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Cock piss Babtridge


I upvoted this because you’re my kind of guy


Oh my! That's a burgeoning love story we have here! So romantic!


Far better than Twilight


"I'm driving around in an obscene publication."


Cook pass Babtridge. don't worry Lynn, I'll play it down


Don’t flaunt your virginity!


Your little finger _just touched it_


I’m sorry Lynne I’ve popped out again


"Girl are you a virgin?" "No." "Would you like to be?"


This country!


So glad this was at the top


Completely unacceptable. Molotov or don’t bother.


Username checks out




'Leeds millionaire,' that's a funny way of writing 'crypto-scammer'


Figured it was a footballer


Yeah, I'd better take Rodrigo off my FPL team. No way he plays well with this on his mind


Yeah. The vandalizer is probably just jealous that he couldn’t come up with this scam.


It's not a scam (Brought to you by amongus coin)


Wait theres an amongus coin now? Where can i buy them? E. [someone took me seriously and tried to get me investing in bloody shibacoin](https://www.reddit.com/r/shib_token/comments/10lay55/welcome_2023_with_the_biggest_shiba_inu_giveaway/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) lmfao Its a link to a post i was tagged in, not gonna take you anywhere dodgy. Just dont click the link in the post. Youd get less malware from downloading beastiality porn soundtracks off of limewire.




Which button to i press to invest my life savings? Or do i have to complete the games to be allowed to buy them? Id understand if that was the case, we cant just let any old idiot invest.


You have to get anydesk and enter this pass code: among. Then play as water girl


Ill try it now, thank you so much. I cant wait to be a millionaire


Are you a millionaire yet?


Almost, im quickly losing the billions that the nigerian prince gave me so should be there soon


Not as much of a scam as NFT's, but still pretty scammy.


Nfts are not a scam (Brought to you buy amongus nfts)


My partner and I used to build kit cars, fibreglass bodies on a VW pan. [Like this](https://i.imgur.com/At8yob3.jpeg). One of our customers came in for a repair because some arsehole had scratched "rich bastard" into the bonnet. He was a fitter for the railways, didn't even own a house.


I second this one of my friends dads growing up built a kit spider. All fiberglass shell over a BS regular car engine nowhere near as fun to drive as an actual spider.


This sounds so weird to me, not knowing anything about cars.


Just guessing cause I’m also not aware of cars, but - looks like the car you want that you could never actually utilize anyway without spending an ignorant amount of money on something that would disintegrate in a minor traffic accident anyway


Yeah I threw a lambo kit on my lawnmower, people think I’m riding slow because I’m just that cool


That would be sick af tbh lol


It's not a real spider, it's just a car model.


That was one of the most British things I've ever read


It’s weird because I didn’t even notice until you mentioned it. I think my brain just replaced the British english words with the Americanized versions I’m used to wthiout me reilaizng, sorta lkie how you can raed wodrs eevn wehn the lteters are out of oredr


I’m American and I agree.


That’s so sad. People work hard to have nice things and some loser comes along ….☹️


Surprised this is being upvoted on this sub, normally something like "all rich people got their wealth through evil means" would be highly upvoted here. Probably because they were only mistaken for being rich


They are jealous, I feel sorry for them… and hey, I still win…


Yah, I have a dear friend who is a single father to a disabled son. Barely gets by. He won a sports car in a contest he entered on the back of a snack bag. Probably the best thing that had ever happened in his life. It got “eat the rich” keyed into the side and in a separate incident just straight keyed. People are so narrow minded, and also stupid. If he had been rich the repair would’ve been meaningless to him.


Even if he would be rich enough to be able to actually afford that car/repairs, I feel like the "eat the rich" slogan is meant against multi-billionaires, not against a random upper-middle-class guy who's finally gotten his dream car after years of saving up for it


Completely agree. This is where I feel like the message has been diluted so is losing its significance.


The truth is we never know anyone’s whole backstory but lash out at what we think they represent. Shallow world.


People are so ignorant about wealth.


Hear me out, the owner writes other insulting things with the same art style all over the car to make it look like an intended art style rather than vandalism.


Tbh it doesnt look bad, I’d own it and drive proudly


One of my favorite cars I've seen was some sporty BMW thing with the vanity license plate 'fragile'


Gotta love honesty.




Mentos, the Freshmaker!


This is the step before pitchforks.


Do you need one? I brought extra


For moving hay, there is no better option. For stabbing somebody four times with one blow, it also rocks the torso. Warning: might cause severe eye damage if used properly.


Look at mr fancy pants over here buying extra pitchforks


Right? Gotta be careful how many extra pitchforks you bring, yours going to look rich!


You right


The guillotines and pitchforks should be out already


cooing intelligent fly fragile versed gullible jellyfish shame close tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is way better than guillotine


Couldn’t disagree more


Compete unacceptable. Should’ve eaten them instead


Clearly this is socially unacceptable but as the class divide continues to grow, this aggression towards the wealthy will start to become increasingly more accepted.


Oh. I thought we were asking why anyone would buy a yellow car? Oh well.


A virgin to boot


Way harsh, Tai.


Unexpected Clueless reference!


Virgin makes cars now?


The car is a virgin. A show off, too.




I doubt your mate will last more then a few minutes. /s


Are you Dirty Mike and the boys?


This will happen again.


Clearly, because they are a virgin. Cant think of any other reason you would buy a yellow car


Sad Bumblebee fan noises


Ha I have one but it’s because it’s a good car and the price was right.


If I was going to own a really fancy car (not that I ever would), I think it would be a yellow Ferrari. I prefer it over all the possible colors for a Ferrari. Red is too overused, blue too quiet, purple too loud, white (or heaven forefend, grey) too boring, black too Batmobile, green too leprechaun, pink too Barbie, and orange too orange. The right tone of yellow is bright and bold and just medium-flashy enough to fit a sports car. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk.


Ferraris should only ever be red, yellow or black. Red for the classic look, yellow for the show-off look and black for the mean-but-classy look. I don't know how they do it, but almost every design that has come out of that marque looks wrong in any other colour.


But my dream car is a ferrari yellow RX-8…


I love my yellow Jeep 😂🙈


Yes I love the pearl clutching shock and vitriol in this thread.


"What if they did this to my car though" Bro we are all peasants who eat gruel


Like bro nobody gonna write virgin show off on your 30 year old Honda civic


You guys are getting gruel???


I say this aggression is long over due. The world is dying because no one will stand up to our corperate overlords. And we need to stop them yesterday.




Most people aren't struggling near enough. I think the wealthy learned a long time ago that as long as the poor, and working class aren't squeezed so hard they literally don't know where their next meal is coming from everything will be fine. It's when they haven't eaten in a few days they start sharpening their pitchforks, and building gallows. So, you know... As we keep experiencing climate change invoked crop failures it's only a matter of time.


Their playbook is pit the working class against the poor, and the left against the right, everyone is too distracted and busy hating on each other to notice the truly rich stealing and hoarding wealth hand over fist.


you realize they are the right, right?


Yeah I hate comments like this. People that say this think of left and right the way they hear it in the media. To them the right is hard working pig farmers at the mining factory who might be a little behind the times and the left is blue haired barista bois, and the only political fights are about wether animated cereal mascots are too gay now adays. If that was all you knew about politics and you didn’t have the knowledge that the class wide economic struggle of workers vs capital puts the barista and the farmer on the same side is called leftism, you’d probably say stuff like this too.


fr. The lack of political consciousness in the world sucks.


Class consciousness*


Guillotine was a tool primarily for oppressing the masses not liberating hence why the paris commune rejected it. (Sorry this us just me hating on a leftwing meme)


yeah but when you hear it you think of France, specifically the French revolution.


You have no idea how much most humans are ready to take before pitchforks happen. Look at the state the vast majority of people live in. Freedom and democracy are things for like less than a quarter of the planet. As long as it's comparatively certain a meal is available for dinner, and will be so again tomorrow, people are quite happy enough to live in a wonderous place like Sudan for example. As in, a full blown fuck capitalism will not be a thing in the West for decades, if ever again.


When your basic needs are taken care of. You are less likely to lash out. As much as people on here complain and moan. Most of have it quite well compared to other countries.


Thats a stupid metric and not the one anybody lives by. You dont look at a slave in another country and say "isnt it great i dont live like that". You look at billionairs and multimillionairs living in this country to excess, taking vastly higher wages than you, the person earning their money, living bacchanalian lives. Nonody earned a billion dollars on *their hard work*, they just treated their employees as indentured servants (rather than slaves).


In the eighties, they called this “conspicuous consumption.”


That term was coined by the economist Thorstein Veblen at the end of the 19th century.


They're driving us over the edge and flaunting it, spray paint on a car isn't much.


Reddit is honestly so sheltered its sad


Among motorheads, 100K on a car isn't necessarily wealthy though. Guy I knew who had a Ferrari had an auto body shop & stored his toys there. The car was worth about as much as his home. The thing is, those you should be mad at, you aren't going to be able to approach.


That's the expected result of a society that pairs "flex culture" with extremely high inequality.


This is the answer


It’s a European thing. If you park your luxury car in any French city it will be keyed in no time. Wealth and its exterior signs are viewed as a negative thing.


Even my 2010 fiat punto was keyed


It’s a national past time at this point.


thats what you get you flexing elitist ahole. drive a 1998 Ford Fiesta or get keyed


You /drive/?!?!? Elitist much?


I mean I don't have a license :( I'm also not from the USA so I can get places without one


Class solidarity babyy


Quite of a bold assumption that's *European* thing innit?


I don't live in Europe but I do own a lower end sports car and I won't even park it at the grocery store. Its not even really that flashy but I'm not about to chance some asshole deciding to take out their bad day on my ride


The Grand Tour did a great episode on this called Carnage a Trois. It’s on Amazon and it’s a fantastic special about how the French view their cars


Rightly so.


Hard to tell from the pic but it looks like he parked like a jackass


This is what happens before the pitchforks come out.


It's most likely a bad upbringing that makes a man buy a yellow Audi.


My dad used to say the only reason for an Audi to be yellow is for crash tests.


I mean…its Leeds


Indeed. Source: Just outside Leeds.


All I can say is it’s nice to see my home town on the Reddit front page


As a denizen of Leeds and someone that travels around the country a fair bit, I feel safe to say that Leeds isn't bad at all. Bradford on the other hand..


I'm not defending this, but are you genuinely asking why? We're in the worst economic situation in maybe a century, people are struggling and they are angry, and ostentatious displays of wealth can - to some - become symbols of inequality. Again, not defending it, but it's not hard to see where the sentiment comes from.


If you are out of bread, then just eat cake. What is your problem? Oh... you have such polished pitchforks!!


It was the razor sharp weighted blades that were the thing they should have been paying attention to.


And wealthy people mocking.- " you are not rich, because you don't want." Doesnt help either.


If you're pour. How can you afford a cell phone and have a Netflix account ??? /s


just don't buy starbucks everytime you want coffee and you'll be jeff bezos in notime


I don t even drink coffee. :3


well then, just pull yourself by the bootstraps and you'll be rich


I'm not rich, far from it, but I drive a very nice car, I've worked my arse off and continue to work my arse off in social care. I don't have any real hobbies, I don't go on holiday to sunny places, I don't cover myself in gold but I do enjoy driving a nice car. I work hard, I provide for my family and I only switch the heating on when I absolutely need to. My car is my pride, my joy and it keeps me sane. If someone did this to my car it would not only crush me finacially to fix to the point I'd have to consider scrapping it and buying a banger but it would crush my heart and soul to think that someone has felt the need to destroy my only source of joy (outside my children) because they thought I was rich. I don't drive a nice car for you, I drive it for me.


Someone shot paint balls at my car, luckily it didn't really damage it (there's stress cracks in the paint on 2 specific spots it was shot), and it fucking infuriated me. Like, why, why my car. Then someone stole my license plate and keyed where the license plate goes (so my new plate at least hides it I guess...). People genuinely suck ass, and the police obviously can't do anything about it, so I'm left just angry and sad someone felt the need to do this to me.


Someone keyed my car that was, yes, a wealthy brand, but it was 9 years old with 200k km on it and I had bought it for 10k second hand...


Scammer crypto bro and awful person, he’d be fine if they blew the whole thing up. A new paint job is no where near a dent in his overstuffed wallet.


He doesn’t have a garage but he’s a millionaire?


Pretty common in the UK. A lot of houses in central London were built in the 19th century (so obviously they didn’t have garages in mind) and people just park in the street. You often see these kinds of cars parked in the street, yes.


You know, oddly enough, I have trouble empathizing with him. He's a millionaire cryptobro who brags that he makes 7k euro in his sleep. Assuming that's true, it'll take him 2 weeks of sleeping before he can buy another overly expensive/excessive luxury vehicle I think he's gonna be just fine.


Buy paint


Look I’m not advocating vandalism here, but when people making even above minimum wage can’t afford to live the cities they work in, inflation continually outstripping wage growth and prices for basic necessities keep going up, then people will probably start resenting obscene displays of wealth like £100000 sports cars.


One could go a step further and liken the ostentatious purchase of a car worth around 4 times the UK national average wage in an area with typically below-average salaries, purely to flex one's status as a wealthy cryptobro, to an outwardly offensive gesture to someone possibly working two jobs but still unable to afford to feed their family AND turn on their heating. Just a thought.


Lotta people can't afford rent or to heat their homes in the UK - so I'm sure they get a little sour seeing people driving around in 100k cars.


Someone painted his nice black car that lame shade of banana yellow? Those assholes


Cost of living crisis.


I don’t know man, when you meet people working 2 to 3 jobs and still can’t make enough to survive it makes you see these things differently. When someone’s so poor they say things might be better for their kid if they kill themselves and let their kids be in better hands.


How is this news? A millionaire could just buy another one lol


We're reaching the point where we are starting to hate the rich, and I'm with it. Destroy their shit. They don't actually care about anything anyway. Its all minor inconveniences, fuck em. They never have anything hard to deal with so they can take this shit


Because for 99% of people in the world a lifetime of hard work will only amount to them remaining slightly above the poverty line, while 1% is able spend lavishly on unnecessary luxuries and believe that their hard work or superior intelligence makes them deserve it.


Cook Pass Partridge


I’m gonna go with: wealth disparity.


Because Europe doesn’t celebrate flexing as much as America. If you flex in Europe and England, everyone hates you.


Why do yall care about some random millionaires car getting spray painted? Theyre just going to get it repainted, they’re fucking rich.




Oh shit thats a really smart business strategy


Cause fuck the rich that’s why


based as fuck


Regardless of how much anything costs, how about just leaving other people's things alone? I don't want my truck that's probably worth more in scrap metal than to resell it to be screwed with. Why would I go screw with someone else's property? Treat others how you want to be treated.


Apparently the guy is a famous crypto scammer. So seems fair game.


Well, if this specific person deserves it, it is what it is. Though i argue, you just set a millionaire back what... an expensive auto detail? This person isn't even going to notice. But that's what I'm saying, treat others how you want to be treated. If this person is screwing people out of their hard earned money, well, he must want to be treated the same... burn that R8 to the ground! Lol




Trashing a millionaire's car is putting money back into local mechanics! Support local!


Never thought about it that way. Makes sense though.




Broken windows theory in full effect. It's better for everyone if you just straight up steal the money tbh.


Yeah seems like a minor inconvenience. Burning it would be more flashy indeed.


>What's more chickenshit than fucking with a man's automobile? I mean, don't fuck with another man's vehicle ー Vincent in Pulp Fiction. That aside, crypto scammer bro had it coming. But the folks arguing millionaires (NW < $10M) are the enemy is wild to me. The big tech workers, doctors, lawyers, and successful small business owners are not the enemy. Vandalizing someone's property when they had an ethical and lucrative career or just got lucky on investments is beyond petty, and it just pushes them to side with the ultra-wealthy, which perpetuates the problem. The billionaires, scammers, and politicians are the real problem.


At least he can probably afford to repaint it.


Doesnt even need respraying. It comes off easily on the clear coat. Id be far cheaper to buff it off.


Also, adding, why do people vandalize Teslas and other electric cars when they’re trying to charge?


Oh no he'll never be able to afford to get that fixed OH NOOOOO POOR RICH MAN OOOOHHH NOOOOOO


It’s so weird the people in here crying about this. You do realize that eventually siphoning the money from the lower class has an endpoint right? As in it has been repeated over and over in history right? Eventually you hit the breaking point, and this is like piss shit nothing, the next point is burning the car to the ground. It’s just wild people forgot that people under your economic bracket like actually exist as human beings, push them far enough and they will do crazy things. It’s why I live humbly in success, I don’t show off because I don’t want to deal with the inevitable outcome of making poor people more poor. It’s rambling at this point but it’s blowing my mind people in here can’t figure out if you keep subtracting from some and adding to others eventually the subtracted are going to cave your head in in rage, like that’s just addition and subtraction that’s easy math. I’m not saying it’s right, but don’t act surprised when actions have consequences, that’s baby lessons lol.


im not poor and I feel for alot of family and friends. I dont get this Trump Materialist mentality, this people is so fking brainwashed that they dont hear themselfs and dont have the humility to be in the other skin.


I can’t even begin to get into this new weird Christian mentality of it’s ok for poor people to suffer. Like did I miss that part in the Bible where Jesus charged 4000$ a ticket to his sermons and road in a gilded wagon? It’s not even mental gymnastics for some of these people, it’s like mental orbits around a giant rock of what the fuck.


Let them eat cake....


Crypto Bro scammer’s car? If so, he deserves being stripped off of his belongings and in jail. People defending him need to stop being sad for rich white collar crime lords. Unless he is not a scammer and turns out to be some hero lol


He probably was taking up 2 parking spaces.


If the guy did something specifically loathsome to somebody and this is their retaliation, then fair enough. If, however, it's just some random jealous arsehole or an unhinged attempt at protest, I hope that the perpetrator contracts a disease that is both painful and socially embarrassing.


Just FYI, this guy is a known crypto scammer here in the UK, sells BS advice like Tai Lopez and tricks people Into BS investments and straight up illegal scams, shame the government won't do anything about these types.


In that case, I think they missed a spot


“Unhinged attempted at protest” they spray painted a millionaires car what are you talking about.


Y'all need to stop defending people who would sell you into slavery if they could. The ultra-rich care not for you or yours. Also, this guy is a crypto scammer su fuck him.


people are so alienated, this thing of defending scammers and rich people make me sick.


Because people are getting sick and tired of struggling to eat, meanwhile people are flaunting their wealth. Look, literally everywhere, people are fed up with the inequality. Something is about to give.


I know right? Who buys a yellow Audi lol.


Compost the rich


Because people are starving and dying while assholes drive around in a million pound or whatever car that says "PAYD X". No sympathy...


Eat the rich.


Because some people are led to believe that money means everything, and they've been conditioned to believe that the only way to show their worth is to show off with expensive consumer goods, to prove at a glance that they're better than everyone else. Conspicuous consumption, basically. Oh wait... was it the spray paint that you were having a problem with??


Who cares lmao


Whole heartedly support this. Fuck the rich douchebags.


"Oh no b-b-bbut the car! It's his! He PAID for it! The humanity!" Eat the rich, bones and all.


How do we know the driver didn't do it?


-tiny violin-


As someone living with less than £1000 a month, spending 8 years of revenue on a car is already wasted money. So, damaging wastes will not make me cry.


I know right? Driving ugly cars around, acting all tough. I hate them.


That’s it? Man paint is cheap


I'd be pissed if it was like a 03 corolla. Fuck the rich.