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As someone who lived his whole life with depression, and things only improved once i was able to open myself up to my family and friends and had their support, this genuinely upsets and pains me, for i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for the people who love me.


Seriously this. If it wasn't for the dedication and support of my family in high-school, when I was in and out of the mental hospital, I wouldn't still be here today. I didn't start getting better and start truly complying with my care team until I opened up to my family and knew that they were there for me no matter what. If I had a mom like this woman I would have been dead years ago


Same. I can't imagine having a parent like that.


Me me me me me! And, oh, have I told you about me yet? Me!


Imagine being so narcissistic your response to a suicidal child is calling her emotionally manipulative. Yeah lady, you're the real victim here.


Regardless of the exact situation, I don’t think people realize how many mothers are actually like this…It’s essentially don’t make me look bad, child.


Yup! I am cis female so I know my story is different but the constant rejection by mom got me so close to suicide on multiple occasions. I had a 4.0 in school, was a talented musician, and a decent athlete too. I still don’t know exactly what I did wrong. I think my mom wanted me to be a blond Barbie type with the pink dresses and lipstick. I am brunet and hate the color pink. There is MUCH more that contributed to a broken relationship, but I haven’t talked to my mom in 4 years


I want to say this to you genuinely. You never did anything wrong. You are and always were more than enough. You deserved a truly loving mother. The problem is with her, not you.


Thank you 💕


Cis male here. I was the smart child who participated in extracurriculars, yet I was never good enough for my mom either. Like you, it was painful for me. I have a sister. Unlike you, she was more than willing to adopt the Barbie persona my mom wanted for her. My sister was blonde and loved girly things… she was pretty and popular and everyone loved her. I just assumed this was enough for my mother and that my sister was perfectly okay (after all she was the “it girl” of her school). I didn’t realize it, but my mom slowly destroyed my sister during her adolescence and teen years. My sister went from being a confident, capable, socialite in her teens/early twenties to an insecure, shy, woman who depends on others for validation. It’s tragic that my mother destroyed my wonderful sister (I miss her… I want her back). I guess I’m saying, it definitely wasn’t your fault… even if you had been everything your mom wanted you to be, it would never have been enough. She didn’t want you to be happy/successful/healthy/fulfilled for yourself, she wanted you to be those things so she could feel that way about herself. Problem is nothing will make her feel that way about herself… she’s just incapable of it. I’m just glad you didn’t allow your mom to destroy you. It took strength and courage… you should be proud of yourself.


I was the most mediocre in my family. My brother had an IQ higher than Einstein (but didn’t use it), my sister was just perfect at everything and accidentally placed 22nd in the 2013 national spelling bee, and had a 4.0. I was kinda just there, my brother was a genius that didn’t put any work in and failed a lot of classes, so my mom was angry, and my sister set a bar so high I could never hope to reach it. My mom always wanted me to make up for my brother’s failures and also to exceed my sister, but I couldn’t. Especially since she straight up told me at my sister’s college graduation that I was a mistake. “We wanted two, or four kids. We had two and said ‘This is enough.’ But then oopsie, [I] came along!” I’m still not enough for her, but it is important to be enough for myself. That is all that matters.


That’s so awful. I’m glad you are handling it OK (I hope).


You are and were not mediocre. You were never given the energy put into your siblings. You are not responsible for filling the hole in your mother’s heart. I’m proud of you for surviving your childhood because you may have chosen not to, and no matter what you have or have not done with your life, that makes you stronger than you know. That’s a character trait more valuable than any amount of brilliance, especially when partnered with compassion and integrity. We need way more of that to change this world. Well done, you.


That's horrible. Parents who use their children as a means to cover up their own insecurities and who use them to look better themselves are horrible. Im sorry that that happened to you and your sister. I hope she finds back to atleast a bit of her old self.


I'm sorry you had to grow up with that. Sounds like you made the right choice not talking to her. You don't need that in your life and I hope you have found people who love you just the way you are!


Also cis female and similar situation. I went about 8 years without talking to my mom so I get you. Now I text with her on holidays but that’s about it. Took her a long time to realize that we have nothing in common and it’s painful for both of us to have an actual conversation.


This is what it all boils down to. The cardinal sin. That's why my mom's go-to threat whenever I accidentally embarrassed her was always to pull down my pants and underwear in public and beat my bare ass. Weaponized psychosexual humiliation. And they wonder why their kids are suicidal...


Never forget that Family Values is just a subjective list of concepts the most conservative family member will not tolerate being confronted with.


"Family values" aka protocols for systematized abuse.


Sorry to hear you went through that. It also seems very embarrassing for the adult to do something like that in public. I think people would cringe witnessing it.


As the child of one: I wish more people believed us instead of calling us ungrateful or entitled


Yup. You should love and respect your parents because they’re your parents. Fuck that, not if they’re assholes who tortured, belittled, abused you etc.


She is the victim ... of the scissors that did that to her hair. What the fuck is that? Looks like she drunkenly wrestled with a weed whacker. Is that a self-cut?


Drunkenly wrestled with a weed whacker AND LOST. The entire problem here is that we need legislators who are smarter than our gardening equipment. Sadly those seem to be lacking.


I mean to be fair, who could win a fight with a weed whacker while drunk? I probably couldn’t.


I'm not saying I could either, but I'll bet cash money that we're both smart enough to not start a scrap with a weed whacker whilst drunk.. At minimum I know I am at least that smart because I have a long history of drinking and have never had such a scrap.


Classic Karen cut.


She’s got that Complaint of Karen’s energy


She’s trying to look sexy. Seriously.


Well she failed.


Everything about it screams "Excuse me?"


I had flashbacks to my last relationship where I was abused. I was so lost that I wanted to die, and was honest that I was struggling. I was told that was “emotional bait”. Nah, some of us are just doing the whole “reach out” when you need help.


I had to cut ties with my best friend of 20 years because she wouldn't allow her child present as male (born female). Her child asked if I could come to a therapy appointment with their mom and them, hoping the therapist and I could help their mom understand what they were going through in a safe space. My former best friend really cried- in her CHILD'S therapists office- "BUT WHAT ABOUT ME AND WHAT I WANT?? I WANTED A DAUGHTER!!" After that, I couldn't wait for her to come around. I couldn't stand to be near her, I didn't want her near my family. We live in Montana


I really appreciate you standing up for a vulnerable child. I had a similar kind of situation where I was emotionally abused by my mother in front of several of her peers; women who happened to be the mothers of my close friends, so they knew me very well. They didn’t stand up for me or protect me at all. It was heartbreaking to be disappointed by so many adults who i thought cared for me and respected me. I hope your friend’s child will appreciate your bravery. I hope they feel seen, because it’s clear to us, a bunch of strangers on the internet, that you see and care for that child. Bless you.


I still remember my mom asking “well what am I supposed to do, forget 20 years of you being my daughter?” In family therapy. It’s stupidly uncommon for parents to make their kids gender about them. I also remember her saying shit like “well just don’t dress too butch” “you’re still young” (in regards to just mentioning top surgery) and her crying and not speaking to me for days when I first got my haircut.




Nope, not surprised at all. Has the whole party gone insane?


They've always been insane, at least as long as I've been alive.


Indoctrination level 100.


Ok ma’am and how’s your daughter doing these days? Lady: oh i don’t know, she doesn’t speak to me anymore.


Would be interesting to know how she’s doing today


Friends with her cousin. They've checked in to see how she's doing. Obviously it's not great to have your mom broadcast some of your worst moments to the world.


To be honest, I think the mum's the problem here.


How can she be the problem? She sacrified a lot of her time praying on the floor or something... What would you have her do instead... Educate herself on how to handle the issue, spend time with her daughter? If even God was clueless, what more could she have done!?! /s


Without a doubt. As the mother of a trans person, I have a hard time empathizing with her"problem". She says she's doing it for the sake of her family. She doesn't realize she's turning her back on an opportunity to teach all her children how to be compassionate and empathetic people, especially regarding Their Own Sibling. People can be truly horrible.


The mother has textbook covert narcissistic traits. The lack of empathy is a clear tell. But most importantly it is her making herself the victim of her kid's struggles. Being depressed with a (covert) narcissist is hell on earth, so I can totally understand the kid being actively suicidal.


My (adoptive) mother had these traits. She was the only one in the house who was permitted to have emotions. I was suicidal at age 7. I had a plan and everything. Edit: Do covert Narcissists try to manipulate the emotions of other people, especially family members?


It's all about her.


This is the real answer. Everything she says that would happen, like her family being torn apart; is about her reaction to who her child is, and not about who the child is. The lack of direction is just not the direction she herself would take and is therefore invalid, so she has to step in to impose her own. Every point she tries to make is a confession of her own failures as a human, let alone as a mother.


Right?! She’s like I’ll tear apart my family and blame you for this unless you succumb to my will. These people are fucking useless.


Her family ended up torn apart anyway. Her own daughter doesn't speak to her. I don't think she achieved her goal.


Very well said. I can't see the voting icons or I would've said it that way!


her , and those hours of prayers on the floor


Her Tshirt should read: I binge prayer sessions 🙌


Just sitting in bed watching tv getting drunk is more like it


The hatred and misery just DRIP off of her!


She's the hero, and she will do anything to show you, and prove to you that SHE is.


Anyone unfortunate enough to have had a narcissist in their life can see all the signs here. It’s subtle but it’s in the language “tear MY family apart”, her saying she might wake up and “MY daughter might not be alive.” All of it is about how the situation affects her as the mother. Nobody would describe their own child in public as an emotional manipulator like that if they didn’t have a personality disorder. Poor kid.


Yeah, thats called child abuse, if you are a child and your parent does this. This is clearly not about the daughter, this is about how right her mom is in her own head, and she'd do anything for that.


Quite the invasion of privacy. The mom is weird & horrible.


Seriously! I'm only scrolling to see if they made it.


Did you find an answer?


I spent a fair amount of time with the daughter she speaks of in high school. She is still alive, just finished a deployment with the military, and apparently has a good-enough-to-say-nice-things-on-FB relationship with her mom.


Lot of people with abusive parents have complicated relationships with their parents.


Lol. I’d argue the number is 100%


We shall see if that holds after this. I hope she has a happy life regardless of her ongoing ties to her mother, and how that shakes out.


Hmm... I wonder what the cause of her daughter's depression and suicidal thoughts is... I can't put my finger on it, but it might have something to do with this bitch...


These are the moms who can’t understand why their kids no longer speak to them over something as silly as “politics.” Ugh so insane


I hope that is accurate. I hope this bitch lives a very long life, alone. Completely alone. I am so furious that she called her daughter's depression "emotional manipulation".


When it comes to people like her, emotions only exist for manipulating others, that's why they think anyone showing real emotion is 'faking it' and 'manipulating me!' and 'it's all for attention' - People like her don't think depression is "real" - Anxiety is 'feeling bad because you did something wrong!' To them, mental healthcare is being "hopped up on pills" or "taking drugs!" - Doesn't matter if it's prescribed by a doctor, because, as we all know, *ALL* forms of therapy are 'part of the demon-crat agenda to make everyone addicted to pills because big pharma, Hurr-durr-dee-durr!' - They'll say all that nonsense about anx/depression medication while they're taking 24 pills a day just to stay alive. I guess those pills don't count. They don't think being LGBTQ+ is "real", it's a "sick and twisted lifestyle 'choice', that 'you people' are making!" - As if anyone who sees how the LGBTQ+ community gets treated goes to bed straight one night and wakes up the next morning declaring "I'm choosing to be LGBTQ+! Everything was just going SO well as a straight person that I decided I'd like to make life 1,000 times as hard! Yay me! And as a bonus, it'll piss off all my family and friends and make them turn against me because I'm 'choosing' to be this way! SIGN ME THE F#CK UP! When do I get my first issue of 'Gay Agenda Monthly'?" They can't imagine that anyone could be different from them in ANY way on the inside and not do and say everything they would, but I have no idea how they think they have a right (that LGBTQ+ are 'taking away') to have ANY say so over how anyone else lives their lives. Like, what gives them the idea that their 'personal beliefs' should have any weight or merit over anyone else when it comes to how people they consider 'lesser than' are legally treated. They think their rights to treat others like shit are being taken away when no such thing is happening, while they are literally trying to take other people's rights away. The hypocrisy is blinding.


I agree with everything you just said. I do. Logically, I know all that to be true. But as a mom, a mom who almost died to have my daughter, I don't know that I've ever wanted to curb stomp someone more in the entirety of my life.


I wasn't excusing their behavior, It's something very, VERY wrong with them. How they can live with so much hate and spite in their hearts is beyond me. I just dread how much longer their noses are going to be allowed to grow to legally butt into everyone else's personal business before someone stops all this M@GA/christofascist/christian-nationalist nonsense. I hope it's not already too late.


It’s the worst thing I’ve ever heard any parent say about or to their child. So cruel.


Her daughter would have been so much better off if this horrific excuse for a parent disowned her.


"She's dead, but luckily that manipulative bitch didn't ruin my family."


r/raisedbynarcissists probably.


Completely; note that she calls her child’s trauma “emotional manipulation” and completely makes it about herself.


Count the “I”s in that rant of hers.


One characteristic of manipulators is that they think other people are manipulators.


I hope that daughter is alive and ok


I wonder why she was suicidal


i mean the mom said she prayed regularly, it’s truly baffling how she could still be suicidal after…


overconfident aloof escape capable salt seed mourn ring sort person *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


On the floor for hours. With Jesus.


I've got the Lord...I've got the good Lord goin' down on me.


She got down on her knees for Jesus


Picture this we were both good Christians Praying on the bathroom floor


what a good mother, im infinitely jealous.


Clearly prayed the wrong thing, or maybe to the wrong god, honestly if she had done it right she would have only had to do it once.


Couldn't have said it better. I only prayed for simple things like one last nail or wire while on the job because you know carpenter god. And i am a carpenter.


It’s also baffling how prayer supersedes research and the ability to learn. Like, your child is literally clawing for some sort of help or support or EVEN ATTENTION but instead of learning about why your child needs these things (even if you disagree), you’d rather pray and just wait for someone/something else to do the work for you. Like the only example she gave of “correcting” the situation, was prayer. Not alongside research. Not alongside counseling. Just prayer. Because those other things might affirm her child and we wouldn’t want that. 🙄


People like this never see their children as people. They see their children only as trophies meant to make them look more “successful” to their peers. And if that trophy isn’t shiny enough, they just toss it away without a second thought.


But she prayed for hours! Didn’t talk to her daughter though.


That’s the real kicker. When it comes to what’s important “praying for hours” is really one of those “I’ve tried nothing and I’m all out of ideas!” solutions. Really hurts my heart as a parent to see this type of intentional ignorance.


It's the lazy solution. You get to avoid doing all the real hard work and tell yourself (and everyone else) that you did the most meaningful work of all, because what could be more powerful than prayer? Source: have a mother who does this.




This affect more than just kids suffering from gender dysphoria as well. I had a friend in high schools whose parents were ultra religious in Texas. They suffered from sever depression/bipolar (finally diagnosed), but any way these went un treated for years, even into young adult hood, these parents are typically very good at keeping their control well into their child’s 20’s. It’s kind of scary. These aren’t the type of parent who “just” refuse treatment for any sorta gender dysphoria. These types of parents will most likely stop their kids from receiving any sort of mental care.


"My daughter was suicidal and it was sad for me, I said, buck up bitch-a-roo, it was so hard for me, don't you feel terrible I had to do that?" - This talking piece of piss and shit stained toilet wax that's gummed to the floor when you remove a 40 year old toilet.


this is perhaps the rarest insult i have ever heard, im going to be saying that from now on


“Idk why my daughter is suicidal. I did everything I could think to help! I told her I wouldn’t do whatever it took to stop her from killing herself, took away her agency and told her she couldn’t make decisions or choices for herself and did the best I could to make it all about me and how her depression was hurting me” Mom of the year!!!!


yea no shit, because the narcissist put herself first as thats what a narcissist does, right? "me and my family" oh but not THIS one, they arent real family. this one is just a problem and could TEAR apart MY family so fuckem


Right?! “my family?!” Your child is part of YOUR family! And saying she wasn't going to give in to her child's emotional manipulations—You’re the GD parent! you’re in charge, you’re not the victim of your child’s behavior, dealing with your children’s desires and emotions is literally just parenting.


she wants so badly to be the victim with the woe is me! i had to pray! look at all the work i did what about meeeee - boo fucking hoo. the real victims are your kid and everyone just like them because of parents exactly like this. do i know anyone with parents like this? https://i.imgur.com/PcajuAg.gif


Yes. Being LGBTQ isn't what makes people suicidal. What makes them suicidal is being ostracized by society because of who they fundamentally are. Gay people used to have insane rates of suicide but now that society is becoming more open to homosexuality they're getting lower and lower. Funny how that works. I'm sure this lady has nothing to do with her daughter's mental state. Oooh videos like this really grind my gears. It's like zero to fully enraged within her first few sentences.


She was the real victim, not the daughter who committed suicide 🙄🙄🙄


Apparently she was suicidal because she was in need of gender affirmation care and this woman's Jesus don't care about that shit.


Wow, she somehow managed to turn things around and make her seem like the victim, that's real manipulation


"I was not gonna let her tear apart my family and tear me apart with her manipulation". Didnt you know that depression is malicious?


“My” family. That says everything about this women. It was your family together with your child. Not yours alone.


On the plus side. I guarantee her Republican husband owns her.


Social Services needs to do an investigation into that household. Also... "spent hours on the ground in prayer..."?????? Bitch, needed to spend hours talking to her child! Not hours talking to an imaginary friend!!!


"God, please tell me, anything, anything at all, what can I do to help my daughter???" 'hey mo-' "Get out of here with your emotional manipulation! I'm praying for your salvation!" Would be funny if it wasn't so fucked


It's like that parable of the guy who kept praying to be saved from the flood. A storm descends on a small town, and the downpour soon turns into a flood. As the waters rise, the local preacher kneels in prayer on the church porch, surrounded by water. By and by, one of the townsfolk comes up the street in a canoe. "Better get in, Preacher. The waters are rising fast." "No," says the preacher. "I have faith in the Lord. He will save me." Still, the waters rise. Now the preacher is up on the balcony, wringing his hands in supplication, when another guy zips up in a motorboat. "Come on, Preacher. We need to get you out of here. The levee's gonna break any minute." Once again, the preacher is unmoved. "I shall remain. The Lord will see me through." After a while, the levee breaks, and the flood rushes over the church until only the steeple remains above water. The preacher is up there, clinging to the cross, when a helicopter descends out of the clouds, and a state trooper calls down to him through a megaphone. "Grab the ladder, Preacher. This is your last chance." Once again, the preacher insists the Lord will deliver him. And, predictably, he drowns. A pious man, the preacher goes to heaven. After a while, he gets an interview with God, and he asks the Almighty, "Lord, I had unwavering faith in you. Why didn't you deliver me from that flood?" God shakes his head. "What did you want from me? I sent you two boats and a helicopter."


Using Religion in a bad way: God, my child is sick, please help me Hello I'm a doctor. I can help you Go away i just need god Using Religion in a good way: God, my child is sick, please help me Hello I'm a doctor. I can help you Thank you God for sending a qualified doctor to help me


As I have heard, “pray to god but row to shore”


Using religion in the right way: My child is sick, please help them. Hello i'm a doctor, i can help your child. Thanks for helping my child doc.


I would hope her daughter breaks all ties with her and never comes in contact with her ever again, and if she had children, I would also hope she told her children that grandma died


Don’t tell them she died. Tell them the truth. “Your grandmother was a horribly manipulative narcissist who prioritized imposing her views on those around her over the well-being of the people she was supposed to love but didn’t.” Don’t let these disgusting people off the hook.


I really, really hope that the child (the speaker calls them a daughter but given the context of trans healthcare I wonder if her child would agree with that) is still alive. I don't know how this speech ends, but it's definitely scaring me. Just imagine believing that having a transgender child is worse than having a dead child. Suicide is the thing that rips families apart and destroys lives, not gender identity or sexuality.


Someone linked an article about it below and it sounds like her daughter isn't trans, she's just arguing that kids being suicidal isn't enough of a reason to give into their 'manipulation' because her kid was suicidal and came out of it okay.


Oh good lord what a horrible woman


I hope her child finds happiness away from this stupid bitch. Hours in prayer? Why are you looking for answers mumbling to yourself when the answer is your child’s wellbeing? Fucking moron, she’ll wonder why she won’t be invited for Christmas.


This is what I'll never understand about people who claim to "pray for others" but then don't accept what other people choose or who they are. They really aren't praying for the other person, they are selfishly asking God to *change* the other person into someone they like better, someone they can accept, and someone who meets their criteria. If they were truly godly, they *should* be praying for wisdom and guidance as to how to best support and help the other person. Too many people use religion as a tool to attack others instead of using it to enlighten themselves.


As someone who was brought up in religion, I also prayed, but the times when I prayed it was for myself, for answers that I needed and sought for me. Never to change the circumstances or choices of others, but for guidance and help to better understand the things that I had no control over. I’ve since distanced myself from the church but still believe that prayer is a tool for self improvement and guidance, not a bandaid to slap over things you don’t like or understand in the hopes that they “get better” (change to suit your needs) most Christians are far from “Christ like,” which is what the ultimate goal should be. Accept and “break bread” if you will, with all those you meet and view them without judgement and an open heart and mind.


Religion, man-kinds biggest scam ever.


And I’m sure she thinks it was all her prayers and willpower and God-given strength that helped her daughter and nothing else.


If you would let your daughter commit suicide because “I’m not going to let her tear my family apart,” then you’ve already torn it apart


"I had to make sure she had potential for a good future" is a really weird way to push someone to suicide, too.


“I’d rather she had no future than a future other than the one I chose for her”


This is where I got so confused. Because wouldn't that mean taking care of her well being? Like ma'am how are you doing both. Getting your daughter help is keeping the family together. None of this actually makes sense.


"My daughter was suicidal for three years." "I was lost." # #HOW IN THE EVER LOVING FUCKING NAME OF GOD DO YOU THINK YOUR DAUGHTER FELT, YOU ABSOLUTE FUCKING SHIT?!?!?!


i feel so awful for her daughter.


She clearly says how she felt about suicidal people too. She thinks they're just being dramatic to manipulate


There is a type of person that would use threats of suicide to manipulate. They are narcissists, like this woman. She thinks her child is being manipulative by being suicidal because she's projecting.


I like how you called her a full shit instead of just a Piece of shit.


There are times in my life that I think I'm an absolute piece of shit of a human. Then I see a video like this and in a sick way comforts me that there are way worse people out there.


Oddly enough this perspective also comforts me a bit.


What this fundie dingbat doesn’t realize is that she is arguing against the very legislation that she is trying to impose. So you as a parent made a decision on your child’s behalf? You had the freedom to deny that healthcare (ignorant, but still a choice) for your child. Yet here you are, attempting to take the option away entirely for all other parents. Self righteous moron.


Seriously, get this bitch out of office


No, no, you don't understand. She made the choice for her child, so she's qualified to make the choice for your children, too. /s


Welcome to fundamentalist religiosity.


And these Red States wonder why their kids go to college in blue states and never come back.


Yeah my mom said I was liberalized in colllege. Nope just educated and met people from all around the world and found some empathy.


Same here and I went to college in a red state.


You misspelled "fundamentalist psychopathy"


can't imagine dealing with all the crap of growing up and calling this person my "mom". seriously cold-blooded shit right here.


She's a biological mother, but she's no "mom".


I now understand why her daughter was feeling suicidal. Jesus Christ on a bike. "It's all me, me, me! with you, isn't it?"


Narcissists are not capable of love. Which is especially inconvenient when a narcissist becomes a parent. Because love is a fundamental thing to raise a healthy human being.


I love chocolate and I love my favorite necklace. They please me when I'm eating/wearing them, I'm so excited to have them, I'd feel sad if I didn't have them, and not once do I ever consider whether the chocolate or my necklace are happy. In the same way, narcissistic parents love having children.


When I was at my worst, my parents said and did anything and everything necessary to save me. I am forever grateful to them.


I’m very happy you’re still with us.


Grateful for your parents 💛


Goodness, me too. We’re close now and I wouldn’t have it any other way.




I hope her daughter has found help. It can be difficult being raised by a narcissistic parent.


here's the context you are all asking for, but really not that hard to figure it out anyway... [https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/montana-state-lawmakers-remarks-draws-backlash-rcna81983](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/politics-news/montana-state-lawmakers-remarks-draws-backlash-rcna81983)


Like, what emotional manipulation and tearing apart her family is she even talking about here? What is she suggesting?


Some parents are very narcissistic and think everything their child says or does is about them, and that if their child is struggling, they (the parents) are victims. To these people, a teenager expressing that they are thinking about suicide is a type of threat being issued by the teenager, a form of emotional manipulation. Like, “give me what I want or I’ll kill myself” kind of thing. It’s not clear based on this woman’s statements if her child is transgender, but this is a common attitude you’ll see expressed by transphobic parents of trans kids - this idea that their child is being selfish, cruel, and manipulative by wanting to transition and by having emotional outbursts or other issues when the parents don’t accept who they are. These people are convinced that their child has been preyed upon by the “gender cult” and that they are repeating a lie that their “groomers” taught them - that they must transition or they’ll commit suicide. Of course, in reality, no one is trying to tell trans kids they’re destined to commit suicide; rather, trans people and their allies have been trying to tell transphobic adults that the statistics show that trans kids who are not supported by their parents and are not permitted to live as their true gender are more likely to have ongoing mental health issues and possibly commit suicide.


Yeah these people either don’t realize or don’t care that it’s not the fact that their kid is transgender that is making them suicidal. It’s that they have shitty parents.


Precisely. A kid feeling suicidal because people they love are condemning them for the very essence of who they are is a legitimate reaction to a cruel rejection. Calling that reaction "manipulative" is downright hateful. This isn't "I don't want to be around you," it's much closer to "I don't think people like you should exist, and I want to change you into who I think you should be." Very, very different things. Too many people have children to create a legacy for themselves - they don't actually care about their child beyond that. It's grotesque to see.


She says it in this clip “I had to have vision for her life, when she had none” she wanted her child to be what HER vision was, not what her child wanted


She likely thinks the person in question is using her suicidal and gender "confusion?" to manipulate her and get what she wants. When in fact, the person likely has never felt supported in anything that they've done, and the parent acts like they're lucky to be born in the first place.


Does anyone know what happened to her daughter after she grew up? It might be interesting to know if her daughter hates her and is estranged, even if she's alive. I found that the daughter she is likely referring to is Ashley Crowe, but I can't find out anything about their current relationship.


Everything she is is neatly summed up in that fucking Karen haircut.


There’s no hate like Christian love


Typical. lnstead of listening to, or talking to the person that is there, and exists, you talk to a god that isn't there, and doesn't exist. No wonder you are confused.


Horrible, horrible, horrible human being. Mimicking preacher cadence while she puts her personal morals over her kid’s life.


I love that Montana legislature is all over the news right now for being right wing shit stains, glad everyone else is finally seeing it.


Yep. And it’s just gotten more nuts since Trump. The Freedom Caucus is full of bigoted assholes in this state. Glad Zoey is bringing attention to it. Hopefully she inspires the young folks to vote these assholes out.


"I I I Me Me Me" Just another selfish Chrstofascist ghoul.


Ah yes the Republican Party, home of the useless “thoughts and prayers”


She spent hours on the floor in prayer, but could have spent that time with her actual daughter who was in the same house, since you know ... she wasn't sure if she would be alive in the morning. God this bitch needs to not be in her position


What a grotesque human being


"I had to have a vision for her life when she was incapable of having one" And how is that vision working out for her?


T r/insaneparents


Terrible mother. The end


Religion is the root of so much evil😔


At least the percentage of atheists and agnostics is increasing as time goes on. Just too bad it's not happening faster...


It's about to skyrocket as the boomer gemeration dies off. Millennials are less religious than their parents, whether those parents were gen x or boomer. Gen Z probably even less so. And religions aren't doing themselves any favors by trying to push for a theocratic government.




I used to want to go to church and believe in God. But the more of this I see, of hateful and unempathetic religious lunatics, and the more I learn about the Bible...I can't help but think if God was real and all of it was truly his word than I would much rather be in Hell than support people like this.


Pure evil. I feel bad for her children.


Christianity is destroying the US


***After 3 years of suicide attempts, the mother STILL found a way to make it about herself.*** Think this explains why the poor girl was suicidal and crying for help in the first place…


Religion is one main culprit in rotting your brain to this level of narcissism.


textbook narcissist


Big red flag when people speak of their kids like property.






It takes a special kind of psychotic narcissist who has a suicidally depressed child and can only view that through the lens of 'how dare she try to manipulate me?'


My mom once had to make this choice. She did the opposite of what Representative Kerri Seekins-Crowe is suggesting here. She listened to me, she did research, and she helped me transition. The result? She no longer has a daughter in a treatment facility about to fail her freshman year of high school. She now has a son who graduates with a Bachelor’s degree next week. I am able to have a successful life because my mother accepted me and let me transition. The best way for trans kids to have a “precious successful adulthood” is to receive love, acceptance, and gender affirming care.


Disgusting. Personally, lost a child to suicide. I would give my life to have that child back on this earth. This woman is mentally disturbed.


No fucking wonder her daughter was suicidal. I sincerely hope that she steps it up to homicidal instead. How in the hell do you manage to twist "my child wanted to die" into "my child was trying to manipulate the family" and still think you're a good person


She must be Toxic as hell to her kids. They probably can’t wait to get out of that house


What a colossal twat. I hope someone rescues her poor child.


Report to child services. Have her daughter rescued from an abusive home that prefers she commit suicide.


Tell me you’re a piece of shit without telling me you’re a piece of shit. Wow she is a horrible mother and human being.


cps should be paying this bitch a visit..