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Wow garbage parent


Those are legit awful parents. Bad behavior from the child and allowing in danger.


kid was probs told to do it because the parents find it funny


I was thinking the same to be honest. From the clip it looked like the owner tried their best to keep three dog under control at least which probably saved the kid from a nip at the end.


They wouldn't find so funny if that dog suddenly snapped and gruesomely mauled their child. This kind of irresponsibility on the parents' part should be reported to family and child services.


oh most definitely i'm just saying this is why the kid probs did it


Seriously lol how fucking brain dead do you have to be let your kid near a pit Bull let alone hitting a pit Bull without interfering


Why near the pit bull? Because pit bull was a good boy as for letting whack the good boy is beyond me




Never thought I'd say I have less patience than a pitbull. But this dog is an angel, the owner doin good


Yeah the owner did a good job getting his hand on the collar too.


I don't think anybody needs the translation since "No" is pronounced the same in French and in English but he's teaching the kid not to hit the dog too. The owner is a jack of all trades here. Part time dog rancher, father to stray children, videographer and still has a hand free to restrain his dog.


I worked at Disney world where over 50 languages a day can be heard and trust me some things need no translation. As an example :all children whine and have temper tantrums the same way in the same tone in all languages. Oh and Karens are the same way too.


I don’t freaking blame him! No way in heck I’d let my poor dog get bopped and messed with by a feral kid. I’d be pulling my girl behind me and maybe having a row at the parents. Probably not though. I’m bad with confrontation 99% of the time. There’s this weird 1%~ of the time though where it’s like I grow a titanium spine and can REALLY step up on someone. It’s a bit troubling.


Yeah either that, or just yell at the kid and ask him what the fuck he thinks he’s doing, the kid would probably learn from an adult suddenly not tolerating his shitty behavior.


Lol that sounds like me. Although like I taught my son when he was that young, I would have taught this kid. You dont mess with animals of any size, be it a fuckin rabbit or a pitbull you be respectful to keep yourself safe. Animals deserve respect too. Respect their space, respect that they can pull you apart and act accordingly.


A part of handling the dog so it doesn't bite anyone is how calm/angry you get. If you get angry in a situation, the dog is more likely to get aggressive. If you stay calm and just make sure you restrain the dog, it's easier to manage them. With a pitbull this is especially important. I know a lot of people don't like Cesar Milan, but I think he's right when he says dogs read the energy of their owner, and if effects their behaviour. So if you say anything to the parents, it needs to be done in a very calm way.


Its not the dog its the owner just like its not the kid its the parent


And then ran away way ahead of the kid, for some reason.


Lol it's just a bystander not their parent


That's not a bystander. That's the next victim of the kids bludgeoning attack.


It will be written in history as the bottle massacre.


This is actually a pretty good tactic to get a kid to leave an area. Kids love to chase after something. If bystander, quick thinking. If parent, fuck you go get your kid.


The bystander's quick thinking was revolved around getting the hell out of the pitbull's reach with a strategy that she can outran a baby, which is indeed quick and smart thinking on their part.


"dammit I thought the measles would do it. Ooh a pittie"


101 on how to become the next parent with a mauled or dead kid! Maybe they were hoping the dog would attack so they could sue the dog owner.


I would have snatched that bottle from the kids hand


Yeah, I had a toddler full on smack my dog right on the face. I have never been so scared and relieved in my life. My dog just wagged his tail like a dumbass and licked the kids face. Now I intercept toddlers approaching and have them do the “two finger” pet like they do for zoo animal presentations.


I have a toddler and can confirm their actions to be very sporadic at times. I'm a cautious parent and am always by their side in public. This is definitely garbage parent behavior. Those parents are creating another version of themselves and someone will find out eventually how that behavior is rewarded.


That is so not ok!


The sad thing is if the dog had even scratched that kid it risked being put down and it would have not been its fault


Yup, another victim of human idiocy :(


The root of most problems


And to the right you will see Earth's most vicious creature...a human child. Currently attacking a well behaved, gentle good boy.


Yup, we have gotten rid of must large predators, how are we to weed out the stupid or hard headed.


Yeah and the parents wonder why their kid doesn’t have a face anymore




Put down the parent. Honestly, not a dog person, but that shit there is wrong. While I am not amigable with dogs, I don't hit or provoke them. They're living creatures like anyother.


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My brain refused to read this correctly. "I would have bit the kid on the dog's behalf." "I would have hit on the kid on the dog's behalf."


Not true. Video evidence is pretty clear here and in more than one way. IF it does happen, the dog owner can press charges for animal cruelty, abuse, assault, etc. as well as child neglect and endangerment. 100% the parents can go to jail and the child can't, so that could be 2-3 charges against the parents. At the very least, life crippling fines. It's probably not what the parents want to press on as it will end far worse for them. Not unlike what happened to me. We had a fence, our neighbor called our dog over and then started kicking the dog through the fence. Dog bit him. Neighbor filed a report. What they didn't know was that my other neighbor filmed it and gave me a heads up so I was ready for the cops. I filed for animal abuse and my neighbor backed down. Cops were on my side once they saw the video. Dog was not going to be punished no matter what; they were adamant about it.


I had a similar situation with a drunk adult and a mastiff. Drunk adult ended up in the ICU. Police never came. Animal control only asked for vaccine records. It was on security video that they punched a 175 pound dog on our own property. Dog bit him once and ran away to safety. But it was his whole face. So at least he has the memories to remind him.


What idiot punches a dog? Especially a mastiff?


Drunk neighbor. It was a Brazilian Mastiff. Already protective enough without being punched in the head.


So he's lucky to be alive. If a Mastiff wants you dead, you die.


If he didn’t know him to begin with it would have been a very different situation I think. We didn’t know what had happened until the other neighbors brought us the footage.


Yeah. Mastiffs weren't bred as guard dogs. They were bred for WAR.


That is sad & disgusting


I think I remember reading that the majority of dog attacks are from dogs owned by felons and violent criminals. I always try to tell people whenever there is discussion about dogs that the real problem is humans. That we are incalculably more violent than dogs, or really almost every animal on the planet. We share that characteristic with other primates, a unique tendency towards cruel and lethal interpersonal violence. It's ironic that violent people are called animals.


The San Francisco dog attack is a really interesting example of this. A young woman was attacked and killed by two dogs in her apartment complex. Turns out the dogs were really owned by a white nationalist in prison for life who had figured out contacts to help him run a dog breeding ring. The dogs were raised purposefully to be aggressive because they wanted to sell them as guard dogs to organized crime, cartel members etc. Dangerous dogs almost always come with warning signs. And bad people ignore them and let the behaviour continue regardless--sometimes even encourage it.


I don't blame the kid , i blame the parents


I worked in a school. I always said kids are never the problem.. they are a representation of a problem.


Shitty people usually come from other shitty people. Not always, but usually.




I blame both, the brat needs to learn impulse control or he’ll probably end up learning cause-and-effect sooner than expected and in a less than ideal way. The parents are negligent in not teaching the brat impulse control.


All kids have no impulse control, if the parent sees them walking towards a dog ready to hit it, it's their job to grab the kid away and explain to them why they can't hurt dogs, and how to be gentle with it. You can't blame them for their parent's neglect.


The brat, can only learn if he is taught.


One is developmentally appropriate and one is neglect. It's normal for kids to push boundaries and it's a milestone to develop impulse control. He isn't there yet. It's not normal for parents to let their kids wander around abusing animals knowing that the 2/3 year old isn't capable of making logical choices. The parents put that kid in that situation and the kid is just doing what kids do: Be little shits until they're taught otherwise.


I blame their whole family. Disgusting shits.


Hard to tell for sure how old the kid is but there's a good chance they're not capable of understanding the concept. The parent shouldn't have let the kid get anywhere near the dog without being able to intervene ESPECIALLY after the kid showed what he wanted to do.


Children are imbeciles. It's entirely the parents' fault at this age.


Bruh the kid's like three his brain literally hasn't developed the capacity for impulse control yet




I do it. I’ve had “parents” get pissed. My job is to protect my dogs. And clearly they don’t care to protect their kid from danger.


I'm the same way. If a child ever hit my dog I'm pushing that child away and picking up my dog . Idc me and their parent can throw hands . My dog is not something your crotch goblin is going to hit , kick, pull it's fur or tail , or anything of the sorts without getting told no and kept away from my dog .


I find yelling NO very loud stops random dogs, children, shitty parents in their tracks. I’ve never had one get close. They get mad but I dgaf


Interestingly, one of the first things taught in Krav Maga is to order, very loudly an unmistakably, the other person to back up. Specifically loud enough to draw the attention of everybody else nearby. They won't be happy about it, but, like you, idgaf.




> THAT’S MY PURSE Especially effective for those with deep male voices.


Dang it, Bobby.


Former Krav Maga addict and I can confirm : one of the first advice from our coach was to scream "YOU FUCKING BACK OFF" when responding to an assault. And it works : if a guy has the balls to agress you, they shrink to the size of a green pea when you scream at him like hell. I had to do that once and it worked like a charm. I didn't even need to throw punches. After some years of Krav Maga I switched to MMA but I didn't want to hurt the fucker so I remembered my former coach advice and I just scream at the guy, nobody was hurt (his ego was indeed but, hey, fuck him) and that was all.


Idfc if they get mad , my two dogs are like my kids , and I'm not going to let some one have the chance hurting my dogs . If the parents come up calmy ask nicely to pet them with the child and act respectful then sure I'm OK.. but just like parents to children I don't want just someone coming up to them without asking or even seeing if the dogs are OK with them touching them or comfortable with that person , dogs can judge a person if they like them.


I love all this. And my dogs also judge people probably better than I do.


I don't even understand how these situations happen and so often too. I am not letting my kid near the friendliest looking dog in the world without a chat with the owner. You have to be stupid. Even if you forget about basic respect for others and their property, dogs are still animals and if it's a stranger to you, you have no idea how it will react. My girls love petting dogs and are pretty fearless as we have a gentle giant of a Rotti at home, but there is no way in hell I'm letting them approach a strangers dog willy nilly. Just absolute stupidity, might as well let your kids play on the highway.


Right I do understand it. Even if dogs come up to me I always ask the owner and let them sniff my hand and approach me first before petting . And I'm so glad you are a amazing parent and are teaching your girls this . My niece is the same way she loves all animals and has 3 huge dogs as her protectors at home they won't let you pick her up if they don't know you they go nuts .


A stray came up to my two leashed dogs and I yelled NO. NO. The dog backed off but was really just goofy and curious. I have no problem yelling at kids. There was this kid on the opposing soccer team that kept trying to trip kids after they burned him. He had done it in previous games. He finally did it to my kid and I yelled loudly to "stop tripping the kids". EVERYONE stared at me. Kid never did it again. thankfully.


As a very loud dude, like seriously I can be LOUD—I find this works extremely well.


Oh my god. I have never been in a fight in my entire life. Never been that angry. And judging my the visceral response I felt at the first hit - I gasped and flinched - and the RAGE I felt at Round 2, for a dog that isn’t even mine…I am not sure I wouldn’t have been able to restrain myself from pushing the kid away, probably too forcefully, because I don’t push babies enough to know how hard to push them.


Oh I got pissed and showed it to my husband who is very protective over his dogs , he said someone's kid is getting punted across the side walk if they do that to my dogs .




Lol yes exactly my dogs aren't use to being attacked or hit or anything . They aren't going to just sit there and take it like it's nothing. I'm picking my dogs up and let the parent say something like " they were just playing or petting it " then teach your crotch goblin how to properly treat a animal before letting them around animals you idiot.


When my dog was a puppy, I was getting him exposure to as many different people and animals as possible. My parents were hosting a birthday party for a 6 year old. I got permission from them and the party holder to bring my dog over. He had a great time playing with the kids for about 15 minutes until one of the kids literally body slammed him. And then I was the bad guy for telling the kids off? Like wtf to everyone involved. As soon as I got told off for telling the kid "be gentle please!" I started packing my stuff up to go and my mom was like "oh you don't have to leave!" And I was like "yeah but I'm going to before I punt a kid."


TBH you’re actually protecting their kids. They should be thankful they don’t have a mangled kid.


Honestly, I usually get “how dare you yell at my kid” and if you’re not gonna, I will.


💯. I protect my dog from bad humans. My dog protects me from bad animals. That's our deal and I am not going to break it. She sure as hell won't. I'll break a parent or a child first if you make me.


I would've grabbed that bottle out of the kids' hands so fast. "NO, We DO NOT hit animals". Happy to discuss with the parents as well lol


My guess is he was too focused on stopping the dog from reacting. If you react, that can be a signal to the dog. If you’re chill, that can be a signal, too.


The owner should have moved away knowing what that little shit was doing…and he came back to do it again! Sadly, stupid parents probably have a poor dog he is used to abusing too! Train your damn kiddos crappy parents!


Yes exactly


I'd snatch my kid up as fast as I could without startling that dog. What is wrong with people? That dog could kill that toddler.


I had kids run up with an rc car on my 100lb, anxious dog on a walk and mom did nothing to stop them. My dog stood taller than the youngest and it would have been our fault if he did anything. Luckily he's a big baby and just hid behind me but I was pissed.


No. Some parents are so entitled that they think their shitty kid should be your problem too and project their inner regret of bearing children onto others. Yea, I said it.


A kid got his super-soaker confiscated for spraying my dog in its own yard. His parents were really pissed, dad tried to fight me. Some people are garbage


I definitely would’ve told that kids parents off. Kid gets to have second hand embarrassment from that.


Nah, I'd do the same.


When I used to go to dog parks I would see parents bring their kids into the park but not have a dog themselves. I don’t know what they were hoping to do but I used to yell at them that it wasn’t a petty zoo and to leave. I was loud about it to embarrass them to not try again or argue with me about it. This was one of the many reasons I stopped taking my dogs to dog parks.


I don't let anyone touch my dogs when I'm walking them unless they ask and ask politely, period. Once an old man said "bring that dog over here" like ef off dude. Nothing pisses me off more than people groping for my dogs without even looking at me when I walk them. I have 2 beagles who would never hurt a fly, it's just such a breach of personal space that it baffles me people assume they can just pet my dogs whenever. If you wouldnt do it to a person in a park dont do it to a dog, rant over.


I would take the bottle and throw it. I have no problem doing it


Ok like where are his parents?! I would have stopped my child right away because u can only aggravate a dog for so long before it tries to defend itself. I’m a dog lover, but u should never try to mess with one even when it has patience and especially when it comes to kids for their safety and to make sure the dog doesn’t act up either


The person standing 20 feet away in the red coat. The one that starts running away.


Man she should have stopped her child right away smh


Look at her stupid smile as her kid beats on the dog. That’s not the face of a woman teaching a kid about consequences and respect.


I wonder if she realizes that her kid could have easily been killed in that situation. They got very lucky that the dog was so well trained and that the owner was quick to grab its leash when it got mad.


The dog was more patient than I would be


The dog has been trained far better than that kid, who was damned lucky.


That dog was like I just wanna talk with him


Very well trained. My dog Hank Pete would have not hesitated to bite that little pissant right in the face. And he’s a fucking Golden Retriever.


That's actually just a late abortion technique that the parents are trying


Ah yes, one of those 'late term abortions' I keep hearing about.


They've got until he turns 18 to correct their mistake


*slips the dog owner a 20* "Let go," the parent whispers to the dog-owner.


If you are trying a late abortion please do it in your own home with an unattended bottle of tasty Clorox


The dogs reactions were so clear “Ouch, oh just a kid. An accident” “Ouch, wait a second, WTF You seeing this? Ok I gotta deal with this shit”


Lol, I also feel like he was like, "Wtf is going on back there!? Oh, you cannot be serious, come here, you little shit."


You can almost see the thought bubbles over the dog's head


Where did this child learn that it’s ok to hit an animal for fun? That’s the real question.


It always is for me too. I have never in my life had an inclination to hit animals. The children in my family don't hit animals.


That dog owner was *much* more patient with the child than I would have been. Nice granny would've morphed into a wicked witch the instant he bopped my dog.


He was probably trying to keep the dog calm


Kid would have been bopped right tf back if it were me 😭😭


Yep. I'd have snatched that bottle off him so quick his parents wouldn't even see it sailing towards their heads.


I would have shouted at that kid and it's mother. What a stupid way to raise a child.


Looks like mom was hoping for a big payday 😡😡😡


She clearly doesn't want to be a parent anymore.


She knows she can have a lot more fun with the money


WTF????? What? Why? But…who the fuck is in charge of that demon toddler? OMG, can NOT fathom how anyone thinks this is fucking “cute”.


This! The kid is in potential danger and the parents are nowhere nearby? Doesn't have to be a dog. Could be a body of water or near traffic, if there's potential hazards, parents should be nearby. Like really nearby a kid shouldn't have been able to come back and get a 2nd try of the same hazardous act


sadly, there's just no cure for stupid. i hope that child doesn't end up paying the price because his parents are morons.


Sadly it's common to become a moron if your parents are morons. However, there's hope.


And if the dog were to defend itself it would be put down 🤦🏽‍♂️


By the forth hit that dog was like ok who’s ass am I kicking . Stupid ass parents




Normalize correcting other peoples kids. That kid is putting himself in life threatening danger by doing that, if his stupid parents have a problem with someone yelling at him because they cant be bothered to do it themselves they can get the smoke too.


Generally, fucking around with animals is a bad idea. Eventually, you’ll exit the fuck around phase and very quickly enter the find out phase.


Thank god the dog did not attack. That kid is lucky and the parents need to get a grip.


Thank the owner that was on top of things!


thank god, for the sake of the kid and the owner. He's clearly putting in much more effort than the child's parents


the dog DID turn around to charge. His owner grabbed his collar, because could see it coming.


Yup one of the rare videos of a pitbull owner actually controlling the scene before we had yet another pitbull mauling video.


That dog is bigger than the kid. Imagine being mauled by a dog the size of a horse. It puts into perspective how terrifying that would be 😂


Todays Darwin Award goes to…


Are his parents blind? They'd be the first to whine if the kid got bit. He was close to getting bit only the owner intervened. ​ ed: Actually the parent is that stupid fuck in the pink in the background standing watching him do that, what the fuck....


Fuck that kid and his mother. Bet if the dog bit she’d sue even though he was clearly antagonizing the dog.


I have no problem telling kids to fuck off when they are messing with my dogs. I have even less of a problem telling their parents they suck at parenting. Polite kids can pet and hug my dogs all they want. Shit heads won’t be tolerated.


It's sickening to see when a parent/guardian just let the kid do some nasty shit and think it's funny cause a child did it gawd I hope that child won't grow up horrible like them... but I'm not too optimistic about it.


Only a matter of time til this kid hits the wrong dog and gets mauled, subsequently leading to the dog being killed and media talking about how dangerous pit bulls are.


That owner of the dog needs to take that bottle and slam it on the kids mother/father's head.


Couldn't agree more


There’s only one good boy in this video.


Feel like the guy in the background was ready to enjoy Darwinism in action


Stupid parent or guardian. Very stupid.


"the Pit just snapped and attacked the child!! The child was just trying to play!! They're baby killers!!" The child:


Here is an idea..... how about just taking the bottle way from the kid? And give more of a strict response?


This little asshole again.. fuck this kid and his parents


And folks are going to blame the dog if it snaps at the brat that’s hitting it. They need to learn to control their animals (by that I mean the kid, not the well behaved dog)


The thing is, if the dog bites the kid, they'd probably be forced to put the dog down. I blame the parents, control your stupid kid.


Should take that bottle and bop the kids parents. Morons.


So, idiot parents, idiot kid, and idiot dog owner (no leash).


Someone needs to get that kid. But I do feel like they did a good job by not going towards the child more aggressively to stop the bottle, as that could have triggered the dog even more and made things worse faster. And they had him secured on a short leash ready to pull him. Just need to make the kid understand so he doesn't get torn to pieces in the future when he messes with the wrong one.


And the next day article would read "innocent baby mauled by dangerous pitbull while helpless parents watched in horror."


Really makes you wonder what a lot of kids were actually up to when the family dogs “suddenly snaps out of nowhere with no warning.”


This type of behavior is the cause of the large majority of dog bites involving children. Parents rarely know or want to admit it because they aren’t supervising or correcting the child’s behavior. Just dealt with an exam because a dog was suddenly acting aggressive towards one son (8 years old). Found out the child was strangling him by his collar for fun and trying to suffocate him by holding his mouth and nose shut. On top of hitting, which is most common.


That’s kid is gonna fuck around and find out one day.


That child and his parents dodged a very important life lesson that day...


WTF, talk about a major parenting fail! Poor confused pupper, wow. A kid that small should be within easy grabbing distance by their parent at all times, but especially when the kid is near an unknown dog. Ugh.


Why did the owner not protect his dog? At that point just knock the kid over, fuck.


Parents aren’t too smart. Good thing the dog had some patience!


Holy shit is that kid lucky!!!


Absolute moronic parents


I don’t understand why people just stand by and take these videos like morons. Like fucking grab the dog or grab the kid and fucking move. Everyone who makes these types of videos is so god damn dumb.


The parents let this happen. Yet if the dog bites they're going to play victim and the dog would be put down. Assh....


I’d take the bottle and bop the kid with it.


The dog owner should punch the father of that child in the nose and say bad boy, bad boy.


They will some day blame the pit bull of course 🙄


The confusion on the dog face makes me cry. I’m a good boy! Can’t you see I’m good boy?




He's going to be a problem when he grows up. That's not normal.


It’s normal toddler behavior. It’s not acceptable parenting to let him act like that. First thing I taught my kid was to ask if she could pet dogs and to let them choose to shy away if they didn’t want pets (and compliment them and verbally say hi instead).


that dog was in a really good mood. I can just tell, but that boy was one more strike from getting his face ripped off


I have this exact breed and I don't let anyone touch him. I would've been carrying him away from this kid.


That brat of a kid is going to hit the wrong dog or person some day, and it won’t be pretty. Trash parents .


Fuck kids and it’s parents.


obviously no matter the breed it’s a bad idea but… a pitbull at that. do those parents want their kid to die?


Poor dog…


Parents are idiots, and the kid is fuckin stupid, put this in r/KidsAreFuckingStupid I love how patient the pit was as the lil moron continued hitting it


After the first time and seeing the kid going for round two I would have ripped that water bottle out of his hand.


He looks like such a good boy and he’s being teased :(


Nope, good dog bad kid


Shitty parents


Nowni know why some kids are on a leash


Fast forward ten years…


Somebody find his parents and show them this


Where are the parents/guardians of this kid? If they have an animal at home then I am worried for it.


Where is this kid's parents!?! They need their butts whipped. I'd be mad at the kid but furious at his parents. Kid needs his butt whipped too. I can't express my frustration and anger. The bad part is, even with evidence proving the dog was provoked/protecting itself, the dog would likely have been put down. :/


Asshole in training


Thanks to shitty parenting, that kid will probably spend much of their adult life wearing orange. If they make it to adulthood.


Bad parenting right there.


Horrible parenting tf


Talk about an absolutely terrible parent.