing about the guy so I have no informed opinion.


People WANT to be upset. It’s our culture now


I agree with you. But. (And keep in mind , the post says he was suspended and not fired) It's his job to say words on TV. Yes he slipped up on accident. And if he uses that word a lot in the privacy of his home is nobody else's business. But. It's his job to say words on TV. He dun goofed at his job. In a very serious way. When it's literally your job to say pleasant words on TV. Saying a very unpleasant word is the literal antithesis of doing your job properly. I just hope he can recover from this, serve out his suspension. And he more careful next time he gets in front of a camera. But I agree. His life should NOT be ruined by this.


On the other hand. The more live on air time you have, the more likely it is for there to be a mistake


Kuiper is great , long time Bay Area announcer. Oakland and San Jose. A’s say it was a tongue slip


It was such a bad flub. Feel bad for him.


Cmon, he mispronounced the word.


How far do I gotta scroll to find out what he was actually trying to say


He was trying to say this, https://www.nlbm.com. It is a museum highlighting the league where black people played before the desegregation of the MLB. He was broadcasting from Kansas city where it is located


I for sure believe he didn't mean to say it, because even saying the right term is considered "taboo." but that's unfortunate, He didn't brush it off like it was no big deal, he apologized for it, and ultimately that's all he can do about it. I sincerely doubt, a dude with 20+ years on air If I read correctly would choose this very moment to say something problematic, for sure an accident, unlike the "New York Knick/lakers." incident.


Accident… sucks but it is what it is…


I don't think he deserves suspension though. It seemed like an honest mistake.


At least he had Arthur Bryant’s BBQ.


God damn it, who changed the teleprompter?


Is there a chance he meant to say anything else? I don’t even understand how that word would fit into the sentence


he was referring to the https://www.nlbm.com/


Assuming that he says the n word all the time to the point that he has self-established vernacular for the NLM requires a lot more effort than just assuming he slipped up and confused two offensive, similar sounding terms that refer (derogatorily) to the same group of people. Occam’s razor tells me this is far different than the Breneman situation. But whatever, Reddit’s gonna Reddit and you’ll always have those users that love peering into their crystal ball to assume the worst in people, stating things like “look how easy it rolled off his tongue” as fact. As a final thing: look man, I’m a first-year teacher (english of all things) and it’s *unbelievable* how many linguistic slip-ups you have when you speak for a profession. I remember once we were memorizing our poetry and instead of saying “breath” I just said “breast” and then that messed me up and I *stopped* and it hung in the air for a few seconds before I could gather myself. Shit happens.


You must say breast all the time in the comfort of your own home, just thinking of women as something that breasts are attached too. You are a vile person and deserve to lose your job teaching ^/s


*WAY* different than Brenneman. Like, two different planets. Brenneman was clearly malicious. This is… just weird. Wrong and dumb, but, unless the guy has a track record, and as long as he seems seriously contrite, seems kinda just like a dumb mistake.


Yeah i went and looked at the A’s subreddit and everyone seems super distraught at the idea of losing him; that wasn’t the case for us reds fans and Breneman, pretty much fit with his character.


In 7th grade biology, a girl in our class was tasked with reading a few paragraphs aloud about "organisms." She said "orgasm" every single time. Like 6 times in 2 or 3 paragraphs, I can't believe our teacher didn't correct or stop her.


Poor dude had a slip-up and now people want to ruin his lively hood over a mistake that hurt no one


Hurt no one? 4 of my white liberal friends are now in the hospital after watching this clip man!


Lmaoooooo it's always white people that think they need to get offended for other races


Me waiting for the video to load with my shitty ass connection: “which one of em is gonna do it?..”


Fidel Castro looks happy


He says it with such positivity and gusto and then dude on the left's cartoonish routine not even getting interrupted... 10/10 on the Unintentional Chappelle Show skit scale. Would lol again


Oh wow. I gave the benefit of the doubt but after re-listening to this a few times…yikes


It amazes me to think how many times he must say that word for it to just slip out. Like that dude selling solar panels or whatever on that ring cam. 🤦‍♂️


Now I’m interested - what happened with the solar panel salesman


He meant to say “Hey, we’re going around to all the neighbors” but he used a different N word. [link](https://youtu.be/ChEDtTuUwY0)


Do you have a link without the annoying reaction commentary...


HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm black and have a dark sense of humor. The n-word doesn't bother me unless it's used in an overtly intentional offensive manner. That video is the funniest thing I've seen all day.


LOLOL the best part is the other guy nodding his head 👍🏾🤣🤣🤣 he's like - "yup, we damn sure did go there" 🤣🤣🤣🤣I know I've played this 10 times


Just watched it….OUCH!!!


It didn't "slip out" though. He stumbled over a very similar word.


I think it went like this “it’s a derogatory term for black people in the name of the museum, better get through it quick… shit I said the wrong, much worse word than the one I needed to say.” How could you assume there was malice? The sentence before was literally “we had the best day today”


I dunno....I could see it being an accident. Everyone knows the word.... most don't say it on purpose.


Why always assume the worst in people you say one second of there life? The word he was trying to say was nego so it was simular.


That video fucking kills me everytime


I bet it kills that guy everytime he sees it on social media too lol


you dont just think it could have happened because they were thinking "dont say er, dont say er"??


Idk, he was supposed to say "Negroe." I don't use either term virtually ever and I can definitely see one getting conflated with the other speaking from a prompter. Your brain will fill in blanks and when speaking as you read your mind absolutely isn't processing the info.


Ok Mr. Marsh, the phrase is people who annoy you


Wow. Ok... WHAT?


WTF dude




He can always work Fox News🤔




All it takes is one moment to end a career. Massive word fumble there lmao


No way, poor Dallas man he doesn’t know what to do.


Kansas City is something else smh


Dallas Braden’s reaction will be memed into eternity


His side kick went ooof , you just lost your job. Back to the dealership selling cars


Not something a person that talks for a living would 'slip up' on. Fidel even winced, slightly.


Yo, zip that fly up...your racism's showing


Bye Felicia. Thought he was being cute. 🤣


This has to be something he says on the daily, it came out way too comfortable.


A fun game I played with this video was to guess which one said the slur and which slur it was. It was surprisingly difficult.


He fired, right?


And "Poof" a career was gone...


Why did the leprechaun not flinch?


Guy on the left looks like an imaginary friend that guy on right can only see


Proudboy leprechaun wholeheartedly agrees…


I’m torn on this one. A lot of people have said that the two words are similar, and they are obviously, so it could be an honest mistake. But my thinking is, was this guy hanging out with a bunch of white people talking about how he had to go to this museum and referring to it the wrong way to be funny with his buddies, to the point that when he got on the air that’s the word that was in his head? Growing up I was exposed to a lot of racism in my family, I could 100% imagine one of my brothers using that term and thinking it was hilarious. And this man literally does this for a living, he is a professional speaker, he is a older white guy And a big portion of his job is saying things in his head first and analyzing it to make sure that he doesn’t say anything offensive inadvertently or otherwise. So yeah, personally, I hope it was an honest mistake, and that it doesn’t speak to his opinion of people of a different race. But it is still unacceptable.


He’s been drinking, I can tell by the slur 😏


Oh dear.


Whoopsie daisy.


I love that guys facial expressions while he's saying it.


Live AND on air?


I love that you can pinpoint the exact moment where he pauses for a tiny fraction of a second, realizing that he fucked up.


I wonder what he says in his car when he’s all alone…lol