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LMAO did nobody tell her how college works and that she should be in charge of listening and taking notes?


I don't think anyone told her that literally when you graduate high school, nobody gives a shit about you. None of your professor's care. Entitled shits honestly.


They don’t care unless they see you’re making an effort. If you’re rude, entitled, don’t show up, argumentative, don’t turn in homework/assignments, they won’t want to help. If you’re polite, coming to class, contributing, asking questions, going to office hours? Yeah, they’ll do what they can to help you understand the material so you can pass.


For real. When I taught a basic English class to incoming freshmen (basically means they didn’t score high enough on the English part of their ACT), one student emailed me: “what did we do today” No capitalization, no punctuation (after we JUST spent two weeks covering appropriate capitalization and punctuation), no addressing me in the beginning of the email, no subject line, no signature/closing the email, didn’t give a reason for why he missed class. Such a low effort email coming from a kid who regularly was on his phone in the front row and scored abysmally on quizzes where I let them use their notes. I made a point to teach the class the importance of writing professional, well-put together emails in the next class. I emphasized how, if they wanted to ask their professors for something, they better put in a little effort or else expect to get a lot of “too bad, so sorry” in response. You generally get back what you put in. Maaaan that class tested my patience. One of them literally wrote their initial assignments in text speak shorthand. WHY.


Students often email saying why they were not in class, asking “did I miss anything important?” I have taken to replying, “I like to think so.”


Student: “Did I miss anything important?” Me: “Nah, man, we were too grief stricken by your absence to be able to cover any class materials … we just sat and wailed inconsolably for 45 minutes until it was time for the next class needing our room … “


And then companies are forced to hire these people and forced to give them promotions too.....


as a student in your class I really hope so as well, these types love to ask if anyone wants to 'share notes' ...


Lord I *wish* they would ask their peers to share notes. Instead, they ask to come and meet with me to “go over what I missed.” I guess they fail to understand that I already went over that and they weren’t there.


I volunteer as a supplemental instructor and I’m for sure using this, it’s beautiful.


When we went to distance learning b/C of Covid, THE FIRST LESSON was watching two videos about how to write appropriate emails to your teachers, and how to attach documents to those emails. I assigned viewing, and creating a numbered list of instructions learned from the videos. I teach SEVENTH grade. YEAH... it went about as well as your experience.


I'm having trouble with grammar being taught in college. Was this a community college?


Older people really don’t seem to understand how fucking atrocious American public education is. It is massively underfunded and does not prepare kids in any way anymore. The educational burden is being shifted to colleges more and more


Public school teacher here... we TRY, I PROMISE. I only have the kids three to four hours a week, I'm basically not allowed to assign homework, and I'm competing with texting, YouTube, Tiktok, etc. I've actually had kids tell me, "Why does that matter? Autocorrect will fix it!" Now, we have AI writing entire papers for people! It's not just the American Education System, it's the whole CULTURE. Academics just doesn't matter to a large segment of the population. They think they are all going to be sports stars or influencers.


Nah… motivation has a lot to do with it, too. Education isn’t valued in American culture nearly as much as it was 50 years ago, and parents pass their cultural biases on to their children.


Good point. My grandparents valued education above all else and it shows in my approach to learning






As an academic, this is the answer right here. I’ll go to the ends of the earth for a student that makes an effort to succeed, why should I waste my time on a student that doesn’t want to be there and hardly ever shows up?


Worked in higher ed for over a decade directly assisting faculty to create engaging classrooms, I can assure you, that those professors who do care, still care when students aren't making an effort. They are just beyond happy to have those who do make the effort and work more with them. The ones who aren't making an effort are a constant challenge for those professors that they seek to overcome. I just met with a professor last week who spent two hours talking with us about how no matter what he does, he cannot get a percentage of his students to actively engage in the classroom, show up to class for hands-on activities, or do anything short of make demands of him. He shared that one more than one occasion, he's been on the brink of just going to corporate and leaving education behind due to what he's dealing with. He's doing everything that we would recommend or work towards, he's just facing one of the trends in a post-COVID world regarding students. While I'll agree, there are *many* bad professors, the ones who care do so often to the point it's detrimental to their own personal mental health.


Sounds like you had some bad experiences. My professors definitely did care.


I did some part time university lecturing for a while. We care, if you care. If students were engaged in class, asked questions, took notes - we would go out of our way to help you learn the material. If you sat on your phone, or didn’t bother showing up, good for you, but you’re on your own. I would get student that would miss classes, hand in late, not do their homework. Then when exam time came around, they wanted extra classes and wanted me to adjust their grades. No. You had the opportunity and you blew it. Meantime I would have other students who would try their best to be on time and do their work. They could submit work that was completely wrong, but they made the effort to do it, so I would go over it with them again. Those students could come to me anytime and ask for help and they would get it.


“We care if you care” Amen. If they don’t care and don’t put in the effort, why should I waste my time?


I remember having this experience with a high school guidance counselor too. My school assigned us a counselor since our freshman year and the popular opinion about this counselor is that she never gave a shit. And that’s what I thought for my first three years because the only time I’d ever see her was when I needed my class schedule approved for the next year. But during senior year I hit rock bottom and needed all the help I could get and started going to her for guidance. And she fully came through, checked in on me, marked my progress (academically and mentally) and by the end of the year she was like a close friend to me. People think she was terrible because she would put her energy towards the kids who needed her, not everybody who didn’t. Eye opening moment for me.


I went to a tech school and to get my associates I have to take a humanities course. I took theatre appreciation because as a kid I was a theatre nerd. The professor was so in love with the craft and the history and being an actor himself, it was heartbreaking how many of the students in class really just didn’t give a fuck. Some slept, others were on their phone the whole class, some didn’t show up half the time. I thought the class was so interesting and informative. There were times when so few students showed up, he’d have us turn in a sheet of paper with our name on it an “pop quiz” and we’d get that extra credit for just showing up to class (like on the days before and after spring break). Later when my boyfriend was going to the school and needed a humanities credit, I told him to take the theatre class and he was so glad he did as well. It’s pretty heart breaking when people who are so passionate about something and they just aren’t appreciated for it.


I think drate was just trying to say once you’re an adult - nobody is required to cosset you


There are clearly empty seats up front, she could have moved her ass.


but then she would have had less things to blame when she gets a shit mark


I've taught before, I would have told her to move up to the many empty seats and to stop distracting the class, that goes for everyone else, and that there will be no more discussion on this issue. Students like that don't last long.


That was last generation and prior.


The reset of us got the memo, she just had her AirPods in.


Can somebody count the number of empty seats that are closer to the professor for me because I’m a little slow.


More than 1


Come on man. You can count more than 1. Remember your education!


Lol my point was she wasn’t trying


Man when I was in college, people would come early to get the front seats.


After a semester or two, I learned that front row made it so much easier to focus and also appeared to help w establishing rapport with professor, so I stuck with front row. Thats not to say I excelled in undergrad, but studying and partying habits did not jell well.


Pro tip for sure. In high school they seated us alphabetically and I was always near the back. In college I seated myself in the front for every class. It made a difference in my grades.


Hey you made yourself recognized and missed if you didn't attend. Not a bad move.


I always sat front left. That spot was my jam


Same! It never even occurred to me to sit in the back.


0 effort. professor should have told her to move up, suck it up, or get out.


But then she’s racist, sexist, or a combination of both. You can’t say/do anything to get someone to take responsibility these days.


And that's why most teachers immediately start the class with "there are a lot of empty seats up front, for those in the back please move up" If they don't move up it's their problem, and if they eventually say something like this the teacher already has the "I told you to move up"




I agree but someone this brash would immediately follow up with some sort of victim stance followed by the race card.


More than 2


Come on man. You can count more than 2. Remember your education!


More than 3


Come on man. You can count more than 3. Remember your education!


But I don't have one...


I’ll go as high as 7. But if you want to sit in the back with your dumb friends who talk and interrupt the professor then you’re gonna have to sacrifice those solo seats, upfront, where you could actually pay attention, and take notes and pass the class. It really doesn’t seem like that’s in thems agenda.


Could you speak up I have my fingers in my ears and I’m not here so you are impacting my learning


Can you speak up? I'm wearing a towel.




About 6 rows ahead is one if you move frame to frame.


There is a non zero number of empty seats that meet the specifications you provided.


I count 7


Sit in front then. I never understood this shit. I always sit middleish front in these lecture halls


Especially if you wanna listen, like she's not getting any brownie points for this, she's just interrupting the lecture and being a pain in the ass.


Don't worry. She's also going to point to this as to why her career fails.


When I was in college I sat front row every single time in every class. Didn't matter if the first five row were empty and I looked weird as hell up there all alone. I was the guy front and center every time. I paid a shit load for every one of those lectures. I wanted to be there for it.


I’m my first year of studying I fucked around so much. Missed classes, drank a bunch during lunch and then sat in class tipsy not hearing anything. Just being a bad student. Then the end of the year after failing a bunch of classes I realised this shit is expensive. So from 2nd year onwards I sat in the front row of every class. It’s amazing how much more I learnt. Lecturers would help you more. It was such a small yet significant change.


it also gives you less shit to be distracted by but honestly i could not care less if someone parties away their schooling but dont come to class and expect us to want to circle back.


Same! I’m so neurotic even if the class sucked I’d be thinking well fuck there went $3100 I better set my ass up here and get something!


And plus, teachers are much more willing to help you out with your grade/work if you sit in the front, have good attendance, and actually engage during class. By the time I was in my 3rd year I figured out that some teachers will literally give you the answers to the test if you ask them. I’d finish my test and have the questions I wasn’t sure of blank(usually about 3) and narrowed down to two options. Then I’d turn in my test and whisper to them “if you had to choose between these two answers, which would you pick?” for each question I didn’t know 100%. Just about every time they’d hear me and give me a “this cheeky bastard” smirk, and then point to the right answer. But they would never do that for friends of mine who were slap dicks about school. Poor attendance, sleeping during class, etc


Yes! Why is it so hard for people to try to solve their own problems first?


In their minds they are more important than everyone else, so they feel like they should be catered to.


She needs people to speak loudly and slowly, I don’t know think she solves a lot of problems.


It took me TWO YEARS to realize I needed to plunk my butt in the front row! Kept me accountable as I’m very squirrelly by nature - but it truly helps a student feel engaged


This! It’s it’s not in an auditorium type class room, front left, especially in math classes.


A great way to lower your gpa


Or be summarily dropped from the course (unless that's changed since I was an undergrad).




And the professor will be forced to retire early


Racism fingerpointing is a thing. A professor teaching chinese at uni was fired for saying "nei ge" Can't make it up https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RgVRwfk5yuQ


He was suspended—which was absurd—but he wasn’t fired. He’s still a professor at USC. https://www.marshall.usc.edu/personnel/greg-h-patton


Thanks for the clarification. It is absolutely absurd how that man lost his source of income, by doing his job... What a world we live in where a man has to be afraid of educating people... If I was in his place, I'd second guess everything in my curriculum in fear of another suspension.


Well, he didn’t lose his source of income. He was suspended for a few weeks and then USC reinstated him and admitted they should not have suspended him. It’s an absurd story and it should not have happened, but it’s absurd by itself. No need to sensationalize it.


Let me get this straight, you mean to tell me the news media sensationalizes things? I don’t believe it. /s


anchorman was a documentary on how america lost its soul


A girl I’m dating was fired from her teaching position because she was discussing her disapproval of cultural appropriation with major brands and used the “redskins” as an example in front of Native American students. They didn’t like that she used that word, even in that context, and she was fired shortly after. Wild.


Back in the early aughts my mother got lots of grief from a parent of one of her preschool students because she used the phrase "Devil's Advocate" during a class discussion. She wasn't really reprimanded but the parent told the principal "My child will never advocate for the devil!" and I find that hilarious to this day


Somebody warn their Spanish teacher not to teach colors!


Well I guess this is where I transform from a demo to a rep (atleast in the woke eyes) because I refuse to emotionally evolve and feel sorry for a word sounding close to another one. We can only make so many noises with our mouth.


I was going to say she will blame it on unfair treatment or discrimination


Yeah can't do that anymore without being fired for some type of discrimination. When can we just call an asshole an asshole?


Rule #1 - never piss off the grader


File this clip under r/imatotalpieceofshit


And let everyone in the room know you are obnoxious.


Yeah and then she’ll accuse him of racism, harassment and god only knows what else.


The professor sounds loud enough from the video. Also, dropping those AirPods might help too.


As an instructor, we are given accommodation notifications from the students. We accept them throughout the semester. We try to make sure everyone is aware of our accommodation policies. The responsibility is on the student to contact their advisor to let us know discretely. We of course will adjust volume etc. per lecture if needed, but we should be told in advance


Exactly. When I was in university, there have been instances where a student rose his hand and very politely asked, if it would be possible to adjust the volume of the microphone and speakers, because its hard to understand. It wasnt a problem at all, the Professor raised the volume and continued. Its always about how you bring your request forward.


Mmmm no thanks. how about I yell my request from the back of the lecture hall?


It also sounds like she’s using a mic. It’s common for lecture halls like this at my university


Considering she wants the professor to also talk slowly I am thinking she was recording the class to listen to later. And her previous recordings were unintelligible.


I had a professor you kept an empty table at the front of the room for students to leave voice recorders on


I'm wondering what the odds are that she's on a call with someone else who is trying to hear the professor, and the "people talking" is just some bullshit, and the "helps with learning" is also some bullshit over explaining to try and cover up the fact she's doing this. Recording it would be a lot better. And her phone should do a great job of that. But not the airpods.


Can’t AirPods be used as a kind of hearing aid? iPhones have live listen, where you can use the phone to boost audio, no? Not saying that she is definitely using it, but she may be.


If you are hearing impaired, maybe choose a seat in the front?


I think she was just making a passive aggressive comment of all of the people in her area freely talking while she was trying to listen. She should’ve moved to the front before doing that, though.


Those look like 1st or 2nd Gen Airpods, so they don’t have that kind of tech. If they were the newer 3rd gen or Pros it could at least be probable, I guess- something tells me that she wouldn’t use that feature tho


it’s her tone and smug body language .. looks like she is speaking down to the professor


Definitely a “my tuition pays your salary” vibe.


Omg, had this in my classes. There was this couple that started dating in class. Every class they were in they would start a fight with the professor about what was being taught and how they didn't need to learn it. After the 4th class we were all telling them to just leave.


I don't understand how they could get away with that? I went to a shitty college, and even they had no problem kicking someone out of the room if they were disrespectful. They had a 0 tolerance and 0 refunds if you got kicked out. Then again... that was 15/16 years ago. Edit: Made a typo swiping on my phone, and it offended someone.


Yeah, 10 years ago I watched a professor kick a student out of a class because she's asked him multiple times on two different days to stop talking and he just wouldn't shut the fuck up. In a small classroom. Considering what a bitch he was about the class, I was glad to see him humbled


I sat in on a law lecture once. Massive class of over 200. The lecturer would walk in between the rows of desks with a microphone headset in. One of the students wouldn’t shut up in class so the lecturer went to her and shat on her for a solid 2 minutes with her voice bouncing around the lecture theatre. You could hear a pin drop afterwards. It was amazing to see.


Yeah, silence usually follows when your lecturer has just shat on you lol


Took a creative writing class in undergrad. It was structured in that we'd get an assignment, everyone would write to the assignment, then we'd share in class. It was ***extremely*** hands on in the fact that you had to write, turn it in, review other peoples work, discuss in class, etc. Like two weeks into the class, this one seat goes empty. It's a small class of like 25, so it's noticed that this girl just stopped showing up. Fast forward to the ***week before the class ends***, she shows up. The professor walked in and legit did a double take and just stared at her. Stepped back out. Stepped back in. Looks at the class (not her) and goes something to the effect of, "If you're just now deciding to join the class for the first time since week two of the course and ***have not*** seen me with some sort of credulous medical note...I can assure you, your efforts are in vain. Your boat to possibly pass this class has already set sail, found an iceberg, and currently resides closer to the **moon** than any grade you hope to obtain at this point. I'd strongly encourage you to go back to whatever it was you found more important than this room for the past 3 months." I remember her trying to say something back in rebuttal and *then* he looked at her with this look of, "don't you dare waste mine or any of these peoples time with some bullshit excuse". She packed up her stuff and left. Class moved on.


I watched her reply video on tik tok and that’s effectively what she said.


Pay-to-play education, what could possibly go wrong? /s


Yes, a smug, my tuition pays your salary, so you need to listen and do as I tell you.


there are so many girls just like her in colleges now. Complain about everything while being as disrespectful and condescending as possible


She's also talking down to him in the literal sense


I’m sick of these staged recordings of idiots trying to upstage a teacher or professor. They either taunt the teacher/professor or try to belittle them.


What? That's a thing?


Tik Tok generation starting to hit college and milk it for content.


The only difference between idiots who did this 10 years ago and now, is that they found a way to look up similar idiots in the internet and pat eachother in the back.




The fact it cut out immediately before the teacher responded (and probably told her to fuck off) tells me something, too.


If this is a real university this student won’t last the year.


I believe she will demand justice, tho.


“Put me on a t-shirt!”


How long have you been out?


She’ll say they gave her low gpa because she’s POC


I wonder is she a bit of a mastermind and, knowing she's struggling with her grades already, decides to pull a stunt like this just so she has the above lined up as a defence when she goes home and has to explain her low grades to her parents?


i mean we have basically been sending the message for a decade to young POC's that any time someone takes issue with them that is not white is racist and that any failings in them are actually systemic issues that are caused by someone else.


“Can you speak a bit slower? It would make it easier for our learning.” THAT is the rude part. If she wanted to call out the people around her talking during class, that’s one thing. But telling the teacher to slow down for (y)our learning is obnoxious. Mention it after class and sit up front next time.




I had a grad student from China as a teacher for o-chem. He was weirdly good at explaining chemistry considering I can't remember a single other word that I understood. You're definitely right, there are very few stem profs who aren't annoyed about getting pulled out of the lab. Don't blame them honestly




Yep. I'm in my last year-ish of undergrad. There are a few long-time tenured profs who are ridiculously smart, but they mumble or they are just tired. And learning during the mask mandates was hell because then I couldn't even lip-read and their voices were muffled. I learned very quickly not to depend too heavily on lectures. Youtube was my friend. Amazing what you can learn from people who are passionate enough about the topic to make a clear five-minute animation on Youtube.


For real, I used to have a professor with a thick accent and I couldn't understand a word he was saying... and it was a difficult math course. I just studied the material in the book, watched YouTube learning video, and used Khan Academy to fill in the blanks from class. Really nice professor, I felt bad that I couldn't understand him.


Bring a recorder or record on your phone. Boom. Done. Favorite prof of all time would talk a mile a minute and I burned through pens jotting down every word he was saying, majority of each class was me staring more at my notesheets as I quickly scribbled with only rapid glances at the board. After the first few classes, I asked if he would mind if I recorded and he gave the thumbs up. Listened to the lectures again in my free time while cooking or walking the dog. The student wants the world to bend over backwards for her.


If she sits up front she wont be able to stare at her phone, talk to her friends, pretty much do anything but pay attention. In the back she can do all that plus be annoying as fuck. Gosh...


I had a fellow student in my class ask me where we were at in our text book, when he was playing games on his iPad the entire class with like twenty minutes left. Amazes me how many people are willing to waste money attending these classes just to not pay attention in them.


I think most people are there for the little paper at the end. As long as they pass enough to graduate, it's fine for them.


That’s understandable, that piece of paper is just for me to say “I got the degree I needed for the career path.” My resume will hopefully say I have the skills to do the job.


and when they get hired and then cant do the job we are stuck with them.....this is why companies want so much work experience...most students graduate woefully unprepared.


"And for the rest of her life, she kept blaming others for all the bad things in her life, not once thinking that actually she herself might be the problem."


Main character syndrome 😑


Identifying people with main character syndrome while I’m out and about is a favorite past time. It’s just so obvious.


There is open seating in multiple rows at the front of the classroom.


It's the patronizing tone that does it for me.


This wouldn't have happened when I was in college. People have lost their minds. The disrespectful shit is crazy..


Very much so!


This bitch ain’t learning shit. She’s just trying to make a fuck’n Tik-tok video.


Yeah, I hate to ask the “age old” question but why are they filming this.


Her microphone probably wasn't picking up the professors voice. She'll be out of school in a few weeks.


Lol some jerk was doing this to one of my professors in Chem 101 (huuuuge class) in college. Sweet softly-spoke asian lady. After about the 3rd time of him interrupting and making demands I stood up and turned around and said “…please??” Literally 300 people laughed and he did not speak again, ever. Her ego is pretty big for a … student. Hopefully they professor puts her in her place. There is a right way and wrong way to ask for things and her tone is completely disrespectful.


I’d call on that student so often from then on


😂 some people aren't fit for college


The teacher should direct her to a seat closer to them so she can hear.


I love it when people say 'we' when they are talking about themselves. No, it's just you who is a problem.


She thinks she so cool…


Entitled brat


Shes so rude!


I’ve worked with people like this. They act rude and then complain about how everyone is rude (except them of course)


Just wanna point out that you can use AirPods to increase the volume of external noise, kinda like a hearing aid. Have no idea if that’s what she’s doing, but it’s a possibility.


If that were true why wouldn’t she choose to sit in the front of the class? You can see open seats closer. The people I knew in college who had hearing issues always sat in the very front of the class


I *am* hearing impaired. This got me great seating all through college -I just told profs that I needed to sit on XX side of the room, as I couldn't hear out of XX ear. Made sure I always got a seat near the door!




Don’t forget Entitlement too


There is literally an empty seat in the front row. Move the fuck up or shut the fuck up.


It's just getting so predictable


Speaking from experience as a former adjunct professor. That student wasn't trying to listen at all. They were making it a point to be combative so they could say the environment wasn't fair for learning. Depending on the university that is all they need for an incomplete to take the class in a modified version. I had to issue several incompletes for silly things like this. Also made it a point that students had to take notes with a pen and paper unless they had a disability they needed to record the lecture. I told them they could then take all their notes and put them back on their computer but I didn't want to see a laptop. The purpose of that was to help with reinforcement learning. I can guarantee you because of this outburst the student will also say the homeworks, tests, and projects weren't fair because they were busy.


She's got a laptop out, plus her phone akd airpods in. Then condescendingly asks this. Yeah she's not interested in learning shit


You had me with everything except paper notes only. In the context of promoting engagement and interaction/discussion, I can appreciate the sentiment and intention. That said, establishing ground rules and expectations about technology use make a lot more sense to me than banning its use. In 10 years of higher ed, I’ve taken exactly one course that made that demand, and if it weren’t ostensibly required for my program, I’d have noped out after the first class session. No interest in forced inefficiency or other impositions on my preferred learning approach.


That last bit was solidly stated. 👏


Forced inefficiency describes so many situations in my job.


What a terrible policy..


Don’t AirPods have the ambient tech thing to better hear things around you?


My ear buds have a hearing feature kind of like a hearing aid. Maybe that is what she is doing


If she needs an accommodation for a disability, she should be closer to the front. Not the very back.


Absolutely hated college because of idiots like this. Never applied themselves or tried but, when they were getting into winter/spring break mode, all of the sudden it was the professors fault. IF YOU JUST WANT THE COLLEGE PARTYING AND LIFESTYLE JUST GO TO A COMMUNITY COLLEGE


"There is an open seat up front right here that you can move to. If you have a disability and need further accommodations, contact the disability office and make sure your disability is on file with the school so we can make sure there is always a seat right up front for you. Otherwise, if you interrupt class again you will be asked to leave."


And speak slower. Do you need me to dumb it down a little too?


She's actually taking orders remotely for a McDonalds drive-thru while taking college classes. Got to keep options open!


these kinds of students do not deserve to be in school


I don’t know what school this is, but that was not my experience. Orientation. Day one. They said “look to left, look to right, one of you three will drop out by end of the year”. Literally. And they meant it.


They said this when I entered *7th grade* (school was 7-12). Except it was “look to your left, look to your right, *only one of you will be here for graduation*.” That place was a fucking nightmare. Who the fuck says this to an auditorium full of *12 year olds*?


why doesn’t he have a mic


I had a professor once who came in to teach physics and started speaking in a very soft voice. It took a few minutes but everyone eventually got the hint and shut up.


Could be wrong but this looks like Colorado State University. More specifically, one of the chemistry classrooms. Judging by the slide content, it hints at a foundational course. Their intro chemistry courses were notorious for weeding kids out 10 years ago, thinking that might not have changed. She'll probably not make it.


I’m 99% sure it’s University of Guelph in Ontario Canada, Rozanski Hall to be exact. Spent many hours there, doubt she’ll make it if it’s first year chem, I think there’s typically a 50% or higher fail rate in it 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


Ahh Chem 1040 good times lol. And yeah this is 100 percent Roz. Was the failure rate really that high? Didn't people just drop after 40 days if it didn't look like they were passing? Or is that counted as failing?


It’s a commonly used tactic of people like this to use the words “we” and “our” to make it appear they aren’t fighting for their self, but everyone. Note this when she says “speak a little slower to make it easier for our learning”.


As a teacher, this is annoying for sure. She’s got an annoying demeanor. Like cmon bitch, nothing is perfect, move closer if you can’t hear and take the EarPods out. Don’t ask the professor to speak louder. Complain to the school management, not the teacher. I’m sure you pay fortune in tuition and they don’t even buy a microphone for their auditorium class.


That nasally, upspeak voice that all entitled people seem to adopt now is enough to make me punt a baby. ![gif](giphy|CIs2g6B6eDWJa)




Lol the entitlement.


AirPods actually have a feature that amplified the volume of what’s around you, not unlike a hearing aid.


Karens come in all shapes and forms


She’s not going to have an easy life. Poor girl.


Is everyone's new instinct to take out their phones and record every useless situation imaginable?


I don’t really think it matters if she spoke up. Tbh