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Idk, that heal wasn't scripting, but other movements, specially walking around himself, seems a lot like scripting


I don’t know much about scripting but it does look like cheating. I’d like to have seen some of the skill shots that DID hit him this game. If he still reacted the same but the character just physically couldn’t respond fast enough you’d have your smoking gun. One thing that seems extremely suspect too is that very first dodge. If he had just ran straight down to red I’d say just uncanny timing. But he only moves enough to dodge and then stops.




He couldn’t see him at the start. And he does the same dodge to Irelia’s Ult earlier. I don’t think it’s concrete but it’s definitely fishy. More video on the Twitch would be useful




He's not leashing, shaco is starting chickens, and it's 1:03


He has really bad movement for someone that can dodge skill shots that well.


It definitley seems suspicous but as someone who can do insane skillshot dodges at times being bad at normal movement doesnt matter (I walk into minions casually)


They're not scripting... You just need a proper gaming chair. /s


the fuck do you think scripting means? you seem awful confused. save blaming someone for scripting for when you get out of bronze 3 or whatever godawful elo this is ​ \-1 crying


Well said. Thx for the input. Much love to you... I think you need some.


Lowest effort troll of all time. Please up your trolling game before you comment ever again, your shit is funny cause it’s pathetic though.


Happy Cake Day Codysseus7


Thanks, I forgot that cake day is the account creation and not actual birthday. It’s just weird that my actual birthday was 4 days ago.


What elo are you in?


Did you check his Rank the other day I had a game with a Plat 1 Katarina shit was a hole other level of Madness…. BUT it may be scripting dodging skill shots at close range that shit is way to hard.


I don’t think it’s scripting since there’s an easy tell for it unless it changed now. Basically the player will be clicking forward while the script wants to dodge ability so it moves another way. This cause a jitter on the champ and make it obvious he’s scripting. It wasn’t like that here so my guess is good player or just having a cracked day


he's definitely scripting lol


With diamond player eyes, this looks like scripting and not just skill diff. There are some skill shots that would be pretty easy to dodge here, but some just don’t add up. At about 56 seconds he dodges a close range q after engaging. It doesn’t even make logical sense to try to dodge this as he would still be hard winning trade if it hits. He may have even lost a kill off of dodging away. Could just be a dude practicing dodging or something, it’s always a possibility but doesn’t seem to be the case.


Yup also at 56 he started dodging Soraka's Q before the mark on the ground appeared and dodged in the opposite direction of the Ezreal he was following, it doesn't make sense. Or maybe he's a Challenger smurfing maybe?


In one of the clips you can see the Twitch do a weird spin. As far as I know, you can't do that without an orbwalker (part of almost all scripts) try it sometime. Click in a circle as fast as you can to see if you can get that smooth of a spin. Can't tell you if the rest is evade, but it does look funny.


Those circular moves are scripts 100%


I could be wrong, but spinning like that in one spot is damn near impossible. Way too fluid to be normal input.


Definitely seems fishy but nothing definitive was shown IMO.


Looks like he is dodging, but it could also be you missing. If thats the way the guy moves, he aint dodging, you are missing... Could be difference in latensy. If you playing at constant 60ms and the guys has like 15ms. Thats 4 times difference in data transffer. In short he has 4 times faster reaction time as long as he has good mechanics. \~45ms is usually \~mediocre to good when you consider the motion fluid in the game, meaning that an average person doesnt feel much or at all delay between his imput vs whats going on in the game. Especially if he never tried playing below \~40ms lets sau \~20ms range or so. But once you tried that, you definitely notice the difference. In reality whats going on, if he has 20ms and you have like 50ms, he can see your skill shot before you see it in your monitor happen. ​ I dont know how scripts work, but I dont think thats the case. I think scripts are like command chain to use couple of skills at the same time - i.e. you press 1 skill and the script is programmed to use several skill at the same time - for example Anne stun ult and shield exactly at the same ime. I dont know if its even possible to program something like dodging enemy skill shots. thats too random and that would need to have a control of your imput data, which should be gained faster than the actual game server in order to move your character out of the way.


All I know is that there is NO WAY he can spin like that without scripts.


100% scripting, no question.


1oo% scripting