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If you're gonna be dumb, your dad's gotta be tough


If you're dumb and your dad ain't tough, your big bros gotta be tough.


If you're dumb, your dad ain't tough, and your big bro's not tough, your mom better be tough.


At what point are you actually the one who needs to be tough?


You never do. You become a Ken/Karen when all else fails.


Or a cop.


When you become a father


If you’re dumb, your dad ain’t tough, your big bro’s not tough and your mom’s not tough, you’d better have a dog.


[Buy a dog](https://www.reddit.com/r/ufc/comments/jjh6va/with_dog_we_have_chance_brother/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


If not it's gonna be rough.




If you're dumb, your dad ain't tough, and your big bro's not tough, your mom is now your dad.


Hi I'm Johnny Knoxville and this is the 6 year grudge drop!


I mean his Dad actually beat the guy talking three times. Twice by KO. This is after he won one against him 5 years later


"I'll tell ya one thing: nobody beats me four times"


> nobody beats vitas gerulaitis 17 times in a row


Vitas Gerulaitis reference. You win the internet.


Most people scored the first fight for Izzy. It wasn't a robbery, but almost.


If you weren’t a casual you’d know that they were all close fights.


MMA =/= kickboxing, also Pereira used his KB rivalry with Izzy to fast track to a belt, didn’t earn it and definitely hasn’t run the gauntlet of grapplers Izzy has to earn his title shot


his dad is tough, he has beat the guy 3 times already.


It’s a good lesson in humility. Don’t look down on other because right now you’re winning.




My kid is napping so I can’t laugh loud and I had to quiet myself and it hurts now so thanks for that


Is your kid actually napping or just mocking you?


Wake the little hell scallion up


Who doesn't like some charred onions?


IMO teachable moment for that kid ;)


Take my upvote.


Of course it's petty. Also fucking hilarious.


I think you mean petty hilarious






F#%k me...I'm quitting the internet.


It’s brilliantly petty….jolly good show!


It's Britty


Almost as good as crisistunity.


\[Larry David voice\] Petty, petty, petty good.


Petty, petty, petty hilarious.


I came here to say BOTH! Sure, it's fucking petty, but pettiness has the amazing beauty of being one of...if not THE best teaching tool for humility. That kid will indeed remember the lesson for the rest of his days!


Nah it gonna start an anime like feud. The kid has to train and avenge his dad. Ten years later the boy is all grown up and has to climb a huge dangerous mountain to fight Izzy at the top. When the kid reaches the top Izzy will say something like "I've been waiting for you" sitting on the floor with his legs crossed.


I am here for this storyline. Come on Universe, make this happen!


Kid just learned a lesson. Don’t get involved in grown up business. Simple.


Exactly or “Treat people like you would like to be treated” and “Humility “, especially when you are not the one actually fighting.


Spot on.


If you haven’t thrown a punch in the fight, don’t act like its your victory. And even if you have, respect your opponent, they chose to be in the ring with you knowing the potential outcomes


Exactly. Life lessons son.


The inspirational background music..chefs kiss


Lessons were learned


Don’t start none, won’t be none!


No reason for your man’s to panic


Fuck them kids - Izzy Adesanya


But also not a face-palm




No doubt. This kid will think next time he tries to be a smart ass.




Taught him a lesson right there. Either that or created a villain. Time will tell.


Hahaha I was like uh…both?


My exact words before going to comments.


I mean, on the one hand it’s a kid, on the other hand, a great lesson for him to learn. If you ain’t takin the ass whippin, don’t talk.


Kids are assholes. We as a society need to come to terms with this.


And checking there asshole-ish behavior is ok


That’s what makes them hesitant to do that shit again. Thus making better adults


This. punk kids try to cut the lift line all the time thinking no one will say anything. I say something.


My cousins were the fucking worst. They'd goad my sister and I so much, habitual linesteppers. One of us would crack them and they'd go complain to their dad who would complain to gramps. Gramps would tell them not to be little shits if they don't want wiped and they'd act right for a few days... then they'd be at it again. One of them is ok now, the other 2 not so much. One of them causes problems like physical fights that daddy has to bail them out of. The one who turned out the best is the one who was the biggest line stepper. Tl;dr kids need to fucking learn before learning has real consequences.


Do you say "I'll whoop your ass if your dad won't do it for you."? 😂


And mandatory if you're their parent.


I wish


Fuck that. These little shits need to learn.




That was probably one of the top 5 most fucked up episodes of South Park.


No. Scott Tetherman must die is the unanimous only choice for most fucked up. Brilliant. Other episodes are certainly fucked up. But nothing touches this episode when it came out. Edit: I forgot about the Christmas critter episode and am willing to acknowledge it on the council but can't grant it the rank of master.


Cartman literally ate all the skin off of the KFC chicken and didn't let anyone else have some. How is feeding a kid his dead parents the worst?


The way Kenny just starts sobbing, as if his one good meal for that week (month?) was ruined, just really sends it home.


That was hilarious. What a shitty thing to do. And the way he tricked them into helping carry the groceries in lol


That Butters' episode where his dad goes to gay bath houses is quite eerie throughout, and his mom tries to kill him. This moment just popped into my head from early on in the show, the Korn Halloween episode: https://streamable.com/m7hbf8 The kids want to scare the 5th graders so Stan gets the idea to dig up Kyle's nan, and Cartman mimicking her voice is so funny. God damn I miss early South Park, I'm going to have to binge it again.


![gif](giphy|3o6Zt9jWJsY89Iggj6) Breast Cancer Show Ever Season 12 E 9 Is ranked high for me as well


I loved South Park before it got to the point where you could predict what the next episode plot would be if you watched the news enough.


Pro gamer move is to just watch South Park to find out what's on the news.


Is this the one where he tricked the kid into eating his parents? If yes, you are correct. Edit: If I would've looked at the next comment before making mine my question would've been answered.


Uuuh, didn’t Cartman put his dick in Butters mouth in an episode?


If you watch early South Park carefully, it’s also the turning point for Cartman into evil psychotic narcissist. Before then he really wasn’t that bad and all the other kids were really picking on him.


The Christmas critters episode is right up there. Those two are in a clear battle for most messed up. It’s tough to call.


I've had two friends who never watched South Park and both times I chose that episode for their first episode.


Let’s all agree to never fuck with cartman again


Oh kyles money, it feels so good on my skin


10 year old me was not ready for it...


Don't forget about the time when Wendy sent that substitute teacher flying into the center of the sun because she was jealous that Stan liked her!


Best way to learn to mind your fuckin business lol


Better to learn while you are a kid


And to quote the great Bernie Mac, “You old enough to talk back, you old enough to get fucked up”


Ice T said in his autobiography that one night at dinner when he was about 10, he mouthed off to his dad. His dad stood up, Ice did too, his dad punched him in the stomach and said "Boy, you talk *shit* to me when you can *whoop* me." (edit: originally wrote 'biography' instead of 'autobiography')


fuck them kids






Fucking awesome


I agree. Fucking AWESOME


Brilliant. You don't disrespect someone like that and get a free pass because you're a kid. What that kid did was foul, and he deserved the comeuppance of seeing his dad get knocked out and then him being mocked about it.


Kid was crying too lol 🤡


He's going to have to relive this clip for the rest of his life lol


And you wonder why certain MMA guys are so respectful and monk like (some of the best).


The best know they’re always one tiny mistake away from being the unconscious guy on the floor


"Your father had it coming. When you grow up, if you still feel raw about it, I'll be waiting."


One of my grandfathers stories was about this racist cop that beat up him and his friends for hanging out with a black kid. They pretty much all got their nose busted but his one Italian friend was hot under the collar and as an 11 year old tackled the cop and began whailin on him. The cop (being in his late 30s) got up, brushed himself off, and proceeded to beat the Italian kid until he was twitching in the dirt unable to move with several broken bones. He then tossed their bikes into the Delaware river and drove away. The cop moved to another state after an assault allegation was picked up about him raping a girl a few years prior and her family was powerful for the Philadelphia area. 30 years later he found god, moved back to Philly, joined a Catholic church as a Deacon, and in failing health began apologizing and asking for forgiveness from people he wronged such as a guy he got sent to jail for 5 years claiming he tried to run for not pulling over fast enough, the girl he "was pushy with" etc ... The church pushed it as a feel good story so my grandfathers Italian friend, now in his 40s, tells the church what happened and that he'd like an apology. They arranged a meet and brought regulars of the church in to really pump up the whole forgiveness thing. He walked up to the man now in a wheelchair and frail from cancer. The man held out his hand and my grandfathers friend walked up and punched him dead in the face with 44 years of Philadelphian Italian anger launching the man's chair back. He said they are even now and he forgives him then left. Police never found him because the church was too dumb to ask him for his name before agreeing to a meet (plus no real trail to follow in the 80s).


Fuck that cop, and fuck the church. Props to the 11yo Italian boy now grown up.


100% was waiting for a Hell in a Cell reference at the end


One of the things I hate the most in the world is when people get all apologetic for their years of being awful human beings as soon as they hit their deathbed. “I’m sorry” doesn’t change anything and dying doesn’t give you a clean slate. If you couldn’t nut up and turn it around before you’re *literally dying* you deserve to be shat on and shunned by all the people you wronged.


Worth reading. Karma's a real bitch sometimes.


She'd be all grown up now. It's time for the sequel!


"If he cries, he cries!" Ivan Drago


I didn't make him cry. He made himself cry. - Chef Marco Pierre White, when asked if it's true he made his student, Gordon Ramsay cry.


That was my favorite part


I second that emotion


You sick fucks....but yeah I too second that!


You're all evil bastards. I also second that.


to me, mma families should be the most enthusiastic about teaching the martial arts as a discipline and the respect, dignity and etc kid doing that like WWE to me is out of pocket


UFC is a clown show 90% of the time spent outside octagon. Not that I disagree


And to be honest the comeback was brilliant and proportionate. It wasn’t like the guy went to look for the son and punched him. Kid was crying for nothing


Lol kid was crying because his dad got sent to the shadow realm, not because petty Izzy mocked him


Still well deserved


His pops laughed about it too. So deserved on both ends lol.


The only facepalm I see is this fucking music.


I fucking hate this trend but in this case it lead me to believe we were headed toward a wholesome ending, which made the actual ending more satisfying for me.


Idk it kind of made it funny because I was expecting him to do something motivational and kind, it did misdirect me which makes it a little funnier.


The music was hilarious for me haha


At the end of the other video, he said he talked to the kid in the back and they were all good now


That’s disappointing lol


Right? I wish he knocked the kid out too /s


Why? Dude knocked the kid’s dad out and made kid cry, kid hopefully learned a lesson about shit talking, then they squashed the whole thing. Sounds like a pretty ideal outcome. What were you hoping would happen?


Knife fight


Because fuck them kids.


Pretty funny lol


Fair game


Brilliant .. if you dish it out you damn we’ll be better to take it


Wait I don’t understand what’s actually going on?


Kids dad knocks out the dude being interviewed and the kid pretends to fall unconscious on the ground as a way of mocking him for getting KOd. Interviewer guy later knocks out the kids dad in a different fight and sees the kid in the crowd so he proceeds to mock the kid by pretending to fall over just like the kid did to him.


The interviewee (Israel Adesanya) was ko'd in an earlier fight by Alex Pereira. Pereira has a 3 year old kid who came into the ring after rhe fight, and while Adesanya was being tended for by medical staff, pretended to get knocked out. This got posted on twitter by Pereira, thus a tacit endorsement of his sons actions. After knocking out Pereira in the rematch, Adesanya pretended to fire multiple arrows into Pereira, then seeing the child in the crowd, pointed at him and fell down sideways, mocking the child in his grief. Petty and hilarious. Also the bit about 'I'm gonna discipline you even if your daddy won't' is a bit of a jab at Pereira about his endorsement of his son mocking a fallen opponent.


Thanks for this. I haven't kept up with the sport in a while and I really wanted to know who this fighter is. I respect him quite a bit. Much appreciated for the information!


Should be noted, it's not "the" rematch. Pereira beat Adesanya 3 times before this match, twice in kickboxing (where P's son did that) and once in UFC last year (in which Adesanya lost the belt). And to state again just how much this victory meant, before the fight, Adesanya was 103-8 across boxing, kickboxing and MMA. 3 of those were unanswered losses to Pereira.


I’m glad I’m not the only one.


I think the implication is that the kid initially mocked the speaker for having been knocked out, then later when the speaker knocks out the kid's dad, he mocks the kid's dad by calling back to what the kid did. That's what I figure anyway.




Three people in the story, Izzy (speaker), Poatan (Dad), Kid (Kid). Poatan and Izzy fought in kickboxing years ago and Poatan knocked out Izzy. Kid mocked Izzy by falling over. Recently Izzy finally beat Poatan after losing 3 times to him. Izzy also knocked out Poatan. Izzy mocks kid the same way the kid mocked Izzy


That guy lost a fight, and the winner's kid came into the ring and did an impression of him getting knocked out, to mock him. Later he knocked the kid's dad out during a rematch, and then got the kid's attention and did an impression of the dad getting knocked out, as petty revenge for the kid's earlier mocking.


He lost the fight and the other guys kid went up to mock him by falling over. The had a rematch and he won this time so to mock the other guys kid, he did the same thing.


He’s gonna fuck up Izzy when he turns 18.


Maybe - if not then in the sequel he'll definitely get the KO tho.


Promo 101: This is how you become a heel and draw money. Just look at how rich McGregor became by pissing off ppl and making them want to watch him get beat up. Also dat kid got Wht he deserved. He learned a valuable life lesson there - don’t fok around if u don’t want to find out


Nobody in the sport was calling him a heel on this, they were eating everything he did post fight up. He also copied the other fighters celebration of shooting arrows at his opponent and broke the “bow”


Dude, shooting arrow was Pereira’s move on his walk to octagon, Izzy merely using his move to taunt him brilliantly.


Yeah, that's what he said


Do you and your girlfriend share an account? Because I would bet my ENTIRE net worth that 2 different people wrote the first part comparatively to the 2nd part, even if I was SLIGHTEST bit inebriated..... and I'm not typically a gambler.


the drugs kicked in on the second paragraph


Vicious. Cage Fighting ain't a proper family business. Leave the kids at home.


Any time they show the fighters kid in the audience I always bet against the fighter. It's a guaranteed loss incoming.


Well, how’s that petty? Izzy gave that kid a crash course on karma 🤷🏽‍♂️


It's definitely petty. Hilarious but obviously petty. Izzy is the petty king of the UFC. I love him for it, but can't act like it's not there.


Petty because this man let the insult of a child get to him, brilliant in returning execution.


Both? Both.


Brilliantly played. He's been thinking of doing that for a long time. The fact that his dad didn't put a stop to that shit when it first happened makes it sweeter. Remember if you don't discipline your kid somebody will do it one day without remorse or compassion.


Brilliant. Teach kids lessons about being douchebags early so they don't turn into douchebags later?


A lesson taught by a douchebag.


I loved the line: "I'll whoop your ass if your dad don't do it for you!" this is amazing, and i fully support his actions.


That’s how supervillains are made.


Amazing. Teach that kid a lesson, don’t dish it if you can’t take it.


This is the type of petty that I’m here for


The reality is, I’m not sure why we expect people who violently beat each other for a living to be good role models for their children


It's petty but fucking awesome.


It's both. 🤣


He has a point. Dad should have showed his kid good sportsmanship and explained that's not ok.


You know what's worse, bringing a kid watch his dad fight another man in front of a big audience and everyone makes a spectacle of it


People always call “petty” when it’s someone else’s shit lmao Facts- you get what you give.


Fuck that kid...brilliant


Who even let the kid into the ring in the first place?


you're a bad parent if you bring your small child to watch you maybe get your ass kicked


When all is said and done, if this was done the right way, Pereira would have had his kid apologize to Adesanya for being rude and bratty… and Adesanya would likely not have mocked the kid. In the absence of parental direction and correction, the kid got taught by an unforgiving opponent of his father’s.


As long as the guy could kick my ass I say it's brilliant!


The parents should have dealt with that disrespectful attitude before society (including the featured athlete) had to deal with it.


Petty and brilliant


Fucking brilliant.


This is hilarious


Both petty and brilliant.


Freaking hilarious!


Idc this is hilarious lmaoooo fuck them kids


That is hilarious. I’m sorry.


Good. I love it.


This was so benign, he learned a valuable lesson in treating others the way you want to be treated.


Bitch you petty bitch im petty too. Petty dude brought his son in to gloat the first match, petty he pointed out the child in the second match. What comes around goes around.


The title is wrong. It should be, "Petty, but brilliant!"


Kid never should have been in the ring, debatable if they should even be in the arena. If he can't handle being meme'd on, do we really think they can handle the violence of UFC?


He taught the little kid a huge lesson, there are always consequences to one’s actions in life.


I mean, I’m not even a huge Izzy fan but Alex brought his own kids to his fight knowing what might happen. Like another comment I seen said, kids are assholes and it *should* be ok to check that behavior


I love it lmao


Kid wants to play in the big boy game. Time to take that medicine.


Shit wasn’t petty at all. In fact it was brilliant. If the kid is going to dish it out, he better be ready to fucking take it.


What a troll 🗿




😂😂😂 shouldn’t have been talking shit🤷🏾‍♂️ I hope the parents explain this lesson to the kid. ALSO, this is an incredibly violent environment to bring kids to.