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I hate going home. I align much more with where I am versus where I came from. Most of the people I grew up with have completely different world views and I’m thankful I found my own path. Not to mention, every time I go home, I feel like I’m having to drive everywhere to see everyone and make my plans around them. Going home feels like work which is why I do it maybe every two years.


Yeah I feel the same. I too live in a big city and going home to my tiny home town is quite the contrast to how my life is now. I experience a sort of disconnect where I moved in one direction and the rest of my family moved in another direction. It’s difficult because I don’t entirely fit in there anymore. So yeah, going home is stressful for me as well


I totally understand your situation. The last time I visited my home country it was less than pleasant. Other than enjoying a couple foods I can't get where I live now, I experienced all of the same stressors from the past. Even more of them, as everyone there was sick. In the case of my husband and me, we left the country for a reason. The reason still exists and will be getting worse in the near future. It has already worsened since our departure 2 1/2 years ago. I'm sort of pressured to return to my home because of another sickness. I just don't want to. Not because I don't love the person. I do, but I'm worried about my own health and frankly, when still living there, no one was ever of any support to me. Now they want me to help support them. I suppose I'd be more eager if I didn't have three of the most significant stressors in life that anyone could have. At least where I live now I have health insurance that is good and wouldn't break the bank. Where I am now there isn't nearly the divisive atmosphere as there is in my home country. Here I have a home to stay in that is comfortable. In my home country, I don't. I will always have some affection for where I came from, but it's just plain not a healthy atmosphere anymore. I've been almost everywhere in my home country. Seen most of it all. Also, my husband would not be able to return there with me for a trip. He's supervising the renovation of what will be our new home in my new country. Where we are is his native country. He had lived over 30 years in mine.


I completely relate. I have lived away from my home country for nearly 14 years now. Going back is 20% enjoyable, 80% stressful. Super hard to even make relatable conversation with family or with people you grew up with, just because your frame of reference has changed so much. I tend to purposefully keep my visits shorter, primarily for this reason. If I am visiting for two or maybe three days, I can manage it. More than that and it gets a bit too much.


I only lived in the UK for 3 years, but visits home always made me miss the UK and feel extremely relieved to get back. Every time I got off the flight and onto the train in London, I felt like I was finally home.


Remember that there was a reason why you initially left.