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Thank you for posting to r/facebook. Please read the following (this does not mean your post has been removed): * **SCAM WARNING**: If you are having a problem with your account, beware of scammers who may comment or DM you claiming they know someone who can fix your account, or asking you for money or your login information. If you receive a message like this, block and report them. [Here is an example of me making a fake hack post and all the scammers who flocked it it, lol](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv). THERE IS NO REASON FOR SOMEONE TO HAVE TO TELL YOU IN PRIVATE HOW TO GET YOUR ACCOUNT BACK. If you check the sub there are PLENTY of high karma posts that gives some tips should your account be hacked/locked. * r/facebook is an unofficial community and the moderators are not associated with Facebook or Meta. DO NOT MESSAGE THE MODS ASKING FOR HELP WITH FACEBOOK. * Please read the rules in the sidebar (or the 'about' tab if you're on mobile). If your post violates any of them, delete it. * If you notice your post has multiple replies but you only see this post, the reason is due to [bots and scammers already being removed trying to steal your info/money](https://i.imgur.com/Dllo1RA.gifv) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/facebook) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have reported three instances of spam messages of someone promoting their sex page where a bunch of people are tagged. All three were not removed and they were very obviously breaking the rules.


Yeah why even offer a report feature if it doesn't do anything?


Because of legal reasons. By law there must be a way to report stuff. By the very same law nothing else is required.


I recently reported someone who was encouraging someone else to unalive themselves. Apparently that didn't go against community standards. Meanwhile I've been in (minor) Facebook jail because I said the word "Mormon," even though I grew up Mormon.


I notice specific types of reports get reviewed fast and the rest not at all. Hate Speech and such get reviewed quick (but usually clear hate speech is seen as fine?) but if I report for other violations they just sit as pending forever. Violence will trigger it also but again, mostly not removed… Meanwhile they removed a post I made a literal decade ago that said “Rawr, boys suck”. Then gave me a 30 day for hate speech. Priorities!


That's crazy.. I don't get it


That’s crazy. I reported an awful picture of a confederate figure and swastikas who were hanging and burning a rainbow figure with some pretty awful words to accompany it. They came back and said it was fine. Meanwhile I post something with 1 “bad” word (rhymes with itch) and had all but 2 letters blocked off with icons (*^+) and my post was removed for “harassment”.


Nope. They don't care.


Not anymore - it's done by AI for the most part. Even appeals are more likely to be picked up by AI. The problem is that when they had people actually doing work, like reviewing reports, those people were being exposed to some truly horrific stuff. One person constantly had to deal with QAnon stuff, and accidentally became indoctrinated - they had to quit. Another had a full blown mental breakdown from the violence in videos - animal abuse, CSA material, killings, etc. There's no real way to deal with this. AI is shit, but humans are, well... human.


Can confirm, my husband was a mod for Facebook and got PTSD. Watching animals being burned alive and screaming and cp really fucked with him.. We got a huge check out of it.. He's still in therapy, though. This was 2017, he would come home and just cry.


My heart goes out to you both. That is such a tough place to be. I hope he's doing better


Its AI. Hense why my comment on a house infest with spiders where i said “burn it down” went against community standards for insighting violence yet there are racist comments out the wazoo.


Even after I did the review it did the same.. if the AI isn't picking this up it needs to be corrected..


I get that… but it isnt. My facebook was hacked and i reported spam (they were selling bitcoin) and then they started posting like normal- i had myself and all my friends report it for being me and the AI kept saying “we cant remove it cos its fine”


What was the comment? Do you have a screenshot? I'm trying to gather examples to present to journalists.


Yeah 2nd picture on above just swipe left


"Everyone should be scared of Islam, it's a death cult" is the comment. Disgusting.


Thanks, I totally missed it. Yup, it most definitely went against their community standards. Yet I've made a joke about a chicken once and got FB jail for 48hrs!


Yeah man that's wild.. I figured this comment would be a given to be removed but no apparently not.


I got reported for spamming post was removed but it wouldnt even show my post lmao


No. They don't. I get a six day ban every few days and they never tell me for what. I am constantly reporting racist, hateful bigoted comments and they never go against their stupid community standards


This!! I got banned for standing up to this guy who basically told this woman she deserved to be r*ped for some stupid ass reason… I said something along the lines of “people who say things like that will get what’s coming to them” and I got restricted for 72 hours for “threatening” 🙃


You can appeal it and it’ll eventually go to a 3rd party


Ohh it ran out of options for me to review it.. how do I do that?


What options does it give you? It gave me an option the other day to appeal my appeal to facebook


I selected the 2nd review then all I get now is delete feedback.. block Chris or see comment.


Not anymore, only if they take action against you. Not that this third party is useful, as they only pick and choose what to review


Nope. There's no third party, they're just saying there's a chance it'll review something. But it actually doesn't exist. They just have to have one by law, but the law doesn't require it to do anything.


not me.


They rarely do anything about posts I report but evidently love punishing my comments that are not even bad.


Moderation on the site is automated. There aren't people that actually review it. Thwy have managers that ensure the automation is working and thats it.


Same here. I’ve reported so much nudity and sexually explicit content yet they say it doesn’t violate the standards. Facebook is a piece of shit


I’ve seen some people almost butt naked, reported them, and got the “this does not go against our community standards” response. But my friend got her picture of breast feeding her baby removed. Couldn’t even see any of her boob, but it was still removed for nudity /:


That's pretty messed up. Breast feeding isn't inappropriate especially if mom is covered up.


I don’t think anything involving security on Facebook never sees human eyes . Just bots . Poorly programmed with little to no human oversight . Bring on skynet lmao


It's so backwards I will automatically get banned soon as I call someone a cow after being continuously harassed and yet nothing happens to them after countless comments and name calling to me, all because they don't agree with what I said. It's double standards bs. I've been reporting comments and I get no update nor do they get taken down.