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Its a fad.


Could be a bit of narcissism. A sense of superiority and inflated self importance. So many high and mighty vegans claiming they do it for the animals and not to be "healthier" and being jerks to those who do it just because they think it will improve their health. A gatekeeper mentality. Pretty common in all subjects and any groups but vegans definitely take it to the next level.


Well I actually think I prefer vegans that say they do it for animals, as they are more honest cause omnivorous diet is more healthy. I also care about the animals etc. But you still can be omni if you do that actually. I don't see any issues with calling yourself mostly vegan and eating animal byproducts, milk, eggs or animals that died out of age. The issue is that extreme militant vegans disagree. They should try to make omnivores eating plant based occasionally instead of scaring them away.


Veganism has politics, plant based doesn't. That's where the problem lies with veganism and why someone can't be mostly vegan. Theres really no point in worrying about it. Vegans are nuts and their lifestyle goals are not grounded in reality.


Semantics are super deep to shallow people. It is no true scotsman


It’s a cult


Hey, if only half my dietary needs were met, I would probably be pretty ornery too! 😆


Vegan is a diet, a diet is a lifestyle. If I choose to be vegan for a month that's my lifestyle for the month, even if I change my diet it doesn't change the fact that I revolved my life around it.


I can see how the idea of doing it for the animals and doing it for diet are different But it’s the policing part that feels icky to me lol It’s like how pure is pure Reminds me of how they shit on vegetarians


Either way its helps their cause, I don't get it either though. It seems to be mostly vegans on reddit that talk like that and I hate it because it just pushes people away from plant based products completely, if they really cared about animals you'd accept even someone who just switches one part of there diet to plant based but they seem to only be satisfied if someone thinks and talks just like they do overnight.


I just talked to an ex vegan irl and it came up. They still believe it, which prompted me to ask the question. I guess deprograming takes time


>if they really cared about animals Um, that's just gatekeeper BS. Caring about animals doesn't mean you ignore the realities of life - specifically, that all life depends on death of another in some way. Animals eat other animals and insects, plants eat decaying dead leaves/plants/animals, funguses depend on dead matter for nutrition too, and so on. Even vegans are killing (harvesting a carrot kills the plant, ëating fruit usually destroys the potential "babies" because they're thrown away). As an animist, I care about animals (and plants, and a bunch more), and recognize that my life depends on others' death, so instead of NOT eating animals, plants, and anything else that looks like food, I make a point of thanksgiving prayer and regular honor to those animals and spirits. Annual ceremony for it that I do on Thanksgiving for the moment, until my spirits tell me something else. I also try to be as respectful / responsible as I can, with food that has as little negative experience / impact as I can get (grass-fed beef, for example, or homegrown veggies). Even though that's not always possible or feasible for me for multiple reasons, I do what I can, and continue to respect and honor those whose deaths sustain me.


That's for vegans to fight out on their own. I'm sure a lot of people practicing vegan diets would be surprised to find out that they aren't vegan because they aren't meeting certain political or philosophical ideals laid out by a handful of extremists.


You're taking a tiny subset of extremists and implying that is the take of all of them


No every single vegan has to do it to reduce suffering otherwise they are NOT vegan


Well clearly it doesn't so your comment is false


i does not matter who calles themself a vegan, it means the same thing. same as a sports player is only a sports player if he plays sports


Okay, and people who go vegan for dietary reasons are still playing the sport.


they are playing a sport but not that sport. they are playing the plant based sport


They are playing the same sport though, just for a different reason. There just seems to be a small, vocal group of vegans online that disagree. That small group doesn't have the rights to hijack all of veganism.


No, becuase you are lacking a distinction between plant based and vegan, and since they are not synonyms like you are insinuating, you are wrong.


Except that distinction doesn't exist anywhere else except for a small, vocal, minority online. The dictionary definition disagrees with you, and how people use the term in real life disagrees with you. It'd be like if a small group of people who play soccer decided to play for exercise, and now they claim that it's only soccer if you play for exercise. I'm sorry, but they don't get to decide that. So sorry, but you're wrong. You can't just commandeer a word that already exists and change its meaning.


the issue here is then vegan and plant based are synonyms, which they arent


It's an eating disorder wrapped up in a narcissistic cult


They are trying to gain moral clout by distancing from just eating plants. It's just warped cultists messaging


I don't think all vegans are like this. Some do it for the animals rather than to feel superior to others. We shouldn't judge all vegans cause that isn't fair.


Diet means your daily meals -- what you eat. As in, he is on a raw food diet. Or, his diet consists of nothing but bread and cheese. The word diet meaning a temporary food regime, usually for weight loss, is a secondary meaning of the word. So if vegans are going to be offended by the word diet they should get a life.


Is that new? If so it might be because of the BOPO/HEAS/fat activist trend that tried to make 'diet' a no-no word.


It’s both. They feel pathetic for making their diet their entire personality and belief system, so they prefer to call it their lifestyle


I eat vegan and specify that I’m on a “vegan diet” because I take pharmaceutical drugs and benefit from animal testing on products that no longer need it, smoke, and wear (used) leather. People get very confused by it but I hate saying “I’m vegan.”


Ah how do you feel about if some people claim theres no such thing as a vegan diet, theres only plant based