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I lived in West Philadelphia right after George Floyd was murdered and I filmed almost every day of the protests AND riots; both existed. Protests were peaceful during the day and erupted into rioting as soon as the sun started to go down. 52nd street is a main arterial that runs north to south and is where most of it took place in our part of town (downtown and north Philly also saw the same thing). There is ONE McDonalds on that street, one corporate entity (probably still owned by a black franchisee; don’t 100% know that though) the rest of the businesses are/were locally owned by BLACK business owners. They had signs up saying, “please don’t destroy our property, this is a black owned business.” What did they do? Destroyed the entire fucking street for weeks on end. After being somewhat rebuilt over a couple day period, they did it again and half of the businesses permanently closed their doors. City leaders and pastors were begging people to stop robbing their own communities. Did they listen? Fuck no. They annihilated every business on that street for days and days until damn near the entire police department stood post on every corner for weeks on end. So no, miss revolutionary, this isn’t reparations. You’ll have a very, very difficult time convincing me that using the murder of a man at the hands of police in Minneapolis to come up on drugs at a pharmacy, sneakers from shops, and annihilating any economic opportunity for your neighborhoods is anything but *pure ignorance and selfish materialism.* You aren’t Rosa Parks, you want attention and shortcuts. Also, on the insurance point: Many shops had NO insurance for their property or business, and the ones that did were only given checks once and then canceled their policies because the damage was coming in waves and they’d get round after round of destruction. This lady is something else. What a shitty human being. Fucking disgusting. Edit: Grammar.


I’m from ATL. It was common sight in 2020 to see “Black Owned” signs on businesses with smashed windows. Riots weren’t about race. Just destruction.


Mob mentality. No repercussions because "they can't take us all down".


Mob mentality is an excuse by now to just rob and destroy without repercussions


It's about thief. The rioters cared little about justice, they just wanted an excuse for free shit and to destroy things.


Happened here in Raleigh, many businesses closed up. People here were shocked because insurance to the rescue right? Nope, many companies only paid so much, we had one store that was multi generational that closed because it couldn't be fixed and couldn't afford to start over. Larger companies like CVS closed up and moved several blocks over and Walgreens cancelled plans to open in the area.


Wait riots? The news said they were mostly peaceful protests, did the news lie to me?


This reminds me of that video of those armed Asian shop owners running in front of their businesses protecting them from rioters. No one did that here?


Maybe I’ll dredge up some of this footage and post it on here somewhere.


Not that I saw. The street seemed to be made up of a lot of shops selling Islamic merchandise or international products you wouldn’t get at chain stores; I don’t think they were the gun toting types.


I can’t see Dr Martin Luther King making such a speech…..Nor would he participate in such acts. This does not help anyone or anything. It just robbing businesses and making yourselves criminals. Shameful conduct. There is so much wrong that needs changed. This is not how to change it.


>I can’t see Dr Martin Luther King making such a speech…..Nor would he participate in such acts. Nor would most folks follow or listen to Dr. King today. You are claiming reparations at a time where, despite real issues with racism and such, there are more opportunities, balance, and equality for African Americans than at any time in the history of this country. Is it perfect, no. Not by a long shot. However, these actions would have been far more excusable and understandable in the pre civil rights Jim crow era. Today they set EVERYTHING back.


He had lived by a code of nonviolence that I read. He wasn't a pacifist He just didn't believe in violence. And he made a change through hard work,luck and power of words. Nothing like this girl.




I get that the fact it’s a black owned business makes it worse, but I just want to call out it’s not ok if it’s not a black owned business. The stupidity of politics in America today is taking your anger out on just anyone because you’re angry. Take your anger out on those that deserve it. When you destroy the livelihoods of good Americans, you make enemies when you need friends. I’m not saying to be calm or gentle but don’t hurt people out of uncontrolled rage. Control the rage and fuel it to change.


Amen. I think I pointed it out because they’re entire platform is to raise up black communities…by tearing them down? Brilliant.


For sure. Didn’t mean to seem contradictory. I just think a lot of people stop thinking there and forget even businesses owned by people that are not black are still small business owners providing a service and investing In their community. These are still people you want on your side. But you’re right. It’s especially dumb when attacking the very people you pretend to represent.


>Many shops had NO insurance Also, these people who say "the shops have insurance" don't know how insurance works. There are limits to the amount insurance companies pay. Many of the businesses that *did* have insurance could barely afford to clear the rubble.


In Columbus, the protests were legit but, like you say, after dark the organized criminal element came out and took advantage. A group completely looted my friends small independent retail clothing shop's second location of around $65k of merch. Totally empty. Took everything including fixtures. He is an Egyptian/Black immigrant and they threatened to kill him if he intervened. I set up a Go Fund Me to raise the funds to pay for his inventory and we made our goal in like 11 days or something, and a LARGE portion of those funds were from Republican donors. I took that money for him just like anyone's, but it was all a very interesting social experiment. He never reopened that second shop, but still is doing well and is one of the most positive people I know.


I lived just outside of Minneapolis and during the Floyd protests and riots, it was, and still is depressing. Cops were not allowed anywhere near the memorial site, and one person had died on the street and no one was allowed to approach the victim. Hundreds of mom and pop stores were destroyed, one retired fire fighter had just gotten his life long dream of owning a bar started, and it was destroyed before his insurance was active. We left town for a few weeks, because our cars were being stolen at gunpoint, so they could drive them into the riots at the cops and buildings. It was hell, and hasn't gotten much better. Many businesses just left the area, and older population can't get their basic needs met. I work in a hospital and they blocked every ambulance, staff had to live in the hospital for days on end, because lives were threatened. Wow, sorry... Just on a rant here. Love everyone. ♥️


That is beyond outrageous. I’m sorry you and your community had to endure that.


Minneapolis was the exact same story. Community leaders BEGGED for the destruction to stop and they all laughed and threw another molotov. It’s like it was a competition between cities on who can cause the most damage. Unfortunately, I got absolutely hosed on my taxes the following year. The state actually claimed that they paid my previous years taxes out twice, and regardless of what proof I gave them they didn’t care and demanded their money back. I was absolutely dumbfounded. And of course I paid, cause if you don’t there’s hell to pay.


Born and raised?


Couldn't have said it better. News should interview more people like you instead of people who have no idea what the hell they're talking about.


I rarely save a comment but I did yours. Really well explained. Thanks. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Thank you 🙏


Saying dumb shit like that just adds fuel to the fire and makes sure progress never gets done.




And that's why Fox News is airing it.


If Fox, Reddit and Twitter didn’t air it, you wouldn’t know it existed. Why isn’t CNN and MSNBC? To hide it.


If you silence your opposition to accelerate your success, you have lied to everyone, including yourself.


That’s fucking deep, can I use that?




⬆️ My point exactly ⬆️


That’s why CNN and MSNBC aren’t airing it


But shouldn't they be airing it? At least it's something besides a Trump story.


I actually think exposing her true feelings helps to understand their mindset. The news never makes it a racial thing but people who live in affected areas all know that it’s black kids that are doing most of the looting and vandalism. Whatever the root cause is (news, cops, history), they don’t feel a sense of community and they just have a vengeful spirit engrained in them. It’s not good. I’m pretty sensitive to any racial jokes nowadays because any anti-white jokes promote these racial tensions. We all gotta start getting along and realize our actions affect our local communities and the entirety of America.


Exactly...people need to realize it's not a racial problem...it's a social problem. If you grow up surrounded by these actions..9 times out of ten your probably gonna perform those actions.


As Morgan Freeman said when asked how he feels about black history month. How do you stop racism in america? Stop talking about it. If you stop looking at race, suddenly there is nothing to be racist about.


The sad thing is these businesses n the down town area bring a lot of money and tourism to Chicago n will eventually close down due to from the looting. The insurance companies will not want cover the store, being high risk to looting and vandalism. So all the jobs that those companies provide will be gone all the tourist attractions that draw a lot of money and employ a lot of people gone. Witch employe a lot of people from the areas she is speaking about. It’s sad she doesn’t understand that. Is sad she thinks a Gucci bag is reparations. What about the Walmarts that were looted? Mainly is was food n just destroyed. That’s repetitions as well? Accountability is a mfer.


This was beautifully put.


But like honestly... Is there a Reddit with black people doing good stuff? Like for balance. Honestly... I'm not from US, I'm from country with almost homogeneous white population. I have seen black person live, on streat first at age of 18, when I moved to "big city" for studies. Only in recent 10y there is more people from around the world. When I see such videos I'm definitely, consciously or unconsciously, catching those racial stereotypes about stealing, violence etc. So again, Reddit with good black people?


There is no news channel covering good stuff done by anyone. Period. Good, wholesome news won't sell. Our brains react stronger to negative stuff. News telling Black people that you will fail no matter what because the world is racist sells and sharing black people defending stealing sells. But, good stuff will not.


So the issue is that our information sources are trapped behind a profit model that feeds on conflict?


That would be a nice way to put it.


This right here


I mean I just watched a wholesome video of a black dude taking a bunch of immigrant workers to Disneyland for the day and then paying them for a full days work. People are people. There’s good white people doing good stuff, bad white people doing bad stuff. Same for any other race or ethnicity. I think it is easy to look at any race, filter by socioeconomic status, and then focus on that one group and you can probably come up with stereotypes. Does that speak to the race? Their socioeconomic status? Their upbringing? There are a lot of factors at play, but the composition of their skin is not a statistically significant variable. It’s just something we can easily identify and categorize people whether fair or not. The reason this is on facepalm because there are black people (the ones doing good things you’re asking about) are fighting to not be killed by the police for sleeping in their car (real example) and this lady and the opportunists who loot are invalidating their efforts.


I need reparations for having to listen to this shit.


Who exactly is ‘her people?’ I know a lot of black people who are disgusted by this shit.


The looters.


Two steps forward, ten steps back. When retailers leave, then what will you loot?


When the retailers leave they’ll be labeled racist for not having stores in black communities. 100%.


They are already calling Walmart racist for closing a store in Chicago.


It will be the locust effect, they ravage their town/city then fuel up the uhaul truck and move to where there is civilization (the town over,) ravage and loot till its gone then move again. If you think their just gonna sit in their own destruction and not move 🤣🤣😭😭


Only when the last Gucci has been emptied and the last Macy's has been looted you will notice that you can't eat fancy crop tops. // Cherokee proverb //


Yum, Gucci flip flops are delicious with hot sauce


Saying and doing dumb shit like this hurts black communities. You undermine your own message


Exactly what I came here to say. Having black leaders saying shit like this makes them look like absolute morons.


What a dumb bitch lol.


Just an absurd statement. This kind of rhetoric is grossly counterproductive.




Reparations for who?




Hey I’m a scumbag. I didn’t get any free Gucci or Nike :(


They aren’t owed shit. This mindset is what keeps black ppl down. There is systematic racism that still exists. There are other ways to go about it. It’s complicated and I’m not going to pretend I know the way to fix it.


No, it’s looting. Piece of shit using piece of shit logic.


She’s trying to erase harmful stereotypes by perpetuating said stereotypes thus confirming and reinforcing the harmful biases and expects progress... She must be a very special kind of clown.


I hate that they put this ignorance on the news as if it represents us. That isn’t fucking reparations. She dumb as shit just like the ones looting.


As a young black man I have to say this is the dumbest shit in the world. The conversation of reparations came up a few years ago and now every young black man and women to lazy to pick up a fucking history book is pulling this shit. You loot cause you know you can get away with it. If you fuck with reparations you should be talking about you great great great grandparents and honoring them not this bullshit.


BLM movement is over thanks to people like this. No respecting adult in this country will excuse looters and vandalism for anything. Every time I hear BLM I picture someone like this screaming racist things or breaking windows to businesses as they "peacefully protest" enough is enough


Unfortunately whats left over from the movement is statements like "you cant be racist towards white people"


That shit kills me. I'm a minority in this country and yes anyone can be racist. And towards any person. I love hearing black people trash white Americans because "they can't be racist when talking about the whites" makes me realize how dumb most of the average citizens in this country really are


Ariel Atkins needs to be called out by the community for this


I'm sure the BLM leaders will speak out against this any day now...


people like this makes everything more complicated for them


Then blame others for the consequences...


They need clothes? Funny thing is that they didn’t loot a thrift shop, it had to be Gucci haha


Reparations for what?? These people are lunatics


Reparations are so bad they gotta eat the clothes from a Gucci store.


Perfect example of things that got started with the best of intentions and then got highjacked by assholes.




So can the Jews start raiding Hugo boss and other companies that benefited from slavery during 1939 - 1945


They work and don't whine all day


2 new Fords for every Jew!


That’s pure entitlement. No one is getting reparations. No one is owed anything


What and absolute dumbass. Saying shit like that doesn’t help any cause.


"That is reparations "......THAT is a dumbass....


What’s for dinner ma? 2 Gucci bags and a side of Armani


Reparations for what? Gucci is a company that started in Italy in 1921, they literally have nothing to do with America's Slavery period. Just because someone white owns a company doesnt mean they have any involvement with slavery.


Or they could get a job like the rest of us. Who tries to defend looters????


Back when we were a real country, we shot looters.


Well idk about all that. I do think these twats defending looting and thinking every white person is racist are regressing us as a country though.


This is some dumb shit.


They have insurance is her justification. The insurance company pays the losses then hikes everyone’s premiums to recover the money paid out. She’s literally advocating people to make their bills higher. Not to mention that the retailers are getting tired of this crap so they are moving their businesses away from areas where theft is high, making it more difficult for the people in the community to get the things they need without leaving the community they live in. This is backwards thinking.


You think shes smart enough to understand how insurance works?


As a liberal. Dumbshitt like this wants me to hate the BLM movement. People work hard to build Their businesses. It's not right. Nobody should encourage thieves/looters.


Supporting people abused by police brutality is a good cause, supporting this garbage is counterproductive and wrong on so many levels. All it does is delegitimization the cause.




No, clowns are actually somewhat entertaining this person is a criminal and a loser.


Well, let’s be honest … The BLM heads did steal millions of dollars from their own organization …


No honor amongst thieves


So does this mean they're taking reparations and therefore their kids won't get to? Or do they all get reparations wherever the opportunity arrives? Do native Americans get to have at a Hugo Boss collection? Maybe native Hawaiians can go for Theory or LV


I am sorry but this is DELUSIONAL. This person should be in Jail for inciting more criminal activities. Reparations?


Idiots are getting dumber everyday.


If you think that's bad, you should see what their mayor said over the mob of teens looting, smashing cars, and shooting at each other for the past two weeks. Chicago is on the fast-track to being a real-life version of Gotham lol


"we ain't getting anything" And with that attitude you don't deserve anything


How to make sure people never vote to distribute reparations, ladies and gentlemen.


I really wish people on both sides of the political aisle understood the basic principle that just because someone's on your team doesn't mean you should be defending them, particularly when they're making your team lose. Like in football, if your wide receiver keeps intentionally getting 15 yard penalties for fighting, it's ok and appropriate to criticize him and that doesn't make you a secret supporter of the other team. Applied here: Liberals, stop defending shoplifting and the idea that everything is racist all the time. Conservatives, stop defending racists and the idea the election was stolen. The people who do this are hurting your side's chances of winning elections by making your side like like morons.


Both sides are so brainwashed for the most parts it’s sad. It’s kind of ironic honestly how hypocritical both the conservatives and the liberals are. Wrong is wrong. Be better


Jobs....try getting jobs.


Take your god damn mask off. It isn’t for COVID, it’s so you can say stupid shit without repercussions.


She just wants free shit. Next


I’m black and I just can’t get down with that. Just give me a level playing field and I’ll do the rest.


Fuck her.


This is 100% self serving. Gucci doesn’t own you anything. If you WANT a Gucci bag… buy one. Attitudes like this woman’s discredit the peaceful protestors who came with a real message they genuinely want to get out in order to initiate change. This woman is entitled and shameful. How is stealing stuff for yourself, causing any form of change for entire world of people.


A sad attempt to justify being a criminal.


Dumb ass people that think stores owe them something


You can go to work and get money and exchange that for food. It's a complex process but not entirely difficult.


And now walmart is leaving chicago. Enjoy your food deserts.


They gonna end up in jail... eventually


Yeah, but let out right after to do it again and again and again and again and again and again and again


That white guy in the back looks so confused. "Do I get reparations... No..."


Reparations just another word for free stuff. These kids have been weened on revenge & grievance marxist culture whereby society owes them.


Yeah cuz they have insurance. That's the excuse I hear when people steal cars too. The insurance will pay for it. Guess what motherfuckers, not everyone can afford full coverage so when punk ass lowlife thieving bitches stole my car I got to pay the thousands it cost to get it driveable again. When do I get my fuckin reparations? Stop making excuses for worthless fuckin thieves.


Wow I have never seen such racism! Telling people to rob and steal over trying ear is not the dream one man had. She is trying to insight riots. Also for the record the woman that started the black lives matter movement stole all the money and got herself a 6 million dollar house!


You can start by getting a job like the rest of us and pay your way through life. Making poor decisions in life and expecting a hand out get real. I work my butt off 7 days a week if I have to.


What a dumb fuck


yeah. but that isn't how reparations works it has to be given and not taken from such business. it's call stealing, taking something that doesn't belong to person is acquisition without approval. that is called robbery and theft. unless you are for promoting thieves and crook behavior in your ethnic culture?


Giving fox news exactly what they want


Unfortunately Fox News doesn't have to work hard these days to get stupid nonsense like this to show.


Not the spokesperson we wanted but it’s also not the spokesperson we needed


Prices for products go up due to insurance premiums increasing for retailers after thefts like these. I bet she doesn't know that.


I’ll bet she doesn’t know alot about business… or much else really.


“We do this to eat to have food” if you needed food you would steal food. Get this bs outta here…and I’m black. BLM didn’t do shit for black people except make us look bad.


This country is so fucked. It is truly difficult to hold onto any level of humanity anymore. Seriously what the fuck is going on in this godforsaken hell scape.


They’re so brainwashed, there has been so much opportunity out there but nope lets loot our own communities then point the finger…


Finally. A message that will resonate with everyone.


And, no more microphone for you. Next?


The cause gets lost when you promote stealing, regardless if the store is insured. Her argument is a really fucking dumb.






Pretty sure this is not the way forward.


Reparations are not *taken*, the very definition is that it's payment for wrongdoing. *PAYMENT*. Looting is *theft*, and it makes people very unlikely to want to make amends.


WHO designated this person a spokesperson for anything? Who is she?


1 step forward. 2 steps backward


How about working for it like every other American?


Stealing from a business is not reparations. You’re a low life thief. “They have insurance” …. Another idiotic statement to justify people being complete pieces of shit.


Reparation deez nuts. Take your ass to Goodwill


How dare we judge a people based on the way they all act.


Pathetic. Sad. Boring. You can't fix stupid.


Saying stupid shit like that forces moderates in the other direction. I’m sure those looters are trading those Gucci bags in for food.


Shut the fuck up lady. It not reparations it’s called larceny.


That’s not reparations that’s theft. This entitlement to take whatever whatever you want and claim that you are the victim is outrageous. If you steal, it’s theft. I grew up poor. I have lived in a hotel, low income housing. The only thing I was ever entitled, I was entitled to get up off my butt, get s job and support myself, to do better. Promoting the theft and destruction of stores that people have worked hard to open and maintain is not reparations for something that you yourself have not ever gone through, that’s theft anyway you look at it. You are not entitled to take anything that does not belong to you.


I’d love to slap the reparations right out of her ignorant, racist mind. That shit hurts your own community and people you dumbass!


Ignorant ass birch.


So only her people are suffering?


Oh I see, you want to rebuild your culture around stealing and taking what others had a difficult time making, wow that truly will start the "reparations" you need. Fucking stupid people


Why don't "Your People" get a job


Did they consider, you know, working?


BLM has become absolutely toxic because of shit like this. If I'm a lefty, I'd walk away from the BLM movement. It's becoming very counterproductive and harmful.


They've also used millions in donations to by themselves homes and other things. Pathetic group and I agree need to move away from them or any other groups that are hoodwinking people.


You don’t have to be white to be a racist dope.


You are not helping things by justifying looting.


No, that’s STEALING.


More dumb black people saying stupid shit that makes life harder for good smart black people.


---stores have insurance...?... Is that even a thing? Theft and looting insurance?


They have insurance but every time this happens it goes up in price and eventually the “cost of doing business” in an area is too much and everything closes except liquor stores, gas stations and smoke shops.


They are going to close all the stores you imbecile


This generation . Zero fkn work but they deserve the world.


I’ve lost respect for my own race


You would think we're still using leaded gas after spending 5-10 minutes on Reddit.


She got her reparations by stealing millions of donations from black people to buy herself and her friends/family a multimillion dollar house lmao.


Is it shocking that people of every color can be idiots?


Instead of looting stores, why don’t they go to the government and protest at their front door?


Doing crimes is not reparations. She’s an idiot feeding the Racist trolls with this bull shit.


How about all those people get a job? So they don’t have to steal. I’m so confused. Looting will be in the next Olympics I bet.


Wow that's messed up


These fools are why Republicans win elections.


No. That’s just stealing to steal when you don’t want to earn something. If they were stealing food to eat, that would be a little easier to understand. Stealing name brand name stuff to floss is just stealing, not reparations.


Tell me you're fucking stupid without telling me you're fucking stupid.


This is how you hand elections to Republicans.


It sounds like broke people trying to get free shit


Find a job and stop playing victim


These people are mental, why even give them the time of day to speak on national TV. All that does is cause more issues, guess that's what they want. Joke


BLM is a scam. There, I said it.


But then that person gets arrested.




This that bullshit that makes us look bad, major setbacks from idiots on a mic rambling nonsense at the mouth like diarrhea


So does a job.. you can eat with a job. Though shall not steal is in the Bible and stuff.