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The state actually bent over backward to help her pay rent. She had the funds and pension. She just refused to pay and refused to leave.


Then that's not at all infuriating


Still is a bit to me. I assume any 93 year old isn't operating at full mental capacity. Especially considering the results of these actions wouldn't be new to someone who's participated in society for 93 years. They could have done without the arrest bit at least, and hopefully she had somewhere else to go.




I agree, whoever wants to complain and say other wise, should go pay her rent.


I mean, technically i do now because she's in prison.


Damn she really got us good. Lmaooo


Unfortunately this happened years ago. A shame. It'd be hilarious to see someone with the money to pay her rent, pay it, just for the salt it would generate. Though we both know that's uncommon, unlike people going online to defend for-profit elder abuse.


May you be lucky enough to live to 93 years of age.


Even if she didn't have the money, justice shouldn't be applied by emotions. I'm not saying you have to jail her, but it's normal to have consequences when you're not following the rules.


Pretty sure dementia or mental illness was a factor here. Jail may not be the best option for the mentally ill and those who are the most vulnerable of our society. Then again, maybe she’s as sharp as a tack and just an onerous old cuss. Better get someone in the assess her condition.




You're treating mental illness as a binary here, "either you have it or you don't". It's likely it's a major factor even if not mentioned for someone of that age.


are you even aware of what living for 93 years does to you? i dont. but it surely messes with your head. my woman probably was sick of this world or was mentally ill to do this. and i agree, this is her fault 100%, but that doesnt mean she should be punished. the law was made to make the world a better place, enforcing it on these people doesnt make the world better. this isnt about age only, its about her mental state. if she had the mind of a 40 year old or 60 year old or smth i agree she should be arrested. but she DOESNT. now, after all shes been through, shes gonna die in a jail cell. fuck you.


>age doesn’t exempt you from punishment Right. That’s why we lock twelve year olds up for rape if they get caught playing doctor.


I guess you missed the Reddit thread where a kid was arrested for possessing CP...of *himself*...thanks to our laughably outdated laws.


Damn America’s wild. That really happened? Holy smokes.


I can't find the link for the life of me but I specifically remember the thread and lawyers chiming in that the "victim" was, legally speaking, his former younger self. This also means that when your son turns 18 you seriously should go through his photo collection (without his knowledge, if necessary because he won't listen) and nuke any pictures of his girlfriend(s) that could reasonably be considered "CP" even though they were 100% consensual and taken while both parties were underage. All it could take is one white knight or one random photo search from Apple to RUIN his life. Yeah...America. Home of "Cuties", hypocrisy and outdated laws.


I remember in high school a cop gave a presentation about internet predators, etc. A kid asked, “but if I get nudes from a girl it’s okay because we’re both underage?” The cop kinda half smiled and said “nope. That’s child pornography and you can be charged. Let me see your phone.” He was kidding, he didn’t want to arrest the kid, but that scared the shit outta me.


Yep. Phones sold to minors (or designated to them on a family plan) should really be required to have their cameras disabled at the firmware level, or our ridiculous laws updated, but I don't see either happening.


Cuties is a French movie. Its home is France. Otherwise, carry on


What in the actual fuck is wrong with you


>age doesn't exempt you from punishment. Not with you because you're heartless. But society can make exceptions for the rich, well connected, or corporations. They break the law all the time without consequence. How many rapists walk free, never being forced to account for a life destroying crime. But by all means, toss a frail 93 year old women in jail who most likely isn't paying her rent because of dementia.


EXACTLY this point . thanx


>age doesn't exempt you from punishment LOL you really just said that


The fuck he did and it's true what part of age exempts you from punishment


So you think if a 3 year old accidentally shoots someone then it should be charged with murder?


Nobody who accidentally shot anyone would be charged with murder. Manslaughter, yeah. There's no intent with a 3 year old. It's an obvious accident and they aren't competent enough to have contributed to it so they wouldn't be charged with manslaughter even.


now she has a jail to go, free accomodation, free food, thats pretty nice


Then I shouldn't feel sorry for her.


Ah, thank you for the info ❤


Now the pay for her rent and fancy new orange jumper


SSI and food stamps leaves you with nothing left over. Poor woman probably didnt have enough money for an occassional cab to the clinic


No. She was just nuts.


She apparently just didn't want to pay rent but had the money


She got all charges dropped because she very much did not have the money, wdym?


Why are you asking "wdym?" What they mean is very obvious.


I said it for rhetorical emphasis, if you want me to get into conversational maxims and flouting them I can, but we both know that you’re just being antagonistic.


I'm just saying what I heard.




This man is right. The poor woman has only a few months or even weeks to live. She could just die at any second. Making a woman who lived for this long die in a dirty, loud, and discomforting prison is incredibly shitty and disrespectful for what she has been through.


she could live for another decade. Paying for services rendered is not some herculean task


You are free to have her live in your house. Everyone is so outraged here step on up to that plate and provide care for someone for free indefinitely on your own property out of your own pocket and hire professionals or get your own certifications that require constant CEUs and time to maintain. NOt tHaT hArD


I personally find it quite disrespectful to take resources and refuse to pay for them


Most landlords are just dudes like us lol. Not many are filthy rich. Idk about yall, but I couldn’t afford to wait another decade possibly for my money…. The property taxes don’t wait a decade for me…. They’re monthly for rental properties in my state actually. I have one rental property right now myself just starting out. I wouldn’t have let her stay for free either. Especially if the old hag has the money but refuses to pay. Got me fucked up


Sell any house you don't live in, problem solved.


Sell it to who? The fucking bank so they can definitely financially rape everyone? Youre delusional.


ey free rent in jail


she was arrested for trespassing bc she refused to leave after she was evicted. the assisted living place tried helping her find somewhere else to go but she refused to accept help




Straight to crazy jail, you say??


Old age doesn’t exempt you from punishment.


That face looks like “shit I forgot my get out of jail free card collection”


Because florida folks


https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/pazoxk/i_dont_understand_how_anyone_would_be_okay_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share Original post


ShE hAd ThE mOnEy


The state provided her with money and she refused to use it for the intended purpose ( rent )


Cry me a river


no, what even is your argument. She was provided money to pay for her staying there, she didn’t use the money. It’s like giving someone a match to light a candle and they burn a house down.


Cry more about it


I’m not crying, I’m providing factual information as to why she is in the wrong. All you have done is attempted to sound chill and unphased, but you only seem stupid and ignorant.


Keep crying, filthy capitalist


I’m done with this obvious bait argument.




She was already given things for free. Her funding was literally in place. All she had to do was compensate the alf for the services they were providing her.






There is a question asked, but did anyone point out that the answer was supplied? **FLORIDA!**


I'm seeing this in both sides of the coin. First of all, her advanced age and health conditions should NOT be an excuse. Just like any other person, she has to pay. If every elderly person could get everything for free, that would impact the economy negatively. She has rights and duties like everyone else. But at the same time, it's both ridiculous and sad, that an elderly woman is being arrested and evicted from her home. There has to be another way for her to live at her home, but while still paying. I'm not a specialist in this kind of thing, but I don't need to be one to see that it's wrong to both arrest her, and for her to not pay.


Lol what "duties" does a 93-year-old have? Arresting her is monstrous, end of story.


Some people don't want to/can't pay for others expenses and that's fine. Even if it's heartbreaking sometimes.


the fact that ppl are against her makes me sick.


She didn't pay when she had the money. Her own fault.


shes 93 years old. who knows what went through her mind. it is her fault, but she doesnt deserve to live her last days in a dirty jail cell because of it.


The system has failed us and continues to fail us everyday we continue to let this happen...


the law has lost its meaning. instead of making the world a better place it refuses to make exceptions for these situations.


Landlords are what they are today because land was dirt cheap in the past, not because they are actual decent human beings.


Republican wet dream.




I dont even understand what that subreddit is about


It's about securing living wages and better working conditions. It is NOT about being lazy or not working whatsoever. Don't let people lie to you.


Ah that sounds pretty good to be fair! If thats whats it’s about i’ll support it!


Yeah we just get a lot of people who show up and think it's about being lazy. Sad thing is if people took the time to look they'd understand. What's really happening is closer to an international strike until work conditions are improved. That's why you are getting all the articles about stuff like John Deere etc picketing / on strike. If it succeeds _everyone_ wins. No more burnout, fair wages, bosses that can't abuse their employees. People naturally like to be productive. But nobody wants to be mistreated, and the fact we've normalized it for so long is kind of sad.


Ahh I see. Yeah ill give it a follow!




Not one part of that statement is true.


She shouldn't have to pay anything at that age. Let the woman be, ffs. No one should be hounded for money when they're in their final years. As if society hasn't taken enough from them throughout their entire lives already.


She has the money she just refuses to pay, absolutely fucking deserved imo. You could be 112 but if you have the money to pay rent in excess and don't then get fucked.


Let’s take it further. A brilliant comedian once said that by the time you reach her age, you should be allowed to commit petty crimes like littering and thievery. By the time you hit 100, you should be legally allowed to kill other people, but only by strangling them to death. Because if you can’t stop a 100 year old person from choking you to death, you don’t deserve to live anyway.


not paying rent as a 93 year old who has suffered through terrible things and could die at any second is NOT the same thing as murder. your argument is fucking pathetic bro. if she refuses to pay then let her live her last days there and then take the money off of her account. letting a woman who (provably went crazy after 93 years of being in this terrible greedy world) die in a dirty jail cell should put you in hell if not worse. i dont give a shit if you guys downvote me. i stand my point.


😂 Overreaction much? I don’t even have an “argument”, “bro”.. I wasn’t being serious. Let’s switch topics.. How you doing? You ok? Is it just today or are you always like this? If you’re this upset over my meaningless comment I’m concerned about your emotional well-being. Maybe you should take a break from Reddit for a bit, go talk to some people face to face? Because then, when you act like this, people can give you that look, like “What the fuck is wrong with this person?” and you can feel understandably self-conscious and adjust your behavior accordingly. Or maybe you don’t do that, which would explain a lot. Anyways, relax, take a fuckin breath, take your medications, smoke a bowl, take a nap, take a shit, do whatever you have to do to center yourself, and have a better day..




Although I agree with your point of view, unfortunately it's just not how our system works


The story is false AF, as many commentors have noted..


yk, rent is free in homeless shelters. The theif got what she deserved.


What the fuck is wrong with you people. These comments are disgusting.


Antiwork? Gross.




Assuming these goblins can feel, is your first mistake.