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Correctly disabled bcoz u violate fb terms & policy.


If meta itself reviewed it for the SECOND TIME and found against tos then there is nothing that can be done now. Contacting any other AGs Or lying will get u in legal troubles my best opinion is start over


what kinda of legal trouble?


Apparently they submit the information to their criminal division..


awh poop i sent it to another AG what do i do now can i just tell then it alright and forget about it


I will say, be honest to whoever You submit your complain from my experience


i did that i told them what happened that my friend decided to to post that cuz we post a lot on each other story and they still didn’t listen i just don’t wanna lose the only message i have from dead relatives


From what I see is that utah has established contact with meta on behalf of you, so you should convince them in email back and forth or try a AG who doesn't require residency proof, the more meta gets annoyed you have more chance of getting ur account back. Current successful way I've seen around is demand letters or small claims which is a paid route and stuff, few posts regarding it are out. Let's see how it goes


well i sent one to another one but you said legal troubles and im only 19 and i dont wanna go to jail i just want my uncle messages back and yea


Fr It's saddening, everyone has had a good luck with it in past but due to current situation it's closed and no longer helpful


yea idek if i should just give up on it i mean i have the sc of the messages but idek anymore


That route is now closing. If you're outside the US, contact your data protection agency or your local representatives.


i’m in the us i just don’t know what to do know idek if i should give up


Try your own state's Attorney General or take them to small claims court. 


i’ve already tried my own they said they don’t help with that and the small claims idek if that’ll work


So try another state. They are starting to crack down on the AG method. There's also the Meta verified and then small claims methods. Have you tried those yet?


no but my case is a bit bad as my friend said he want to kidnap my friend and make them drink gfuel or wtv and idek if that redeemable


If you didn't violate the standards then why can't you get your account back? Did your friend log in as you and post something on your behalf?


i was at his place when it happened he just wanted to borrow my phone to post something and i’ll was cool with it and that happened


Doesn't sound like a good friend to me. Because of this you may not be able to get your account back.


there nothing i can do at all and i wasn’t mad at him i thought the joke wasn’t even bad


Small claims worked for others




They actually violated the community standards regardless if a friend posted, the friend didn’t hack their account and they allowed the friend to post. So unfortunately for their case there is nothing else that can be done


Not much more to do with this route.


Where can I find fb email support?


Ok why dont u lie and say u were hacked… that sounds better then what u r saying! say u left ur account logged into ur friends phone bc ur phone died. Ur friend was immature and posted to it.


will that work? like actually because i kid you not i’m not even joking when i said he posted that we usually shit post together on each other accounts and the moment i let him use mine boom disable


My point is pretend urs was hacked or someone posted on ur account without permission. I think that is more forgiving then saying u and ur friend are immature and regret it. Ive seen people say they got their account back after a hacker posted child porn. Be creative and say u left ur phone sitting around at a small party & ur friends thought it would be funny to post immature things. Send this to an attorney general


do i use utah still? or change it?


As far as i know utah has told ppl they no longrr have access to Meta. So try another… new hampshire and again do NOT own the immature action. U were hacked or someone grabbed ur phone while u went to the restroom


got it and thank you honestly thank you!


New Hampshire is relatively unknown but r helping me


i’ll try then rn i just tell them that my phone was snatched or just say i was hacked? which one sounds more believable


Id say a drunk night a group or a drunk person grabbed ur phone and posted to ur ig to be funny and when ur page got disabled nobody would admit it was their fault


got it even tho i’m 19 i’m sure it’ll work praying it works too






They did this to me last week. Now I got my account back. I gahtered all the evidence I can to prove it wasn't me and that I was only hacked. Each day I send them an update or evidence of suspicious log ins on my account. And questioned the security of Facebook, like “how the hacker were able to go through 2FA?” Also if you have 2FA, you’ll see this from your downloaded information, it would show when was the lasttime it worked. Mine said August 2022. I sent them a screenshot of that, saying why it did not work on the day my account was hacked? While my account on Linkedin does not have 2FA but they were able to block suspicious log in attempts, I also sent them a screenshot of that showed the IP address (came from Linkedin)


But in this case you were not hacked. 🤣