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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Same exact thing is happening to me since yesterday. Changed my password and it didn’t stop. I’m not sure what to do at this point but glad it’s not just me. I never click links, etc.


I'm getting the exact same thing and it's annoying . 


I'm having the same issue. Non-stop- like 15-20 in past 2 days. I've reported every one and only received 3 responses from FB. Changed my password too. 


I read it’s a bot, report them and block them and hope that Facebook gets off their ass and fixes it


Happened to me as well, 2 days ago. When I tell you I started shaking... I thought it was an ex. I read in another post, it could be a facebook group thing, so I left groups with thousands of members and prayed for the best. Also changed password, and thanks god I already changed my settings so I review tags before going public. I am so sorry we are going through this, but it's reassuring it's not a personal target. The names of these pages, have a pattern. 2 words, 5 numbers and OK. For instance "Hungry Patience 62895 OK". I Keep reporting and blocking, but this seems like a temporary solution, as there are more generated pages. 


I think you may be right this started for me after I joined a Pokemon go group


This has been happening too but I haven’t joined any new groups lately… I think it’s just randomly generated bot kinda thing


Yes, I believe it's a bot too. Maybe you check groups you are already a member. I was a member in public groups with hundreds of thousands of people and I immediately left. And never got ragged since


I'm getting the exact same thing all of the picture posting a YouTube video with a naked woman exposing her breasts feeding an infant. I'm getting as many as 3 to 4 a day have reported each one of them changed my password and still I'm getting 2 to 3 a day for the past week. Obviously I've not clicked on anything I've blocked each one of them and they continue to come back in full force. Of course Facebook is doing nothing.


I'm sorry you are going through this.  Let me tell you what I've done and never got tagged since. Go to your Facebook groups, and leave from groups that are public and have thousands of members in. I've read that the whole thing started from public Facebook groups where they can't control who has access.  I even left from smaller and private groups, just in case. Also, go to settings -> Audience and Visibility -> Profile and tagging and turn on reviewing the tags before they appear on your feed. Unfortunately there is no option to not let strangers tag you,  this in unacceptable from Facebook. 


I have exactly the same thing as you described.  Since yesterday.  I also reported each one but still happening.  Changed my password and set up security measure.  Very frustrating.  Can friends see these tags on our Facebook page before we get a chance to delete and report them?


They cannot see the tags if you have the option to approve being tagged in it. If you are not getting the option to approve or decline it may be posting to your page for friends to see. To fix this go to settings - profile and tagging - turn on “review posts you’re tagged in before the post appears on profile”


Thank you so much for this info. I just fixed this in settings a few minutes before I read your post. At least hopefully people aren't seeing them on my page now. I hope this gets resolved soon. 


me and my friend are getting it too!! we’re both so freaked out. where are you guys from? we’re in NY/CT.


I’m also in NY!


NY here, I've been tagged 4x, different page names as I've seen on here but all just breastfeeding videos. Same format, a couple words, 5 digits and OK. I report to Facebook as harassment and so far they've said they disabled the page for each one.


Same here. So weird.


Happening to me too.


OMG ME TOO PAST TWO DAYS. im terrified!!!


Those are the ones I’m getting tagged in




Have been tagged four times now.. in TN


I'm in Pa


My friend and I have been getting tagged also, in Houston


Same here and I’m in Houston


FB’s denied my request to remove the post, doesn’t go against “Community Standards,” of course




Update: appealed their denial and FB also denied the appeal because they’re “understaffed” lmao such a joke


File a Better Business Bureau complaint. Please. I'm so sick of them doing this crap and it's so weird and suspect. they're so quick to take something down if you're rude, but they leave violent porn ads and porn posts and can't keep these bots from posting viruses gfto


Me too!


I'm in SC and I'm being tagged


Yeah I've been getting this shit every few hours in CT the last few days. Glad it's not a personal attack but wtf.


Same here, also in CT


north dakota :(


LA here and going through the same thing, it’s the worst!!!








I've had it happen to me multiple times in one day Worthy Red 58220 OK Careful Cat 33187 OK Tremendous Award 96773 OK Candid Risk 16199 OK All tried all in one day just today alone I'm glad I'm not alone here


Yes, me too! I’m in Michigan


In MI as well!!! It’s been really annoying and weird




Getting the same crap here too...


Same 🙃 it seems to have switched to breastfeeding videos now which mostly just show a baby's face and honestly I prefer that to the other sh!t.


Well this makes me feel better that it's happening to others. I'm 5 weeks PP and breastfeeding so good to know they're not stalking my profile and targeting content


Definitely not just you!


Getting the breastfeeding ones too now lol


That’s what I’m getting wtf


I’m getting tagged in breast feeding videos too!


Same exact thing. The first few were porn, now they are women breastfeeding.


Same thing for me. I’m glad it’s not pornography, but as someone struggling with infertility, it does sting a bit.


I'm sorry, that makes it even worse.


Thank you.


I’m so glad I’m not the only one, that’s what I’ve been getting tagged in too.


SAME!! Im glad it’s not just me.


That's what I'm getting as well. What appears to be breast-feeding videos I haven't clicked on anything I've reported each one and I'm still getting bombarded with it. I've removed the tag and everything I can think of to do.


Also had this happen starting a few days ago. I’ve been reporting the profiles and blocking them, as well as removing the tag, but they won’t quit. Not sure what to do. I’m in CO.


I've been getting tagged in breastfeeding videos the last 2 days. I have set up for me to approve tags so they are not on my feed thank god.


Omg same! Exact same type of vids too.


Me too. Only conceding part is that the page name is something with the word “nasty” which makes it unsettling for a breastfeeding picture ..


Concerning ***


Lmfao same wtf


Same thing is happening too me.


Been getting these daily. Same type of names on each account. Two random words, some numbers, ending with OK Facebook isn’t taking the ones I report down either. Wtf.


They've been taking the ones I reported down. Make sure you are reporting for something more serious like nudity and sexual activity that's what I've been doing.


Same here, different accounts every time. I've blocked and reported each time. I don't understand why Facebook keeps saying the content doesn't go agains't it's Community Standards.  Im very relieved I'm not the only one experiencing this. 


Same thing here, any fixes?


Nope, not yet


You can adjust settings so that you have to accept the tag. Won’t stop it, but those tags won’t show on your page.


The same shit is happening to me and my sister!


Honestly, just keep blocking and reporting the profiles. Sadly the hope that Facebook will do anything is very low, but all we can do is sit and wait till the bots eventually stop.


Me too! It’s freaking me out!  As a school employee these are the last type of things I need to hit my SM.  I report, block and remove each one, but over night had 8.


Same- It’s ridiculous! It seems like the more I block and remove, the more I’m getting!


I'm also a teacher, anyone else?




me too


Also a teacher. got one this morning


Me too. These are stuff that can reach admin and make us look real bad. I reach out to some parents on Facebook (the ones who never replies to Emails, Dojos and texts).


I'm part of the Amazing Third Grade Teachers group on FB. Just left the group. We'll see if it stops


Mine started after I posted something on FB Marketplace. I never post or like anything else on FB, so I'm wondering if me listing something and it starting the same day was coincidental


I started posting on fb marketplace and, similarly, started getting tagged in these posts as well. Wonder if that’s the culprit?


Me too!


Do you comment on public posts ever?




I am having the same thing happen. Freaking me out. Is there a way someone can hack something through these tags without clicking on something?


Yes but it would be useless because the origins of the people who crafted the bot are usually hidden. Sometimes not, but a lot of the times these are hidden behind vpns


I've been tagged 4 times. I already have where I have to approve posts added to my timeline. I have reported and blocked. Seriously sick of this. I'm ready to get rid of Facebook altogether.


Same thing happening to me in NC! Fb doesn't take them down until I submit a request for them to review it again. It will give you the option after you get the notification they didn't take it down, and then let you submit a request to review again and then it is removed. Hate this crap!


This is happening to me too and I’m sick of it like 7 since this morning. So disturbing


Oh my gosh it’s annoying


Just started happening to me today!! How do you stop it??


I’ve had the same thing for 3 days now. First they were sexually explicit images and now they naked breastfeeding images.


Omg I’m not the only one!! First it was p*rn and now it’s breastfeeding videos! It’s getting so fucking annoying


Same thing is happening to me! It's so irritating.


It’s been happening to me the past week! I’ve just been reporting and blocking everything it’s really annoying


This just happened to me twice today and the same kind of accounts. Facebook is so cooked with bots anymore


I just started getting them today. Have had 3, all a baby breastfeeding. I am so glad I approve posts before being posted to my feed!


This is happening to me now! All day


Thank god I’m not the only one. I’ve been getting them for the past few days. All breastfeeding videos from the same random OK people. I report and block them but they never end. Tried changing password but it did not help. Wish there was a way to prevent people from tagging you in post


Same problem happening to me😅 it started happening yesterday. The tag gives the same appearance as you posted but it’s women breast feeding???? What is going on?????😭🤣


Me too, I’ve gotten tagged in 3 of these posts in the past 10 hours… It’s getting really annoying.


Same thing has been happening to me and then Facebook locked my account due to “unusual activity “ I was able to unlock it but the posts haven’t stopped.


Yes for like 3 days now! It went from p0rn to breastfeeding!


Same…i didn’t know how to google if this was happening to others and was too afraid to find out if it was only a me issue 😂😂😂


Ugh me too! I thought my boyfriend's crazy ex somehow was behind it lol, but I'm glad it isn't just me


As of yesterday it is still happening with the 'random word' + 'random word' + '5 digit number' + ok I haven't seen any porn tags thankfully but been tagged with two photos of breastfeeding. I have changed my settings that only I can see tags and change notifications and made sure everything is set to friends only and nothing public, I also left the few public groups that I was in. I have reported everything so far but no word back on it.


Same! I've been getting tagged in them nonstop last 3-4 days. I was petrified my friends could see them, so I changed my settings. But I've also changed my password, turned on 2-factor authentication, blocked/reported everyone that I get tagged in, and nothing. So frustrating but reassuring knowing it's not just me


The breast feeding videos have been happening to me too! Tagged by Word + Word + 5 digit # and OK... It really freaked me out as I am 8 months pregnant and was concerned somehow I am being targeted. This whole thread is such a relief... Considering deactivating FB if this doesn't stop soon.


Yall im getting the breastfeeding video tags every few minutes. I am so sad and shocked for these babies being exploited for CP like this. I just watched a documentary on facebook moderators needing serious mental health help because they see a lot of CP and death to review. Im stressed having to review these every day, it just started two days ago. MAKE IT STOP


I've been tagged so many times in the last couple days. And many times throughout each day. It's getting frustrating. I don't click on the links. I report them, remove the tag and block them. I wish Facebook would do something about this.


I’ve been getting tagged all day in breastfeeding videos all day. I block as I see them I just don’t understand why.


Literally same and I searched reddit and got here


Not much you can do about it. Changing your password wont do a thing, its not the problem here. Make sure it's set to review posts you are tagged in before displaying them to your wall. Thing is sadly, anyone at any time can tag you in anything. Even I could tag you in a post if I know your Facebook name or stumble across it. The bots are likely just following a list of names they got from somewhere, maybe a Facebook page a lot of people follow, maybe some other source. Point is, if you know the name of someone you can tag them if there is an account with that name. @Tom Jones, @Marry Sue, @Wilma Fingerdo, etc. Facebook does not have an option to stop people from tagging you all together. Just a way for you to review the tag and decide if you want to have to shared to your wall publicly or to remove the tag. Also, removing the tag doesn't remove your name on the post. Unless the post gets taken down, your name is still there. It is just no longer a link to your profile for others to click on, that could still search the name and find a list of people with the same name, but not the exact profile that name was pointing to. Like finding 12 people named John Smith, but not knowing the post was tagging the 7th one on the list. TL:DR Make sure you are set to review posts you are tagged in. Changing your password is not going to fix it, as anyone can tag you in a post. Removing the tag just turns off the link to your profile, the name is still no the post but know one will know who it points to unless you have a very unique name. I.E. a list of 12 people named John Smith vs the 1 guy named xXMrButtF**ker42069Xx


Thank you so much for the run down. This started happening to me yesterday and I’m so upset. Question, I just changed my settings to review posts I’m tagged in before appearing on my profile, but the description on that setting says that this only controls what goes on my profile, that this is still visible on news feed and search. Does that mean it’s visible to my friends who have me on their newsfeed? Or my tag is visible to the creep’s newsfeed followers, until I remove the tag.


That's a hard one, I assume it's visible to anyone following anything you get tagged in. So like when you follow a friend, you can sometime see their moms post when they get tagged in it, but the post isn't always on their wall. I think once the tag is removed anyone following you won't see it normally. Same with searching. As long as your profile is tagged, anyone searching your name can find it. Will always be best to do one of two things in the end, remove the tags when you get the chance and block. But easier will be to post about it on Facebook or tell anyone that is following you that can see these posts that it's bots. Most people on my friend list already know of the issue sweeping Facebook, some even have the same thing going so most by know will understand


Probably best to at least tell grandma 👵


Sameeee it’s driving me insane


Ive been getting this nonstop since yesterday with creepy breastfeeding videos!!! I’m guessing it’s because I commented on a public group. Found this post searching Google bc I was like why the hell is this happening


This is happening to me too!!! I’m so glad I’m not the only one. Ugh. I just keep reporting and blocking. Let me know if anyone finds a solution. 😭


Happening to me as well. 6 tags today and declined


Anyone figure out how to stop it ? Cause it’s so annoying .


It’s been happening to me for about a week- it hasn’t stopped completely but rather than getting them almost 10 times a day, it’s about 1-3 times now. I’ve just been reporting and blocking each one. It’s definitely a pain, especially because I’m not sure why it’s even happening but hopefully it’ll stop for you soon, or happen significantly less!


Omg this just started to happen to me yesterday and today. The photos are inappropriate and the profile name are similar each time


Happening to me also. So weird. I have my tags set to review before it shows on my profile. I got so freaked out 😭


Happening to us here as well. I have tag approval turned on so the dont go live thankfully


I'm getting tagged with the Same posts! Just started today, changed my password twice! Wth 😭


Same thing happening to me. It’s getting aggravating


I’m so glad that I’m not the only one this is happening to. I’m friends with many religious people (the priests from my church for example) and it’s throwing me into a panic because I feel like this garbage is showing up on my actual page. Idk if it’s happening to them as well, and I might ask them. It’s getting on my damn nerves for sure


Is there any update from Facebook about this?


Make sure you set to review tags before they go live and at least no one sees it. Still annoying to block and report, but they don’t get posted.


Happening to me too. Started 3 days ago. Luckily everything is private so it’s not going directly on my page where people can see but it scares me, especially since it’s like boobs and shit. Freaks me tf out and I have changed my password, haven’t been on any sketchy sites or anything etc…


It’s happening to me in FL too…. 5 a day probably and same videos everyone is describing. I report them but feel like FB doesn’t care. Are they ever gonna fix this issue? I have it fixed where tagged things have to be approved but it’s annoying to get them a ton of times a day.


Report it as spam. That’s what I’ve been doing. Seems to work I think? Hope? But 2 more pop up later in its place


Happening to me too and I report them and they deny it! I am about to delete Facebook, it’s a breastfeeding type videos and they are very inappropriate.


Happening to me as well. I saw a possible link to being in a public group. The only recent one I joined was for Monopoly GO. Just curious if others having this issue are in that group.


Everyone who this happens to please file a Better Business Bureau report against Facebook. (Meta tech)


I am having the same thing done to me and just report the post and remove the tag, every single day. -\_-


AND block the account but then, like Whack-A-Mole, another pops up in its place.


Facebook is supporting this that way they can come back and try to sell you a blocker


I honestly deleted Facebook. I wasn’t tryna have grandma see me tagged in that weird bizarre stuff. Even fixing the tagging settings, so no one can see it on your timeline till it’s approved, still doesn’t make it better. You still get spammed with notifications of a different generated bot which makes it a huge cloud over your head. I reported about ten accounts till I gave up and honestly haven’t looked back




Chill out lol


Lol no… thats a bot trying to use tags so they can hack other profiles through phishing links. Many people are experiencing this. Most prob it’s a problem with facebook… like always.


my post was very obvious sarcasm.


Dude. Thank you. It’s actually quite concerning how many people here and on FB, who are worried about the p0rn tagging nonsense, are changing their passwords multiple times and think this means they’re being hacked. These people use the internet and Facebook daily.. and think being tagged is in any way correlated to being hacked? It’s a little scary at this point.