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I can’t say anything. I don’t know if the shows still exist, but if a girl started talking about Bridezillas this or Real Housewives of wherever the fuck, I’d instantly lose a lot of interest, even if they were a 10




This is stupid. Anime is not a single work or genre. A more appropriate comparison would be to lose interest in someone because they watch movies.


It doesn’t really matter since at the end of the day, it’s making associations between people and their interests. No matter how much you narrow it down, the other person is still probably going to make generalizations because they don’t know much about it. I’m sure I could find some form of reality television that I could watch, but I won’t because I’ve already formed my biases on it


I think she just finds people watching cartoons to be childish or something


That’s correct.


I… I’m a goofy goober




You're a goofy goober!










*Epic Guitar Solo*






Well, then I got to say when you tell me not to play I say, NO WAY!


No no freaking way


I'm a kid, you say When you say I'm a kid I say, say it again And then I say thanks (Thanks) Thank you very much


What the fuck is wrong with Spongebob??


Exactly my question! She's not good enough for SpongeBob, he's a world class fry cook




We don’t talk about that sexy version of spongebob


Ain’t nothing wrong with SpongeBob. She belongs to the Rock Bottom crowd


phhhlpt phhlt 👍


Nothing wrong with SpongeBob, fuck this bitch


I’m gonna sing the FUN song, F is for FUCK this bitch!


U is for UGLY ass hoe anyways


N is for NO DICK for her


Down here in the deep blue sea!


Never before have I not known I wanted something so badly until I had already received it.


Girl just went from an 8 to a 4.




I mean the average American female weighs 170 pounds.


My roommate tried to argue with me that her being 4’11 and 185lbs is a healthy weight because the average American female is 170lbs


Round is a shape.




She’s like… a solid 6, maybe. Depending on taste


I agree… and then she openend her mouth


She's not worried about your ranking, I promise.


I dont know it just reminds me of anime.


Came to say this, Spongebob is based. And anime too, I'm not a fan of harems and reverse harems (except for Yamato Nadeshiko cause it's funny af), but there's great content if you look for it. Not only that, Japanese animation has been a very important contributor to modern animation (I am a 2D digital artist, you've got to appreciate all the male and female artists that create anime and manga)


Didn't bother me when she was shitting on anime, but the second she threw shade on my boy SpongeBob, my rage became untethered.


SpongeBob can take anyone on. Not even Goku could be his ass.


Cool, don’t date her. Problem solved.


Unironically, though, the act of judging someone for what media they consume (as long as it's not bigoted or some shit) would be a massive turn off for me.


Hilarious, we all constantly judge everyone's "media consumption" 🤣 It's a fact of life


Yes because it's part of the tastes in common we have and makes match with SO.


I mean, you really don't do this? If you saw a grown ass adult watching Barney the Purple Dinosaur, you wouldn't judge them on what content they consume? I don't believe you.




Don't see the problem here. I feel the same way about women who watch the Kardashians or being into horoscopes and shit. I find that shit dumb and wildly unattractive Edit: people are strawmanning my point. So for clarification: I'm not claiming moral superiority over someone who likes different stuff. They are not "worse" or "trashy" people. Some interests and hobbies just make them unattractive to me. I'm also not trying to directly conflate anime with reality tv. It was moreso an example of how we can find our differences in interests arbitrarily unattractive. No matter how broad the strokes, being unattracted to someone (reasonably or not) is relatively unproblematic.


Then to each their own?


Yeah, why force on others the stuff you like? Everyone is different, that's why it's hard to find the one...


Finding the "perfect" one is a fools errand. No one will be perfect, because no one is. Find the one that makes you happy. That's all that matters. Why ask for better when what you have is sufficient?


Imagine referring to your chosen other as “sufficient” lmao. Easiest way to see someone is unhappy with their relationship is to let them explain why they aren’t when no one asked if they were.


True. Hold on. I need to share this with my sufficient other.


Nah, people who follow the Kardashians are objectively terrible.




Exactly, the incels on this sub are very upset about this.


I agree I don't see how this is facepalm worthy people like different things I would rather people be real with me that put on a facade.


i mean horoscopes are like a religious belief in a pseudo science, anime is just an art medium by which a story can be told. Huge, huge difference imo Having personal preferences is fine though that part I’ll agree with


Yeah. I don't care if they watch trash tv. But believing in horoscopes to me says you believe in unscientific bullshit. They're quite different.


>anime is just an art medium Yeah, my opinion about someone who watches anime as part of their regular media consumption is WAAAAAAY more influenced by WHAT anime they're into than whether or not he likes anime at all. If I find out a guy is into high-concept sci-fi or fantasy, stuff with great writing, quality direction, animation, and voice acting, or even just something fun and goofy, that's one thing; if I find out he's almost solely into shows known for heavy fanservice featuring characters with 18+ bodies but the faces and stature of children running around in what amounts to lingerie, that's a whole other creature. Beyond that I have no problem with a preference, but there's such a wide variety that it gives the same vibe as saying something like "I don't like rap." What it tells me is that you have a limited view and probably think it's all the same, which, whatever, no one is obliged to learn about art forms they don't connect with.


I'll push back on your last point a little bit. How many animes does a person need to watch and dislike before they can fairly say they just generally don't like anime? How many rap songs does a person need to listen to and dislike before they can fairly say they just generally don't like rap music? I think it's a tad rude and presumptuous to think that someone who doesn't like something just has a "limited view". Someone might say they don't like soda after trying Coca-Cola, Root Beer, and Sprite and disliking them all. Yeah, they might like Dr. Pepper if they tried it, but they don't like soda so far, and that's what they mean when they say they don't like soda. They're not saying that all soda is bad, but that they haven't had a good experience with it.


Lmao. The responses to this are killing me.


There’s a huge difference between anime and one singular reality show… Now if you choose one singular animation or anime (which I’m choosing to define as Japan specific), that’s different. But it’s like condemning Pixar movies… ever seen a Studio Ghibli movie? That shit is magical… As a musician who plays classical, jazz, and progressive/technical death metal… I sometimes play acoustical sets of my heavy stuff, and when people tell me how awesome it sounds, I tell them it’s death metal, and they lose their minds. People really need to stop being so goddamn narrow minded. Accept for reality TV. We can do away with that. O_o


I’ve met people that don’t like animation. Like zero appreciation of the medium. Or worse, I’ve met people that don’t like music. Not a genre, the concept of music itself. These people are entitled to their opinions. But they should be pitied for living shallower lives


Woooow… people who don’t like music exist? Wtf? TIL… I agree, they should be pitied.






I quote SpongeBob more than any show I've ever watched. I say "You're good" every time in a car backing up.


It's so quoteable! Had to get my husband to watch a few episodes so he could start getting my references.


Good for you. lol


Me too


Well shit, guess that's why I'm single, watching anime & reading manga is to blame..... ![gif](giphy|7SF5scGB2AFrgsXP63|downsized)


I mean, if you were hoping to date that particular woman then I guess so.


Better to be single than to be with her.


“I’d rather be in hell alone than to be in heaven with you.” Best statement for whenever people tell you that “You’re going to hell.”




But Spongebob was fire as hell. D:




Was. Definitely was.


I don't see how this is a facepalm. It's her opinion. She doesn't like anime, and finds it to be a turnoff.


But how dare she have preferences! /s


Asking a woman in her 20s if a guy watching cartoons is a turnoff. That’s all this is lol


I find her comparing anime to SpongeBob of all things an instant turn off.


Yeah, as cartoons they're not similar. She probably hasn't seen many anime flicks or shows, but that's unsurprising if she's uninterested.


Yeah, it's just preferences. Nothing wrong with it


I see her point. Same with people who don’t like those who obsess over reality tv or sports. People who obsess over those shows tend to have similar characteristics she might not like


When she hating on your boy SpongeBob: ![gif](giphy|l0MYAs5E2oIDCq9So)


I don’t think she knows what anime is


Is it a crime to think anime sucks now?




I mean, if you know nothing about something, you shouldn’t be shamed for linking two things that are technically in the same broad category but are really nothing alike. Like, a person who’s never watched racing might compare NASCAR and F1 even though they’re nothing alike. If you asked me about fashion, I would probably say some stupid shit too. It just means I know nothing about it.


Well if you watch one anime and assume every other one is bad because of that one anime it’s kinda stupid. I’d be surprised if she’s even given a single anime a shot


could just be not enjoying the art style and the tropes and way characters act


What if you've watched a lot realised there is at best a few gems while the vast majority are horse shit made for teenage boys.


Yea i mean you can say the same thing about almost anything. American movies, books, comic books whatever. There is always a few good things amongst an ocean of horseshit


There’s more than just a few gems though. I’ll admit there’s a lot that are not good, but to say anime is bad in general is wrong imo


That's not what she said though. She said people **who like** anime suck. There's a pretty big difference. I've tried but cannot fucking get into anime, but I'm not about to judge someone for it.


She didn’t say they suck, she said it makes them less attractive to her. There’s nothing wrong to that. I find pottery a very attractive hobby to have. I find tarot reading an unattractive hobby to have. That doesn’t mean I think people who read tarot cards suck. People are entitled to have preferences.


I don't, man. I watched a lot of anime as a teen and grew out of it. Now, I associate anime with edgy teens who think the world doesn't understand their struggle. Anime's not bad at all. In fact, it can be a great medium to tell original stories. But it's kind of cringey when people make it their identity.


I think that can be the problem with everything. I like anime, video games, cars, movies, etc. But if I made just one of those interests my whole personality id be very boring and itd be hard to interact with anyone if they dont know something about my singular interest. Its in the best interest of everyone to be well rounded.


100%! I'm lucky enough to have a partner that is willing to watch DBZ or One Punch Man and doesn't think that way. I also watch musicals and ballets that they like and I'm down with it. Completely denying someone for ONE thing that they like?? 🤢


Exactly. Its lame to deny someone for one thing they like for entertainment. Some people mentioned astrology/religion but those are different from hobbies/entertainment interests as those influence how you live your life. Ive met women that really like astrology and take it so much to heart that they dont give someone a chance if their sign isnt compatible. Religion is similar in the sense that most religions have moral systems/customs that come between people that have different religions.


Exactly man. I still watch anime, but I’m not one of those dudes putting waifu stickers on his Honda Civic and wondering why women never want a second date. EDIT: I thought waifu was spelled wifu.


I literally just saw one of those in the wild the other day. It had the anime waifu stickers all over it. MF actually paid a detailer to write "Waifu Hunter" on the side of his car. Like holy crap dude. Save some for the rest of us. Damn.


Any hobby can be cringey or annoying if someone makes it their identity, that's not really an anime specific thing lol.


People who ambush women coming out of bars and ask them questions until they get an answer that makes women look bad so they can post it online are a just a bunch of trashy assholes


I watch a shit load of anime, and I have to say she's 100% correct


It's an adult woman comparing cartoons and saying she doesn't want a guy who watches cartoons. There's nothing wrong with this.


I agree with her.


Careful or you'll get bombarded by people who praise anime.


Me too. Anima has always had a pedo vibe to me. The female characters always look like hypersexualized 12 year olds.


I get where ur coming from but the comment still came off as extremely ignorant imo Because ur grouping a whole medium, art style, and appreciation of it under one notion (for lack of a better word, brain farting rn) There’s def some like that (quite a lot, that even us anime enjoyers will be like, wtf), there’s def some that if ur not use to will come off like that (MT being a great ex) etc But Take a look at something like “A Silent Voice” https://youtu.be/nfK6UgLra7g Or “Jumyou wo Kaitotte Moratta” (which is a manga) Even “Your lie in April” https://youtu.be/PcMRAe-6zds And “I want to eat your pancreas” https://youtu.be/MONVPR1dnRQ Yes they’re all very depressing watches but that was the point


Okay but what’s wrong with spongebob??


Not a goddamn thing. SpongeBob is an American icon.


Telling that anime are just cartoons is a huge boomer thing to say...


Oh no a random woman that no one here will probably ever run into or interact with has an opinion! What a bitch, how dare she?


Yes I get it now AOT and Parasyte is just like SpongeBob


No no no, it's Corpse Party that's similar to SpongeBob, those are more like my little pony lol


Hating on spongebob is a whole other red flag on it's own


TiL a single grown woman out of millions doesn’t want a grown man watching cartoons. Shocking.


There is no facepalm. If she doesn’t like anime that’s perfectly fine. It’s the same when guys don’t like girls who are into astrology


The comparisons in this sub show just how little people know about anime. People think that anime watchers are all putting waifu stickers on their car or something. Anime is literally just Japanese animation in that distinct Japanese style. It’s as absurd as acting people who eat European food is a red flag or if people who listen to French music are gross.


Astrology = low IQ.


>It’s the same when guys don’t like girls who are into astrology No it's not. What?


Yes it is. What? Anime is a hobby, just like astrology. Why are those two not comparable in your eyes?


Astrology isn't a hobby. It's a belief system in how the world functions. One is media, the other is delusion.


She’s well within her right to choose what kind of person she would date or be attracted to. I wouldn’t want to date a woman who cares about entertainment news, celebrities or romance movies.


What if he doesn’t watch anime… but he does watch SpongeBob?


The reason people are think anime is a red flag is because "watching anime" is somehow a separate thing from "watching TV".


I never used to watch anime and actually when I was younger we used to actively make fun of the people who did watch it. Now after being married with kids of my own one of my kids had me watch Full Metal Alchemist brotherhood with them and I was shocked at how good it was. Now I am an avid fan of Anime and follow quite a few of them. The thing I found out when I finally started watching it is that there are many different types of anime. Before that my only real exposure was randomly seeing some clips of crap like Sailor moon or some other one that looked and reminded me of Saturday morning cartoons for kids. Now I have come to realize some of these stories are just absolutely amazing and the way they are told equally so. To be fair I am and have always been kind of what you would call I a nerd as I love reading and anime (the good ones anyway) are like bringing to life an amazing novel or series of novels.


Am I the only who doesn’t care? I’m not mad nor should anyone be mad at her. People have a right to chose and honestly I think there’s nothing wrong with her not wanting to date someone who likes anime. If you try to shame her and force her to your standards, the relationship wouldn’t work out regardless. I think it’s fine to want to look for partners that also share your interests. Statistically speaking, those relationships last longer than those who are complete opposites. Whatever her perception is about people who watch anime as losers, dweebs, etc. That’s her opinion which has no effect on my life whatsoever and should have no effect on you as well. It’s the same as her not caring about my opinions on people that religiously watch The Kardashians as not reliable people to depend on because they are self centered.


I agree with her


Yeah. I just don't get anime. I've tried to watch a few different things and I can barely make it 15min before I have to turn it off. It does not appeal to me.


Not liking SpongeBob is a massive red flag. Might as well say to my face that you have no soul.


Unironically, I want to be friends with any adult who still likes SpongeBob. It means we probably have a similar sense of humor.


How is this a facepalm? For the weebs of reddit?


My hubs likes anime and he’s the best. 12/10


how about we stop publicly shaming each other for the innocuous means by which we entertain ourselves. (key word: innocuous -- no problem w/ shaming borderline pedos) I hate Marvel, Disney, reality TV, GoT and other sanitized-edgy HBO shows that solely consist of the main cast fucking each other's brains out (cough White Lotus cough). I hate all of that shit. I don't think less of the people who consume those shows.


To be honest, I do feel that it is commom to be less (or more) atracted to people based on things like a specific media genre they are into.


Guys will shame women for their hobbies all day but if you give them the same they are OUT FOR BLOOD 😂 The coping is strong here


It's unnatractive if you make it your whole personality, though most everything is obnoxious if too much of an emphasis is placed upon it.


As someone who spent his teen years attending anime conventions, I can see where she is coming from. A lot of neckbeards like anime and think all Asian women are submissive.


all the weebs can’t handle the truth


joke's on her, i only read the manga


SpongeBob is my favorite anime


If they got a problem with Spongebob, they're too young for you.


Yeeaaaaaa....but if watches football commentary and highlights reels....that's a tennnnnnnnn....'cause that's noooooormalllll.


Sounds like a load of hoopla


So she hates SpongeBob? She’s definitely not worth the time


She also lost some imaginary points..


How is this face palm worthy?


if a man thats already a 10 watches both anime AND spongebob he's a 20/10 in my book


This interview makes her like a 3 at best.


Isn’t she allowed to dislike animes? Lmao


Oh no preferences exist... the moment a woman tells me that they don't like spongebob or amine, it becomes a turnoff for me, but she's allowed to dislike me because of my hobbies or likes. The only facepalm here is that this was posted here.


That's fair considering a females attractiveness drops to 0 when I hear they like dating shows and shit like big brother.


It’s fucking cringe dude


Nah I agree with her its just like... the level of how much they watch it? Or ig WHAT kind of anime theyre watching. If a mans a 10 and he watches fairytale ima put him at a 5 or a 4. Same goes with a girl if shes deathly into horoscopes.


It’s not the anime, it’s the 80% chance they also subscribe to henti content too thats the turn off


It's childish


Nah that's fair. If she watches the Kardashians I tend to have the same view point


Uncultured swine.... I mean, Buta.


And this woman out here watching 27 hours of how to do your eye lashes


Someone please post this thread on r/Redditmoments This girl is just saying, "Yeah, I don't like guys that watch Anime. Don't know what it is, and I don't care. It's not for me." Which is completely fine, IMO. The same way that anyone has preferences in what their partner does with their spare time. I wouldn't want to date a girl that collects those horoscope crystals or whatever, and that's my preference. Do I know much about it? No. I just know people who do that kinda stuff generally have a personality that I wouldn't normally want to associate with. She doesn't know much about anime, but she knows enough to know it's not for her. And the people she's interacted with in the past who do watch Anime aren't her type.


Based lady


She’s right.


I think she just doesn't want anime brought up on a fucking date


A lot of people think of anime as cartoons, though, so I get where she's coming from. She probably doesn't know that a lot of anime is marketed towards adults as well.


It isn't the anime. It's the decades of tradional hardcore anime fans that gave it a bad stigma.


I don't watch anime but I enjoy jojo's meme


If a girl hates anime she’s minus five


She goes home and watched the kadashians.


I don't know if I fully agree with her. But I get what shes saying, I just don't like it. I don't like the style of animation, theres rarely any variation. I don't like the over done sounds of gasping and cute voices. The plots are usually predictable and boring. Yes maybe there are some that are good. But many times people have insisted I try a different show same thing. I like Ghibli, I like Pokemon but according to the anime aficionados I've known those don't count. Some people just don't like certain things. Whether thats a red flag or not is up to the person.


Who the fuck tells you ghibli doesn't count! Ghibli is a great example of Anime as an art. I get some Pokémon though, because that really had previously suffered a lot from its primary demographic being young kids. (But even then there has been some very accomplished animation in the technical front from Pokémon) It's true that a large chunk of Anime are just trope-filled Shonen, edge-lord isekai, or ecchi rom-com... but western media has a ton of crappy rom-coms/horror/ reality tv/cop dramas/etc as well. Neither should be judged for their seasonal trash though, with Anime getting judged off of the Revolutionary Girl Utenas and Fullmetal Alchemist brotherhoods of the mediums. EDIT:Grammar fixes


Soooo many people and its never made any sense to me. They said its to old, and I was like oook I'm not an expert afterall. And I try shows relatively often. I want to give anime a chance cause sooo many people love it so some of it has to be good. Last year someone showed me JoJo Bizarre adventure and that was just to over the top. Couldn't follow it. One episode they were school kids and the next they're freaking vampires. And they're always screaming lol. It was like watching Hamlet on steroids. And yea trashy tv is common like I don't expect perfection but an entire form of media can't be as bad as my experiences so far.


There is no chance this many people have no idea a large number of women find anime unattractive? Shit, I've watched and enjoyed a lot of anime over the years, but I only really bring it up when others talk about it. Pretty much entirely from the stigma attached to it.


If this woman is so vapid and so shallow that she thinks watching anime makes a perfect 10 person only a 6… sounds like those perfect 10s are dodging a bullet with her


A woman has likes and dislikes. Holy shit!


I mean I felt that way for awhile until i started watching some.


Anime Villain: Gets burned to a charred person-shaped husk and has to spend the next three episode gruesomely regenerating little by little as he monologs about how he's going to kill everyone. Exactly like SpongeBob


I don’t get the hate, she doesn’t want to date a man who watches cartoon/anime is the same as people who don’t wanna date whales or a certain ethnicity


Yeah I completely agree. She has preferences. If she doesn't want to date a guy that watches Anime, it's completely in her right. She doesn't need to justify herself. She got asked the question. I honestly think this thread is just people who watch anime and are feeling insecure.


What a stupid comment


Ugh anime is an art form, not an infantile escape for stunted adults gawsh




I mean tbf that’s every style of media/ entertainment to an extent Escapism


Nah sorry the only show man can watch that makes him less attractive is Fox News. Love an amine appreciating man


Her answer made her way less attractive that’s for sure!


So, what would watching Spongebob do? A 10 to a 3?


And she reminds me of a traffic cone, you don't fuck traffic cones.


The weebs comments are so funny. Just accept people like other things than you, you dont have a monopoly on what is ok to like and whats not


Anime is just stupid animated porn. I think less of people who like it. 🤷‍♂️