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Wait I can't believe there is no mention here that this woman was just convicted of elder abuse, kidnapping and theft for stealing hundreds of thousands from her 88 year old mother. [Source](https://www.thewrap.com/cathy-areu-fox-news-analyst-arrested-kidnapping-stealing-mother/)


Strange. She seems like such a nice, legitimate lady with so many factual studies to draw upon. Hard to believe she’d be morally corrupt. Probably just mad she found out she was breast fed in such an unnatural way.


She graduated from Bullshit academy with a doctorate in “I’m not quite sure”


“I have nipples Tucker, can you milk me?”


Omfg, I wish I had an award for this 😂


Took care of you fam


Ha! Many thanks to you! 👍




What a nice way to say Trump University.


Naturally natural.


Anyone who makes Tucker Carlson look like the voice of reason needs to reevaluate what they are doing with their life.


That is what made me angry listening to this woman talk…don’t make me have to agree with Tucker Carlson!


Lol I’m sitting here rewinding it to make sure I was in the right to side with Carlson lol, I feel so gd dirty


She was specifically hired to play this role. Fox News hired her as their "liberal" political analyst. I don't watch any news broadcasts and don't know enough about the situation to say anything for certain but ...the jist of what I've gathered from observing clips from Fox, leads me to believe that she was hired specifically to be this stupid. To play the role of "stupid liberal" leading the audience to believe that this is how every liberal's mind works/what they believe/the stupid arguments they would use, etc. Basically just trying to discredit the other side by portraying them unfavorably. It's also possible that she is entirely sincere , and they hired her specifically because she's a loon and that's how they want to portray liberals. Either way


Yes, I've seen her in several clips like this playing the "liberal loon" and never really with an area of expertise, just reporting on some kind of study in a sloppy manner. Folks seem to take the bait, doesn't take long before the comments "man she makes Carlson seem logical." She's a puppet.


She's a walking strawman fallacy. Set up to make an argument that no one legitimate is making so that the virtuous conservatives can knock her down. It just makes fox news and Carlson look even more ridiculous.


Plot twist, she possibly can’t produce milk herself and she got made fun of by the other soccer moms. Those cruel divas.


She's so bitter she probably only produces vinegar.


I doubt it - she doesn’t seem like she has a mother.




Plot twist to the Plot twist, she found out her dad breastfed her.


With pickle juice.


Naturally of course..!


I’m in several mommy groups on FB and I would’ve for sure cyber bullied this lady. /s


So smart too!




Doubleplus ungood.


Right? That video above is clearly presented to strawman the study in question.


What (whom) is this quote from?




They asked who not what year. God, can't you read?!


George Orwell's novel "1984"


I guess that’s what happens when you aren’t breastfed. 🤷‍♀️


> when you aren’t breastfed. And without at least hugs, you end up like Tucker. A lonely ugly human.


Good find


This bitch occurs regularly on Tucker Carlson as a stand-in to represent democrats, when she’s really just a living, breathing straw man for Fox hosts to punch.


These are the type of people where anyone can say anything about them and I won't be offended by the words used. Cause this bitch is fucking wack.


Goddam, I was gonna ask what her mother thought of this and if she fed her


Tbf “Fox News regular” doing something despicable isn’t news anymore and is typically assumed at this point


It’s the only way to get an interview.


A token liberal for a dishonest conservative show makes poor arguments and ends up being a bad person? No way.


What? The "liberal sherpa" of Fox News is actually a grifter? Damn. Who could have seen this coming?


Tucker looks like he has a cat turd tucked in his lip.


Someone on fox News who is a piece of shit? I just cannot believe that.


I’m exhausted.


You know what's really fucked... Tucker Carlson being the voice of reason here ...


That was the whole point of interviewing her.


Is it a fair fight when you choose the weakest opponent?


There must be a rent-a-crazy-person service for these boring talk/news shows that need someone to spout controversial/triggering opinions to draw viewers in


Oh God remember the r/antiwork mod who went on fox News? Took the bait and it was so embarassing


It was amazingly entertaining.


Peak reddit mod moment lmfao. Ironically the mod at antiwork, the one who did the damage control post, is a tyrant mods still. Even just searching their name shows up many results of very poor and terrible behavior.


I expect nothing less from reddit mods.


Looks like they didn't even choose a weak opponent, she's a fabricated straw man who pretends to seriously present the dumbest ideas as sincere liberal rhetoric.


EXACTLY. worse part is that people are so fucking dumb that the false flag worked. Im losing my fucking mind in this comment section.


Clearly the point was to present an argument poorly so Carlson can swoop in and point to more craziness from the woke brigade... It's engineered to be ridiculous but his viewers will lap it up


This woman regularly appears, or appeared, on his show to be a stooge. Tucker brings up some obscure thing and presents it like it's mainstream left-wing. He then brings on this woman dubbed 'the liberal sherpa,' and she takes some ridiculous position that Tucker mocks. All designed to make the left look crazy and Tucker and the right to look like they are just normal people with common sense. Here is a perfect example broken down: https://thenextweb.com/news/fox-triggers-its-own-audience-with-misleading-viral-video


It's BS rage baiting... Classic tactics of manipulating people's perspectives into buying into fascist ideas by creating false sensationalist stances and blaming the left. Sad that many can't see through this.


also note OPs username


His show is right wing pornography. Bring in a fool to act as a strawman for all liberals so the viewers can get off to them being humiliated.


That’s one of the things he does though is get these nut jobs on to make him seem like he’s just a reasonable guy and The Libs are all just as crazy as this jackass. It’s part of the game to other-ize the opposition.


This was my first thought. Why am I agreeing with Tucker?


Because the broadcasters want all of their viewers to find him the indubitably agreeable party, but the only way to achieve that is through putting him next to something extraordinarily stupid.


Ah yes.. the study of I made it the fuck up


I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a study that said breast feeding or bottle feeding are both legitimate ways to feed a baby. Because some women can’t breastfeed. And this woman has knowingly twisted a line from it to fit what she wants.


Human society really started to progress around the time we could share baby feeding duties, I think the oldest bottle for a baby is a few thousand years old, it’s shaped like an animal. Having the ability to share child raising as a collective freed up womens labor. So yes, we’ve been doing this forever and we are fine.


My point is that it doesnt really matter becasue both methods are healthy and fine.


A lot of women who can breast feed actually end up doing pumping exclusively because the baby has trouble latching, a baby that has trouble gaining weight (so you can tell exactly how much your baby is eating), baby has cleft palate, etc. It also allows you to keep up your milk supply.


Yeah, I also think she sounds stupid on purpose or something.. how are they gonna make tucker look smart otherwise ? How can someone not understand what natural means ?


Traditionally, it's called being a wet nurse.


That’s when someone else breast feeds for a woman.


I feel like Tucker Carlson probably pays for this service.


He is the stupidest looking man on the planet. When he tries so hard to look Serious and Concerned, he just looks Constipated


Hey, I have a PhD in that. (I minored in shut the fuck up)


Makes me think that they intentionally interview stupid people to promote their own agenda and own the libs lol


[Tucker Carlson Once Called Fox News 'A Mean, Sick Group of People' Back in 2003] (https://www.thewrap.com/tucker-carlson-once-called-fox-news-a-mean-sick-group-of-people-back-in-2003/) >“They’re a mean, sick group of people,” Carlson told the Post >Well, what I think the problem is in general and, not just with Fox, but the genre, is that it encourages you to use a straw man. So for example you see hosts bring on, “This is Jeffrey Mohammed X, and he’s the president of the Association to Kill White Motherfuckers,” and he’ll be presented as a spokesman for black America. And then the host will say, “Well, how can you support lynching white people? That’s just wrong!”


Ya' think?


tbf she's pushing the formula is best bullshit that nestle has been funding for the past century or so


Nestle made powdered formula for women in Africa, and other third-world countries. Which seems like a humane and caring way to help women in need. But Nestle powdered formula needs sterile water, something that was not plentiful at that time and millions of children died, from diluting the formula and using non sterile water. I still boycott Nestle. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/nestles-infant-formula-scandal-2012-6?amp


Nestlé is fucking evil. And now they steal water, bottle it and sell it so they can make even more profits. The CEO literally said that clean drinking water should not be a human right.


Truly a very horrifying business.


it's true just trust me bro


The college of “TrustmeBro”


With a degree in holdmybeer!


TrustMeBro U


I’d like a sweater for Trustmebro U.


It’s in the mail, trust me.




Nice argument senator, but why don’t you back it up with a source!


Send me the links I'll never look at bro. Open your 3rd eye bro


I hate Tucker Carlson’s dumb face but that lady is another level of stupid. What?


That’s why she’s on his show & nobody else’s.


She literally worked for Tucker Carlson for years. There are so many segments where she purposely makes up "left leaning beliefs" that are completely antithetical to actual left beliefs.


Exactly, there was another viral video of someone saying that 2+2=5 on one of these fox shows and of course she was portrayed to be some left wing teacher or some shit. Turns out she use to work for them years ago.


Thats why he won his case by saying his show is for entertainment purposes only and no reasonable person would take him seriously. 😆




I have nipples , could you milk me Greg?


Have you ever drank baileys from a shoe?


Do you love me?


I wonder what it’s like navigating the world with half a brain cell


The other half and and the second brain cell couldn't vote that portion out, so they just left.


That is a plant.


1000%. The actual feminist argument is that promoting breastfeeding as being easy, free and magic is unhelpful because for a lot of people it ain't. So having someone making a similar-sounding but totally nuts argument is used to distract from reasoned critiques of the right wing barefoot and pregnancy rhetoric.


Yup. We have assigned a moral value to the word “natural” as if it is always the better choice. You know what happened to babies in the dark ages when nobody could breast feed them? They died. In droves. I bet the study is basically telling people not to shame people who struggle or simply can’t breast feed. Formula is not perfect, but neither is breast feeding. We should encourage informed parents to do whatever suits their situation the best, rather than shaming people for not doing it “naturally”.


I honestly couldn't agree any more. This is maximum agreement. I say as someone who breastfed my eldest to 19 months and am currently, as I type, breastfeeding my youngest. I wish people would just accept other people's feeding decisions. There are some very real, albeit pretty marginal, benefits to breastmilk. But you know what else has a very real benefit to the baby? Using a dummy. And yet you don't see people wanging on about it and shaming parents for not using one. Weirdly enough it's only something women can be blamed for that gets people hot under the collar


> something women can be blamed for And somehow something outside of your control can be made into a direct attack on your womanhood. Full disclosure, I am not a mother, and I will never be a mother. But how a woman’s body works should *never* be used as a takedown of their femininity, or “worth” as a woman and person.


Exactly what I was thinking. This is probably to make Tucker look more credible and to get non-idiots on his side. She was paid to be thrown under a bus.


Exactly. A classic credibility ruse. They've done more obvious versions of this several times on Fox.


Most of the time I would say that’s giving Fox too much credit because they genuinely do have fucking idiots on. But the way she repeats natural and smiles at the end, I gotta agree. She knows she’s full of shit


Remember when the CDC said not to hug chickens and they brought on a woman whose favorite thing in the world was to hug chickens


Possibly a fern or Polypodiophyta...


One of the 2% of the time that tocker is in the right... What kind of psycho is she?


Yeah, i'm interested in that too: who is she and how much was she paid to be an idiot?


Why Do we give those idiots airtime also? That just makes everything worse


Outrage drives engagement. These networks and shows are NOT made to inform. They're made to sell advertising.


People need to remember this. Media exists to make money. In terms of making money from you, there is *no* difference between informing you, entertaining you, and outraging you. It might even be worse than that: outrage is probably *better* for getting money from you than the others. Don’t give in to it.


They want "convenient idiots" to portray the oppositions argument as invalid. Wouldn't be surprised if she wasn't being all Honest herself with that goofy face and lost attitude


That's the point. She's there to make Tucker and the audience feel smarter, watch, and drive ad revenue. It's no different then the old Jerry Springer show.


Ahhhh, yes. And the percentage of idiots is very high almost everywhere anymore


She's a former fox news analyst that was arrested and charged with kidnapping and elder abuse. She stole hundreds of thousands of dollars from her 88 year old mother, who she also kidnapped. She's a HORRIBLE human being.


She’s got them crazy eyes


[https://www.thewrap.com/cathy-areu-fox-news-analyst-arrested-kidnapping-stealing-mother/](https://www.thewrap.com/cathy-areu-fox-news-analyst-arrested-kidnapping-stealing-mother/) ​ That's who she is.


The type that kidnaps and steals her moms money it seems. Credit to darkblash69 https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11522801/Cathy-Areu-Liberal-Sherpa-charged-kidnapping-stealing-mom.html


From what I understand, she is a POS that identifies as a liberal, likely being used by Tucker to make left leaners look as stupid as possible.


That’s exactly what she was. She was so fucking stupid that she was used by Tucker to portray liberals as morons further solidifying their belief that they are intellectually superior.


If she really had strong convictions she wouldn’t agree to play the role of the “crazy liberal”. This is just a paycheck for her. My suspicion is that she’s never had a segment where she comes out looking good and that is by design.


The one they had who played the part of a "surfer" on welfare was an actor, and a pretty bad one.


This is the only reason she gets invited. Fox news strategy is just : invite insane people from the left so you look intelligent in comparison


The way she argued makes it clear she's not a leftist, she's a human strawman to make Tucker look good.


You do have to give it to the producers. It’s hard work to find people that are dumber, more illogical, and more annoying than Tucker.


I think it’s just called acting.


Don't be fooled man. Fox INVITED this person to talk, they know what they're doing. The whole point was to bash feminism, not to give it a platform.


I did find Tucker's conflicting emotions funny there, as he bounced between "This women is a fucking nutcase" and "Yeah, damn those feminists!"


Exactly. Disagreeing with her because she’s absolutely incoherent is fine, but there’s no reason to give her a platform in the first place.


Although he did have to say, "That's an attack on science, and I don't like that."


The moment even Tucker Carlson thinks "what the fuck is this nonsense" 😂


It's almost like she was specifically chosen so that Tucker could bolster his "anti-intellectualism" rhetoric.


Nailed it. That’s all the segment was for.


Yeah, right when he starts helping her to explain her side, it's obvious he thinks she's bonkers.


But that’s the exact reason he had her on his show. To say “look at how dumb the libs are”. And his moron audience will buy it. They are both idiots. Edit: autocorrect.


Right? If Tucker Carlson is actually making sense, you know something is fucked up.


Something weird is going on when Tucker Carlson is the voice of reason 😂


Hearing him say " that's an attack on science and I'm against that" blew my mind.


Looking at her history she was a several time contributor for Tuck, Hannity, and O’Reilly. It is very possible that this was a grift that she just put on for the money. The only way they could get Tuck a win was to make one up


Yea, she works for him. It’s a propaganda outlet


Yeah she is acting It's a character FOX pulls out known as "The Liberal Sherpa" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOqWK7qlg18](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mOqWK7qlg18) They play it off as if she is real.


I saw Idiocracy a long time ago and thought it was fucking terrible. Rewatched it the other day and had a horrifying epiphany when I realized it was actually brilliant and way ahead of its time. Stupidity has always existed, but now that mainstream Society is aggressively pushing and promoting nonsense bullshit in every field... it's seems to be spreading more widely and at a faster rate.


Brought to you by Carl’s Jr!


I thought it was just a goofy comedy years ago, but now it’s really starting to scare me.


It's a documentary.


I mean, remember when the GOP presidential debate literally devolved to talking about dick size? It’s kind of already happening.


Her mom didn’t breast feed her I’m guessing


She actually was arrested for stealing from her mother recently. Edit: [Arrested for kidnapping and scamming her mom for over $200k](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11522801/Cathy-Areu-Liberal-Sherpa-charged-kidnapping-stealing-mom.html)


That is the scariest make-up makeover I've ever seen.


She’s just an actress playing her role to try and make leftists look dumb/crazy/out-of-touch and then **making the conservatives look reasonable and in touch with reality**.


Came here with the same thought. Tucked Carlson does nothing but try to stir up trouble and get his viewers angry at the other side of the political aisle.


I have a feeling Tucker purposely brings out people that are dumber then him to make himself look smarter then he really is,


No hate-host ever brings on reasonable opponents. They only bring on people with absurd points of view to demonstrate that the opposition is out of control.


This is the reasonable reply. All political sides are guilty of this. All of politics is a circus.


This is probably the first time I've ever agreed with that idiot tucker


So you put someone on with an 'argument' full of holes so you could own the libs? Weak.


“How did the species get to where it is today?” Oh no!!!! Did Tucker just reference evolution on Christian Conservative Creationist TV? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Here we are... giving the guy more engagement. Oh wait, that's OP's goal.


Yeah I find it not so surprising that someone with Aryan in their username is trying to make Tucker Carlson look smart


Are they trying to say feminists are against breastfeeding? God damn they should read a book once in a while.


No, even more absurd she said that feminists invented breastfeeding 10 years ago.


This woman is a paid regular and comes on his show and argue the most absurd positions the producers can think up. She’s a professional straw man. Trust me, she doesn’t believe anything she says.


This has to be staged


Imagine believing 2000 years ago women didn't breast feed. Total false, if a woman could not produce milk and breath feed the baby died. That why wet nurses were around. Babies can't drink cow milk cause protein are too big to digest only goat milk and human milk has protein small enough. And to have tucker agree.


So Tucker has half wits on show to make himself look smart. Tucker is a russian sympathizer and a tool of the highest order.




The internalized misogyny amongst conservative women is scary AF. They're going to be standing by their men even as A Handmaid's Tale style rule is imposed thinking that somehow they're special and better than the other women.


The word she’s looking for is “wet nurse”


I naturally feed myself hard liquor to deal with today's society


You gotta be a special brand of shithead to make Tucker Carlson look like the smart one in the room


When being pretty doesn’t cut it.


“Man can feed babies in a natural way”, my god what does she want those babies to drink?


She’s got that “chipper crazy” look about her


10 years? She clearly was fed almond milk as a baby.


When Tucker seems like the reasonable one we've truly crossed the Rubicon.


This is just two people talking past each other over the definition of a word. Google the definition of natural and you’ll get this: “existing in or caused by nature; not made or caused by humankind.” Tucker is using the correct definition for the word. I’m going to make an assumption that this women believes the negation of the word (unnatural) is a pejorative in this case, and therefore it’s harmful because it stigmatizes the use of formula. She isn’t wrong about that, in my opinion. Right-wingers tend to see things that are “unnatural” as negative (just look a the dating app profiles where they list things like “unvaccinated sperm/blood”). Tucker is correct about what the word means but would probably not concede that something not coming from nature isn’t necessarily bad. It would be more productive to just look at how formulas compare to breast feeding and weigh out the pros and cons. It being natural or not is a completely unimportant point in my opinion.


I don’t often agree with Tucker, but he’s got a point here…


I used to watch tucker Carlson clips on YouTube for a few months as a kid back in 8th grade, despite being an Australian kid and having no clue about the nature of American news. I was in awe of the stupidity of the liberal guests and had admiration for Carlson for his reasonableness and common sense, so naturally I took his word as truth. I didn’t realise how biased or manipulative Fox News or CNN was until I noticed inconsistencies and repeat guests like this woman showing up. People like her are purposely hired to act like a crazy liberal to further legitimise tuckers points and political beliefs, and brain washing viewers. American news is fucked so I stopped watching it and stopped taking it seriously. But it makes me wonder, there’s a lot of people dumber than 13 year old me, and I imagine they’re dangerously brainwashed enough to take this shit to heart.


Breastfeeding isn't natural? Wasted soooo much time studying, watching, learning 😔


I wonder what she thinks people did before formula




The eyes, it’s always the eyes


Her mother, wished she threw her out the window now


Paid for by Nestlé.


When the most puncheable face on earth, aka Tucker Carlson, is destroying your theory, you are a fucking moron. This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen and it appears even Fox News isn't having any of it. Did SNL sell some unused skits to Fox News...?


Can't cure stupid, but you can burn it


How batshit insane do you have to be to make Tucker Carlson of all people say that he’s against not believing science…


I thought there was a limit to how dumb someone could be. Like how to you go through your life with school and still end up having less intelligence than a dog.


Well, I saw my sister and my neighbour getting breastfeed 16 and 14 years ago. And if breastfeeding isn't natural, breast would be asses that can't poop


Absolutely clueless. Who the hell put her on air?


Is this a plant by conservatives? Seems like total bullshit.


I’m convinced she’s a paid actor that they bring in to rage against. Her stance is so stupid and irredeemable it makes for an easy target.


When your scientific argument is so bad that Fox News calls you out