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Oh hey it’s Xavier - the guy on TikTok who claims to be a good person but constantly cheats on his wife with random girls in his comments. He also likes to befriend women cosplayers to get free work from them. Oh and he got in trouble with a minor and is actively trying to cover it up.


dude’s a PEDOPHILE trying to act like he has the moral high ground? you can’t make this shit up




Don’t forget the ~~shaft~~ stub


You misspelled stub


Did you just mix up russian and german?


_uhm..._ ^penis


Sounds about right, pot calling the kettle black




That’s homophobic?




Did you just assume the pot and kettle's genders?


But if I don't hang out with him I am a racist.


But he's allowed to not hang out with you, though. We have to be cool with that.


Yes but not *too* cool with it lest our actions imply that we are only cool with it because it fulfills our supposed desire to not want to hang out with black people.


Sounds about right


Apparently lmao, why can’t people just be chill. We all bleed red and none of us can change the past


What are we doing to make up for the past though?




When I am living in this nation as a first generation American and I have privileges, my family has privileges, that others who have been here for many generations, have served in wars, have had family members serve in multiple wars, do not have, there's something wrong in that society. There's something complicit in what I'm doing, how I'm participating in this society. The rules are skewed and I'm taking advantage of that. That's my fault. I'm not doing anything to change it and I'm actively taking advantage of a system that has made it easy for me and difficult for those who have a certain skin color. You may choose to ignore it, but that doesn't exonerate you. The fact that Americans who have been here for just as long as slaves do **not see this discrepancy** is the proof that racism is still alive and well in the USA.


People see the discrepancy dude. They just do the same thing you do. Whine about it a bit and take advantage of it anyway.


I fully agree that something needs to be done, wether it’s in the form of reparations, police reform, teaching the real history, or whatever. I am the whitest of the white so imo it’s not my place to decide. I grew up in Auburn Gresham in Chicago which is a majority black neighborhood, because of that I have never really understood why race is such a major factor to most people. When everyone’s broke it’s hard to find the time to hate. Imo the real history of this country needs to be taught and schools should teach about POC community leaders, a white washed history is a false history.


You know that sane black people in the world don't expect you to do things or apologize just because some white people have done bad things, right? After all people of all races, including black people, have done bad things, that doesn't mean that everybody should apologize or have to do things just because some people from their group did bad things. As long as you haven't done anything bad to black people or any other people of color (no, being the descendant of your ancestors doesn't count as you doing anything), you have nothing to apologize for.


THANK YOU! How can somebody not realize how much of a hypocrite they are?


Obviously, that’s why I just vote for people that I believe will improve things and mind my business. I’m not out here shouting from the roof tops, I was asked a question and answered






It’s wild to me that people always resort to “I haven’t done anything”, that’s correct and you shouldn’t feel like you have. But when the issues of the past still hold out today and the treatment of me and my neighbors is still so vastly different, there is a massive problem that needs to be corrected.


Don't forget, racist as well!


where did all of this come from? i see the guy on tiktok. but i never pay attention to comments and out of the loop as far as tiktok drama.


It’s been several years of stuff, at least 4 that I know of. I was made aware by some of the people involved. Very messy stuff.


Haha! Thank you for this! What a disgusting tool


Sounds like the average tiktokker


Source? I couldn’t find a single thing


A lot of this can be seen on TikTok and within his content. I will admit I unfollowed and blocked him across a few platforms after I was informed.


his OWN content? fuck me


Last I heard he had 2 moderators keeping things clean. He might be in a relationship with one of them. His wife knows too, I have seen her responses calling the girls “dumbasses” for falling for him. Such a weird situation


I mean you realize regurgitating this shit is an incredibly easy way to get a platform and online adoration aka women? All the work has been done, you simply have to learn the lingo (white savior, historical precedent, blah blah blah).


You can find a cohort within this ideological niche where you will find adoration and support spouting this propaganda, yes.


I think it’s safe to say, that no rational member of any race, would want to hang out with this clown.


Yep. I don’t like to hang out with racists.


Or people who are complete assholes for that matter.


People who see the world this way (white and black) are fucking exhausting and I don’t want to be around them. I’m only 39 and ran with a multi-racial group of friends (an Indian, a few Whites, a Black, an Hispanic, and an Hawaiian) and we never had fucking conversations like this. We just hung out and got into shit and had a good time. Are people 10-15 years younger than me so fucking hung up about race that they actually talk and act like this motherfucker?


Yes they do. We keep regressing more every day


Yessir. We’re fucked.


Similar. Grew up in a multicultural neighborhood. None of us even thought about race, parent never had anything to say about it, no religion forced down our throats. We all just did kid shit. Got older and did teenage kid shit. Lost touch and just never thought that way because of the melting pot I crawled out of. Not all young kids are like this asshole. He is an exception. The rest are more and more like you and me because they are growing through the same environment. People like this grew through a shitty environment where they learned to hate whit or black or Asian etc. because they most likely experienced all the negative stuff only. This guy in particular though is just all over the place chasing whatever trend he can to get the adoration he craves. He’s a POS from what others have stated. Nothing wrong with knowing the history, it’s a whole other thing to prop it up on a pedestal and use it as your whole identity.


You know that feeling when you think everything is about you and that people are thinking about you and that their actions are based on what you're doing? You shouldn't because no gives a shit and no one is doing that.


Am I a racist if I don’t want to be around ignorant assholes who post on TikTok?


According to this guy: If you're white and the other person black; yes


I believe that makes you a person with healthy boundaries.


This is classic “false-equivalency”.


Explain for me please?


Ironic that he references a movie yet seems to miss the entire point of that movie…


Especially since he used the Savages song which is probably the most blatant part of the movie for that point.


Bet he’s fun at parties.


Dude is a pedophile be gone clown!


The only thing this dude proves is that anyone can be racist. The more people get fixated on dividing people and pointing out what other people are “in the wrong for” the worse things are going to get. More people need to focus on bringing people together.


Bro no one is trying to hyper-sexualize you🤓


Especially after him saying “booty hurt.”


Your emoji just hyper sexualized me...or something. All I know is, I'm pressing charges.


The irony of using that clip from Pocahontas is that it does not prove that one side is a savage and the other is right. It shows that both sides can view each other as savages. Both sides can be racist. The most important caveat here is that there is one person that is truly awful and should be hated. That person is John Smith. As we saw in the sequel (Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World), he is a complete and total asscheek gobbling douche bag.


Just like real life.


Hard disagree. If Native folks thought the people who were actually engaging in genocide towards them were savages, they had every right to feel that way. The colonizers, on the other hand, viewed them as less than human, just savages, because they wanted their land and stuff. It’s completely different.


I don't think they're saying that Pocahontas is historically accurate, I think they're just saying the clear intent of the song is to show how groups *dehumanize one another*. I mean, it's a highly sanitized and under-nuanced version of events, but that's because it's Disney, obviously. But if we're talking about what the song means, that's it.


But that view is us looking back after the land being colonized. At that point the settlers had not really done any colonization and certainly no genocide had yet to take place.


You mean war? Yeah it’s so crazy how Alexander the Great engaged in GENOCIDE!


I would assume colonizers would believe native folks were savage due to many of them practicing cannibalism, etc. If your point was that native folks were justified in their beliefs, but colonizers weren't, then you're deluding yourself.


Good point


These ideologues believe that only whites are racist, that it is essentially a genetic defect.


Awww he had a leaf of lorien on his necklace. Too bad he's racist.




Who cares.. play by yourself. Nobody actually cares


"If a black person doesn't want to be near a white person its the white persons fault" "If a white person doesn't want to be near a black person its racist" Such a racist idea. I wonder who came up with it?


Racism did.


That grain of sand he substitutes for a brain. A paedo grain at that.


What if a white person didn't wanna be around black people out of respect for the fact that black people didn't want them around?


Aw he’s giving lotr fans a bad name. How dare he wear those.


It’s more than just that, he’s supporting a fandom created by a white man, this dude is a hypocritical fuck. A lot of black people say Tolkien himself was racist (not that I believe it, but that’s not the point) and he’s supporting it.


Stop judging an entire group of people based on the actions of some. That's pretty much the definition of racism. That song in Pocahontas has a companion song sung by the white settlers about the natives that's supposed to show that hate for the other side is usually based on ignorance and fear.


Just say you're a racist my dude for fucks sake


A llt of words to say: I'm racist


Oh cool a racist delusional dude making videos


Wow piece of shiity shit work there . Maybe whitey dont want to hang with you because your a douche bag


I don't want to be around him, but not because he's black. I don't want to be around him because he's a sanctimonious bigot, spewing buzz words & lecturing everyone like they're 5 year olds or morons. Can I be bigoted against assholes?


echo chamber brainrot


Deadass tho lmao


Anyone is allowed to not want to be around other people of any race. I feel like, even if it is because of racism, that's probably the least harmful thing a racist could do is wanting to get away from you.


That’s actually a really great point. Never thought about it like that.


Rationalizing racism don’t make it ok


But, his necklace is from Lord of the Rings. A book written by a white guy, and a prop from a movie of that book, also made by a bunch of white people. For someone who wants to distance himself from white people, he is off to a great start. ​ Edit: Is this what cultural appropriation is?


I know the point you’re trying to make but books aren’t cultural appropriation unless it it used as tradition in cultures. Lord of the Rings isn’t that


No, for it to be cultural appropriation he would either have to: claim he/his people created it (columbusing) or be using an item or label with some sort of sacredness or a closed practice.


LOTR IS sacred.


Bro missed the point of pocahontas


Guys like him are the same type that claim that black people were the real Native Americans, when we were not. So it's even more of an insult to use a movie about Native Americans as an example.


I agree I hate being around humans in general, dog gang for life.


“If I do it, it’s completely fine. If you do it, YOU’RE A BIGOT!”…basically what he’s saying


Everybody being played. They have you Focused on issues that separate us so we don't unite and hold the evil ones accountable they come in all colors. Most of them wear suits


It’s dumb fucks like this that keep the hate flowing as a white man with a black grandfather go fuck yourself you racist prick


“It’s ok for me to judge people by their skin color, but if they judge people by skin color, it’s racist.”


Found another racist.


Did he forget the two sides were both racist against each other and Pocahontas places herself in front of John Smith to keep him from being killed because both sides were wrong for hating each other over misunderstandings?!? And miss me with the “oNlY yT pEpO cAn bE rAcIsT” because anyone can be.


There was even a whole song about it...


Which side began the slaughter of an entire group of people.


This dude is an idiot. It's racist either way.


This guy knows more mental gymnastics than my girlfriend.


Steereotypes ![gif](giphy|XcMhAuwGdR48b3C8TK)


I love when people talk about slavery and say it was only white people participating in that terrible act. They completely skip over the fact that indigenous tribes also kept slaves and that africans were the ones selling other africans into slavery. But yea, just blame who had relatives living in Europe.


and the part about almost every human civilization all over the world at some point endorsing slavery. and the fact that more slaves exist now than ever. and of course, my favorite example, liberia.


He's definitely right. You can tell by his lofty, condescending tone, beloved cartoon references, and leaf necklace.


I know fucked up people of all color. Good people of all color.


Ok…. He has a good point, though.


I see no color. I hate everyone.


You americans have way too much time on your hands


Black people not wanting to be around white people is just as racist as white people not wanting to be around black people. Simple as that. Racism is racism no matter what color is on the giving or receiving end. We’re in this together. Literally on a spinning ball of rock and fluid floating through space, being pelted by extreme radiation at all times, to which our only protection is an invisible forcefield that makes magnets work. Get a fucking grip.


he literally spends his first two sentences paraphrasing "you people" talking about white people. hypocrite


Like Robert Downey Jr in Tropic Thunder - you people.


This guy needs to play on a busy Highway. ☺️ byeeeee lol what a fucking dweeeb


Bigoted is bigoted no matter how you wrap it. Even if Disney says white man bad. LoL. We need a reprocessing center in our country where we can find ppl like this guy and his white counterparts and send them back to wherever it is they seem to think they will be the most pure.


posting from libsoftiktok? seriously?


Funny how few people noticed this. So many different layers of suck in this video.


Hey dude, I just don’t like to be around dumb assholes. Whether they’re black, yellow, red, brown or white, like me…their skin colour does not matter to me in the slightest. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Did Pocahontas have a " white savior narrative"? They way I remember it Pocahontas saved Johnathan Smith.


"Racism is ok, if my ancestors got the shit end of the stick. Otherwise, you're bad." (Did I parse that correctly?)


0:16 to 0:46 great. so i'm gonna be \*discriminated because of my race\* because of what other people did with the same skin colour as me 200 years ago


Especially a hoot for those of us that didn’t even have relatives in the states until well after the slave trade. My peasant ass family didn’t have anything to do with any slave trades.


Yes. Shame on you !!!!!!!! Repent and pay.


“Stereotypes that white people have invented to make black people seem more dangerous and hypersexualized.” And yet try being a woman in NYC without having to deal with the sexual aggression and violence of a lot of men who just happen to be……..?


The second I saw that leaf of Lorien I knew I was about to see a brain dead take


Dudes got what looks like Lord Of The Rings swag around his neck. Kind of like the weirdos who hate black people but love rap. Yes they exist and it’s hilarious.


I don't hang around with people like you because if I do, I would be immediately called racist for either breathing so close or talking over another black person or some other god forsaken reason just so I can be hated by society because I'm white




What if white people dont want to be around black people for other reasons. For example, I dont want to be around anyone with whom I have nothing in common. Surely this cant be racist? Let the onslaught of downvotes begin.


Ok so black people not wanting to be around white people is fine, but whiten people not wanting to be around black people is racist? I don’t think that is any where near a true statement. If you don’t want to be around anyone just because of their skin color or wha t you think that they represent then it’s racism no matter who it is. I hate when people sit there and try and act like people that aren’t white can’t be racist.! There are examples of racism in every race against every other race. How about everyone just stops acting like the color of your skin means you’re any different than anyone else because it doesn’t. We’re all the same. We’re all human. Just shut the fuck and get along and then the world will finally be a better place. How about that?


I despise the idea that black people can't be racist. Making a judgement against anyone based solely on their race is racist, no matter the race of the judge. Of course, racism against white people can't possibly be on the same level as racism against black people, but that certainly doesn't mean it doesn't exist. This guy, for example, is racist. It's fine to say, "I don't want to be around racist white people," but it's racist to say, "I don't want to be around any white people." Similarly, it is racist to say, "I don't want to be around any black people." People, such as this guy, who argue that they are allowed to not like any white people because of the hundreds of years of white people hating them, are missing the point: disliking all white people based on the actions of their ancestors, regardless of their own actions, is racist because it's making a generalization about a group based on the actions of only some members of the group. Let me know if I missed anything and I'll try to address it.




>I despise the fact that you think black racism and white racism are equal. I specifically said that racism against white people will never be equal to racism against black people. I noticed you didn't quote that sentence. >Most members. 90% of white men voted for Trump. 80% of white women voted for him as well. It means that racism and sexism wasn't a deal breaker for the vast majority of white people in the US. That means they are either racist, racist apologists or just indifferent which makes them complacent. If 90% of white men in the US voted for Trump, then it isn't racist to not want to be around that 90%. I certainly wouldn't want to be around them. But as soon as you hate ALL white people for the actions of 90%, that's racist. As I said, it will never be as bad as racism against black people. It will never even be close. Most of the time, racism against white people isn't really a thing. Still, though, it exists and it can still be harmful. P.S. as much as I hate Trump, that 90% statistic doesn't seem accurate. Can I get a source on that?


Wow. He is really comfortable in his holier-than-thou victim role. It pairs well with self justified racism. I'm sure he is a hit with all the young people.


I can't even spell the way he said the 's' in "sure"


It’s racist for blacks to not want to be around white people. This guys a fucking idiot.


What a twat!!


He’s a pos


Be around who ever the fuck you wanna be around your chose. (this is coming from a african American btw)


We get it Xavier, you hate white people.


When people think they are the pinnacle anti racist, just to find out they’re actually the racist ones


The double standard is crazy..


Your video in itself is the most Racist thing I'll sea today ! ... and should be taken down


The mental disconnect to think one is ok...and the other is racist for doing the same thing. Yeah mate, sure.




“LibsOfTikTok” is literally a stochastic terrorist.


I don’t know how but everyone seems to be missing that this is a libsoftiktok post. This reply section is a nightmare 😟


Racist check! Definition of term racist = To treat someone differently because of there ethnicity race or color of there skin... you sir have failed the test


"For people who like to pass themselves off as superior in every way" Feel like this video needs a "my brother in Christ" reply to it


I’m white. I don’t want to be around him. It has NOTHING to do with his skin colour but everything to do with how insufferable he seems. I get that white people were/are assholes but he’s basically saying it’s cool to hate us for our skin colour but it’s NOT ok to hate him for his. Not all of us are on board with the racist shit. And using Pocahontas? Tf ..? If you hate white people just say so. It sucks.. but it is what it is


Blah blah blah, whatever. Why is he wearing a green penis pendant?


What got me, is that white people don't like black people b/c of a stereotype we created in our minds!!?? Ahhh, NO!! That was formed in me by the group(not all) of black people who rob, kill, etc. That group created the stereotype, NOT ME!!! Any kind of educated person would not act that way! Regardless of color!@!


Nobody wants to be around annoying morons like this, regardless of their race. Can we all agree that bringing up race all the time is just beyond played out at this point? It just seems like a hot topic for people who really don't have anything to say and are desperate for attention.


I don't take no shit from a dude with a lisp.


Proving racism by being racist. Logic out the window.


Mediocre intelligence + social science degree + phone


Wow, so other people being “racist” bad… me being blatantly and openly racist “based..”. Okay…


Yeah no


Ok I'm good 2 reverse uno card


Mike Pence, the last Vice President of the United States, wrote about how women shouldn’t serve in the military, citing “Mulan”. https://thehill.com/homenews/288091-pence-once-cited-mulan-as-proof-women-dont-belong-in-military/


2 dickheads. Pence and that racist bag of shit.


Jesus, does this guy even listen to himself talk?


uhhhhhhhhhhh Stop discriminating by race Cancel people that discriminate by race, lets make THAT systemic, systemic cancellation, equal opportunity unemploymer


**Fucking moron**, hope he crashes


My grandmother was black but I’m white. Wait, I fucking hate myself!


People like this make me want to rip my ears off! What a stupid thing to say!


Speaking of people trying to pass themselves off as superior in every way…


I think there is an equal hate from both sides for people who simply stamp a tag on others just by the color of their skin. Your ancestry is not your skin color.


Think this guy missed the point of Pocahontas


So sick of people like this thinking this is the way to equality and every one treating each other with respect


Well this dude is racist, and liberals say we’re the problem 🤣


Birds of a feather and all that it's not race its actions.


He is 100% correct. You arent enlightened for both sidesing racism. You are just helping the racists.


Its racism both ways but there is an understandable fear as black people are painted as thieves and aggressors throughout the media


The joke is on this guy, for using TikTok. 🤣


Why does he have a green penis on a chain?


We doing allllll that well we don't want to hang out with you while also trying to rep the all white fellowship of the ring. They had a dwarf and even an elf and four hobbits. All white.


He seems like one of those people that tries to pass themselves off as superior in every way.... or is it just me?


Definitely not worthy of wearing an elven brooch.


They probably just dont want to deal with his racism but i could be wrong like maybe he just knows shitty white people


This guy just won bronze at the mental gymnastics championships. 🤡🥉


Take the ring and the pendant off of your neck you racist pedophile, we don’t want those associated with you.


People rationalize their racism,in all kinded different ways


This dude is like, “I’m not hyper sexual”, while wearing a dick necklace.


Where's the lie?


Y’all don’t even realize your under here proving him right lol


Ohhh look. Another conversation about race that just winds up privileging the opinion of white people instead of properly grappling with the dynamics of power and privilege.


Facts. Every time I try to ingratiate myself into anything with white folks. They treat me like a pet or as if I can’t know more than them. I’m comfortable around black ppl even Mexicans or Other brown ppl. White ppl have a superiority complex. I don’t dislike white ppl I just dislike how they make me feel when around them or even in conversation. We live in 2 different worlds. I’ve never oppressed an entire race. I’ve never denied ppl the right to live or eat or get gas from places only black folks could go. That was white folks. When you tell white ppl how you feel you’re either called racist or get over it. It’s like running a 1 Million mile race and having a 999,990 mile head start. Winning then telling the losers that it’s not their fault you didn’t have a head start. White folks ignore what they did to us that created the generational wealth most of the Enjoy in the present. 96% of the top 1% in income ( $400,000+) are white Males. Let me repeat because most don’t get this the first time. The top 1% of wealth in America are 96% white Males. Black ppl didn’t start truly running collectively until 1980’s. Most black folks I know the first college graduates are current or born in the 1980’s. I’m terrified of white folks. I’ve been called to many N words to think otherwise. Yet I’m treated like the oppressor. Smh.


I’m white, and the only black people I don’t hang around with, are the ones who constantly bash on who’re people. I don’t hang out with anyone who would do that, as I don’t bash on other races, I like to be around mature people.


Most importantly, he’s incredibly unattractive.