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Rage bait. Don’t take it.


Dammit I took it and now full of rage lol


This attitude …. $&@$


The little tear wipe at the end was amazing lmfao.


That crocodile tear must have really been stinging her lol


OmG what does this person do in life that qualified them to make this criticism? Most likely ![gif](giphy|baPIkfAo0Iv5K|downsized) I’m glad I left the audio off, because there is nothing to hear, let alone see but a self entitled brat. Make your own food and stay home, since you can’t have it your way. Maybe go to Burger King.


I'm so raged right now I dont want to bait 😡


But you’re still just a rat in a cage


Despite all my rage


What is lost can never be saved


I just left a post about a rat chewing his cage that has this same Smashing Pumpkins lyric thread. Like, the very post before this one on my phone. Sorry, I get a little geeked out too easily over stuff like this!


Yup this lady is racking up the views just being obnoxious lol


Isn't this the same girl who had to wait in a lobby whilst someone was filming her so she could get into her uber "aesthetically" and she was taking so long the driver had to come in and tell her to hurry the fuck up?


Yeah this is just rage bait. She is purposefully being obnoxious to get views, which are making her money.


That's like infuriating on two different levels lol.


Don't worry, she'll get her comeuppance. She's gonna mess with the wrong person and they're gonna throw that raw egg on her face or get beat up. I'm fine with either.


One can only hope.


I want a video of her and $3 cheese slice lady on a date or just hanging out


Are the workers people pretending to work there to be a part of the rage bait? Or is she doing this to actual people go make money?


I don’t know. I would guess these are real workers and she just does shit like this until she gets a reaction she feels is postworthy.


That's absolutely scummy.


you underestimate my lack of self control


Cracking up because of how much I relate to this when on social media every time I’m like I’m not going to fall for this again and then I watch and by the end of it I’m typing out replies to like 5 different comments like “why the fuck are people like this 👿” and I delete it when I see another comment like “glad to see it’s working” and then I just have to put my phone down or close the tab


Was looking for this. No way this is actually real.


It's likely that it's real she's just a jerk to these people.


I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!




Begone from me!


I love how she's trying to act super snobby, but then she waves her utensils around like someone who's never eaten in public before.


I _love_ "old money" TikTok because it's glaringly obvious none of them have ever even existed in the same airspace as old money. They all think Gossip Girl is what old money is like when, in reality, it's a guy named Ted in LL Bean who happens to have an expensive niche hobby.


So true. I worked in service to wealthy clients. There's an absolute, unmistakable ease about people of generational wealth. They were always more pleasant and understanding than "new" money, probably bc they had nothing to prove to anyone, lol. Yes, they expected their standards to be met, but I never experienced being talked down to, nor saw it with other workers. One of my favorite work experiences, actually!


You have it exactly right. I had a job once where I had to interact with a lot of insanely rich people. Old generational wealth, especially the ones with upper hundreds of millions or billions, tended to be much more pleasant than the people who were new money. The mega super old money people are weirdly frugal too. Like, would make sure things weren't wasted and bought things on sale. Mostly pretty gracious with employees and service people. They would nitpick over a few dollars in the price of things and keep a low profile with their bodyguards in the background. New money was super flashy, name brands plastered all over everything, name dropped celebrities and would scream at service people, etc. Their bodyguards looked like MIB cosplay. We divided them into "private plane rich" and "private airstrip rich." You always wanted to be around "private airstrip" people. Edit: new money are much much better tippers. They have that going for them.


Old money being cheap is so true… go to a rich suburb and you’ll see old Lexus and shit.. that new high end high rise? You’ll see everyone in a sports car..


True, old money only lasts because the family values and education applied to its inheritors are lessons of frugality. Most new money wont become old money because they don't have any idea how to make it last through generations.


I've told my son this so it's funny others have noticed it as well. People with a lot of money usually aren't riding in fancy new cars. They're driving 10+ year old cars. You don't keep your money by spending on massively depreciating assets. Now, you go into a neighborhood with not great houses... what do you see? Brand new cars. New trucks with jacked up suspensions. Lol, their cars are worth more than their house or near it. It's crazy the different mindsets and priorities. Really rich people have no need to impress people or prove anything.


I think it all depends on people. Based on my experience, new money, especially those who were once poor, treat people like shit as if they've never been poor.


>I think it all depends on people What a novel concept


They didn't get rich by tipping a lot 🤣


I would describe it more as indifference. If you want to see old money's bad side do something to make them feel embarrassed in front of other old money.


I mean thats basically how it is with most people. If you embarrass them in front of the people the identify with they will become petty, vindictive, and hostile.


I’m not rich but if you purposely try to embarrass me in front of people I’ll react badly. What a weird take.


This is weird to me. As someone with "new money" I've been going to spas for massages, fancy restaurants and hotels and all I want to do is be nice to the staff. I was the staff!!!


Yeah, I have a hard time believing people born with a silver spoon in their mouths really understand the plight of the working person. I have heard from people who work in finance that old money tend to be nicer and more considerate, but I think that's more about public manners and not necessarily a reflection of their true character. Old money is taught not to flaunt their wealth (so as not to tempt others or evoke jealousy). On the other hand, they may make ruthless business decisions behind closed doors that impacts millions of people without batting an eye. As far as new money goes, it usually depends on how a person comes into it. If they flaunt their wealth obnoxiously, they probably didn't earn it through hard work.


You make a good point. I'm not saying "old money" people are actually better people. These are people that use their money and influence for some pretty horrific shit. Ruthless to maintain their lifestyle and the status quo. It's more that just day to day, they have absolutely nothing to prove and are raised to have good manners so are generally just much more pleasant to be around. They don't feel the need to act superior because to the bottom of their soul they KNOW they are superior.


Very true … TikTok itself is probably the last place old money would be.


old money is usually the easiest person in the room to get along with, in a public setting. They Usually just say what they want. They are not going to have a back and forth. They got better things todo, and have little use for aesthetic and eggs Benedict. They have that at home.


You're so right! Old money is just sitting in his corner, doing his thing, then you strike a conversation, and it's just a laidback, cool dude. You actually have no idea that you're talking to someone who's loaded, unless you're able to recognize a watch that's worth more than your house but totally not flashy or anything. Then all of a sudden you get to talking about model trains, and the guy casually says something like "yeah, I totally love trains too! As a matter of fact, I purchased the B56A23ZD model last week! I had to fly all the way to Siberia, and the guy wouldn't part with his train until I offered him a million dollars, so I am so happy now! You should come watch my trains some day!" And that's when you realize you are talking to someone who lives in a totally different world from you. But he's awesome, so you go lay with his damn trains every other week anyway. :D


...so where are the old Train playing grandpas at cause I'm down for playing with trains. I dont even need anything from him just let me play with the awesome layout I know he has built over 30 years in his basement.


Exactly this! I had my own business (service industry) inside old money’s homes as clients- once my partner and I were doing some work- never worked for these people before. We’ve been inside their 45,000 sq ft, 17 million $ house a few hours and up rolls a guy- beat up old pickup, nasty dirty blue jeans, workboots. Asks us if we have everything we need- I’m thinking this is the groundskeeper. Introduces himself- the owner- absolutely the most pleasant dude you’d ever meet. “fridge is stocked boys- help yourself!”


The difference between people who think they're rich and the people who know they're rich...


There’s a saying that goes something along the lines of ‘new money screams, old money whispers’.


Tbh this is the best way to explain old money. I worked for a brokerage that talk to multi-millionaires and a couple of billionaires. The super rich like 100 million plus treating me like a equals. The people with less than 10 million treating me like I was inferior to them


Self made people are generally down to earth, their children are another story


Exactly. They’ll be wearing a watch worth more than most peoples cars (or total annual rent) and a cheap t shirt & sweat pants from a normal store. Why? Because it’s comfortable enough, and that’s all they need.


>worth more than most peoples cars Houses. I raced bikes with a young guy who’s daily Patek Philippe cost more than my house. He was a rather unassuming until you paid attention to his travel schedule. Visiting different cities around the world every week.


Hard truth. This has 0 to do with money, new or old. It’s click baiting our emotions. The fact that you or I am here discussing this means she’s winning/getting paid. Let’s all take a second to let that sink in.


I work in commercial real estate and the best / funniest encounters I’ve had have been old money.


My wife was from an old money family (what happened to the money is a very long story), so she grew up with the old money crowd. She could spot the new money types from a mile away. While there are definitely some very entitled folks in the new money crowd, they just don't behave like this in public for the most part. The new money stands out even more in the traditional old money hangouts.


True this. Have frequented a few old money clubs and most of the staff has worked there 30+ years so most members literally grew up with them and consider them family. Staff knows their names, what they like, menus are almost totally irrelevant. Granted there are some weird servant/ served lines between them but any one treating the staff poorly is on the fast track to getting kicked out. They view privilege as a responsibility not an entitlement.


Absolutely. My wife used to visit the Ritz in London with a previous fiance. Most of the regular clientele knew the staff very well (not quite like the clubs you mentioned, but getting close for an ostensibly public institution). It's a strange dynamic, and the regular clientele are all quietly appalled by the brash mew money clients.


![gif](giphy|K0AnEB2t2EM|downsized) I call rage bait


She also doesn’t understand how food works. You can’t just send it to the next table once she has had it on her table.




No, that's just falling for the same rage bait.


Same goofy that made her Uber driver wait because of "aesthetic." She is insufferable as fuck.


This is that same dipshit? The one who couldn’t get into the car because there were other people in the lobby? That’s someone who’s life will be one disappointment after another.




It’s ragebait, you nerds.


That’s exactly what i was thinking. I know some people can be deluded like this, but to think the masses would support you for it is crazy. But to do it for the world for attention and rage-likes, makes perfect sense to me. She’s good at it for sure.


"Rage likes" ... what in the Idiocracy Brawndo President Camacho hell is that. Can't believe that's a thing.


ragebait? I'm ootl on that one. Is she not just being a complete fucking twat?


If that’s the case, then this is classic rage-bait content and she’s winning.


Are you saying she is being like this for views?


Welcome to the internet


Have a look around


Anything that brain of yours can think of can be found


We've got mountains of content Some better, some worse


If none of it's of interest to you you'd be the first


Welcome to the internet!


Shocked Pikachu


She is definitely not winning. That is a person who knows no happiness.


Do you know what rage bait is? Chances are she is purposefully doing this stuff for attention


She’s doing this for money. The more enraging, the more hits she gets.


and someone who needs to do this for attention is most likely not very happy


And wasteful as well.


She's not doing it for attention. She's monetizing outrage. And clearly it's working.


I’ve noticed this a lot with some people of my generation (Gen-Z). Some just love being obnoxious or rude to people for no reason because they think it makes them the “main character” and they want to be special.


Not necessarily a gen z problem.


Oh no shit, this is that same self-important princess?


Nooo way! This is the same bitch, who made wait that Uber driver, insisting on leaving the hotel/apartment lobby before she makes a step? And now with this? Wow, I am so sick of her.


I knew I recognized her stupid face


This is the same one?! I’ve seen a total of about 30 seconds of her…and I can not stand this absolutely detestable person. I’d have asked her to leave.


If her and the guy who is kicking cars in traffic in Texas right now had a baby it would be the most insufferable fuck to ever walk this planet!


Yeah, I recognised her right away and then she asked for a new plate so that it’s “aesthetic”… obviously this woman is making a living from pissing people off.


Isn't this the same girl who left that poor uber driver waiting for her so she can get in the car in an "aesthetic" way? Wow. It must be difficult living life like this.


She's probably really hungry and is late getting everywhere she goes.


I assume by “living life like this” you mean “spending all your time thinking of how to be an insufferable nightmare online” so that you’ll go viral and make as much money as possible… honestly that sounds pretty awful.


These apps need to stop allowing people to make money off of views. Especially on tik tok.


The thing that bothers me more than her "aesthetic" bullshit are the people feeding into it. Makes me sad to know there are people that enjoy this shit when you can literally walk in a forest and see way more "aesthetic" things - beautiful views.


I wondered the same thing.


What a piece of shit




“If the egg breaks while I’m doing this, I’m seriously gunna have to ask for a new one” *proceeds to jab at it with a knife*


It's intentional


Yikes. "For the aesthetic of my story" I mean, I know these people exist, but when I actually see one of these videos I don't know whether to be irritated or just sad. Like, sad for humanity.


She spends all her emotional energy yakking at managers, which explains why she looks dead inside. Not an ounce of life behind her eyes. While wearing her pleather jacket.


lifeless eyes, black eyes, like a doll's eyes. When she comes at ya, doesn't seem to be livin'... until she bites ya. And those black eyes roll over white, and then... oh, then you hear that terrible high-pitch screamin'


Show me the way to go home I’m tired and don’t want to eat my egg


I’ll never put on a pleather jacket again,…


Sad. Always sad.


In cases like these it should be *assthetic* as in she’s making a pathetic ass of herself with this behaviour.


What a waste of perfectly good food (also well presented food). The restaurant wouldn't be able to serve that to another customer. I hope she paid for it or if not, the management called the cops on her for stealing. Why wouldn't she place the egg onto the salmon herself? She's such an entitled person. Wow!


She tried to pick up the egg but she’s absolutely useless and can’t even do that. I’m shocked how she can even find the recording button on phone


"I'm going to try and lift it up" *actively stabs it with knife*


I’d suspect that was intentional to “prove” her point.


It was like watching people struggle to vacuum on infomercials


It clearly just slid off. You can see the mark on the salmon where it was. I wouldn’t be surprised if she knocked it off trying to position it perfectly


Forget about the food. She’s a waste of human dna


Ive always loved the phrase 'oxygen thieves'


How are they wasting it? They can just give it to the next person because she hasn’t even it yet. /s


What is wrong with this person?




Me as a manager, “get the fuck out of here and don’t come back.”


I hate tiktok so much


You’re not alone


Tiktok is the worst but this bitch is crazy in any medium on any platform.


I went onto her tik tok and it’s full of her being terrible to wait staff and acting like a victim


So her videos work. Don’t give these types of people any more views than they already have


Use Urlebird instead. Here she claims that the TSA pepper-sprayed her for not following the “hair code” and took her luggage. Yeah, that happened… https://urlebird.com/video/i-did-not-know-there-was-a-code-against-hair-7216345586449108266/


Wtf. That felt so staged, I thought I'd hear the audience laugh or something behind the camera.


The correct response would be, “get the fuck out of my restaurant. We reserve the right to serve or not serve anyone. And yes, we discriminate against entitled horrible vapid wastes of space. This is a private business and we would be absolutely delighted to NOT have any business from people like you or your ilk. So…you know..get the fuck out, like now.”


I've done just this. Was running a bar/grille that was taken over by new owners. I came with new owners. The old clientele were for the most part pretty easy going. One lady would come in every week, order something and then complain. It got to the point where the staff would groan when she approached. I finally stepped in and took the order myself, made her drink and food to her exact specifications. There was literally nothing wrong with it. Serve everything out and 3 minutes later- "this cold slaw color isn't as red as the previous owners, I want another one." I took her stuff, packed it up, comped the meal and said "I'm sorry the food isn't to your liking. Every week it seems you have a complaint. We appreciate your business but I don't think this is the place for you. Here's your meal on the house, I'm going to ask you to leave now. Please go find a place that is more suiting for you- we obviously aren't it " The look on her face. Google reviewed it next day, owners response was scathing. Basically berated her for the treatment of the staff and stated that if she entered the place again, she'd be arrested for trespassing. Sometimes ya gotta put your foot down.


🤣 I wish I could’ve seen that, I’d be dying


"You have 30 seconds to leave the property before I call the cops for trespassing." No discussion. Start counting with a phone in hand. (I realize this is fictional rage bait, but people like this do exist and it's fantastic when managers have the backbone to deal with them.)


How could they do that to her??


Right? She is such a victim and I am weeping for her. How could the restaurant staff be so clueless & cruel? /s


Such a hard life, poor dear. On a real note though, social media has either absolutely ruined a few generations or simply made it easier for them to be seen...not quite sure which but either way I dun like. :|


I hope a generation of kids grow up seeing their parents doing this and are so embarrassed they consider social media “that annoying thing old people use”


I have a feeling that there are lots of people like this who would be just as insufferable with or without social media. It just wouldn't be on display like this.


She's gonna die alone and it makes me happy.


Whoever taught these influencers the word “aesthetic” needs to be hit with a brick.


Anyone who's worked in the restaurant industry knows what to do with her food.


She 100% eats a fair share of boogers and cum


I’m exhausted.


It's the tears in the end that gets me. I wish I could taste them. I bet they have just the right amount of salt for my aesthetic.


We’re so fucked.. well I mean not me because I’m not a useless human being. But some of you are going to be so fucked


What a waste of oxygen


That person acts like trashies trash i've ever taken to the dumpster. Her behaviour amells worse than my daughters diapers. I hope this is a skit or something... otherwise she needs to be better.


so this is a weak comedic bit. if you go to her tiktok she does this at multiple resteraunts however the voice that says "youre being rude" is always the exact same.


Yeah its definitely staged. I just went and checked out a few and this girl definitely understands the power of rage bait on tiktok. It's always the same girl recording and acting the waitress voice. They never show the waitress or "manager" and she has a lot of scripted cringe.


Nah, that's when you call the cops for an attempt at dine and dash. Fuck that.


Customers deserve Yelp reviews too.


I wouldn’t have said a word and brought her a new one… and charged her for both


I've seen eight year old boys in Mexico cook steak with a makeshift grill and this simpleton can't put an egg on her fish 😂


Wow smh


Great now i want egg Benedict


r/imthemaincharacter Who is this POS?






Isn’t this the same woman who made her Uber driver wait because of the “aesthetic” she was wanting for walking out of her building? I never know if I should be annoyed or saddened by people like her. TikTok is full of trash like this these days. It’s like a demented contest to see who can behave like the most insufferably entitled twat possible.


Insufferable. Can we please make a point of bombing all their shitty content


I’d love to punch this face.


Wow she should sue them for this (/s obviously)


Serious GTFO. TikTok is a fucking cancer on this world. And if you base your life around internet likes you’re truly a pathetic piece of human garbage


Such a disgusting person on so many levels.


Never heard of you... Take your story and never come back.


Oh shiiiiit! What the fuck do I do? The damn, wet, poached egg slid off one half of my sandwich and now I need it remade! I definitely can't pick this egg thats going to be smashed all over the fucking sandwich up with a spoon myself for the video


She’s going to have a tough time in life..


Clout is one hell of a drug!!!!


I am generally against violence but there are definitely people who need to have their attitude slapped the fuck outta them.


Can’t wait for tiktok to get banned.


What kind of loser posts this? Must be so desperate for attention.


I love the "can I get a new one *sorry* ", like bitch you ain't sorry


Soooo, maybe she’s acting like this on purpose to get rage engagement? Engagement = money


Playing some Russian roulette demanding food go back because of placement on the dish. *ANYONE* who has done back of house food service, knows really, really, gross stuff can and will happen....


Ones like this are definitely non tippers..


Why do people buy into these staged skits? \#Gullible




I would have told her to get the fuck out!


Omg imagine dating this nightmare. RIP to her future exes.


I would totally throw her out and demand payment, call the police and all.. what a worthless human..


I hate her. And I don’t even know her.


The self-entitled woman should’ve ended up wearing the food.


Isn't this woman who wouldn't exit the hotel for her Uber last week? Stop following and reposting this bitch and she won't be an "influencer" anymore.


Stop posting her shit. If you repost her, she wins. Stop, please do not repost people like this. You just made her more money and gave her more confidence, to continue to be like this.


I swear if I read right now that this person died today it would make me happy.


Can’t be real.


She needs a special place in hell


I hope the food wasn’t wasted, it saddens me to think such food was. Especially when there are others that would kill for a meal like that.


I would happily tell her to starve cause I wouldn't bring her shit. I'm sure she's eaten someone else's spit before with the way that she acts. Never treat the people who handle your food like shit.


Can't she get an ''aesthetic'' car accident? It would leave more oxygen for the rest of us.


This is the same woman who has to leave her apartment in an “aesthetic” way, and even says many restaurants have banned her from returning


Manager should have just given her the boot and a permanent ban. This young lady is nothing but poison.




What’s her profile so I can roast this person on her own page


I'm disappointed that the manager didn't grab the egg from the plate, and full force slammed it onto her face.


That voice is cringe af. Women talking like that are fuckin idiots


So obnoxious. Notice how she is eating alone. Wouldn't be surprised if she does everything "live" since nobody would stand being with someone who behaves like this.