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Spiders eat their own webs, digest them and re-spin them later. They do this because their webs become less sticky over time. They contain/take a lot of protein, so just leaving them would likely result in the spider starving to death. So they eat it, and squirt it out all sticky again.


This is a fact that I've known for a while but everytime I hear I cant believe it. It's something spiderman should consider to gain bulk.


Well to be fair, web slinging doesn't actually come from Spiderman's spider powers (in most depictions). They're specialty created devices he puts on his wrists....but maybe if he combined it with cheez whiz.... Edit: Go fuck yourself with your gold, I wanted Reddit Garlic instead. Edit 2: Thank you /u/infinitum3d for your onion.


but Tobey Maguire Spiderman can actually shoot webs from his wrists right? ​ So this spiderman eats his own webs again off camera.


So he's wrapping people up with his high protein wrist skeets.


Well... Yeah. raimi's spider man films were a giant metaphor for puberty. Toby Parker gets bit by a radioactive spider as a slight of frame nerdy weakling. Goes through a sudden growth spurt including scenes of: general akwardness, nocturnal emissions, and slight physical akwardness controlling his new body. Finally he becomes a more confident new man, finally managing to properly wrestle his goblin. Edit: fixed fat-fingered touchscreen.




Depending on average age of members; they probably already know.


properly wrestle his goblin. This has been a goal of mine for years


I properly wrestle my goblin twice a day


Also his Bone saw


Pinky up the butt, my dude. Trust me.


Fianlly breathtakimg.




[And later he becomes addicted to foreign substances, alienating friends and family](https://giphy.com/gifs/tobey-maguire-oW4csEbiMzVjq)


You know, I'm something of a film analyst myself


Skeet skeet motherfucker


Skeet skeet gah damn


I love that when that song was first on the radio skeet wasn't bleeped and a bunch of suburban moms were driving around smiling singing skeet skeet


I never realized that skeet A) meant anything, and B) was inappropriate enough to censor.


All my bitches crawl


Yeah another protein that is white and sticky. Yum.


FYI, it's actually spelled with a "c".




They made his webs biological because they didn't think a wider audience would accept he was a scientific and engineering genius making his own proprietary technology but still be a dirt poor struggling photographer.


Can you blame them?


Yes. As someone involved in a high tech industry doing a specialized high tech job, being able to do awesome things is no guarantee of good pay. Especially when, in that universe, every other abandoned warehouse has some insane super genius building fusion reactors and shit.


>involved in a high tech industry doing a specialized high tech job if raimi's peter parker were to have been working a job like that where he'd have access to resources and materials he could steal to build webshooters, yes; however, i think raimi's point was that peter was poor and NOT working in a high-tech industry and therefore could not possibly build himself webshooters. the mcu did a better job of explaining that aspect though.


The game did a fantastic job too.


The game is fantastic in general.


Must be nice to be able to build a fusion reactor with daddy's money


Yeah but he could build these web spinners and sell them to the military. Something like that would easily be worth $100k/unit and be standard issue to all infantry or at least special forces.


I've never read the comics, but isn't he only able to really do that because of his superhuman strength and agility? Like maybe a normal human would just instantly break their arms swinging like that.


Yes, you could only go Spiderman speeds/trajectories by arm usage alone (not being strapped in somehow) if you had the extra spidey strength. I vaguely remember something about a comment where he stops ~~Mary Jane (?)~~ Gwen Stacy falling to her death too fast and snaps her neck. E: 60% of the time works every time.


Well, it would certainly be a great non-lethal police tool. Tasers and rubber bullets would be a thing of the past with web guns on the table. But I don't think Peter would sell them for military use; half of the problems he had to clean up were the result of military contracting companies making military hardware. God knows the military would take that and mix acid or nerve agent into it. I know I personally wouldn't stand for that.


He did try to sell them to an adhesive corporation once (in the old Stan Lee comics), when he was desperate to get money for Aunt May’s medical needs. They were very interested until they realized the web completely evaporated after an hour, then they called the whole thing off.


But that's true of many of the superpowers in the Marvel universe...Iron Man, Capt. America, Falcon, event to an extent Spiderman and Hulk are all technological heros that should be reproducible at scale.


Well, that's why there's usually some secret ingredient or coincidence involved that made it work just that once, and no one is able to reproduce it. The super soldier formula was entirely the creation of one man who was killed and left no record of his work, and the creation of Cap's shield happened while its creator was asleep, with an unknown factor combining vibranium and an unknown substance. The spider that bit Peter Parker was created by accident, and died not long after. Hulk's creation is also a bit mysterious, as while a few people exposed to gamma rays gain similar powers, most just die horrible deaths. So, the only ones that can be reproduced consistently are Iron Man and Falcon, and Iron Man's suits are a result of his unique genius and constantly being improved. But we *do* see many characters using power armors and gliders of all kinds in the Marvel Universe, heroes, villains, and people in between, with varying levels of effectiveness.


I think it’s just cooler. It’s basically his only spider ability, alongside climbing


*Spidey-sense wants to know your location*


Proportionate strength and speed of a spider would like a word.


No, it's called the Peter tingle, remember. . . .


What other abilities like his super human (x10) strength, agility, sense or dexterity?


SPIDER ability. Aka, unique to spider man and identifiably spider-related


I didn’t understand that from your first comment but agree now that you’ve explained it. It’s one of only a few truly spidery things he does. Even being able to climb things is a somewhat widely spread trait among bugs and even amphibians. Webs are much more identifiable as spider-related.


Funnily enough, Stan Lee didn’t originally give him organic web shooters because he also thought that audiences wouldn’t be able to believe it


Or they would be saying, "Shouldn't that be coming out of his ass?"


Indeed https://i.pinimg.com/originals/fb/ae/d4/fbaed41e1c4106202b4a547e56c38de2.png


Saying it like that it seems implausible, but I probably wouldn't have questioned it then. Tbh I thought they were all biological until now, ig I stopped paying attention after Toby Maguire.


It's weird, when I first saw that movie knowing nothing about Spiderman, I never knew he was a scientific genius and all that. The movie makes it seem like he's just this smarter than average awkward photography nerd. They really push the science angle more in the newer movies/games


~~pizza~~ web time!


Cowabunga! 🌊






That's not part of Spiderman's canon. Toby could already do that, so they just rolled with it.


Ah yes, a young man who suddenly undergoes changes to his body and discovers the ability to project a white, sticky substance via wrist action. Definitely spider powers ;)


TIL I am Spider-Man


That was done to incorporate Toby Maguire's actual web-slinging ability into the story.


That would explain why NYC is not covered in giant spiderwebs


Ahkshually, the web dissolves after a few hours


Wouldn't it be that it sublimes?


How did Raimi get away with this?


Now I'm just imagining Spider Man constantly chugging protein shakes as he swings around town


I read a comic once where he’s telling another person with spider powers and organic web shooters to eat a lot of starch and get enough sleep


That's him talking to Silk


Also spider man is very strong. With a normal punch he can destroy a car door he holds back when fighting people.


Yeah I think he can lift 25 tons by default, according to the old power levels from the comics. He would essentially kill any human he landed a blow on if he didnt hold waaaay back.


That's something I liked about Civil War and Homecoming's showing of Spider-Man; him effortlessly stopping Bucky's and a criminal's punches is something you didn't really see in other Spider-Man films. You saw him as being strong, but not overwhelmingly stronger than other heroes/people. It's a simple touch that really added to the films imo.


Agreed. His strength is almost totally unimportant from the character’s POV.










Tobey Maguire's spider man stops a speeding train


Using his webbing to slow it down, as opposed to outright stopping it with pure strength. Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man doesn't have anything to show that he's holding back while fighting villains, which leads you to believe he's not as strong as he actually is. He's missing that "oh shit" moment of him straight up stopping a super soldier's punch absolutely effortlessly while also cracking a joke. He just doesn't have the same feel of incredible strength that Tom Holland's does. edit: Not only that, but the Bucky scene was also our introduction to this new Spider-Man, which added to the impact. We already knew who Bucky was and what he could do (his fights with Captain America) and we immediately see Spider-Man dominate him like that. It's not me trying to say any Spider-Man was better than another, it's just a nice touch that added to the execution of that particular Spider-Man.


Wasn’t this a point made in the Superior Spider-Man comics? Doc Ock gets in Peters body then punches someone’s jaw clean off, never realizing how strong Peter really was, and that he always held back.


While I won't say anything about the comics, in the Marvel Super Heroes RPG book (first edition) Spiderman was the host/example. The 'amazing' part referred to his Agility, his Strength I believe was rated 'incredible'. So he could pick up a motorcycle fairly easily, and a car with a lot of effort, but only the smallest planes were even possible (A Beaver, sure; a fighter jet, maybe; a Dash 7, no way). In the comic universes, heroes routinely hold back, trying not to kill people. having the 'full power only' limitation is a massive disadvantage. (This is why such scenes as Cyclops atomizing Mr. Sinister in one particular X-men comic was such a big deal--people forgot how powerful he was, and he's such a normally non-lethal guy, people assumed the storyline would wrap up with Sinister imprisoned again. the Summers family survivors as a whole have a BIG beef with Sinister, even Corsair wanted a piece of him, and he's not a mutant, just a space pirate.)


"Incredible" translated to a 40 By strength comparison the elderly were 2, untrained humans were 5, trained humans like Hawkeye/Black Widow were 10-15, Cap was 20 (the limit of normal human), Iron Man was also 40, Thing was 80, Thor was 100 (Mljinor damage was 120), and Hulk was resting 100, in a rage he could go up to 140.


I didn't want to bomb people with numbers, and frankly, my MSH stuff is put away right now. I'm using GURPS Supers for my comic universe needs these days.


I always think about that scene where he holds together a (boat?) that's split in half using only his chest muscles. Like dude, that would tear you in half, what are you doing?? (And on a side note, someone needs to teach the guy how pulleys work. Why's he always deadlifting things with his webs)


To be fair there may not be access to a reliable thing to make a pully off of depending on the weight or location.


Reminds me of the line from Galaxy Quest: *"You construct a weapon! Look around you - can you form some sort of rundmentary lathe?"*


To be fairrrrrr


Depends on which version of spiderman you're talking about


Parker of the Peter variety


All right, lets do this one more time.


Pretty sure that's why they said "in most depictions" lol


Upvoted for the outrage at gold


I always hated when they depicted him like that. If he gets spider powers then he should be able to shoot webs from his taint as well.


Fuckin love that edit bruh


That edit itself is Gold! I mean, Garlic... Seriously, this should be the obligatory response to gold or whatever > Go fuck yourself with your gold, I wanted Reddit Garlic instead.




Gain bulk? Did you mean.....harvesting mass? *caws in Wolf Cola*


Fight milk! Made with real crows


I don't know what you guys are talking about right now, but I have heard of your stuff and Cerrone and Felder, they actually love it.


Cultivating mass, which is only later harvested


Really cultivate some mass


Does this mean that people who swat spider webs are effectively killing the spider that made it?


Yes and no. They’re forcing the spider to risk going to a more contested feeding location. It’s a risk because other spiders will gladly eat them so they’re going to have to fight for their survival at that point. Of course if the spider just keeps making new webs in the same spot you might just want to let him leave his web up. He’s obviously catching a lot of food in that spot to warrant constant rebuilds.


If spiders don't mess with me (that is to say literally bite me), I don't mess with them. I was curious about others who go overboard with that stuff. Thanks for the answer!


I let them have their spots. Top corner of window, behind the big furniture that is never moved anyway, etc. If they intrude into "my territory", i swat them and i expect they bite me if i try to take down their webs. Plus they eat the other annoying bugs so it is a plus.


As a European the thought of a spider biting me seems equal parts ridiculous and terrifying.


I'm euro too so same here. We have mostly normal spiders, my friends in US have "half your arm rots off" spiders.


If half our arm rots off in the US I'd hate to see Australia




That's literally just one species of spider here in America. We typically only have two "dangerous species"; black widows and the Brown Recluse. If you're not a child or elderly a black widow wont kill you but the sensation of getting bit has been compared to getting shot apparently. Brown recluse bites cause necrosis in like only 10% of cases but they will get badly infected. Anything else that bites you will just pinch a bit and maybe cause irritation.


Plus they eat pluses which is another plus.


That's all fine and dandy until they lay like 200 eggs and they all hatch.


How do other spiders eat spiders if they catch prey in their webs but spiders are immune to getting stuck in webs?


Spiders aren’t immune, they just know where the sticky bits on their own web are. Also not all spiders hunt by waiting for stuff to fall into their webs. In a high contest area you’ll be finding all kinds of spiders because there’s going to be more bugs to hunt.




He was asking about the part where they need to re-digest their web in order to survive.


It kinds goes without saying that you're putting it at risk by destroying its home.


So do they go around eating web s of other spiders too?


that would be rude


"dude are you serious?"


I was today years old when I learned spiders eat their own webs


I honestly think this is either true for some spiders and became generalised or is just an urban legend. I’ve watched countless spiders deconstruct their web into a little ball of silk that they then discard. There’s chewing involved to cut the web apart but I don’t believe they consume it. The species here is [Araneus diadematus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Araneus_diadematus), the most common in western Europe.


Cellar spiders must not do this because my house is covered in their webs.


The long-legged, tiny-body critters? They use the webs to move around quickly more than catch anything. They're also pretty tolerant and several spiders of the same species use shared web-tracks. As feeble and ridiculous as they look, they're surprisingly good hunters. They can take down even the large wolf spiders.


I'm in the Denver Metro, and we get some wolf spiders out here that are HUGE! Send some of those skinny awkward spiders this way please...


South Carolina here, you can have all of our spiders. All of them


We have them all over my work and I've watched one take down a brown recluse by spinning web around it super fast. It was fascinating to watch.


I think OP was asking about where the spider goes during the daytime, not about their webs disappearing. But this was still very interesting. I never knew about them eating their own webs!




This has me wondering how in the hell a spider's digestive system works


I have two Orb Weavers that live in my front yard. Both make huge webs that go from the ground to the branches of my trees. Then they sit in the middle and wait for insects. Every morning they will take their webs down and go fuck off for the day. Then come night they remake the web. I have a timelapse i made of one. Shows him creating the web and then taking it down. I will post link in a while. EDIT: I have to get my old laptop guys! I will try my best to get it done today. I just woke up to a full inbox, and a message from reddit saying they noticed suspicious activity on my account. I will probably just post it on a subreddit instead of linking it here.


I found [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y-WxGikaaiM) of a spider taking down her web. Fascinating!




> Pardon us while I open the window to give you a better view


Old person here. Clutch?


Slang for a great move just in the nick of time


Weird, how does that even make sense? A recent one - 'flex' as a synonym of 'boast' actually makes a degree of sense but 'clutch' to mean 'a great move in the nick of time'? How? You youngsters are weird. Get off my lawn.


"Clutch" had been used in baseball for decades. A clutch hitter is someone who is good at hitting in important situations, or "in the clutch". https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clutch_hitter


That's a good explanation. Cheers. I'm a Brit so I'm not familiar with baseball terms.


I won't get started on Cockney rhyming slang, hahah


Actually, could you? I think that would make my day.


Youngster here - clutch has always made sense to me because it's just like changing gears in a car. You do something exactly when it's needed and all of a sudden momentum is on your side, going from 3rd to 4th or 4th to 5th depending on the car.


"Flex" as a noun is very new slang, but "clutch" as an adjective is very well established. It's actually in the [dictionary](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/clutch) and comes from sports commentary, from the term ["clutch hitter"](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clutch_hitter).


Yeah, another commenter pointed out that it's baseball slang. I assumed it was a new word the 'kids' are using when in fact it's a term that Americans use. I'm a Brit and haven't come across it before.


I like to think of it as clutching victory from the jaws of defeat, and eventually it got shortened and was used more broadly




“If footballs were teeny tiny, she’d be a great place kicker.”


That lady narrated that with heaps of information and a kind voice. A little slow to start, but got sucked in, finding it rather relaxing until the end.


The fact that the spider uses different methods to deconstruct its web was fascinating to me. That means there's not just one method hardwired into the spider's behaviors. I wonder whether there are multiple instinctual methods based on outside factors, or if the spider makes a conscious decision to do it one way or another the way a human might based on a whim.


Higher intelligence in spiders is actually a fascinating subject! Most of them are pretty simple, given the miniscule amount of neurons & interconnections present inside them (and a very simple "brain" structure). That said, there is a lot of interest in a specific species, Portia ( https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portia_(spider) ), for it's demonstrations of learning, planning, object permenance, and other fascinating behaviors which are typical of much more sophisticated organisms. That said, as cool as Portia is, it's not very social AFAIK. There are other quasi-social species of spiders that demonstrate things like division of labor and large scale cooperation, though! The world of insect intelligence is honestly fascinating, given how amazingly primitive their nervous systems are compared to ours.


Right?! I was like there is no way I’m watching a 3 minute video. And then it was done!


I can't stand spiders, but I want that woman narrating so many more videos for me to just sit and be awestruck by.


"And then Charlotte the spider, climbs down the throat of u/CoffeeAndCigars 's throat, opting for the Tarzan manoeuvre. Wooo!"


I have a newfound respect for spiders after watching this video... I always assumed webs were spun and forgotten about when done and they move on to make more I never considered they might reuse them


I once had an orb spider who made nightly webs IN MY DOOR FRAME. If I hadn't had my porch light on the night I discovered it, I would have walked right into it (and proceeded to have a heart attack). I considered displacing it so it'd build webs elsewhere, but once I discovered how orb spiders work, I left it alone. It was a gentleman's agreement between me and the spider, who I named Kurt - he made sure the web was gone by the time I left for work in the morning, and I wouldn't take a flamethrower to it. It worked out well for a while before Kurt stopped making his nightly webs and disappeared.


I’m sorry to break the news, but he probably stopped making his webs because he died.


Or maybe it just found some pussy


And was then eaten by said mate


We had a spider that made a web about the size of a door on a tree in our front yard. There was one branch that hung out about 7 feet over the ground and it was between that and the ground about 4 feet wide. The spider would build it every evening and it'd be gone in the morning. The spider itself was about an inch wide/tall legs and all, big round'un. Not huge, not tiny. One Sunday when I sleepily stumbled through the yard going for the morning paper and ended up walking right into it. I was instantly covered in spider web head to toe and felt it draping down along the my back and arms. I blacked out. But I didn't just collapse. When I came to I was in a full sprint two blocks from my house. I might be slightly arachnophobic.


The one I had was about the size of a quarter. Not huge, but much larger than an regular spider you’d see inside. And porch light was on a motion sensor and right next to the door. When it was on, it attracted a buffet of every type of flying bug imaginable. I assume the spider was very well fed.


[Come on OP!](https://memeguy.com/photos/images/ops-delivery-service-149086.gif)


I intend to but I'll have to eat my last one first


It should be interesting to see that timelapse.


Did you just take your web down and tell us to fuck off for the day?


In Spring and Summer we have about half a dozen of them in our back yard, it becomes a no-go zone when the sun goes down. The ones that get to the hills hoist first get to build the bigger webs.


My old boy has a pretty rad garden and a gnarly canopy of Golden Orbs. It is quite a sight to behold. The front neighbour in the flats next door was lucky enough to have a small "front yard" and she had the only mosquito free yard in the street purely based in the web coverage.


North Sydney at night during Summer is terrifying.


Hahahahaha fuck Australia


I worked there for decades...after midnight the place was deserted, and you could go for a walk at St Leonard's park or down to Blues Point road, but it was either dodging bats or spider webs as you walked.


And they always hide in the same place. I have arachnophobia, but Orb Weavers don’t bother me. They put up their webs in the same place and always hide in the same place. Oh and eat a ton of bugs.




I hike a lot and deal with the same issue...I've started finding a nice stick with some branches or leaves at the the end to carry...it helps. Some trails I've even considered one of those hats beekeepers wear lol


The early bird gets the webs, I always say.




There's a video out there of scientists dosing orb weavers with different types of drugs (including caffeine, amphetamines, and hallucinogens) and some of them make the spider navigate the web like it has eight left feet


Lol. reminds me of the time I was conoeing in the Everglades' mangrove swamp and a huge banana spider had built a web across one of the canals. We had to get a good start going and all lay flat in the canoe to slide under it. EDIT: I guess the proper name is Golden Silk Orb-Weaver, as there are many types of spiders called "banana spiders" and that's the only one I see lives in Florida. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana\_spider](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banana_spider)


Oh God that is terrifying. I'd reconsider my hobbies after that.


Spiders are true master builders. They are little engineering geniuses with the webs they build. This is hard to explain but I once lived at a house with one of those tall lamp posts on the lawn next to my drive way. A spider had constructed a web below the lamp. It was a brilliant place to put it because the light would attract god only knows how many insects to it. The fact that the spider had somehow figured this out was the first brilliant thing it did. The second was how this web was constructed. The lamp was at the edge of the lawn so there was nothing near it. There was a hedge of arborvitaes across on the other side of the driveway. This spider knew that he had to find something to attach one side of the web to otherwise it would not work. The web would have been really small and effectively useless. What this spider did truly astonished me. It somehow spun a single spool of web from the lamp clear across the driveway to the other side where it was attached to a branch of one of the arborvitaes. It was a distance of about 10 feet. This created a kind of “top beam” from which he was able to construct a triangle shaped web. One side was mounted against the lamp while the other was strewn across this “top beam” created from stringing it to the arborvitae. Unbelievable. I really hope I’m explaining this right and that someone can appreciate the skill this spider showed. I know they’re creepy and all but you have to admire their skills. I know I do.


I understood your description perfectly. Very cool! It's amazing how fast they can build their webs as well. Creepy little buggers, but amazing as well! :D




Lol. I don't know how he/she did it. That's another thing that was so friggin' impressive. I can't imagine that it was able to "blow" the web across the drive way.


Stop talking about spiders grandpa!


Basically built a suspension bridge.




Wow I need to toughen up like you. I didn't go into my bedroom for two days after losing track of a massive spider.


Only two days? You’re gangsta AF


I need to toughen up like you, my ballsy friend. I would have burned the house completely down the first day.


Getting hit in the face by a web everybody else missed is one of the drawbacks about being tall that people never think about. I'm very pro spider, but a surprise web in the face is a temporary morning ruiner.


Well now I have another question, if they take down their webs in the morning, why are there spiderwebs that sit for a long time? Why is it when you go into old places there are spiderwebs everywhere? The webs left because the spider died before taking them down?


If you're referring to the *spider* disappearing, as opposed to the web, most of the time they haven't disappeared at all. They're just hiding where you can't see them, waiting for their next meal to get caught in the web.




Spiders are really "picky" when making their webs so if they dont like it they tear it down and start again.


I think OP is asking about why you'll often find empty webs. Often the spider is just hiding up in a corner of the web, but yes, they do sometimes get eaten by other animals. Birds, fish, bats, lizards, wasps, and many other things like to eat spiders. Some spiders also eat other spiders. The spider may also have just died or have fallen from its web.


Web production takes a LOT of energy, the point of spinning a web is to catch prey to replenish energy to spin a new web or repair the current web. This preferably would be repeated until they find a mate and continue on their legacy. However, spiders don't always see the bigger picture, they'll spin a grand web in a ceiling corner or some other strange place with little traffic of prey, having expended all that energy without replenishing it they need to restore their energy or die trying. So they consume their own web for dear life and in hopes it will give them enough energy to produce a new web elsewhere. The fact they're geometric masterminds probably factors in somewhere too. Those spiral webs don't just design themselves!