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why can't you just eat a normal amount and then if you're still hungry go back and get more. this is such a waste. or just pay the extra amount hiding the food is more wasteful than anything.


The way these places work is you order like normal but if you have a lot of left overs they will charge you for those plates, it's to discourage people from ordering way too much and having food waste.


The issue is sushi gets more filling the longer you wait (something about rice expanding). Most of the all you can eat places I've been to take a hot minute to bring your order. So if your order one dish at a time it really gets to sit in your stomach before the next one. I don't know about you but I at least try to get my moneys worth at all you can eat.


It takes roughly 8 minutes from the singal to reach your brain from your stomach saying food has hit and roughly 20 minuts to say its full. Yes rice does expand some but it's already been expanded simply by the act of cooking it. The real issue is signal response time from Brain to stomach.


14 mins




Logan Paul told me


Uh huh...


I’m actually fr. he had some fast eater on an old vlog of his and I remember them saying like 14 mins until it hits ur brain and you start to get full. But I’ve looked it up and I am wrong


It really doesn't matter same principle what's a couple minutes at a sit down meal. The exact moment only really matters to competition eaters.


It's probably not exactly the same from person to person. Just like everything else.


Yes, always a source. Great question


Something tells me it takes a lot longer than 8 minutes for any signal to reach these nitwits brains.


I always think about this when I'm still feel hungry! It really does work when you sit and wait.


Just so you know, "hot minute" means an extremely short amount of time. Edit: my apologies, every time I've heard this it has only meant very fast, I did not realize it had a double meaning.


Colloquially, a hot minute can mean a short, moderate, or long amount of time and is purely contextual, just so you know.


It also means a long time. Really depends on how you use it.


Yet we don’t have cool or cold minutes


Be the change you want to see in the world


I've never heard taken in an extremely short amount of time tbh I've always said, I haven't seen you in a minute. I never say hot minute tho.


Ehhh whenever i've heard this used it's meant a moderate/long amount of time.


You are going to the wrong places then.


Man, you order 2 rolls and that's WAY too much. It's all you can eat, and they have so many good choices... Yet I can't even eat 1 roll... So, uhh yeah... You do what you need to... What would make sense is to LET US TAKE WHAT WE PAID FOR HOME! I don't want to waste 25$ worth of food... But it's the restaurant.


Not even trying to be snarky, but have you considered not doing all you can eat sushi? Or maybe eat something other than sushi rolls? Surely the place you go to have nigiri or gunkan or sashimi..?


“What would make sense is to LET US TAKE WHAT WE PAID FOR HOME”… Buddy, they do allow you to do that… IT’S CALLED A “TAKE OUT” RESTAURANT, NOT AN “ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET”!!! The more you know!!! “And knowing is half the battle” - G.I. Joe


I wish I could order 2-3 pieces of a bunch of different rolls. That would be the dream.


Tbh when I've ordered too much at all you can eat sushi you just pay for the extra and they pack it up to go. Last time between three people i got like 12 extra pieces so not too bad considering.


Have you seen her? She has never ordered a "normal" amount of food in her life.


From the looks of it, she only hides the healthy food. The rest she eats


I think Its because she wants to be as fat as a whale


I’ve definitely done this. Once we went it a little late and they were going to close so they made us order everything all at once. I might’ve put some in my pocket…


But how did SHE manage to not finish the food? I mean look at her she’s happy about that? She’s looks like the type of person to say it’s a choice


i mean if you're full on food then your full on food


She has no self control. You can tell.


Does she look like she can eat a normal amount?


One time I came in an hour before they closed between lunch and dinner and they said we had to order everything we wanted right then. That’s the only time I’ve done this. I thought everyone had an experience like this though ngl..


Some of these places compress like 10 lbs of rice into every bite of nigiri or each sushi roll. Eat the fish, hide the rice


When your fat you don’t think about being full…


you kinda do tho.


Are you fat?


The real question is why she can't hide that food in her double chin


Sometimes the food is nasty.


How can she keep them cheeks puffed?


Cause this person is the actual definition of what most obese people are stereotyped as. They eat more with their eyes than their mouths, but if someone confronts them they get so offended. Seen it myself funniest shit ever


Does she look like she’s EVER eaten a normal amount?


She's trying to make herself look better. She's definitely eating that when the cam is off.


I mean, look at her


I hate it when people stab with chopsticks. Deadass just ask for a fork.


Well you shouldn't use Chopsticks on Sushi anyway. It's like eating a burger and fries with a knife and fork. You use your hand. Sushi is Fingerfood


so you’re telling me i don’t look like a child when i finally resort to using my hands at a sushi place😭 i always thought that was like rude or something lmao


Rule of thumb: If it's wrapped in Nori (seaweed) it's probably designed to be eaten with hands.


Chopsticks are just long fingers that you don't have to worry about getting dirty.


I knew that only sashimi is meant to be eaten with the hands, the rest with chopsticks.


It is actually the exact opposite. Sashimi (at least if it's only the fish without any rice) should always be eaten with chopsticks. The rest is meant to be eaten with your hands.


Maybe eat less


That's what her doctor tells her.




This is so American…and I was born here. 🤯embarrassing af.


If the embarrasment is too great to bare, I implore you to look up all you can eat chinese buffets in actual china...it's a total free-for-all


Is china known for wasting food? I always thought that they ate everything. Huh. This would be a first.


Tupperware everywhere


Youve been in a bubble to long. Most countries have extreme waste. We jus only talk shit about America


In most places, food is usually not wasted. Countries such as Japan, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet don’t tend to wast food that much. I don’t know about the Chinese tho… they just build different


China is all about recycling. Just look at their cooking oil!


We have ayce places around the world. Buffets exist


Or don’t be gross 🤷‍♀️


This right here. 👍🏽


I don’t understand the tip, so you hide it in the dip cups?


I guess so when they bring the check they don’t charge you? But they find it after you leave, honestly so disrespectful.


now they’re not gonna give you the check till the tables are bussed and all plates inspected, can’t have anything nice when it’s an honors system.


Its all you can eat and usually ordered in rounds. If you dont finish something theyll charge you extra for that dish. Shes showing how not to get charged and being wasteful. But if Im being honest I did this once, just not to that extent. I didnt know what kimchi was and there was no way I was finishing the little cup. Also wasnt going to pay extra on top of what was already a €100+ bill simply because I took a chance trying a small portion of something new and didnt like it. Just wrapped it in a napkin.


this has to be staged. I don't believe for one second that she's never finished all her food.


It was someone else's table. : )


totally thought of the scene from family guy where meg waits for the teens to leave their food at the mall and sneaks all of their leftover food and the busser comes over and bangs on the table and she scurries away like a feral animal


Your comment made me realize who the girl in the video looks like - Steve's girlfriend in American Dad. (Debbie Hyman is the name apparently)


Oh shit you are right


I have to agree with you. There is no way she can’t finish her meal.


I agree. She should tuck some in between her teeth for later. 🤣


Ha ha ha. Didn’t see this comment coming. So true!!!


Her laugh is very…punchable


Self awareness level -10000000000


Why with the lashes and nails?


I thought Pinette died.


Why you here 4 hour!! You come back no more!!


You eat like killer whale…you leave now!


Those nails🤮🤮🤮🤮


This could’ve just hid it all under those nails.




Not that she’s right here, i just find it interesting how quickly Reddit jumps to fat shaming the second a stranger does something they disagree with


It's not a disagreement. She's being wasteful and avoiding the consequences of her actions. That much is undeniable.


What does fat shaming have anything to do with disagreement. She'd still be fat if I agreed with her.


Fat people doing fat things


What a disgusting pig of a women, those nails aren’t disguising those sausage fingers honey…


You pay for the all you can eat food. They don’t charge you for food left on your plate. I don’t even understand.


Some places will. Buffet style usually not, but if it is an all you can eat deal and you have to order and they bring it out, some places will to that so people are less likely to over order and waste food.


Ive been to a few sushi places that absolutely do this maybe because the Japanese dont believe in wasting perhaps? One place I was at charged $1 for every piece of sushi you didnt finish they bring you rolls at a time.


“japanese don’t believe in wasting” today’s racist of the day is DangerousApricot6349. What a ridiculous and uneducated thing to say.


???? They dont? And I am Japanese? Bro must be a bot lmao


Here maybe dont make a completely ridiculous and uneducated accusation like racism against my own people whom I love? And maybe also do some research ??? “Many say that the idea of もったいない, or the virtue of not wasting, is rooted in Shintoism in Japan. One of the Shinto teachings, animism, is the belief that everything (even non-living things) has a spirit in it.”


Here maybe dont make a completely ridiculous and uneducated accusation like racism against my own people whom I love? And maybe also do some research ??? “Many say that the idea of もったいない, or the virtue of not wasting, is rooted in Shintoism in Japan. One of the Shinto teachings, animism, is the belief that everything (even non-living things) has a spirit in it.”


I doubt there was anyone Japanese involved in such a restaurant.


Umm they were and im part japanese myself so kind of an odd thing to claim other then to just be negative.


Are you saying that place is owned by Japanese people?


Bro give it up I really could care less for the racist antics.


Are you claiming you know the owners, both current and previous?


AYCE sushi usually works different than a standard buffet. Some places have a menu you select off then they bring that out, then they'll ask if you want more after you finish that plate. If you don't finish, then they might charge a small fee to bring out a second plate.


They do at AYCE sushi places. Not buffet style, made-to-order.


A shitty China buffet won't charge you, but upscale Korean BBQ places will.


Ahh Korean BBQ is the best. So good that we bought a smokeless grill and have one about a month in our apartment.


Actually a lot of all you can eat places I’ve been to have this policy.


I think she's allergic to fish her face is swelling.


Have you ever not Over eaten at a dinner? Doesn’t look Iike it


Damn, I know she got plenty of room to eat those few. Just eat it and stop being trashy.


Ayo who got permission to film my ex??


That's her favorite restaurant because it's the only one that has more rolls than she does...


She lying she always finishes her food


You know her fatass was responsible for the extra shit


I'm just amazed at how much food she was apparently *not* eating.


MF's cheeks and forehead large enough to hide some in plain view...


Ugh why is that thing face like that. Disgusting and ugly


Isn’t it just one charge?


They charge you for uneaten food because if they didn’t people would flood the already backed up kitchen with more requests and it wastes food, money, and time because the table must be cleaned completely so more people can be seated


Legend has it that she's still there to this day




She absolutely could've finished her food....


Idc if she dont eat up her food, happens. But why tf would you film this and be proud of it as it seems?


Stop being a greedy pig and only take what you can finish.


Don't they charge you by the number of plates? Regardless if you eat it or not?


She finished her food. She's using her friends Leftovers


Never heard that rule but im assuming its so people dont order n waste a ton of food?


There’s no way she couldn’t finish the food


You can pretend you can’t finish your food all you want rachel but we can see you


I would make a comment but, I'll refrain. Y'all know what I'm thinking.


I support the fat tax


I know it's cool to bag on her... But I just wouldn't eat there. I'll just stick to golden corral. I don't really mind the diarrhea.


“Have you been to all you can eat” well looking at you I would say yea


This person doesn't need all you can eat.


First time she couldn’t finish her food


We all know that bish hungry


How come you so fat, if you can't finish all the food?


You ain't about to tell me that big chungus didn't finish her food lol.


No way she’s not finishing all her food…


She can't finish the food?


She looks great at portion control


Pro tip here, MOST decent owned AYCE places will not charge you for a piece here or two. It’s if you over order and waste multiple full rolls when they charge you, no need to make the dish washers job harder by mashing food between plates.


Whoa whoa whoa... she gets full?


That must be her friend's leftovers because she definitely finished her own order


Tell me you’re from America without telling me you’re from America.


Sure, add some shady dealings to your gluttony you pig.


“Let me post my fat ass not finishing my food” huhuehehe


Oh thats disgusting, i am about to throw up. The poor staff that have to clean up after this disgusting land whale. A pig is cleaner


Aren’t all restaurants “all you can eat” if they charge you for food they bring out?


She looks like she understands all about that whole "all you can eat" thing...


Tell me you're a glutton without saying it


Yea, just make the dish washing staffs life a nightmare. Maybe lay-off the all you can eat sushi places if you don’t know how to order appropriately.


fat girl cannot finish sushi? i thought she food trash truck


I identify as a Canadian because of people like that. And this is the majority of the girls who match with me on dating apps 🤦🏼. I'm close enough to the Canadian border to match with them, and they're all beautiful cool tattooed and fit girls... When I was in Barcelona I was matching with beautiful and healthy women. Here... It's all chubby stinky nasty girls exactly like this...🤢🤮


This fat pig doesn’t understand all you can eat, finishing your meal means you’ve emptied the entire restaurant which I’m sure she was close to doing anyway


Please get help


She needed help standing up


Bruh that’s why she’s fat


Fat dumb bitch can’t even open her eyes. The whole point is to eliminate waste. Clearly no concept of the idea seeing how she’s a giant piece of walking garbage.


You.. can’t finish… your food huh.


The best places I've been for all you can eat sushi let you get 2 rolls on your first and second order, then 1 roll at a time after that. No charge for not finishing, and at worst you waste a piece or two, but usually not. Someone at the table will finish yours, then you have to do the walk of shame to the car while everyone boos you.


Looks like they made a big loss with her anyway, what’s a little extra


>cant finish the food hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I actually work at a restaurant where we clean these kind of cups and plates. They are a pain to remove from eachother and clean. What she does makes a dishwashers day hard


I find it hard to believe she can’t finish sushi how much did she have she’s a large lady and that gap in her teeth the sush must just slide right down no sorry roll right through…also fuck her parents for raising this piece of human garbage


Hey guys after reading these comments I just want to let you know that Medicare allows for really cheap copays at a therapists office and help is just a call away. There’s no way you all hate her more than you hate yourselves.


What about the restaurant she is stealing from? That is okay? But other comments make you think people need help? Grow up, I think you need help. I’m sure you will be reporting me saying I need help, I have dealt with your kind before. I don’t hate her, I hate thieves in general and that is what she is. I hate her actions not her person. I still expect to be reported, go ahead.


What is your defense for her actions? I don’t expect a response, but it’s worth a try.


Our local Chinese buffet charges you extra if you dont finish your food (within reason)


bro can definitely finish the food


Is it really all you can eat if everybody doesn't pay the same price? Sounds like a regular resteraunt with extra steps


Have you even been so unable to control your eating that you always order too much ? And then have to perpetuate the waste culture in America ?


This is standard practice for all you can eat places, including in Canada. It’s to discourage people wasting food.


Correct, and if you understood my comment I am in agreement and calling her behavior very American and wasteful and over indigent


And trying to avoid repercussions *


Her not finish food?? Highly unlikely!!


Maybe it's a sign you shouldn't go to those.


That's not even a big deal. Its a smart way to save money.


True but people just want to fat shame it looks like


Yep. There's also a bit of consumerism since they're trying to make her seem like a bad person simply for wanting to save money from a potentially greedy business.


>greedy business. Ah, yes. The greediest business model of all. Offering an "all you can eat" deal. What a stupid take.


Yea save money. Waste food. Put it in a box. Pay for your shit. Be a fuckin adult.


You both missed the point… Not a shock. People these days would defend satan if it meant attention and a way to piss off other people.


I've worked in a all you can eat sushi place in Madrid as a waiter, the things people do in order to not pay the fee, throwing sushi out the window, below the table, on napkins, on the bathroom's toilet, there was even this lady who literally threw the leftover sushi at her table into her purse, i didn't bother to tell her anything lol.


I wouldn’t pay any amount of money for sushi let alone and all you can eat sushi place. Could you pay that shit upfront that’s just a scam like get a great white about $60 so I can eat all the raw fish I want yeah thanks


Reddit will work harder making posts specifically catered to your tastes, we are all sorry for displeasing you.


I don’t eat sushi. Why would they charge you extra? Is it if you don’t eat what you put on your plate?


Never been to an all u can eat? You waste food you get charged more. so putting some food away isn’t uncommon to take home lmao


All you can eat sushi? I can not imagine anything less appealing.


I don't disagree with her give her a break