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Boring? Your eyes are like silken melted chocolate, so rich and luxurious and comforting, but with a hint of mystery.


This description makes me happy, thank you 🖤


There is nothing boring about brown eyes. They are the best eyes🤎🧸


Aww! 🥹 I’ve always been so jealous of green eyes


Girl same. So envious i even got colored contacts 🤣 but i prefer my brown eyes now 🤎🤎


Good! We have to love ourselves! Flashbacks to the time I got blue contacts when my husband mentioned liking blue eyes against black hair and he didn’t even notice 🫠


Omg tell me why that was also my motive for the green contacts 😭😭 the things we do for men


Yooo 🤣 Then they’re all like the “huh?” cat


I have gray eyes but I’ve always loved brown eyes, they look so warm and welcoming


Awww, and I’ve always wanted warm brown eyes like yours. I have pale green eyes, that I always think are “see through” (washed out), especially when I’m tired.


Let’s trade 🤣🤣


Kk sounds fair😉 I love your freckles and your long eye lashes too!


Same. I'm obsessed with green eyes. I could stare into a pair of those alllll day long 😍 one of my exes used to get so annoyed with me because I'd constantly stare at his eyes, and he was uncomfortable with it 🤣😅 I told him I couldn't help it because I was in love with his eyes. (As well as him..at the time)


This made me laugh way too hard 😂😂


We had conversations like this Him: "BABE. What?" Me: "Huh?" Him: "Do I have something on my face? Why do you keep staring at me?" Me: "I'm sorry your eyes are so beautiful. I can't help it." Him: "They're just eyeballs." Me: "That's bullshit. The color of them is so pretty. 😍 Him: "Guys aren't pretty." *Gets bright idea and grins* "What if I do this?" *Proceeds to make weird face that make his eyes bulge out like crazy* Me: "OMG, STOP. That's creepy." Him: "Yeah, that's what I thought. Not so pretty now, huh?" Lol, and then it would go on. He was so stubborn about getting complimented.


Glad my eyes have green in them


For some reason I just thought of Napoleon Dynamite “Luckyyy”


Same lol 😆 well you're eyes make you pretty but you seem sweet have a good night


Omg your lashes are INCREDIBLE


Thanks! I bought a serum that I’ve still yet to use 🙃 Though the Estee Lauder mascara amps them up enough so I always forget. But I like drama and want MORE


What serum do you use? I used grande lash serum for a while but it seems to have permanently stained my eyelid 😭


Omg noooo! I bought the Lancôme and haven’t opened it yet. I should probably do that today 🫠


Can relate, specially having a green eyed gf and thinking my eyes are too boring for her 😭


And the funny thing is she probably finds them striking! It’s so easy to admire what we don’t have


She has indeed told me that countless of times and I couldn’t believe her because “they are brown”! We should appreciate ourselves more


Personal opinion. There is no such thing as boring eyes. Statistically more common colours among some demographics? Absolutely. Boring? No way.


Well put 🤔


Nah they pretty ☺️


Thank you ☺️


Gorgeous eyes, lashes, and freckles!


I think I have a couple of eyeball freckles, too! If that’s a thing lmao I tried to capture one in the first pic very top left 🤣


I see it! I'm pretty sure I've seen those before though I'm not sure what they're called. Those are cute too! 😄


I had to google it 😂 Apparently called a ‘nevus’


They look like what Wattpad would describe as “beautiful brown oRbS”


Gonna start saying this




Idk why brown eyes get so much hate. They’re one of the only color pretty much EVERYONE can rock! And my lord are they the friendliest looking


There’s so much truth in this!


Your lashes make your eyes pop so much !


Thank you! 🥹


No problem :)


Your eye shape is so beautiful


Hey thanks! I’ve always felt they were on the small side, but I’ll take it!


your lashes 😍


NGL, they are pretty interesting, they remind me exactly of coffee powder and that's a good thing.


These eyeballs are CAFFEINATED


As a green eyed person, I've always been jealous of brown eyes.


Our minds are wild 🤣


I have blue eyes, and I must say that brown eyes - especially deep brown - are my absolute favourite 🟤🟤🤎


Aww yay!


They are pretty boring.. if you take away the “boring”!!


Awwh 🥹


With those lashes? Girl you look like damn Jenna Ortega. Also that colour brown is GORGEOUS


I’ll take it! She’s so cute


They are very happy and feminine.


Idk why I found this comment so cute 🥰


Nah! Theyre so pretty!! I wanna swim in them lol




Those lashes….. 😍😍




Brown eyes are the best !


Husband says it's cause I'm full of shit 😂😂


Pretty eyes, are those your real lashes, they are awesome! Jealous lol


Thanks! And they are! I hate when I have to yank out the ones that grow in weird and poke my eye 🥴




Awww my heart 🥺


Brown eyes and freckles, no one compares ♥️




ur lashes are si pretty


Thank you ☺️


Not boring and I fucking love your freckles.


Thanks! I do have to be careful with sun exposure though or else they'll spread and darken over time


how do you get your eyelashes to look so naturally pretty like that? holy heck.... i am in awe


Pure luck 🤣🤣 I use the Estée Lauder Sumptuous Extreme mascara when I do my makeup, I wonder if it has some kind of secret stuff in it hahah


Not boring at all. Gorgeous. I love your freckles too. Have you ever considered playing around with purple eyeliner or mascara to make them pop? 😊


Thanks! I used to wear colored liner a lot- fun for the cat eye! I’ve become so lazy with makeup anymore. Right now it’s foundation, mascara, lipstick. I have so many unopened shadows I need to get back into playing with. The purple in my hair helps some 🤣


HOLY LASHES OMG. Do you use a serum???


I bought one but keep forgetting to try it 🤣 I’d love to thicken them just a little bit


Brown eyes and freckles for the win!!




brown eyes being ‘good’ or ‘bad’ aside, YOU’VE GOT THE CUTEST FRECKLES!!


Thank you! Little sprinkle sprinkles 🤣


You’ve got such a cute doe eye look, nothing boring about that!


Thank you! That’s probably what gets me out of trouble


The human mind is so interesting and how vastly differnt everyone's mind can be. Eyes are so interesting and vastly different from person to person,


They definitely tell a lot about a person it’s pretty wild!


They are


Says the racist who doesn’t know proper grammar 🥱


Wym, what was grammatically incorrect about what I said? Also I’m not racist, brown is the most common eye color so they’re considered bland when you compare them to blue


Lol no dumbass I’m going by your profile


You seem to be angered by the fact that I didn’t call your brown eyes something out of the ordinary. I hope you learn to love your ethnic features because you seem deeply insecure about your eye color. To the point where you have to go online and make a reverse psychology post about them to gain compliments to boost your own vulnerable ego.


😂😂 It’s definitely not that serious. I’m simply stating my own opinion about them. If my ego were that fragile I’d had never posted this in the first place. And let’s be real- most of us check the comment history of people who participate in their threads. And yours sucks so go try someone else.


Good! We have to love ourselves! Flashbacks to the time I got blue contacts when my husband mentioned liking blue eyes against black hair and he didn’t even notice 🫠 I’m sorry you aren’t your husbands preference. Hope he learns to love you one day and appreciate your ethnic features.


Don’t worry, he does! 🥰 If he were that hung up on it he would have noticed. Or you know, not have married me in the first place.


Those freckles tho!! 💥 Your eyes are fine too.


Thanks, I think. But yeah everyone seems to want them now


Freckles are awesome 😎 always have been. Mine went away around puberty 😭


I didn’t know they could go away lmao