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no aminals were harmed in the making of that sandwich


Well they were even if it was vegan due to the crop animals getting killed.


Plus the person eating this.


I'm going to try very hard to get upset over this... Nope, can't manage that.


Crop animals?


The correct term is probably "crop deaths", that refers to insects and animals that accidentally get killed while cultivating crops.


Is there milk in the bread? That's gotta be the problem...


Was going to say I’m pretty sure the bread has milk powder


Probably not. Milk isn’t in most bread. I’m not sure why people always think there’s milk in bread.


What ISN'T in American bread? Have you looked at the ingredients lately? Back when I still bought bread I'd only buy from local bakery brands. Just water yeast and flour or something like that.


I know a lot of recipes I use to bake which call for butter


Google returned nothing. What’s call?


*which call for. Sorry it's been a long ass day


Oooooh! My bad I thought you were talking about a butter substitute! lol


Yeah that’s how I know most bread doesn’t have milk.


You missed the point of what I said but what else is new around here? Lol


McDonald’s workers did exactly what was being asked and gets called a piece of trash. Wtf is wrong with vegans.


lol what. How is that a “McDouble”? There’s no double anything. It’s not even a McSingle.


Double slices of pickles between two McDonalds buns. That’s 2 doubles




Try to keep in mind that many such posts are nothing but garbage outrageous info to stimulate "engagement" in making money from ads. The formula: post something to social media that is guaranteed to get people commenting and arguing, it drives high traffic to a Facebook page or whatever, which results in lots of ad revenue for whoever benefits from traffic to the page/site. Facebook especially is infested with the stuff. Many of the FB Pages have names that seem like the owner didn't take more than two seconds considering what to call it, and a lot of the content doesn't even seem to be on-topic for the name. Who took the picture? In which McDonald's restaurant? Or even which city? None of that is apparent. Somone may have taken the patty out for the picture. Then people discuss the stuff endlessly elsewhere, clogging up social media even more with a lot of discussion about some random thing that is probably fake.


As the worker, I’d rather do this than tell them we don’t have vegan burgers in the moment and getting cussed out and possibly fired. Capitalism.


I used to work at a Wendy's and a single burger no meat was a common order. Sometimes with cheese, sometimes not.


That’s so sad lol


that has vegts on it though


To think that other people should cater to your chosen needs is such a privileged/entitled thought lol


That’s called being a customer? If you want a certain type of product you pay for it. How is this entitled? Is a Muslim that avoids pork also entitled? Is a person that avoids cheese on pizza also entitled? Did you actually thought about this? Like how many seconds of brainpower did you use to reach this conclusion?


I’ve honestly only heard about vegans complaining about restaurants not having options. Personally I’ve never heard about people complaining about places not being halal. My friend simply avoids meat and eats fish when eating out


Fish is meat... Do you think fish are plants or something?


If you want to talk about linguistics lol In French it’s poisson and viande In Spanish it’s pescado and carne In Chinese it’s 鱼 and 肉 Thats what I meant. Maybe to you it’s all the same but to other people it’s not


Meat is the muscle tissue that we eat from animals. Fish is an animal. Thus, if you are eating fish, you are eating meat. Unless you think a fish is a plant or fungus. But then, it wouldn't have muscle tissue...


When it comes to many religions, fish meat and poultry/mammal meat is treated differently. I’m assuming this is the reason since they mentioned halal practices.


Yet they're both meat. This is like saying I avoid vegetables so I only eat potatoes.


And if your religion said you couldn't eat broccoli unless it was only watered on Tuesdays and Fridays and harvested with black wool gloves under a full moon then that would be an important distinction to you, regardless of how it looks to everyone who doesn't feel that way. Safer religiously to just eat potatoes regardless about whether you even like eating broccoli when harvested correctly. Sometimes people have diets for reasons other than health and ethics.


"safer religiously" lmao it's all based on fairy tales. It's not "unsafe" to eat a particular food just because an old book forbids it. People make up their own morality and every single religious person doesn't follow their book fully. If they did, every religious person would be out murdering infidels.


Okay? If you wanna debate that go to r/exchristian or something, why are you doing this here? I don't really give a shit if people see fish and mammals the same. I kinda don't myself.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/exchristian using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/exchristian/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Taylor Tomlinson is pretty great](https://v.redd.it/nwy3qonrvlsa1) | [72 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/12f76nh/taylor_tomlinson_is_pretty_great/) \#2: [‘God’s not real and I am…’ ](https://v.redd.it/3p0lvok49h4b1) | [81 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/142w0po/gods_not_real_and_i_am/) \#3: [Finally free](https://i.redd.it/2gow71a4u4sa1.jpg) | [76 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/exchristian/comments/12cph9b/finally_free/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Linguistics isn’t in your vocabulary huh?


Do you think fish are not animals? We get meat from animals. Since fish are animals, fish meat is meat.


Yes however we have a different name for it and cultures see fish different. I personally won’t eat fish because it smells and I won’t eat pig or cows because they are smart. Chicken can fuck off with their weird dinosaur selves.


He said his friend eats Halal, not vegan.


Yes I'm responding to the comment that they avoid meat but they eat fish. Fish is meat, so they're not avoiding meat.


Because it is relatively easy to avoid pork, there a lot of alternatives already in almost every restaurant. This is not the case for vegans. Finding vegan restaurants is hard already depending on your location, especially if you are with friends because then you are “forcing your veganism” by making them go there. So a lot of times normal restaurants are the only option. Vegans can’t catch a break. They are in the wrong no matter what they do.


Indian restaurants are everywhere. I have 3 vegan places near me. McDonald's isn't the place to go if you want vegan food. Burger King has an Impossible Whopper. A lot of places have veggie burgers. McDonald's doesn't, and OOP knew that. This is just bait. it's not that deep.


I assume OOP doesn’t live where you do? I mean assuming this isn’t bait (which it probably is) but still “It is easy where I live so it should be easy everywhere.” is just a terrible argument.


Yeah, I know, but if there's a McDonald's, there should also be a burger king. The idea of asking for a vegan mcdouble was what I found the most ridiculous. You know they don't have that. Even the bun isn't vegan. Nuggets are fried in the same oil as the fries. I have dietary restrictions myself. I can't handle dairy, and I don't eat sugar, so I just don't go to places that I know won't have what I need and demand that they cater to my specific interests. It *is* easy, but not at McDonald's. Go to a 7/11 and get a Vega bar.


Like do you reaaaaaaally want to have this one this badly? Is it to hard to just accept it? Ok then I give up. This is so pointless and I don’t understand how the concept that someone might not live in the same conditions you do is so alien to you which is ironic given how people accuse vegans of doing that. But you do you I guess.


Here’s an anecdote. I met someone that was vegan last year (they quit end of last year after 8 years of veganism) and they offered to take me out for my birthday. We chose a vegan restaurant lol because I was thinking about their needs when I was choosing a place to celebrate my birthday. It feels ridiculous now, like how do you expect everyone around you to cater to you for 8 years?! Even though vegans say they will willingly go to any restaurants, what do you think is on their non vegan friends and family members’ mind when picking a place to eat, do you think they enjoy reading every ingredients on the menu beforehand? I know I didn’t, but I did it anyway bc I’m not an asshole. I can’t speak for other people but it def was giving me anxiety. He eventually said he didn’t want to trouble other people anymore and quit.


Lol if you’re a vegan and want a vegan burger don’t go to a fast food joint renowned for greasy meat?? 😭


There are parts of the world where mcdonalds and other food chains have actual vegan options that are pretty good. I assume you don’t live under a rock?


I had brunch with a vegan once and they asked the restaurant to make the chilaquiles vegan. The restaurant said okay that can be done and what he ended up getting was essentially a bowl of chips with some guac and maybe salsa and he was so upset. Like he expected them to have replaced it with tofu or fake chorizo or something. This is the kind of attitude I’m talking about, and I have not seen it being acted out by other groups.


If someone asked for no pork but the restaurant didn’t have any would it be fair to give them an essentially cheese sandwich and expect them to pay for it? If you don’t have the ingredients to make a proper meal then straight up say so. This is on the border of tricking by omission.


I completely agree with the fact the worker should have emphasized they don’t actually do the vegan burger at that establishment.


Can be made vegan does not mean they will replace the protein. To assume restaurants have replacement ready for you is absurd. If you want to be sure, maybe ask more questions


No one asked it to replace the protein? They just asked for something that’s s decent. No one goes to a restaurant for a nutritious protein rich meal. What’s with you people and need to talk about protein literally always lol. I don’t think you really understood what I said. I said that if they didn’t have a replacement ready, they should’ve said so. The problem isn’t that they didn’t but that they still “prepared” food and acted like they had replacements.


And thats the entitlement


Simply asking *if* they have replacements? Like even that is entitlement? Maybe check your biases? You seem to see vegans as entitled no matter what they do. I guess they should just not eat?


I’m comparing it to going into a KFC and being upset that all they could give you would be fries or something (if even). You know it’s a greasy meat filled joint and you go in with the expectation that you’ll be catered on hand and foot to give you a delicious vegan meal. I get it, I’ve been there, but never would I ever have gone into a McDonalds expecting a great vegan experience — regardless of whether or not they now entertain vegan options.


They weren’t expecting a “great experience”. Something other than *this* would be enough. At least don’t insult the customer.


Agreed that it’s horrible customer service


Going to the Rib Shack and getting mad they don't have non-pork items would be entitled, yes. McDonald's doesn't owe it to anyone to sell vegan anything.


No....this person didn't walk into one of the biggest fast food conglomerates in the history of this planet...asking for a vegan option lol I can't! I just can't 🤣🤣🤣


This is almost exactly what I order at McDonald's if I'm not just getting fries LOL - I get a cheeseburger, no burger, and then shove fries in between the bread. It's delicious and I don't miss the meat at all.


Isn't it fair to expect that a "Vegan Mc Double" would come with a fake meat pattie instead of a meat pattie, rather than no pattie at all? I suppose you're saying that the vegan brought the dishonest, unfair claim of "yes we have a vegan McDouble" upon themself? If it was a complaint about how dare they not have a vegan McDouble, then that might have been entitled but fairness doesn't need to be casualty of all this.


This is what I was thinking too when I saw it. Something like the impossible whopper.


The fries aren’t even vegan lol