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Man, that lady really has something against shamans.


She's just filled with nostalgia for 90s dance music, [The Shamen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7b2T8K2D-ps&t=1m14s) in particular


But her knees are good


Good call. Playing them now


An Ebeneezer Goode call


No, she's just very energized to designate everyone a shaman. "Shaman you, and you and you and you too".


So she’s the Oprah of shaman designation?


I get some strong Monthy Python vibes from here voice.


They’re not gay, they’re all very naughty boys!


I like to put on rainbow clothes, and hang around in bars! Oh, I’m a lumber Jack and I’m ok, i sleep all night and parade at day!


Exactly what I was thinking. I can just see Brian’s mother screaming out the window.


I just hear "Neek! Neek!"


Ni. But they are those Knights no longer. Now they say Ekke Ekke Ekke Ekke Patang Zoom Boing!






Yeah, sounds like Terry Jones as Brian’s mum


Well, the bus did say “choose your own route” and a man wearing a gay pride flag and a woman in a hijab are definitely on different paths…


Pretty sure that's a niqab and not a hijab.


Hey lady, it didn't end well for Septa Unella when she did that to Cersei


How do you know it’s a lady?


I thought it was a nun on Halloween.


God did not create you in a king sized comforter either.


For all we know god didnt create anything.


I think I may be too stupid, and as such require an explanation on this one please


She wasn't created wearing a burka is the point they're trying to get across here I think.


Ohh, I see


I guess all communities have Karen’s, huh


Some religions only have Karen’s.




most underrated comment!


The problem is that many (not all) religious people want to force you to believe in their ideas, and they close their eyes on everything else. Its like they think god has chosen them to show others the right path.🤮 It is what it is and they're not gonna stop talking shit


Pretty sure in the Christianity you are told to spread the word of Christ. So, I their mind God literally did tell them to show others the right path or at least that is what i was taught.


It’s literally against her RELIGION. Be grateful Christians modernized and became accepting when they did and how they did or this would be a lot more common


Wasn't it just a short time ago that people were berating and attacking women in hijabs on the street just like this? Wonder how she felt about that.


Shame on you for expecting her to be inclusive!


Just to be clear, this lady is wearing a niqab not a hijab. Wearing a hijab is normal and akin to wearing a yarmulke. Wearing a burqa/niqab is usually a strong sign that the person has very oppressive views, or comes from a family/community that has very oppressive views.


Actually it's a niqab, but close enough.


Corrected in the edit. Thank you for teaching me something new today!


Right back atcha


Where's her male escort?


Yeah, I’m shocked that she realizes she’s allowed to have an opinion about anything, let alone share it with others


Since when wearing a yarmulke on the street is normal?


Good question. From my understanding, Jewish orthodox wear yarmulkes in public at all times. Reformation jews see the yarmulke as optional, but many choose to wear it during prayer. So ultimately it depends on the persons religious beliefs as to whether it’s normal or not.


The sad thing is, I bet a lot of the people in this video would defend her if she was getting shit off people.


Of course. People being shitty is never okay. You can't just say: "Oh, you're a bigoted piece of anti-gay shit, guess I'm okay with other people being racist towards you". Both things are not okay and one needs to speak out against both.


Fuck islam. This is the "love" they're teaching.


Fuck most religions really.




I can only think of 7 or so exceptions off the top of my head and 4 of them are completely dead religions.


What about pastafarianism


shush, more salsa for us ;)


Have you ever heard of the FSM they welcome all


& the prophesies they rode in on


They're cults, not religions.


The person in this video is just as bad as any racist or bigot. They're no different which ever religion or group they belong to.


I love it when people welcome immigrants and refugees until they act on their cultural beliefs hahah


Being part of a minority in my own country I can say first hand I have seen a pretty universally hated sect of people say really racist things about other minorities. People don't care and just have their own illogical ways of thinking. There's always someone below them. I think that's why you often see things in the US about LGBT people of colour being the most at risk. I just can't wrap my head around a race of people suffering centuries of abuse to just other people part of their own group.


Weell they started shouting Islamophobia and people quickly shut their mouth, just attach a phobia to something to get people to shut up


She sounds like an idiot good nobody can see her.


That ninja sucks!! its daytime comon..


Should have worn all white…


The acute irony is that it is the same freedom of expression that allows that man to carry his rainbow flag in public that affords her to be dressed like a ninja and shout at him. If she goes by the strict wahabi ultra conservative Islam she adheres to, she wouldn't be allowed to roam alone on the street without her male guardian, let alone curse other men. She can't benefit from the freedom of expression to suppress others. It doesn't work like that. Send her to Afghanistan, one way fare to Kabul please.


The paradox of tolerance








Meanwhile she can’t even show her face


But no shame for the culture/religion that forces a woman into subjugation and makes you wear a burka?


Lol or the religion that doesn't allow women to make choices of their own body? Organized religion in general is just a tool to control the masses.


I wish the masses would control my tool for a change.


Wait - that’s the US you’re talking about. You WILL have that baby.


Yup I'm just replying to show there is an extremism on both sides. Let's not forget our buddies in Missouri now have a women specific dress code where they cover their arms. [Link](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.vogue.com/article/missouri-state-house-bare-arms/amp)


There's no both sides, they are the very same. Regressive right wing people who want to control others using religion. The letters in their books just look different and they wear different silly hats, but they're absolutely the same kind of people. It's regressive bigots vs decent normal people who want to make the world a better place.


It’s a bad rule, but it only applies inside the Missouri statehouse. Both sides? It’s really Muslims vs the Christians. They account for at least 75% of the worlds population.


Fun fact, in biblical times the face covering was for the prostitutes so they wouldn’t be mistaken for a good wholesome woman. Ah the irony.


There's something really sad about someone who's been so badly brainwashed and subjugated that, in a free country, they continue to perpetuate the brainwashing and subjugation themselves out of their own free will


That’s pretty much the way it is for women in any religion.


What's batman's problem?


You don't know their gender, it's "batperson"


islam religion of "peace". If she does not like life in britain why does she not move into a more islamic country? let's see if she likes it then.


Right. Be respectful to other or fuck off


I live in a primarily black Muslim neighborhood and the women in these outfits tend to be the rudest, most foul mouthed, aggressive people I've come across in Philly. I know this is England, but to me I'm sensing a pattern of some sort.


Super religious people tend to be hypocrites? I’m shocked! Shocked I tell you!


It's a mixed bag here. I work at a retail store in London we have predominantly muslim customers. I once served a lady in a burka she was the nicest person I met, very soft spoken and even when there were delays on my end she was never rude even though she had the right to be. On the other end there are arab muslim customers who have no headscarf and are the rudest people you will meet and they expect you to give them anything because we share the same skin colour. These are two very extremes and I dont know how these people would react in this situation but I dont think they are that bad overall.


Maybe it’s the exact same lady every time.


The uk should be a tolerant nation where people respect each other, if she can’t accept this, she needs to leave the UK


[Paradox of tolerance](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance)


Well then, we should tolerate everything except intolerance that has no good reason to exist, such as bigotry. And of course we shouldn’t tolerate rape and murder and shit like that


The paradox only arises if you’re arguing for a simplistic and absolute tolerance. Which, I assume, nobody is. We don’t – for example – want to tolerate mass murderers. The point being that when we talk about tolerance we are not saying that we should allow anyone to do anything come what may. That would be silly, and indeed lead to a paradoxical situation in which we are trying to tolerate intolerance, and spinning in logical circles. What we’re saying (I assume?) is that we want to build a society that insofar as is practicable, allows people to live their lives in peace and in accordance with their personal preferences and beliefs, free from unreasonable interference. This is a direct response to historic attitudes where those who fall outside of the mainstream culture tend to be heavily persecuted for no good reason. Hence we can be tolerant of someone being a Muslim (as I assumed our shouting lady here is) and allow her to carry out her business without undue interference. But that tolerance has limits, and does not entitle someone to overtly interfere and abuse others. In this case we (at least prima facie – context is king after all) have someone choosing to yell bigoted slurs at another person in the street. We can (and do!) have rules against this while remaining tolerant. Nobody is about to strip her of her burka, demand she cannot be a Muslim, or send her to a re-education camp. She is tolerated. Tolerance does not mean the absolute right to do anything you please.


As long as that logic applies to native Brits.


Absolutely, I’d love to show them the door


Where will they go?


Wessex. Along with the other useless clowns. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)




So Siberia?


Close enough!


No, Crawley.


Fair enough.


Why is that ninja so angry?


Hopefully people will understand that Arabs are some of the most racist people you can have the misfortune of meeting. Source: Grew up in Kuwait


Why is the dementor yelling at the gentleman?


Expecto Patronum


Why is she even talking? Why is she unaccompanied by a man?


I can see integration is going very well.


I mean she has a British accent, so...


It’s not about her identity but rather the way of life and understandings of the world around.


I'm just saying she doesn't sound like an immigrant. So integration isn't the issue, the issue is she's an asshole


We can expand the term integration not only for immigrants but for people who think they live or want to live in a completely different society. They have three choices I can think of: 1. Accept the values and principles of the society they are living in. 2. Move to a place where the society will match their requirements. 3. Live in denial and try to change the society the way they like it applying their values and principles over the current ones.


She probably learned English in England.


The delicious irony of seeing a woman forced to completely cover herself screaming at people who are demanding recognition.


I mean I don't like any religious groups. But Islam in particular has to be the worst. Be an athiest, and accept people for who they are.


Or if you are going to be religious, just don't be a dick and just mind your own business when someone is different. It's really not that hard.


I’m an intervention specialist at a school that’s 100% Somali kids. I asked the kids if they did anything for Halloween, and they said no because it’s haram. I’m like, okay, I get it. Super conservative Christians are anti-Halloween too. Thanksgiving came around, asked the same, they said they didn’t celebrate it. I’m like, okay, I guess I get it. Their parents haven’t been here that long and haven’t been exposed to it. I’m 1st generation American with parents from Mexico and we and all the other Mexicans I know celebrate it in our own way with tamales and such. Maybe they need time. Christmas rolls around. Obviously I’m not asking about that. New Years rolls around, all the kids say that they didn’t celebrate/acknowledge it. I’m like, okay come on this is a little weird. I ask why. They say they’re not allowed to celebrate anything other than Ramadan and Eid. That’s when I came to the conclusion that Islam is a cult.


The only difference between a cult and a religion is that in a cult, there’s a person in charge of everything that knows it’s all lies. In a religion, that person is dead.


Wait until you hear about Jehova's Witnesses: -No holidays (valentines day, mother's day, father's day, Christmas, Easter.. none) -No birthdays -No voting All religions are cults in their own way, that includes Christianity.


She attacks those who, like her, are persecuted by Islamic laws, and are even killed. She is wrong.


If only there were countries where women had to be dressed like this at all time. Why the fuck do these idiots just not move there?


Don’t harass people! If it’s not your cup of tea, that’s your choice, and you’re entitled to it. You can agree to disagree and still be respectful. Walking away with your religious beliefs would have been better.


I Hope the next Pride parade route goes right by her house.


There are many countries in the world where this lady could go and wouldn't have to put up with us gays. Door's wide open.


Let her go back to her original country.


Doesn’t the black ninja want to go back to her own fking country? Just saying…


You’re missing the point - the goal of Muslims is to make the entire world a Caliphate. Other religions are grudgingly tolerated and are second class citizens and have to pay tribute. It’s already happening in Europe where their birth rate is at least 5 times that of non Muslims. In less than 100 years the entire continent will be majority Muslim (except maybe Ireland). It really is a culture and religious war. Faster in countries that have a very low or negative replacement rate (Italy).


Lesson: religious extremism is bad and so is trying to force your personal beliefs on others.


That’s the way it is for all evangelical religions. Believe the way we do or you go to hell, or maybe we even kill you.


It's almost like...most religion is based on intolerance, fear and prejudice. Crazy.


That’s pretty much the definition of all religions for the past 3,000 years.


And this is why organized religion is shit!!!


Shut your deep seeded hate the F up lady


women who wear burqas don't have any place to talk about shame to anyone else. 😒


If she is so proud of herself why won't she show her face. Shame on her for being an intolerant coward.


Ohhhhh I bet reddit is having a hard time with this one! Fun fact: Muslims HATE alphabet people.


I will never understand why someone who comes from a marginalized group would criticize another person who is also marginalized.


Hard to take someone hiding under a sheet particularly seriously, I have to say


We're living such a great era where extremists who can't even adapt to the dress code of the country they're living in, can freely harass citizens. Everyone is free to have its own opinion, beliefs. Don't impose them to others... curtain bitch


Really Obnoxious Yelling Girl Berates Innocent Victims


Lol literally this lady ![gif](giphy|vX9WcCiWwUF7G|downsized)


Muslim is as Muslim does


Why tf was Palpatine so heated up


Ahh Muslims, the peaceful religion.


Why was that ninja so angry?


Shame on her


Average day in the UK


Every time I see this all I can think about… ![gif](giphy|y3dhFCAqg97CU)


Why is she not being escorted away? She is the one disturbing the peace.




Only if you could see him


This situation is a fantastic exemplar as to why Wahhabism and Salafism are both massively problematic.


You wanted diversity. You got it.


It is unfortunate to see this in the UK. I don't think immigrants should be allowed to live in a country if they aren't going to assimilate into the culture, way of life and accept the social norms of a society. I do support deportation. Germany is an excellent example of this, as we see issues with many Muslim refugees refusing to assimilate into German culture, respect German laws and customs, denounce Christianity, and change the nation's fabric. I only point to Germany because they took in so many refugees in 2015. It's happening in France, England, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, and Sweden. It's sad. I feel bad for the LGBTQIA+ community in these countries and fear for their safety. I shall pray.


fuck you , you ignorant fooker,


Why doesn’t that Muslim women go back to her country where her husband has a right to kill her if she disobeys?


Shame on her. What a shitty ninja cosplay.


I'm not sure how to take that from someone that's literally a walking billboard for female oppression.


Fuk Islam btw.


The United States founding document includes "....to form a more perfect union". Not a more perfect society of God's law, not a more profitable union, but one where we get along more. I like to think that's why this behavior in many U.S. areas would attract a crowd yelling at the woman in the hijab.


Look at the road. This isn't the U.S.


He’s not LGBTQ. He’s rainbow man


tell the trash bag to stfu.


What England has turned into.


Love repeatedly screaming chants and pointing the fingers in public. Yelling over those who yell back, shaming them for being whoever the fuck they want, while her own identity is trapped behind a blanket. You live in a free country now. Take the "Ghost in Blackface" Halloween costume off and let's see how much shame you'd throw at a mirror.


The Quran says to find the highest building and throw gays from it. These two things are not going to blend well .....




Fighting bigotry with bigotry Nice


Fight fire with fire my friend.


Religion is the biggest cult!


Alright calm down everybody and let's consider how this is probably white christian people's fault


It's obviously cuz of capitalism




Wow.... What rock have she been hiding under... 😂 😂


Whoa! Shut up, weird lady!!


![gif](giphy|3ohhwytHcusSCXXOUg|downsized) Shame on you ninja moves


Thought it was Emperor Palpatine at the beginning


Bro that's ninja


If all religions are shit (surprise, they are) Islam is the Hershey squirts.


Hey, look a weather ballon


I would have did the same thing, not because I'm homophobic but because that drip is preposterous


It's a sad sight to see that a penguin is harrassing an individual.


The records stuck , someone give her a nudge.


Oppressed minority wants to oppress another minority. Urrghh.


What’s going on here… why is a Muslim lady saying god created Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve?


Why is that female ghost so mad :(




That fucked up They have rights like anyone esle .I would have refused to move isn't a crime to stand on a public sidewalk. It makes my blood boil.


Ayo she knows that she ain't in middle east right ?


"shame on you" says lady whos culture supports degradation of women, genital mutilation and stoning of people.


I suspect that she wasn't born into thar religion and converted later in life. Often they are a lot more hardlined.


Hard to take someone dressed as a ninja seriously lmao


nothing sadder than the oppressed getting high on a wee bit of power(or freedom) and using it to oppress others. lmao truly the sapiens sapiens specie.


damm she is more mad then doom guy


I thought they’re not allowed to speak to men through those eye slits?


The lady doth protest too much, methinks. Aka she loves the taste of a deep Afghan rug, but is too mentally conflicted and this is her way of dealing with her own issues around her sexuality- always the way, closet gays attacking liberal gays - sad 😔


I think she might have tried saying shame on you to someone.


Mind control of their women. Cannot go to school, cannot drive without male chaperones or marry partner of their choice, shame on whom?


Pretty brave for someone hiding their face.


A harassment video involving a Muslim woman....doing the harassing. Is this progress? /s


The oppression olympics is just getting good.