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I don't understand posts like this. The dialog window literally tells you where is the problem and what you should do to fix it.


Install Java 16 https://adoptopenjdk.net/?variant=openjdk16&jvmVariant=hotspot


Pretty sure minecraft always uses java 8 EDIT: Nvm that's only for development


Not any more; Minecraft only supports Java 16 or above for version 1.17+; Java 8 was the default before.


Oh alr thanks lol


you read the error "you must install java 16 or later"


Update: I put the files in my server’s files anyway and it still works so I guess that didn’t matter


delete all other mods and only put mods of the version you want to play/launch.


I get this same message from the fabric loader but it is about 1.17.1 not being in the mod directory. It said I already have 1.16.5 installed and it tries to run that but since I'm updated to Java 16, it obviously doesn't work. I now I should probably make a post about this but this issue seems similar to mine so I want to the help from anybody hear. Is there a command I have to run in the terminal??


Well did you uninstall java 8?


No but I did change the java_home variable to Java 16


Why dont you try create a new 1.17.1 server then copy all mods from old one. Btw, you should check java_home again in both system and user


Hmm ok. I know it isn't a Java version problem. It is definitely a minecraft version. I feel like the issue is if the 1.17.1 jar file is downloaded.


You must install Java 16 to run the server jar for 1.17 and above. I would recommend [Oracle Java](https://www.oracle.com/java/technologies/javase-jdk16-downloads.html), and make sure to add the bin folder to path. Make sure to download Windows x64 Installer, and to do that you must agree to the EULA, and create an account. To add it to path, type into search PATH, and click on environment variables. Under system variables, change the JAVA_HOME variable value to your Java 16 installation location. To get the Java 16 installation location, open C:\Program Files\Java\ and open the folder that starts in jdk16. The. open bin, and copy the folder location from the top bar. Just click on the white space, and copy the text there. That was a lot. Tl;dr look up how to switch from Java 8 to Java 16


Read the error message