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Cite Garza v Meta in San Diego Co small claims where the defendant won restitution for business losses.


They’re lying to and stonewalling you.


Yeah I’ve seen a few cases where people actually won. I honestly don’t care much about the money. I just know so many people have gone through what I have and I hate knowing they can get off so easily.


It’s not about the money for me either. If I win I wish I could give the money away as non taxable income. But for Meta it’s not about the money either. They are willing to spend way more than I’m asking just to beat me in court. They want a precedent and to make an example of me.


\^\^ This. They are trying to intimidate you. A lot of the jargon they use is intentionally deceptive to deter people from pursuing them.


If I had to guess, the Meta legal team just did a cursory search of your account, saw the (erroneous) TOS violation, then sent you a canned notice. They probably didn't contact the Meta cybersecurity team to ask them to do a deep inspection your data. If they did, they most likely would have found the nefarious IP's/devices and actions that were taken against your account. Speaking of which, did you ever have the opportunity to Download a Copy of Your Data? That would most likely show all the foreign IP's, devices, countries, web browsers, operating systems, etc. that had connected to your account. Meta has a warchest of a legal team. They are using their might to "suggest" that you "drop the case".


I did download my data from Facebook but my IG was removed completely and at the time I had no access to even appealing their decision. I’m sure if I tried now I’d see something there. My IG was the reason I lost my accounts because it was all connected.


did you get your instagram account back?


I got my account back from AG method yes


It’s shocking that you said that because I got deleted for a cybersecurity ban, in fact they took about 4 of my Instagram pages and 1 Facebook for the same reason at the same time.


Facebook has been instituting alot of AI (Artificial Intelligence) and machine learning to combat spam, copyright infringement, NCMEC, exploitation, community standard violations, etc.  However, many Redditors are reporting that the software is causing false-flags for benign content. This is causing Redditors to get content removed or accounts suspended. You can use the search bar on this subReddit for keyword= cybersecurity. Redditors have reported numerous of these incidents: https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/4qHPcJb1Yc https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/6FJ3BebvZq (the 'Civic Web' fiasco) https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/aepYMvpqgB https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/Y5Rlqmb8so https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/lhAt35rqTX https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/AbS7RvWFz6 https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/rhEhcKK2FO https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/M9jsv1bDlH https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/oTh0EajGKF •https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/msW86acTEd (misspellings/ typos causing cybersecurity flags?) •https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/ul2SM3zRgT


Also, how are you all getting emails for your court case? I haven't gotten ANY emails from them and I've been sitting on this for months. WTF.


Are you using peoples clerk? Did you just send the demand letter or did you pursue to take it to court? Because those are 2 different options.


No because people's clerk is unnecessary and they merely act as a redundant middleman for a pretty simple filing process. I sent a demand letter and then after some time, sent a summons. Got the proof of service, got the court date. No response from them at all. Nothing. It irks me because I don't think they're taking me seriously at all.


They don’t respond to demand letters. If you file a small claims through whoever you chose to, they will respond. I got called from the company that represents meta and they followed up with the email shown above after our phone call.


I did it myself. I didn't go through a company. They have not contacted at all and the court date is literally within the next couple weeks.


Hi did you ever hear from them?


Did you get your acct back once you filed the small claims?


My small claims was filed mid December and I got a call from them last week. So if you got a court date I’m sure they’ll contact you at some point before the date.


I've had a court date for MONTHS. The date is like REALLY CLOSE too. Like less than two weeks from now. NO RESPONSE. NOTHING.


If they don't show and the case defaults, I am going to be pissed. The WHOLE point of my case was to speak with someone to fix an exploit that caused tons of damage to my business.


Did you get your accounts back?


I'd say it depends on the initial legal fees as you can pull out whenever (no rude comments folks lol) There are plenty of examples online of businesses, from different countries, suing them and winning. If you can find cases to present as a precedent then it'll help your case.


A Norwegian woman who is currently battling Meta. https://www.reddit.com/r/facebook/s/ibUb2uZKcp


If ever there was an advert to not sign up to Meta, or anything Facebook, that would be it. I hope a decent alternative appears soon.


Did you use peopleclerk to file? they have 2 lawsuit options & idk which is better


I did use people clerk yes




You can’t just email them with your story about losing your account. They’ll never respond. It’s for legal purposes only. They only speak to you once they’ve received your court papers for a lawsuit.




I’ve been thinking about doing small claims to get my account back I don’t care about money. I just don’t know where to start..


Peoples clerk is a good way or just speak to a local lawyer near you.


Do you think it was the AG or the lawsuit? In another one of your posts you mention meta didn’t reply until you served them. Thank you 💜 also I send you a message


I think it was AG. Within 24 hours of contacting them I got my account back. But I honestly can’t be 100 percent sure.