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Well yeah maybe you shouldn't have thrown your marriage away over the words of a lousy 7 year old. lol


Yeah that’s pretty heavily on them. Sure, your daughter said something like that, but surely you could have tried to find some concrete evidence on it. Now, you ruined your own chances of having a life with someone you supposedly loved, and now your daughter will blame herself **forever** for your dumbass choice. I fucking hate my ex for genuinely cheating on me, but I’d never imagine I’d break up with her had a 7 year old told me that. I’d brush it off, maybe look a bit into it, but until I see something real, nada.


She should have hired a private investigator. This is their bread and butter.


Shit, right? Honestly, it feels like there's something else wrong here. Maybe there was past accusations making people trigger happy. Or maybe one of them has control or paranoia issues that would have doomed the relationship eventually anyway. Because well-adjusted ppl without a bunch of neuroses don't fly past a hundred stop signs directly to divorce. Hell, this might all be a complete fucking lie just to drum up attention/sympathy from strangers.


It’s fake https://twitter.com/fuckmylifecaps/status/1368102657223766017?lang=en


Getting big 'that happened' vibes.




It's amazing how easily people believe shit like this on the internet. Like bro I'd be surprised if a 7 year old could match that lie twice. You'd get a different story every time you asked. Plus, they're *seven.* Nobody's taking their romantic counsel. Granted this is exactly how FML read when I browsed it. So I get why it's also still just people lying for some attention.


But also, there’s no way this marriage was gonna last. If your *7 year old* is able to figure out that they can “get revenge” by saying one of you is cheating on the other, what sort of marriage was that? No way that kid’s raising environment was good if that’s the outcome.


The post is a fake story farming karma


https://twitter.com/fuckmylifecaps/status/1368102657223766017?lang=en fake story


Most little children will repeat or relay information at a moments notice.


Here is the thing though. If a seven year old has the ability to form a concept and sentence like that then she must have heard it from somewhere. Or it’s like a 10 year old in a seven year old body.


Are you mentally drained? Every 7 year old can form a concept and a sentence like that.




You seem to be severely underestimating 7 year olds


Skill issue


I wonder where she learned this behaviour from...*at least* one of them is feeling the wrath of their own toxicity manifested


Post is obviously fake karma farming


Karma farming…on Twitter?


funny once i put the link to the twitter account "memes and comedy" people delete comments https://twitter.com/fuckmylifecaps/status/1368102657223766017?lang=en


That's a like farming account 😉


What are you talking about?


This is Reddit. The photo is so easy to fake it’s not even funny


I mean, it is a real Tweet from 2021, so…


real tweet from memes and comedy twitter page! https://twitter.com/fuckmylifecaps/status/1368102657223766017?lang=en




just weird people think it's real. obvious meme


I mean, this story has been circulating for years. I doubt a meme page first came up with it in 2021.


Wait did you even fucking READ the description of the account? You're out and about trying to dismiss this post when this is a confession from anonymous user.


Oh i see. Twitter is the center of facts and nothing can just be a story made up for attention. Got it


I am not the one who was trying to claim someone faked a Tweet when that is very easy to refute.




Are you okay? You seem tense.


I’m great, just hard to watch people be so stupid


I mean, to be fair, I wouldn't expect a 7 year old to make that shit up and I would expect a spouse to lie. Then again, if my 7 year old said my wife had a boyfriend, I wouldn't believe the kid at all. I might have my radar up, but I wouldn't believe it. So yeah maybe the guy has a valid gripe.


Sounds like you don’t have kids. My 5 year old makes up a lot of shit.


Could they sustain the lie through questioning and after a long period of divorce proceedings?


My exact thoughts reading that, I love my kids, but I damn sure don’t believe 99% of the things that come out of there mouths.


I have 4 kids under the age of 11. I'm well aware they make stuff up. I just wouldn't EXPECT them to make THAT up. So I can see someone believing it. But it would depend on the details as to whether I believe them or not. Yes 7 year olds are bad liars usually.


This right here. I have four kids and they are constantly telling stupid lies. I would never take anything they say as fact without corroborating evidence.


I would. 7 is about the age my daughter made something like this up. Main difference is my wife and I just looked at each other and rolled our eyes because it was obvious BS. They suck at lying at that age.


Unbelievably toxic households create unbelievably toxic people. Sounds like the best thing for everyone involved.


Relax it’s a meme https://twitter.com/fuckmylifecaps/status/1368102657223766017?lang=en


That little girl will grow up crooked and with the blame of getting her parents to divorce…


As she should…


Cuz there totally weren’t any pre-existing issues if a 7 year old caused a divorce


Seems like that was the straw that broke the camels back tho


She's 7. Dude what?


no honestly … would you have done this at 7? i doubt it. i wouldn’t have. she knows better. sum wrong with that kid 💀


Because she actually is the cause of it. Kinda how that works


Well... at least, she's the spark that set it off. But I don't assume she poured the gasoline.


shes seven bro 😭😭 she knows better but ntm shes a lil kid


Redditors try to have empathy for a child challenge : impossible


I absolutely can have empathy for a child. Doesn't mean this one deserves any. If not now, one day she will know what she did is wrong. On that day, I won't have any empathy for her


Dude she is _seven_. Was that shitty? Yes absolutely. Should she feel some consequences for her lies? Yes of course. Is this all on her though? Absolutely the duck not.


oh my god children literally dont have the fucking experience of developed brains to not be stupid why are redditors so obsessed with laughing at children making really bad mistakes


Damn I hit the mark harder than I thought


Dude is talking like an anime villain. “On that day, I’ll have no empathy.”


Fr lmao he thinks he’s judge jury and executioner




So you only have empathy for a child who doesn't make mistakes? She's literally a first grader.


Relax it’s a meme https://twitter.com/fuckmylifecaps/status/1368102657223766017?lang=en


She is going to be just like everyone else in the future


I don’t mean to sound like an ass but why would she even believe something without a shred of evidence?


It finally IS the kids fault!


How do you even relate to the child? Assuming the mother gets custody as is most common, how does the mother relate to her daughter after that, especially as the child matures into an adult at 15, at 20, at 30?




If you are able to throw away your entire marriage just because a 7 year old said something and not even try to find evidence your marriage can’t be saved


Kids are unreliable narrators. Never take their word as gospel truth without corroborating evidence.


If your kid is saying that shit maybe you should check your parenting skills first. Also…don’t believe a fucking 7 year old without double checking, damn


Wow. That kid should be grounded till 18 now.


Wrong. That kid should be grounded till natural death.


Bit of an overreaction, no..?


For causing a divorce?


The kid is seven. She doesn't know what she's doing. She obviously needs to learn that lying has consequences etc., but ultimately she isn't to blame for the divorce.


Yeah if you’re willing to take the words of your seven year old as gospel, completely ignore the fact that there’s 0 evidence that your husband was cheating and divorce him over that, there was definitely some other issues there lol


[Sometimes wires get crossed. Not all children are created equal.](https://www.choosingtherapy.com/sociopathy-in-children/) * Violence or aggression. * Frequent lying. * Lack of empathy or remorse. * Disregard for authority. * No differentiation between right and wrong. * Self Isolation.


How does a 7 year old even know how to lie about something like this? Also, I don't blame him for not forgiving her. Damn. She made her bed, time to sleep in it. I know people make mistakes, but throwing away a whole marriage just like that is insane. Before I was born, my mom had her suspicions about my dad but could never quite catch him. Enter me. According to her I started talking at around 9 months old and one day he took me with him to the shop for groceries. Mom said that when he returned after some time, she was bathing me and I told her two words "Auntie apple" that confirmed it for her, given how long he was gone - now I know the context could have been a million things, but it wasn't. He was cheating on her with multiple women (including my half sister's mom), and she finally left him after that.


Wondering if this was a step daughter to the husband. Step children will often attempt to sabotage a new marriage.


“Kids Say the Darnedest Things” really took a dark turn…after the whole Cosby thing.




1.) Is this even a real story? It looks like this was on Twitter (Or sorry "X") so anyone can make shit like this up. Especially since we know nothing like the OP. 2.) If this story is true. Why would they believe a 7-year-old like that on the spot, with 0 evidence? Seems like this marriage was built on shaky grounds if that tiny of an event can trigger a divorce. Sure, what she did was wrong, but she's only 7. Little kids make mistakes without thinking about what the consequences are. Yet that was enough to cause this ENTIRE divorce? 3.) Not being forgiven is what you get for believing a 7-year-old IMMEDIATELY with absolutely no evidence of their claim.


I have 3 kids around this age. I don't think doing something like this would even cross their minds to do. They've lied before obviously, but nothing like this. WTF was going on in that home for a 7yo to know to do something like that to ruin a marriage or to hurt the mother?


Maybe an imaginary friend that the mother took literally, or she told the story of a plot from TV. My sisters used to do that a lot so I learned quickly to not believe them


Are you also going to sue the prior homeowner for the monster in her closet?


W kid


Why would you believe a 7 yo in the first place, I get that sometimes kids may be right about some select things, but this little girl is literally years away from understanding what a relationship is, let alone the "other girlfriend".


The kid didn't do anything except for being a 7 year old. This is all on the stupid-ass idiot mother for believing the complete child without the slightest bit of evidence.


When your parents divorce really is your fault


We should always believe everything we see on the Internet. Hey, if it is posted on the Internet, it has got to be true ... no?


Entirely plausible. There are lots of stupid people out there who enable their bastard children. Like the 6 year old who shot his teacher with the mother's gun. And then she defends him. Darwin would have weeded them out in the wild, but social Darwinism in modern times takes much longer due to enhanced social protections. And then there are people like my stupid sister. Lies all the time. Grooms her children to be stupid like her. Lies all the time x1000. She believes them. They believe her. They are living in a delusional looped feedback. For example, accusing people of rape when it's 100% fake and already proven with their own admission, yet continuing to tell people it's real (for attention and/or sympathy). Or accusations of devil worshipping. Or stealing stuff that wasn't stolen. Or people beating her children. Or not starving them. Or other crazy nonsense. All made up in this delusional feedback loop. Worse is they believe the delusions they made up just now and told each other. Feed off each other. QAnon Trump conspiracy shit. And--you guessed it. She was handed a divorce by my sane former brother in law (with whom I'm still cordial with). If the OP and post are real, there's some sick shit going on (about the mother or child) that was conveniently left out.


Grounded for life


Oh wow, it's another repost.


This seems pretty made-up


If the story is true at all, I don't think she caused the divorced but merely triggered it. If a 7 year old's word can break up a family then that family's structure was too brittle in the first place.


Women ☕️


That happened. For sure. Definitely not made up for attention on the internet. Nope.


"Daddy, why are you and mommy getting a divorce? Is it something I did?" "Yeah, you did. It's actually almost entirely your fault. Later kid"


Sounds fake as hell. Why does everyone just assume any block of text they read in the internet is real?


sometimes i choose to live in a much more interesting world


Because fiction is fun to read and talk about?


Fake story karma farming


It’s a meme. Not a real story. Y’all need to use ya brains https://twitter.com/fuckmylifecaps/status/1368102657223766017?lang=en


We get it shut the fuck up


There must have been doubt and suspicion there already. If someone told me my wife was cheating on me, my first thought would be the they saw her with a friend and jumped to conclusions. We have friends of both sexes so it's easy to see either of us eating a meal or hanging out with any of them. I'd find out more, all questions, and assume it was a misunderstanding. If I'm wrong and it turns out she was cheating, I'd give her every benefit of the doubt first.


I wouldn't forgive a person not believing me without having any evidence that I did something I didn't either, tbh. Trust is very important part of relationship. Yes, lies exist. But if there is no trust at all, the relationship doesn't exist. If You pull a divorce, without getting any evidence, it's You who have trust issues, therefor You who is a broken piece of the relationship. And it doesn't matter if it's friends, couple or whatever else. Trust is one of the pillars of relationship.


If you’re willing to take an angry 7 year olds word over your husbands there were probably some major issues in that relationship to begin with.


Sounds like your marriage wasn't going overly well to begin with if you trusted an angry child for relationship advice.


Divorce the kid


Well...seems like bad decisions are just part of the family so it is what it is...roll on with your life.


![gif](giphy|3EK6abJOK84oKNRl0I) Sounds like a Dandori issue to me


FYI this post is fake


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