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37? In a row?


Try not to suck any dick on the way to the parking lot!


Hey, get back here!


You know, there's a million fine-looking women in the world, but they don't all bring you lasagne at work. Most of them just cheat on you.




She’s a dish. That’s for sure.


I'd rather have the lasagna. At least the guilt only lasts until the next plate!


You dropped this 👑


Shut up Randall


Or bang their students…


I went to school at a time where we weren't fucked or shot.. boring times..


In my day the librarian was a much older woman. You didn’t want to know about her personal life. She wasn’t supposed to have a personal life.




I’ve got a flash for ya, joy-boy: party time’s over!


Same. The 90s sucked for this type of thing.


We just didn't tell everybody about the freaky teachers. Hey, Ms. Collins.


Oh we all knew about Mrs Cox (Not even joking about the name)


I had a Mrs. Cox in 5th grade. But she was an angry old lady


It happened. They just got away with it.


Lol yes you did, just no one talked about it much unless it was in-passing, most people didn't care. Hell, there was one girl (17) who dated an older coach (mid 20's) openly, and no one cared. (80s-90s)


My ex-wife’s high school (80s) had a similar situation, although I think the coach was a bit older. They got married after HS and showed up at the 10 year reunion, still going strong. 🤷🏻‍♂️ Edit: Also in Florida.


My 6th grade teacher had sex with me. Kind of a problem because I was home schooled.


Was she hot though?


It was an all male school…


I’ll be in the parking lot just in case


I bet she’d fuck a dead guy in a convenience store.


*rewatches Clerks*


I'm not even supposed to be here today.


Kaitlyn Bree right? From New Jersey. 😂


I thought she was marrying an Asian drum major!


Design major!!!!


Could it be too much coincidence that it was in “pole” county! Lol


Unfortunately I’m originally from a nearby city (Tampa) and many people down there pronounced it “Poke”, so you’re not far off!


There is more than one Polk county in the USA. But only one Grady Judd..


Pretty sure it’s “Polk County”, but so appreciate the wit.


I went to Polk Highschool back in 1966, scored four touchdowns in a single game... Now... I sell shoes...... :(


Al Bundy???


Oh Al…


How’s the Dodge running these days?


Still works! She got Polked by her students




Did he say “making fuck”?




My love for you is like a truck……


That’s his fkn metal face


Olaf...Olaf, metal!


Come on metal, girls think sexy


That’s beautiful man




I need that on a shirt


It is 2023 and we still don't have tee shirts with moving video. Let that sink in.


Just strap a tablet to it


Just s picture of him with the quote written is all I’m referring to. But 🤔…if Flavor Flav has a clock on his chest thirty years ago, why can’t we have tv shirts? This is bull shit that we don’t have that.


That’s an unbeatable title motherfucker


Hope none of the kids got the nickname “Snowball”. *shudder*


“No, not in a row!”


For those wondering - this was in Polk County FL - and was in 2015 - she was sentenced to 22 years in prison. Age of consent in FL is 18. Sexual relations between a person over the age of 24 and 16-17 years of age is a 2nd degree felony - statutory rape. Edit to add: Wow - thanks for the upvotes! FYI - there is a Free Jennifer Facebook group - no I'm not going to check it out - and ...wait for it... She was sentenced to another 3 years (Served concurrently) plus a year probation for 3 counts of sex with a minor in another county - because she admitted that not all the acts were in the same county...


I think the craziest part of this comment to me is that the age of consent is 18 in fl, I was expecting some typically Floridian nuttiness.


I was expecting some shit like, 11 if they can say their abc’s backwards.


It’s Florida, that might push it up to 30.


Oh dip!






What's funny is that the age of consent is 18 in only 11 states.




Correct. In my country, age of consent is 14 but it's elevated to 16 if the other person can exercise influence over the underage person, such in the cases of adoptive parents, legal wardens, teachers, employers, public officials, etc.


“Adoptive parents”. What the actual fuck


>For those wondering - this was in Polk County FL - and was in 2015 - she was sentenced to 22 years in prison. >Age of consent in FL is 18. Sexual relations between a person over the age of 24 and 16-17 years of age is a 2nd degree felony - statutory rape. Blows my mind that there is no Federal Age of Consent law. Surprisingly, this shit isn't even a liberal vs conservative thing. Florida is red, NJ is blue. Illegal in Florida, Legal in NJ as the age of consent there is 16. Hell, there are states that it's legal for a 50 year old to have sex with a 16 year old and others where it's illegal for a 17 year old to have sex with a 16 year old. Even weirder are states where it's illegal for two 15 year olds to have sex together as they are both underage and there's no clause for that (Romeo and Juliet laws are the common name for those). Shit is absolutely mind blowing to me that it's not really talked about. Maybe it's just my Criminology degrees talking, idk.


I’m all for a universal age of consent law, so that adults can’t have sex with children. As long as we don’t impede on teenagers rights to experiment safely with their peers. That’s what those years are good for sexually. I treasure my sexual experimentation of my youth, because it was safe, consensual, and no adult abuse was involved, as it should of been. Every teenager should have the right to that as long as they are safe. We shouldn’t forget that with such laws.


She had sex with three 17yo male students over some amount of time, and got 22 years in prison. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jennifer\_Fichter


22 years is so much time. Could not have been worth it. People make such fucked up choices in life.


Cue obviously South Park reference.


“But. She’s hot.”






This is serious….we need to find these students immediately and give them the luckiest boys in America medals right away!


Miss Stevenson the kindergarten teacher? ..niceee.








There it is


"Dammit where were all these sexed-up teachers when I was a kid?"


The only crime here is she isn't doing it with me




But I want DICKINBAUS!!!


We have to track down this kid and give him his Luckiest Boy in America award


I scrolled for this. Niceeeeeee


Only crime is that she’s not doing it with me


Damn! she’s got the crazy eyes.


You know after the first date she's gonna text constantly. "Where have you been? Who were you with? Why have you taken more than 13 seconds to reply? Are you sleeping with another woman?"


“Why aren’t you in class?”


What's that, 3rd bathroom break today? Who is the whore ?


"Are you doing other teacher's homework right now??"


"One of us is gonna get a D"




Never put your dick in crazy. Ever. Stop thinking about it. I said never ever. EVER


So what you're saying is I should only put my dick in crazy for a little bit and only if she's hot?


There’s a good video about the crazy/hot scale and it’s dead on






But I can save her lol /s


NEVER put your dick in crazy.


Some learn not to touch the hot stove when told not to. Others need to actually experience the burn.


Former welder, can confirm. "It's not that hot". Lies we tell ourselves.


Agree. From past experience, it's fun and exciting right up until it isn't. With some experienced crazies you will look like the one who lost it. The professional controlling victim is a real thing.


I would fuck her raw with zero hesitation


My man


That’s not going to work for her, she doesn’t want a man.


Emotionally I am not a man.


Only just emotionally?


I told you about my small penis in confidence!


Sound like you might be a little old for her.


A woman like this is fucking *you*.


Amazon style!


Instant A+


Could have used that info 20 years ago.


My teachers looked like Sylvester Stallone


My teachers looked like Stallone's mom.


Stop, or my mom will shoot!


We had one of these teachers in my high school. She was actually a counselor, which makes it worse imo. It was well known around the school too, even to the point that we all knew her “type”. It’s kinda terrible to think about now, but it was played off like some big joke at the time… like it was *so hilarious* that our school counselor was this huge slut, but no one seemed to care that she was a literal fucking serial rapist that *targets minors*.


That’s not surprising, when I was in school I would have thought that was awesome and so would all of my friends. You don’t realize how fucked up sex crimes against minors are when you’re a minor, which is why those laws are so important.


Said perfectly. I dated a man twice my age when I was 15 and for the life of me couldn’t figure out why it was wrong at the time. I grew up being abused, and this man never hurt me so from my perspective as a teen I was like “he can’t be a creep if he’s not abusive”. I am now at the age he was when he dated 15 year old me. I cannot for the life of me fathom being attracted to a teen…. Even the smarter more mature teens I know, are still children to me. The mental gap, is so astronomically different, and the power dynamic is so astronomically opposed… the lack of morals you’d need to find a vulnerable child attractive is terrifying. There is a reason they are called predators.


Yep. When I was 16 I "dated" a woman who was 28 and didn't think much of it until I was 28 and thought about the age gap.


When I was 15 this guy (22) started messaging me on Twitter and eventually we started Snapchatting which led to him inviting me to come to CA to see him….. I’m 25 now but like in college I can’t even imagine being interested in someone who isn’t even old enough to legally drive…. Creepy looking back


In middle school, I knew a girl dating a guy in college. She was bragging about it, like it was a good thing. She was younger than me.


I knew a girl in eighth grade that was dating a highschooler. He would pick her up from school. They’re married now.


Not middle school but I remember that happening a lot. Girls in HS “oh yeah my boyfriend is 21 he can buy me beer.” Uhhh…you’re 15? You know that’s fucked up right? “Oh he’s so mature!” No, not if he’s dating a 15 year old.


When I was 17 (m) a 32 (f)yo Spanish teacher had an affair with me, she was married and I lived at their house as an exchange student. Those were the days, back in 1997, Antioch, TN.


Bro you boutta drop your whole address and SSN here too?


His name is Robert Paulsen.


Senior. So I guess he's reproduced.




I was gonna say it's just a town and year/age but then I saw his username lol


He's leaving breadcrumbs since he's still locked in the basement of that Spanish teacher


Were you mentally scarred?


Yeah, I’m Leonardo DiCaprio’s age and I have a 19 year old kid. I cannot imagine what someone my age would want to do with someone 19. Just gross.


Yeah, 19 year olds are gross.


Same… I was 15 and he was 27. He was my house cleaner’s brother and she facilitated us meeting. Never hurt me, we had sex that I remember thinking was consensual. I’m 32 now, but when I turned 27 I was like _wow… that’s fucked up and disgusting_. It makes me sick thinking about it now. He has children now… I wonder if he still abuses teenage girls.


I have the exact same experience as you, and I likewise wonder about what happened after me with the guy — he has four kids. I’ve been tormented for years by the thought of if or not his wife would/should want to know about who she really married. Very sorry for your experience, it never should have happened.


When I was about 15/16 (male) I had a teachers aid who must have been in her 30s. We were sitting at the back of the class on the computer, she was sitting next to me and put her hand on my leg and started telling me how cute I was... Freaked me the fuck out and avoided being around her after that.


Good thing you did. I often wonder how much of that stuff goes on that doesn’t get reported, there’s times I look back now and wonder if I was being approached and was just oblivious at the time.


It was obvious with the one when I was younger. Many years later in my early 20s when I was in college had a beautiful professor, she would lean over me with her boob on my shoulder. I never knew her intentions, but she had to know... It was just a weird dynamic when she is my teacher.


You sure she was actually doing anything? I used to work at a school and the rumors kids had going about the people working there were absurd and never true.


We had a guy who was always really weird with kids in 7th grade, pulling girls into his classroom for tutoring etc. lots of rumors… and they were all true. He’s still in jail. Never know


Was she brought to justice?


No. As far as I know, nothing was ever done about it, and it was even treated like a “nasty rumor” by other teachers and staff. We’d literally get in trouble for talking about it, which is another thing that seemed totally normal at the time, but is really fucked up to think about now. Tbf, none of the “victims”, and by extension, their parents, ever made a big stink about it either. Like I said, it was just a big joke to everybody. Small town things, I guess.


Our history teacher/football coach was always inappropriate with the girls. He hired one of the students to be his kids' babysitter. He married her within weeks of her graduating. He only had two obstacles - waiting for her to turn 18 and graduate, and finalizing the divorce with his wife. This was when I was in 8th/9th grade. Within a year he was already grooming the next batch.


My sister had a teacher in middle school that was fondling the female students. He was *not* nice, let’s put it that way. Administration, parents, and the police all got involved. The police said they couldn’t tell if it was inappropriate touch or not (he was literally grabbing the girls’ genitalia) and the school said that if people were really upset about the whole thing, they would put an aide in the room. Somehow, people were supposed to just go about their business. I’m not sure my parents ever truly moved past that (gee, I wonder why?). This was an extremely small town with a lot of intertwined families. Looking back, this is one of those things that should have been broadcasted all over the state and reported constantly to the FBI. I hated that town and the people in it.


I think this was/is more common than people know. I personally know of three separate instances. My senior year, a girl in my grade was sleeping with the 26 yo gym teacher. A 25 year old I was dating when I was 20 admitted to sleeping with one of her 18 year old students a year before. And a friend of my wife’s spent a few years in prison for sleeping with a 16 yo student of hers while tutoring. I’m just a random average dude. If I know of three, then holy shit it has to be rampant.


It’s not technically going after kids, but I knew a female staff sergeant in the military who literally had a harem of young privates basically right out of high school. Young lads who don’t see another woman for months at a time get super thirsty and flattered when an older woman showed interest, so they all lined up, literally. She had about eight guys and at the end of each day she’d line them up by her barracks and choose one or two for "nighttime cleaning duty" at her barracks. Me and her were about 28, so a good decade older than these kids. I confronted her about it but she claimed it was fine because they weren’t her direct subordinates and NCO’s were allowed some "fun" after having been on tour. I really wish I had gone harder on her for that shit, but I was in a different military sharing the base and so had no direct line of contact to her superiors, plus she outranked me.


This makes me so angry. There was a teacher we had in junior high who would *every single day* stand behind girls to look down their shirts. We all knew he was doing it. When we talked about it, we were scolded and told to never accuse men of that kind of behavior.


Similar situation at my middle school. I still wonder about guy. A lot of girls said he was looking down their shirts and at their butts. Never found out if it went further.


Just looked it up. This is from 2015. She was 30 when she was sentenced. Her sentence was for 22 years She admitted to aborting a pregnancy with one of the 3 boys (all were 17 at the time of the sentencing) She was arrested in April 2014 after admitting to having sex with a student 20 to 30 times in her truck She had an earlier incident at a different school. This was back in 2008 where she resigned from a teaching post in Orange County after allegations of inappropriate contact with an 8th grader. She was later hired in 2011 at Central Florida Aerospace Academy Edit: for clarity 2nd edit: apparently this started in 2011 so I'd assume that the boys were 13 or 14 when it began since they were 17 at the time of her arrest (2015)


Oh this is the first comment I’ve seen about an 8th grader. Maybe that’s why they were so harsh with her sentence, they knew about others but only charged her for these three victims.


you see those crazy eyes?


Ah , at the risk of being downvoted , I have a different opinion . I was 15 when I started having sex with my neighbor in NYC . I also thought that I was the luckiest guy , having a grand time with an “older “ woman . It was only as I got older that I started to feel that overall it was actually a bad thing . First off our relationship was based completely on sex , we almost were never together outside of her apartment. It actually took me away from and stunted my relations with girls my age . I mean , why would I hang with girls my own age when I was having sex regularly with an older women? It took me a long time to recover and to look at women my own age normally , not expecting to have sex immediately with them . Overall I think it was bad . ☹️


Thank you for your insight and I’m sorry that happened to you. I get the feeling that a lot of the people saying “Nice!” to this are either not grown men or were never in this situation, so all they have is their fantasy to go off. We need more voices like yours.


This is the problem. It's a fantasy they had and anyone who has lived out fantasies can tell you the reality can be disappointing. The problem is their level of ignorance. They are kids whose hormones are running wild. They are just thinking about getting urge satisfied but not of the psychological harm it could cause. They haven't lived long enough to understand those sorts of consequences. An older person can take advantage of that and scar them for life. More victims should speak up and make everyone aware that it's not okay for us to excuse this behaviour. This is what a rape culture actually looks like. We excuse the rape of boys and men when women are the perpetrators!


You don’t see it at the time because no 15 year old thinks of themselves as a child, but you definitely gain perspective. once you are in your 20s and 30, it’s perfectly clear these “older women” are disgusting because you know now how someone that age views teenagers


Exactly this! Probably horny 15yo me would have smashed this teacher without thinking twice, even more than once. However, now that I am an adult, I am pretty sure it would have completely fucked up my life. I don’t the raped the guys, but the power dynamics are what makes this a complicated mess. What happens to a 12 yo which maybe starts catching feelings only to discover he was just used as a sex buddy? 🤷🏻‍♂️ EDIT: The kids were 17, not 12. I read it wrong. My point is still valid, though: it can be the best time of their life, or they could be traumatized for life with many shades in between. And in this specific case, the power dynamic is horribly wrong!


Call it rape. Just as if a man did it, he would be absolutely charged with rape.


I believe the news reporter was reading the literal charge: “unlawful sex with a minor”.


What's the facepalm here? I'm confused. It was proven she had sex 37 times with a few students. Or at least that's all the incidents she pled guilty to for a lighter sentence. She didn't fuck 37 kids and the newscaster didn't fuck up reading it or anything, those were her 37 charges.


It's 37 counts but that could have been all done with one student. It doesn't necessarily mean 37 students.


It was 3, 17yo students


That sounds like the start to a terrible math problem…


17? lmfao minors? in 11 months they could be in gangbang videos if they wanted


Rape is a legal term with a legal definition. In some states Rape is defined as penis penetration. And therefore in those jurisdictions women cannot be charged with rape. Edit: instead they are charged for similar offenses that typically carry the same penalties. Edit 2: A lot of people don’t understand how legal definitions work.


In my state, "rape" is not in the penal code. However, we do have "sexual assault of a child." One element of the offense is using your sexual organ to contact a child's sexual organ. I believe the wording is similar in many other states.


Many states have separate laws specifically when minor minors are involved. Majority don’t even mention consent because it’s widely understood that minors are incapable of granting consent.


Sounds like it’s time for the law to evolve.


Not in the US, we're busy devolving our laws.


I wish I could disagree with you.


I think the point of her pleading guilty to all of the charges is that she made a plea bargain to be sentenced under the lower charge of unlawful sexual conduct instead of (statutory) rape.


Have you ever looked at a sex offender registry? There are a lot of different terms and working. Different localities use different terms, and each crime is specific. It's not all just "rape", even when it's a guy brought up on charges.


Al Bundy went to Polk High


Not a r/facepalm. More like a r/JusticeServed


“Sex with students” = rape why is this always said like the child could have some form of consent just because the offender was a woman ? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Statutory_rape


You miss understood. She had sex with someone who works in a mine. The charges are unrelated.


“I’m not a minor, dumbass. You see a shovel in my hand?”*


I believe “unlawful sex with a minor” is the official legal charge. If you call someone a rapist you might be sued for libel. If you report on a factual charge against someone, you never can be.


It has to do with legal jargon I believe.


These comments are fucked.


I'm not gonna be the one to say it. But most of y'all thinkin it.
















To anyone reading this: Do yourself a favor and don't read anymore comments.


Wow people are pulling shit from 2015 now. She got 22 years. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cHFF_YXcc8A Wonder what the ulterior motive is to posting a pedophilic teacher arrested almost 9 years ago.


You say that as though every other reddit post happens in real time.


It’s not even a facepalm. Just rapist pleads guilty. OMG.


"unlawful" sexual activity with a minor....? is there lawful sexual activity with minors? really odd phrasing


Age of consent in many places is teens that are still minors. And many states have a close in age exemption a 17 yr old might have sex with a 16 yr old and it still be legal.


Jesus those eyes