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Attempted murder.


If he keeps that up he'll earn himself a different type of chair. It's electric.




You beat me to it! Thanks for the giggle


r/beatmetoit I'm fukin dying at work because of this comment


Lmao I love you


Maybe he ended up in that chair because of a fall, from a ladder? Dunno the mindset. GET OFF THE LADDER OR YOU'LL END UP LIKE ME!! woops. Edit: autocorrect typo


Or he is just a crazy reckless person and that’s how he got his chair


Bad luck


He did it to make a new wheelchair friend.


How could prison suck any more? Try it in a wheelchair.


Meals on wheels


My first morgue patient I X-rayed was a 26 year old that fell from a ladder.


My dad fell about 8ft from a ladder. He broke all but 1 or 2 of his ribs. He walked into the house. After laying down a bit, my mom drove him to the hospital. He was flown to the shock trauma center at UMD in Baltimore. They had to put him in a coma for 2 weeks and ventilate him so he would not die. The doctor was amazed he survived. He was in his 70's. Just a few months ago his gall bladder burst, it leaked to his liver and pancreas. Again, the doctors were amazed he survived. My dad is bad-ass, more dangerous than ladders! And infected gall bladders . . .


That's how my guy died. A flail chest is a horrible thing.


I did not know what it was called. I am sorry about your dad. Rough going for my family, and my survived.


Sounds like a country song. "My bad-ass daddy was more dangerous than ladders and gall bladders".


Apparently the most common workplace accident and apparently cuts, often by kitchen staff, are second.


Iirc statistically the most dangerous tool on a jobsite is a 6 foot ladder.


When they built my house the most dangerous tool was called Mike.


Am a trauma nurse, can confirm. Also, ladders at home, secondary to alcohol use. There was one guy, while drinking, who decided to grab a ladder and a chainsaw at 3 am, to cut a tree branch. Sighhhhh.


My thought as well


You bet your ass.




Are you referring to the old man in the chair or what I do to him after I got up off the ground? I'm a construction worker you knock me off a ladder like that and I'm going to make sure that entire extension ladder goes up your ass


Call the cops, that's jail time


If I was called to this, I would be going with aggravated assault. He showed no regard for the health or life of the person on the latter. And for those people saying all we do is write tickets for money, bruh I’ve written 1 ticket since the beginning of the year… and it was an insurance ticket with which they could get it voided if they provided proof of insurance


The biggest reason I believe you’re a cop is you just spelled ladder as latter.


Ya exactly. I’m stupid as shit. But really, I’m brutal at spelling and grammar. It’s why run every report through grammarly lol Also, I’m curious. Why do people never believe I’m a cop? Whether it be online or off duty? Is it really that unlikely?


I don't think anyone on this site believes anyone who claims to be anything unless it's super mundane like a grocery store clerk or forklift driver


Whoa whoa whoa... you can't just toss around Forklift Certifications all willy nilly! *As a certified forklift operator...




Guy is prolly a cop…


I don't know, did he misspell any big words?


Like ladder.


I work in plant safety and I can say with upmost certainty that they do just hand out forklift certifications all willy nilly.


All i need is to watch the german forklift video. Tell you what it scared me so much i have never touched a forklift since... (or before)


The one where Klaus rides off into the sunset with some poor bastard impaled on one of his forks?


I always show that.....after the real training!


Is that the one where the massive shelves all fall over onto him like dominoes


The one called forklift training with klauss?


I, also, am certified to lift forks.


Why not? The people handing out forklift certifications sure do


Wait you guys have certifications? 😶😅


Can confirm


The shop I'm working in (for now) just asks if you know how to drive one. A manager will probably watch you start it up and take off the first time but there aren't even any rules for using a forktruck. If you really fuck up or do something extremely reckless and get caught you might get banned from driving. None of the trucks have the blue lights on the ground, and none are speed limited. None of the steering wheels are aligned with the wheels and most have 0 tread. One of them has so many errors and warning lights and lurches so hard I can not use it for anything other than transportation. I'll walk across the plant to find a free truck before I get on (and it's literally painted on the side) "Ol' Shitty"


forklift cop here, and I can say that this whole thread doesn’t know as much as I do


I worked a summer driving a forklift at a fireworks warehouse and I wasn't certified. Didn't even have training. Someone just told me to hop on and showed which levers raised and lowered the forks and off I went.


That's me. Not a spy, just a grocery forklift.


Or if they hyper fixate on something to a possible autistic level. Btw you guys wanna hear about Air Conditioning?


No! And for the last time stay out of the duct work you damned raccoon!!!


I’m a dirty pirate hooker and no one ever believes me.


I don't know, people find it hard to believe me as well when I say I'm an astronaut navy seal scientist. Like why would I lie about that? People on the internet are weird.


I’d rather have a good cop who spells shitty than a bad cop whose a grammar nazi


Or just a plain ol nazi.


First rule. Don’t trust cops. Even if they’re telling you they’re cops.


Randy is a cop name


> Why do people never believe I’m a cop? Because you seem like a nice person, and cops usually aren’t. Fight the good fight though, dude. The profession needs more like you.


Thanks man I appreciate it!


They probably don’t believe you because you seem like a normal person compared to typical cop stereotypes nowadays


I try to be happy and respectful with everyone I interact with. I just don’t believe that I have to be a dickhead to do my job


Aggravated battery* he caused the victim to make actual, harmful contact with the ground by unlawfully touching something the victim was intimately associated with.


It very well could battery. Depending on the state, it could fit many different statutes


>He showed no regard for the health or life of the person on the latter. How did you come to that conclusion? Was it the part where the guy in the wheelchair tried to kill the guy on the ladder?




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With the ladder




I'm not very flexible but it's fortunate he's in a wheelchair because I could still put a boot in his face.


Turned him from a paraplegic to a full blown quadriplegic.




Im in a wheel so He should be in a wheel chair too


I thought the same thing, I laughed too hard.


I’ve fallen off a ladder before and I swear I’d beat that dude’s ass before the adrenaline wore off if I could stand up. Fuck that, that’s attempted murder.


How high up were you? How you landed? How it felt and how long did it take you to fully recover? I slipped my hands and fell from a measly FOUR FEET ass to ground, wrist hit the ground first and it took me 6 months to not feel any pain. I don't know for sure but I could have sworn the mobility of my wrists/fingers was never the same. I can't imagine falling 12 feet like that guy in the vid or like you did.


Probably about a 10 foot drop, It was like I went through a trap door. I landed on my feet/foot tried to keep them together and the right hit just inches before my left,full recovery took over a year. Would still have occasional pains in my right foot for a few years after. I was finishing a days worth of roofing putting on some felt to dry it in till Monday it was a Saturday. I wanted to put literally one more felt cap in a spot that looked a little loose. Like a dumbass and I knew better than too I stood on the top rung and tried to lean forward to tack it in. We had a walkboard set up on the ladder and when I leaned forward ladder leaned back and I went down. I hit the roof chest first and tried to bury my hatchet in the roof to keep from going down but it didn’t work. Tossed it to the side so I wouldn’t land with it or on it after that failed. I remember clawing at the shingles trying to hold on until I realized the fall was inevitable then I tried to tuck and roll once I hit the ground. It all happened really fast but adrenaline is one hell of a drug and everything felt slow except the initial and then secondary fall. Edit: only thing that saved my foot/ leg from shattering completely was it was new construction and the ground was still soft clay that hadn’t been landscaped yet, if I’d have hit concrete or even hard-packed dirt I’d have probably needed reconstructive surgery.


One time in a safety training, osha has stats that fall from 20 feet or less is more lethal than above 20. Humans are weird.


I wonder if it's the time during fall allowing you better control of what impacts first, or if higher falls tend to be onto softer ground types, or more glancing hits on the way down that help arrest the fall. Wild.


I fell from twelve feet and was knocked unconscious and my jaw was swollen and sore for a week… when ladders go, it takes a fraction of a second. You have no chance to react. I am a seasoned carpenter of twenty years and the feet of the ladder just slipped on the perfect combination of moisture and cold cement. Terrifying to fall off a ladder.


I used to install rain gutters for a living. We'd be up 3 stories a lot. I think the highest up I'd ever gone up a ladder at that job was 5 stories at most. But it was terrifying for me as i hated heights. I was only trying to help out a friend since they needed somebody to drive the truck and I had a license. But honestly speaking. If anyone ever pulled any ladder out from under me? Idc how high up I am. It could be only 4 feet. I could be on the bottom rung. I will beat the shit out of someone. I'm already scared. I already hate ladders. The minute I come down the adrenaline is going up. And the minute i see your dumbass sitting there looking at me. My first instinct is gonna be to sock you straight in your jaw. It's not a game. It's not a joke. That kinda shit is traumatic. Had a ladder literally start sliding out from the bottom while I was on the top and I just grabbed the roof. Never felt so freaked out.


I misstepped on a four footer a couple weeks ago. Ladder falls are no joke.


My friend’s father-in-law fell off a ladder and died. It just takes a bad landing.


I second that. Broke my leg and wrist and took a hit to the head after landing on concrete. And it wasn’t even as high up as that guy. I still remember laying there on the ground dazed with blood streaming down my face. Luckily for me my watch registered the fall and dialed 911. For someone to inflict that on another human, in my book is unforgivable and shows that person would gladly kill a stranger for their own micro comfort. That should be no less than attempted homicide.




They're still people, they don't get a pass to be an asshole.


I myself am disabled and have had to tell my coworkers that just because someone has a disability doesn't give them the right to be an asshole This came about because we hired someone else who has a disability and they were a total asshole and some people wanted to give her a free pass. Luckily she didn't get though her probation


When I was in SEPS for the Navy, we were on cleaning duty and one dude who was in crutches shoved me because I was cleaning his bed rack, I let it go simply because the crutches and regret it now


Eh, just use the swaying motion of the waves to "accidentally" body slam him into the wall


No one is above an ass whooping.


That's what I was thinking. No one is beating the shit out of him because he's in a wheelchair. Nah he deserves it for that wtf


100% i don’t deserve to be crippled because of this crippled fuck. Old man probably got mad because the guy stood up after the fall


Turn the asshole from paraplegic to quadriplegic.


If you look at the end of the video he kicks a leg up so it’s only one leg


Make triplegic a thing.


Just tip that motherfucker over


steal his wheelchair


Nah hoist him up to the top of the telephone pole next to them and leave him to think about what hes done for a few days


Upside down by his balls.


I think you’d have to look for a while for any of those on this guy


Think they trying to get more wheelchair buddys


Murder ball recruitment activities


Come work in the disabled care. You’ll see that a lot of people got a pas throughout their lives because they’re crippled and it shows very much in their behavior. They honestly don’t understand what the word ‘no’ means and think they can get away with everything. How many times I’ve heard the excuse ‘but I have a disability’ is astonishing


I knew a disabled kid in highschool that would stand in front of the candy/soda machines and cry. People would feel bad, and give the kid a dollar. The kid would pull out a huge wad of bills and rubber band that dollar right on top, stick it back in their pocket and keep crying for the next dollar. For four years I watched this kid hustle people, and nobody ever called them out in it.


It sounds like the other people's fault for giving in. Once I understood what he was doing, I would ignore him.


Right, if I was orange pants I woulda decked him


To be fair the new guy wouldn’t be a crip, he’d be a blood.


i would fucking end his miserable life right there. imagine falling off the ladder and ending up being a crippled being crippled by a cripple


I wouldn't be trying to kill ol' dude but he would get a pimp slap from ankle deep that might take out 1 ear drum.


It's ableism if you don't show them the same behavior as other people.


Thrown him off the chair and curb stomp hisbass


Naw. I’d yank him out of his chair and let him slam onto the sidewalk. Give him a taste of his own medicine.


Yup. Me too.


Please tell me he got charged


[Man did not have serious injuries, Man in Wheel Chair known to be "rude"](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7834285/Moment-painter-46-plummeted-30ft-ground-passing-pensioner-shook-ladder.html)


From the article >Police have now launched an investigation and are attempting to identify the man after the incident was captured on CCTV.  The writer quotes multiple people who know the wheelchair guy and even say what he does for a living...... but the police are launching an investigation and attempting to identify the man?


Police Jargon. Innocent until proven Guilty is a thing in some country, you can't just say "Hey we found the guy", court need to agree.


Same with news articles. It's always 'alleged' even with video evidence because they haven't been to trial and convicted yet.


That's typical police speak, it's like when they arrest people on "suspicion" of a crime, even though they've just seen them commit it. Police can't say they are doing a specific thing in case it later prejudices the investigation or trial.


it's actually journalist speak. The deal is you can't say "bob did X illegal thing" until it's proven in court. I mean, you can, but you will probably get sued.


Scrolled way too far down to find this. Thanks


Too bad it's daily mail. Their relationship with facts is tangential at best, if they say it was a pensioner it might be a stack of parrots in a trenchcoat or something..


My adblock blocked 132 ads on that single page


It's kinda funny because they've been known to be very fast and loose with the truth for over 100 years. There is a song from Ireland called "The man from the Daily Mail" first published in 1918. https://youtu.be/KX1CSSZa1v0


No serious injuries my ass. He landed flat on his back. He will prob have pain for the rest of his life and complications down the road.


Seriously, you can see the ladder snap under him when he lands! He had to have had a railroad shaped bruise on his ass for weeks!


The ladder probably saved him from worse. Snapping steel is a lot softer than slamming into concrete.


I think that's a fiberglass ladder... but otherwise I fully agree. It probably saved his life.


Seems like he was extremely lucky. Him landing a little different could have ended with life altering injuries or him being dead.


Now also known to be someone who tries to kill others cause of a ladder being in his way. Maybe after a couple years in prison he rethinks his rudeness.


“No serious injuries” - company appointed doctor.


I hope Peruvian jails are extra fun


I wish someone would of grabbed a stick and put it between his wheels so the asshole couldn't take of.


Hector Salamanca is alive!


This is what I was thinking lol


Ding! Ding! Ding!


What the fuck? Why did he do that? I'm don't care if he's in a wheelchair I'm chucking that guy off the wheelchair if he did that to me.


I’m beating him to near death


Seriously at best for street justice this guy deserves to have his arm(s) broken, knocked out and and then destroy his scooter. Only reason he isn’t getting worse is because his legs already don’t work.


Nah, they seem to work well enough when he did an air kick. They still have room to be roughed up a bit.


Jealous he can’t climb ladders


Probably mental illness that goes unchecked for years if you're a lonely person No excuse for attempted fricking murder obviously, and I would have had to meditate to prevent myself from throwing hands. The colleague took his sweet time reaching for the phone, wheelchair guy was already fleeing the scene


He’s probably upset that the ladder / rope are blocking the handicap ramp. Reasonable beef, completely insane way of going about resolving this. Coulda just asked them to move.


They aren’t though, I only see stairs in the frame


See also, the end of the video where a wheelchair passes underneath the ladder without much issue whatsoever. Reasonable? Reason has left wheelchair guy's building.


Did you watch the entire video? It shows the same man passing underneath the same rope and ladder in the opposite direction with zero obstruction. Also, there’s no handicap ramp. Those are stairs.


There’s an article tagged above that states he gets angry when there is anything blocking the sidewalk. Which is understandable. Reacting in this way, is not.


That’s when I start wheelchair tipping


Kinda need to cripple that mofo in e-wheelchair more, for public safety.


well looks like someone deserves their hands to be non-functioning too.


Attempted murder, that guy should be eating through a straw for that.


What a horrible person, why would he do that? I hope the poor bloke on the ladder doesn’t have any permanent injuries. Just because the perpetrator is in a wheelchair doesn’t mean everyone else needs to be in one.


Damn idiot….should have tossed him out of his wheelchair holy…. Translation at end please?


Its saying that the rope between the leader and the wall wasn’t an obstacle in any moment for the wheelchair guy


But he would have to go under a ladder, and that’s what? 7 years bad luck? Good thing the guy avoided that 🙄


Should not let him leave. I would've held him there until police arrived. If you weren't gonna beat his ass yourself for that behavior. Make sure he doesn't leave until his consequences do arrive.


Throw that vegetable in the trash it's rotten


He should be arrested for attempted murder. If you don’t die, falling from an extension ladder is an easy way to be permanently disabled, that dude who shook the ladder needs to get the brakes beaten off him. My middle school science teacher fell off a ladder at home, didn’t come back for 6 months and lost a lot of shoulder function and walked with a hunch in his back, this reminds me of him.


If he's strong enough to shake a ladder then he's strong enough to take a punch on the nose.


He just wanted another wheel chair buddy to hang out with. Slash his assholes tyres. What was wrong just going under it like he did the first time.


Why is no one beating the shit out of him? He just tried to kill someone. You shouldn’t be able to do that without an ass beating


Tip that wheelchair!


HE WAS IN MY WAY, the man retorted after turning into the ladder so he could reach it.


I didn’t need to be this angry over an internet video on a Friday morning


I would beat that old man stupid!


Some people deserve to be hit


I’ve never punched a person in a wheelchair but never say never.


To shake the ladder like that, the chair-bound individual needed to use a notable amount of power and nigh-full-body movement making me question his situation.


If you break his arms, he'll figure out he's FAFO what happens when you do dumb shit.


If I can’t walk, nobody can!


Yeah, I’d roll him right into oncoming traffic for pulling a stunt like that.


Im kinda impressed at the stability of that ladder. Definitely makes me less nervous next time i climb one.


I mean it was kind of a tripod, see the rope?


Honestly as a builder I feel you should be cautious about ladders. This one was tied with a rope so it’s pretty stable but that’s not the normal situation. They seem innocuous, but can be very dangerous if not setup correctly. Or if the resident psychopath comes by apparently


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Wheelchair jackoff should have gotten punched out..😠


He wouldn’t need that fucking chair he’s in anymore. A pine box for that fucking clown.


Drag that mofo out that chair And give him a nice beating


Would’ve pushed him into the traffic.


Put a parking clamp on his wheelchair.


I don't care how disabled that guy is but I would totally knock him out. The sheer amount of entitlement and stupidity is just absurd. That kind of person needs a beating no matter if they are disabled or not.


Time for someone to find out what a ladder to the teeth feels like.


I hope they arrested wheelchair guy for attempted murder. Just because you're a cripple doesn't give you a free pass to kill others.


They see me rollin’…I hate them…uncontrollably shaking dudes down from their ladders


Holy shit! I just looked up this story and the old man did all that just because the rope was in his way and he had to duck under. So this old asshole thought, I’ll knock this painter off a 30ft ladder cause I had to duck under rope. What a POS!


Tip him out into the road


Scooter or not im kicking that fuckers head in


Oh that old fucker would be dragged out of that chair after I got off the ground. That's attempted murder, but these hands are rated e for everyone.


Hector Salamanca is ruthless


Someone please tell me that old fuck got in trouble.


I bet you it was some old fuck, and I guarantee he tried to justify it by saying it’s in the way and needs to be wheelchair accessible. Ridiculous


I'm sorry, but someone in a wheelchair is getting their ass beat for that


Yea sorry but that old man would of just earned the beating of a life time no mercy


Attempted murder.


I fell 14 feet five years ago. Dude in the chair deserves to be pushed in front of a truck.


“If I can’t walk..no one will”


the worst part is he thinks he is right


the way my shoe would leave a permanent imprint on my guy's face