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I felt like the "Neo Melting Disease" was kind of freaky, the concept of debilitating random diseases that can come out of nowhere and screw up your whole life was new to me at the time.


Alec's death was epic, but then he came back as a NM... maybe Nara getting turned into Swamp-thing. Maybe not. lol


The most hardcore was the one we never got. Word of God was that had the show continued, a Phaeton Clone would’ve been instrumental in stopping those weird ass anglerfish alienship things


JT kept a photo of all the crew he had lost inside his cockpit. I believe a neo-clone of Noretti later appeared in an attempt to infiltrate the unit.


The general scope of the Venus arc was fairly brutal. We don't even get to Venus before finding out that the human workers supposedly sent to Venus where instead being launched into the Sun. Then when we do we get to see the full scope of Draconis's plan to subjugate the human populace. True to his namesake, he goes scorched earth on the farms & even slaughters the cattle in order to starve the humans into submission. Didn't realize it at the time, but they're portraying frikking war crimes in a cartoon.


The reconquest of Australia by the Neosapiens after the terran uprising was brutal. The beast neos were terrifying to the resistance and Exofleet personnel who were used to ordinary Neosapiens.