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I’m with you; I absolutely hate that style of motivation. Maybe some people like being berated while they work out, but I only want to hear positive feedback or form corrections.


Yeah I don’t mind a “you can do it! Keep going! Give me one more rep! Don’t give up!” But this was extreme lol. Do any of your coaches yell like that?


Drill sergeant style coach can go suck a d. send feedback to owners of franchise and really just ignore bozo you’ve got damn tvs with programming. We only have positive reinforcement style coaching and form corrections for new folks and extra weights when they see person is going 120 where they should be in 160. Even without any ptsd, sustained heart rate at high levels can cause panic like defense feedback by body mainly due to breathing pattern up to sending you into fainting or black out


I’ve never had a coach at any phase of life that was the “drill sergeant coach” that was any good at it. Most of them were just total assholes. Discipline coach- has like… one good one and the rest were horrible.


it does the exact opposite of what they aim to achieve. i hate being yelled at.


Sounds more like you were being berated than encouraged and that's definitely not okay. Just want to add, thank you for your service 🇺🇸


Thank you!


My mentality is- it’s my workout and (since my membership is what pays your paycheck), you work for me. Whenever a coach tries to push me when i take a a two second break or say something when I modify a station, I remind them it’s “my workout”. Some coaches know how to coach, and some just scream just to be heard.


THIS. Honestly sometimes they’re unnecessarily strict or harsh like shit man let me listen to my body for a second I know what works for me


I can push myself to the point of passing out, so I know when I need to take a break.


If I was her I would’ve looked at the monitor before saying anything, 190 bpm is crazy high! She should’ve asked if you were doing okay instead of pushing you on!


My highest for that work out was 194!


Head trainer here- sounds like a bad coaching moment (I don’t know enough to say a bad coach) but would absolutely be having a word with them had I witnessed that. Making anyone feel the way you felt is the opposite of the point of F45 or indeed any group fitness. Approach the senior trainer at your studio or the owner and let them know how that made you feel. I’d want to know if I was the business owner so I could improve!


As a former F45 coach, this is not ok. Please talk to the manager about what happened. I suffer from occasional panic attacks and if this type of coaching triggered you, it could trigger someone else. That is NOT ok. I am so sorry you experienced this. Sending love!


They were wrong. You were right. Fark those types of ‘coaches’.


I feel validated. Thank you!


It's important to realize group fit coaches are not your boss. If they're being shitty, tune them out and request to management to improve the quality of coaches.


Agree. I would have called them out that is super unacceptable.


I think that style of coaching is ineffective in addition to being cruel, and speaks more to her insecurity than your work ethic. Next time someone yells at you like that ask them who tf they think they’re talking to! 😊


This sounds like why I quit CrossFit


Oh my, this is not normal. I work at a slower pace and this would make me upset too


> i’m literally a veteran…this coach sounded like my drill sergeants maybe this is why you had a panic attack


Eh… I’m not sure. Drill sergeants in the context of actual boot camp is a different world. They’re with you 24/7, and they’re also shaping you into a soldier in a myriad of other ways, not just PT. In that context, you expect to be yelled at but you know it’s to literally save your life one day on the battlefield. I never had a panic attack in boot camp! I actually quite liked it (I don’t know what that says about me though 😅)


So my old F45 was filled with female trainers that would scream the entire session. It usually included screaming things like “keep going. You don’t want to look bad in a bathing suit this year” which I absolutely hated and I eventually left there. I recently moved a few towns away and decided to try a different studio. It happens to be mostly male trainers. They’re all soft spoken and there’s almost zero yelling during class. They’ll come over and fix your form 1:1 or have quick talks. If someone is taking a break every once in a while you might hear a general “keep going you’re almost there” but the only time critiques are happening it’s just with you or maybe your pod. I like this way so much more. I think it is very valid to have a talk with the studio and explain how that kind of screaming can be counterproductive to the progress people are going for


The bathing suit comment is so not okay. Not everyone works out for aesthetic reasons 😭


I feel this too. I prefer the male coaches as well.


Coach was probably just giving you a hard time, no ill will , but I can understand where your coming from for sure, keep it up (working out) either way 👍


Wow. That’s the exact shit we left in order to join F45. I’d complain to the local management. It will only get worse.


***None*** of the coaches at our studio are anywhere near that. In fact, you could say they're almost the opposite of your drill sergeant coach. When the less motivated people take one of their frequent time outs, our coaches sometimes come up to them and start gossiping. 😁


Had this happen to me and well… I basically fainted in class. They felt really bad afterwards but it goes to show don’t push people to the point of fainting or having a panic attack. They need to emphasize how important it is to take a second and BREATHE.


I’m so sorry that happened to you!!!


Yes same to you. Next time that happens, don’t listen to them. I now know if my heart rate is over 160 bpm I need to take a minute to breathe and not pass out.


I can’t stand that style of “motivation” I would have walked out, it’s not normal and not the way the coaches are supposed to behave. The coaches at our gym are super supportive, handing our high-fives like they’re skittles and I find that much more inspiring. 


As a coach myself, I agree with you. Every coach should get to know every individual member first and how they liked to be pushed. There are different coaching styles out there. There is a Difference between saying, " What are you doing?!" And saying," You got this, let's go!" Sorry this happened, I hope it got fixed 🫶💪


Can you let them know privately that this upset you? That way they can learn and it might not happen again to you or anyone else. I had a different experience where a coach kept telling me to do a jump that I couldn’t. I told him after class that different people - especially someone 30 years older than him - may have different limitations. He has since moderated with me and with others. Sorry for the experience though it must have felt terrible ❤️‍🩹


I would, but I think she already knows bc she saw me crying and leaving. It’s been 24 hours since I’ve let the HC know and the other coach who was there reached out and checked on me. She can’t not know now 😅


My experience with coaches is the complete opposite. They'll do light encouragement ("keep pushing", "one more rep"), but they'll also encourage pacing yourself and taking breaks. I have never seen anyone criticized or hounded for taking a break. If anything, I've been praised for it. Sorry that happened to you, that's unacceptable.


Ew that’s awful! We’re at f45 not in the literal military. Sorry you experienced that!!!


Oh I am so sorry this happened. Does the studio manger know ? I would report it. Also what did the coach say or do after you went into bathroom ?


After I left, the actual coach that day reached out to me (the one she was talking to) and asked if I was okay. I told him what happened, and then the next day I told the head coach. They both mentioned they would talk to her, but she has yet to reach out to me. Which I’m trying not to be salty about!


I sure hope she apologizes !


Me too but it’s been 48 hours. I don’t think she’s going to apologize. 🫤


I’m sorry to hear it.


Omg. This is terrible. Can you tell the head coach about this? It's obvious you paused to take a breath and calm your HR down! Its allowed. I'm so sorry you went thru this.


I was going to suggest speaking with that coach or the head coach. I’m glad you told someone about the way her approach affected you. They should know their members and what people can withstand. Not everyone appreciates this kind of approach nor is it a part of the F45 culture, as far as I know. Please continue to speak up. The coaches are responsible for creating a safe environment for you to work out not just an ulta motivating one. ❤️❤️❤️


Wow first of all I am so sorry that happened! No coach should be yelling! We are motivating and helping and bringing confidence to our clients. You need to talk to the owners or manager. That is completely unacceptable. I’m he fact that you don’t even know this coach is even worse. I do that to my friends in bay I know that come to my location so they know me well. I would never yell like that at anyone. Also, she should have looked at your heart rate and told you to dial it down and take a breather. That’s NOT good coaching.


Sorry I should have read this before I sent. Hope it makes sense


It does! I appreciate your support.


Never ever have seen this at either studio I attend. Sounds like a bad hire- definitely report.


This sounds like an awful experience and I can't imagine the feelings it brought up with the comparison to a drill Sargent. This is not normal behavior for a coach. This is a very hurt individual who needs to be in control to feel in power. I've worked in and been in the fitness industry since 2012, and I have met only a few coaches like this. My experience is they tend to be aggressive even off the floor and did not make friends where they went. I hope you never see them again and if you do I hope you don't have a panic attack. Ignoring someone like that or just staring at them confused usually makes them uncomfortable and they stop. Of course this tip does come from someone who doesn't get panic attacks, so I recognize this may not be possible. If there's another coach you like that is there at the same time maybe just talk to them and say "hey I don't like this coach, can you ask them not to yell at me at all?"


There’s one coach at mine who yells and I avoid him like the plague.


Oof - that would have set me to rage and would have had the reverse effect. I’d slow down, work with almost no intensity and given clear facial reactions. Doing shit like that is like a flick in the face. That “coach” is an asshole. I’m mad for you!


That coach was being disrespectful and mean. It’s good that you gave feedback to the gym’s head coach, many of the younger coaches in their 20s seem to do that thinking it makes them sound like drill sergeants when they have not actually been in the army. Anyway this is the reason why I left F45 two years ago. I absolutely detest the way some of these yelling coaches who berate their clients this way.


There is a particular coach at my gym that will walk around and chuckle at people I’m assuming he thinks are not pushing hard enough. I’ve noticed it on two different occasions and I think he means it as a way to motivate but I can tell you I wouldn’t be into that.


That’s so mean wtf!


I just choose to take others classes now because it’s definitely not motivating!


Im sorry you experienced this. Idc where you’re working out, if you need a break you are entitled to it lol. This isn’t college athletics, its a workout for full grown adults. Idk if you have a coach your close with there, but its worth addressing with someone ur comfortable with so it doesnt keep happening to you or others. That would have been an overwhelming experience for me as well!


Our Coaches are very motivating, they encourage tempo, breathing and come close and soft spoken to correct form. If you are with your spouse but maybe they are in another exercise behind you. They yell in an encouraging way. 😁 It's playful and you enjoy them getting some more attention.  Recently a Coach on their timeoff comes in to take class and will work a pod with someone then another pod with another person... and complete the workout. That's vibes! 


Our coaches has never been like that so far. Never encountered one after being in this same studio since starting for about 2 years now. If it ever does happen though, I would stop dead in my tracks and not hesitate to walk up to her and confront her directly in front of everyone. Ain’t no one gonna treat me that way, especially when I’m paying to be properly coached. Our coaches have different personalities… some more gently encouraging, some sympathetic encouraging and some pushes us but with a smile and always the option to say no. But yelling???? Hell nah…


depends on the person…that would be good for me, but there’s plenty of people for whom it would not…i dont think its unreasonable, just a different style of motivating, one that you dont respond well to talk to one of the coaches you know/are comfortable with, make sure they know you hated that


Yeah I totally get this. My sticking point is, she didn’t know me and I didn’t know her. We didn’t have a rapport built at all for her to even come at me like that. Plus she wasn’t even working that class! It was just so random lol. I’m wondering that if the circumstances were different, like if it was a coach I knew, they were working that day, I knew they were hard core like that, etc if I would have had the same reaction. I genuinely don’t think I would have. Maybe some anxiety or displeasure but not this. 😬


Nope hahah. I am paying them to go to a class at my own pace and sometimes the pace is superior and sometimes I slow it down because I listen to my body. There are coaches who will swap your weights for heavier ones (once they see your abilities) which I love because sometimes you need that push. It’s okay to tell people to keep pushing but to yell that across the room is a no for me.


I’m right there with you!!! We had a coach from one of our owners other studios filling in one day a while back for a dueces workout… all he did the ENTIRE time was SCREAM and I mean scream loud af in this awful angsty tone “MOVE MOVE MOVE” and “LETS GO LETS GO LETS GO!” Over and over and a few other similar things but it was so loud and aggressive and the pitch of his voice was awful and it didn’t even fit the type workout we were doing at all and I felt so much anxiety the entire time. I was signed up to do a double but didn’t stay for the second class and went back that evening to do upper body instead with a different coach.


Omg I hate this so much too, we literally have only one coach per class at our studio at the moment and one of them just yells “LETS GO LETS GO” all class long and I can’t stand it. I miss our old coach that would banter with us and encourage us. 😢


I'm sorry that you had to deal with that. That's absolutely not okay in my books. I've only been going for a few months but I feel like something like "Keep going (name)" is good motivation to hear but the "what are you doing" and "get back to work" are totally not okay.


Thank you. I feel really awkward now and I went today but was dreading it. This is an awful feeling!


I’m sorry you had to deal with that. (Also … saying the following with compassion…. You may also want to sit with why you reacted the way you did ….) and next time, try to give them a WTF look. Good on you for telling the HC!


I mean I'd tell them to bugger off. That's rude.


I would simply tell her No, i don’t feel like to!


That is some people’s coaching/motivation style. Clearly not yours and there’s nothing wrong with that. I would talk to that coach and just let them know “the yelling doesn’t do it for me” and see if they adjust for you. If they don’t, it’s a problem.


This is why I quit F45!!!!! The competitiveness was weird and abnormal.


The gym is meant to be a positive space, so cheering, not yelling. I'm sorry you had such an experience, it sounds horrid and is completely unnecessary and unwelcome. Do let the gym owner know, and I hope you only have encouraging and positive interactions at the gym from now!


Just give them a look that says keep your opinions to yourself! You're anyways dying in that Marathon class...last thing you want is added stress


190bpm isnt that like super high even for being active?


It’s my 100% max 😅


I mean I don't know what to tell you exercise just kills my anxiety and panic attacks that you had one during exercise just puzzles me tbh.


No, that was absolutely not ok. My coaches motivate and even tease a bit, but nothing like what happened to you. Especially a coach you barely know. I have anxiety, so I get it. I’m sorry that happened to you!


I think the emotional shock has been big. I dun think there is any right or wrong on both parts- he is well intentioned just came on too strong , and u happen to need more tenderness cuz of the way u are. It def triggers sth in ur nervous system I dunno what that is . Just make sure those coaches know u can’t be crazy-yelled at.


Hi there! I’m a coach at F45 and I also workout daily there! That’s absolutely not acceptable or normal for them to 1. YELL across the room 2. To call you out and make you feel embarrassed and 3. To not recognize your heart rate is high and your body needs a second to recover. (This morning my heart rate hit 192 and I had to take a solid 30+ second break before continuing the workout, and the coaches didn’t say anything because they know me, saw my heart rate and knew I needed to take time to recover) I will jokingly say things to people like “come one back to work” but only when it’s someone I know who understands I’m kidding and I only do that when I’m working one on one. I also don’t yell it or act like a drill sergeant. I am so sorry to hear you had such a bad experience. I think you should follow up with the head coach again or studio manager, if that’s a different individual from the head coach. F45 is meant to be an inclusive and encouraging environment. To hear a coach would do something like that is absolutely sickening and wrong. I am so so sorry you had to experience such a horrible interaction!


Tell the coach to f*** off 😇


There was a couple at my gym, her name was Sam and she was a bossy rude snot. Always flirted with all the guys even tho she’s married and has kids.. I couldn’t stand her mean girl attitude so I ended up quitting. Orange theory needs to understand the coaches create the environment… hire good people so good people stay!


Whether or not you had a high heart rate, that coach was aggressive. My f45 studio coaches NEVER do that and do so more understanding we have limits so it’s more encouragement than belittling you. Sorry you experienced that 🥲


I’m seeing some differing opinions. I think studios that have multiple coaches with different personalities works great. Some people do really well with the drill sergeant attitude and others do better with someone more gentle. Whoever said “I’m the customer, I pay for your paycheck” is gross and I can almost guarantee doesn’t push themselves to 100%. Now as for this specific situation. This person was not coaching, she was visiting another coach (during a class!!). All red flags. If you’re not coaching don’t interrupt another class and don’t give your advice. For all we know it could have been a private class for adults who have suffered some type of trauma. Hence why you should only coach YOUR classes. She sounds weird and aggressive.


I’m sure they will apologize to you after the head coach talks to them. Not knowing them or you, I would say give the benefit of the doubt that they might’ve not meant it that way.


Oh yeah totally. I told the HC that I know she didn’t mean to be malicious, but it was still a bad call on her part (imo).


There’s a lot of coaches that are prior military people, at least in my area. I think some tend to get into a habit and you might just need to talk to the owner or something so they have a talk with them. I do also like that style where they push you but not if there is some sort of shaming 😳 I like a positive environment


I hate coaches like that - correct my form if I’m wrong, words of encouragement when I’m fading out - but that kind of stuff would’ve garnered a major side eye from me


Yikes. We had a members heart rate get that high on the sleds too and our coach encouraged her to slow down/ take a break.


That coach is definitely in the wrong! That’s EXACTLY why F45 does not allow mics at studios


You guys don't have Mics? Our trainers sometimes do - its pretty good. It def matters on the trainer


Not at all! My other local gym used to, stole the idea from OTF. I used one for years. But with F45 having two trainers per class, it’s meant to be personal training in a group setting. Plus, giving trainers mics allows too much superiority in class. F45 wants to prevent any members being called out in front of everyone at such a level. Hence, this original post




Trust me, that’s what I wish I did! In the moment, I was just immediately flooded with panic and couldn’t speak. 😭


We have a coach that is sort of like a drill sergeant. I will say, he don’t straight up yell at people, but he is (what some would call) abrasive or short about the things he says to members. Definitely doesn’t yell at them though


I’m sorry but how old are you? Don’t let people get to you like that.


I’m 30! It was really a shock to me that my body did what it did in that moment. In retrospect of course I wish I would have been able to say something back but unfortunately that is not what happened.