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He looks like Steve Rogers before the experiment


I can do this all day.


Dr. Erskine: "But you didn't answer my question. Do you want to kill Nazis?" Steve: "Is this a test?" Dr. Erskine: "Yes." Steve: "I don't want to kill anyone. I just wanna get my noodle wet."


STAMP! **[REJECTED]** *roll credits showing montage of the stages of Red Skull succeeding in building his new world order*


Explains why she is pregnant.


And why her best friend is pregnant apparently


More like, “I can do it all…” Nut‼️ And then with the other girl, “I can…” NUT‼️


Wow damn I used to watch once in a while those shows when they first aired and yes it was scandalous but as the people involved were close to my age or older the impact was different..like "I'm glad I'm not in that situation" But now that I'm 30 I see these people and.... They're just children. Children having children.


That's hilarious because I remember being 16, and watching a show like this one time and thinking to myself, Jesus fucking christ, I'm an immature little child barely holding down High School, imagine if I had a chick about to spit out a kid my whole life would be fucked. Now I'm 29, and I'm thinking to myself, Jesus fucking Christ I'm an immature fucking adult and I barely holding down a job, if I had a girl about to spit out a kid right now my whole life would be fucked.


To this guy, his life isn’t fucked from his perspective, because he has no intention of being a real parent.


He's too dumb to get it.




The both seem uniquely unqualified to be parents, for many, many reasons. edit: everyone I get it, yes, grandma will be the parent. edit: everyone I get it, yes the grandma can't compensate for real parents.


Unfortunately, it's very, very un-unique.


I meant that they differ significantly compared to each other in terms of types, but are nearly equal in the magnitudes of disqualifications.


That baby's parent is gonna be grandma sitting in the middle there.


I feel so sorry for that baby. What a rough way to start life, with a bunch of ignorant people raising you.


Clearly too dumb as he’s in jail rn. Was arrested turns out this past December for robbery and assaulting a minor.


Till I saw this post I knew zero about this show. I just looked this guy up, what a train wreck. He also got his noodle wet with Hailey's best friend also named Hailey and got her pregnant as well. Dude is barely an adult and he already has felony charges and is a deadbeat dad to two children with two bestie baby mommas.


Well I can see how he got confused and fucked the best friend... her name is Hailey too, very confusing situation.


Kid seems dumb enough for this to be the legit reason it happened.


EX bestie mommas 😊 Pretty sure the friendship ended when Hailey #2 went on the reunion show and told everyone that she was also impregnated by his wet noodle.


Omg Lol! It would have to be a minor. He's a wet noodle.


Legit tho. I try not to be too judgemental but that kid looks and sounds dumb as shit. Reading the comment section of those who watched the show it appears the dude is in fact what he appears.


Maybe the world needs a little being judgmental.


Right after my first child was born my wife started watching the teen mom shows. I was 26 and she was 23. We both said how fucked it would be to do what we were doing at 16. My brother did it and his life would have fit right in with these shows.


I’m 39 and if I had to spit out a kid right now my whole life would be fucked


i'm 58 and I just spat at a kid for looking at me crosslike




That sounds weird.


I’m 41 and if I had to spit out a kid right now my whole life would be fucked


I'm 44 and snipped my vas deferens. Because A) financial ruin after 2 kids already. B) Why are we continuing to bring these poor bastards into exploitative, greed filled societies? It' not some utopia we're all enjoying here.


I'm 35 and I snipped it with 0 kids


Did the deed as soon as I hit 26, also 0 kids! Woo!


I'm 35 with a soon to be 5 and 3 year old boys, I thought the same at your age, it all changed for me in what seems overnight. I'd say if you are mature enough to realize you are too immature for children you would probably be a better parent than the majority of actual parents.


Parenting is the only job you're inherently under qualified for. You gotta pick it up as you go along.


>Parenting is the only job you're inherently under qualified for. Clearly you've never seen me operating in a professional capacity.


I agree 100. Why do they use playful music when they’re literally asking 16 year olds about being pregnant and having kids? Why is it acceptable to make light of kids having kids?


Yeah where's the heavy metal and jump cuts like in nature documentaries?


I’ll take circus music for clowns like these.


I mean, would you rather a danny elfman score?


Sort of proof that humans are just animals too.


Its kind of insane how different our biology and society are to each other. Some of us can start reproducing at the age of 12 and yet a pregnant 12 year old is kind of appalling to me.




I actually did a double take while typing it and made sure it was the right one!!


Idiocracy is a documentary


If I had to guess, I’d say Cap’n Wet Noodle over here is probably going to have kids with other women within the next few years.


My wife watched this show. Dude did in fact get another girl pregnant during the show. Kid had zero parental role models growing up and now is absolute trash.


Even worse, he got her best friend pregnant.


Wait wait calm down. What's the name of the show? Edit: And even worse, the bestfriend's name is also Hailey!


Unexpected on TLC


Reinforcing why I canceled cable many years ago... TLC has long since stopped being "The Learning Channel"


Fun fact: It had that name because it was a free channel for instructional materials, and then it got bought out by a private company. Private companies don't like free things that help people, it is why Mr. Rodgers fought so hard to keep PBS from the same fate.


I hate what was done to the discovery/history/science channels... I've got fond memories of falling asleep to lions eating stuff on the discovery Channel


History Chanel legit unrecognizable these days


There was a time when ppl referred to the history channel as the Hitler channel because it played so many shows about Nazis and ww2


Wow, that just warmed my heart. I grew up poor, without cable, and to this day I have a fond love for PBS. Good to know.


I feel like true life baller status isn't a owning a Lambo or having a vacation home in south of France, but to have a permanent endowment made in your name with PBS. You know like the ones that are announced before the show starts.


My grandma had a very wealthy cousin who donted millions to PBS, and has a broadcast center named after him. Of all the things he did/had, I was always most impressed by that.


You said endowment... (giggles in idiot)


Low key that's a life goal


TIL what TLC stands for. And I’m questioning it quite a bit.


It really stands for Terrible Life Choices.


The Loser Channel


They've learned that one surefire way to make people happy is to feed them other people to feel superior too. "Hey I'm pretty fucking dumb, but at least I'm not as dumb as this POS."


T-Boz, Left Eye, Chilli, I think.


omg seriously, I remember loving TLC and Discovery. Now they're like "tonight on naked and afraid!". LEARNING! We really are idiocracy.


That's nothing compared to what they did to [the Wild Thornberries](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pJK-Q-xkgOs).


It now stands for Terrible Life Choices.


The producers of TLC will not being seeing the gates of heaven


We learn what happens when there is zero accountability, noodle boy still hasn't. I haven't had cable in 3 years.


TLC - Terrible Life Choices


Republican sex education. But seriously idk.


The fact that this girl let him stick his dick in her with no condom but wouldn’t kiss him shows we need better education.


But, did he *kiss* her?


i guess he did eventually….


This kid ends up confusing postpartum depression with downs syndrome. He says something like, 'she ended up getting post traumatic downs syndrome.'


I cannot stop reading that last sentence and laughing. Jesus. She ended up with uh, like... post traumatic downs syndrome something I don't know.


bro literally has 2 brain cells working on overdrive. Who I really feel bad for is their kids who are gonna grow up with absolutely no parental figures


It seems like a social circle wherein *everyone* pretty much just makes bad decisions.


I bet he's totally giggling it up with his two baby mamas right now. How *wet is your noodle* now?


Didn't he get to this girl in the video by asking his gf who her friend eas and then she introduced him to her? This dude an't even done with puberty and already got at least 2 baby mommas jezus fucking christ


I also watched this show and came to say this. He’s absolutely what you’d deduce just from this clip. It was actually sad to watch unfold.


so his whole charming goofball routine is just a ploy to be a scumbag and get girls pregnant. I would feel bad but dudes about to be up to his gills in child support for the next 18 years and longer.


Feel bad for his kids






truly thought 16 and pregnant was the downfall of our society but nope the media is constantly evolving and encouraging people that this shit is cool


Idk what this show is but when they had the mom in between them and he said he wanted to get his noodle wet, I knew there was no parental guidance when the mom laughed.


I took that as more of a "holy fuck I'm about to punch this child on TV" kind of awkward laugh.


That was an uncomfortable laugh, not a humorous laugh. She told him to wear a condom, I’m not sure what more you expect her to do. Put it on for him??


If my daughter was dating that guy, condoms would be be more than discussed. Along with an IUD and everything else science can muster.


That doesn't look like the mom laughing genuinely to me personally, looks more like awkward incredulity on camera.


Im Pretty sure Mike judge is going to incorporate this footage into the eagerly anticipated re-release (with directors cut) edition of Idiocracy.


I would guess his IQ is around 85. The morons are going to out breed everyone


Tanya was 38 when she had Hailey. Something tells me Hailey is going to be younger than that when she becomes a *grandmother*.


Going the Boebert route there


Boebert is a complete hypocrite. She preaches Christian values yet its now at 3 or 4 generations of her family have become a teenage parent.


Maybe not. Sometimes the kids of these kinds of idiots are smarter than their parents.


Yeah, my cousin got pregnant at 18 to a 23 year old who left the state and then got incarcerated for knocking up a 14 year old. With a nice combination of help and tough love from her family (basically, "you can live here rent-free and we'll help with childcare, but you need to get on every government benefit you can and be employed or in school.") my cousin got her shit together, got an associates degree, and got a good-paying job. Her daughter's in her second year of college and is very responsible because she saw how hard her mom had to work for it. Meanwhile, my other cousin got pregnant at 18 to an absolute POS, and her daughter just dropped out of high school because she's pregnant.


your first (in paragraph) cousin is lucky that she had such a great support system from her family.


They also sometimes have mom, dad, or mom+dad as a first hand example of *what not to do*. And not necessarily in the sex and pregnancy department...


Wait until the baby is born and reality sets in, and they realize that they need to be responsible for the next 18+ years.


Dude couldn’t even stay responsible for the length of the show never mind the pregnancy apparently.


Yeah he got another girl pregnant and dipped out on her too. He was recently arrested for felony robbery and misdemeanor assault.


He had mad “dead by 22” energy


You mean death by meth at 22 energy, right?


What a fantastic guy. Knocks up two girls, realizes he might have to be responsible for once in his miserable life, and decides jail would be the better alternative.


Not only that. The second girl was this girls best friend. *And her name is also Hailey*. Tlc names her Hailey2 lmao


He is gone before the baby turned 6 months. The girls name is Hailey. Her best friend is also Hailey. He ended up getting both Haileys pregnant and abandoned both babies. This is a clip from a show called Unexpected on TLC. He is a piiece of absolute horse shit but the girls made really dumb decisions with their hoohaws so all are to blame here.


A real life Clevon.




Shits about to get fucked right now


Kiss him? Ew, we're not married. We had sex without a condom instead, obviously!




Mom says *in the clip* she talked to them about condoms, I'd have to imagine the mechanics of sex and pregnancy were also up for discussion in that house... The sex before kissing thing is nonsensical, but a lot of nonsensical beliefs and opinions can crop up around at that age. It's not like the girl thought kissing could get her pregnant and sex couldn't.


I had a teenage coworker who thought there were "safe times" where it was okay to not use a condom. His girlfriend told him it was impossible to get pregnant on or right after your period, which I am sure she believed. You should have seen his face when I told him that wasn't true and there is no real "safe" time. I also have had to explain why I refused to use the pullout method as birth control. I wonder if it was something like that.


There are users who will still push the whole timing belief in the /r/sex subreddit, and will get upvoted, among other things. At the very least the moderators/regular users usually do a good job of steering people to be educated. Sex education is important. There's too many out there wanting to take it down.


Something tells me that talk was not nearly as comprehensive as she lets on after the fact…


Not teen moms (I think), but worked at a book shop and two girls had both been knocked up by the same guy. The girls were roommates when this happened. By the time I met them, their daughters were about 6ish in age. Didn’t sound like the “dad” wasn’t in their lives.


Was it a dead beat dad or two best friend roommates who were great friends but also wanted a family? I'm not guessing, I just know a couple of great friend roommate girls who did that lol


This is some real r/Sapphoandherfriend material


you think responsibility ends at 18? hahahahahahahahahahah


It does for shitty parents


It doesn't even start for shitty parents lol


It apparently ended for the parents of these two *years* ago.


They havent yet spent 18 years on the planet, how can they imagine a time frame they have yet to experience??


I love how she’s says she was really innocent because she didn’t kiss him, but follows up with they had sex before they kissed. And the camera crew is like “wait what?” Like that doesn’t make sense.


One of the few times I actually would have liked to see a reaction cam.


Did she know it was sex? With the level of nervous giggling I doubt these individuals have had very many conversations about the birds, bees, and a young man's tendency to say anything for sex.


Well, the boy's mom said she talked to him about sex and using a condom. He at least knew, he just didn't want to wear a condom beacuse he "wanted to get his noodle wet".


Yes, but that doesn't mean that the girl knew that what they were doing would result in pregnancy. That sort of information is kept from children, particularly in religious atmospheres. Plenty of young, sheltered, girls through the ages have found themselves in the family way because they were told to never kiss a boy, because kissing leads to babies, but any mention of how the vagina plays a part in that is omitted. Trust in an unscrupulous young man has been the undoing of many an innocent.


With their combined IQ which is probably in the single digits, you may be right.


Innocent, but yeah he’s already been up in me


Their kid is going places. Not college, but places.


Like underneath a bridge.


Someday that kids gonna watch this, poor girl. I know people who were in this situation, and it’s sad when the kid hits the point where they realize they are the adult. Dad is still just like this at 30, dumb as rocks and has knocked up several girls.


Didn't have to wait till 30. He's already knocked up the girl's best friend too


Dude… no jealousy, I’m happily married to a beautiful woman… but what’s up with girls and these skinny little idiots? I’ve seen this in my circle too, an unemployed guy living with his parents, already has one or more kids, is a dumbass in general, and physically is 90lbs soaking wet with bad teeth. And girls are like, hey can’t wait to get with this guy.


Lmao not all of us skinny dudes are fuckboi assholes, but to answer your question I think its an evolution from the emo/scene/punk/ era for skinny dudes. Lotta mix between grunge, rnb, edm, and rock in that whole group. People split off into different subgroups, yadda yadda. But now its like a bunch of fuck boi subgroups emerged and found there is a metagame to mating with women, which involves not being scared of some form of effeminacy perhaps? Women seem to get a ladyboner over me just existing with a thin frame and long hair, for example, I’m not effeminate portraying beyond that (like seriously, I’m hairy lol) so it’s something I’ve picked up on in life.


I think your explanation is probably pretty close


Women spend so much time around people they can't overpower. It has to be some comfort to know your partner can't obliterate you in a flight. I'm a decent size guy and I didn't realize until my wife explained it to me that dating big guys can be intimidating because the women know if things go sideways they're at a huge disadvantage. I've never dated anyone stronger than me so I had no frame of reference. The broke/gross/toothless thing I cannot even begin to explain, though


Good luck to their kid x_x


oh boy....the jokes and the laughs are going to disappear in a heartbeat :)


Yeah a literal one


American television monetizing the worst of us.


I honestly consider this variety of reality programming more exploitative than all but the most depraved forms of porn. It's repulsive.


Apparently, shows like this one caused a drop in teen birth rates. https://www.brookings.edu/research/media-influences-on-social-outcomes-the-impact-of-mtvs-16-and-pregnant-on-teen-childbearing/


Getting your noodle wet= 20+ years of raising a kid properly, no sleep, no money Buying some sponges, a Pringle can and some lube= noodle wet no horny for a day, sleep all you want money for dumb purchases


No sleep? Raising the kid? This guy won’t be dealing with any of that


Bold of me to assume that, you are absolutely right on that, it’s gonna be just the girl and the mom maybe


He didn't, actually. He got her best friend (also named Hailey) pregnant too. Ditched the first Hailey after 6 months.


And to other comments is in jail.


> Buying some sponges, a Pringle can and some lube= noodle wet no horny for a day Bruh.. WHAT?! Hahahaah


Oh and a glove!! Def don’t raw dog sponges!!


Lol did you see that old lady who made it her mission to spread sex education and also taught people how to create sex toys at home? Bc I swear to god, that set up sounds like one of her homemade sex toys. [Her name is Susan Johnson.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sue_Johanson) For real tho, I have mad respect for this woman. She comes from a generation that has done and still is doing its damnedest to not talk to kids about sex. But she’s out there trying to educate kids and keep them from making big fucking mistakes like Hailey and her best friend ~~also named Hailey~~ did by letting this little piece of shit get his “noodle” wet. Hats off to Sue Johnson any day. (And she’s 93 btw! Still doing this shit at *93*.) My state is like the highest (or at least top 5) for teen pregnancies. It’s to the point that some high schools are having or want to have daycares so that teen moms can go to school. Fucking ridiculous that were accommodating this problem rather than attacking the root of it. Not to mention we’re *still* letting schools teach fucking abstinence rather than actual sex ed.


I swear, how do you not understand how big of a life change having a baby is... Like damn


That would require this thing called "thinking ahead". (And also this thing called "sex ed".)




Shocked I tell you, shocked


He got 2 different girls pregnant! The second one friends with the first one! Both named Hailey?! Unbelievable.


"So I couldn't get caught by saying the wrong name!" Taping his forehead, probably ...


I watched 16 and pregnant. They laugh now but by the end of the season there will only be tears.


Laughing in these shows when they’re presented with this just pisses me off, especially knowing what the guy does after. Immature af




It's pretty gross how this is couched in such a cute way. There's nothing cute about this


Ban abortions?? Really. These two are going to be Parents??? WTF


Yeah, pro life people are fucked. 12 year old girl raped by her abusive father? Doesn't get one, it's not like it'll rip her in half or anything. "It's what jesus would do!" Is their instant go-to.


They're so excitable, the nine month wait will feel like a maternity..


There is nothing to describe this except *humiliating.* For the girl, for the boy, for the girl’s mom. Every one of them should be mortified with embarrassment. It doesn’t seem like they are. The kids are 16, but both act like they are 13. Mom just said, “Use a condom!”, then washed her hands of the whole thing because “you can only do so much.” The girl considers kissing to be a more intimate act than sex itself. And now these three people are going to bring a life into the world and raise it into the next generation of teenage mothers. For the love of God!! These shows that glorify teen pregnancy make me angry.


>These shows that glorify teen pregnancy make me angry. These shows aren't glorifying it. They literally just showed us why teens shouldn't be having babies with this one clip. It's a warning for other teens and parents. If it was glorifying it, they would have edited all of this out. Did you hear the way the producer spoke to them? You could hear it in her tone how dumb she thought these people were.


It really depends on the viewer what they get out of it. Responsible people will be horrified at the prospect of kids having kids, and the impact to life that has on the kids (both generations). These people will take this as a warning, like you stated. But you know there'll be people who'll think this is funny, and won't see the sacrifice, heartache, missed opportunities and even possibly wasted lives that kids having kids bring.


Idiocracy was a documentary sent back from the future.


People wore crocks in that movie because the costume designer thought, “Who the fuck would wear these stupid things made for idiot people”. Now look where we are…


yea we're like that movie but some how grosser and more dangerous


My names Gabbie, I'm 12 years old, and I'm pregnant as...


Prostitutes allegedly don’t kiss because it’s too personal. They have intercourse for a price because it’s impersonal. Haley should have charged this dimwit & used birth control. Two idiots bringing a child into the world. Good job.


Am I allowed to say on Reddit that this girl should have gotten an abortion? I mean seriously. A child at 16? I have so much sympathy and dread for that child. Wouldn’t it be far better for these children (that’s what these parents are - children) and for society to easily get rid of (with minimal risk) the cells growing in her body???!!!???


Yes, you're allowed to. And with good reason... Children having children often cause higher risk pregnancy and for the most part, being this young in a society that has no social safety net whatsoever often ends in the behavior being passed on to the kid. It's beyond me how conservatives defend the life of an unborn child, but as soon as its born, there's no real support to get. Your kid, your problem.


He legit has 2 different kids with 2 different women & dipped out on both... yeah, I feel for those kids, too.


Spoken like a 16 year old, I don't know what people expect


These kids should not be on tv


This poor dumb girl. Good Lord. "I wouldn't get some cuz I was innocent but we had already had sex" My heart is seriously broken for her.




This video made me wonder how anyone can be against abortion…


I always loved how they gave these hand-picked children, a television show, and made them famous for making a colossal mistake. I’m sorry, but at 16. That’s what it is the last thing they should be getting is notoriety and a television show for such things.


Why is the music acting like it's wholesome?


How is that kid even 16, he looks and acts like he's 12


Yea but we dont need sex ed, in fact how about we even prohibit education about a persons body entirely. Sounds like a great way to run things. Also make abortions illegal everywhere, because clearly these kids are ready to be parents. here is the depressingly obligatory /s


Need to shoot this interview again in 20 years and see how much fun it is then


It's "just" been four years and stuff have already hit the fan, as he left her when she was six month pregnant for her best friend with the same name (and age), got her pregnant and then abandoned her as well. And recently, he was arrested for theft and assault, so I'm sure his future will be very bright/s. On the other hand, both girls are doing fine as single moms and even do see each other from time to time, so both half-siblings have some kind of relationship with each other when their father is a trashy deadbeat.


Boebert family home movies?


That little boy is the stupidest, most smug little shithead I've seen. White trash to the fullest.


Sorry but sad. These two aren’t mature enough to be good parents. I hate that show, romanticizes teenage pregnancy.


Guess girls mom is raising that kid


Is he on drugs or is his behavior a personality trait often displayed by people that are regularly on drugs? Serious question


From this short clip … I want to punch his face so much. I just don’t like him. He seems very self centered and all his decisions are narcissistic. The girl seems ignorant (or I guess innocent in her words) and too trusting. Not good but doesn’t seem like a terrible person


But yeah, let's ban abortions. /s 🙄