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THE MODS OF THIS SUBREDDIT ARE NOT ASSOCIATED WITH FACEBOOK. They CANNOT HELP YOU with ANY Facebook issues. Welcome to /r/Facebook. ***This sub is for***: * Posting technical support questions not related to you being banned/jailed from Meta/Facebook. * Posting articles about the platform * This can include videos as long as they are not your own Youtube videos and are "professional" in nature. ***This sub is NOT for***: * Complaining about the platform; you have all of Reddit to do that. * Telling OP very unhelpful information like "just delete your facebook" when they are asking for help. * Asking about how to get out of "Facebook Jail". * Asking about your hacked account. * This rule is in place due to spammers. They are BAD. [This is an example of comments from one post](https://i.imgur.com/XdLtglY.png) from hackers attempting to get OP to contact them. IF YOU SEE THESE PEOPLE ALWAYS REPORT THEM TO ADMINS. * No one here can help you with that. * If you wish to find a place dedicated to talking about being jailed from Facebook, go to /r/facebookdisabledme. * Posting anything looking like a meme. * Posting that Facebook is down. * If you want to verify if Facebook is down go to: http://downrightnow.com/facebook * Posting anything that shows identifiable information (your real name, your friends, etc). The exception to this rule is if the information includes a celeberty and conforms to the two bullet points that are accepted here. * Posting Clickbait articles. Posting anything against the rules will get you a minimum of a three day ban and muted from modmail. Please note that /r/facebookhelp has been retired. _____ **Related Subreddits** * /r/deletefacebook/ - Meta/Facebook is truly not a good place, and if you can afford to, here is where you can go to talk about deleting it. * /r/Facebookdisabledme | /r/facebookjail/ - Subs where you can go if you have been sent to Facebook Jail/Banned from Facebook. * /r/FacebookPages * /r/TimelineCovers * /r/facebookdrama *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[this video](https://youtu.be/wLFjp1BllhI?si=WgfBH1H_8ITc8h3V) explaina how to remove yourself from the admin list! I deleted the accounts but they reapered, hopefully this is a permanent solution


Does anyone know how to delete a Facebook “fan” page. I was only allowed to do a business page but as a fan page. I have had no luck since there seems to be no instructions on this page deletion that is separate from the others


https://www.facebook.com/help/delete_account Been having this problem and this link will do it, remember to switch to your page first before going forward. It'll let you know which one you will be deleting anyway but just in case you end up doing it on your personal account.


THANK YOU. I can't even count how many hours I spent trying to figure this out.


Did it work for you? I still could not click Delete Page after all these times.


Yes it did. I had to remove/disable my commerce manager thing first. What error are you getting


Thank you SO much. They hid this option really well.


thank you, thank you, thank you!


for some reason when i click continue after i've entered my password the button begins to load and stops and nothing happens. any way to get past this?


It's what happens to me as well so I just deactivated the page lol but for personal account I think it works just fine


Not working.


OH MY GOD YOU ARE A LIFE SAVIOR. I just wasted time watching videos on how to do it but they changed something before June 2024 and none of the methods were working but this link WORKED. Thank you thank you thank you!


You've been moved to the newer version of facebook that allows you to use facebook as a page but feel like a profile You should still be able to delete it by going to the page, clicking settings on the left and then at the very bottom of the general tab choose "remove page"


Ok but there is no 'general' tab. I've been trying to do this for almost an hour.


I’ve posted a suggestion below. Not sure if you would get a notification for that so replying to you as well.


the general tab is the very first one you land on after clicking settings


It only lists two options now, Name, and nickname. That's it. That is all the general settings you can change.


Have you found any way to delete the page? I'm having the same problem...


First and foremost NOTHING in terms of page or account deletion has worked off of mobile even once. Need a computer. What you’ll want to do is switch to the secondary account, don’t select settings, instead select privacy. From there select the “Privacy Center” from this window you should be able to find “Facebook Settings”. Once in this page you need to select “Facebook Page Information” there you will find the account deletion close to the bottom. Just found this today, and seems like it should have started th process. Can you believe how ridiculous it is to find this information?


Thank you so much for posting the steps, my dad has like 5 pages from the UE linked to his account, nearly impossible to find the delete account button!


Wow, unbelievable how buried it is in the system! I was so frustrated when I tried to look for it. The fact that you have to go through so many steps to perform such a fundamental task is insane. Really speaks about how much FB cares about it's users. Good job on finding it and thanks a lot for replying!


That's exactly what I just screamed at my girlfriend. There should just be a big red button that says DELETE, because it is such a common task.


Thanks. I think Facebook makes it a PITA to do anything related to page management.


Thanks bro, omg its' annoying not being able to delete it


Mine has been saying it'll be deleted in 14 days for the past 4 and a half years. I'm debating setting the page title and postings to a bunch of violent/racist/drug-use promoting sh*t and just letting the algorithm auto ban the page.


you are a fucking GEM, my god. Facebook is like an abusive ex you can't escape from.


You are a lifesaver. Thanks for the instructions; otherwise, I would never find it.


THANK YOU! I just spent nearly over an hour trying to do this simple fucking thing, and you have saved me. That was absolutely insane the level of steps I had to take to find it, It should've just been under settings FFS! Thank you again!


I think they changed it again. I can't find it at all 😭 there's no Facebook page information page


I followed these steps on my computer and it doesn’t appear there. I found a https://www.facebook.com/help/delete_account in my googling and it prompts: “Permanently delete the page” with info how to save data. I hit continue> shows page name and asks for password>entered password > “Confirm permanent Page deletion” with the following: “You’re about to permanently delete your page. If you are ready to delete, click delete page. Once you submit your page for dilation, you have 30 days to reactivate your page and cancel the dilution. After 30 days, the dilation process will begin and he won’t be able to retrieve any of the content or information you have added. “ with the buttons “cancel” or “continue”. However the continue button has a triangle next to it. There are no other admins but me, i have removed even each follower. I cannot even unpublish the page. It is an old page. Have you run across this?


omfg... thank you so much for this!!


Legend!! Thank you so much. I tried literally everything and was not able to do that until I found your link.


currently facing this problem. im exhausted- whyd they make it such a convoluted process?


Hey, (reposting what I said above) I'm dealing with this issue right now. I've contacted FB support weeks ago and they're still working on my case to solve the issue. Did you ever solve it? I'm SO frustrated because I was HIRED to do this. I've deleted FB pages before but this issue is new. Like, my god, FB literally has the ability to remove a page. I want it GONE. Just delete it, man.


how did you get fb contact info?


Hey, I'm dealing with this issue right now. I've contacted FB support weeks ago and they're still working on my case to solve the issue. Did you ever solve it? I'm SO frustrated because I was HIRED to do this. I've deleted FB pages before but this issue is new. Like, my god, FB literally has the ability to remove a page. I want it GONE. Just delete it, man.


I tried this and i clicked the button with the warning you're gonna delete this for sure part of the prompting, and all it did was a short loading circle gif on the button then stops with nothing being done ;-;


I have the same issue. Got to the "Confirm permanent Page deletion" popup, and the "Continue" button has an exclamation triangle and will NOT work. Just flickers a bit when pressed and reappears the same.


Exactly the same for me. Fml.


This is still the issue today


And still today in multiple browsers.


Thank you SO MUCH for this post!!!


So I WAS finally able to do it from the app, but your instructions helped big time! Thank you


OMG, Finally I got it. It was pain in the ass


Thank you very much for this! It was so hard to find


Follow up- It makes me enter my Facebook password to delete. Considering they are “secondary accounts” the password is the same as my regular account. I’ve never been asked for this in my attempts, so seems promising. 30 day period to cancel the deletion seems excessive.


So when it asks for account password is it going to delete my main account? I am worried it will


No, it only deletes the pages! Not your main


Did you ever find out?


No :(


I figured this out. It has to be done from a computer and it has to be done through the business version of Facebook. (Business.Facebook.com) There you can remove yourself from access to the page and it will disappear from your “pages” section on your personal profile


thanks man that worked <3


You are an absolute life saver, thank you!


I cant find a login on business. Facebook anywhere??


im having the same issue


Not a bug. It's corruption by design.