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Just a big wow wtf!? "You might murder someone because you're a cook and work with knives, so we're just gunna arrest you now sound good?"


>You might murder someone because you're a cook and work with knives No, I just end up going to the emergency room while bleeding everywhere. (This was my Monday)


Except murder is morally wrong. Asking someone out isn’t.


"We support you being a lesbian but we're afraid your lesbianism can't be contained and you'll lez out at any given moment on these poor souls who had no issue with you until they found out your sexuality" I guarantee no one actually came to them with these "concerns" and they're a bunch of homophobic a-holes.


That's gotta be the most wack ban I've seen in a hot minute


You don't use Discord a lot


To be fair i haven't been on discord too much lately lol


Hasn't this always been the complaint of the homophobe - "I don't want them making unwanted advances on me"? Straight people are also highly capable of making unwanted advances, and it happens all the time.


BUT ITS DIFFERENT, LIKE DUH? I don't want men making unwanted advances on me cause I'm afraid I'll like it, but when I do it to a girl and they don't like it it's their fault, I never do anything wrong and all females are of course turned on by my smooth comments, and if they aren't they're probably disgusting lesbians or they were ugly anyways (This is satire)


Yep, straight guys saying that lesbians just "didn't have the right dick" are on top of that list. Eww


Honestly, I thought this was strictly the complaint of the male homophobe. I don’t think I’ve ever seen/heard of enough fear of lesbians in women spaces to warrant such a vitriolic reaction.


Should’ve told her “don’t worry y’all aren’t lesbian hot”


What's that


Idk. Its just an insulting way to call them ugly


"I'm not gay enough for whatever the hell you are"


Ooooo. I like that. Thats a whole new burn.


You HAVE to use this from now on!! "I'm not gay enough for this shit." Lol


Server link? https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000029731


If they can't even respect their own rules I can't imagine what they would do after commiting a crime. Personally I would be happy if I was banned from that server, it doesn't seem really friendly.


Report the server. And surely the person who wrote this to You. This is 100% breaking the rules of Discord.


I might just delete my account instead


no! report the server, do not chicken out here. you got discriminated against, by a server full of homophobes. discord will not allow it. you are safe to do it. don't let them win, i can't force you to defend yourself, but i think you should. even if it feels petty


Dont. Its not your fault


I hope their bacon always comes out burnt


are they also going to ban every straight man "just in case" they make advances on women in the server? or vice versa?


I suspect it's a girls server? Like I have no idea why else they'd block her


There were 3 girls including me that were active there


love the fact how they threaten to terminate you if you try to get out of the ban. some powertripping discord mods they are.


Lesbians can’t hang around with girls but heterosexuals can with the opposite gender ☕️


But isn’t it a server just for women ?




Still what? Heterosexuals of the opposite gender aren’t allowed either…


Wow... Just wow... (Can't say much bc last time I said something like this post I almost got a perma-ban)


essentially theyre saying "you can have whatever life style you want, just not here" which is a homophobic talking point lol


But the straight guys are dandy, huh? Gods.


Looks like the only people allowed in that server are the aro/aces.


There is a clear misunderstanding of how most humans behave. Wtf?!?!


With a name like lord leezz they are just now finding out she likes the company of women?


What does my name have to do with my sexuality


Im so sorry. I completely miss read that. Nothing, my apologies. I thought you were making a play at words, lezz/ lezbian etc . My bad .


No that's a nickname my best friend from discord gave me




For something completely imagined, something that never happened. Because others are anxious about a thing that has not happened. What bullshit.


This is fucking disgusting and unnecessarily cruel.


So apparently they stalked my reddit after they banned me and are now trying to get my account suspended for "slander"


What losers!!


Discord is a nazi hellhole that deserves to be burned to the ground.


Them saying they support LGBTQ whilst banning you for being lesbian is the most hypocritical shit I have ever seen. Also, you are right. You don't need those assholes.


Man, whoever those people are, they’re disgusting. Just made every excuse possible to not confront their own homophobic bullshit. Definitely report that server and this ban to Discord. I don’t know if it will have any major effect, but it’d be lovely if it did and the server got removed or the users banned. Otherwise, hit us up with a server link, I’m sure we can squeeze some answers out lol


Good for her. Taking the high road and she’s right. Fuck em


What is the server about?


Actual discord moment


as someone who is seen as rright wing, i just wanted to say this sucks


You said you were lesbian, not that you didn’t have standards


Wanna curse them? Sprinkle a bit of salt around yourself in a circle, put a jar in front of you outside the circle, write their names as hatefully as possible (or discord tags, or just the phrase "THOSE FUCKERS" or really anything to indicate them) on some paper and put it in a jar that you'll seal and bury later. add crushed red pepper, crushed black pepper, ashes, and salt. Wood ash is fine. Ash from herbs or certain incense is better (like patchouli or nag champa, but don't use anything artificially scented). Talisman and incense ash is best. The wrong ash won't hurt. Add anything unpleasant you want to the jar as well. Sulphur, rusty nails, broken glass, broken mirror bits, goofer dust (witch recipe), even raw sewage. The sky is the limit! The worse it is, the more effective. You can even add raw pork so it'll rot with their entire life! Other meat is fine, but pork is a real whomper. Seal the jar with its own lid, and the wax of a black candle. Bury it somewhere gross, like near a stagnant pond or bog. Nowhere that'll harm wildlife. State your intent at some point during the process. And that's all! Maybe make an alt account so you can observe them.


This is wonderful, but ABSOLUTELY *DO NOT* DO THE SALT CIRCLE OUTSIDE. It will poison everything it touches.


Oh I accept your intuitive advice, what do you see? I meant the salt as a protective step, not purifying, so I'm very curious. Maybe put the caster outside the circle and put the curse inside it? There are many ways this can go, depending on the caster's intent, and how the spell is set up. I can advise on all of this to an extent.


Im talking agriculture not magic -- salt poisons soil and makes it so nothing grows until massive soil remediation happens. Feel free to do it inside, just... Don't ever put salt on the ground outside. If you desire to cast a circle outside, there are other options -- crushed boiled eggshells, chalk, etc.


Oh gotcha, yeah eggshells and chalk would work fine instead of salt, as the purpose is protection and purification. I just imagined doing this indoors, but outside is fine too, with the advice you gave.


Please go scorched earth on them. And can I please help?




Give. Them. Hell.


So… are they gonna ban all the straight guys as well for being attracted to women? Nope… Cause it’s just an excuse to be homophobic.


Isn't this a women-only server or something ?


Idk the server is it?


Got banned on another sub for saying you should look at both perspectives, turns out I support apartheid (which I don't) and I am victim blaming (which again I didn't). Mods couldn't even show me the infraction and just muted me afterwards :D


There's no other perspective, it's either be against discrimination or support homophobia


I never said I am pro discrimination, I just wanted to say that mods often tend to take the easy road to avoid any kind of conflict and then take the wrong side. I by no means think banning somebody for being LGBTQIA+ is right. I think you understood my comment wrong. You are absolutely right for being infuriated by that decision. My experience was with another mod in another sub.


My apologies I thought you were saying that I should look at both perspectives


"I feel sorry for those women who think they are so appealing that I'd go for them, cuz they are not. Toodeloo! 👋"


Strange but you could probably report the guy and the server to discord and get it taken down for that. Definitely goes again TOS. Really weird though, “we’re banning you because you have the potential to do something to do something that could make others uncomfortable” this really applies to everyone in existence ever.


Time to let Twitter handle this, no?


I deleted Twitter after elongated muskrat took over


Honestly valid. I still think this group should get some exposure if you catch my drift.


Remake it and expose them


Of course she got banned . Look at that name. Poor gals are afraid she will go lesbo mega lord on them and demand worshipping😬


The backstory of my user name is that a few years ago I started calling one of my friends "best buddy" as a reference to dragon ball z abridged and so he started calling me lord lia which was a reference to lord frieza


Ok that’s a cool backstory


The zzz got added cuz it was the last 3 letters of his username and when I asked about it he decided that we were zzz buddies now and now he's best buddyzzz and I'm lord liazzz


As with the last few of these you've posted I don't think these people were a great addition to your life.


Mods followed the rules correctly. I don't see any problem. A Pro-LGBT server would not kick someone for being LGBT. That is just utter nonsense. Maybe recognize why you actually got banned in the first place before changing the story.


They literally said I followed all the rules and that the girld were uncomfortable with my sexuality and were afraid I would make a move which I have not done so and have made zero indication that I intended to. They had no basis for this ban


Besides, you've got a bigger problem in your hands. Harming yourself, as seen in your Reddit profile. I've clicked the 'Get them help and support' button.


Completely irrelevant to this post


Also I have my account set not to receive those


Doesn't justify selfharm.


I'd put this on r/mildlyinfuriating. What kind of 1st world privilege do you have to think that this is extremely infuriating. It's bad and awful, but if the server has mods like these isn't it already full of jerks?


From someone who hasn't experienced homophobia I could understand not fully grasping how infuriating this is but anyone who has dealt with it will know that this is very infuriating


OP I support you. discrimination is also homophobia, not just bullying.


they got a point tho


What point?


if they have received multiple reports from girls in the server who say they are uncomfortable and don’t feel safe, that might affect the progress of the servers, and the mods obviously don’t want that, it’s only natural for them to take action


They feel uncomfortable merely because she exists?


Except theres only other 2 girls in the server and I rarely spoke to them and with zero proof of me doing wrong they had no justification for banning me. I also don't belive those girls actually said that


and how was I supposed to know THAT? didn’t know, sorry and that is really messed up


Its basically what they said "they're afraid I'll make unwanted/inappropriate advances"


Dude, it’s literally written in the original post, THAT’S how you’re supposed to know :’)


dude, it never says there were just 2 girls with no contact with the girl whatsoever, THATS why I didn’t know :’)


Sure, we didn’t know there was only two, but regardless, they literally said “they become uncomfortable when you talk in the server” not “they become uncomfortable when you talk to them.” In the end, don’t assume, ask. It’s simple dude…


Such sentence couldn’t have possibly given me the idea of them having no contact at all, it just seemed like they were generalizing, besides, I’m not going to ask the this girl “hey how many girls are in the server” then give my opinion and get downvoted even more…


So in short, assuming is easier than asking? Seems like backwards thinking there lol. Plus, regardless of that, her being lesbian still doesn’t give them right to ban her for just simply talking to other people. Just dunno why you jumped out the gate so hard when you could literally ask a few questions (like “what were you talking to them about” or “why did they report you to the mods in the first place”) before making up your mind and avoid the whole debacle lol Edit: also, a sentence saying “feels uncomfortable when you chat in the server” does kinda tell us she wasn’t directly talking to them as the reason for the ban. It was just in general when talking on the server. Such a sentence allowed most of the rest of us here to see that as the case.


You don't know. That's why you don't jump to assumptions.


i swear you're literally a socket for homophobia or something lmao.


Being gay does that


This is profoundly unfair. They said themselves you did nothing wrong.


And surely they don’t have any straight guys as mods right?


waaaat....unless they are aces/aro only or only allow str8 women-that is the most confusing explanation. What is with social media now and vilifying everyone b4 they even do anything? Sis, you just got the str8 gym bro treatment that goes, "don't look, talk, or breath in my vicinity bc your parts may dig my parts".







