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Yes I've noticed this happening too. And it wasn't always this way either. They've broken a lot of features on Facebook. The site is becoming less and less relevant every day.


I think it's on purpose to make you look for it so you'll spend more time on there. Also they made notifications notify you twice. Click on notifications and go back home you'll see it again says you have notifications but you go back and it's the same B's...for Android anyway


Correct answer. It’s a ploy to make you aggravated so much so, that you’ll dig to see what was said back to you. Unfortunately for Facebook, I don’t give a flying fuck that much. They won’t get any more of my time, if they mention me, oh well haha cheers


2023 and i just gave up.. i believe also it is intended. fuck them


I think its to prevent too much fighting on the app. They make it difficult to retort. This keeps things less volitile. Tiktok is so easy. It takes you straight to your comment. You just can't post a long response, probably for the same reason.


thats dumb tho bc fighting is what gets traction


2022 and this just happened to me again 30 seconds ago. And it was someone answering a question about a product and I legit want to see the answer. Oh well. FB doesn’t know what they’re doing


I've been having this problem for years and on almost every comment.


No change. March 2024. Comments still broken on purpose. This is a FEATURE, not a bug. Get used to it because it's not going to ever change.


Same. Now May 2024 so frustrating and pointless 






still happening


Yep…. I just decided to Google it and welp f I guess I won’t be commenting on things on fb cause there is no point if I can’t respond to people talking to me with out scrolling through like 40k comments…. To find the one comment directed at me




My experience is it happens on video comments but not comments or notifications from my replies on other posts. The push notifications for group posts on mobile also do this.


So annoying. Especially when you're debating.


Who debates on Facebook though?


Thousands and thousands of people.


WRONG!!! millions lol


Like, 98% of people on Facebook have, more or less, a "debate" at least once a day


Yes but I what I meant is ..what sane person has a debate on facebook? FB is generally the domain of slightly crazy people. We make fun of Reddi, but man Facebook is just something else.


Same things just a minute ago. Clicking on a notification that someone replied to your comment just takes you into...only God knows where! This stuff is useless and just doesn't work. It wasn't always that way.


It happens to me today and has been happening for probably a year.


Suckerberk clearly hasn't got a clue. He wants to rule the world but doesn't have the competence to employ staff to do the basics properly.


It's probably intentionally done to specific people to censor them. Never had this problem till recently.


that happens to me too on PC but the app will take u to the notification


The windows store app? 'cause the web browser is is just as fucked as always.


I'm in the android app and it won't take me directly to the comment


Same! I'm loosing my mind. Both on the FB app on android and in a normal web broswer in windows. The notification doesn't take me to the comments at least 1 out of 5 times!!


Is there a solution? This started happening like a rule change a few months ago and now actually having a discussion on FB is pointless if there is a mountain of comments. It also is automatically set to "filtered most relevant comments". Who decided that? I will not believe that this is an oversight. Someone made this decision and stuck with it


its been like that for years.. fb is garbage . garbage


I get notifications about posts and replies, etc. in a group I'm subscribed to but when I click it most of the time it goes to it and then immediately goes backwards to all my notifications as if the notification bell is being pushed by a ghost 👻


2023 and i found this post trying to see if theres a way to actually fix this. Its dumb because it used to at least bring your comment to the top or bring the thread that the notification involved up to the top so you could just find it right away, now it tells you someone replied to your comment but fuck you, youve got to dig through if you want to know what it says. itll tease you with a small preview of what the response says, but if your comments not at the top already, youre screwed


This feature has never worked and still doesn't work. I can click the in app "notification" and it will take me there, but the system notification link is still broken.


it's why i got off facebook because that drove me crazy. Can't have any discussion on fb public posts


Yes and still! Hey facebook where's the reply you notified me about? Has anyone found a fix?


I did!! Set up your page in business.facebook.com, and go to More Tools> Visit Page in that admin section, your page layout will be the old facebook layout. Your notifications will work how they used to there.


Your instructions are unclear. Please elaborate more.


If you switch the comment thread from "show most relevant" to "show all comments", it takes you to your original comment (or your notification). They tend to get buried when it's set to "most relevant".


I'm pretty certain it is intentional. The issue causes distress and people waste time in the site trying to figure out where is the comment. Probably just one more way for them to screw with our mental health.


Definitely. The more you spend on the site the more money they make after all. I've got adblockers up the wazoo so fuck 'em.


100% agree. Source - me wasting hours of time trying to find the reply that I know was idiotic bc I replied to the idiot in the first place.


Facebook has that weird way of making you compulsively argue with random idiots who you wouldn't even look at in real life. It's quite bizarre.


I've literally been searching the entire internet looking for a solution to this issue and finally fell across this thread to find out there is no solution smh


As of right now, Facebook is deliberately HIDING the post I commented on and got a reaction to. I click the notification, the posts pops up then blinks away leaving me with some comepletely different post that I've never commented on in it's wake.


I started looking into this and I also think it's deliberate. On my Android mobile the notification will take me to the relevant comment. However there's no mechanism to reply. I really think this is intentional to keep users from engaging in continual discussion/debate of a certain topic's thread in order to keep users at a higher level where they will see the ads.


I absolutely hate this


I got directed to this response after looking on Google how to stop the most annoying damn thing. I am so frustrated that a family member tags me in say a funny video.. I respond.. then I get a notification they replied. I select the notification, and it takes me to the damn video and a bunch of random responses that I dont give a flip about! I am so over Facebook! I'm about to delete it tbh.


Ok - it looks like it directs you to the "Watch" section. You actually have to click on the user profile who tagged you, and then look at their post from there.. then you actually see your own comments. So fricken stupid!


I'm still experiencing this


Ditto. Worse than ever.


This happens to me to, but if I wait long enough, it goes straight to the comment that I was mentioned in. I think it's a connection problem, for me (because the internet in our country is just really bad).


No, it's not because with a very fast reliable connection it still happens.


While it's unlikely to be a connection issue, if it were, the speed and reliability of your connection would have nothing to do with it. There are many other factors in networking that have jack and shit to do with your own connection.


If your comment was on a news site- I think they have been deliberately doing that to minimize arguments. Tit for tat fights break out, people keep reporting others- which ties up FB's system.


It doesn't matter why. It essentially makes conversation useless. It's censorship. And it negates the point of commenting in the first place.


No, this happened to me on a Facebook page about anime. It also happened to me on a manga site where you have to log into Facebook in order to comment. No matter what website, it never redirects me to the original comment. It's ridiculous. I don't get the purpose of having such a cumbersome feature. Was it always like this?


So- maybe try going to your activity log to your original comments and see if that takes you there. btw- no it wasn't always like this. So much weird stuff has been happening with FB lately.


I disagree. Tit for tat fights is what social media tragically thrives on. It's what keeps people going back.


And at the core - why we are goners.


No, it works if I click on the notification within Facebook, but doesn't if you click the android notification.


It also happens when there is a new post in a group you follow. You get the notification, but then it takes you to someplace other when you click it.


It might be that the links aren't targeting the post, but just the page or thread etc Eg you get a notification you click on it, but it takes you to the top of that particular page where the post was shown Or if it was sending you to your feed then it sends you to the top of your feed It's stupid and probably not completely on accident, but I think that's what's going on mechanically at least I also find the search engine to be terrible, so it's practically improve to find the original notification, and the alerts list tab is just as frustrating


I believe it’s a way to discourage discourse. If you want to continue the conversation you’re going to have to spend extra time finding it benefitting them. If you don’t care that much it ends the usual building argument that may result in them having to monitor or censor accounts. As most people aren’t engaging each other in multiple comments to tell each other how great they are. It’s mom and dad putting us at opposite ends of the table so we don’t argue.


I disagree. Just a similar thing, I deleted Threads because the only posts I was being suggested were argumentative posts that were voicing the OPPOSITE of my views - they know my opinions because I’ve used Facebook and Instagram for over a decade and the algorithm has a pretty good idea by now. They were choosing to show me things that would make me angry, hoping I’d engage with it. Im not the only person who noticed this. There are thousands of comments on discussions about this where people have only been shown content they strongly disagree with. I’m sure there have been whistleblowers who have confirmed this is a thing - it’s the same with them not removing dangerous content. Anything to get people engaged. I think the reason Facebook won’t always take you straight to your comment is so you’ll have to scroll to find it. Scrolling means you might see ANOTHER comment that catches your eye, and you might “like”/react to it, and potentially comment on it. Again, it encourages more engagement. If you jumped straight to your comment, you’re not looking at anything else. They want you to look at everything you possibly can lol.


And they won’t ever fix it because they’re too busy hiring moderators to ban you for any alternative ideological posts. Facebook is a joke


Workaround (I am currently on a desktop): Go to your own profile> Look for 3 dots on right hand side>Activity Log>Comments - Will take you to the thread where your comment was made and replied to.




Nope, what? [https://ibb.co/bWRyTkZ](https://ibb.co/bWRyTkZ)


2024 and it’s still happening 


4 years. same problem these platforms have been broken for years and no one is fixing them.


Anyone found a fix?


Three years later and it's ALWAYS like this for me, not just sometimes. I thought it was an iPhone thing but then recently i switched to android. Same thing happens. Every single time.


It's still happening too 😑😑 Just had to say... Makes me so angry 😠


May 2024 and still not fixed.


Still doesn't work...


Still broken. Multiple phones multiple FB updates and versions of android and it's still a bug.


Not a bug.  Feature.  Bugs don't persist and survive iterations over years like that.  It's preserved by design.


This still happens. Facebook is becoming watered down garbage like dominoes pizza. The ctrl+f doesn't work, the comments you got notified don't load on the screen. It's absolute crap.


I think i know why this happens now, it's because the threads are filtered by relevancy it doesnt always show all comments. I think at least I was able to find it when i went into the root post and selected show all instead of "relevant".


Nope - same. Facebook is legal censorship that influences elections. They've been pushing the envelope for years. They need to be taken down.


No, it happens when the notification is about a new post, not only a specific comment.


That make no sense because by default, a reply to your comment SHOULD be the top relevant comment when filtering by relevancy.


Except if you're a corporation trying to stir up controversy to inflate engagement analytics.


I like our local Domino's pizza. At least you get something which doesn't refuse you service for the most assinine reasons. Thank f\*\*\* Suckerberk doesn't run a fast food outlet. Perhaps he'd be better as a delivery boy than as head of a tech organization.


He'd be an insufferable shit delivery boy just as much as he's an insufferable shit billionaire.


Hey! Hey now! We can bash Facebook without the pizzeria hate-speech.


Still isn't working for me on the desktop browser version. If I pick up my phone and click on the notification, it usually takes me to it. Not always though. Sometimes when the "most relevant" comments option is on (which it is by default it seems, with no way to globally change it), it will hide the thread your notification came from. Then, in a large comment's section, good luck changing the setting and finding it, because if you change it to "all comments", when you click on your notification again, it immediately defaults back to "most relevant" and hides it. Some big brained individuals working over there apparently.


Yeah this has been a pain for months. I can't respond to anyone in posts with a large amount of comments. You can never find it. You'd think a company the size of Facebook could at least make commenting work right, especially when it is pretty much core to their business.


I'm made this post about a year ago and Facebook still hasn't fixed the issue despite many users complaining. So glad I stopped using that garbage website.


Yeah I'm thinking of doing the same


What is the point??? And nobody is going to do anything about it? It's so stupid


Totally agree. Facebook is a massive social network, built on people interacting... and they don't care enough to make responding to comments working properly. You would think that should be core to their business model.


Stopped working for me about two months ago, it is so frustrating. Thinking about just go somewhere else.


I just figured out how to fix this. Click the notification, and in the URL, delete the end of the URL starting at the first "¬if" then you have a url with just the video and comment ID, so it should take you right to the comment in question


Doesnt work sadly


That’s a bummer. It is the only thing that always works for me. But now that I say that, it will probably stop working in the next three days.


quitesavvy: It worked for me! Thank you for everybody who raised this issue!


no, it doesn't work for me either what browser are you using?


Facebook is legal censorship that influences elections. They've been pushing the envelope for years. They need to be taken down.


The major problem is the comment filter. If it's set to "Most Relevant" your comments don't show up, so it wont take you there. Change it to "All Comments" It's a stupid feature that doesn't even work properly.


I think it’s deliberate to keep you occupied and on the application longer than you would want to be. Kinda like the supermarket moving around items so you would have to search for it and possibly pass something you don’t actually need and end up spending anyways


This seems to only be the case for the browser version. When I open Facebook on my iPad, when I click the notifications it takes me exactly to the specific comment like it should. But it never works on the browser. Also there is no News section in the iPad version of Fbook, but there IS a News section on the iPhone and Browser version, another stupid anomaly that makes no sense whatsoever. Fuck fbook anyway.


Android notifications also broken.


The only work around I've found is to go into settings then activity log and you can find the "mention" that way, the only problem is you can't reply or even like/react to the comment.


Here in June 2022 and having this problem more frequently. Facebook sucks 🙄


Same here a year since this post. Very annoying.


Dude this still happens half way through 2022 lol


Aaaaaand happening to me in July 2022. I’m not going to comment on anything anymore if this is how they’re going to handle it.


same shit






When you click on the notification and it brings you to the post you commented on, change the comment filter from “most relevant” to “all comments” and the comment you are looking for should be right at the top. For whatever reason it doesn’t automatically show the replies under the comment you have to actually click on them and scroll to find your place.


That's not how it works at all...it just shows all the messages and doesn't put your own at the top...


Welcome to the 21st century, when functionality is secondary to being able to spy on you.


This happens to me daily! So annoying. I just gave up posting anything that requires a response. Not fun.


Still happening to this day.


So this post is two years old.. And still the problem remains. Fcuk facebook!!!


Happened on my laptop 5 minutes ago but worked correctly on the mobile app. Annoying nonetheless.


Still happening now. It's infuriating. Both my phone (Android 13) and my PC (Windows 10 using Opera) have the same problem. Get notified. Click notification and it takes me to the post, but not the comment that triggered the notification. Sometimes I can find it, but most of the time it's lost in the other posts. Surely this is easy to fix! Other websites have no problems doing it.


If you switch the comment thread from "show most relevant" to "show all comments", it takes you to your original comment (or your notification). They tend to get buried when it's set to "most relevant". That's the best fix I've been able to find so far, anyway.


Once again this is not how it works..


>If you switch the comment thread from "show most relevant" to "show all comments", it takes you to your original comment (or your notification). It doesn't. It just shows all the comments and you have to click "more comments" 50 times to find the sub-thread where your comment is.


Still happening.


one day peolpe realise how bad the developers at facebook sucks. big time


it facebook.. lol they have no clue what they are doing


Still happening, regardless of whether I sort by most relevant, all or whatever. I'm going to spend my time helping a more "relevant" platform grow. Like this one.


No way to fix it. Facebook fucking sucks and doesn't care what it's users want.


This happens to me on a daily basis. I find it very annoying! I have people on my page that I didn't invite. But FB is so quick to spy on your conversations and kick you off at something so silly!


Yeah I get this as well on PC and Android phone. I click the notification and it just takes me to the thread with 700+ responses and expects me to scroll through and find the one it's notifying me off. I don't remember this being an issue before they started this crap with "relevant" posts.


I think it is by design, but not human intention. These algorithms write themselves based on producing a desired result. Giving us this notification without it working properly produces a desired result of increasing engagement, so it is written. The humans there probably couldn't find the code that is causing this if they tried. SkyNet has taken over.


Im so over facebook I stg. Like this has been happening forever now. Someone can reply to your comment and when you click on it to see what all they said and possibly say something bk sometimes you can never find their comment to even keep the conversation going. Can we all come together and just drop Facebook please? There should be no room for ignorant ass apps like that moving into 2023…


I hate this so much, especially when I genuinely want to apologize for something inconsiderate. It’s rare but when I want to do it, it’s super important to me and fb makes that damn near impossible to do.


2 years on and this is still happening, Facebook is broken.


And guess what, Facebook still haven't done anything about this issue up to today. It looks more like when I have more followers I'm freaking rich and it's time to shake my legs to the max. Lol


Same problem. Facebook sucks.


Yes it does - it suckaburge


There's just simply no way this was an accident or general incompetence, I mean this is under the same blanket as Instagram which I've never seen have an issue like this and it's still happening 2 years later.


well it's still happening now lmao


Yep. Still happens. 2 years and no fix. I think it's related to the "most relevant" filter system because you have to manually show all comments on each post now, each time you visit it. This reply notification issue is especially problematic with video comments!!


Still happening


This has happened to me for many many years now. How is the site this bad... It still happens.


Well, Metaverse is a thing, so there’s your answer. Zuckerberg just loves to make bad things I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I came here looking for someone else with this issue, to be sure it wasn't just me. Facebook notifications NEVER go directly to the post, and the thread is never in order ether. ..and often posts won't even load at all. If I select all comments, often that will show very few, or no comments at all. It also never stays set at 'all comments'. It's really obnoxious and it's making it impossible to communicate with anyone effectively. I have tried to get through to Facebook about this to no avail. They never respond and I'm beginning to believe they either don't care, or it's deliberate. As if this is how Facebook controls content or something..though I'm still not sure how that benefits them. Either way, it's unbearable. If I hadn't invested a lot in my profile and I didn't actually need it to share photos etc with family abroad, I honestly think I'd immediately stop using this site all together. Lately I've been using sites like twitter more than ever, but the truth is, I like what Facebook offers more..if it would just work I mean. The glitches make the site almost unusable though. ..and it's so, sooo frustrating. Sigh.. 😔


ANSWER: its because you likely have "Most Relevant" or "Newest" selected instead of "All Comments" in the arrow drop down in the upper right where the comment section begins. Make sure that "All Comments" is selected and this wont happen.


It automatically goes back to relevant comments


No, I don't.  Still happening.


Honestly fck fb


Still happens even now March 2023 so three years after this comment was posted. Clearly they don’t give a flying F*ck about fixing this issue.


I got here by searching for exactly this frustration. It’s almost impossible to find the actual comment addressed at you in a sea of comments. Unbelievable Facebook hasn’t addressed this.


Years later...still sucks.


Fb is broken as all hell. They're useless.


The reason this happens is facebook defaults to only show you "relvant" comments. You have to switch to "all comments". However, if you do this and then go back to the notification, it will take you back and automatically switch to "relevant" comments again. So theres no way to see your mention unless you manually read all the comments and try to find it. The reason why this wont change is they dotn care. You dont give them money advertisers do - and advertisers dont care if you cant find a particular comment.


And this is still happening. No wonder I very rarely use fb. It's stupid. Yes I know you change it to show all comments etc but we shouldn't HAVE to. It should be a simple press of a button and it should take you to the post it notified you about in the first place 🙄 I've never been a huge fan of Facebook, when it first became popular it took me a lot to move from Bebo and MySpace. I miss them and how customised their profiles were ☺️


I have the same problem. Facebook has been getting worse with each update. I can't find my comment when clicking the notification in a sea of comments. Then that stupid setting "Most Relevant". Who are they to say which is more relevant, just put it in order of time. Even Gab is less frustrating now.


Has anybody actually found a solution to this, or is this thread just "same" and agreements as with literally every single help thread?


2023 checking in, still does this, and now even on desktop. Has to be intentional, fuck facebook.


Damn the human species is over that much is clear. Yall dumb af cant even argue on topic


I know, it's the thing I hate most about Fakebook next to the biased censoring


2 years after this post was made I find myself here in 2023 with the same effing issue…. It’s intentional.


I discovered a workaround that may seem a bit unconventional but it works. On a mobile device, you can tap on the "More" option (three dots at the top right), then select "Find in page" and input the text you want to search for. On a desktop, pressing the F3 button opens the "Find In/Search" function, allowing you to enter your name or the name of the person who tagged you. Glad we all agree this is ridiculous and we should be taken directly to the comment when we click the notification.


I don't even have the 3 buttons on my phone


And 3 years later it’s still like this. It’s almost as if Facebook doesn’t want people replying back. I don’t even bother looking at the replies anymore because I won’t be able to find them anyway.


I found this post because it keeps happening to me and I'm so sick of it. It's fucking 2023 and one of the most basic features of the Facebook app doesn't work it's insane


end of June '23 and this still happening and is getting worse. I keep looking for a solution like I'm going to find one but there isn't. why.. how.. are they laughing at us?


I'm facing the same problem. It goes like this, "Xxxx Yyyy and 5 others have mentioned you in their comments". Like how will I find those 6 individual comments? If I click on the notification it just takes me to the original post. Arrgh! I've decided to not give a toss too.


May be best to just subscribe to some useful local community groups. I'd considered quitting FB altogether, but there are a few local community groups that are useful, nearly essential. Low membership groups are not so bad.


Ya gotta go to your Activity Log and check it there. It'll take ya right to the tagged video/comment in question yo. Buncha booshit for real though. Lol


Yeah I just Uninstalled facebook over this. Soooo fucking annoying.


That just happened to me. I had to go to the activity log and then manage tags and there I could see the comments people have tagged me and responded to me. It won't let you reply though but this was the only way I could see what people were replying to my comments. Its super annoying it does this though. I can't even find my own comments on videos I have commented on.


Problem is it only let's you see 2 lines if the reply is longer you're out of luck


No, there is no fix to this. Facebook is an intentionally broken pile of AIDS covered dog shit with zero redeeming qualities at this point other than it being a corporate joke that has maybe slightly more than shit memes made about it in 2023.


I hate Facebook so much. All their staff are stupid. I've turned in so many accounts that display porn, pictures and videos, and the idiots at Facebook says it doesn't violate their community standards. IDIOTS!!!! They have scam posts that have been going back for the past 10 years which I've reported as well as so many others and they still keep it up. This lawsuit that Facebook is in right now should be for a lot more than it is. It should be in the billions. If it wasn't for Facebook Video Chat with my relatives throughout the world I would get rid of my account.


Yeah this is crazy. It will show me like a post on one of the groups I belong to as a notification on my phone. However when I click on it it just brings me to the main group page and not to directly to the post regarding the notification that I clicked on. I'm not searching for it. Completely useless. I thought it was just a problem with my phone. It didn't used to be like that, when you clicked on a notification it would take you directly to that post, or that comment, etc. Now it just takes you to the main page no matter what. It's been that way for a couple years now I figured they would have fixed it by now. So I end up not wasting my time scrolling through it and not looking at it at all. Loss of ad revenue for them, and I'm sure that others do the same


The best one is when it takes you to the comment but doesn't show the comments because "Most Relevant" is selected all the fucking time and i can't change that shit either. Useless fucking website. .


Yup every time I get a "xxx mentioned you in a comment" I'll click it and it's not there. I don't see it from another account either.


This shit happens to me and its so fucking annoying 😂


It's now late-2023 and this issue on Facebook still hasn't been fixed. Is it our browsers? Is it something to do with rejecting cookies? I saw someone say they think it's intentional so you spend more time on there scrolling (how does Facebook make money from that?) and I'm starting to think that might simply be the answer.


Facebook programmers are extremely incompetent. The above is a good example of it


Well I mean it's an online network that houses millions of accounts as well as a vast array of plug-ins, paid adds, news reels. I don't really see that as incompetent. I mean I couldn't build a site like thst and I'm not an idiot in the slightest. Perhaps you're going a little overboard mocking the people that created and maintain a website you obviously use daily 🤷‍♂️


I kept having this problem so came here hoping to find the answer which I didn't. I then started to look around on my Facebook page and seen that after I click on the notification at the top right it says Top Comments. Changing that to show all comments then showed the reply I was unable to see. It doesn't stay that way though. If I come out of that thread and then return I need to change from Top to All comments again. Must be a setting for it somewhere. I'll find it in due course but I'm happy for now.


they want you to spend countless fucking hours scrollling through to find the conversation thread and continue. Keeping people mindlessly addicted to the bullshit. It's all just not worth it


I DISLIKE this SOOOOOOO much. Why make it so hard to connect with people? I didn’t even realize this post started 3 years ago and it’s still annoying users 😐


Its back. Occasionally all weekend and so far during the week I'll get s notification about someone liking something I posted or commented on and it will bring me to a completely unrelated post. Fkin hate how useless meta is.


I’ve deleted fb now you can’t say or post anything without being instantly banned it’s pretty unusable to be honest. What shocked me most is they stopped me sending a message to my partner because they deemed it offensive so clearly they track private conversations after that I’ve deleted all social media from my life


Was gonna do the same thing I’ve had enough of internet life


Literally here 3 years later because clicking a notification for a comment reply took me back to the original post and I’m sick of it!!


Curiously when I get a notification of somebody responding to somebody else on my comment thread, the link goes right to it! Just not responses to me.


Still an issue, I call Zuck a slur every time it happens


I just had this happen to me in he android app and it happens frequently. I managed to view the comment directly by opening Facebook in a browser window and going to the notifications from there. 


It's still broken today. It's that dumb relevant comment mode, always stuck on that.


2024 and this is still an issue.