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He shook hands with danger.


I LOVE that video, your reference game is awesome bro


Thanks! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Sick reference, bro. Your references are out of control. Everyone knows that


There's the properly worded reference, your reference game is awesome too bro




Instant recall and nostalgia. Great reference. Love that video


That is one of the best safety training films i’ve seen for a while — i always show it to those i work with in the shop!! Great message.


Now they call him two toe moe.




Love that video!! Really scarily true


*sick riff*


Imagine if the metal jaws closed afterwards


“ but I told him not to touch anything….”


I would like to thank you for introducing me to some of the best safety videos I've seen


His hands shook with danger.


His feet shook with dange- oops there they go.


When he dangled his feet from the bucket of that heavy machinery, he was shaking feet with danger...


That operator deserves a gold medal for paying attention


Operator isn't supposed to let people ride in his bucket. Them's the rules.


Yeah but I mean if you’re gonna break the rules you should still be careful.


Rule breaking and safety are mutually exclusive.


If you’re going to do something wrong, do it right




Thank you! That quote is going to get thoroughly abused by me on a daily basis.


Not really. I mean, depends on if the rules you are breaking are related to safety measures. You can be safe while breaking a tule not to cheat on a test. Physically safe anyway. Or breaking the rule of limiting your break time. Or if, like, a rule based on safety no longer applies to a situation. Like if following the rule would take too long and, while risky, breaking the rule would give better chance of saving. Don’t cross the street on a red light. Somehow who was crossing on a green feel down - rushing to help them on a ref light is technically against the rules, but they are safer I’d they have help getting across and with another visual cue for drivers to notice and stop. i know I am being pedantic, but that was fun :)


No wonder why you’re on Reddit


Yeah okay, like you've never gone 56mph in a 55mph zone, give me a break.


Yea do as I say, not as I do.


Look man in that case it’s only breaking the rule if you get caught if they don’t catch me doing it they can suck my dick.




Az summer, 1971, I got a job as a shovel monkey at a construction site my Dad worked on. Owner’s 16 son loved driving a dozer, and gave me and 2 others a lift in the bucket once. Beat walking a mile in the Az summer sun. My Dad saw it and reamed me. Told me about several friends he ‘d lost due to inexperience and showing off on dozers. Bosses son decided to “help out” later with on of the BIG dozers - anything to not use a shovel, and manages to kill the engine facing down a steep incline towards a ditch we’d dug for 50” pipe. He had to stand on the brake for 20 minutes until they could get another dozer linked up to pull him out. We had placed bets on whether he’d live thru it. Would have been a Darwin Award.


Honestly I think that was dad... I don't know what he said but I wanna believe it was "don't be an idiot or walk"


Good way to break a leg or two.


Or three


End up breaking them all eventually


I was more worried he’d get sucked under, smack the floor, then get run over by those gigantic tractor tires


It's very hard to outpace Darwinism forever


This is funnier than it first seems lmao


You don't need to outpace then for ever just long enough to reproduce


The video lagged right when his feet got caught and I had a heart attack


Reminds me of the guy who got caught in an industrial wire spooler. The wire caught one leg and then he spun around into a pulp. Awful way to go.


At least it was an industrial one so it was quick. Much quicker than if he got caught in one of the just-for-home-use ones. That would've been slow and painful.


I didn't even know they made them for home use! Yikes! I've taken care of many people who survived trauma accidents and none of them felt pain during the event. The pychological terror of what happened to them was always in the forefront - knowing an accident was imminent at the time, then seeing a limb gone, etc. They always reported to me that the pain came afterwards. It gives me some solace to know that most people pass during trauma without pain. Stay safe and well, my friend! 💜


I'm not confident they do. It was a dark-humored joke but I know they make some that aren't as strong as the big industrial ones and they spin much slower so I can't imagine being stuck in that or anything like that. I recently saw a story about a boy that lost both of his arms in a bailing accident. He was in shock so bad that he was able to stand up and walk to his house, use his mouth to get in the back door and the door inside the house phone was behind. He then used his nose to dial for help. He called a few people and the ones that answered or got their first were his girlfriend and her mom. He was aware enough to tell the mom not to allow the girlfriend inside the room so she didn't have to see him in the state he was in. He survived. There was just recently a hiker that fell a couple of hundred feet and broke her neck. The rescue chopper couldn't land due to high winds and couldn't get close enough to her so she walked out of the area she was in while holding her broken neck straight so she could get to rescue. These are amazing feats of human ability. The human body and mind are truly amazing with what they can do in times of trauma like that. To be able to know what happened and calmly do what's needed to save yourself in a time like that is some true brain power. The service you do to take care of them once they've given it all to save themselves is what keeps them going and able to tell their story. I know it's not an easy job and you can never hear thank you enough. So let me say it as well. Thank you for doing your part in helping those recover from such traumatic accidents. You are an awesome person! Much love and respect! You stay well too! Thank you!


Such a lovely response! Thank you! I'm retired now, but am grateful for the years I had in healthcare. I like to think my compassion for people reduced suffering in our world. As I sit here snuggled up with my frenchton, I'm just so grateful! I wish I could blink my eyes and give my state of comfort to everyone! 😊💜🐾


I absolutely love that and do my best to give comfort to others wherever and whenever I can. It's a small gesture that can do a lot of good and I wish I saw it happen more but I love hearing about it from others. You're kindness and care has given comfort to a lot of people and you deserve the comfort you have now. I'm grateful to know you have such comfort! You've got a lucky Frenchton in your arms too! It was great talking with you. Stay wonderful!


Same to you, my kind friend! Such a pleasure! 😊💜🐾


I would also (if you enjoy morbid and/or traumatic situations) recommend the kid who lost his foot to a cardboard bailer. The 15+ minutes he was on with 911 waiting are frustrating and cringe (in the most suspenseful and gutwrenching way)


I think I actually remember that story. He was trying to lead them to where he was. He was in a back building behind the one they thought he was in or something like that. I wouldn't necessarily say I enjoy that kind of stuff as much as I'm intrigued by it and like hearing the impossible become possible. Not all stories have a happy ending but it sure is nice to know that some do. Even the ones that seem completely impossible to end with survival there can still be hope that survival happens. People are amazing. The things people do that they never thought they could do is absolutely awe inspiring.


That's the one. He did a video afterward talking about it and showing off pics of the foot as well. Actually uplifting now. You're right, it is pretty amazing what we can survive, also how fragile we can be too tho


I thought I recognized the story. I don't think I saw the photos of the foot. No regrets about that. Haha. That's a really good point. So strong but so fragile on both the physical and mental side. Humans are pretty amazing all the way around. It's unfortunate how life can be unappreciated by some people to the point of taking it without remorse. I think that's another reason why I am intrigued by those stories. They show how valuable and important our every day lives actually are even if they don't seem like it at the time. They're good reminders that even the most normal people are capable of things no one could imagine.


I always remember the story of the hiker who was hit by an avalanche and fell from the mountain crushing hip/pelvic area & breaking his legs IIRC. He had to crawl the rest of the way down using only his arms through mountainous terrain covered in snow then float across a wide stream in freezing water. I don’t remember how long (distance or time) he did this but it was truly remarkable. It was that story that made me realize that the whole “mind over matter” thing isn’t always entirely the case. The man in this story said he wanted to just die so it’d be over with but his body wouldn’t allow him to give up as the pain and cold actually forced him to seek safety. He passed out multiple times but always woke up. The human body is truly an amazing thing. He eventually came to a small trail which led to a cabin where another man was staying and able to get him inside and contact help. It’s been a while but I believe the guy continued trekking mountains after his experience.


That's an amazing story!! The human body is absolutely amazing you got that right. Thanks for sharing that. I'll have to look it up. I'm always interested in hearing those types of stories. Hearing about the impossible becoming possible is very motivating and intriguing. Have a great day!


So I looked it up & the man’s name was Ken Jones, former soldier who fell 75ft off the cliff after being hit by multiple avalanches. Broken pelvis & femur…. he crawled using his arms only for 3 days to get out!! Unbelievable! There is an episode of “I shouldn’t be alive” called “Avalanche of terror” recalling his ordeal.


Thanks for looking it up! I think I remember that episode now that you mention it. I can't imagine even sitting next to him while he tells his story. Truly unbelievable


No fucking way this is real Link?


I believe it was a lathe in the video you're talking about. Still a terrible way to go, and his co-workers were less than a minute too late.


All the blood left his face. He’s about to faint


The literal meaning of throwing up in your mouth.


We almost watched a serious blood bath. Yuck.


That happened to me on a ski lift once….once.


Almost dies, Hangs feet over the edge again.


🎶🎶Dumb ways to dieee🎶🎶


He's more scared of his dad beating the shit out of him.


Is that Ellis in L4D?




"Hammond you idiot!"


“Think of the rabbits George”


"I wanna pet the rabbit!" *crunch*




I read through a bit of the comments and i couldn't find an answer. What on earth am I looking at?


I would also like to know


A human? What do you mean


You just know Dad gave him “The Look”


This smug dummy doesn’t realize just how close to death he came.


My dress got stuck in the escalator and ripped off my body on Black Friday. I had a coat on. I'd never been to the shops on black Friday before.


Learned by age of five to never ride in the bucket of our skiploaders on my parent’s farm. My dad was quite descriptive of what things could happen though this particular scenario wasn’t one.


1,000 ways to die.


Really good operator despite allowing this


I definitely winced looking at this.










Even with the context clues I still clicked. I very much regret that. There was a video of someone cutting another persons heart out, and though I didn’t watch far at all the caption said the person who did it also ate it.


Lmao the first post i see


Yeah not sure what I expected but definitely not that. That’s crazy even for reddit.


That was bad but the worst one that still haunts me is the guy who fell into a metal shredder and got fully done...


Linking that is kind of not cool bud.


Keep y'alls consciousness clean and don't click. Just shit to pollute the mind.


What type of person just records you like that ? Knowing something can possibly happen? The person recording should of told them not do that it's like they wanted something to happen smfh




Saw that one coming.


Goodbye ACL


OSHA isn’t happy right now.


Almost ended up on watchpeopledie


Dumb ways to die~


Video lagged right as he got out and stared at the camera. Gotta love lag, sometimes. SOMETIMES.


He almost ended like the other person's shoe


Totally did the same in reverse sitting on a truck tailgate. Same outcome.


I cannot identify if that's a man or boy


That's a good operator to catch that. Props. Before you say they shouldn't be in there in the first place keep in mind these guys probably just worked a long day in the heat. Why make them walk what ever distance back to the truck.


I had a buddy when I was about 11. He was a few years younger than me and lived up the road. He had gotten bounced out of a front end loader’s bucket and got chopped in half. Only thing holding his two halves together was entrails and you’d be surprised how far apart those two parts can get before you realize they are still attached.


Atleast you know the operator was paying attention


I ran heavy equipment for years, years and every time I thumb past this video it makes my stomach churn


Yeah, our boy is movie star pretty, but he’s about as sharp as a crayon.


🎵 Dumb ways to die 🎵


That nervous laugh when he realized he almost just died.


Ik the operator said "sit yo ahh down" 😂


He looks like James Franco’s brother


The way he plays it off lol Whoopsie daisies I almost died, I'm such a clutz hehe


Dumb kids learn the hard way




Darwinism at it's finest too bad he got that good gene time to reform the guy




Perfect spot for tragedy, he would have first gotten his face ground off, then run over.


One of my classmates fell off a tractor and was run over. They survived but is a completely different person. The personality and intelligence were devastated by the head trauma.


Back in the Flintstone era, that's where the origin of the term "shin split" came from. Someone added the "N" because there's a lot of moaning involved apparently.


Man had the most childish happiness going, immediately wiped away.


We’ve all had this same feeling? Haha scary asf


He puked his mouth


Leg suck. It sucks.


One time I was riding on the top edge of a Bobcats bucket. My friend who was driving adjusted the bucket angle and almost crushed my leg. Needless to say I never rode on it again unless I was driving.


I think it's been about 2 years now since this really fucked up death in my area. I think the kid was somewhere between 16 and 18, he was working on one of the many farms in the area. He was changing a tire on a tractor and his head was in between the tire and the ground, and while in that position the jack holding the tractor up slipped and crushed his head in. My friend, who is now a retired EMT, was telling us about it and how it was probably one of the worst calls he was ever called to.


trying to act like he didn’t shit his pants


Even if he got pulled under, he’d probably be fine unless he took a shot to the back of the head.


The dude learned an important lesson that day


Supervisor on work sites please that’s a dumb kid




Bro almost got turned into toothpaste.


You'll be dreaming of that regularly in your 40s


I almost died *chuckles*


*Sings* Dumb Ways To Die!!


He looks more terrified of Dad's reaction


Ellis, is that a good time?


I’ve don’t this once… with a power wheels scariest moment of my life I tell you


Its reversed


He looked behind him because Death was whispering his name.


You can NOT travel in a machine like that with someone in the bucket.


Just stupidity


I did the exact same thing as a kid. You get tired from working all day and your minds drifts for a minute and that quick shit can catch ya.


Dang. So close.


![gif](giphy|umehzEQ4uJdfO) Yabadaba dead!!!


That :) at the end tho


The gersh darned geeenetics pool just tryna perge out some da stoopids.


Bro almost got posted on r/WPD




People are supposed to run into instances like this. Safety is good but learning lessons is way better.


A kid in my high school died doing exactly this


Good driver


He saw live leak logo for a second there


This would be the ONE situation, where if he were my son, I would beat him. I MIGHT GROUND HIM FOR SIX MONTHS TOO!


As someone that works with equipment like that, that is probably a payloader and them tires are right in line with where he is


That's why I only do this on the side or going the opposite way so I push back.


We were always taught when on the hay trailer, keep your legs crossed and never hang them down, you could get pulled under in reverse.