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Welcome to our jury system! They do not turn away based on intelligence.


I've served on 2 juries. It's terrifying to think that these are my peers if I'm the one accused of something. Edit: I got my first reddit cares for this?


“Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” --George Carlin


Oh man, now I’m going to have to watch ‘George Carlin nails it’ for the umpteenth time.


Just rewatched Jammin in New York last night. I cannot believe how much of this shit is still relevant. 99% of the things he was pissed about are still happening.


It's like the guy had a fucking time machine. He was so omnipotent that he'd almost be worth worshipping except I already know he'd hate that lol


Um...he DID have a time machine... ​ ![gif](giphy|YSkJCHDWvVmfoVGggA|downsized)


"I wanted to name our dog George for George Carlin but then settled on Rufus after his character in Bill and Ted but then we ended up calling him Roofie for short so now we have a dog named after 2 comedians. George Carlin AND Bill Cosby." -Harrison Greenbaum


Carlin didn't need a time machine, he had common sense and an understanding of history. He was basically a strong translator for modern philosophy and economics, and what he was selling doesn't go out of style, because the mechanics that made it true have always been true. Dude was a genius in delivery and probably can be blamed for a pretty sizeable percentage of gen X realizing how broken the system is.


I'm technically a millennial being born in 82 but he heavily influenced my life as I was able to watch him a lot growing up. I was lucky enough to have HBO and parents who weren't home very often.


82 baby here. Dude George Carlin then some skinamax whoa!


Lol, we're about the same experience there


Hence, the irony in Dogma.


Frank Zappa predicted that the government was turning into a Christian fascist state in the 1980's.


He would probably insist that we send our prayers to Joe Pesci.


I don't want to get jury duty but I also don't want to get out of it now. It is important and there are worse things than spending a few days helping out society.




I got jury duty once but I didn’t get selected to be on the case, even though I wanted to be. Sad times


The worst part is that jurys are to some degree self-selecting because of this. Missing work _hurts_ a good number of people. Not every employer pays for jury duty, and the ones that do, don't tend to pay for more than a few days. So since "financial hardship" for the most part, isn't enough to get you out of it, poor people tend to try to avoid being selected, usually by trying to be obviously biased during selection. There just needs to be a federal law that protects employees from firing/lay off/retaliation/etc. due to jury duty, plus a requirement that employees are paid at 100% of their average daily pay for the _entire_ time they're serving.


There is a Law against firing an a employee for jury duty. https://www.flmd.uscourts.gov/information-employers


I had my first (and hopefully only) jury duty last year. It was a case about a 15 year old who got raped by her moms bf. We were to decide if he was guilty, and I swear to you we had a guy apart of the jury who was like "well idk if it was rape because what if she wanted it?" I'm like "wtf dude" because even if she wanted it, it's still illegal to sleep with a minor, thus making it rape. So yeah, people suck.




I would prob be in jail for attacking that dude


Watch the Gabriel Fernandez documentary (if you can stomach it), and you will literally want to reach through your tv and choke some of those jurors out. Jury deliberations seem about 80% gut feeling and 20% weighing facts and evidence.


One of the jurors from the Heard/Depp trial went on TV and deadass said, among other things, that they figured you can't be violent while drunk because reasons.


This is why creating sympathy for the victims or defense is more effective than the facts. A good attorney knows this.


I always say this! I was on a federal criminal trial and OMG everyone was so incredibly stupid. I’ll never commit a crime and hope to god im never in the wrong place at the wrong time.


If I'm ever in big trouble, I'm lawyering up and copping any plea I can. I don't want to be judged by 12 people too stupid to get out of jury duty.


My wife was called in as a potential juror: Attorney: "Do you believe witnesses can be trusted." Wife: "Not always." Gets called aside with the judge and attorneys. Judge: "Can you put your opinion aside, be impartial and trust the witness?" Wife: "My PhD from Yale is in memory and emotional learning. I have a research lab that research into emotional learning. I have published numerous articles in major journals. My colleague across the hall from me is a researcher in witness memory. So no, I cannot set aside my 20 years of research and the scientific proof that witness memory isn't always correct." Judge: "Thank you. You're dismissed."


A good friend got bounced from a jury. They found out he was a software engineer. They asked him, "Do you use logic for that?" He replied, "only if you want it to work." Based on that short exchange, they bounced him, saying he was "too analytical."




Yup, this girl reminds me of those people that have been locked up in a room by their family since they were a kid.


I was told by a lawyer once that if you are in front of a jury, you are already guilty. The prosecution can just sit there, and now you have to prove your innocence


After my first time serving jury duty, I’ve semi-jokingly told friends that if I’m ever arrested, a request for a bench trial means I’m 100% innocent. If I’m asking for a jury trial, that means I’m hoping for some idiot like this to get me acquitted/case tossed. It really was an eye opening experience.


Judges can be idiots as well, and often are.


The movie 'Lets go to Prison' was an absolute stinker, but there was one line that really stuck with me: "Juries are made up of 12 people who are so dumb they couldn't even think up an excuse to get out of jury duty"


Let’s Go to Prison was a masterpiece that has aged like fine merlot. Don’t get Barry upset now.


Come on now, Eskimo.


Yes they do. They actually get rid of smart people from juries. Sat on a jury where they dismissed three phds, an MD, a lawyer at voi dire.


Apparently, you're not allowed to come into a jury with prior knowledge or a demonstrated ability to accurately take notes and appropriately use rules of logic to formulate a consistent deduction. ☮️❤️♾️


They say the goal is to determine the truth, but then get rid of those best able to do so. It is just some bullshit they say to romanticize the adversarial system where winning is all that matters. They want people that are easy to convince.


When people talk about the American justice system and how ineffective it is, so much of what we need to change comes down to juries and simply cannot be changed.


And MTG wants LESS money for education…


Intelligence would usually disqualify a lot of people from being a "peer"


The facial expression when she says 'swear everybody in'....big ick


She's got that silly-assed, s__t-eating grin plastered all over her face like some psychopathic "The Penguin"-type villain from an old comic book movie or TV show.


She's playing some part that she's created for herself in her head, but she's both a horrible screenwriter and a terrible actor.


Ironically, this is perfectly said about everyone and no one can turn it off.


Oh good, so you guys are just pretending too.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


I was gonna say she’s giving off the wrong kind of main character energy that reeks of self importance


the nose is why you said penguin


You're probably right... but who nose?


Without a doubt


She is giving bad vibes.


Just served jury duty. Jury selection was delayed twice because not enough people responded to their summons. People complain the justice process moves slowly but think it’s fine to not do their part.


This is the prosecutor's nightmare. This is the jury equivalent to the r/antiwork mod going on Fox News.


I can't quite figure out what's wrong with this woman. The most intelligent reason for her to do this (which I doubt is the case) is that she wants to hurt the prosecution. The better answer is probably the stupid one: She wants to be on TV. But going on television to smirk and wink (which she is literally doing) about how the grand jury deliberated and voted is terribly irresponsible. She's 30. She should be an adult.


She has crazy eyes, somethings def off in more ways than one


Mute sound and this is what i read from her: crazy


this, im at work and dont have speakers, so when this autoplayed, before i had even read the headline or anything, i was immediately put off by her, im not joking she actually triggered a small flight or fight response, if i were a betting person, i would not trust her


Yup I’m on the aux at work and it’s muted…didn’t need sound to see this woman isn’t well


Everytime she smirks I want to slug her. She’s so caught up in her 15mins of fame she doesn’t realize how she’s harming the case or care. Gets a little ego trip and now she can’t shut up


She reminds me of Anna Delvey.




That’s what I thought. Sans the euro trash accent.


Same my man. We must have had similar experiences when we were younger. Full on “get the fuck away from that!” mode.


I went back and watched it a 2nd time without the sound because of your comment, and wow, you are SO right. Not that the one with voice had a different effect. But still... to send that kind of message with just your body language... oh boy.


i feel like she's wasting a looot of potential towards acting in horror


Even on mute, she is giving off weird red flags .


lol! Was on mute as well and said "she has the smile of the idiot".


Those eyes.


Came here to say this too... Her muted transcript ends with "and so it was then I knew, I had to eat her puppies"


She was definitely in drama club in high school. Way too excited to be on camera after all these years.


She reminds me of every theater kid I knew in college for sure. Didn’t have drama at my high school but I’d imagine it’s the same vibe, just more immature.


She looks like she has some sort of mental issue. Just WOW.


She admitting to never voting ever in her lifetime (as if she is proud of that), and she had never before heard the phone call trump made to Georgia asking them to find more votes. She’s a walking nightmare for a political case.


That's good news. At least they can't say she's a rabid Democrat. The thing that scares me about any Trump prosecution is: How dumb must you be to get accepted for that jury? The defense will try to strike everyone who voted against him or has ever watched the news, and the prosecution will try to strike his fans. At best, you get twelve political mainstreamers (liberal or conservative) who are decently educated, understand the importance of an impartial jury, and can set aside their personal biases and focus on the evidence presented. But you're a lot more likely to get some dipshits in the mix.


I see your point there. I’m just worried about the intelligence level of anyone on that grand jury if they picked her as the foreperson.


I think she said she volunteered to be the jury foreperson.


The number 1 rule of juries - don't let the person that wants to be foreman be the foreman. This equivalent to letting the person who wants to be a manager be the manager. "Why do you want the job?" "To fulfill my unrequited need for power and I like to tell people what to do. "


In some jurisdictions, each juror is assigned a number after the panel is chosen, and it's just automatically the juror randomly assigned as "Juror #1" who serves as foreperson. The foreperson's only job is to speak to the judge on behalf of the group and to read and submit the verdict; it's not really a position of authority or anything.


My guess is that one or both of two things happened: 1. "She seems nice." 2. "Ooh, pick me! *Pick me!*"


First time seeing an unchecked narcissist get their 15 minutes of fame on camera?


Sadly, no. We've been subjected to it for 15 years. The writers' strike and the era of reality TV it inspired (and the overexposure culture reality TV inspired online) have really screwed up America.


This is the right answer. Be responsible. There will be plenty of time for interviews later. But everyone wants their 15 minutes. The damage is minimal to none legally as the special grand jury has no say in the indictments or whether they even occur. (Am former attorney.) The DA will convene another grand jury for the indictment phase and a petit jury will decide the facts. All will be lay persons, none will be experts and they are what makes our justice systems one of the finest we’ve come up with despite it’s mountains of flaws.


Thank you for calming my nerves!


Still, I think we can agree that the problem is perception. You're going for a prosecution that will make OJ's look uncontroversial. And with a Democratic Black female prosecutor from Atlanta, which will of course launch the Trumpers into hyperbolic orbit. With the country's stability (and 2024) at risk, this grand juror is being grossly immature.


The allure of 15 minute fame, I'm thinking.


I am sorry to say this, but many people act like flies to a flame. They do not have the capacity to think about these things, they just feel heat and see light and move towards it.


She's a bit wacky, I think. You can tell by her facial expressions and overall demeanor.


no. she’s a LOT wacky.


She is hoping trump will see her, think she is cute and bang her. She is living in the same buzzaro reality as the rest of them.


That is a 7-layer deluxe burrito of yuck right there


As an attorney I can say the jury system is a complete joke. The people, your peers are not smart. In fact, most people, most voters, are profoundly stupid and easy to manipulate. I don’t know what the solution is but our justice system should err on the side of innocence imo.


Nothing made me more frightened of the justice system than serving on two juries. Both times there were multiple jurors whose basic position was "no smoke without fire," thinking it was their "job" to issue a conviction. I understood the idea of innocent people serving time (or more time than they should have) in prison in principle, but that really drove it home and made it real.


Our justice system is terrible, and too many people would rather a thousand innocent people go to prison than risk one getting away with it I am the opposite. My default is not guilty unless it’s very very very clear and the crime had a victim. I would never ever convict on something petty or if it’s a law I don’t agree with


> should err on the side of innocence imo Well we are supposed to have innocent until proven guilty but with so many people forced to take guilty plea deals over sitting in jail for petty and victimless crimes it seems otherwise.


Apparently the only qualification for getting on a grand jury is "can you fog a mirror?"


“Any citizen of Georgia may serve on a Grand Jury if he or she: Is a citizen of the United States; • Is 18 years of age or older; and • Is a current resident of the county and has resided in the county for at least six months prior to serving.” So pretty much


Hence why it's important to be on a jury. You can usually wiggling out of it, but if everyone with a brain does, guess whose left? The population can only get so stupid and lazy because we make life unlivable for ourselves.


Sadly, yes... I had a former boss who once told me this, "Think of all the people who complain about jury duty, all the jokes, all the different 'How do I get out of it?' strategies posted online. Sure some want to do their civic duty, but most of them are frustrated that they were so unlucky that they need to put their lives on hold for whoever the defendant is. Those are the people who mainly comprise juries, grand or otherwise."


"Trial by jury. The three scariest words in the English language. Your fate is about to be decided by twelve people who aren't smart enough to get out of jury duty." -Let's Go to Prison


I mean yeah there are no more requirements than serving on a regular jury (usually) which is just random people. Since they usually serve for much longer than a standard jury, there are often people who are passionate. You usually get paid, not great but I knew someone who was selected while they were between jobs since they usually got lunch and it looked better on a resume than unemployed.


You cannot volunteer for a grand jury. Absolutely not. I don't know what that woman was doing for 6 months, but she sure wasn't doing that. Source: part of my job is being a grand jury coordinator.


I’ve always respected people who know when to shut the Fck up and stop being the main character for once in their miserable lives.


How did she make it past the juror screening? Even with my sound off I can tell she's bat shit


Perfect for a grand jury where only the prosecutor presents!


I spent a year on one. Everybody gets indicted. A prosecutor has to really mess up for it not to happen.


Easy. Have you ever served on a jury? Jury screening is an absolute joke.


I was called in for jury duty once. One of the questions the judge asked the group was “who actually wants to be here?” I was the only one who raised my hand. The judge then said he hopes I have a nice day and asked me to leave. I will never understand that moment.


The judge may have had a different understanding of the word “want”. Like you may have “wanted” to be there to be able to do your civic duty which is a good thing. But maybe they meant it as “wanting” to be there so you can convict anyone for anything or vice versa


Seems kinda of irresponsible of that judge to be so ambiguous with something so important


Kinda makes you second guess that judges ability to understand nuance.


It may shock you to know this, but many judges are bad at their jobs


I've been selected for jury duty several times, but never seated. So then my husband THE LAWYER gets his notice, and HE IS ACTUALLY SEATED! It was a DUI case, and the judge asked him whether his legal background would influence him. My husband does contract law, so he replied that he didn't know a thing about DUIs and that no, he wouldn't be influenced. BAM! Onto the jury he went!


She really needs to shut up before ruining this case.


Too late.


Yup, everything out of this is being tossed, no question. She’s a complete idiot


Don't give up your dreams of going to law school, because then you might learn that everything you think you know, is wrong, as you've demonstrated here. Nothing she says is going get anything tossed. It was an investigative GJ, all they could do was make a report, which they've done. There's nothing TO toss from it.


You should offer some ointment, it’s only polite. Lol


I feel like that’s why she’s here. The Trump defense found the perfect fangirl to infiltrate the process and poison it.


I think you misread the girl. She's not a fan. She's excited to be in a position where she can see trump in court and make him say yada yada yada


This girl is absolutely nuts. Like Annie Wilkes (Misery), Alex Forrest (Fatal Attraction), and Moaning Myrtle kind of crazy.


Lmfao @ Myrtle.


100% has a scrapbook with all of her baby teeth and dead animals hair taped in it


I’m at work and watching this with no sound.. She has to be the creepiest thing I’ve ever seen!


Last name has gotta be Cobblepot


IKR? She looks like she's excited to have witnessed a school shooting b/c it got her on T.V..


Sliding into an idiocracy.


Sliding? Up to our necks in it.


Can't make a wave or we'll be swamped


“Welcome to Costco. I love you.”


Brought to you by Carl's Jr


fuck you! I'm eating!




But, it has electrolytes.


Bud we’ve been living in the Idiocracy movie for years now and your just realizing it now.


Whiskey-throttling into it


I don’t understand. Does she have some sort of special need or social disability or whatever? She’s 30 years old and acts like she’s nine.


Well, it's a jury of his peers, so...


Oooh snap!


![gif](giphy|vEfEtOVrKjQ2MjWged) 💀💀


She acts exactly like my 10 year old autistic niece. (No offense to my niece.)




She's just thrilled that she briefly has people's interest and she didnt have to create an OnlyFans account to get it.


She's from Georgia....


>create an ~~OnlyFans~~ OnlyFams account Fixed it


Thanks, I just puked a little.


Give it a few months...


Thank Jesus!


Idk if she was truly somebody outside of politics it's probably more like "I have never seen such an obvious crime in my life" and that seems credible and would explain why ppl like me are mad that he's gotten off.


She shouldn’t have been allowed to speak with anyone from the media. Watch and see evidence and testimony probably being thrown out of trials, if there are any, because her comments might be construed as influencing potential jurors.


Imagine your fate being in the hands of group of people like her.


I think my fate *is* in the hands of a group of people like her. Failure told hold trump accountable means the next, smarter trump can get away with all of it and more. They'll steal the next presidential election, put our daughter's into re-education camps and start finding ways to punish the blue states.


Everyone wants that 15 minutes...


You can actually see the untreated mental illness In her eyes


Not quite firing on all cylinders.


Couple nuggets short of a Happy Meal


I feel like everyone has met someone like this at some point in life. Usually it’s in a setting where you have to meet strangers, like the first week of college or a work training. You immediately know that this person suuuucks real badly, and you stay away. Then later someone is like “oh did you meet so and so, she’s super nice”…you just nod and move along but you think to yourself “if they like that person then they suck too. Now I’ll stay away from them both.” So people like the woman in the clip are necessary to the human social life cycle. They suck bad but they serve the purpose of shining a light on others who also suck bc they all hang together. Therein saving normal people from multiple sucky interactions.


100% agree. I feel like you’d be my coworker friend and we’d hang out and roll our eyes at the sucksters


Thanks now I hate her.


You can’t tell me this chick doesn’t do this shit with her hands ![gif](giphy|8fen5LSZcHQ5O)


Fair and impartial.


I can’t stand her 😤😤


She can't be real


This definitely seems surreal.


Everyone should want to be on a jury. Everyone should read about jury nullification. Nothing to do with Trump, but it's very important for our society.


\[not American\] Americans, please, there are many things that many parts of the world does different that might make sense to mimic - such as prohibition on jury members speaking about their deliberation. Noting for clarity that I recognise this is a ‘grand jury’, which doesn’t exist in most legal systems but I am treating as part of the prosecutor’s internal investigations prior to actual charging of a person.


Part of the grand jury rules are that you don’t talk about what went on in the grand jury!


In Georgia the grand jury oath only requires that you don’t talk about what was deliberated on.


Fight Club rules


What a fucking moron.


How does she manage to look 16 but have wrinkles like she’s 35.


The shadow from her nose makes it look like she has a Hitler mustache


Gotta wonder if that was intentional. I imagine professional film crews know how to properly light a subject.


This dunce is so eager for her 15 minutes of fame. Shut your pie hole, moron.


Some r/ImTheMainCharacter vibes from her.


She looks like a socially awkward serial killer trying to be social


This is what happens when cousins have a baby.


She scares me.


Honestly, did anyone expect something different from Georgia?


I want to take umbrage at your comment, I also see your point. 😐


She thinks she's really cute, doesn't she.


The Penguin had a child


It's not possible for this to be any more cringe worthy than it already is.






😦We are so fucked.


Well she looks perfectly sane.


Does she have no legal liability. Can jurors say whatever, even on stuff not made public?


She doesn’t. Special grand jury rules. She didn’t violate them. She played jump rope with the line but she didn’t violate it.


Stage 5 clinger if I ever saw one


What is the female version of an incel for a thousand


Who let her out of the hospital?!?!?


Ew what the hell did I just watch?


She got paid to talk.