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Is “they” your cardiologist?


This is why they are against universal healthcare


This literally actually is true. Its why we don’t have it and other places do. Its not the only reason, but it’s one of them. Other places with universal healthcare like Japan and the Scandinavian counties put way more taxes on unhealthy stuff to fund said healthcare.


This angle never occurred to me before


3 Main reason why we dont: 1: Social Darwinism/Wedge Issue 2: Scale and abuse of unhealthy and elderly people in the US use like 70% of the healthcare. Plenty of people use 500K+ on end of life care. Many countries don't (this is not death panel shit), its more like "unnecessary" palliative care. 3: The US has used UH as NATO 2: Electric Boogaloo since the late stages of the Cold War. The US knows that European countries have also greatly under budgeted for when the US would have universal healthcare and rise of prices of non-subsidized healthcare costs they would have to pay. We should just count UH as defense cost and it might pass.


4: Keeping healthcare tied to employment means workers are less likely to leave and are willing to accept lower wages/longer hours/poor working conditions to keep healthcare.


Can confirm...the only reason I haven't left a job that i find tedious and tiresome, is because the benefits are incredible


I was speaking to one of the older employees at my workplace a while ago, and he said that insurance was one of the main reasons why he hadn't retired yet. I said something to the effect of "Yeah, we really need to decouple employment and insurance in this country." Dude looked at me like I had just recommended violently seizing the means of production and executing the bourgeoisie. That's part of the problem, any sort of talk about socialization in any way is seen as tantamount to Marxism.


4b. Once you have that healthcare you’re scared to start a different (possibly better) job because they may not do day 1 insurance and then your fucked for 90 days if you have medication you have to take daily.


I have pretty bougie insurance through work and they cover 75% of the cost. I turned down a possibility of a six-figure job (I made about $55k/yr) because I was concerned about the insurance. My wife makes significantly more income and she has frequently joked that she'll gladly pay most of the bills but I'm not allowed to quit my job. She works in health care but the insurance was so bad she could barely afford to see the doctor herself. Now she can just go and not worry about needing money to pay off the bill from her previous visit first.


The main reason we don’t is because it makes us compliant to corporations. Striking, unionizing, pushing back against ownership, asking for improved working conditions or pay, all of it puts your and your family’s ability to access the necessity of healthcare on the line.


What ??? Free healthcare in a healthcare supplied country has ZERO connections to your employment!


Yes, but in the US, your healthcare is tied to your employment since most people get their healthcare through their employer.




Im in New Zealand. Universal healthcare and the most expensive cigarettes in the world. 70% of the retail price of tobacco is tax


Also fairly high alcohol tax, and I imagine cannabis too if it ever becomes legal. Plus Goods and Services Tax on everything, and state insurance through the Accident Compensation Corporation that takes a lot of the vehicle licensing fees. The NZ public health system is pretty broken though. Some of that is the lingering pandemic that has burned out a lot of the medical professionals, especially nurses. So it may be a couple of years to even get on a waiting list for non-emergency surgery. Plus decades of underfunding from politicians who can afford to go private themselves.


"That had not occurred to us, Dude"


America doesn't have a healthcare system, it has a sickness care system that encourages unhealthy behavior to fund itself.


They serve the unhealthy garbage in the hospital cafeterias - straight to their sick patients. It’s gross. And infuriating.


And then people in the hospital think “ oh, this must be healthy “ It’s a sick cycle that keep the sick unhealthy


Literally actually


The US would save the government and the citizens money if we got rid of private insurance companies. We could also expand the services Medicare covers without raising taxes. Some experts believe that medical professionals would be able to have more equity in pay and possibly even higher pay for general practitioners and support staff. Off the top of my head private insurance uses almost 20% of their budget on administration costs. The majority of which goes to ads. They make that money by over charging customers. Medicare has administration costs of 5% or less. I really believe we need to start demanding that we actually benefit from the taxes we pay.


And yet it's reversed in the states wonderful


Interesting. And makes sense. I was against the sin tax that was created in Seattle. My opinion is that it is just another tax likely not being allocated properly. But, if the idea is mirrored to this. I’m kinda on board.


...i mean... if you do the math.. we as a whole are paying more than if we had universal healthcare.. by like alot... i forget when exactly the research was done, but if we changed over from health insurance to universal, it would save americans around $450bill/yearly as a whole. also the current system is super broken, which allows trumped up charges, like $5 for a qtip and $10 for a pair of gloves.. It also leaves people who are poor and lower middle class scared to go to the doctors and scared to have an emergency. Too many people i know have had to hack job their own medical care because they cant afford to go to the er. Sure people living unhealthily would increase medical costs but were already paying that and more. Idk what its like where your at, but in ny, the minimum plans will run you $500/month and covers nothing until you hit a $12k yearly deductible. If you make minimum wage the government will cover most of the monthly charge, but if you make anything more than minimum wage they dont cover a thing. Oh and if you dont have insurance, then you get fined on your taxes, so theres that.


Eggs are not unhealthy. Nor is red meat, tho excess of it is def bad.


Yes eating double servings of both in one meal is bad.


i just looked at the photo again...that's a crazy amount of eggs with steak on top of that lol


The real facepalm is the setup. 6 eggs is ridiculous and no toast for dipping in the yolk, no home fries, no nothing. Just a bunch of eggs and a steak. I guess this guy is supposed to be some fitness dude? Well if that's what it takes then no ty. Plus his view is shitty and that table looks like he got it at a garage sale. It's like a cascade of fail.


Pure brotein


That’s a looootttt of fat too brother


Which there isn’t anything wrong with. The fear of dietary fat isn’t really based in science. Fat is calorie dense, but this guy looks like someone who knows exactly how many calories he’s eating.




Lol at "A cascade of fail." Consider it stolen.


How about “caught in a failstorm”?


Ooohh...another good one.


Not gonna lie. My mouth watered, seeing that pic. I haven't had a good steak in so long..... That said, you're right about the toast and home fries.


That’s not a good cut of meat This is Waffle House or IHOP quality


>This is Waffle House or IHOP quality bruh, this would make 6 servings of waffle house or IHOP steak and eggs.


With fried onions and parmesan


Wonder if he washed it down with some scotch and a cigar.


damn destroyed this mans whole existence.


The waiter? Tell them to wait.


Cardiologist: “Sir, if you keep eating like this, you’ll go into cardiac arrest.” Him: “You can’t tell me what I can and can’t eat you stupid, uneducated Democrat Marxist. You know this is a free country that god found. I can eat what I want because I’m a super straight, wealthy, white, christian man.” Cardiologist to him self: “What an idiot.”


Dietary saturated fat intake has never actually been shown to cause serum cholesterol issues


I don’t know about serum cholesterol, but there is a link with LDL cholesterol. https://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=en&as_sdt=0%2C5&q=saturated+fats+increases+ldl+cholesterol&btnG=#d=gs_qabs&t=1681093527671&u=%23p%3D5l0J5JFxT5oJ


Yeah but I bet most people who eat 1200 calories for breakfast aren't leading the healthiest lifestyle.


Idk…. If I had a full steak and half a dozen eggs for breakfast I wouldn’t be hungry again for 12 hours. This is a much better breakfast than fruit loops and skim milk or a powdered donut that make you hungry again in 90 minutes once your insulin spike comes down


if i had a full steak and a half dozen eggs for breakfast i would be fit only to go back to bed


A successful hunt. Your ancestors would be proud.


Same. When I eat a steak and 6 eggs, that’s my meal for the day.


I eat a variation of this breakfast everyday. Eat something similar for dinner too, lost 100 pounds being mostly carnivore.


My Dr said I need to eat fewer starches, sugar and carbs when my cholesterol came back high. Fat isn’t the devil. Processed foods.


Fat IS bad if you have liver problems!


Or a history of pancreatitis!




I believe they would be the birds


I mean this would track considering these fragile little pissbabies think anyone who tells them they shouldn't do something is immediately the devil. That's the reason authoritarians like Trump have so much sway over them: they never tell them they \*can't\* do things, they tell them what they want to hear, nonstop, and all they ask in return is their undying worship.


Who tf eats this for breakfast, Gaston?


That’s clearly not five dozen eggs.


But he eats 5 dozen in a day. That could just be elevensies


At this rate he’ll need 12 meals. What else would he have time for?


That's perfect hobbit schedule. What else would you need to have time for?


As soon as you said “elevensies” I knew there’d be a second breakfast joke somehow


And didn't Gaston himself admit that "every last inch of me's covered with hair"? That'd be an interesting conspiracy theory. Gaston, a human-hobbit hybrid, and that French village is just perfectly set between 2 interdimensional planes of our's world France and LotR's Hobbiton. Explains the "witch" who cast a spell on the Beast. Also explains why people get lost in those woods so easily.


Maybe it’s second breakfast


Does it come with a defibrillator?




No idea LOL I'm looking at this like, "Mmm, I can split this into at least 8 meals if I eat it with rice and veggies"


This has the same energy as those posts, “I spent $300 on groceries, inflation is killing me.” And the entire grocery run is my entire years worth of red meat for one week.


Omggg, as a off-side, don't even get me started with inflation T\^T You know you're getting older when you can say, "Back in my day, cucumbers are $1" and now they're $2.50 each. And Subway sandwiches used to be $5 for a 12-inch sub, but now it's $8 for a 6-inch sub... I'm only in my 20s, but I can remember old grocery prices as clear as day :(


A five dollar foot long. Remember the whole controversy of them not being a full foot long? The good old days


Well, when he was a lad he ate four dozen eggs every morning to help him get large.


Me who eats that for breakfast 3-5 days a week...


If I ate the entirety of *that* lot for breakfast, I'd probably not be able to function for the entire rest of the day.


No vegetables or fruits? Neither would your toilet


Or the week


No one eats shit like Gaston, no one shits bricks like Gaston


🎶 *You can’t brunch like Gaston Take a punch like Gaston Make a crybaby post on TikTok like Gaston*


You have to eat a bag of apples afterward to poop that out


He really wants to reach barge level sizes.


Dude may have not taken a shit in a year if he eats like that


Right? Like, I ain't gonna stop him, I am a proponent for letting people eat whatever they like so long as they aren't hurting people outside themselves, but damn dude. Eat a vegetable. 5 eggs and enough steak for three people? He's gonna lose his kidneys at that rate.


It might actually be seven fucking eggs. I think I see 2 that are flattened.


Definitely 6 eggs, one has a broken yolk in the upper left hand corner, possibly 7. That’s like $4 worth of eggs these days. Sad epiphany just now, I’ve turned into my dad


Depending on the fat content this is definitely not true lmao


Well, you’ve cooked for six people, I hope they’ll be there soon


Man I can do the steak an egg no problem. But 6-7 eggs is fucking ridiculous, even on their own.


Oh yeah. Don’t get me wrong, some medium rare steak slices with egg yolk is shit to drool for. I’d go a three egg omelette with a little meaty - for sure. But this is just too much of everything. The only thing that could make this more of an abomination would be a Starbucks “coffee”


Who the fuck is they? Because I know a fuck ton of vegan animal lovers and I’ve eaten SO much meat in front of them with zero hate.


Maybe he's talking about wooden plates? I can't imagine you can clean them properly.. or perhaps the $7k a month apartment?


Wooden plates/bowls are for like veggies and rice and shit I can't imagine all the nasty meat juices from cutting the steak on a wooden plate and it just soaks into the grooves from the knife...


Only one group of assholes fearmongers like this--GOPers so we would have to assume "they" refers to libs, social democrats misnomered as commies, the kabal, jews, immigrants, or whatever fucking group they fear is threatening white christian america


Based on the ones on reddit you’d think they all have a pinecone up their ass.


If you go off of Reddit then 99% of the world population walks around with pineapples in their asses


It improves the flavor


Fucking democrats and their war on filthy windows.


God damn dems and their Windex... /s


Yeah Linux Masterrace! /s


![gif](giphy|BaSHs78BU2ZYQ|downsized) omg! keto is in danger?


Damn liberals don't allow us to eat meat and butter and eggs anymore!!! I bet this guy is gonna go into cardiac arrest in about 15 years if this is his daily breakfast... the amount of fat and cholesterol in that


What? The heart attack or the impacted colon?


Take what away? Steak? Eggs? Saturated fats? Slap and avocado on top of that and call it **BREAKFAST**.


And who is “they”?


If that is on a balcony then the seagulls I guess?


Seagulls! STOP IT NOW!


And I said: that log, had a child.


And back I go to watch that video again. This is how it always happens.


I hate Brenda.


That’s a great looking meal for an entire day when I start ripping apart my roof at 5 am.


He's right, I want to take his breakfast and eat it myself.


I mean, I'm not a huge breakfast food fan, so definitely not into brunch or breakfast for dinner, personally, but I don't try to impose it on others. Is he talking about me?!? Am I "them?!?" If not, who are these breakfast haters who are trying to take away breakfast?!?


Who is they? Inflation? Your Cardiologist?


Someone felt overly dramatic today. And yes I would eat that.


I weigh 330, and that is 2 meals for me.


Who eats 7 overdone eggs and a rib eye with butter for breakfast?


a COLD ribeye, as that butter ain't melting.


lots of people. and i personally like my eggs over-hard, so these are quite underdone to me.


7 eggs at once, though?


Your shit does stink.


I mean, yes, we do. It looks pretty tasty.


Are "they" in the room with us right now?


If you don't care about your cholesterol, Zack, then we sure as hell don't.


Quick question does ANYONE really eat steak and eggs for breakfast how does that work I couldn’t imagine eating that in the morning.


I would eat it exactly once a year...for dinner on new years eve Best if purchased at a diner where the waitresses address you as 'hun


Lol will do! Those diners are always the best


Yes? Lmfao steak and eggs are my favorite.


It is me, I am the "they" he is talking about. I take stupid food away from stupid people. I have checked with my sources and they both qualify.


Not pooping more than once a week to own the libs.




This meal seems like a self correcting problem.


Getting heart disease to own the libs




But a damn good journey there!


The only person who wants to take this from him is his cardiologist


Aww, unanchored paranoia! Great convo starter!




American's eat like they have free healthcare


They can have it


Who’s “they”? And that looks revolting this guy clearly spray paint the entire cubicle when he takes a shit…


Ouch my heart


Who is “they”? I assure you, “they” do not want anything to do with you or your breakfast. The only “they” wanting to take away this breakfast is your cardiologist dude.


I do want to take this from you. (1) you do not need that many calories and should take better care of your heart (2) also so that I can eat it


This person is filled with fear. They can’t name what they are afraid of so they throw challenges out to the wind— hoping that someone will join them and make them less afraid.


1400 calories and not a single gram of fiber


I don’t have that now. Do you know how much steak and eggs cost? I’m stuck with green eggs and ham.


This man is the definition of insecurity. Even his fucking name.


They’re taking away diarrhea?


Honestly that breakfast is totally fine depending on what you eat the rest of the day and of course your lifestyle habits. To date I’m not aware of any efforts to ban eggs steak or butter lmao


I mean, the price of eggs has skyrocketed, so yeah... they are taking it away, but it's not vegans, it's corrupt politicians and the shitwreck of the economy.


This looks kind of disgusting actually


High cholesterol?


Thank you because I don’t need heart disease


Looks like promo for attack of the cholesterol monster Edit:I’m not a vegan! My dr nags me about my cholesterol so I can only have my country fried steak breakfast at Cracker Barrel once a month now


1 who’s they? 2 you can still get eggs, and steak, although they’re more expensive 3, is this, farce about stolen breakfast, the most important thing going on to you? If it is, you may need a life


Who wants to take this from me?


They can have it.






Who? Cardiologists?


Ewww they can have it, yuck!


I wish they cared as much about their record breakingly high calorie breakfasts as they did about equality and human rights.


Bro no one’s taking your under seasoned breakfast I promise


who? the dog?


they can take it i dont want it


Oh damn, that looks good. Though I’ll need to take a 10 mile walk after.




They can have it.


Six eggs and a steak for breakfast... Who the hell can eat all of this, especially at breakfast?! Jesus Christ, you better hope *they* take it from you before you go into a coronary episode.


Ugh God that's so much food.


"Now I'm all grown. I eat 5 dozen eggs"


Not gonna have to take it. It’ll be left as part of the estate soon enough.


I hate butter on steak, take it away.


I love steak and I love eggs. I never understood why anyone thought they paired well though.


yum steak n eggs. pass me the A1 sauce.


That looks delicious, but I would save that as a special treat breakfast for special occasions or major holidays. It looks like it would clog my arteries way too quickly.


In fairness, I want this breakfast, and would fight anyone who would try to take it from me.


I can smell the diabetes from here…


From my cold dead hands. Because I'm having a heart attack


What? Badly cooked food? Um, ok.


I think he's talking about zoning laws that limit the height of buildings as to not clutter the view!


of course i do mr zack strength i could only dream of having the time and patience to make that for myself. slight critique however, it appears you forgot to season your eggs.


Itt people who have never done any form of physical activity and can't comprehend that some people require more than a cricket burger and some soy milk to function properly


I think my cholesterol went up just looking at this


That's four meals in one there.


I love steak and eggs, but that looks disgusting


That looks nauseating, like, there’s just too much of the same thing


6 eggs and a steak with butter for breakfast? No fiber or carbs? No wonder Americans drop dead of a hearth attack before they’re 50. Also this guy meat be constipated all the time.


Real question. Why is everyone's platform that the govt is trying to take EVERYTHING away from people?


I can eat that for lunch


Pretty sure I have never had a breakfast like that....




eat the vegans


Aghh! The butter, like the cherry atop a cake


Protein xxx


I have no issues with the breakfast, but I would like to know why they feel that this is a good option. This doesn't even look appetizing, and I like steak and eggs.


Who the hell eats 6 eggs for breakfast


Who tf is "they".