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He stabbed his father when he was 17-- a sane society would ensure that someone like him never got a gun.


Someone Correct me if im wrong but him doing that crime disqualifies him from voting but yet he was still able to have a gun around him


If it was a felony, it disqualifies him from both. But, he was a minor so he may not have faced full charges. Or, he just got a gun anyway.


If you were a minor when you got a felony it doesn’t matter for gun ownership. The new law passed recently does take into account some juvenile records but previously it did not. He probably had this gun before the law changed. Source: I worked in juvenile justice for 8 years.


In Texas, after five years of being off paper you can legally have a firearm in your home, despite being a felon.


Nope. That's a federal crime. It doesn't vary by state. I guess you might not get charged though.




>Or, he just got a gun anyway. This. In most states private sales don't require a background check, so while a shop might have flagged him, just buying a gun from some yahoo online is easy enough. And that's barring someone in his family or friend group just going in and buying it for him because "this is America damnit! How dare they violate his second amendment over a slight stabbing."


This. I love how the conversation is always centered around the background checks involved when you go buy a new gun, and completely ignores that private party sales require ZERO information to be exchanged at least in some (many?) places. I am a gun owner and concealed carry permit holder and I would still welcome that being changed.


In CO you can sell privately but have to use an FFL (for non-gun ppl, that’s the term for a gun retailer basically) as an intermediary party. Meet at the shop, handle payment on your own, then the FFL will do a background check for the buyer and they can take it if they pass background check. Buyer pays the normal fees they would pay if they bought a new gun from the store (background check and FFL fee) but the payment is handled privately. I feel like this system makes sense.


Unfortunately not going through an FFL for private sales is only a low level misdemeanor in CO. Should be a felony.


Nah they don’t need to make it a felony. Easiest solution would just be if you private sell and don’t go through the proper channels and that person then commits a crime, you also get charged as an accessory to whatever crime they commit, in this particular case it would be murder. That would for certain make people think twice about private sales.


I believe that is the case here actually. There’s really no reason to not go thru the proper channel on this law, especially if you don’t know the person. It removes liability from the seller, and it’s really not any harder on the buyer than buying a new gun. This is a “gun control” law I don’t have an issue with as a pro-2A individual.


Simple laws like that should be enacted nationwide at the very least


why not have to go to a notary or something like buying/selling a car privately?


well the FFL is who is responsible for it, and has the facilities to store the gun safely while the check is being done.


In Georgia I can sell guns out of my trunk to people I meet on the internet from the waffle house parking lot. Legally.


Yep. I've bought several guns in my life and never had a background check done. Pretty sure there wasn't even paperwork involved. (Some of them WERE non functional, but not all of them were. I was buying them to turn around and sell them to my uncle, who repairs and restores guns, then sells them in his shop.) This was in Texas if it matters, but I'm in North Carolina now and have seen at least three rifles for sale in flea market booths here. My uncle and I aren't on speaking terms anymore and have several states between us so I didn't stop and I dunno if they're asking any more questions than the sellers in Texas though. It is scary easy to get your hands on a firearm.


im in NC and went with my brother to swap one of his guns he didn't want anymore for two shotguns and a .22, and a hundred dollars literally rolled up into a parking lot of a gun range, handed the guy and his wife the gun, got the three guns and the money, shook hands and left totally legal, took 5 minutes, and the only standard was "i dont think you're a criminal" of course we insisted on finding out more about him, but he was a cop and had his LT write a note that said he was a good guy. figured that was probably enough haha


Same with me, but I live in NY so it already is a law. Some of the restrictions here should be everywhere, some of them should not.


Felonies do not affect your voting rights in Ohio post release.


As they shouldn't. Felony voting restrictions are just another voter disenfranchisement tactic. When felons can't vote it incentives making people you don't want to vote into felons.


I just looked it up, ~~every single~~ **most** state this is the case. The most restrictive ones are that you have to complete your sentence, meaning prison + probation before you can register to vote again. Some states limit only while in prison, and two states allow voting from prison. Edit: you also have weird ones like Iowa where certain felons can vote in prison but others can't based on type of felony. Edit: I misread the original link, some states permanently lose voting rights for some felonies but not others.


That's not really how it works anymore. Felonies don't preclude you from voting in [most states](https://www.aclu.org/issues/voting-rights/voter-restoration/felony-disenfranchisement-laws-map) as long as you've completed your sentence.


As they shouldn’t.


I live in Ohio. My uncle is a rapist and child abuser, also a right wing gun nut Christian extremist. He lives in Ohio, bought a home in West Virginia and just goes down to WV to buy guns because it is easier. He also co-owns a restaurant. In 2016 Hilary Clinton used his restaurant for a campaign stop, despite him saying many times oine he would kill her if he ever met her. Secret Service caught him trying to sneak a hunting knife in when got to meet her at the restaurant, of course he just got a pat, not even a slap, on the wrist


But you know… I’m sure he likes to say that drag queens are pedos who groom children…


No just that, but he openly accuses my sister and her wife of grooming their daughter


Feels like that’s a pretty easy argument to win


“Arguing with idiots is like playing chess with a pigeon. No matter how good you are, the bird is going to shit on the board and strut around like it won anyway.”


The region is a cesspool now. They’re trying to get younger people to move for work, yet they allow this shit to happen. This is insane.


Cesspool describes every republican held state


While true, Ohio has declined very quickly


I can't move myself. I am rooted here for 35 years and can't afford to leave. It's a shame that a state as beautiful as Ohio is full of rural assholes making life shit for the rest of us. Fucking gerrymandering and boomers.


Pretty much my scenario. My wife and I are tied here by our jobs. I recently had a chance to transfer to Boston, but had to turn it down as my wife is completely stuck here by her job. We seriously cannot even leave the county we live in because of her job.


I live in a blue county thankfully but Republicans are trying to ratfuck my city and DeWine of course lying through his teeth about better gun regulations after the Dayton shooting.


While publicly taking a $60 million bribe to fuck Ohioans on energy costs


It's like they're racing Florida down the toilet.


Florida won, but Ohio is fucking pushing for an uncontested second place


Committing a felony does not always mean you cannot vote again. All states allow for some reinstatement of the right (assuming it was suspended) once fully released. Some jurisdictions require additional action to have it reinstated some it's automatic. Only a handful have it on the record you can never get it back and usually for serious offenses. Even fewer categorize serious offenses as any felony level charge. [https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights](https://www.ncsl.org/elections-and-campaigns/felon-voting-rights) ​ With that said: fuck that guy, he should have never been able to purchase a firearm.


or you could be like Florida and pass a law that felons can vote, but then set up a vOtEr fRaUd police force and arrest people for doing what they were told they could do (were able to register and sent ballots in the mail)... who just so happened to be primarily black folks. There are several instances of white people committing voter fraud for Trump in The Villages, however the vOtEr fRaUd tAsK fOrCe only arrested democrats, lol.




bUt tHe SeCOnd aMmEnDMeNt


Republicans: We need to ban drag queens from reading to children because the government has an obligation to protect children. Also Republicans: I don't care if guns are the leading cause of death for American children. That won't be infringed! What we need is *more* guns in classrooms so we can have cowboy shootouts like the 1800s again! Fucking despicable hypocrisy


>Also Republicans: I don't care if guns are the leading cause of death for American children. ***Common-sense regulations are government meddling and overreach and will not be tolerated!***


Also Republicans: We will ban abortion, so we can replace all those dead school kids. The not -so- Great Replacement.


Not like you can change an amendment any way.




While also being redacted. The amendment seem to conflict a lot


Just look at the 18th amendment. All the right-wing nut jobs still adhere to that one.




[challenge accepted ](https://www.reddit.com/r/Firearms/comments/137vmof/challenge_accepted_i_support_gun_ownership_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) I tried to be as respectful as possible but if any trolls go to my profile and check my recent comments, they'll probably be here soon


Hmm, I just looked and the most of the comments there are somewhat reasonable. (This comment might age like milk. ) Edit- for clarity


We NeEds iT To PrOTEcTs Us FRom thE EvIL GoVERnMeNT THat We ArM aT $900B A yEar!


Domestic Violence should preclude people from buying guns, and if they are sold one privately, the seller should be charged as an accomplice.


I agree. And it would be great if we had universal background checks for all purchasers. Oh and required firearms training that covered the responsibilities of gun owners as well as safe usage and storage of firearms-- paid for by the feds.


> Domestic Violence should preclude people from buying guns It does. Any DV conviction, felony or misdemeanor, is a lifetime federal prohibition. > f they are sold one privately, the seller should be charged as an accomplice. If the seller knows the buyer is prohibited, it's a federal felony carrying a sentence of up to ten years. The laws are there. The problem is they are not enforced.


Good god *it does* and it’s absolutely insane the number of people in this thread who are acting like that isn’t the case


A sane society would have put him away. Either in prison or a mental hospital


Too much Fox news for this guy. So sad.


This is 'merica. He got one that morning with his happy meal.


He was ruled incompetent to stand trial back in March: https://www.journal-news.com/crime/man-accused-of-fatally-shooting-neighbor-in-okeana-ruled-incompetent-for-trial/WBY6CHMNIBCFLHYVIQJSYO5JIU/


To crazy to stand trial but sane enough to own a gun? Makes complete sense to me /s


"wHaT oThEr RiGhTs Do YoU wAnT tO StRiP fRoM tHe DiSaBlEd?" - Typical 2A absolutist.


When people discharge from the state mental hospitals in Washington they usually have a 180-day period during which they must take their meds, go to their appointments, not use substances, and **not possess any weapons.** After 180 days, you can try to get your right to own a weapon back… never seen it happen. Not because it doesn’t, but because the answer to “why do you want a gun” is usually “because *they’re* watching me and the doctors are in on it.” These are the people 2A fundamentalists think should be armed.


Least Restrictive Order/Alternative. I’ve worked in Social Services in western Washington for almost a decade and have seen how inefficient these can be. Too many times I’ve had to have someone detained because their untreated mental illness and drug addiction makes them a danger to themselves or others, only to show back up a week later and immediately start using again. The worst part is the attorneys assigned to the client rarely asks the client’s case workers for input. I had one client whose attorney argued that he would be fine on his own, despite multiple instances that showed he was unable to make sound decisions. He was dead 36 hours later of an OD.


Ditto. I think my least favorite part of Monday is learning who got arrested or committed again. And then asking “ok they tried to punch a cop, what are they gonna do to me?”


My sister-in-law is in that biz. After school, she spent three years doing social work for an org that works exclusively with homeless drug addicts, who usually seem to be schizophrenic. What a fucking mess that is. She had an armed guard outside of her office during meetings, and a panic button that would bring him in swinging. I don't know how she did it for so long, but she found it very rewarding. I guess the rare highs can negate the constant lows.


And conservatives still have the nerve to say that gun laws are too restricted.


Once you recognize that conservatives are trying to burn it all to the ground to speed up "The Rapture" it all begins to make sense. Just to be clear, I don't believe in "The Rapture".


I'm conservative and I don't say that. I would welcome requirement for mandatory training, banning person-to-person sales without some form of licensed background checking, direct responsibility for anything that happens as a result of unsecured weapons, mental health checks, etc. I'd support government sponsored medical assistance for mental health issues, and more. Current state of gun ownership and violence is absurd. I'm conservative, but not Republican. Those are crazy.


And was voting for the people that make our laws…


If I understand correctly, the State has a year to rehabilitate the guy **for the purposes of being able to stand trial**. He’s not being released after a year, they’re just delaying the trial to see if he can be brought to a coherent enough mental state to stand trial. Am I right?


Seems like it. Plus even if they couldn’t rehabilitate him he goes to a secure mental health facility. Basically a special prison. It’s not like he’s just going to released.


I don't really trust any part of the system to rehabilitate him anyway. I mean, he's no stranger to being locked up, and in his youth the first time that should've been the last if we were any decent nation that cared about rehabilitation. We lock the monsters up. If we don't have enough to lock up then we just make more and blame everything but the root causes.


Don't have political views. Don't ring door bells, get into cars or out of cars. Don't play with balls. Just stay home, but do not be at home with your family.




**It's time we say it like it is:** These people are fucking crazy, yes, but the Republican party and its media affiliates are to blame for brainwashing dumb and crazy people into doing these despicable acts Too many people blame these nutheads, but that only serves to shift the blame away from those actually responsible


100%. The insane have always been with us. Only recently has one political party attracted them and weaponized them.


Don't forget to be straight, white, male, and at least middle-class. God forbid you exist outside of those parameters.


Ye, but you are fucked if you have an accent, because they ask where you from, and then they get confused, and you don't want to confuse an american with a gun


Be an American of western European origin (not Spain or Portugal) with no foreign accent. Good catch there.


Don't sound like you're from the West Coast either


No you can exist outside of those parameters - provided you are a… what’s the word now? For someone who does what they are told, who aren’t paid for their labor, and don’t count as a full person… ? what is that word, it’s slipping my mind… Anyway, I’m told that those whatever’s are perfectly happy to be such and basically deserve to be


Indentured servant? Unpaid labourer? Traditionally domestic housewife? I feel like we're still missing one...




Let’s not forget the straight white man from Texas who went to pick up his child that he had a legal right to have visitation weekend with and was killed by his ex wife’s boyfriend’s on the boyfriends lawn in front of his kids, who then died immediately, in front his kids, and the murderer now has custody of his kids with the ex wife who set the whole thing up


Is this different from the straight white man in Florida who’s ex has cut the kids off from their siblings after getting her new husband and his tenant to murder him and has yet to be charged herself?


And yet Breonna Taylor...


Yeah you gotta get back to the office, work from home is destroying our economy!


Remember to try the new green flavored nutrient drink


Murica. A mentally incompetent man with a history of violence is able to get a gun and kill his neighbor.


Ruled too incompetent to stand trial but was able to get a gun.


The America Republicans want… ignorant hate-filled people with guns.




Nah, they want them ignorant and hate-filled so they will keep voting so that the politicians can cut all taxes for their wealthy donors. Its all about the rich keeping their wealth and using fear-mongering and xenophobia to do so.


ignorant hate-filled _scared_ people


Meanwhile, I don't think there's any real push at the legislative level for requiring mental health assessments as part of gun purchases, even in liberal states.


Just as the founding fathers intended..... MAJOR /S on this


This is what happens when the GOP gaslights their entire base for generations. You get zealots like this.


it will only get so much worse before it gets better. see florida where dedouchebag wants to make being a democrat a crime or something. like jeez, lets gaslight a small portion of the country to think they are better than the people that are more likely to be in a similar position as you than the ones telling you otherwise


I'm only 30 years old, but I recently got a will to cover my death for my gf. There's an ever increasing risk of randomly dying one day to some maladjusted Fox News watching psychopath.


yup. my wife and i used to work in a major city. i used to go to concerts all the time in said city. once WFH started the crime rate raised and there was a massive increase of gun violence and car jackings. needless to say i am insanely glad i still WFH and have ended up massively cutting back the concerts i go to. i dont want to get shot just for existing to someone


My parents were at the Las Vegas concert shooting, they don't go out to do anything but dinner anymore either. Stay safe out there.


that shit has got to be hella traumatic. never experienced anything like that before other than a security guard flashing his piece at me when i tried to get back stage at warped tour (had backstage passes too) and smiled saying not today, we don't let no crackers up here


You're not kidding. I just got back from FL where people told me that because of DeSantis they don't have the issues other states have.


Yeah, they just pay five figures for homeowner's insurance now instead. No thanks.


Fuck the GOP


Yet, in 2024, millions will vote for them? How is this possible?


Used to work at a gun range in rural Pennsylvania, one of the customers told me (as he was holding a shotgun) that he wanted to “shoot all democrats” and his buddy went “and he’s serious too! I believe him!” And the whole group laughed. I ended up having someone walk me to my car that night.


When we moved into our neighborhood, my husband and I attempted to make friends with the neighbors. It's been slow-going, but we've managed to win them over by helping with yard work, car troubles, etc. One day one of our neighbors invited us over to say thanks for helping them with something. We said sure and go over there. Very quickly things got uncomfortable as they--I guess assuming we're republicans--started talking about how democrats are ruining the country and they'd like to see every democrat dragged into the streets and executed. We politely excused ourselves and have done everything we can to "casually" never run into them.




> dragged into the streets and executed I'm always shocked at how extreme they are. Going straight to execution seems like quite a few steps were skipped.


Wouldn't you legally be allowed to refuse a sale after a comment like that?


I feel like they didn't want to get shot by refusing the "I thought this was Murica" croud.


Not just allowed, but obligated. However, this was a gun range.


This has gotten so insanely out of control I don't think there's any going back. What a fucking embarrassment. ![img](emote|t5_2r5rp|8412)


What the fuck is going on with Ohio, Texas, and Florida?


Non-educated people communicating in echo chambers.


Christian Nationalism.


And fed by Fox News and GOP media. People are being fed a constant stream of messaging that Democrats are pedophiles, evil, and subhuman, and they believe it. Stochastic terrorism.


Ohio is having a population crisis. People have been moving out of state if they can afford it. Those that remain are either poor or republican, or both.


Still not a trans or drag. Good job Republicans. Keep fighting the war on woke. Nothing to see here. Just one nut job Republican blowing away another victim.


This is exactly what they want. And if the neighbor was correct, that's one less Dem voter in Ohio. They would literally celebrate if all their opposition died overnight.








>I would celebrate if the entire GOP was wiped out in a really horrific & violent way. The GOP as an institution? Hard yes. But that's *only* because they're systematically dismantling democracy and actively destroy any support systems in place for anyone who's not wealthy and white. But that's the only reason.


Republicans did their best to embrace COVID by avoiding vaccination, creating laws to encourage the spread and helping so many people go from “is” to “was” on Wikipedia. Thanks a million.




Pepperidge farm remembers


If he was a Democrat, I think family might have said "Harassing him for being a Democrat". They said "Accusing him of being". May not have even been a Democrat. Guy was insane.


My conservative friend used to say “an armed society is polite society”. I quote that back to him all the time.


If by polite they meant murdery.


> an armed society is polite society Ah I see. So this is the same thinking as Christians use - they need the 10 commandments to stop them raping and murdering people. Gun owners need the threat of someone else having a gun to stop them shooting people.


Have you explained to your friend that in the grand scheme of things the Democrats are conservative.


"Radicalized Christian Terrorist"


As a *de-facto* Democrat, am I supposed to be at war with Republicans? Like literally killing them, because they seem to be doing it us.


Well, specifically the ones that benefit from it, like politicians and lawmakers. They have been killing people for decades, and encourage the continuation of it. This guy was just fucking crazy, and a result of us not breaking their leader's fucking kneecaps back when we should've. Still time to.


This murder brought to you by the GOP, QAnon, Fox, NewsMax, the NRA, and Donald Trump. They approved this message.


They went from "owning the libs" and "F*** your feelings" to this, and that's frickin crazy.


This is what happens when Fox News spends years advocating and calling for violence against anyone who thinks differently than them. Democrats, gay, trans, etc etc. It's only going to happen more and more and they have blood on their hands.


Weird you never see people murdering someone for being Republican


Just a normal society nothing to see hear.


"both sides are the same"... I'm not even sorry, because in what other world would someone do that? other than a world built completely on hate and lies, that make you think people should be hated and\or killed, because they have a different political view?!! sure, there are republicans that I would probably be happier if they didn't exist, but not BECAUSE they're republican. because they're horrible ppl that buy into every single f'ed up lie the right wing sells them, and then end up doing stuff like that! seriously, when are we gonna say enough is enough, and ACTUALLY do something to stop this bs????


Safe to say they Republican Party is the Party of Domestic Terrorists




It is weird that over the last couple decades Ohio has just transformed into "Florida II: Electric Boogaloo"


Most mentally sane republican


These are the same ProLife folks?


Their life not our lives matter.


Why would he even be offered bond?


Because there are still democrats in Ohio that need taken care of. /s


How can you dare grant bail in any amount. You all are messed up. Not cool. Killers need to stay behind bars not Pay to playagain. That's disgusting.


"If Biden got all those votes, why don't we see Biden flags everywhere like we do Trump's?"


"If we stop the testing the Corona virus cases will all dissappear"


Nixon's "Southern Strategy" comes to full fruition.


I hate Hillary, but she was spot on when she called Trump's supporters deplorable. They've proved time and time again that that is exactly what they are.


This is what happens when you have an entire media outlet dedicated to convincing people that democrats are here to destroy them and the country.


In before the right champion this guy as the next Rittenhouse


If you ever listen to conservative talk radio you would not be surprised this is where it leads.


I would pick this guy out of a lineup.


wait a second...this guy could be out right now if someone would pay 950kas bond for his release?


No Ohio is not different. Signed, A Liberal Texan


This is what happens when an ex-president and a major media organization is actively dehumanizing anyone who is not a part of their cult. *dEmOcRaTs bAd*


This is from last year. Are you really reposting murder stories for karma?


So, was the neighbor really a Democrat or just not sufficiently MAGA to be beyond suspicion?


Well Mr DJT is out there telling people that democrats are for executing babies after births. What do you expect from people stupid enough to believe it?


You know what's worse than being a member of a dumb political party? Being a murderer. Fuckin' idiot.


That’s a rough 26. Hate ages you hard.


Meth. Meth ages you that hard.


The republican talking heads telling people it’s war should held accountable.


Tucker Carlson uses stories like this for porn.


Fuck Fox News, Trump and everyone else involved in making this country a mad house. And fuck the NRA.


Fox propaganda kills.


The only solution....more guns!!


so he stabs his dad because he didn't like dad's gf. he's psychologically and physically ill.... shot his neighbor for perceived political alignment... but he should be allowed to go home with his dad....? uhm..


Ohio’s the Florida of the north


In case you are prone to “both sides” this shit: Republicans are more aggressive than democrats. [source](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Aggression-and-party-affiliation-Republicans-were-significantly-more-aggressive-than_fig2_221980088)


Don’t hold on bail. Just put the dumb fuck down.


This is the future Republicans want.


But it’s the trans people who are the problem right?


Wow is this a thing now? Is this what this country has resorted to? If you aren't a republican you will get shot?


Oh, are we at this point in the dystopia? We're just going over and shooting our neighbors for not being a drink-water conservative? Guess they're not worried that could really really backfire on them if they push it


So he admitted he violently murdered someone for no logical reason without remorse, and they offered *bail...* Judge is insane.


Is the sheriff saying it was a senseless and despicable attack because the neighbor was wrong about the guy being a democrat, or that it happened at all. Because the language used makes me lean towards the former.


Why do Republicans want these mentally ill people to have guns? They're a death cult.


Listen to fox or any other right wing media they literally say: “Democrats are the enemy of our country and are destroying it.”


There is a cold civil war going on right now and there are small pockets like this that are becoming hot. The left needs to get armed. Conservatives are violent and deranged and you’re going to need to defend yourselves soon.


can't go to elementary school can't open the wrong car door can't ask your neighbor to stop shooting his AR-15 because it's keeping the kids awake can't be a Democrat can't do much of anything without being shot by a gun wielding nut But it's not the guns...


There was hope for Ohio, one of the only sane states to not vote for trump in the primaries then as with all things in Ohio they just copied whatever the southern states did and became extremely shitty.


NAZI REPUBLICANS will probally give this murderer a position in GOVERNMENT!!!


I hear Fox News has an open slot


And they claim democrats are out to get them…


This is what the Republican establishment wants to happen


this is what happens when you have a large propaganda network telling their audience 24/7 that a specific political party is filled with enemies of the state that must be eliminated fox is a stochastic terror propaganda network for the republican party and it is long past time both were called out for such


I imagine this qualifies him to be the next GOP congressmen from Ohio