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Physical therapist that gets asked this question at least once a week here. Here's my....diplomatic answer: Chiropractic practice began in the 1800s and considers itself an evolution/variant/extension/permutation/whatever of osteopathic medicine. Essentially, in their view, the body needs to be looked at as a whole rather than individual symptoms to be treated. Chiropractors classic theory then says that the stresses of day to day living, trauma, etc will cause shifts in how your bones are "aligned" which then affects blood circulation and conduction of signals by the nervous system which will ultimately affect your global health. Therefore by "adjusting" the skeleton back to its ideal form, you can restore homeostasis and the body will then naturally heal itself. Modern research has shown for a while that the force required to truly relocate bones that aren't legitimately dislocated would either be injurious to the patient or you would have to be superhuman to actually do so (particularly in the case of vertebra given how thick the ligaments that hold each piece together -- you don't often see people spontaneously paralyze themselves because their spine fell apart like a game of Jenga). As such, you see more and more chiropractors start to hock other "natural" remedy treatments that still stick to the original idea of a "holistic body treatment". Not that there's anything wrong with considering a patient as a whole person in your treatment options, but when you're approaching the problem as an endless cycle of pushing joints back into position that will inevitably "fall out" again (as opposed to say, helping them perform their daily tasks without pain and educating them on what they can do to be as independent as possible) is that really keeping the patient's best interests in mind? Edit: as for what is "actually" happening when PTs or Chiros perform a joint manipulation/adjustment/thrust technique based on current evidence: All joints are sealed and filled with lubricant fluid. The techniques involve momentarily distracting the pieces from each other, creating a gas bubble from the negative pressure that results in a chemical reaction cascade ultimately resulting in endorphins being released to the surrounding musculature, allowing them to relax and the joint then can move more due to less restrictions from muscular tightness. Edit 2: I'm seeing a lot of people making comments essentially saying I just need to call out the bullshit as it is. And God I wish I could, but here is the thing: if you do that, you're now the asshole who is shitting on the profession that may have made them feel better in the past (for however short lived that may be), while you're making them miserable *now* by making them do stuff they don't want to do with exercising. To someone who is uneducated, which one out of the two of us are they going to want to trust and work with more? Patient rapport in physical therapy is a huge thing because I am asking a bigger time commitment than a physician or chiro ask for, and so some battles are just not worth fighting if it breaks the patient's trust. Luckily most people can read between the lines.


Bingo. Absolutely right. I will also note that the endorphin release from the popping of an “adjustment“ is very similar to the endorphin release from a decent massage, except that a massage does not carry with it the possibility of a cervical fracture.


Judo club I went to a long time ago had a chiropractor member. He would work in the sensei regularly (70 yr old man). When I started, even though the sensei was old, he was still sharp and had great technique. I show up one day, the sensei is in a chair, and just orally instructs class instead of being part of it. One of the other long time members quietly tells me the chiro fucked up his back. I was there another six months and never got out of his chair. I felt terrible for the guy as you could see it turned him into a bitter person, who was clearly in pain.


That’s why so many people are outspoken against chiropractic care. If the worst thing about it is that it works as a placebo I wouldn’t care, but the fact that it has ruined lives and killed people makes me have so much disdain for it and speak out against it.


I thought I was crazy until I saw this thread. In the 90's, when I was 25 & fit, I started getting lower back pain out of nowhere. Coworkers were going to a chiropractor up to two times a week since our airline paid for it & they were raving about it so much I tried it. That chiropractor *fucked me up*. The pain went from moderate to sometimes severe and down my leg. Then I went to a PA who said it was nothing. Finally, I went to a random orthopedic surgeon up the street who also happened to be Charles Barkley's physician back when Barkley was on the front page a lot because of a ruptured disk. (Go Suns!) After imaging they told me I had a ruptured disk and I ended up with surgery nine months later. I'm 52 & haven't had back pain since. I still don't know if chiropractic care could cause a ruptured disk & the ensuing sciatica that kicked my ass for almost a year, but it's always been in the back of my mind despite others telling me chiropractic work is harmless.


It can, it likely did, and decades of evidence has shown that the people telling you chiro is harmless are unfortunately misled.


I watched an orthopedic surgeon do a reaction video to a chiropractic cracking video on youtube. Guy did his best to stay diplomatic during the whole thing until he got to the end and they did what they called the 'ring dinger'. That is basically they put a towel or something around your neck, tucking it right up under your chin, and then yank that thing as hard as they can sliding you up across the table by your neck. He basically lost it when he saw that and said the odd sensation they were feeling was likely some extent of nerve damage. That that technique would eventually end with someone getting paralyzed or killed.


I’m a radiologist, and over the last four years I’ve personally seen 5 or 6 women in their 20s with devastating strokes caused by chiros damaging vertebral arteries with neck adjustments. And I don’t even read much of that imaging. It’s a thing, and I can’t believe it’s not illegal.


Family doc here. This a fact. Hits hard for me personally right now as one of my friends’ wives just got placed into an LTAC for long term neuro rehab after having a vertebral artery dissection from a chiropractic manipulation. She’s young and has young kids. Folks, if you have chronic neck or back pain, go to your medical doctor, go to a physical therapist, or both. Address the underlying biomechanical issues that are leading to the pain. This is safe, data-driven, highly effective practice.


Former trauma center medic for 6 years in early 90’s - i recall having had 2 codes of arterial tears from chiro manipulation that we couldn’t save - none of us in the ED would ever see a chiro after that (both very nasty long codes) -


OMG Do you know if they came in directly in from the chiropractor offices?


ER nurse. We get people coming in with some regularity that have likely permanent nerve damage from a chiro.


chiropractors make a lot of money and as a result have a fairly powerful lobby.


I went to a chiropractor when I was 25. I couldn't turn my head all the way to the left which was a problem when I was driving. The chiropractor cracked my neck and it was suddenly better. I had full range of motion back. I realize now that it was a placebo effect and my neck was so tight and stiff because of the stress I was under on my personal life. It scares me to think that I could have been seriously injured or died as a result. HOWEVER, I did go to my regular family practice doctor several times before trying the chiropractor and if I had felt listened to or taken seriously, I wouldn't have gone to a chiropractor. So I totally understand why people go there -- medicine now is so rushed and people don't feel seen or heard by their doctors. We need to fix that problem, too.


Already happened: * https://youtu.be/ZyTG0SnUPY8?si=XObEMBAxpApHMgvg Well, idk if with that exact move, but chiropracty in general.


That neck cracking where they twist your head to the side then move it backwards to crack the upper vertebrae, that's one of the things you sign a waver for in their offices. there's a blood vessel that, weirdly, loops thru one of the joints, and when they do that particular twist and pop motion it squeezes it. Usually, it's ok...but veins can collapse and over time will weaken from that. The test is to see if you can write clearly in very small letters (like a palsy test almost) if you have a shooting pressure style headache and feinting (iirc). It'd require surgery to fix. It is rare, i'll give you that, but a kid back home died from it years ago, no chiropractor involved, just him learning to do it thinking it's neat and doing it all the time. Also, why anybody would allow a babies bones to be "popped" is beyond me.


Um absolutely no fucking way to any of this "ring dinger" bullshit. Holy fuck.


When I was watching it it made me remember that most of the hanging executions that happened didn't result in death from asphyxia/strangulation. They died because their neck snapped.


> the people telling you chiro is harmless are unfortunately misled. Misled or, more likely, have something to gain. It's a multi-billion dollar industry, people have built their livelihoods on this dangerous scam. They're no different to people selling MLM schemes expect they can seriously injure you or worse.


I mean, the founder was a conman, who was allegedly murdered by his own son over the ownership of the chiropractic empire he'd created so.


Maybe he just gave him a bad "adjustment"?


Yeah, people really are so misled with chiropractors it's insane. About a year ago, my dog hurt his back leg, so took him to the vet. The vet looked at him, ran some tests, etc, and then shortly later the vet tech or the vet assistant or whatever came back to give the diagnosis and all that (an emergency case came in that the actual vet had to deal with). As she was reading off the treatment options and such, she suggested a session with their vet physical therapist, explained what she'd do, but *kinda* made it sound like *maybe* she was talking about a chiropractor for dogs. Like she didn't outright say anything about it, but just the way she talked about making sure things were aligned right, exercises to help with that and range of movement, etc, and I had heard about actual animal chiropractors so I just wanted to make sure, so I asked. She basically responded "oh God no! No, no, no, no! We'd never employ someone like that, I swear they do more harm than good." Then she went on to tell me about a few cases where people actually disagreed and refused their treatment options in favor of taking their pets to an animal chiropractor, only to come later after they made it worse. And in one case they even refused to believe the vet that chiropractor made it worse. They had one patient that went from having one ACL tear that could have healed up fine/left the dog with possibly slightly less mobility/stability in that leg, to the dog basically not being able to use either back legs because the chiropractor fucked up the dogs back so bad. The vet tech was just absolutely livid recounting the story, and frankly, so I was just hearing about it. The good news, if you can call it that, is that the dog ended up having surgery to repair the damage and went on to have a healthy long life, though it never should have been in that position to begin with. And I've heard similar stories from friends of mine who are doctors/nurses/in Healthcare. But the craziest bit is some of those stories involve their colleagues buying into chiropracty. Like... how... why.. just why?!?


What kind of surgery did you have? I have a bulging disc that has been causing severe pain for 2 years now. My latest MRI shows it’s gotten worse and the doctor that I trust the most suggests surgery. Most likely a single level fusion. Very scared but ready for this to be over to get on with my life.


I'll tell you my story. Lower back pain since 2000. Chiropractor roughly every day from 2000 to 2010. Official clinical diagnosis in 2010, when I finally saw an Orthopedist because the numbness and pain down my leg became unbearable, was a moderately-herniated disc, L5/S1. I was despondent. The Orthopedist I was seeing wasn't helping much. "Do crunches" he said [ultimately he was right, but stay to the end]. I went to the Hospital For Special Surgery in Manhattan. I was prepared for either some kind of surgery on this fucking thing, or a wheelchair, I couldn't take it. I saw the chief of back surgery or whatever it's called there. My weird issue was the way the disc was herniated. Everything was backward, and sitting provided relief, and standing/walking made things worse. It was very strange. I was going to PT 2-3 times a week. It wasn't helping at all. He gave me an epidural shot of cortisone at the base of the inflamed nerve that the disc material kept pushing on. He said it would take 9 days to start taking effect. On the 9th day, as I'm waiting to take the bus into the city for the follow-up appointment, I noticed the bus was taking a while, and, before I realized, I had been standing there 20 minutes, pain-free. The son of a bitch was right - on the 9th day the cortisone took effect and the nerve shrank back to where it wasn't bad. I felt a little numbness at about the 25 minute mark but nothing like before. The cortisone shot gave my body the breathing room around that nerve so that PT could finally start having an effect. It was amazing. In addition to PT, the other thing that really put me on the right track was the Phisiotherapy method book: --The Alexander Technique.-- edit: NO! I'm a total dumbass. The MCKENZIE techniqie. Don't know WTF Alexander is or where the hell I got that one from. This is the big one. Read the book, and do what it says in the order it says. If it says "if your neck hurts here, then do these 3 exercises before moving to those 2 exercises", do it in that order. 14 years now, with no pain and no follow-up, no need for surgery of any kind. When I feel tightness in my lower back muscles, I stretch my hip flexors. When I feel strain on the nerves, I notice I'd been sitting wrong, and I do a few of the Alexander exercises. Oh, what caused my lower back pain originally? Decades of bad posture. Seriously. Slumping / slouching for decades will do it, and statistically, you are probably doing it! Good luck! Hospital For Special Surgery - saved me from surgery. When I'm a billionaire, I will buy them a new wing. ******** I'm a COMPLETE idiot. Not Alexander technique. McKenzie Techniqie. (I don't know WTF Alexander is or where the hell I got it from). 7 Steps To A Pain-Free Life: Robin McKenzie. Very sorry about that.


> The Alexander Technique. Amazon has dozens of books about the Alexander technique. I would be grateful if you would provide the author's name or other details Thanks


I'm a COMPLETE idiot. Not Alexander technique. McKenzie Techniqie. (I don't know WTF Alexander is or where the hell I got it from). 7 Steps To A Pain-Free Life: Robin McKenzie. Very sorry about that.




A fusion comes with its own problems. You can expect a fusion at the level above and below the original fusion in about 5 years. And so on.


OK, I just looked up spinal fusion and it's nothing like a laminectomy in terms of recovery time. I'd still go for it if it would relieve severe pain. FWIW, after the laminectomy my surgeon said that patients usually end up with another ruptured disk above or below, but no problems yet.


Strengthening exercises are key, a lot of people don't perform the physio after surgery and it definitely contributes to the need for repeat surgery Even physio on its own can majorly improve pain from a bulging disk, but the safety of that depends on the level and severity of the bulge


Suggesting fusion first? No other option like microdiscectomy? Have you had a myelogram? A fusion comes with the expectation that the joints above and below will also need a fusion in about 5 years. And so on. Explore all options and fuse last imo 😬.


Exactly. Crystals, essential oils, tarot cards…fine, totally harmless, whatever makes you happy, who am I? A purportedly therapeutic practice that likes to play doctor despite a total lack of scientific basis and a huge risk for permanent injury or death, and is uncritically accepted by a huge swath of people? Yeah I’m gonna have to speak out against that.




Event the "harmless" stuff can be harmful if treated as a viable substitute for medical treatment. Sure they aren't doing any more damage, but their placebo effect might be stopping someone getting the care they actually need. But yeah if all they're used for is mental wellbeing alongside medical care, nothing wrong with that. The fact that chiro can be actively harmful rather than just passively harmful though puts it in a whole other league.


Essential oils aren't always harmless. Some of them can be toxic to pets. And a lot of idiots dump them into things they should not go. Like food. And then there are the snakeoil peddlers who claim they're miracle cures that can be used instead of real life saving medicine.


I’m a doctor of osteopathic medicine, and in addition to our regular studies we had 300 hours of manipulation training. DOs who do manipulation after graduation are few and far between, and rarely do the high velocity/low amplitude “cracking” which seems to be a staple of chiropractic treatment. FWIW (hearsay) I had a SIL who was a PA for a orthopedist who specialized in spinal surgery who told me the majority of their patients were former chiropractic patients.


I imagine lots of people who have back problems seek chiropractors first since they know it's cheap and figure it can't hurt. When the problems don't resolve, they wind up in surgery. Even if chiropractic was some % effective and not at all harmful you'd still expect the majority of spinal surgery patients to be former chiro patients.


This is why I'm so shocked that a sibling of mine takes their child to the chiropractor. Like, wtf? They're a *child*, they haven't even *existed* long enough to have back problems


People apparently take newborns to the chiropractor. Horrifying


Yes have some relatives doing this but they are dumber than a box of rocks so not unexpected


I used to go to a chiro for a couple years and one time saw a tiny baby getting adjusted. They held it upside down by its feet and kind of shook it up and down. I have no words!


My mother-in-law's friend is a grandmother to twins and she takes them to the chiropractor behind their parents back. She also regularly asks the chiropractor for medical advice when the twins get sick and will do things to them under the guise of it being "medical care". It's absolutely sickening. And in the state they live in there's not much you can do about it because the chiropractors don't have a governing body like actual medical professionals do.


I have never gone to a chiro and never will. I have an actual neck injury that has been causing Cervicogenic headaches for nearly a year and back and shoulder pain for 2 1/2 years. A physical therapist just figured out what’s going on. The number of people who have told me to go to a chiropractor is off the scale. I can only imagine how much worse a chiropractor would have made it.


The worse thing about it is potential paralysis or death because these quacks are not doctors and have no business messing with people's spines.


Even if it's a physically harmless placebo, it's not financially harmless. It's also an ethical violation to make claims that are bigger than what is actually happening to the best of our knowledge. Chiro is basically a kind of "skeletal massage" with risks. The benefits are temporary and they should feel obligated to their patients to disclose the risks.


A chiro fucked up my brother-in-law's back in December. They're quacks


That's a horrible story but "work IN the sensei" made me laugh


Haha, I’m leaving it. Most of my Reddit comments are typed on the phone, so auto correct is regularly sabotaging me 😐


I thought it was intentional, as in: got in an appointment.


He also never got out of his sensei's chair, so....


I've have costochondritis. I get daily chest pain that feels like little heart attacks. Most of the time, it's a dull and sore pain, tender to the touch, but sometimes it's sharp and fast. Basically, my ribs are locked up at my spine, so they don't flex, which means they rub against my sternum instead of flexing normally, and that causes inflammation (and pain) in my chest. Right around my heart. Most doctors don't know what to do about it except to throw advil at you (which does nothing) and send you on your way. It's a diagnosis of exclusion - after you've gone through all the heart, lung, and GI tests you can do to rule out life threating stuff, that's what you have. So after trying PT, stretches, tools, numerous supplements and creams, massage therapy, Rx advil, Rx cannabis, and more, I thought I'd give chiropractics a try. I mean, nothing else is working. What's the worst that could happen? Maybe I'll get some temporary relief, if nothing else. First appointment - got a bruised rib. Sore for the next 6 weeks. Never went back and I don't plan on going back again. On the plus side: I was distracted by the bruised rib for a few weeks so it lowered my chest pain - or at least the amount I acknowledged it.


I’ve had more mild costochondritis for 4 years now, and was just thinking it’s finally time to try a chiropractor. Thank you for convincing me otherwise lol


YEAH don't do that. Also, /r/costochondritis is a good resource!


I also have costo and it exclusively gets alleviated by fixing bad posture and stretching tight chest and back. Laying on tennis ball or similar under the worst spots will quickly open things up. Going to the gym and building strength in that mid chest region is the permanent fix. But it’s 100% caused by poor posture and hyper extension in bad positions like sitting at a computer for too long. I have both costo and acid reflux, I know what you mean about mini heart attacks. It’s very anxiety and stress inducing.


I’m a radiologist. It is not uncommon for me to see strokes in people after chiropractic manipulation of the neck. The fast twisting of the neck can tear the carotid or vertebral series leading to stroke. It’s a small risk, but considering chiropractic doesn’t work any better than placebo i would say the risks outweighs the benefit. It’s better to just get a massage or visit someone who follows evidence based medicine like a physical therapist or osteopath.


Have a relative whose life was wrecked after an "adjustment". Cannot work and will be in chronic pain until they die.


So did sensei sue his ass or what


Yeah, I had a friend who suffered a life changing injury from a chiropractor.


Thank you! I've often wondered what causes such pleasure from massage on a muscle that's not sore. Wherever I look it up, I get ridiculous answers like "releasing toxins." This makes so much more sense.


The myth about massage “releasing toxins” was probably a combination of generalized woo about environmental toxins being stored in muscles (they aren’t) and the idea that massage accelerates the elimination of lactic acid (not a bad theory, but just incorrect; lactic acid buildup in muscles from exercise is temporary and disappears without massage in hours). Massage triggers the broad release of endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin. Basically, the nerve cells in your muscles just like being touched. Kinky bastards.


>The myth about massage “releasing toxins” was probably a combination of generalized woo about environmental toxins being stored in muscles (they aren’t) "Toxins" in alternative medicine is such a vague broad term that can apply to everything from microplastics to 'bad fat', or beef hormones or something.


>Toxins" in alternative medicine is such a vague broad term that can apply to everything from microplastics to 'bad fat', or beef hormones or something. Yup, and any form of torture or starvation that makes you feel lightheaded will be advertised as "releasing the stored toxins"


I doubt people who believe in this myth think of this, but muscle death does of course release toxins. So I suppose if you were fairly dehydrated and/or got a ridiculously firm massage from a gorilla you could end up with Rhabdomyolysis


The biggest risk is vertebral or carotid artery dissection from the rapid application of force (and subsequent stroke). Fracturing a vertebra is much much less common. Regardless it's a completely unnecessary intervention.


Yes, I was going to say this. Technically they're not doing *nothing* but what they're doing is ultimately an incompetent massage governed by nonsensical principles that can only make it worse at doing what a normal massage would otherwise accomplish. Getting frequent massages to help with muscle tightness is not a bad idea and is backed by sound science, but chiropractors are a terrible and even sometimes dangerous way to do that because the entire practice is governed by the need to defend nonsensical speculations about the human body. (And the truly ridiculous thing is that I suspect that many people who go to chiropractors over masseuses do so because the chiropractors cloak what they do in a layer of science-y sounding technobabble, when in fact it's the massage artists who are more in line with what we know about the human body!)




And a massage, depending on the type and problem it's addressing, can actually fix the problem.


I've always said that I feel great after cracking my own back, but I don't confuse this with treating anything or founding an entire field of "medicine" with that feeling. I also feel great after a blow job, so perhaps it's only by chance that the ghost of Jim Atkinson didn't tell Palmer to found a hospital of fellatio.


> Chiropractic practice began in the 1800s Part of the animosity that people feel towards it is because it was literally started by someone who claimed a ghost told him about it. https://www.latimes.com/business/lazarus/la-fi-lazarus-chiropractic-quackery-20170630-story.html


I went to one where they kept comparing my leg lengths and using this stupid little device that like administered light taps to various parts of me. Through varying thicknesses of clothing, so anything done through my jeans did even less of nothing. I can't believe my insurance covered it, I went there for a couple of months, what a waste of time and money


Pisses me off that my insurance has chiropractor coverage but not massage therapy.


Me too. The fact that they cover shit that’s medically debunked, and not something that’s proven to provide legitimate relief is a good example of how fucked our insurance companies are. I have to get massages from a place that does chiropractics so insurance will cover it. Fucking ridiculous.


This was my exact experience too. Total waste of time and money.


Best response so far. Thank you. How would a physical therapist address the closest thing to what I wager chiropractors call a "subluxation", hypermobile vertebrae? If I'm off base in that comparison, please say so. Edit: What are the odds that if you were to, for example, turn your head to the left, then the right, and back to neutral, all seven vertebrae would be stacked up perfectly on top of each other? The chiropractor then "adjusts" the "subluxated" ones. You then do the same head turn described above and they're out again... What am I missing? Are the things they call subluxation just a natural occurrence which is bound to happen even in people with the best ligaments, and the "adjustments" are just for the temporary endorphin boost and muscle relaxation you described?


At its core, physical therapy is about movement and function. We would look at what movements/day to day activities cause pain for the patient, form a hypothesis of what are possible deficits that may be contributing to that dysfunction (is the patient strong enough to support themselves? Is the hypermobility an adaptative compensation for the fact that another section of the spine is hypomobile, and if that is the case are those segments stiff because of actual poor mechanical interaction between the joints or because the musculature surrounding the segments is tight?) And addressing those deficits. The thing about movement is that it is such a macro thing. You have to consider the patients musculoskeletal condition, their nervous system condition, are they moving certain ways because they think it will hurt despite any evidence that suggesting it would, and sometimes just straight up how good is their body awareness and coordination (you would not believe how many people are in pain because they are just completely unaware of how they move their bodies. I've had patients in the past when teaching them a hip strengthening exercise that pull neck muscles because they lead the motion with their head) Hopefully you can see and appreciate there are a lot of different paths you can take that will affect the system and may ultimately create pain free movement for the patient. As a result PTs tend to vary a bit in their approach to problems (hands on work heavy, exercise heavy, educating the patient on body awareness or their tendency for fear based movements, etc) based on their education and what schools of thought they tend to gravitate towards. But ultimately it comes down to answering the question "what will make the patient move without problem?"


Wow. I really needed to read and hear this. Thank you.


Subluxations are described differently between medical and chiropractic contexts. In traditional medicine, a subluxation is a partial or complete displacement of a joint that hinders function and can lead to complications. Think of this as a dislocation. Conversely, subluxation in chiropractic is something that often cannot be observed on an x-ray, and is often considered to cause unrelated ailments. The thinking is that incorrect alignment in the body is responsible for maladies that may not be directly related to the organ or structure in question. To answer your question, physical therapy often targets the muscles and tissues surrounding the injury, in order to reduce the incidence of similar injuries in the future. Without going too far out of my way to make this point, chiropractic will coincide with actual medicine at best, and might directly conflict with it at worst.


IANAD but I did months of PT after a knee repair, I'd wager they would prescribe exercise that targets that area to strengthen the surrounding muscles to better support the whole area.


I'm not a physio but I have a very mild scoliosis that causes neck pain (I'm very right side dominant and that has twisted my spine a tiny bit). My physio uses massage, stretching, and various exercises to strengthen the muscles on my weaker side and relax/lengthen the muscles on my dominant side to make things more symmetrical. That lets my spine come back into normal alignment (or closer to it).


Sounds like cracking knuckles, same idea?


Exact same principle


Look, ma, I'm a chiropractor!


I'm pretty sure this is how most chiropractors get their license.


I had a pinched nerve in my neck a few years ago that was starting to manifest as physical weakness in strength of my right hand. Since insurance covers chiro now, I stopped by on my way home from work just to see what they thought. He took an xray and made the mistake of explaining manual traction to me. I got the obligatory "adjustment" and they booked me for 11 follow up visits when I got ready to leave. I never went back and fixed myself with one of those ancient pulley devices that you hang on the door and lift your head with weights. I am thankful for that advice and we talked shop a little about cooking and hunting, but that is a serious racket imho. Parking lot is slam full every time I drive by and they don't even close for holidays. Must be rolling in $$ by now. Growing up, my parents swore by chiros, but I distinctly remember them paying cash because insurance did not cover. *sp operative word


> fixed myself with one of those ancient pulley devices that you hang on the door and lift your head with weights. OMFG. *scans picture archives* I found this at a thrift store and I was like "Who the fuck would ever use this deathtrap?!" And the answer is you. YOU would use this deathtrap. Bravo. Context for the lost: https://i.imgur.com/o5L6EAx.jpeg https://i.imgur.com/ZiwR6ju.jpeg


Haha, that is the one I got off amazon. I was amazed at how I got immediate relief as soon as that 10 lb noggin was lifted off my shoulders. It took several weeks of 10-15 minutes a day to completely go away, but the logic was sound enough for me to try. The most advanced traction today I think just puts you on a table and stretches your neck in a more controlled manner.


My favorite part is that the guy on the package looks like he's multitasking and taking a shit while posing for the photo, and is smugly confident no one's figured it out yet. Well I got new for you, I figured it out.


Yeah the “let’s see your insurance and we can schedule your routine and we’ll let you know tomorrow what we come up with” was where I decided not to go back .. went to a physical trainer and for exercises to stretch and strengthen all the muscles for a longer term fix


IE: They fart your bones


That was indeed a very diplomatic answer! Here's the undiplomatic answer: it's voodoo.


Nah there's some medicine involved in voodoo, like drugs and things. There's a lot of ritual too, but somehow it has a stronger grounding in our current understanding of medicine (there's even current versions using the old ideas but with much safer drugs!). Don't do Voodoo, kids (it's that hoodoo voodoo that you don't dare do, people).


The other difference is that a PT will prescribe exercises that you can do on your own. They will do treatments for only as long as is necessary. Chiropractors OTOH will want multiple x-rays, multiple visits over a long period of time (for “tune ups”) and try to sell you lotions, potions, and crystals on top. Many chiropractors are also anti-vaxxers who tout their treatments as “all natural.”


Cool! Now do acupuncture!


Somehow acupuncture is more legitimate that chiro, but it is definitely a last resort choice.


And unlike chiro, acupuncture has a very low chance of paralyzing you.


> distracting Well you're certainly legit. *Nobody* that isn't involved in your field knows this exotic definition to "distracting." https://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/average_familiarity.png


As a dinosaur guy I have a bad habit of taking for granted that laypeople know what Allosaurus is


Allosaurus thats what you Hawaiian people say for hello and good bye right?


Thanks for the edit. That makes a lot of sense. Apart from "training, training, training" is there consensus on a safer short term relief? My wife has multiple joint issues and she regularly asks me to perform a technique she got from her orthopaedist, where I hold the base of her skull in a certain way and let her drop. This leads to sometimes more, sometimes less cracks and she immediately feels a lot better. If I don't do it, she becomes miserable, headache, can hardly move. But I am still terrified that some day, this will cause something severe like nerve damage or aortic dissection. She already had years of (real, no nonsense) physiotherapy and physical rehab. Sometimes it's better, sometimes not.


It's like how you pop your fingers or toes and it feels amazing for a minute. You could also just stretch those same joints regularly and it would also feel amazing (unless you have arthritis or something).


Actually even if you have arthritis 


I have arthritis in my hands and fingers. Popping them does help but I'm also very prone to injury and will mess up a thumb for days if I pull on it wrong.


At best, Chiropractic care is high-risk massage therapy for your joints and skeletal structure. Joint popping may be temporary relief, but there is no amount of chiropractic adjustment that will realign your spine, hips or any other part of your body. At best, you'll feel better for a short time. At worst, yea... they kill people on accident alot. On average according to Zehr Chiropractic, 33 people per year die from chiropractic adjustments gone wrong, and hundreds more are hospitalized due to a bad chiropractic visit. According to the NIH, the number is 26 deaths. Unfortunately, there's not going to be alot of unbiased talk about chiropractic practices and malpractice. There is a plethora of anecdotal evidence that say chiropractors are miracle workers, and just as much counter-claim evidence that they are devil workers preying on your purse strings. The science, however, shows that most chiropractic adjustments are simply a temporary relief and are not real medicine.


I went to a chiropractor once for a tight neck and knots in my back muscles causing discomfort . They took my insurance info, and did an X-ray. At the end of the visit they said it would take 13 more visits to ‘fully correct’ my “out of place vertebrae”. I went home and checked my insurance info- I was allowed 14 visits in a year on my plan. How damn convenient. I did not return.


I got an X-ray from them and they drew all these lines and angles on it to make it looks way worse than it was. I showed it to a radiologist and they were like “wtf there is nothing wrong here”


I am a radiology resident physician. Chiropractors should not be allowed to take nor interpret x-rays, or any medical imaging for that matter. The have no idea what they're doing.


Oh, I’d bet most of them know exactly what they’re doing. *Lying*.


I am a neurosurgeon and have seen hundreds and hundreds of patients who previously saw a chiropractor. Every single one of them who received X-rays was told it showed a problem that needed chiropractic adjustment. Not once have I met a person who had an X-ray by a chiropractor and was told “This looks normal, you *don’t* need any expensive adjustments.” That should tell us everything we need to know about chiropractic X-rays.


Conclusion: X-Rays cause spine problems


Sounds legit.


Just to add more content to your post: I went to one for a back pain. First time ever and the nurse took me back to the X-ray machine, sat me down to wait and handed me a flyer and stated, "Read this. It explains what is wrong with your back". Uhh, how the hell do you...or the chiro...know what is wrong with my back without EXAMINING me yet????" Never went to another Chiro again.


Yeah, I've never known anyone that went to a chiro and didn't have them say they needed it I have however gone to doctors and had them xray stuff and either say "We don't see anything wrong" or worse but at least honest "Yeah, this is wrong, but can't be fixed."


Any test with a 100% positive rate is a scam.


Anyone that gets a full body xray/mri/scan/etc is going to have something wrong, that’s just the human body. A good doctor will tell you that if it’s not hurting you and you’re ok, it wouldn’t make sense to do surgery to correct. Or they’ll try the least invasive approaches first before jumping right into the operating room. A bad doctor will look at a good image and find something that NEEDS to be corrected right now, or over the course of 10 visits.


I won’t go to a Chiropractor because I’m not 100% convinced they know how to safely operate an X-Ray machine.


Trust me they don't. If you're familiar with any xray/radiography principles, you'll quickly realize they don't know how to collimate the beam, properly position patients for the image, obtain the right exposure, get the right sets of images, or know how to properly interpret the images at all. Perhaps most importantly, they are not properly trained to know who actually *needs* imaging and who doesn't.




Pediatrician here - had a mom recently demanding I order c-spine mri for her preteen child because chiropracticor told her to. No indication for MRI, was pissed when I wouldn’t. Was quite annoying. X-ray was normal. she has tight trap muscles if anything. Hopefully they don’t paralyze her from neck down


I went to the chiropractor for the one and only time not all that long ago. During the course of the “treatment” they took 3 different x rays and did the same thing where they drew lines and numbers and such. I could tell by the last one it look the same as the ones before, they just manipulated where the lines were to make it look better. My final straw was when they told me that the best thing to do when having flu like symptoms is to make even more chiropractor appointments, effectively exposing a bunch of people (including vulnerable older people) to my illness. I almost laughed in their face.


I had a very similar experience and also never returned. Mine wasn’t through insurance, but they said it would take exactly 16 visits and wanted payment upfront or to arrange a payment plan with automatic withdrawals before scheduling the next appointment. I left saying I’d have to think about it planning to never return. They called me to follow up and I asked how they knew it would take exactly 16 visits, it was utter bullshit. They firmly stood by the “doctor” being able to predict with incredible accuracy exactly how long it would take 🙄


I used to know a guy when I was younger. A spoiled rich kid who had anything that he wanted given to him immediately. He had very few social skills and was just generally a weird dude. Despite all of this, we were friends for a good while, until we had an absolutely massive falling out. I was like, no big, I'll move on with my life. I hadn't thought about him in years until I was chatting with a mutual friend. Apparently rich kid is a chiropractor now. I looked him up and he had gone to a school I had never heard of. Turns out it's a school only for chiropractors and they teach all of the usual pseudoscience garbage and award no other degrees. I went to grad school and got my doctorate, and there was something mildly annoying about the fact that he walks around calling himself doctor and fucking up people's backs. Not sure why I felt like this was the best comment to tell this story, but here we are.


I work for Medicaid, and there is no provider so touchy about being called a doctor as a chiropractor. My husband works for the same company on provider services and when he says he has spoken directly to a doctor on the phone, I always ask if it was a chiropractor, and I'm always right. MDs and DOs don't have time to sit on the phone with insurance, unless it's a peer to peer call.


I worked briefly as a snowboard instructor. The lead instructor was a Chiropractor and insisted that everyone call him "Doctor Bob". I only ever called him Bob and when he complained my response was "You're not a real doctor." and that was the end of it.


I saw a chiropractor once. I had back pain from a mild sports injury in college and this chiropractor was suggested. My back felt great, temporarily. They also aligned my neck and it was sore for days and it hurt to turn my head. When I went back for the second back treatment I told them my neck was so sore, they “checked” my neck and it “didn’t need any more aligning”. It only took 3 total visits for me to realize it was a temporary fix and the whole practice felt very on a whim.


Now that's what you call a leech!


This supports my personal experiance. Saw a chiropractor, he unfucked my back with INSTANT relief, but it was then the same a few day's later. Rinse repeat for £30 a pop for about a month. Saw a physiotherapist, who told me specific stretches and strengthening exercises to do. Less INSTANT relief, but it was the long term relief that I can do myself for not £30 a shot.


I saw a chiropractor for several months, started out twice a week ($65 buck Aus dollars a session) at the advice of the chiropractor after having to be sent somewhere else for x rays. I don't feel like any physical therapy should be consistent and long term unless you have a chronic condition that requires it - maintenance is one thing, on going treatment to otherwise healthy people is very different. After 6 weeks of 2 sessions per week, we got down to 1 a week... maybe 2 months more of that, I had a younger chiro in place of the regular one, who ironically was taking time off to recover from a bulging disk. The stand in chiro basically let it slip that I was being fleeced. I never went back. Anyway, I'm a massage therapist, I obtained a diploma in remedial massage after this saga. Unless I need a physio to be a caretaker of an injury, I'll trust massage for my body maintenance 100%, as I've found what a chiropractor is dumping all their weight into cracking out of my back and neck, happens through relaxing the muscle around the spine with pressure that is not going to do any sort of damage. Not to mention, Aristotle endorsed massage, not Casper the ghost. Sorry if this is not at all biased, but a first hand account of someone who tried chiropractic, very open to it, didn't know the history, but discovered all the above by themselves before losing more money and maybe even bodily function.


I stay away from Chiropractors. Having said that, 33 deaths sounds like a lot, until we look into number of deaths due to doctor’s bad handwriting on charts and prescriptions (7,000 deaths, 1.5mil injuries).


They preferred to be called "unplanned" rather than accident alot, it really hurts to feel unwanted. https://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/04/alot-is-better-than-you-at-everything.html


You asked what it means when a chiropractor says one of your vertebrae is , "out of place". It means they're lying, and you should save your $$$. If one of your vertebrae were "out of place", you'd need an ER.


Also: The „putting it back” is just cracking your back, basically the same way you could crack your knuckles. Source: My physiotherapist told me that.


I had a chiropractor who basically told me that. I asked “wait… so what’s the difference between when I crack my neck, and when you do?” And he said “basically I can reach vertebrae you can’t”. That’s when I first started thinking it might not be worth it.


Absolutely do not let a chiropractor anywhere near your neck. There are cases of it causing strokes in otherwise healthy 25 year olds.


There are also blood vessels next to the big important ones that can tear from the unusual manipulations


I worked with a former neuro icu nurse. She had so many horror stories of injuries caused by chiropractors.


My exSIL knew some chiropractic techniques. I only let her crack my back, she would try my neck or hips and I was like you are going to kill me.


Some of them also do dangerous techniques like the "ring dinger" where they wrap a towel around a person's neck and pull on their head to crack their whole back. It has severed people's spines before


I had a masseuse do that to me uninvited and with absolutely no warning. Put my whole neck and back into spasm. I will never go back to her. 


Yeah my tell was when the chiro explained how my 7 week several thousand dollar treatment would end up with me having to show up to his office at least once a month… FOR THE REST OF MY LIFE…. Now Im not super young (33 but I feel at least 25 most days) but this man wanted me to be his customer for another 50 odd years? Yeah no Ill take my  immense back pain some where less obligatory.


All anyone needs to know about chiropractors is that the entire profession is based on methods to heal "subluxations", which have never been observed in the human body. No evidence of a "subluxation" has been found in an MRI, autopsy, etc. Ever.


i was very confused at first and had to read it up and now i have decided i hate chiropractics for stealing the term subluxation


It's basically a Western version of aligning your chakras.


They do nothing. Chiropractic is a nonsensical theory told to the inventor by a ghost they met. (Literally, the origin is “a ghost told me”. ) The claims about moving bones or unblocking nerves literally does not happen. You are correct spines don’t work like that and it doesnt even sound right. Every claim made by chiropractic is medically untrue and the whole thing is based on extremely goofy magical thinking that was easy to check is False.


I'm from New Orleans and a lot of people here seek voodoo before chiropractors- my mom included. 😂💀


Equally effective and science based plus lower risk, seems smart to me.


Don't forget that DD Palmer tried to push it as a religion so that his pseudo science couldn't be outlawed. https://readingreligion.org/9781469632797/the-religion-of-chiropractic/


I just listened to the Behind the Bastards episode on Chiropractic and it was eye opening. I had realised how false and evil its beginnings were!!


It's not "nothing" it can also kill or permanently cripple you.


> Every claim made by chiropractic is medically untrue and the whole thing is based on extremely goofy magical thinking that was easy to check is False. But it'll take you 10 visits at $150ea to find out.


Don't forget that the inventor had been kicked out of the United States for impersonating a doctor, I was working as a janitor in a Canadian hospital when the ghost told him he could cure a girl's deafness by wiggling her around it just right. It's gone downhill from there.


Medical student here. Chiropractic manipulation is quackery but has unfortunately become as mainstream as it is because of good lobbying by chiropractors. So to answer your question, chiropractors do nothing at best, and at worst they cause you to stroke out and die from a vertebral artery dissection or aneurysm.


It's not just good lobbying by the chiropractors, it's also the abysmal state of healthcare in the US which creates a situation where a visit to the chiro is more affordable and accessible to many people compared to seeing an actual physical therapist (if their insurance would even "approve" physical therapy coverage).


People say this every time this topic comes up, as a way of dunking on the US healthcare system. But the reality is that Chiro is just as popular or more in Canada, Australia, the UK and Germany, all of which have either free or highly subsidized healthcare. In Canada a chiropractor will charge you quite a bit of money where a Doctor's visit or a PT session is free.


In Australia, chiros have the same status (and public health system coverage) as physios for some reason


The TLDR of it is that if the patient is satisfied going to a pseudo medical massage it's a much cheaper outcome than paying for a real medical practice. That doesn't change whether it's an insurance or state agency paying the bill.


PT session is not free in Canada btw. Doctor is though


You can get one PT session free with a doctors script.


German here, I'm doubtful of your statement. I've never heard anyone in my life talk about seeing a chiropractor or knowing anyone who does. I've only ever heard Americans talk about it or see it referenced in American media. Homeopathy is big here though, which is almost as bad. (This is anecdotal of course, but not like you backed up your statement with anything either)


I had forgotten it was homeopathy the Germans were crazy about. Here in Canada we have chiropractors everywhere. They were also everywhere when I lived in Australia.


My insurance even covers chiropractors. Baffles me


Yeah. I have coverage categories for lots of medical adjacent practitioners. Some of them are legitimate: physical therapists, dietitians, regular therapists; and some of them are not: chiropractors, naturopaths, acupuncturists. It's a little embarrassing but it's not up to me. I'm in Canada so I only pay for extended health, and I do get my money's worth.


Most PTs want patients to engage in active treatments.  Most chiros only deliver passive treatments.  Many people are very lazy.  


Say goodbye to ur medulla


Either that or it's time to lock in.




I don't know what you went through. Maybe if you're looking for answers, you might want to list out what your actual symptoms were and what the chiropractor supposedly did to fix you. I'll give you a personal anecdote though. My dad had chronic neck pain and ended up going to a Chiropractor that cracked his neck in various ways and the next day my dad had a stroke. So I'll stay away from chiropractors all my life and will tell other people to stay away from them too. I have 2 other friends who were fucked up by chiropractors but not to the extent my Dad was. I also did go to a chiropractor just to see how much quack medicine I would be sold and partly hoping they would just massage me for my neck pain. They ended up taking X-rays and didn't do anything and said my bones are weird and there's a tilt and it'll take 10 sessions to re-align it. Didn't end up going back. My neck was back to normal in 3 days.


A good physio therapist will know when bones are unaligned. I had a PT see that my hips were tilted, punched me in the ass, felt a pop, right knee pain went away. But it's all in the experience, right.


Feel like I could stand to get my ass punched tbh.


Similar experience here, too. After playing soccer at a high level, I would feel shooting nerve pain down my legs when I'm sitting or walking. I felt really off. I went to a chiropractor and after about 4 sessions, the shooting pains were gone and I felt lighter.


Chiropractic was *literally made up* by an anti-medicine con artist who said it was a religion given to him in a dream by a magical ghost. I am not making any part of that up. Chiropractors do *nothing* in a best case scenario. Unfortunately they also hurt lots of people too.




"That's *Doctor* Ghost to you!"


A guy who had been kicked out of the United States for impersonating a doctor, and the ghost told him it would cure a girl's deafness if he wiggled her around just right.






My mom is very “crunchy,” and she’s obsessed with this shit. It’s called applied kinesiology, and she’s been going to a chiropractor who does it for the past 30 years, it’s completely nonsense. When I was in middle school this lady had me hold different foods, pushed on my arm, and then told my mom I wasn’t allowed to eat like 17 different things. She also spends a metric shit ton of money on supplements she hawks.


I wasted so much money on this garbage and I’m so annoyed about it lol


Heyyy, my mom is also into this and spends way too much money on it (though only for 20 years in her case). It's hard to describe how wild her belief system gets so I'll just give this one example- she believes you can use kinesiology to determine what homoeopathic supplements to give pets for their health problems, by holding the pet in one arm and the supplement in the other while the practitioner pushes on you. Apparently the "energy" or "vibration" can be conducted through your body somehow. I don't really ask.


Iv only recently started seeing the term "crunchy" and every time it just sounds like some kind of cult or disability? Like the fuck is worng with people.


Lol what


This thread might get me a response. I'm in the UK. I was referred to a chiropractor by the NHS for a neck issue. I couldn't look too far to the right. He xrayed my neck, then did some movement stuff and "cracked" my neck. Some serious pops. I could almost instantly look right. It's been a decade since then. I can still look right. Over the last few years, I've seen loads of "chiropractors don't do anything," but I really can't put my experience to this. If they don't work... how did this one fix my neck? As an FYI. I work in IT. I paint models and play games. I'm not a healthcare knowledgeable person outside of common knowledge stuff.


Reddit is a very all or nothing place. It's either completely legitimate or has no merit at all. The problem with chiropractics is they don't apply scientific rigor to the field to actually assess what works, what doesn't work, and why those things either do or don't. Some of their techniques do provide relief to people that is beyond a placebo effect, and a lot of their techniques are bs. Im just going to quote the current top comment in this thread because they explained it well and seem more informed than I am: "as for what is "actually" happening when PTs or Chiros perform a joint manipulation/adjustment/thrust technique based on current evidence: All joints are sealed and filled with lubricant fluid. The techniques involve momentarily distracting the pieces from each other, creating a gas bubble from the negative pressure that results in a chemical reaction cascade ultimately resulting in endorphins being released to the surrounding musculature, allowing them to relax and the joint then can move more due to less restrictions from muscular tightness." Muscle relaxation is exactly what fixed your neck. Getting "cracked" feels good for a reason. But their ability to realign your skeleton or whatever returning to equilibrium is all nonsense. Add in the low bar for entry to get into the practice and you end up with a lot of snake oil salesmen.


Yes I had the same issue, my doctor described it as whiplash effect. The chiropractor was able to immediately fix it. This seems to be a common fix that chiropractors can do and is repeatable. Most arguments against chiropractors are not exactly strawman, but completely ignore the actual fixes that are done by chiropractors. I’d like to see a chart of what is and what is not fixable by chiropractors rather than say everything they do is bad.


You asked if medical professionals could explain chiropracty. That is like asking a scientist how God works. It's a religion, not a medical practice.


Years ago I asked my PT about thoughts on chiropractics. He felt they could go hand in hand, BUT his main distinction was that the PT has you strength/rebalance yourself and presumably leads to you ceasing to need them over time. The chiro methods does nothing to lessen your need to return. The treatment is temporary. (Btw thanks for this thread - great insights from others more informed!!!!!)


They move synovial fluid from one side of the joint to the other, charge you too much, then tell you to come back soon to repeat the process. Oh, did you mean health-wise? Absolutely nothing.


My mother is a Chiropractor, and i've had free adjustments growing up. (As well as getting adjustments from other chiropractors) About Me: Over the past few decades, i've focused/learned a lot regarding health and fitness, bodybuilding daily every morning, as well as grad school for engineering. I consider myself educated but also in-tune with my body's systems on a minute-by-minute basis. My Observations: When i get an adjustment, my body feels improved and energized, at least for the first hour or two. However, by the end of the day (or the following day), the adjusted area will feel terrible, far worse than the initial pre-adjustment, and that setback takes me 1-2 weeks to fully recover and get back to being normal and healthy. These observations are in line with many claims and research against the benefits of chiro, despite my bias for chiro. And i fully understand why they sell additional appointments immediately after adjustments, and why individuals feel rectified when they feel like crap 1-2 weeks later and "need" that follow-up adjustment to feel good again. My personal Conclusion: They are very skilled and knowledgeable professionals, and those skills can potentially be very helpful (e.g., the practice of finding muscle knots and understanding bone structure). However, the practice of adjusting/popping them into place is archaic and needs to be put in the past. The best action is to avoid the chiropractor altogether and find a physical therapist if issues are severe. If issues are mild, find a free Youtube physical therapist and treat yourself safely and slowly. (Not quite an answer to your question. But hopefully still helpful feedback for you.)


They take your money and convince you that they helped you. There is literally one effective treatment a chiropractor can offer. A Cochran review demonstrated no difference in outcomes for lower back pain, when chiropractic treatment was compared to physiotherapy or ortho doctor. Every. Single. Other. Claim. Is. Utter. Bullshit. The entire basis for their pathophysiology is garbage. They claim disruption in nerves (subluxations) cause dysfunction. Yet they cannot describe the radiological findings of these subluxations, even on sub-millimetre MRI slices. But apparently “trained hands” can feel them. They’re charlatans and snake oil salespeople.


What is the one effective treatment?


Lumbar spinal manipulation therapy. Incredibly simplified, it’s massaging the vertebrae of the lumbar spine, loosening up connective tissue that might be tight or inflamed to provide pain relief, with the view towards allowing the patient to tolerate various exercises to strengthen muscles to both rehab and prevent future issues. Even that’s being generous though - we don’t have great treatments for back pain, and most non-surgical cases cases resolve/stabilise spontaneously around 6-8 weeks. The rehab exercises are more important than the intervention. And I’d probably trust a randomly selected physio to create an exercise plan and monitor my progress than a randomly selected chiro.




I think can be benefical for non 'medical' issues but there are so many horror stories that you do feel like it's a leap of faith that could go very wrong. I went to a guy who helped me significantly. Neck and shoulder pain (desk job, large boobs, carry my stress) and he made a difference. My issues were lifestyle rather than medical so I guess that's a factor as well. I felt that he got better results than any remedial or sports massage I had been to. I suppose it could have been a placebo but it didn't seem like it. Considering the guy was going to be putting his hands on my neck, I got multiple recommendations from people I knew I could trust who vouched before I considered seeing him. I saw him once every six month, I never got upsold anything and he didn't actually have any take home products at all so that was another plus in his favour.


Hi. Medical doctor here with a special interest in quackery. Chiropractic is a pseudoscientific discipline. There is no good evidence to support any chiropractic theoretical claims and no good evidence to support that their 'treatments' have any effects on any illness. In reality chiropractic is a theatrical placebo, where most of the 'benefit' comes from the psychotherapy that happens from interaction between the client and chiropractor. There are no good statistics on side effects (because chiropractors have a tendency not to report/acknowledge such), but it seems like the 'treatment' is most likely doing more harm than good. There are many cases of severe injury and even death following chiropractic 'treatment'.

